Topic 2 Types of Guidance and Counseling Services

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TOPIC 2 2 HOURS 1.1.2014

LECTURE : 10.15-11.15 (1)
TUTORIAL : 11.15-12.15 (1)

Counseling and Guidance Service

Types of guidance service

Types of counseling

Ethics of counselor

Types of guidance and counseling service provided by the schools:

1. Perkhidmatan Inventori Individu dan Rekod
2. Perkhidmatan memberi maklumat
3. Perkhidmatan bimbingan kelompok
4. Counseling services
5. Placement services
6. Perkhidmatan mencegah penyalahgunaan dadah
7. Perkhidmatan perundingan dan rujukan
8. Perkhidmatan penyelarasan sumber
9. Perkhidmatan perbincangan dengan ibu bapa
10. Perkhidmatan penilaian.

Types of individual counseling Personal, family, academic, carrier, health, drug prevention
Types of group counseling

Academic1) Explanations about open certification

2) Study Skills:
* Reading * Writing * Taking notes * Listening *Remembering * Revising * Thinking skills

3) Time organization skills

4) Personal organization skills

5) Examination skills/strategies
6) Collection / delivery of information about the directions for students after SPM and STPM
examinations that related to the opportunities to further their studies in higher education and to
apply education funding

1) Carrier education

2) Understanding owns personality, interest and characteristics that related to the right choice of

3) Information of the open certifications related to elective subject in high school, courses and
choosing the careers after SPM and STPM.

4) Courses/ trainings provided by the institutions or agencies for SPM/STPM schools graduated

5) Information about carriers and job opportunities

Psychosocial and Mental Health

1 ) Test / Inventory / Checklist associated with psychosocial
2) Refer Personal Information Cards
3) Communication skills.

4) Assertive Skills
5) Screening information
6) Stress Management
7) Spiritual Skills
8) Decision Making Skills
9) Self Control Skills
10) Applications Skills
11) Synthesizing Skills
12) Critical Analysis Skills
13) Maintenance of self-esteem / self esteem
14) Youth development
15) Self-regulation concept
16) Self-management
17) Orientation Program
18) PMR-Graduated Program

Pupils Self-development
1) Communication Skills
2) Problem solving
3) Leadership
4) Self-assertive skills
5) Peer Guidance
6) Social Skills

Drug Prevention Education

1) Communication

2) Individual developments
3) Family educations
4) Assertive Skills / Self-assertive
5) Social skills
6) Anti-drug attitude
7) Drug prevention education
8) Information about the bad consequences, reasons and causes

Code of Ethics for Counsellor / Teacher Guidance

1 A counselor must respect and be honest to the clients. Teacher must take the
responsibilities to maintain a secret relationship with his client.
2 A counselor needs to welcome anyone who comes to get help from him. But he was not
allowed to accept the demand for services that might reduce the quality of service.
3 A counselor needs to actively develop the concepts of counseling as a career. He must
try to avoid those who cannot afford to carry on counseling.
4 Counselor should have the cooperation and assistance from the staffs and other
administrators to provide counseling services needed by the school.
5 The counselor should refer to the appropriate parties if necessary. If this is done, the
counselor should always get the latest updates to ensure the client is receiving ongoing
6 As one of the school staff, counselors must take the responsibility to perform other tasks
in general. If the works interfering his job as a counselor, the counselor can refuse the
job wisely.
7 Counselors need to continue to grow in his career. He shall endeavor to get more
knowledge to improve his services.
8 Counselor must search and get jobs based on qualification.
9 Counselors must maintain active relationships within the other professionals groups.
10 Counselors must continuously engage in research for personal growth or career
11 Counselors should assess his works from time to time.

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