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DWDM Performance and Conformance Testing


Measurement Section 2
Multi-Channel Input/Output Interfaces

requirements because a DWDM system takes different channels (or

DWDM systems require a number of optical components to combine

through the fiber.

or separate channels. Their optical properties usually depend directly

The measurements in this section apply to both the transmit and receive

on wavelength, so accurate characterization will be achieved with a

sides of the optical network. The optical performance of the entire link

stimulus/response test setup using an optical spectrum analyzer as a

can be bounded by using this set of parameters.

colors of light) and combines them into a single light stream that runs

wavelength-selective receiver.
Measurement 2.1 Channel Output Power
Required Measurements

Standard: Specified in G.692 Section 6.3.2.

Table 9 itemizes the measurements for multi-channel input/output

interfaces in single- and multi-channel systems as required by the
SONET/SDH standards. All of these measurements are relatively new

Channel output power is the mean launched optical power including

amplified spontaneous emission (ASE). It is expressed in dBm while
transmitting a pseudo-random bit stream (PRBS), and is typically
measured with a pattern generator
such as a BERT or transmission
tester and a power meter.
Typical Test Configuration
A number of instrument configurations can be used to characterize
the channel output power of multichannel I/Os. It is possible to
combine a broadband source with
a wavelength-selective receiver, or
use a wavelength-selective source
with a broadband receiver. A tunable
laser source, with its picometer
resolution, represents the ultimate
in a wavelength-selective source.

Figure 32. Multi-channel input/output interfaces.

Ta b l e 9 . R e q u i r e d M e a s u r e m e n t s f o r M u l t i - c h a n n e l I n p u t / o u t p u t I n t e r f a c e s
Required Measurements

G.957 section

G.691 section

G.692 section

Channel output power


Total launched power


Per channel OSNR

Maximum channel power difference
Optical crosstalk


6.3.4 & 6.6.3

6.6.4 & 6.7.1

DWDM Performance and Conformance Testing


The test setup in Figure 33 uses a tunable laser source and an optical

Features to look for in the optical spectrum analyzer include:

spectrum analyzer to achieve the best wavelength selectivity.

Measurement time (scan rate)

Measurement Considerations

Instrument calibration

This basic test setup forms a stimulus and response system for the

Wavelength stability and accuracy

device under test. The broadband light source is the stimulus. The

Application specific measurements (pulse, gain, noise figure, coherence, etc.)

polarization controller characterizes polarization dependencies of the

Accurate SNR measurements

DWDM component being tested.

The wavelength meter should provide:

The optical spectrum analyzer serves as a wavelength-selective receiver.

Wavelength accuracy and stability

Absolute wavelength accuracy, necessary for the precise measurement

Multi-channel display

of bandwidth and band edges, is achieved by calibrating the OSA with

High resolution

the tunable laser and the wavelength meter.

Figure 34 shows the typical output from an optical spectrum analyzer

when testing multi-channel input/output interfaces. This waveform is

used to measure channel output power, total launched power, per
channel OSNR, maximum channel power difference, and optical crosstalk.
Important characteristics to look for when selecting a tunable laser

Width @ 3 dB
Width @ 10 dB


Broad wavelength range

Width @ 20 dB

High output power

Accurate and stable power
Accurate and stable wavelength

Modulation (at high and low frequencies)

No mode hopping


Figure 34. Multi-channel measurements.

Broadband Light


Tunable Laser




Figure 33. Channel output power test setup. 29

DWDM Performance and Conformance Testing


Measurement 2.2 Total Launched Power

Standard:Specified in G.692 Section 6.3.3.


Total launched power is the total power of all channels at the transmitter,

Width @ 3 dB

in dBm, while transmitting a pseudo-random bit stream (PRBS). It is

typically measured with a pattern generator such as a BERT or transmis-

Width @ 10 dB

sion tester and a power meter.


Example Test Configuration

Width @ 20 dB

A number of possible instrument configurations can be used to characterize

the total launched power. It is possible to combine a broadband source
with a wavelength-selective receiver, or use a wavelength-selective source

with a broadband receiver. A tunable laser source, with its picometer


resolution, represents the ultimate in a wavelength-selective source.

The test setup in Figure 35 uses a light source and a power meter to
achieve the best wavelength selectivity.

Figure 36. Multi-channel measurements.

Important characteristics to look for when selecting a tunable

laser include:

Measurement Considerations
This basic test setup forms a stimulus and response system for the

Broad wavelength range

device under test. The broadband light source is the stimulus. The

High output power

polarization controller characterizes polarization dependencies of the

Accurate and stable power

DWDM component being tested.

Accurate and stable wavelength

The optical spectrum analyzer serves as a wavelength-selective receiver.

Modulation (at high and low frequencies)

Absolute wavelength accuracy, necessary for the precise measurement

No mode hopping

of bandwidth and band edges, is achieved by calibrating the OSA with

the tunable laser and the wavelength meter.

Features to look for in the optical spectrum analyzer include:

Measurement time (scan rate)

Figure 36 shows the typical output from an optical spectrum analyzer

when testing multi-channel input/output interfaces. This waveform is
used to measure channel output power, total launched power, per
channel OSNR, maximum channel power difference, and optical crosstalk.

Instrument calibration
Wavelength stability and accuracy
Application specific measurements (pulse, gain, noise figure, coherence, etc.)
Accurate SNR measurements

The wavelength meter should provide:

Wavelength accuracy and stability

Broadband Light

Multi-channel display
High resolution


Figure 35. Total launched power test setup.




DWDM Performance and Conformance Testing


Measurement 2.3 Per Channel OSNR

The optical spectrum analyzer serves as a wavelength-selective receiver.

Standards: Specified in G.692 Sections 6.3.4 & 6.6.3.

Absolute wavelength accuracy, necessary for the precise measurement

Optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) is defined as the ratio of the optical

signal power to the optical noise power. OSNR is typically expressed in

of bandwidth and band edges is achieved by calibrating the OSA with

the tunable laser and the wavelength meter.

dB as the minimum value required to obtain 1012 BER, and is measured

Figure 38 shows the typical output from an optical spectrum analyzer

using a pattern generator such as a BERT or with a transmission tester,

when testing multi-channel input/output interfaces. This waveform is

an attenuator, a power meter, and an error detector.

used to measure channel output power, total launched power, per

Requirements for per channel OSNR are currently under study.

channel OSNR, maximum channel power difference, and optical crosstalk.

Typical Test Configuration

A number of possible instrument configurations can be used to characterize

the per channel OSNR. It is possible to combine a broadband source with

a wavelength-selective receiver, or use a wavelength-selective source

Width @ 3 dB

with a broadband receiver. A tunable laser source, with its picometer

resolution, represents the ultimate in a wavelength-selective source.

Width @ 10 dB

The test setup in Figure 37 uses a tunable laser source and an optical


spectrum analyzer to achieve the best wavelength selectivity.

Width @ 20 dB

Measurement Considerations
This basic test setup forms a stimulus and response system for the
device under test. The broadband light source is the stimulus. The

polarization controller characterizes polarization dependencies of the


DWDM component being tested.

Figure 38. Multi-channel measurements.

Broadband Light


Tunable Laser




Figure 37. Per channel OSNR test setup. 31

DWDM Performance and Conformance Testing


Measurement 2.4
Maximum Channel Power Difference

The optical spectrum analyzer serves as a wavelength-selective receiver.

Standard:Specified in G.692 Section 6.3.5.

of bandwidth and band edges, is achieved by calibrating the OSA with

Maximum channel power difference is defined as the maximum difference

the tunable laser and the wavelength meter.

in channel power between the largest value of channel launch power

Figure 40 shows the typical output from an optical spectrum analyzer

and the smallest value present at the same time within a given optical

when testing multi-channel input/output interfaces. This waveform is

resolution bandwidth. It is independent of the number of channels. It is

used to measure channel output power, total launched power, per

expressed in dB and can be measured with a high-accuracy optical

channel OSNR, maximum channel power difference, and optical crosstalk.

Absolute wavelength accuracy, necessary for the precise measurement

spectrum analyzer.
Typical Test Configuration


A number of possible instrument configurations can be used to

characterize the maximum channel power difference. It is possible to

Width @ 3 dB

combine a broadband source with a wavelength-selective receiver, or

use a wavelength-selective source with a broadband receiver. A tunable

Width @ 10 dB

laser source, with its picometer resolution, represents the ultimate in a


wavelength-selective source.
Width @ 20 dB

The test setup in Figure 39 uses a tunable laser source and an optical
spectrum analyzer to achieve the best wavelength selectivity.
Measurement Considerations

This basic test setup forms a stimulus and response system for the


device under test. The broadband light source is the stimulus. The
polarization controller characterizes polarization dependencies of the

Figure 40. Multi-channel measurements.

DWDM component being tested.

Broadband Light



Tunable Laser

Figure 39. Maximum channel power difference test setup.




DWDM Performance and Conformance Testing


Measurement 2.5 Optical Crosstalk

The optical spectrum analyzer serves as a wavelength-selective receiver.

Standards: Specified in G.692 Sections 6.6.4 and 6.7.1.

Absolute wavelength accuracy, necessary for the precise measurement

Optical crosstalk is defined as the ratio of the combined total disturbing

power due to the signal power from all other channels, relative to the

of bandwidth and band edges, is achieved by calibrating the OSA with

the tunable laser and the wavelength meter.

nominal signal power level in the desired channel. It is measured at the

Figure 42 shows the typical output from an optical spectrum analyzer

transmitter and at the receiver and is expressed in dB, using an optical

when testing multi-channel input/output interfaces. This waveform is

spectrum analyzer.

used to measure channel output power, total launched power, per

channel OSNR, maximum channel power difference, and optical crosstalk.

Typical Test Configuration

A number of possible instrument configurations can be used to characterize

optical crosstalk. It is possible to combine a broadband source with a

wavelength-selective receiver, or use a wavelength-selective source

Width @ 3 dB

with a broadband receiver. A tunable laser source, with its picometer

resolution, represents the ultimate in a wavelength-selective source.

Width @ 10 dB

The test setup in Figure 41 uses a tunable laser source and an optical

spectrum analyzer to achieve the best wavelength selectivity.

Width @ 20 dB

Measurement Considerations
This basic test setup forms a stimulus and response system for the
device under test. The broadband light source is the stimulus. The

polarization controller characterizes polarization dependencies of the

DWDM component being tested.


Figure 42. Multi-channel measurements.

Broadband Light


Tunable Laser




Figure 41. Optical crosstalk test setup. 33

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