Annual Pipelines Oil and Gas Maintenance

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4th Annual Oil & Gas Pipeline

Maintenance & Reliability
16th & 17th February 2011
Mvenpick Hotel, Amsterdam
Dr Volker Busack
Verbundnetz Gas AG, Germany
Director Operations/ Technology

Barry Fisher
Quest Integrity, UK
Director, Global Business Development

Mohammed A. Abu Four

Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
NDT Specialist, Vice Chairman
American Society for NonDestructive Testing-Saudi Arabian
Section (ASNT-SAS)

Irina Akimova
Russia, Corresponding Member
of Academy of Technological
Sciences of Russian Federation
& Member of Expert Council of
Russian Gas Society

Motlaq Al-Motairy
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
NDT Specialist

M. Zahid Karamollaoglu
Botas International Ltd, Turkey
Maintenance Planning Chief Engineer

Ondrej Smolik
MERO CR, Czech Republic
Head of Operation Department

Norbert Jansen
Borealis Polymere GmbH,
Germany, Application Marketing
Manager Oil & Gas

Wim Schipaanboord
KEMA, Netherlands
Samir Akel
GRTgaz, France
Luca Prandi
ENI, Italy
Manager, Long Distance Projects
Abdelaziz M. Salah Eldin
Abu Dhabi Marine Operating
Company (ADMA-OPCO), U.A.E.
Operation & Integrity Advisor
David Willis, Technical Director
RSK and Chairman of UK BSI
Pipelines Committee, UK

Dr Bonny Umeadi
University of Greenwich, GB
Professor, Pipeline Inspection &
Markus Ginten
Rosen Technology and
Research Center, Germany
General Manager Products
and Services
Huw Radley
Solent Composite Systems Ltd, UK
Managing Director

reasons to attend
The aging oil and gas infrastructure are bringing new challenges
to those responsible for maintaining effective safe and reliable
operations and facilities. As major pipeline systems are approaching
the end of their lifecycle, major risks constantly challenge the safety
and reliability of these systems. Although operating under different
regulatory frameworks, oil & gas companies need to adopt a
uniform high-standard response when facing identical problems in
corrosion control, crisis management or the prevention of damage
by third parties or natural causes.
This forum provides an honest exchange of know-how to new
challenges in maintenance and copes with specific regulatory and
technical challenges
Gain industry experience on how to assess, identify and
prevent main risks in oil & gas pipeline operations
Identify best strategies for effective implementation of
maintenance strategies
Understand crisis and disaster management experience
Exchange honest solutions to problems in maintenance
and hear about long term planning
Learn about risk management and environmental
impact requirements

Kristofer Paso
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Norway

our expert advisors

Jens Erik Thygesen, DONG Energy E&P, Denmark
Senior Consultant, Management & Technic Offshore Technology
Irina Akimova, Russia, Corresponding Member of Academy of
Technological Sciences of Russian Federation & Member of Expert
Council of Russian Gas Society

and much more...

Breakout Session
Specific Case Studies

Ebrahim Khalili, National Iranian Gas Company, Iran, Senior Researcher

Silver Sponsor:


Promotional Sponsor:

Collaborative partner:




In the last decade, Fleming Group became the conference

organiser of choice for most of the Fortune 500 companies
across the globe. Serving over 53.000 Finance, Life Science,
Telecoms, Defence, Energy and Oil & Gas executives since
2003 proves that we are recognised for delivering quality and
high level of both speakers and attendees.

1st Annual, Brussels

7th & 8th February 2008

The Marriott Renaissance, Brussels

Global Oil & Gas Pipeline

Maintenance & Reliability 2008

2nd Annual, Vienna

visit our website:



With offices in Bratislava (Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary), Dubai

(U.A.E.), Bangalore (India) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) we are
able to cover the globe and bring industry experts together at
any location. Business leaders are meeting in London, Barcelona,
Milan, Amsterdam, Vienna, Dubai, Doha, Kuwait or Singapore
under the Fleming group flag. Over three hundred employees
dedicated to linking business with intelligence work hard every
day on reaching our goal to deliver the best possible platform
for B2B knowledge sharing.

Vladimir Safonov, GAZPROM

Director, Centre for Risk Management and
Sustainable Development, VNIIGAZ
Michael McManus, ENBRIDGE
Manager of International Engineering

2nd annual oil & gas pipeline

Maintenance & reliability 2009

Tushar Bandyopadhyay, INDIAN OIl

Executive Director, Pipeline Operations
Konstantinos Maroulis, DESFA
General Director
Gas Transmission Administration & Finance


Ulisses Sobral calile, PETROBRAS

Pipeline Integrity Manager

vienna 11th 12th February 2009

The security of hydrocarbon supply worldwide largely depends on the safety

and reliability of its transport infrastructures. Major pipelines around the world
are coming to the end of their lifecycle raising major challenges to the effective
prevention and mitigation of operational, environmental and financial risks.
Although operating under different regulatory frameworks, oil & gas companies
need to adopt a uniform high-standard response when facing identical problems in
corrosion control, crisis management or the prevention of damage by third parties
or arising from natural causes.
This Conference provides a forum for productive know-how exchange and learning
from some of the Worlds leading pipeline operators how to adapt advanced
management solutions to cope with specific regulatory and technical challenges.

jean-Regis Piccardino, TOTAl-TIGF

Head of Pipeline & Infrastructure Integrity
claudia Monti, ENI E&P
Project Manager Pipeline Integrity
Per Atle Strmme, GASScO
Director Transport Network

Your prestigious
speaker panel

Mures Zarea, GAZ DE FRANcE

Gas Facilities Development Manager
R&D Division
Steve Royston, ABB ltd
Tendering & Proposals Manager

Gain first-hand industry experience on how to identify, assess, prevent

jorge Garcia Sanchez, ENAGAS

Technical Manager, Compression Stations


otto Musilek, MeC

or mitigate
the main risks in oil & gas pipeline operation

Ebrahim Khalili, NIGc

Senior Researcher
jean-christophe Moullet, GAZ DE FRANcE
Project Manager, R&D Division

Jonathon thiessen, enbridge international, inc.

Senior Engineer

Yusuf alk, Botas international

Booking line: tel: +420 257 218 505, fax: +420 257 218 508, Email:,
Chief Engineer


3rd Annual Oil & Gas Pipeline

Maintenance & Reliability

The safety and reliability of hydrocarbon transport

infrastructures has a crucial role in the security of

learn how to integrate pipeline maintenance with operations, HSEQ, hydrocarbon supply world-wide. Issues concerned with

pipeline system reliability are a huge concern as existing

Limited Liability Company
of Natural
Gases to an increasingly major pipelines are approaching the
th end of their
th lifecycle
how to adapt your
and people

and Gas Technologies, VNIIGAZ, Head scientist manager, Doctor of Techand new pipelines are developed to replace them. Major
stringent regulatory environment
nical Sciences, Professor, State Prize Laureate
Assimilate the crisis and disaster management experience and solutions risks constantly challenge the safety and reliability of
nick Jackson, Bp
pipeline systems, including human error, natural disasters
of the
worlds leading operators
Senior Geotechnical
and terrorist attacks. The repercussions of these risks are
Javier alonso, ClH
vast with potential danger to human life, the environment
Head of Technical
services Pipelines
Muthu Chandrasekaran,
pure technologies
Achieve cost-effective
maintenance by optimising your system with and the economies of the transited regions. This forum will
Pipeline Engineerstate-of-the art planning and control technologies
provide a productive exchange of best practice experiences
Yves Furmanowski, total
Dr. John Lawson,
Energy Technology
from leading
pipeline maintenance
Inspection Engineer
Senior Technology Advisor
and reliability.

csaba Szilassy, MOl

AD Expert

Gold Sponsor:

Find Your reasons

to attend

Vladimir kharionovsky,
gaZproM / VniigaZ
and risk management

Patrick Suffren, SOUTh EUROPEAN

PIPElINE, Deputy Technical Director

Supported by:

visit our websites:


Marie Pajot, TOTAlTIGF

Integrity Manager

al-ajmi, saudi aramco
Media Partners:
General Supervisor, Pipelines Department
Christian kiesl, t.d. Williamson
ILI Sales Manager Europe & Caspian Area

Following on our previous 3 successful annuals in Brussels,

Vienna and Barcelona, the experts have decided to meet again
to gain knowledge, share experience and plan for life time
solutions to problems in maintenance and operations.

3st Annual, Barcelona

Marc nikles, omnisens

Christian Hellmich, Vienna university of technology / institute
for Mechanics of Materials and structures
Associate Professor
Mike Brons, applus rtd
Business Development Manager

WHo sHould attend

vPs, Directors, Chiefs, Heads, team Leaders and Managers of:
Pipeline Maintenance, Integrity and Operations, Infrastructure Integrity,
Transmission Maintenance, Risk Management, Gas/Oil Facilities, Technical

Collaborative Sponsors:

15 & 16 April 2010, Hotel Miramar, barcelona

Vladimir Kharionovsky, GAZPROM/VNIIGAZ

Director of R&D Centre

an effective
Yusuf Calik, Botas
Chief Engineer Management strategy

Pipeline integrity

Jack Odegard, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry

Vice-President Research
Jens Erik Thygesen,
E&P maintenance approach
Senior Consultant, Management and Technic Offshore Technology


pipeline systems

Nikolay Seregin, Gazprom Neft

Department Head of International Projects
Samuel Haag, RWE Transgas Net s.r.o.
Focus on corrosion control

Dr. John Lawson, Chevron Energy Technology Company

Senior Technology Advisor

Forward thinking with intelligent pigging methods

Ali Mohamed El Kordi, ADCO

Corrosion and Inspection Team Leader

For the 3rd time senior level experts from the world leading
oil & Gas Companies will discuss the major challenges and
issues from Corrosion Control strategies, effective Pipeline
rehabilitation systems, to third Party Damage Control in
both offshore and onshore Pipelines.

David Willis, CEng FICE, British Standards Oil ad Gas Pipelines Committee, Chairman
Pipeline Industry Guild, Honorary life member
Geoff Foreman, GE Oil & Gas, PII Pipeline Solutions
Growth & Strategy Leader

Identify and Understand pipeline failure mechanisms

Overview and Guidelines for Pipeline Heath and safety

Rolf Nyborg, IFE - Institute for Energy Technology

Deputy Department Head, Materials and Corrosion Technology
Jack Odegard, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Vice-President Research
Raul Laporta, Pipeline Engineering
Regional Sales Manager
Don Harrop, BP
Senior Advisor of Maintenance & Corrosion

Improve pipeine lifecycle through proactive

maintenance and reliability
Explore effective pipeine inspection techniques


Gain in-depth knowledge on corrosion control and

rehabilitation of a pipeline

CEOs, Presidents, VPs, Heads, Chiefs, Directors and Managers of: Pipeline
Technology and Operations, E&P, Pipeline Engineering, Pipeline Integrity,
Pipeline Infrastructure, Corrosion Control, Subsea Technology, Pipeline
Maintenance, Advisors from Energy and Technology Institutes.

Gold Sponsor:

this event has been carefully designed based on the current

market needs in order to discuss the challenges and areas
of concern related to oil & Gas Pipelines in the european

and third party

Motlaq S. Al Motairy,
NDT Specialist




in any industry, assets deteriorate over time. equipment

wears out, tools need replacing and infrastructure requires
maintenance. this matter is especially critical within the oil &
Gas Pipeline industry. Many Pipelines are now over 20 years
old, and even the best designed and maintained pipeline
will become defective as it progresses through its design life.
some of them are often in remote locations with extreme
environments; some of them are influenced by third-party
activities. therefore, regular and effective maintenance to the
equipment and infrastructure is vital to the industry.
to help you to understand the drivers of continuous
improvement of knowledge, we are proud to present our
3rd Annual Oil & Gas Pipeline Maintenance & Reliability

to extend pipeline

David Oniani, lifespan

Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation, Advisor
Energy Research and Strategic Analysis Board, Director

Mohammed A. Abu four, Saudi Aramco

NDT Specialist Pipeline security preparedness


Bronze Sponsor:

Discuss the impact of third party damages

Preferred Partner:

Media Partners:

digital magazine

online service

The organization of the event was very well done.

(Operations HSE & Interface Manager, Nord Stream, Switzerland)

Very good service from Fleming Group, thank you!

Job Title Breakdown of Past Attendees:

(Technical Authority Projection, BP Norge, Norway)

All round very, very good. Surprisingly high quality of papers without
(Pipeline Team Leader, BP Exploration, UK)

The topics were chosen very well and the overall organization was
(Senior Pipeline Engineer, Qatar Petroleum, Qatar)

Cannot really think of anything to improve on. Superb venue, right

duration, good quality, well organized
(Senior Technology Advisor, Chevron Energy Technology Company, UK)

Good mixture of topics, covering many aspects of pipeline maintenance

and reliability
(Head of Project Department, Wintershall Holding GmbH, Germany)

The service of Fleming Groups personal at the event was amazing.

(Mechanical Engineer, Rompetrol Rafinace S.A, Romania)




Directors, Deputy Directors and Heads


Managers, Coordinators, Leaders & Supervisors


Consultants, Advisors, Experts, Specialists & Researchers


CEOs, CTOs, Members of the Board & VPs

Media Partners:

Energy Website

online service

Eurasia Energy Observer

Booking line: tel: + 421 257 272 112, fax: + 421 255 644 490

DAY 1, February 16th 2011

8:30 Registration and Coffee

9:00 Opening remarks from the chair

David Willis, Technical Director RSK and Chairman of
UK BSI Pipelines Committee, UK

Regulatory Developments and Investment

Management in Pipeline Maintenance and Reliability


History and Development of Pipeline

A brief history of the way that pipeline standards for oil and gas
transmission have developed internationally and for Europe and the UK
The way that Integrity management standards are being developed
to supplement and support pipeline standards
Future developments and how all standards are kept up to date
and in line with industry best practice
David Willis, Technical Director RSK and Chairman of
UK BSI Pipelines Committee, UK

9:40 Regulatory Developments and Investment

Regulations, legislations and agreements
Cross-border pipelines and their consequences
3rd Energy Package of EU and 3rd Party Access
Challenges with investment attraction and financing
Irina Akimova, Russia, Corresponding Member of Academy of
Technological Sciences of Russian Federation
& Member of Expert Council of Russian Gas Society

10:10 Panel Discussion

The audience has an opportunity to ask questions and open an
interactive discussion with speakers from the morning session.

10:20 Morning Coffee and Networking

11:00 Pipeline Integrity Management:Who is doing it Right

Pipeline Management
13:50 Recommended Practice for Pipeline Management
New pipeline management systems & utilisation
Delivering Large Amount of Gas over long distance
High Reliability of Pipeline Systems
Conducting a Gap Analysis of current Technical know-how
Industrial Solutions partnering with material suppliers
Luca Prandi, ENI, Italy
Manager, Long Distance Projects

14:20 Pipeline Security and 3rd Party

Pipeline Security and 3rd Party Access
Environmental risks
Pipelines security management
Pipeline pre-commissioning
Samir Akel, GRTgaz, France, Consultant

14:50 Securing of technical integrity of an established high

pressure gas grid under regulated market conditions
Technical standards
Technical condition analysis, PIMS
Diagnosis, inspection & maintenance
Repair and rehabilitation
Asset management
Dr Volker Busack, Verbundnetz Gas AG, Germany
Director Operations/Technology

15:20 Interactive Q&A Session

15:30 Afternoon Tea and Networking
16:00 Composite Solutions for Offshore Asset Protection
Customised engineering solutions
Effective composite solutions towards technical integrity

Road map to pipelines Integrity Management Excellence

Achieving zero maintenance

Developing SMART Key Performance Indicators KPIs

Solutions leading to longer life-cycle at lowered costs

Can Intelligent Pigging stand alone a assures Pipelines Integrity

Efficient installation procedure

Huw Radley, Solent Composite Systems Ltd, UK
Managing Director

How Organization Awareness can boost the implementation

Data acquisition Challenges in absence of suitable database
Competency requirement to ensure successful development of PIMS
Abdelaziz M. Salah Eldin, Abu Dhabi Marine Operating
Company (ADMA-OPCO), UAE, Operation & Integrity Advisor

11:30 PIM (Pipeline Integrity Monitoring) for Onshore

Direct assessment
Managing system integrity for hazardous liquid
New techniques in pipeline integrity
Environmental protection through its operational lifetime
Dr Bonny Umeadi, University of Greenwich, GB
Professor, Pipeline Inspection & Construction


12:40 Luncheon

CASE STUDY The IKL Crude Oil Pipeline

Requirements of authorities for extension of an operation

Executed in-line inspections
Executed pipeline material tests
Total integrity re-evaluation
Ondrej Smolik, MERO CR, Czech Republic
Head of the Operation Department

12:30 Short Q&A Session

Featuring speakers from the pre-lunch sessions

16:30 In-Site repair welding method for old pipeline wall

thickness loss validation of through wide pate tensile
testing and cold cracking test
Metalurgical considerations and preparations
Welding at Gasunie-TOLS Deventer
Set up testing and results
Practical applications
Wim Schipaanboord, KEMA, Netherlands, Researcher

17:00 Final Panel Discussion of the First Day

The audience has an opportunity to ask questions about the topics
covered throughout the day and open an interactive discussion with
the speakers.
In The Chair:
Dr Bonny Umeadi, University of Greenwich, UK
Professor, Pipeline Inspection & Construction
Dr Volker Busack, Verbundnetz Gas AG, Germany
Director Operations/ Technology
Samir Akel, GRTgaz, France, Consultant
Ondrej Smolik, MERO CR, Czech Republic
Head of the Operation Department
Huw Radley, Solent Composite Systems Ltd, UK
Managing Director
Luca Prandi, ENI, Italy, Manager, Long Distance Projects

17:30 Closing Remarks from the Chair

Speakers and delegates are cordially invited to attend a



DAY 2, February 17th 2011

8:30 Registration and Coffee
9:00 Opening remarks from the chair

State-of-the-Art Modelling Techniques for Gelled Pipeline

Time-dependence of Wax-Gel Breakage in Subsea Pipelines

Kristofer Paso, Norwegian University of Science

and Technology, Norway, Researcher

Adhesive and Cohesive Breakage of Wax Plugs in Gelled Oil


Innovative Technologies for Offshore and Onshore


Kristofer Paso, Norwegian University of Science and

Technology, Norway, Researcher

9:10 The Importance of Non-Destructive Testing in

Introduction to NDT
Property of detection POD
Applicable NDT methods to pipeline
Validation of inspection technique
Motlaq Al-Motairy
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia, NDT Specialist

9:40 Corrosion, Crack Detection and Control

Preventing and managing internal and external corrosion risks
Impact of corrosion on onshore and offshore pipelines
Crack detection and its prevention
Mohammed A. Abu Four
Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
NDT Specialist, Vice Chairman American Society for NonDestructive Testing-Saudi Arabian Section (ASNT-SAS)

10:10 Short Q&A Session

The audience will have the opportunity to raise questions
and discuss the morning presentations

10:30 Morning Coffee and Networking

11:10 Overcoming the Specific Issues Associated with the
In-Line Inspection of Gas Pipelines
Coping with gas pipeline specific flow and pressure conditions
Gas coupled UT a future alternative to the utilization of liquid
coupled UT in batches
Utilization of high-quality geometry inspection for small dents
and shallow internal corrosion
Markus Ginten
Rosen Technology and Research Center, Germany
General Manager Products and Services


Paraffin Molecular Architectures

CASE STUDY Maintenance Improvements and

Effects at Botas International Limited Facilities

Maintenace management system in BIL

Improving the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) and Written Scheme
of Examinations (WSE)
Current and future effects of the maintenace improvements at
BIL facilities
M.Zahid Karamollaoglu
Botas International Limited, Turkey
Maintenance Planning Chief Engineer

12:10 Wax deposition investigations and gelled pipeline

restart in subsea pipelines
Incipient Paraffin Wax Deposition Mechanisms in Subsea Pipelines
Surface Crystallization and Growth Mechanism
Gel Adherence Mechanism
Surface Wettability and Shear Conditions

MultiPhase Fluid Conditions in Gelled Pipeline Restart

12:40 Short Q&A Session

The audience will have an opportunity to discuss the pre-lunch

13:00 Luncheon
14:20 Design criteria for PE/PP coatings and a novel PE
field joint coating solution
Challenges during transport, storage, handling and installation
of pipes
Reflection to 3layer coating standard FDIS21809-1
Wehocoat/ Borcoat PE field joint coating technology
Norbert Jansen
Borealis Polymere GmbH, Germany
Application Marketing Manager Oil & Gas

15:00 Ultrasonic Inspection of Unpiggable Pipelines

Barry Fisher, Quest Integrity, UK
Director, Global Business Development

15:30 Short Question and Answer Session

for the opportunity to discuss after-lunch sessions with our presenters

15:50 Afternoon Tea and Networking

16:10 Final Panel Discussion of the Second Day
The audience has an opportunity to ask questions about the topics
covered throughout the day and open an interactive discussion
with the speakers
Dr Bonny Umeadi, University of Greenwich, GB
Professor, Pipeline Inspection & Construction
Mohammed A. Abu Four, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
NDT Specialist, Vice Chairman American Society for NonDestructive Testing-Saudi Arabian Section (ASNT-SAS)
Motlaq Al-Motairy, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
NDT Specialist
Markus Ginten
Rosen Technology and Research Center, Germany
General Manager Products and Services
Wim Schipaanboord, KEMA, Netherlands, Researcher
Kristofer Paso, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Norway, Researcher
M. Zahid Karamollaoglu
Botas International Limited, Turkey
Maintenance Planning Chief Engineer

17:00 Closing Remarks from the Chair

17:10 Farewell Coffee and Networking

I would like to thank to everyone who has helped with the

research and organization of this event, especially the speakers
and advisors for their support and commitment.
Bea Kyblova, Conference Producer


Meet our comprehensive speaker panel

Dr Volker Busack, Verbundnetz Gas AG, Germany
Director Operations/ Technology
Dr Busack studied chemistry at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany and in 1984
conferred a doctorate. From 1976 until 1981 he started to work in the laboratory of VNGVerbundnetz Gas AG and from 1981 worked as the department manager of system management of
the underground storage Kirchheiligen. In 1985 he took over the position of the manager of the
production department of the underground storage Kirchheiligen and from 1994 worked as the
head of operations. In 2001 he started to work as the Head of Operations and Technology and since
2008 holds the position of the Head of Gas Procurement Exploration & Production.

Mohammed A. Abu Four, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia

NDT Specialist, Vice Chairman American Society for Non-Destructive TestingSaudi Arabian Section (ASNT-SAS)
Mohammed Abu four graduated from Moraine Valley College at USA, with honour in Non-Destructive
testing. Mohammed holds ASNT level III in Ultrasonic and Magnetic Particle tasting. He also won the
ASNT Technician of the Year, as the first non-American who won this award. Mohammed is a specialist
in advanced NDT with a great knowledge in many advanced NDT technologies such as Phased Array,
Time of Flight Diffraction, Corrosion Mapping etc. He presented many technical papers in 3,4 & Middle
East Conferences, IPTC 2009, NACE 2008, NDT LEVEL, 3rd Annual Oil & Gas Pipeline Maintenance and
Reliability and many ASNT-Saudi Arabia section dinner meeting. Currently, he hold the position of the
Vice-Chairman of the American Society of Non-Destructive Testing-Saudi Arabian Section (ASNT-SAS).

Motlaq Al-Motairy, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia, NDT Specialist

Motlaq Al-Motairy has over 18 years of diverse experience in the Non-Destructive Testing industry.
He is ASNT NDT Certified with Level III in Visual and Optical Testing (VT), Magnetic Practice Testing
(MT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Radiographic Testing (RT), Acoustic
Emission Testing (AE) and Eddy Current Testing (ET). In addition, Mr Al-Motairy holds the ToFD, PUT
API 510 and API 653 Certification and is a Member of the Saudi Aramco Non-Destructive Testing
Standards Committee. As a Radiation Safety officer he is now the ASNT NDT Level III Specialist.

Samir Akel, GRTgaz, France, Network Expert/Consultant

Samir Akel received a PhD in 1986 on the Stability and Buckling of Structures. He worked in the R&D
Research Laboratory at the Bridges and Roads Engineering School on Steady state finite elements
analysis under thermo-mechanical loading. From 1990 until 2000 worked for the R&D Centre of GDF
Suez on Transmission and Distribution Networks in France. In 2001 took a position in the International
Division of GDF Suez Gaz Metro in Quebec, Canada. In 2003 returned and took the position at the
Distribution System Operator GrDF the Risk Management of the Distribution Network (subsidiary of
GDF Suez, France). Since 2008 works for Transmission System Operator GRTgaz (subsidiary of GDF
Suez, France), the Risk and Asset Management of the transmission network.

Ondrej Smolik, MERO CR, Czech Republic

Head of the Operation Department
Ondrej Smolik graduated in 1992 from the Western Bohemian University in Czech Republic from
the Faculty of General Engineering and was awarded the title of M.Sc. He joined MERO CR in 1994,
when he joined as an Investment Expert. A year later was appointed the Chief of Dispatching at the
Operation Department and since 1997 works as the Head of Operation Department. As the head of
Operation Department his responsibilities cover scheduling and balancing of transported and stored
crude oil, dispatching control and proper operation of both Druzhba and IKL pipelines on the territory
of the Czech Republic. This department is also responsible for the operation of significant crude oil
storage nearby Prague capital city. Ondrej Smolik is fluent in English and Russian.

Markus Ginten
Rosen Technology and Research Center, Germany
General Manager Products and Services
He obtained degrees at Universities of Applied Sciences in Civil Engineering and Business
Administration. Starting in 2005, he designed water distribution and treatment assets with Hyder
Consulting in Cardiff, Wales. As of 2007 he is a Product Manager for ROSEN with the responsibility
for the development of new sensor technologies and pipeline inspection solutions. He is in charge of
technology requirements and performance as well as for Time to Market.

Irina Y. Akimova, Russia, Corresponding Member of

Academy of Technological Sciences of Russian Federation,
Member of Expert Council of Russian Gas Society
Irina Akimovas professional experience is in developing strategic decisions for major players of
Russian gas market (Gazprombank), participation in developing law initiatives for Russian gas
industry (Russian Gas Society), investment attraction in Russian Oil & Gas sector (Gazprombank,
IMAG and others) and appropriate education.

Abdelaziz M. Salah Eldin

Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO), UAE
Operation & Integrity Advisor
Abdelaziz has 29 years experience in Upstream & Downstream Oil and Gas projects management
and operation interface. Experiences include integrity management of pipelines, topside facilities
and subsurface equipment. He has a good contribution into the development of Assets Integrity/
Corrosion Management Strategies for many major international operators. He work for many leading
Engineering houses, Major Oil & Gas producers and QA/QC focused organizations including BP/
Amoco- GUPCO, ENPPI, Oceaneering, Geisum Oil Company and many other. During his carrier,
he presented 44 Technical papers as author in many international and regional conferences. He
also developed over 85 specifications and manuals in the field of Corrosion Non Metallic materials,
Production Chemistry and Assets Integrity management.

M. Zahid Karamollaoglu, Botas International Limited, Turkey

Maintenance Planning Chief Engineer
Started to work at BIL in 2006 as Maintenance Planning Chief Engineer. BIL - Bota International
Company is the designated operator of BTC pipeline. His main responsibilities are; preparation,

follow-up of execution and update/reporting of Annual Plan, Quarter Monthly Plan, Preventive
Maintenance and Major Overhaul schedules and Annual Turnaround/shutdown Plans in Computerised
Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and/or with other planning & scheduling tools. Also
responsible for updating day to day planning and scheduling of maintenance activities. Served as
CMMS implementation coordinator. Developed reports and KPIs for Technical Directorate. Established
preventive maintenance discipline continuous improvement. Coordinator of ISO 14224 implementation
team. Project Coordinator of Maintenance Management System Development at BIL.

Norbert Jansen, Borealis Polymere GmbH, Germany

Application Marketing Manager Oil & Gas
Norbert finished his degree as mechanical engineer at the Fachhochschule Niederrhein Krefeld,
Germany in 1987. He works since 1988 for the former Neste Chemicals which is since a joint venture
in 1994 BOREALIS AG. He has started as a Sales Manager in the Business Unit for Blowmoulding
and Injectionmoulding of Polyolefines and joined the Business Unit Pipe in 1991 as Sales Manager
in Germany and neighbor countries. Beside his technical sales to customers, he has been an active
member of the KRV (Kunststoffrohrverband = Plastic Pipe association) in Germany since 1991 and
has also been involved in the national standardization committee in DIN and the German mirror
comity for EN/ISO as well as international gremials. In September 2004 he left the sales and became
Application Marketing Manager for Hot & Cold water systems with worldwide responsibility for the
PEX and PP-R in-house systems and in 2008 moved his position and is now Application Marketing
Manager Oil and Gas with global product marketing responsibility.

Dr Bonny Umeadi, University of Greenwich, UK

Professor, Pipeline Inspection & Construction
Dr Bonny B. N. Umeadi obtained his PhD in Architecture and Construct Technology in relation to
Sustainable Built Environment; MSc Project Management along with Postgraduate Diploma inMarkus
Ginten, Rosen Technology and Research Center, Germany. General Manager Products and Services
Lithographic Circuit Print Technology and Bachelors Degrees in Development Economics. Dr Umeadi
investigated the potential of advanced wireless sensor technology to support the maintenance of Oil
and Gas pipeline distribution systems. It addressed deficiencies in the oil and gas pipeline system
process of maintenance which needed to be more clearly identified, understood, and supported
by efficient practices that integrate advance technology into the fault detection process to eliminate
environmental disaster and queuing in the process. His professional practice spans over a decade in
the Built environment; more specifically Oil & Gas and construction industry. The Managing Director
of NanoMind IDC Ltd, an international consulting and research company that was nominated for
the prestigious Technology Award 2010 presented by Energy Institute, United Kingdom. His recent
activities include laying 17 kilometres of 8.5 [inch] LNG pipeline system and carrying out wider
field tests in the Middle East and Nigerian oil fields; and research & technology development at the
University of Greenwich. Dr Umeadi will Chair the 4thAnnual Oil and Gas Pipeline Maintenance &
Reliability - 16th & 17th February 2011 Amsterdam, the Nederland.

Huw Radley, Solent Composite Systems Ltd, UK, Managing Director

Huw Radley is a senior international executive with an extensive track record in the global plastics and
polymers industry, including key leadership positions with GE (18years). Led GEs strategic engineering
polymers penetration in the European automotive industry and later was appointed UK Managing
Director of GE Plastics for 7 years. Latterly led AlliedSignals European plastics operations, (Brussels)
and secured a strategic European position by acquisition of manufacturing facilities in Germany.
Managed Draftex International (Germany) global automotive operations, including integration and
restructuring as Global Vice-President Manufacturing prior to sale by The Laird Group. Acted for
ORIX (Japan) as interim MD at Offshore Composites (IOW) in wind energy technology and advanced
composite systems, ultimately establishing ownership of Solent Composite Systems Ltd in Cowes
(March 2004) serving the energy sector Oil and Gas and Renewables.

Kristofer Paso
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, Researcher
Kristofer Paso studied wax deposition processes at the University of Michigan, and was conferred
a doctorate degree in chemical engineering in 2005. The title of his Ph.D. dissertation is Paraffin
Gelation Kinetics. From 2006 until the present he has been employed at Ugelstad Laboratory within
the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He has developed new fundamental knowledge of wax deposition
and gel rupture processes in subsea petroleum transport pipelines. R&D specialties include incipient
wax deposition mechanisms, multiphase fluid conditions, emulsion resolution, wax inhibitor tailoring,
pour point depressants, yield point depressants, and pressure wave propagation phenomena. His
research investigations are supported by several of the major multinational petroleum companies.

Sponsor Profiles
Bronze Sponsor - Rosen
The ROSEN Group is a high technology organization serving the oil and gas industry
in more than 80 countries. With over 1700 employees we have established a leading
position in the industry and achieved a trusted reputation backed by well over one
million kilometers of inspected pipelines. Recognized as one of the premier pipeline
inspection companies, ROSEN continues to be ambitious by aspiring to be the
number one company of its kind in the world. Our outstanding and experienced employees constantly
pursue this goal through the quality of their work and personal effort.

Sponsor - Borealis
Borealis is a leading provider of innovative,
value creating plastics solutions. With more
than 40 years of experience in Polyolefins (PE,
PP) and using our unique Borstar technology, we focus on the infrastructure, automotive and
advanced packaging markets across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We work with customers
in more than 120 countries to provide materials that make an essential contribution to society
and sustainable development. With headquarters in Vienna, Austria, Borealis is owned 64% by
the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) of Abu Dhabi and 36% by OMV, Central
Europes leading oil and natural gas group. Borcoat steel pipe coating systems for oil and gas
exploration and transportation. Borealis has more than 25 years of experience and expertise in the
plastic pipe industry and more than 20 years in steel pipe coating. Within this period, the group
developed and supplied an extensive number of projects all over the world, initially with supply of
LDPE and medium density and later on with the first bimodal high density PE system in 1997. In
parallel, Borealis introduced its first PP systems around 1990.

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