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Look for 4 conditions that, in your opinion, were necessary for the revolutions to succeed

Conditions for success

Clear Aim

Did these conditions exist in 1848?


How important was this

condition for success?

In 1848, not only the revolutionaries but the secret

societies in Italy had no clear idea or aim. The only thing
they knew is that they wanted to drive the Austrians out
and be free of their control and influence whilst others
wished to go further and free themselves completely and
become a nation by themselves.

In case a clear aim and objective had

been formed and established from the
beginning, its accomplishment would
have definitely been much easier.

With a clear objective all actions can be

This can be seen in the contrast between Garibaldis directed and focused solely to the
Carbonari society and Mazzinis Young Italy. Both looked accomplishment of this objective.
to drive the Austrians out but, Young Italy had a more
clear idea and focused on the unification of the Italian
states. Even though the Carbonari looked for this as well,
they had no clear focus and their plans and actions were
put down quite quickly after.
The lower class (peasants) in italy had little interest in
these movements at the moment. They were more
occupied with their own problems.
Support from the different
social classes

As simple as it can get, if more people

The high class were not favoured and/or benefited by supported the ideal;, faster, more
effective and more lasting results would
these movements and the removal of Austrians in Italy.
The middle class, who actually supported the change,
were a minority even though they had improved and

developed greatly in the past 40 years.

By 1848, there were two major figures and These two characters inspired the
representations of change. These were Carlo Alberto, King revolutionaries and gave them the spirit
to carry on further.
of Piedmont-Sardinia, and Pope Pius IX.
Big names supporting the

Strong Leadership from the

Italian States

Carlo Alberto fought a war against the Austrians basically Having them on your side gave a feeling
by himself. Although, on July 25th 1848, hi army was of How can I lose? kind of attitude.
defeated and he was forced to sign a ceasefire.
Their support was vital for the people to
Pope Pius IX had been elected and he had a reputation of support any movement and without them
being someone who supported change. However, on April as heads of the movements; the chance
29th 1848; he was forced to sign and allocation of change of unification died, or at least, was put
due to the intense pressure he received from the cardinals down for quite a while.
at the moment. With this, all hope of his help and using
his figure as a unifying idea died.
Because of the cultural barriers between states, unity and
If all states were united under a single
cooperation was hard to achieve.
leader, all actions would have been much
Out of all the states, Piedmont was the only one pushing easier. Communication and cooperation
for a unified Italy. Moreover, it was fighting a war against along with supply
would have been
Austria by themselves.
eased greatly if a leader and been
recognized. Furthermore, the lack of
In the handout given in class, it is discussed that Piedmont leadership did not contribute to the
would supply the military power whilst Rome was looked clearance of ideas.
upon to give spiritual guidance (Pope).

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