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Preparing leaders by blending high-demand tech skills with soft skills

ADMG 271


4 Credits

Official Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mary Minor

Office Hours: by appointment only

Office: Hebeler 105

Phone: NA

NOTE: you are responsible for the


information in the syllabus

Course Description
This course provides a comprehensive presentation of Business Mathematics for
Business and Merchandising. The class is an online class.
Textbook and Other Required Materials:

Business Mathematics and Applications, Robert Brechner; Custom Edition for

Central Washington University, CENGAGE Learning
CengageNow Access Code (bundled with new book from CWU bookstore or order
e-text and access code online); course key can be found on Canvas under Course
Information under Registration Informationcourse key was also on Welcome
letter sent out earlier.
Calculator (suggest handheld for exams)

Course Objectives

Information Technology and Administrative Management

Find us: Shaw-Smyser 223 Email us: Call us: 509.963.2611

Learn to convert percents to decimals and fractions and determine rate of increase and
Learn to calculate trade and cash discounts and markups and markdowns
Learn to calculate payroll taxes including FUTA and SUTA taxes and estimated quarterly
Learn to calculate simple and compound interest, promissory notes, and present and
future value
Learn to calculate finance charges, APR, monthly payments on installment loans and
Learn to calculate mortgage payments, closing costs, and housing expense ratios
Learn to calculate life insurance, property insurance, and vehicle insurance premiums
Learn to calculate arithmetic means of grouped data and construct a frequency

Learner Outcomes


Demonstrate an understanding of percents

and their applications

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of discounts,

markups and markdowns

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of payroll


Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of interest,

promissory notes, future and present values

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of finance

charges, APR, and finance charge rebates

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of mortgage

payments, closing costs, and housing ratios

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of life,

property, and vehicle insurance

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Demonstrate an understanding of business

statistics and data presentation

Outcomes assessed through

assignments and exams.

Information Technology and Administrative Management

Find us: Shaw-Smyser 223 Email us: Call us: 509.963.2611

Instructional Methods and Activities: The instructional methods and activities are webbased and include textbook readings. The assignments and exams will be completed using the
Cengage program.


Total Possible
Grading Scale

230 points
Approximately 25% of overall grade
240 points
Approximately 25% of overall grade
500 points
Approximately 50% of overall grade
970 points (approximate)
A=93%; A- =90%; B+ =87%; B=83%;
B- =80%; C+ =77%; C=73%; C=70%; D+ =67%; D=63%; D- = 60%;

Assignments: Assignments and MathCue will be completed in the CengageNow program.

Both have specific due dates which are shown in Cengage under the Assignments tab; however,
you may complete the assignment and MathCue after the due date but they will be graded at
50%. NOTE: if you wait until the last minute to submit your assignment, you may cross the
11:55pm deadlinethis is your issue, not mine, and your assignment will be graded at 50%. The
same policy will be in effect if you wait until the last minute and your computer freezes causing
your assignment to be late.
Exams: Exam #1chapters 6-7; Exam #2chapters 8-9; Exam #3chapters 10-11; Exam #4
chapters 13-14; and Exam#5chapters 19 and 21. The exams will be set for specific days for an
exact amount of time (I will remind you via email). Exams will be taken in the CengageNow
program. No exam will be rescheduled for missing an exam. Athletes and students on field
trips must adhere to the course schedule. Contact me for documented emergencies.

The last exam is set for activation on Monday and Tuesday of finals week.
Plan your travel accordingly, I cannot set the last quiz earlier than
Emails to your instructor MUST come from your CWU Groupwise Account, in
adherence with FERPA laws. Emailing me on your personal email account will only result in

Information Technology and Administrative Management

Find us: Shaw-Smyser 223 Email us: Call us: 509.963.2611

you receiving a message from me that you need to email me from your CWU Groupwise Account.
Your CWU Groupwise Account is considered a secure email program by CWU; I cannot send out
student information through a personal email account! (FERPA guidelines)
Incomplete grades are only for students who may be faced with extreme emergencies or
extreme unforeseeable hardships encountered at the end of the quarter. The majority of the
quarter course work has been completed. The instructor will determine if the Incomplete grade
is to be granted based upon documentation by the student. An Incomplete will not be granted
for failure to complete work throughout the quarter.

University Policy
on Academic

University Policy
on Special Needs

Academic Integrity is a standard set for this course. Students are

expected to complete all of their coursework and assignments using
their original words and ideas and will properly cite the words and
ideas of others. Students are also expected to be honest in their
interactions with the instructor. A student found to have not upheld
these expectations is subject to failing this course and shall be subject
to disciplinary action or sanction. The University catalog defines the
term academic dishonesty in all its forms including, but not limited
cheating on tests;
copying from another students test paper;
using materials during a test not authorized by the person
giving the test;
collaboration with any other person during a test without
knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or
soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered
test or information about an un-administered test;
bribing any other person to obtain an un-administered test or
information about an un-administered test; substitution for
another student or permitting any other person to substitute for
oneself to take a test; plagiarism" which shall mean the
appropriation of any other person's work and the
unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one's own work
offered for credit;
"collusion" which shall mean the unauthorized collaboration with
any other person in preparing work offered for credit.
If you have a disability that may prevent you from meeting course
requirements, contact the instructor immediately to file a Student
Disability Statement and to develop an Accommodation Plan. Course
requirements will not be waived but reasonable accommodations will
be developed to help you meet the requirements. You are expected to
work with the instructor and the CWU Disability Support Specialist to
develop and implement a reasonable Accommodation Plan. For

Information Technology and Administrative Management

Find us: Shaw-Smyser 223 Email us: Call us: 509.963.2611

contact information at Center for Disability Services (CDS) please visit:

CWU Writing

Central Washington University is a community of scholars and writers

who are supported by the University Writing Center. Peer consultants
guide students of all disciplines and all levels toward communication
that will be effective in a global and diverse environment.

Information Technology and Administrative Management

Find us: Shaw-Smyser 223 Email us: Call us: 509.963.2611

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