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A systematic objective and comprehensive investigation of certain phenomenon which

involves accurate gathering and recording, and critical analyses and interpretation of all
facts about the phenomenon for theoretical or practical ends.
Three types:
Basic research - Done for the development of theories or principles. The goal of the
researcher is to explore in order to come up with principles which will serve as the bases for
further knowledge and development.
Applied Research - Research which primarily aims to test theories and concepts developed
for verification, application, development, support and their relationship to the existing fund
of knowledge.
Action Research - It is simpler than basic and applied research. the focus is on immediate
solution of the problem without necessarily using scientific principles in order to find
solutions to a problem. In education, action research is used to remedy common teaching
and learning problems.
Bibliography sequence:
Author, Year of Publication, Full title of book, Volume no.Place of publication, page numbers.
Spetch, M.L. & Wilkie, D.M. (1983). How to bullet-proof your manuscript: An expert guide to
professional writing. Vol. B. Buffalo, N.Y. pp. 111-130.
(Ed) (Eds) = Editor/s
et.al. = and others
ed = edition
Jorunals, magazine, etc.:
Author, Editor, Year of Publication, Title of article, Title of Journal, edition, page number.
Graham, G. (Ed), (2007). Introduction to Philosophy. The Stanford encyclopedia of
Philosophy. (Fall 2007 ed.). pp. 111.
*Publishing house before place
Internet Sources:
Author, full date accessed, title, volume (if available)
Frederickson, B.L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and wellbeing, Prevention & Treatment, Vol. 3.
<Name of Author>, Retrived on <full date> accessed from <website>
*Name of Author only if present.

Middle Ages:
The Divine comedy
- An allegory of a human soul's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.
- A figurative mode of representation conveying a meaning other than the literal.
- It teaches a lesson through symbolism, symbolic figures and actions.
Dante Alighieri 1265-1321
- Born in Florence, Italy of a prominent family.
- Played a leading part in politics rising to the highest local position in 1300.
- Son afterwards another party rose to power. Dante was accused of a crime and was exiled.
Later, a decree was passed pardoning all exiles on condition that they paid a fine (Amnesty).
- When he died, he was buried with the highest honors.
- Was born into one of the most chaotic periods of Western European history.
- He witnessed the decline of two most powerful social institutions of the Middle Ages, holy
Roman empire and The Papacy.
- Loss of power, control and respect affected Dante emotionally, psychologically and
La Divina Comedia
- Central poem of Italian literature and is seen as one of the greatest works of world
- Allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife is a culmination of the medieval world view.
Why is it called Divine Comedy?
- Comedy used in a classical sense
- To denote a story which begins in suspense and ends well.
- Epic used the device of medias res.
- The epic combines mythology, church teachings, political and social issues.
"Divine" was added later (in 14th century) because poems in the ancient world were
classified as High "Tragedy".
Composed of 14,000 lines divided into 3 books.
Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.
each 33 cantos (chapters)
Structure: Terza Rima
- Rhyming
- Simplified version of the author.
- Sympathetic, fearful of danger, confused both morally and spiritually by Hell.

As the poem progresses he gradually learns to abandon his sympathy and adopt a more
pitiless attitude toward the punishment of sinners which he views as merely a reflection of
divine justice.
- Proves a wise resourceful commanding presence, but he often seems helpless to protect
Dante from the true dangers of Hell.
- Critics generally consider Virgil an allegorical representation of human reason - both in its
immense power and in its inferiority to faith in God.
- One of the blessed in Heaven, Beatrice aids Dante's journey by asking an angel to find
Virgil and bid him to guide Dante through Hell.
- Like Dante and Virgil, Beatrice corresponds to a historical personage.
- Viewed as a representation of spiritual love.

Literature Divine Comedy:

The Middle Ages
litera - letter
Literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of a man.
The enduring expression of significant human experience in words well chosen and
Mirrors the depth of a culture and manifests the truly creative genius of a generation.
Allows man to play his imagination thus bringing him into a time capsule of people, places
and events that he was not able or he was able to encounter in his lifetime as a result
provided him an entertainment in a boring monotonous life.
Renaissance - Revival of the classics, Greece and Rome.
Vernacular - Italian, Spanish, French, English > Romantic languages (Intellect, emotions,
Dante Alighieri:
Spent the last 20 years of his life wandering city to city to study the arts.
Died in Ravenna.
Loyal to his family but thinks of Beatrice as the totality of a woman and his one true love.
Gemman Donati, married had several children. Never returned to Florence.
Romanticism = Intellectualized autoenoticism (it stimulates and inspires but avoids tensions,
conflicts, etc.)
Divine Comedy:
Auto biographical in nature
An agony of the soul
Summary of the religions, political and the scientific milieu of the Middle ages.
Reward and punishment of God to Man.

Used characters from classical history and mythology as well as individuals of his time.
Divine Comedy, Inferno:
A huge funnel-shaped pit divided into terraces each a standing place for those who were
guilty of a particular sin.
The punishment in Inferno is a contrapasso (A symbolic form of poetic justice).
Dark wood of Error
This is Dante's disorientation on the following aspects: Spiritual, Physical, Psychological,
Moral, Political.
Dante was tempted by the monsters:
Lion - Violence, Ambition
Leopard - Malice, Fraud
Shewolf - Incontinence
"Abandon every hope you who enter", "Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here",
etc. (Depends on which version of the translation of the book ya got)
Opportunists, souls of people who in life did nothing, neither for good or evil.
Have to eternally pursue a banner and be pursued by wasps and hornets that continually
sting them while maggots and other insects drink their blood and tears.
Ferrying Dante and Virgil across the river Acheron (similar to the River Styx)
First Circle: Limbo
The unbaptized and pagans who, though sinful, did not accept Christ.
Souls there are merely unable to reach Heaven and denied God's presence for eternity.
It is said those in Limbo can go to Purgatory then Heaven.
Minos sits at the entrance to the Second circle which is the beginning of proper Hell. More
times he wraps his tail around himself, that's the corresponding level you will end up in.
Second Circle: Lust
Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth.
Trapped in the violent storm forever.
Third Circle: Gluttons
Here are those who have made their reason a slave to appetite and committed the sin of
Cerberus forced the sinners to lie in the mud under continual cold rain and hail.
Fourth Circle: The Avaricious
Getting its "fair share" or a bit more
Those who hoarded too much possessions.
They are forced to strain giants weights and charge at each other.
Fifth Circle: The Wrathful and Sullen
Impatience with the faults of others is related to this.

The Wrathful, fighting each other in the swamplike water of the River styx.
Sixth Circle: Heretics
The sinners in this circle hold false belief.
Heretics trapped in flaming tombs.
Seventh Circle: The Violent
- Against their neighbors
Tyrants and murderers
Are boiled in the river of blood themselves.
- Against themselves
Suicides and squanderers
Turned into thorny black trees. They will not be resurrected after the Final judgment.
- Against God
Blasphemers, Sodomites, and Usurers
Stay in a desert of flaming sand where fire rains from the sky.
Eight Circle: Fraud
- Panderers and seducers
Whipped by demons while running in opposite directions.
- Flatterers
Sinners steeped in human excretement.
- Simonists
Sinners' heads were placed first in holes. Flames burning on the soles of their feet
- Sorcerers and False Prophers
Heads on their bodies backward
- Barrators
The sinners were trapped in a lake of burning pitch.
- Hypocrites
They were made to wear brightly painted lead colors.
- Thieves
Chased and bitten by snakes, then turn into snakes and chase other sinners.
- Fraudulent counselors
Wrapped in individual columns of flame.
- Sowers of Discord
Forced to run in a circle, upon arriving bodies are sliced from chin to groin, while running
they heal, and upon returning are slice again.
Ninth Circle: Treachery
Yeah I got no notes on this circle, though Lucifer is frozen here while chewing on Judas,
Brutus, and that other guy who's name is hard to spell. But I'm sure you all know that.
Dante was 35 years old during the journey, Easter Sunday

Vice Virtue against which it sins

Pride - Humility
Avarice/Greed - Generosity
Envy - Love
Wrath - Kindness
Lust - Self control
Gluttony - Faith and Temperance
Sloth - Zeal
Seeing ourselves as we are not comparing ourselves to each other is humility.
Pride and vanity are competitive. If someone else's pride really bothers you, you have a lot
of pride.
This si about more than money. Generosity means letting others get the credit or praise.
Divine Comedy, Purgatorio:
An allegory that tells of Dante's climb up the mountain of Purgatory.
In the Southern hemisphere.
Ante Purgatory
Cato - Pagan placed by the Gods as a guardian to those who... (The guys who reported
switched slides too fast)
Detained here for 30 times the period of the comutancy (refusal to obey authority).
1st Terrace: The Proud
When they first enter they see dazzling sculptures that express humility.
The souls are bent over because they carry huge stones on their backs.
Beatitude, Blessed are the poor in spirit.
2nd Terrace: The Envious
The sin that looks with grudging hatred upon other men's gifts and good fortune, taking
every opportunity to run them down.
3rd Terrace: The Wrathful
When they first enter, Dante received visions of meeks.
The souls walk around in acid smoke.
Virgil explains to Dante the organization of Purgatory and it's relationship to perverted or
deficient love.
4th Terrace: The Slothful
Sin was that of a deficient love.
The souls are engaged in ceaseless (or meaningless, depends on what ya believe) activity
because when they were still alive they failed in life to act in search of love.
Beatitude, Blessed are those who mourne, for they will be comforted.

5th Terrace: The Covetous

The souls lie face down on the ground, unable to move.
The prayer for this terrace "My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou.. (they switched
slides too fast again)
6th Terrace: The Gluttonous
The souls are starved in the presence of fruits that will forever be out of reach
Prayer, "O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise."
7th Terrace: The Lustful
The terrace of the Lustful has a huge wall of flame which everyone must pass.
The souls are made to run through the flames calling out examples of lust, chastity, and
martial fidelity.
The Earthly Paradise:
The summit of Mount Purgatory.
Also known as the Garden of Eden.
Angels are present in Purgatory, helping one ascend to the next terrace.
More info about Ante Purgatory (or Ante Purgatorio, depends which one ya believe or follow):
- Excommunicates
- Late repentants (or the Lethargic)
Waiting for the last moment in their lives to ask for forgiveness, or died violently, etc. didn't
get a chance to repent.
- the Unabsolved
Died from accident or violence, are about to repent but weren't able to.
- The Negligent rulers
Carelessness, forgot or weren't able to do their responsibilities as Christians.
Pride, Envy, Wrath - Perverted Love.
Sloth - Insufficient love.
Avarice, Gluttony, Lust - Excessive Love of Earthly goods.

Divine Comedy, Paradiso:

Heaven is beyond the limits of our vision.
Place where the story and power of God are set forth.
Dante's depiction
- Dwelling place of god.
- Ptolemaic astronomy.
- All of the blessed are equally high in Heaven.
Metaphysical world
- Attempts to explain heaven.
- Man is capable to see a nature of paradise light.
- Terrestrial reason is capable to comprehend images of the terrestrial world.
- Paradise has a nature of light which is not accessible to terrestrial reason.
Spheres in Heaven:
1-3 - Deficient forms of Cardinal virtues: Fortitude, Justice, Temperance.
4-7 - Positive examples: Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance.
8th - Representation of Faith, Hope, and Love.
1-7 Cardinal virtues
8 - Theological virtues
Latin for Paradise or Heaven, Holy place where God is.
- Medieval belief that the Earth is the center of the universe.
The Garden of Eden:
The procession which is composed of:
24 elders - Old testament
4 animals - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
Beatrice's chariot pulled by a Gryphon - Gryphon represents God as 100% man and God
4 women 4 of humble aspect - "Epistles and Cardinal virtues"
An old man - Book of revelations
River Lethe:
- Symbolizes cleansing.
- Dunked head, washes away sins.
- Dante was cleansed here.
River Eunoe:
- Dante drank water here to forget the things he saw in Inferno.
Ascent to the sphere of Fire:
The sphere of fire
1st Sphere: Moon (Inconstant)

Inconstant means changing/varying. It also means being faithless.

The inconstant are the one who broke their vows.
Are basically not good at keeping their promises.
2nd Sphere: Mercury (The Ambitious)
Are the one who did good because of their desire for fame and because of this the good acts
they did whom they were alive lacked justice.
Dante meets Emperor Justinian, Emperor of Constantinople.
3rd Sphere: Venus (The Lovers)
The Lovers lacked the value of Temperance.
Dante meets a women whose brother is in the 7th circle of Hell.
He also sees his friend Charles Martel of Anjou.
4th Sphere: The Sun (The wise and the doctors of the church)
12 wise men
5th Sphere: Mars (The warriors of God)
Warriors of Faith who gave their lives for God or Christ.
These warriors show the value of Fortitude.
6th Sphere: Jupiter (The just rulers)
Dante sees here King David, Trajan, Constantine, and other good rulers.
Giant eagle (they formed), symbolizes God's justice or just love.
7th Sphere: Saturn (The contemplatives)
The ones who reflect/contemplate
They are the ones who show temperance or self control.
8th Sphere: The Fixed stars
Dante sees the Virgin Mary, St. Peter, St. James, and St. John the apostle, Joseph is here too.
They represent:
James - Hope
Peter - Faith
John - Love
9th Sphere: The Primum mobile
The sphere of angels.
God rotates the Primum mobile which rotates the other spheres.
Where angles are located.
Beatrice explained the creation of the angels, etc.

The Empyrean
God's home
Beatrice becomes a more beautiful woman.

Guide is now St. Bernard.

Beatrice represents Theology, God's love.

Feminist Approach:
Feminist criticism is concerned with the impact of gender on writing and reading. It usually
begins with a critique of patriarchal culuture.
For them gender determines everything.
Sexuality is very strict back then.
No freedom of expression that much.
The oppression of someone's feelings.
Gender determines nothing cause society is dictating the prominence of gender.
Who you are and what you do, defines everything about you.
Feminism movement:
Has gradually become more far ranging and subtle in its attacks on male dominated society.
Literature often reflects the cultural assumptions and attitudes of its period.
The psychological make up between the sexes indicated what anthropologists have long
accepted: the expression of such differences is more determined by cultural factors than
sexually per se.
Feminist Approach:
Feminist criticism is concerned with the impact of gender on writing and reading.
It usually begins with a critique of patriarchal....
Is political and often revisionist.
All gender differences are by society.
Feminist movement:
An attitude favoring the movement to eliminate political social and professional
discrimination against women.
1st wave - Granting women freedom of suffrage.
2nd wave - Beginning of women's liberation movement.
3rd wave - Reaction to the failures of....

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