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Final Revision Bac

1) Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below.

led who more smoking health early smokers rose - warning
The smoking habit and addiction to nicotine usually begin at an early age. In the
United States .....................................than 70% of adults ............................... smoke
began smoking before the age of 18. This fact has ............................................. to a
particular concern over ................................................In teenagers and young adults.
From the .................................................... to mid- 1990s, the proportion of
teenage ............................... in the US ....................................... from one quarter to
the .................................... hazards of smoking and widespread bans on smoking in
public places. Advertisments aimed at a young audience are largely blamed for this
new generation of smokers.
2) Circle the right options.
Why doesnt man stop pollution? (may can must) man stop pollution? The (easy
easiest easier) answer to a problem is not always the most (desire desiring
desirable), it may make even bigger problems. (As such As an example As a
result) factories allover the world are causing pollution (though through by)
smoke , dirt and waste. But if they were closed, their production (will would
should) stop. And all the workers would (gain loose lose) their jobs. Scientists
(dare need believe) to find a way to stop pollution without (close closed
ckosing) the factories.
People want to live (comfort comfortable comfortably) and (to eat eat ate)
well. Many people do not care (which what who) happens to the environment if
they (yourself themself themselves) can earn enough money.
Can men make the laws which prevent or control pollution? (Frequently often
particularly) the people who own factories have too (more much enough)
influence in making laws. But laws (should must need) be made because as the
population increases, there is more industry, more (product producing
production), more travel, more waste and more pollution.
3) Put the verbs/words between parentheses in the right tense and/or form
In the beginning, people depended on speech to pass on information. Then, they
(develop)................................., people could pass on (inform)
telephone, by radio, by TV and by satellite. Pictures, (especial)................................ in
the form of photographs, films and TV pictures, (to be) .................................... still an
important means of (communicate).................................. . They can show a lot of
information and can also (keep) ............................. permanently.

4) Match the words in A with those in B to get meaningful expressions.

A consumerist tone
acquisition ..............................................
5) Circle the right options.
Urban (migrants migration migrate) went faster when most villagers moved to
(countryside cities rural areas) to build roads and work in the new (industrilize
industries industrial). Villages (regular regulate regularly) lost more than 10% of
the rural population annually, and small communities soon changed (to into for)
deserted villages surrounded by unattended fields.
Villages offer (many few much) opportunities for employment and amusements
such as cinemas and restaurants. As a result many people leave as soon as they go
to college or get a job in a big city.
6) Match
a- Im having a great time
b- I managed to book a room at a cheap
c- Yesterday I went sightseeing around the
old town
d- At one point I got lost, but fortunately,
e- I havent bought many souvenirs yet,
f- Theres lots to do in Florence,

1- but Ive spent a lot of money.
2- in the wonderful Italian city, Florence!
3- so Ive been out every night!
4- and took lots of photos.
5- and saving for my next visit.
6- I met an old man who showed me
which way to go.
7- and amazingly I have a balcony that
looks out over a beautiful square.
7) Put the bracketed words in the right tense/form
* One of the most important changes in virtual schooling is the (transform)
.. in the role of the student. The benefits of virtual schooling include
not (have).. to sit through topics already mastered, greater choice of
course, (learn)without the usual constraints of time and place.
Instead of students go to school, the virtual school (come).. to them

through their computers. Students read lessons, ask questions and get answers
(virtual) as they would do in a (tradition) school
but without (leave).. their keyboard. They are allowed (proceed)
at their own pace. They can listen to lectures (many).
than once and take the time (need) to think about a particular

* Lifelong learning has become a buzz word in the (education).

world. It is seen as a way of responding to (technology).. change.
Experts, who studied human memory and the way it changes with age, say research
has revealed four (difference).. functions of long-term memory and
that these vary as they become (affect).. by age, gender and other
factors. Their study, (involve) over 4,000 people, reveals that
semantic memory is (strong) influenced by education and
8) Fill in the blanks with words from the box.
Youth socially of as potential realize despite functioning from
achieve stimulating.
UNESCO believes that education empowers people. It gives them a voice and
unlocks their full . Education is a building block to well.democracies and peaceful societies. It is a sound investment
that helps nations and communities to develop .. and economically.
UNESCO works to promote education .. a fundamental right. It
focuses on improving the quality of education, promoting gender equality and
.. experimentation and innovation .
. significant progress in recent years, education remains in crisis in
many countries. As we move into the information and knowledge, society, countless
children, and adults are deprived .. the required
level to be empowered members in todays complex world. The international
community has pledged to reverse these trends and .. Education
for all by 2015.

* In 1863 Nobel began work as a chemist at his fathers workshop in Stockholm.

(Apply). the Italian Sobreros methods, he succeeded in further
the explosive nitroglycerine. In 1867, Nobel obtained a patent
on a special type of nitroglycerine, which he called dynamite. The (invent)
quickly proved its usefulness in building and construction.(product)
went hand in hand with research. The Nobel Prize is an award

given (annual) to scientists, physicists, chemists.. in (recognize)

.. of their achievements in these fields.
9) Match the sentence parts in A with their completions in B to get a
meaningful paragraph. There is an extra item in B.

1) Some experts divide the reasons why a) unemployment, famine or war at

people migrate
2) Push factors might be the spread of

b) into push and pull factors.

3) The Great Depression of the 1930s is a c) more residents to leave the Us than
factor driving
move in.
4) In the 1980s and 1990s, thousands of d) because of famine and civil wars.
Africans were pushed out
e) do their numbers and the effect they
5) Meanwhile, the factors that attract have on US population growth.
migrants include
f) prosperous economy and free
6) In Japan, the labor shortage is pulling agricultural land.
g) migration is Exodus, Ulysses and
7) During the first decade of this century, the Vikings.
h) to accept dangerous jobs that the
8) Their origins change over time as
natives reject.
i) 9 million immigrants entered the US.
10) Fill in the blanks
* overseas-migration-surveys- contrast-host-strategy
The problems caused by the brain drain in poor countries are great. Migrants from
country than migrants from advanced countries.
show that 79%of 1990-1991doctoral recipients from India
and 88% of those from China were still working in the US in 1995. In
.,only 11% of Koreans and 15% of Japanese who earned
science and engineering doctorates from US universities in 1990-91 were working in
the US in 1995. In the longer terms, however, return waves of people may not only
offset some potential negative effects of international . But also
constitute an economic development.. in its own right. In
Chinese Taipei, for example, half of all the emerging companies were started by
returnees from the US. And in China, the Ministry of Science and Technology
estimates that returning . students started most internetbased ventures.

11) Express differently:

a) The internet is a source of information. Its a means of communication.
=> The internet is............................................................................................
b- Mr Roberts is wealthy. However, he is mean.
=> Despite.....................................................................................................................
c- The text has been written by the secretary on five papers.
=> The secretary...........................................................................................................
d) People no longer travel on horses (used to)
e) Father has given up smoking (used to)
f) We dont care about the noise (to be used to)
g) Students work hard. They want to succeed. (so that)
h) The text is very long. The students cant read it. (so..that)
i)Things have become very expensive. People cant afford to buy them.
j) The scientist must have a deep curiosity.
Its essential that..
k) If we dont help the poor children, they wont have a good future. (unless)

l) Kuwait is a country that produces oil (use the compound adj)

m) This house is built badly (use the compound adj)

12/ Fill in the blanks with words from the box. There is 1 extra word:
drama up believe playwright plays Theatre acting - Although
Three centuries after the death of Shakespeare, it is still widely agreed that he is a
world genius. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-Upon- Avon where he grew
... and got married. By 1592, he moved to London where he became a
famous .. and then he started his career in writing and ...
His dramatic activity flourished after the building of The Globe .. where
he performed his shows. He wrote many . like Hamlet and Macbeth.
.. it is generally accepted in academic circles that these plays were
written by Shakespeare, other researchers.. that they have been written
by another playwright. By 1613, he retired to his birthplace where he deceased in

13/ Choose the correct alternative:

The Russian sailor, Vassily Golovnin, was one of the greatest navigators of the 19 th
century. During his life he made two (1) ...................... around the world. While he was
(2) ...................... the northern Pacific Ocean in 1819, he (3) ...................... prisoner by
the Japanese. He lived in Japan (4) ...................... two years, and (5) ......................
wrote a book about (6) ...................... Japanese way of life. He died of cholera in 1831.
1: a- voyages
2: a- explore
3: a- took
4: a- from
5: a- later
6: a- the

b- accommodations
b- explores
b- was taken
b- since
b- late
b- a

c- flights
c- exploring
c- has taken
c- for
c- latest
c- an

14/ Put the words in parentheses into the correct tense/ form:
Space Tourism is the term that is come to be used to mean ordinary members of
the public buying tickets to travel to space and back. (Much) .. people find
this idea futuristic. But over the past few years a (grow) ........................... volume of
professional work has been (do) ........................... on the subject, and its now clear
that setting up commercial space tourism services is a (reality) ........................... goal
for business today.
15)Circle the right alternative.
Travelling alone takes you even farther out of your comfort zone. If you travel with a
friend, you get to take a little piece of home with you. A friend is someone with
(whose/whom/who )to share your fears- and your meals. There are disadvantages to
travelling solo, but there is a surplus of advantages that outweigh them.
There are some downfalls to choosing to travel (on/by/with )your own. For many
people the thought of being alone is scary, it leaves (them /their/they) exposed andworse- leaves them alone to discover themselves.
It happens to the best of us. This is probably (the biggest/bigger/big) deterrent
against travelling by yourself. Many people find eating out alone to be the hardest
part of solo travel.
Travelling with (someone/everyone/anyone) else allows you to share the adventure.
Travel is an incredible bonding experience- its (same /like /similar ) a secret that only
those who were there can know and the people back home could can never

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