Astrology Books Rectification

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Astrology Books: Rectification


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Rectification is what you should do to a chart when you're not so sure the birth time is accurate. Traditional methods are all
mechanical in nature. Many are mathematical as well, ie, this is not the place for the arithmatically challenged. In addition, there
are many ancient techniques that have only recently been rediscovered.
William Lilly surveys medieval techniques in Christian Astrology book 3, pgs. 500-508, and gives an excellent overview. Among
the various methods, the Trutine of Hermes and the Animodar of Ptolemy.
The best known methods of rectification are by accident, by which is not meant the accident of guesswork, or of pendulums or
dowsing. Accidents in rectification are events in the life, related, one way or another, to transits to the ascendant. Transits to the
ascendant can include secondary progressions (direct and/or converse), primary directions, profections, solar returns, plain old
transits, midpoints and various other means. Lilly himself rectified by accident. The Uranian and Cosmobiology crowds can
rectify to a few seconds of time. If that's of interest, go to those pages & have a look. Marc Penfield once sent me an unpublished
monograph on Nadi Rectification. I'd gladly print that, if he would let me.
Myself, it's not that I can't make the numbers work, but that I've an everlasting distrust of mathematics when I don't quite understand
the process at hand. For those like me, there is rectification by character, which is an offshoot of Placidian houses, as, so far as I
am aware, it has only been successfuly done with that house system. As I find time, I will describe the system in a note at the
bottom of this page.
Also in this section, the Prenatal Epoch, as it relates directly to rectification.
Now, my brothers, Go Forth and Rectify!

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List of tables
List of figures
1. Doing the groundwork to verify birth times
Begin by compiling a list of a dozen or more major life events with dates; Limit early searches for aspect hooks; Astrology software is best for
rectification searches; An overview of modern astrological techniques & their usefulness
2. Setting a procedure for the rectification search
Establish a working chart set for noon or the midpoint of the known time range; Study known natal chart elements to find a 1 degree orb hard aspect
hook; What if the chart contains no 1 degree natal aspects?; A procedure for the rectification search; Work from the hard aspect & event hooks to
search for the angles & the Moon; Time to tally some preliminary results; Now go out on a limb: experiment with the short list of times
3. Rectification example one: Actress Elizabeth Taylor
Next, search the natal chart for 1 degree hard aspect hooks; Time to list the important life elements for Elizabeth Taylor; Once the background work is
complete, begin the rectification search; Now select the most dramatic events in close time proximity for the initial search; Four important events or
event clusters for Taylor's rectification search; Now run secondary progressions for smaller increments of the narrowed time range; Now use outer planet
transits to narrow down one or two promising times; Retrograde & stationary periods greatly extend the effect of any transit; Extenuating circumstances
that extend the impact of outer planet transits; Retrograde & stationary periods mark outer planet transit shadows for Elizabeth Taylor; If you are still
undecided on the best birth time, run solar eclipses for the events
4. Rectification example two: singer Johnny Cash
Set the working birth time for Johnny Cash & find the hard aspect hooks; Create a list of notable life events for Johnny Cash; Find the dwad placement of
Cash's natal Moon; Begin the search to derive the birth chart angles from life events; Tally the preliminary search results to narrow the possible birth time
range; Search the secondary progressions to confirm early results; Search the outer planet transits to confirm early results; Search solar eclipses for
key events for final birth time confirmation
5. Chart comparison of time twins: Elizabeth Taylor & Johnny Cash
Recognize how location & date can affect the angles; Compare the dwad placements of angles for Cash & Taylor; Outer planet transits activate Cash's &
Taylor's close natal aspect patterns simultaneously; Solar eclipses activate Cash's & Taylor's close natal aspect patterns simultaneously


Astrology Books: Rectification


6. Rectification example three: female

Examine the significant natal close aspect networks; Derive a working midheaven from the "hook" aspect network; A reminder for those hand-calculating;
Remember the basics of time; Narrow the field for ascendant candidates; The progressed Moon gives "secondhand" timing accuracy; The adjusted
calculation date - obsolete in the computer age; The progressed Sun & inner planets can mark key life events; Progressed to progressed aspects can
confirm birth time; Outer planet transits can mark potential Moon & angle positions
7. Rectification example four: televangelist Jimmy Swaggart
The Swaggart marriage; Death of two key women & mentors - mother & grandmother; Swaggart is arrested with prostitute; Public confession on
television/Swaggart defrocked as minister; Swaggart is arrested again with prostitute
8. Summary of procedures for rectifying birth times
Frequently asked questions
A. Finding the Adjusted Calculation Date
B. Calculating secondary progressions & assessing the year: Calculation of progressions; Understand the natal patterns as well as planetary motion;
Prioritize what's really important in the progression; Long-term cycles sometimes move together to extend their effects
C. Calculating solar arc directions & assessing the year: Calculating solar arcs; Forecasting with solar arc directions
D. Timing months & years with outer planet transits: How to do a transit search on Solar Fire 5.0 or 6.0; How to do a transit search on Kepler 7.0;
General duration of outer planet transits; Approximate calendar time for moving planetary factors to activate 1 degree in the natal chart; Regrograde
periods extend the effect of any transit; In conclusion; Frequently asked questions
E. Seeing the big picture with life declination graphics: Graphing declinations using Astrolabe's Solar Fire 5.0 or 6.0; Graphing declinations using
Matrix's Win*Star 2.0; Graphing the lifetime declination by hand; Interpreting the progressed declination graphic using the Moon; Interpreting planets in
progressed declination; Interpreting natal out-of-bounds planets; Interpreting progressed planets & angles at maximum north or south; Interpreting
progressed planets & angles at crossover; Practice; Frequently asked questions

Comment: Not a book for the faint-hearted. Charts, tables, diagrams, 90 degree graphic ephemerides are found on nearly
every page. (Which accounts, I think, for the high price: A lot of work went into this book.) Notably, Tebbs did not choose just any
charts to rectify. Her first two examples are Elizabeth Taylor & Johnny Cash. I was amazed to learn these two were born just 18
hours apart! Making them time twins.
Follow the detailed instructions in this book, and you, too, can learn to rectify. Carol's rectifications are to one to two degrees on
the ascendant, ie, 5 to 10 minutes of time. Which is to say it isn't the ear-splitting nearest-second-of-time Uranian method, which
I always found unsettling. If you want more accuracy with Tebb's method, you will need to closely observe subsequent transits.
But this is well-known already. All rectifications are tentative, none are ever completely proven.
As impressed as I am with this book, I was surprised with Tebbs's contrast of Taylor's & Cash's charts. In chapter 5 she strains
to show the actual differences between the two charts, the two human lives in question, in which every planet in one chart, save
the moon, is exactly conjunct the same planet in the other chart. She contrasts Taylor & Cash's angles from ascendant to
midheaven, the dwads of the angles, she analyzes outer planet transits activate Cash's & Taylor's close natal aspect patterns
simultaneously (head, pg. 79) but while she knows that differences in houses have something to do with their individual transit
responses, she is unable to make house structures themselves come to life to account for them. Surely it cannot be that I am the
only person who can read a chart!?
This is a fabulous book. You can almost learn the technique by reading the table of contents, above. This book will repay study
many times over.
Llewellyn, 198 pages.

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IN THE BEGINNING ASTROLOGY - Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, $27.50

Part 1: Prenatal astrology:
The prenatal solstice point
The chart at epoch 1
The exact time of conception
Charts for the embryo #2 & foetus #3
The moon in the gestation charts
Charts for the 4th, 5th & 6th months
Charts for the 7th, 8th & 9th months


Astrology Books: Rectification


The Alpha & Omega of gestation

Table of Age-Arcs & example
The natal chart (and transition planets)
Significant degrees & malefic fixed stars
Combined regressed & progressed aspects
Pathology arising in the epoch chart
Causes & aspects at transition
The esoteric & karmic 12th house
The eternal ego
Epoch chart for King George VI
Epoch chart for President Truman
Reading the future in the epoch chart
Part 2: Rectification
When the birth time is APPROXIMATE
Rectifying by the MC, pm formula
Preliminary & natal chart #1
Rectifying by the ASC, am formula
Correcting the cusps
Preliminary & natal chart #2
Preliminary & natal chart #3
Preliminary & natal chart #4
When the birth time is UNKNOWN
The Johndro & sunrise charts
Part 3: Delineation
The Keeper of the Threshold
The wheel of fate
The solar & lunar points of reference
Fate & your circumstances
The financial point of reference
Finding event dates by right ascension
The natal chart by right ascension
Recognizing a suicidal tendency
Suicide points & age-arc directions
Your susceptible 10th year of marriage
St Germain table, cycles & years
When your planets change direction
The spider & his web
Timing by Meridian & horizontal distance
How the Egyptian terms affect your chart
Training the new horary teachers
Three example horary charts
The solstice points in horary astrology
The nature of an undisclosed event
Using the NOON or MIDNIGHT ephemeris
The influence of the planetary hours
Part 4: Vocational astrology
The three primary indicators
The trine of the chart
The partnership-7th and income-12th
Sign & house combinations
Element, quality & decanate
The planet's condition
The planet's exaltation degrees
Planetary nature of the aspects
Previous preparation (turned chart)
Vocation by sign-ruler & house
Vocation applied to your own chart
Planetary vocations
SATURN THE KEY to vocation
Delineation of six vocational charts
Delineation of physician, accountant, watchmaker
Delineation of secretary, actress, politician
Part 5: Mundane astrology
Incorporation & national charts
Matters ruled by the houses
Planets in the houses & by transit
Setting the basic LONDON ingress chart
The Aries ingress 1945, London
The Aries ingress transposed to Washington
The Aries ingress transposed to Rome/Berlin
Lilith in the ingress chart
Clues given by the ingress sun
Reading the WORLD chart, 1945
Reading for a nation, state or city


Astrology Books: Rectification


TRANSPOSING from Washington, Libra 1970

The EGMT/DIFF, USA state capitals
The EGMT/DIFF for major cities, other countries
The Libra ingress 1970 for Cairo
The ingress by nation, state & city
Narrowing down to a special locality
ECLIPSES: effects of
Sign-rulership of localities
Localities by sign-rulership
How the eclipse registers by season
How the eclipse registers by signe element
How the eclipse registers by sign quality
How the eclipse registers by direction N.E.S.W. How the eclipse registers in angular houses
The Moon Walk (John Herschel Glen)
KAHOUTEK, the ingress, eclipses & president
The Capricorn ingress, 1973
Richard M. Nixon's natal chart
Delineating President Nixon's chart

Comment: Ivy's prenatal chart is a straightforward exchange of natal moon & ascendant, which is one of four possibilities
discussed in E.H. Bailey's Prenatal Epoch. Among many interesting observations is that Mars, in the natural chart, rules both
the incarnating 1st house, as well as the 8th, the house of death. Planetary rulers are given for each of the 9 prenatal charts: 1.
Saturn. 2. Jupiter. 3. Mars. 4. Sun. 5. Venus. 6. Mercury. 7. Saturn. 8. Moon. 9. Mars. Ivy uses the example chart to show how
prenatal afflictions ended a woman's life at age 33. She advances a unique explanation for adjacent houses with the same sign:
The first house acts as a drag on the second.
Ivy's Age Arcs are better known to us as Solar Arcs. She does a lot with them, including using them in rectification. There are
several detailed examples. Ivy also tells how to use the Johndro chart, not merely as a substitute for the natal, but as a means of
rectifying it. Ivy gives an extensive set of rules for delineating the ruler of the ascendant.
It is moreover true that a mutual reception gets us into & out of conditions & situations with ease. (pg. 89)

As fine a definition of mutual reception as I have yet read. In this book, innovative ways to read a natal chart, find transits,
determine death, useful notes on horary, the use of planetary hours, how to determine vocation, mundane/national astrology,
much more. After her famous book on Horary, this is easily her finest book.
Self-published, 233 pages, 53 charts, hardcover.

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A RECTIFICATION MANUAL: The American Presidency - Regulus Astrology LLC, aka "Dr. H.", $59.95
Part 1: Delineation
1. Planets in signs
2. Modern planets
3. Planets in houses
4. Arcus Vitae ("Arc of Life")
Part 2: Prediction
5. The problem of under specification
6. Temporal indicators
7. Planetary period methods
8. Directions & progressions
9. Solar returns: Profections & time lords
10. Solar returns: Delineation & prediction
11. Solar returns: Arabic Parts
12. Lunar nodes & eclipses
13. Transits
Part 3: Rectification
14. Preparing the event database
15. Three stages of rectification
16. Rectification case studies


Astrology Books: Rectification


A. Tests of Egyptian versus Ptolemaic Bounds
B. Tests of Sect influence: Part of Fortune / Fidaria
C. The Presidential database
D. The First Ladies database

Comment: This is several books in one volume. It is, first, a database of rectified charts of US Presidents & their wives, which
comprises the back half of the book. Second, it is a study in medieval rectification techniques, and, third & most importantly, it is
a masterful tour de force of medieval astrological techniques generally. In this, the mysterious "Dr. H" has produced by far the
most demanding of all the many recent modern revival books.
And I'm not joking. On pg. xv are the Prerequites:
Before studying this manual, readers should be familiar with:
Essential nature of planets
Essential nature of the twelve zodiacal signs
How the essential dignities of sign & exaltation govern planetary behavior
Definition of minor dignities: triplicity, bound, decan, 9ths, 12ths (duads)
Assignment of life affairs to the twelve houses
Computation of derived houses
Definition of derivative angles, eg, Vertex & Equatorial Ascendant
Formulas for & computation of Arabic Parts
Calculation of a natal & solar return chart
Primary & secondary motion
Calculation of progressions
Direct & converse motion
Solar arc directions
Aspects, antiscia & contra-antiscia
Reception, translation of light, and other methods which perfect or deny a planetary configuration

To be fair, the many case studies presented throughout the book give practical instruction for many of these topics. In the
extensive References (aka Bibliography) in the back, Dr. H gives all his sources, both astrological and biographical. Among the
principal references, cited again & again in the text, are Al Biruni, Dorotheus, Firmicus, and perhaps above all, Guido
Bonati. Which only makes me wish Prof. Dykes, the translator, will soon publish an inexpensive paperback edition of his
massive work.
Unmentioned in Dr. H's list above, but of critical importance, are Primary Directions. Dr. H has discoverred the Primary Direction
Sequence, which he describes as the Holy Grail of rectification. He writes:
Locking Down a Rectification with Primary Direction Sequences
Low odds against a random finding. The value in primary direction sequences for rectification is based on the extremely low odds of finding
pairs of events, sometimes months or years apart, which match start and end dates for a primary direction sequence. It's fairly easy to find
close matches of individual directions to a smattering of events. But matching several pairs of events to sequences of Ascendant and
Midheaven directions is a mathematical feat which is virtually impossible to achieve unless the rectified birth time is accurate to the
second. And not just a second of time. For some Presidents with a large event database, it was possible to narrow the birth time to one
second of degree. Such is the case for FDR, whose proposed Ascendant of 20 Virgo 57' 52" implies an accuracy of a fraction of one
second of a minute of time. Such precision is unheard of in astrological circles. I propose this type of accuracy is possible with
sequences. (pg. 133)

Again & again in this book, Dr. H takes medieval techniques, such as primaries & the prenatal epoch (SAN: Syzygy Ante
Navitatem), and, page after page demonstrates the most amazing grasp, produces the most brilliant results, from these many
techniques. Nowhere in this book will you find warmed-over hash. In the process, he pushes existing computer programs to their
limits. (Janus 3.0, if you're interested: pg. 133.)
See two examples of his work: Here is the Preface & list of revision to the Third Edition (from the book), and as well as the
rectification of presidential wanna-be for Mike Huckabee, taken from Dr. H's website.
Yes, you will learn rectification with this book. But you will learn so much more. After you finish this book, you will never look at
charts the same way again.
Regulus Astrology LLC, 791 pages.

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AMERICA IS BORN: Introducing the Regulus USA national horoscope - Regulus Astrology LLC, $39.95


Astrology Books: Rectification


User's guide
Part 1: The Sibley USA National Horoscope:
1. National horoscopes in mundane astrology
2. Revisiting the Sibley USA National Horoscope
3. Divination & rectification
Part 2: The Regulus USA National Horoscope:
4. Abu Ma'shar's system of distributors & participators
5. Calculation: Distributors & participants
6. Distributor results: Directing through the bounds
7. Participator results: Ascendant directions
8. Participators: Moon
9. Participators: Sun
10. Participators: Lunar nodes
11. Participators: Saturn
12. Participators: Mars
13. Participators: Mercury
14. Participators: Venus
15. Participators: Jupiter
16. Final thoughts
A. Event catalog for initial rectification phase
B. Catalog of ascendant directions
C. Supplement: Directing through the bounds
D. Tests of Egyptian versus Ptolemaic bounds
E. Solar arc directions
End notes

Comment: Dr. H says of his new book,

Ever since Ebenezer Sibly first introduced his proposed horoscope for the Declaration of Independence in his 1787 book, The Celestial
Science of Astrology, agreement on the correct USA National Horoscope has proven elusive with over a dozen different horoscope
variations proposed. Discovery of the Regulus USA National Horoscope is unique for its first application of medieval astrological techniques
to the question of modern National Horoscopes. Focusing on the Ascendant, over 300 measurements computed using both primary
directions and solar arc directions are presented to support the rectification. Included as a special application of primary directions is the
largest empirical study of Directing through the Bounds ever attempted or presented. Results that the directed Ascendant times shifts in
the national consciousness represent a significant contribution to the history of American social movements. Intended for astrologers new
to primary directions, America is Born includes a complete set of instructions, formulas, and examples for computation of Ascendant
primary directions.

The resulting chart:

4 July 1776
6:17:37 PM LMT
Philadelphia, PA
Ascendant = 26 SA 54' 40"
The proof of a rectification is in reading the chart. So let's read this one:
The Regulus chart has 26 Sag rising, which is late. It indicates waning enthusiasm, an old ideology, a religion which is worn out
& no longer popular. Jupiter is intercepted in 7. A house with an intercepted sign inside it is a house with two stories. The first
story, is the story of the sign on the cusp, Gemini. In a mundane chart, the seventh represents foreign countries. Gemini is a
distrust of double-dealing, slick talking foreigners. Which was very true of early America. Normally with interceptions, I say that
the first story doesn't work & that one is then compelled to uncover the second story, that of the intercepted sign inside the house,
but in this case, the ruler of the sign on the cusp, Mercury, is itself in the intercepted sign. Which means there is only the one
story, and the solution to the dishonest foreigner is to be intensely suspicious & to watch him closely: Mercury retrograde in
Cancer, which is a cardinal sign.
Mercury is disposed by the Moon in Aquarius in the 2nd, which is exploiting foreigners for our own immediate profit: Yankee
traders. We are self-righteous about it, as the Moon's dispositor, Saturn, is in Libra in 9. We invent metaphysical excuses to
soothe our vanity. Neptune in Virgo in 9 confirms that we are deluded in our beliefs, but as it's not in the same sign as Saturn,
and as it's disposed by a retrograde Mercury, Saturn's delusions never get named for what they actually are. Neptune's position
highlights the fact that planetary energies that have no sign ownership are easily stranded & typically ignored.
The lateness of the degree on the ascendant, the retrograde chart ruler, both hint the chart, ie, the day, and the event itself, was a
blunder. The lateness could imply the deed was done unwillingly, and at the behest (Sag) of some foreign power. Which, in fact,
was the case. The Declaration was made in the hopes that France would side with us, which they ultimately did (ascendant ruler
in 7, disposed by the ruler of 7 in 7 itself). The Regulus chart then describes our friends the French as double-dealers (Gemini),
eager to sell us out (7th house ruler Mercury retrograde), and sell us out for money (ruler Moon in the 2nd), and/or to demand a
price for their help. That the moon is void would indicate they never got it. This is the court of Louis Seize & his queen Marie
Antoinette we're talking about. Not the most brilliant rulers the French have had.
An excellent addition to mundane astrology.


Astrology Books: Rectification


Regulus Astrology, 407 pages.

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THE PRENATAL EPOCH - E.H. Bailey, $23.95

1. Objections answered & refuted
Section 1: The scientific basis & laws of the epoch
2. The astro-physiological basis of the epoch
3. The practical uses of the epoch
4. The laws of the prenatal epoch
5. The paramount law of sex
Section 2: The prenatal epoch as a factor in rectification
6. Preliminary steps
7. First steps in rectification
8. Rectification by epochs of the first order
9. Illustrations of epochs of the first order
10. Rectification by epochs of the second order
11. Illustrations of epochs of the second order
12. Rectification by epochs of the third order
13. Illustrations of epochs of the third order
14. Rectification by epochs of the fourth order
15. Illustrations of epochs of th fourth order
16. The cause of irregularity
17. Final considerations
Section 3: Some astro-physiological problems
18. The period of gestation
19. Marriage & the epoch
20. Illustrations of short & long period births
Section 4: The prenatal epoch & multiple pregnancy
21. Fallacies & facts in relation to twins
22. The astro-physiological laws of multiple births
23. Illustrations of twin births
24. An illustration of multiple birth
25. Divergence of character & fortune in twins
Section 5: The epoch in relation to prenatal affections
26. The chart of descent
27. Illustrations of prenatal abnormalities
28. The date of quickening
Section 6: The prenatal epoch as a factor in directions
29. Directing from the prenatal epoch
30. How to calculate directions from the epoch
31. Epochal directions illustrated
32. Illustrations of epochal directions
33. Primary directions & the epoch
Section 7: The prenatal epoch & infant mortality
34. Infant mortality
35. Illustrations of infant horoscopes
36. The procreation of children
Section 8: Appendix
Some mathematical rules
Tables of ascendants

Comment: Many people ask, why do astrologers study birth charts, why do they not study the moment of conception? This is not
a new question.
The reason for birth charts is that birth is a significant, easily determined moment in time. The reason against conception is that
it's darn hard, in most cases, to figure out exactly when that was. You need a technique.
The standard technique, which was not new to Bailey - nor Sepharial, his muse - was to go back nine months, interchange
ascendant & moon, and call that the Epoch, or moment of conception. This is as far as Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson ever took it.
The problem was the simple interchange did not work in all that many cases. The solution, which both Sepharial & Bailey
gradually arrived at, was an additional three epochs. Which one applies to you depends on where the moon is by house, and the
angular relationship it has to the sun.


Astrology Books: Rectification


As to the various goodies in this book, read the Table of Contents (above) carefully: The prenatal epoch is a factor in
rectification, twins & multiple births, and birth defects. It can also be used with directions, primary directions & more. Which
amounts to an entire school of astrology, if anyone wants to push it. Towards the end of Bailey's life (1876-1959), Hans
Niggemann, of Uranian astrology fame, got him to admit there should be even more rules & epochs, but until someone else is so
inspired, E.H. Bailey's work is the standard which all others must meet.
Click here for an extract (pdf).
Astrology Classics, 239 pages.

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PREFACE TO PRENATAL CHARTS - Charles A. Jayne, $13.95

1. The basis of an arcane astrology
2. The astrology of the soul
3. Procedure for prenatal charts
4. The I epoch of Inspiration and Isis, and the T epoch of Ties and of Pluto
Appendix, locality shifts

This is a reprint of an earlier edition. The author is a Theosophist and spends the first two chapters going over
Theosophical matters. I have read extensively in Theosophy. I used to be more impressed with it, but it could be that
the times have changed, or that my interests have shifted. The justification in this book is that Jayne's "teacher"
(identity unknown) outlined some 49 prenatal epochs, of which 33 were found to relate to the various sub-races as
given by Madame Blavatsky, the remaining 16 still to come. (pg. 7) This book really should be in the Esoteric page,
but putting it next to Bailey's book on prenatal (above) made for a nice grouping.
Chapter 2, Astrology of the Soul, gives us geometry. In chapter 3, Procedure, we get down to business in working out
prenatal charts. You must follow along closely.
AFA, 73 pages.
Read the book? Want to tell the world? How many stars (1-5) would you give this book? Tell us!

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Natal horoscope of Abraham Lincoln
Notes & explanations
Defining rectified & speculative horoscopes
1. The beginning. Lincoln's birthday twin: Charles Darwin
2. Approach to rectification
3. A tentative chart is drawn
4. History vs: the tentative chart
5. Fine tuning the birth time
6. The non-political years
7. Election as president
8. Civil war
9. Family, associates & enemy charts
10. Chronology

Comment: The author starts with the account of the young midwife who delivered Lincoln, on a cold Sunday morning in 1809.
Using the midwife's account of a sunrise birth as a starting point, the author (a female) uses clues & hunches to narrow the birth


Astrology Books: Rectification


time. She also uses heliocentric positions, as heliocentric astrology was one of her interests.
On the day that Lincoln & Darwin were both born, February 9, 1809, the moon shifted from Capricorn to Aquarius. Lincoln's 8:36
am (CST) chart gave him a melancholy Capricorn moon. Offhand, I'd say Charles Darwin got the Aquarius moon.
AFA, paper, 138 pages.

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1. Philosophical premises
2. Basic tools
3. Rectification techniques: general principles
4. Maintaining the humanistic approach
5. Rectification techniques: specifics
6. Rectification techniques: applications
7. Working with angles
8. Chappaquiddick event
(1)T-moon and tertiary progressions
(2)Chappaquiddick minor progressions, solar arc directions, and transits
(3)many combinations of the twelve principles
9. The nature of Edward Kennedy.
A. Timeline for Edward Kennedy
B. Tertiary progressions table
C. Conversion table
D. Minor progressions table
E. Prenatal epoch

This is a book on rectification using the natal chart of the late Edward Kennedy. It was written in 1975, only a few years after the
tragic Chappaquiddick accident. The publishers have updated the Timeline (Appendix A) to include Kennedy's death on August
26, 2009, as Zip Dobyns passed away in 2003. As the title of the book suggests, Dobyns uses progressions and directions as
her primary means of rectification.
Note the tables for minor progressions (1 lunar month = 1 solar year) and tertiary progressions (1 day = 1 month) as these are
both quite rare. Dobyns uses both of them in her rectification.
September, 2011: The AFA has brought out a nicely reset edition. AFA, 106 pages

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Established 1993, The Astrology Center of America is owned & operated by David Roell.
This entire site ( is copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by William R. Roell.
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