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MN 3042 Financial Accounting

Group Assignment

This assignment count 40% of your Continuous Assessment marks

General Guidelines for the assignment on accounting to be conducted on financial statements of a
company listed on Colombo Stock exchange
1. Collect financial statements for three years covering five accounting years. (Hint. If you take the
annual report if the year 2014 it contains the comparative figures of the year 2013 as well. So
that you have data for two years. Then take the annual report for the year 2012 to collect data
for 2012 and 2011. Then the report for the year 2010)
2. Tabulate financial statements in a columnar form as given below in the example
Example; Income statement









Cost of Sales
Gross Profit

Statement of financial position


3. Convert all the financial statements in to common sizes

4. Analyse financial statements by highlighting (but not limiting to them) the following
a. Trend of the financial performance
b. Link between financial performance and the cash flows generated from operating
c. Profitability

d. Efficiency of asset utilization

e. Operating cycle
f. Cash cycle
5. Your overall comments
6. You may download annual reports from
7. You may contact me if you need further clarification

8. Deadline: 31st August 2014 before 3.30 pm.

Font -Times New Roman
Font size 12
Line space 1.5
Font size (headings) 14 with bold

Students shall work in groups having five (5) members in a group.

Co-ordination to avoid the same company being selected by more than one group would be
your own responsibility.

The report shall contain the following:

a) A cover page giving titles, name of the students, registration no, departments, year of study
and the date of submission
b) An introduction about the company, an industry
c) The text (preferably in appropriate chapters) analyzing chairmans review, directors review,
auditors report, financial statements, etc.
d) Conclusion (Overall idea about the company)
d) References made according to the APL referencing system
e) Annexes if any
The report shall be word processed on one side of A4 paper, and neatly presented as a bound
document. Maximum is 30 A4 pages excluding Cover page, Table of content, Annexes and
Late submission Policy

Students are permitted to submit their assignments maximum up to five working days after the
due with the penalty of reduced marks. Penalty of late submission will be five (05) mark for each
working day with the maximum 25 marks. No assignment submitted after this late submission
period should be accepted by the lecturer for marking.
Academic misconduct, Cheating and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the presentation of anothers academic work without acknowledging appropriately.
Whether one presents anothers academic work as ones own intentionally or unintentionally, it
is taken as academic misconduct. Not only direct quotation but also paraphrasing should be
acknowledged appropriately. Even with proper acknowledgement, inclusion of anothers
academic work in a given assignment should be limited and the may vary from one assignment
to another. Other reported forms of cheating may include copying of another students work
completely or partly, getting another to do the assignment completely or partly, inclusion of the
name(s) of student(s) who has/have not contributed to the assignment appropriately.
Any assignments related to any academic misconduct, cheating and plagiarism will be carried
zero (0) marks.

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