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Before one seeks some understanding of this matter, they should first know that there is an

expiration date on all of us and no one can stop it from happening except for God Himself. Even if you
get healed from a life threatening disease, if you were supposed to die from it, you'll still die at the
appointed time, just not in agony. The problem is that we don't know our own expiration date so we
must keep the good fight through it all. Not all of the benefits are listed for doing the following, and
these statement(s) has not been evaluated by The Worshipful Company of Apothecaries, the worlds
biggest dope dealer at the top of the dope totem pole and by The Worshipful Company of Barbers who
had got the doctors to prescribe the people the dope, both being under the New Venice called the City
of London who's Venetian Doge is Queen Elizabeth II. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or
prevent any disease because Big Pharma said so. Most of this information is based on the collective
research and experience of many people whose works are continually being suppressed even by the
alternative health and media. I am not a doctor, and yes I copypasted most of this information though I
formatted and added my own thoughts the way I wanted to compress and compile lots of information.
You must IMMEDIATELY start an alternative health protocol as your life depends on it believe
me. You need to seriously detox, flush & cleanse the body of all the metals, toxins, parasites and
poisons accumulated over many years. This could take up to 2 years, more or even less! Right now
you're all walking dustbins of pollution and perfect breeding grounds for disease. To have true healing,
everything bad needs to leave, for true healing is permanent and will require a big change in your
environment, not just random miraculous healings here and there while eating all the wrong food and
drinks. You need to flush/cleanse the colon regularly and make sure this area is clean, its your waste
removal. Imagine the sewage system of a city clogged and backing up, this is your colon and whats
happening to you right now. You should go to the toilet on average at least once or twice a day with a
reasonably good sized fecal matter depending on how many times you go per day, so twice a day
means the combination of the poop that you do in that day is the same as the poop that you do once a
day which should be reasonably long. Take probiotics and a low dose (one teaspoon) of psyllium husk
fiber to keep your poop from being too hard and also to have beneficial flora for your gut to fight
against candida and other strains of bad bacteria and fungus. Taking a high dose of psyllium husk might
induce diarrhea so only increase it incrementally to what you are comfortable with. Once the colon is
clean which the high fruit intake will help this dramatically, then you clean the liver following Hulda
Clark or Richard Schulze's method. This can take some work and patience but the results are worth it in
the end. The liver has such a vital role in the body and needs to be clean. Most livers are riddled with
stones along with the gallbladder, also many have many fatty deposits which need clearing for proper
body function. The Jesuits love to attack this organ because its basically the General of the organs and
the body regulator!
The easiest part of healing is your physical body. Stop unknowingly taking in poison and let
your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. Your stomach is acidic on purpose, so
don't take highly alkaline stuff in large quantities like baking soda into your digestive system unless
you're dealing with cancer inside you or something by which you should look into baking soda therapy
but don't take Arm & Hammer baking soda and instead, use Bob's Red Mill pure baking soda that is
made naturally without metals. Take legally aquired medical non synthetic, natural CBD oil (not to be

confused with hemp[seed] oil), but know that it is not a cure for every disease and don't take synthetic
cannabis for that's just poison. The Gerson therapy (coffee enema) is one of the many methods to cure
cancer. There's then the hydrogen peroxide therapy and MMS (Sodium Chlorite) though it's better to
use ozone therapy than this if possible since when it comes into contact with mercury via amalgam
fillings, it becomes mercuric oxide which is worse than the already terrible mercury that isn't safe in
any amount. Stem cells can heal some diseases that supposedly has no known cure very fast, but you
need to go to Mexico or wherever you can legally inject them in the problematic area, though it's a
touchy subject. The urine therapy is to drink your own urine untreated which it's sterile and contains
antibodies that was in you which you can recycle, using the new antibodies with the old to fight off
diseases much better but one should look into Homeopathy for people are hesitant to drink their own
pee even though it works. You can also do grounding, taking some Vitamin B17 from the seeds from
any fruit or extracted from apricot seeds, taking medicinal mushrooms such as reishi mushrooms
(which you should take after an X-Ray), Vitamin C in the organic orange form or in the chemical
Sodium Ascorbate form because Ascorbic acid is derived from GMO corn processed in China and is
quite acidic.
If you're going to take Vitamin C, take 18 grams a day. If you're a child then you take a gram for
every year old until your 10 years then you just take the 18 grams. Vitamin C will protect you from
colds, free radicals and disease. Vitamin C destroys cancer and tumors very easily. It's such a wonderful
product, it's a shame that everyones been scared off it by the Rockefeller indoctrination Mafia clique.
Its amazing how so many people fear Vitamin C and talk of overdosing etc. These people have such an
opinion based on absolutely nothing. Check up on Linus Pauling, Fredrick Klenner, Thomas Levy,
Robert Cathcart and Steve Hickey/Hilary Roberts. Also look into Liposomal Vitamin C.
Many methods that is used to treat, remove, and heal from cancer is also how prevent cancer by
which it must be done throughout your life obviously instead of worrying about your life when you
might not have any leftover in the future when you can life your life now the right way that God
intended for you to live. Some of the ailments afflicting people that I haven't addressed in this pdf
therefore can be cured if you understand and do what this pdf says. Probably the second most important
thing to avoid taking in is anything that contains yeast, mold, mildew, and fungus, for those cells' DNA
merges with the host's DNA creating a hybrid cell called cancer which still acts like a fungus but it can't
be fought against by the host as the host body either sees it as a part of the body or the cancer itself just
takes in and converts the host's cells into more fungus. Change pH, oxygen, cell voltage and hydration
levels with some heavy metal contamination creates an environment that pathogens love to jump into
the weakened cell. Anything that causes such an environment is carcinogenic. In such a state, one
disease that isn't caused by cancer might be taken over by cancer which then goes into everywhere.
Gaston Naessens has discovered an ultramicroscopic, subcellular, living and reproducing microscopic
form which he christened a somatid (tiny body). This new particle could be cultured outside the
bodies of the host. Naessens also observed that the particle had a pleomorphic (form-changing) life
cycle, and had a sixteen-stage life cycle. Only the first three stages of the somatid life cycle are normal.
Naessens discovered that when the immune system is weakened or disrupted, the somatids go through
the other thirteen stages. The weakening of the immune system could be brought about by a number of

reasons such exposure to chemical pollution, ionising radiation, electric fields, poor nutrition,
accidents, shock, depression, and many more. The research of Gaston Naessens has culminated in the
discovery of 714X, an enzyme which helps the immune system to do its job. 714X is a derivative of
camphor and is injected interlymphatically, a process that the medical fraternity holds to be impossible.
Yet the fact remains that many people have learned how to administer the medication through lymph
nodes. When properly administered, 714X stabilises and strengthens the immune system in most cases.
This allows the immune system to go about its normal business in ridding the body of disease. In other
words, cancer is treated like an infection, not a state of cells. Taking the 714X enzyme can help fight
cancer and other diseases even against Lyme's disease but not after chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy
since it works with a immune system which those things destroys. 714X doesnt kill the cancer cells
directly but blocks them from feeding themselves.
Chemotherapy is around 10% effective overall, this makes its less than a PLACEBO (in the
mind) which they rate at 30%. Chemo destroys the immune system which helps you fight your cancer
so don't do it. Infectious conditions are created by any parasite that wants to live inside the host,
creating a highly acidic environment and they're usually invincible against the body's immune system.
Use herbs like blackwalnut, cloves, garlic, onion and wormwood to expel them out of you and eating
lots of meat is not advised during the detox process since many feed off of acidic decaying meat and
your body becomes more acidic which would be helping the parasites to not excrete their own acid to
create a safe environment for them to live. Many diseases are also caused by neurotoxins (like MSG)
which stops the brain from receiving information from the various parts of the body, making it much
harder for the body to heal itself which painkillers and other brain and nervous system altering
chemicals do against the body that Chiropractors know all too well about. Artificial food coloring is
carcinogenic and some of them are neurotoxins, while containing trace amounts of arsenic, mercury,
and lead. HIV and AIDS just doesn't exist, it's everything but HIV and AIDS that causes sickness which
is grouped into the terrible disease that is all up in your brain. So what is it? Sulfnamides,
Trimethoprim, Prednisone, Cyclophosphomide, Cytotoxic drugs, antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and
Corticosteroids, Glucocorticoids containing drugs, street drugs like crack cocaine, crystal meth, alkyl
nitrites Poppers (Mostly due their side effects and treatments), heavy use of aspirin, malnutrition, bad
sanitation. Make no doubt about it, the drugs which they use to treat HIV/AIDS are the same drugs
which create the illness and symptoms. Quite simply NOT HIV.
Stop taking GMOs for it contains a self-destruct sequence in the Micro RNA that the body uses
as building material for making its own DNA, which then the dying unstable cells are fuel for
cancer/fungus and other pathogens. Alcoholic beverages is probably the worst carcinogenic substance
there is as the mycotoxin (fungus toxins) created from the yeast that makes alcohol, causes the merging
of cells and the DNA to have the body's immune system defenseless as it thinks of the cancer as the
body's natural cells. Although alcohol is another problem, it is the high levels of mycotoxins itself that
makes people drunk and sugar as fructose is worse than alcohol in many aspects though you can't get
alcohol without having mycotoxins that is fungi poison, that is cancer causing poisons. There is no
point in worrying about whether such drinks are GMO or not, it's very bad. CoQ10 is mostly derived
from GMO tobacco so don't take it.

Avoid fructose and sucrose in any factory manufactured form and also avoid sugar substitutes
more, maybe except for Stevia not in the processed powder form, Xylitol frorm non-GMO sources, and
last resort, Manuka honey. If you are going to use powdered sugar, only get fair trade brown sugar for if
it isn't it's most likely sugar made in the Dominican Republic by slave labor from the deceived
Haitians. The more you substitute glucose, the more damage is done, and you get enough sugar from
meats and greens so don't think of taking in more sugar if you want your body to stop storing fats.
Glucose is good calories and carbohydrates that your body needs for energy while fructose and sucrose
is as bad as ethanol and alcohol, just without the buzz. All the bad stuff attributed to sugar is because of
fructose and sucrose. Go do a simple metabolic type test for free online and find out your metabolic
type for this will determine what you should eat more and less of overall whether it be more proteins or
more carbs or a balance between both.
Vaccines are a complete Fraud and have been since Edward Jenner introduced them to the
world. Funny enough what was Edward Jenner? A Jesuit! Jenner invented smallpox of the cow which
didnt exist. Thanks to Dr. Charles Creighton, Jenner was exposed as the devious fraud he was.
Vaccines are just another way for the Jesuits' favorite method of assassination is The Cup of Borgia
which is poisoning. Vaccines are the inquisition again! Jesuit Francis Xavier was a big part in the
creation of Vaccines after being sent to Japan and India to find out more the poisons from local
medicine men. Look into Dr Leonard Horowitz's research as he's the authority on vaccines. There are
many people these days turning against this devious, wicked plan. They also want to utilize vaccines to
inoculate the population with the new nanobots they have containing some DNA code to attack the
brain which many had felt a burning sensation inside their brains, along with mercury 25,000 times the
EPA limit and other neurotoxins. Bill Gates has been funding for quite some time now mood changing
implant chips in Korea. Funny how he wants to inoculate Africans from various disease looking like a
good guy using the media to lure the sheeple into believing its a good thing. The role of the Red Cross
and such groups is just to commit genocide on the victims the Jesuits desire to be destroyed! Look how
they couldnt bribe those red Indians (true Americans) who owned the lakes not so long back. What did
the Jesuits do? Theyve inoculated them for whatever diseases which will basically either end up killing
them off through lack of fertility or dumb them down that much over time they will cave in. I go for the
first option myself knowing the Jesuits! They tried to say for years that viruses didnt cause cancer.
Viruses are not the route of the problem as this lies with the dysfunctioning of the body but they DO
trigger cancer and its always been known. Why do you think they had the Special Virus Cancer
Program which theyve used to develop MMVs (Mouse Mammary Viruses). Its funny how we find out
about MMV and suddenly see a pandemic of major proportions of breast cancer which is MMV. Stay
well clear of any vaccine (biowarfare agent) but especially these dangerous Ebola variants. Dr. Maurice
Hilleman of Merck laughed in an censored interview admitting that he was responsible in spreading
immune deficiency and cancer via the SV40 virus in the Polio vaccine and that vaccines were a bargain
basement technology for the 20th Century. He also admitted that the Yellow Fever vaccine has the
leukemia virus in it. A bit off tangent but armadillos carry leprosy, and many bad viruses comes from
biblically unclean animals that causes Zoonosis which means diseases that can be passed from animals
to humans. Never trust a pharmaceutical company whos interest is simply in currency not health and

adding population control compounds on orders of the World Bank and local government. A good rule
of thumb is to never trust a vaccine maker. Most of the so-called Ebola during the staged scare was
nothing more than the symptoms of malaria and side-effects of man-made polluting of wells with
formaldehyde used in order to coup detat Africa in an attempt to combat China amongst other reasons.
Funny how that all changed when they had something to market yet again to poor women (they target
women such a lot) which was the vaccine against cervical cancer. They loved to tell us that HPV causes
cervical cancer then didnt they. Vaccines and other methods of injection through the skin into your
blood is bypassing your body's defense systems (your natural hermetic seal called the skin, and also
bypasses the digestive system) so it is unnatural. GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating
Factor), a blood product, claims to treat a range of conditions including cancer, HIV and autism. It
undos the damage done by Nagalese enzymes which tumors produce that is contained in infant
vaccines which those bad enzymes block the natural production of GcProtein that becomes GcMAF but
Nagalese can't break down GcMAF therefore it cah help you heal and also potentially get rid of your
vaccine caused autism if there wasn't much time passed. GcMAF restores the energetic balance in the
cell. Cancer cells driven by sugar metabolism become healthy oxygen driven cells, so tumor cells no
longer behave as parasitic organisms. GcMAF stimulates macrophages to consume the cancer cells and
cells invaded by viruses. This stimulation of the immune system and the anti-angiogenetic effect
surrounding the tumor is beneficial in cancer and several neurological disorders like autism, chronic
fatigue, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. Unfortunately in the USA, that product is made illegal by the
FDA but you can still order it although illegally to the USA. If you want to get rid of heavy metals, eat
plenty of apples or take malic acid drinks which is excellent at removing aluminum. Essiac tea with
herbs such as Slippery Elm are good chelators. The best chelator is glucronic acid which is found in
properly prepared Kombucha tea. EDTA is another way of chelating and you can use selenium which
does the same. People talk about using selenium and Vitamin E for possibly curing Agyria. The
selenium bonds to the metal and then Vitamin E washes selenium out.
Avoid any hydrogenated oils since they almost always come from GMO sources, but it also
contains metals like aluminum which is used as a catalyst when passing high concentrations of
hydrogen heated up thousands of degrees through the vegetable oil which that process is called
hydrogenation. It is closer to plastic than it is to oil and as it makes normal oil thicker, so would your
blood be thicker. Avoid cold drinks and food since the fats harden in your veins and guts, and viruses
flourish in lower temperatures. If you want balanced fats in your diet, take one tablespoon of coconut
oil everyday, use some hempseed oil instead of flaxseed oil, and only use cold pressed organic extra
virgin olive oil for the best olive oil. Avocados and krill oil also contains good Omega 3 fats that you
need. Although you need Omega 6, you will probably never run out of that fat. Don't take margarine
and vegetable oil spreads which is actually just hydrogenated vegetable oil with non-hydrogenated
vegetable oil which the hydrogenated part is what margarine is. Be careful of fish oil, cod liver oil, and
krill oil as they might contain Lipid Peroxides which is a chemical warfare agent. Malondialdehyde
(MDA) and 4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) are two other lipid peroxides that are known to play a direct role
in disease and cellular damage. MDA reacts with DNA to form a known mutagen and HNE has been
linked to several diseases such as Alzheimers disease, cataracts, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer. It

also damages every part of your cells, including DNA, RNA, enzymes and cell membranes. That being
said, Fermented Codfish Liver Oil mixed with High Vitamin Butter Oil in a 2 to 1 ratio a teaspoon or a
tablespoon a day is perfectly fine. Fermented Codfish Liver Oil (FCLO) as the name implies, it's
fermented so all the negative effects within normal Codfish Liver Oil is gone without the loss of its
healing attributes with other methods like distilling, filtering, and heating treatments that is too focused
on the extraction of the Omega 3 oils when such treatments don't have much enzymes, Vitamin A and
D. Algae might have lots of Omega 3's but it doesn't have the properties that FCLO has, neither FCLO
has what Spirulina or Chlorella or Klamanth Blue-Green Algae has and I think they both need to be
taken. A company called Green Pasture sells said product as Blue Ice Royal Gel, I recommend it.
If you want to lose the weight, only eat lean meats from kosher fish and birds though you could
just take less and less meats and use some willpower to resist your addiction to unhealthy foods and
drinks in moderation. If you're going to eat good meat, make sure it's organic and eat the organs as they
contain some densely packed fats, proteins only found in animal meat and eggs, nutrients and minerals
that fruits and vegetables are lacking in or just plainly don't have any of, but don't take meat when
you're detoxing. Try not to cook your eggs but just drink them raw. You won't need to eat meat for its
benefits as often if you eat organ meats. Red meat can help weakened people gain some energy faster
than normal chicken meat. Avoid fried and stir fried meats. Boiled or grilled is prefered. Boiled lobster
is prefered over fried lobster, grilled chicken over fried chicken, grilled meat over stir fried meat but
don't put sauce in the grilled meat when grilling. Stir fry and fried foods have extra fat in them. Just
detox properly a few times per year and you should be fine.
Barley, wheat, and rye contain the gluten protein that causes lots of nasty symptoms even to
gluten tolerant people but it is very extreme in gluten intolerant people, though it's actually because of
it cointaining pesticides and it being GMO. A gluten free diet is not a life choice for people who had
suffered from celiac disease, Hashimoto's disease, and autism. Just because you have a gluten free diet
doesn't necessarily mean that you have an organic diet which is first priority for everyone. Many
different crops were sprayed with glyphosates that kills gut flora and it's in the Monsato Roundup
herbicide and pesticide GMOs are genetically modified/engineered to make glyphosates or other
chemicals inside of itself so that it becomes a natural pesticide. It's actually not limited to gluten as
some people are also allergic to vegetables that uses this. What people should be afraid of is whether
they or their children have abnormal gut flora or not which means that they need to take fermented food
and drinks like kimchi, kombucha, keifer, etc. Abnormal gut flora causes autism along with other
problems. Look into Dr. Andrew Wakefield's and Dr. Natasha campbell-McBride's research and the
GAPS diet. Take more gelatin for your gut health which there's so many in bone broths. Don't forget
that there is a spine between the gut and the brain, the nervous system that is attatched to the brain and
the many organs in your body. Many grains contains excess mold and fungus so then they get bleached
to hide and remove such things so you might want to avoid eating white rice and most other grains
during detox and cleansing. Eat a bowl of organic, unbleached, germinated or brown or mixed rice or
just don't eat rice at all. That being said, unrefined Wheatgerm oil isn't bad. If you want to dramatically
increase your changes of getting pregnant then put both sex partners on one tablespoon three times a
day of unrefined wheatgerm oil. You should conceive by around two months or less. Wheatgerm oil is

great for detoxifying the reproductive organs of both man and woman along with feeding the area.
Stop using wireless technology such as Wi-Fi routers, smartmeters, cellphones, smartphones,
EMFs, electric clocks, fluorescent lights, electric blankets (causes leukemia and miscarriages) and
microwave ovens. If you get a body scan or an X-Ray, take some reishi mushrooms. Replace
incandescent and fluorescent lightbulbs with LED lightbulbs as they last for decades while using a
small fraction of voltage which can save you so much money while being very bright and it contains no
mercury but don't get the General Electric ones and don't get lightbulbs that's lower than 800 lumens
(personal preferences may vary). LED lightbulbs might cause dirty electricity so take that into
consideration whether you want incandesent or LED but fluorescent is out of the picture. Stay as far
away as you can from substations and cellphone towers, the radiation is overwhelming in such places
for sensitive people. Stay over 100 miles away from nuclear power plants as the water is contaminated.
Keep away from the TV, the computer, the circuit breaker, anything with a high EMF with a good 6+
feet of distance. Place Orgonite (not to be confused with the Orgone Accumulator) that contains
shungite powder and black iron oxide nano particles near electronics and any wireless devices if you
insist on using constant radiation, have them where you spend the longest time in, and have a small one
on you wherever you go. You'll get lots of subtle energy near such Orgonite, but some people have an
adverse reaction to it so it isn't for everyone. Alkaline rich foods (fruits and vegetables) are high in
negative ions or anions. Antioxidants attaches themselves to free radicals and oxidants and all
antioxidants all contain negative ions while free radicals, viruses, etc., is missing a charge or two.
Colloidal silver binds themselves to those things and gets rid of them, similar concept with taking 3.5%
peroxide or ozonated water which have an extra oxygen atom but also makes it ionic and it breaks
down into an ionic form of oxygen that kills many bad things. Colloidal silver will not affect certain
viruses. Very tiny amounts are put into suspension in water, and generally the particles are too small to
see individually and too small to settle to the bottom of the container, so they stay in solution, which is
what colloidal means. Oxygen rich blood detoxifies better and faster which ozonated water can
provide. Oxygenated water is better than normal water but ozonated water is better than oxygenated
water. Use a high ppm collodial silver solution that you can dillute with filtered water, it's usually
cheaper that way than buying ridiculously expensive 10 ppm collodial silver water, one expensive
brand being Sovereign Silver. Keep salt away from silver at all costs. Antioxidants are not oxidizing
agents, they're free radical scavengers, Sodium Ascorbate taken intravenously can create an oxidizing
effect that can be used to fight off viruses like Ebola, but Homeopathy, Polyatomic Apheresis Ozone
therapy or IV Hydrogen Peroxide or IV Vitamin C would work against real Ebola, if there was any
Stop doing drugs, avoid breathing in smoke and fumes from anything, there is no good smoky
air for if the tar doesn't pollute your lungs. E-Cigarettes contain the industrial anti-freeze: Propylene
Glycol (also in some popular makeup, hair gel, lotion, shaving cream/gel, cooling gel, hair spray, etc.),
heavy metals like nickel and of course, lots of nicotine. Chantix and other drugs to have people quit
smoking causes more problems than it should just like anything in the system. Fumes from unleaded
fuel are a neurotoxin and like most smoky clouds from burnt material is carcinogenic. Chemtrails are
white plumes which to many look like a normal contrail except thats the only similarity in the initial

laying down stages. Unfortunately these plumes linger for hours and spread across the sky to the
desired location and patterns due to satellite scalar polarization weaponry. Their used for depopulation
of the masses, military communication and 3D mapping, jamming of communications and eaves
dropping, missile defense when used in conjunction with HAARP, heat and light deflection away from
earth from the sun. When you get a bug its because you're polluted and the bugs are your friends, its
God's way of cleansing the earth. If you were not polluted you would hardly get any problems! No one
cannot stop themselves from breathing all day long in order to not inhale chemtrails. If you get sick,
you can beat this with your own urine taken internally in large dosages (1-2 liters through the day) and
ozonated water inhaling through a nebuliser. Get a good air filter/purifier and don't stay too long under
the clouds full of chemtrails containing radioactive elements, metals, viruses, fungus (can be a
genetically modified one for that matter), and unknown nanofibers that are genetically modified
through nanotechnology of a monster that's in between Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota. Plants like
English Ivy, Peacy Lily, Red-Edged Dracaena (Dracaena Marginata), Snake Plant (Mother-in-Laws
Tongue), Golden Pothos, and Chrysanthemum are great for a natural air filter as they create oxygen and
with enough oxygen, ozone, while removing 20% of the dust in the air and taking in Formaldehyde,
Benzene, and Trichloroethane (some of these remove other chemicals as well) and replacing it with
Orgonite is considered by many people as psuedoscience, even by alternative medicine
practitioners. Although the creator of orgonite was a black magic user called Karl Hans Welz, he simply
incorporated the concepts of Wilhelm Reich in a method where it would require less material to
generate better results than Wilhelm Reich's Orgone box or blanket as he had figured out that fine
metals and plastic resin works well. It was until later when his registered Orgone Generator, Chi
Generator, Prana Generator Chi-Card and Orgonite products had basically become well known
to the public as to how it can be made and used so people experimented with adding crystals and wire
coiling, magnets, even precious metals and decomposable materials. Karl Welz uses his registered
names for his products as a way to keep people he doesn't like to not sell their own stylized deviations
of New Age metaphysical objects as Orgonite. To avoid such things, orgonite makers sometimes
avoid the use of naming their products as orgonite. There are two sides to the current concept of
orgonite: the scientific side, and the metaphysical side. Almost always nobody sells these purely in the
scientific side sadly because mainstream Aristotelian reductionist science won't dare to have a huge
study about this. Basic orgonite has a 50/50 mix of organic and inorganic materials, organic being
carbon based. It works better if the inorganic metals are very very small so that in between every small
metal there is organic material which makes a very small noncoherent layers of organic and inorganic
material similar to Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulator devices like the orgone box and blanket. The
problem with some orgonite and all orgone accumulators is that they gather in this pranic, aetheric
energy and releases it in a higher intensity so its aura can be detected by kirlian photography and can
emit radiation in higher doses than the ambient surroundings but if placed near electronics and in Wi-Fi
routers, it would multiply its effects and cause a negative reaction especially to people who are
sensitive to EMF pollution. To remedy this, people had experimented with many different kinds of
metals and crystals big and small. Some people don't like the intensity that aluminum gives off in

orgonite, some people find powdered nano sized black iron oxide to be highly efficient and also
because of its effects when in close contact with microwave energy as it converts it into heat, some
people find using 99% silicon dioxide (SiO2) sand to be better than placing bigger crystals, some
people use black tourmaline crystals because of how it absorbs the surrounding ionic fields, some
people coil their crystals and place them near the apex of a pyramid mold when casting, trying to
incorporate the words of New Ager Les Brown's research about crystals, some people use shungite
because of how Russia uses it as a healing mineral and to block radiation by using powdered shungite
in their paints as shielding paint. There's somebody called Georg Ritschl who had documented
phenomenons of the skies clearing up when they place orgonite near cellphone towers. Even if the skies
actually do clear up because of orgonite, no one can properly explain why it works. No one so far had
proven that the chemtrail particles doesn't fall down to the ground. Just plant mycorrhizal fungi in your
lawn and where you would grow your plants and produce, learn to use the Back to Eden gardening
method, and don't till the ground. Those fungi would eat up the junk in the environment, including the
chemtrail fallout. There are claims that placing crystals makes the compressed aetheric energy from the
orgonite to be good energy instead of an amplified version of whatever that is placed into it. Their
justification to this is assuming that there is some piezoelectric effect going on when the orgonite is
being cured as the resin hardens up. If there is any piezoelectric effect going on, it isn't that strong.
People who wants to harness this amplification properties of orgonite uses radionics and also
frequencies into it like having it vibrate at the Schumann resonance to mimic the earth's natural
frequencies or using solfeggio frequencies, Rife frequencies, etc., which when wrapped around a
crystal in a specific way would supposedly create a scalar field and also makes the wrapped crystal to
light up when the wires are being energized with such frequencies causing it to vibrate which them in
turn releases the energy as visible light. Does using such frequencies help? It just adds a strong
frequency generating field from the orgonite and if it is at an harmonic frequency that heals the body,
then yes, but it won't get rid of the surrounding energies. Therefore, the passive ingredients in orgonite
would be what can potentially create a bubble of corrected more coherent form of energy. There is no
real proof that orgonite with quartz crystals that isn't being vibrated with some frequency generator and
coils connected to the generator would have any energetic effect in its own besides having the normal
properties of a quartz. Quartz crystals being piezoelectric, converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. So a thin layer of finely crushed quartz powder can in theory create some sort of a field that
blocks electrical fields into mechanical fields which being held together by resin, wouldn't just go
away. I don't know how would any orgonite would block magnetic fields or filter them to a more
coherent field that isn't destructive to the body. If it contains diamagnetic materials and have magnets in
it it would conform to the magnetic field but then you have the magnet as a potential problem unless
you studied magnet therapy well enough to make orgonite to always face the magnetic south side away
from the orgonite towards you and the magnetic north side away from you towards the inside of the
orgonite. Supposedly a New Age tensor coil ring would neutralize the bad effects of a magnetic field
but it is hard to prove or disprove since most people don't know which side of a magnet inhibits
growth. Magnet therapy can only work in a high gauss, so small neodymium magnets would only affect
the iron composition of the red blood cells to only slightly increase blood flow to the area of the
magnet but not contributing to long lasting healing effects. Besides a magnetic pulser made in Bob

Beck's specifications, a big pulsing magnet that goes up and down under your bed isn't good for
extended periods, especially when it's facing magnetic north towards you. The strong magnets that I am
talking about are made out of neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) and samarium cobalt (SmCo). Get a disc
shaped one, use the magnetic south side towards your body, keep metals and electronics away from you
and the magnet.
Replace your mercury fillings/silver fillings/amalgams and your glass ionomer fluoride
releasing fillings with superior composite fillings. Many, if not, all cancer cells contains mercury just as
all heavy metals attracts such pathogens. You breathe in mercury vapors which is bad for your lungs
and you take in the most mercury into the digestive system by chewing. Never ever let your dentist to
push down too hard on your jaw and neither should you bite down too hard for too long as it seems to
become the cause of temporary TMD/TMJ that goes away after 2 weeks and at worse cases, it get so
bad that you can't hear and it's stays like that longer than a whole month. Use organic coconut oil for oil
pulling, which is just swishing a mouthful of vegetable oil for 20 minutes straight on an empty stomach
then spitting it out. This is preferably done in the morning, and since the bad bacteria is left inside your
mouth, you can just brush your teeth with sodium bicarbonate (AKA: Baking Soda), gargle with salt
water, and floss afterwards as a part of your morning routine. You can use Dr. Christopher's Formulas
Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder or Redmond Earthpaste Toothpaste to try to "remineralize" your teeth
though if you are using Homeopathy it isn't advised to do so because of the strong aromatic oils used
like peppermint, and some people don't think that you can fill a teeth where there was a hole in via
remineralization since if it did work, fluoride would actually fill in cavity holes as if it never existed
which I never found such drastic proof of in the same manner in usage of remineralizing toothpastes so
I would think that aluminum free baking soda is the only alternative to the various toxins containing in
normal toothpaste. The only superior remineralization that I can recommend is the one using vibratory
frequencies directed to the damaged tooth promoting healing and real remineralization, which may or
may not be widely available in the future. Root canal implants causes many varying diseases depending
of what kind of bacteria sticks into the implant which then if that root canal implant was removed and
used again in another man or animal, that creature would receive the same disease that the previous
creature received so it can be duplicated. Coconut oil is an alternative to baking soda as toothpaste. A
mix of aluminum free baking soda and coconut oil is also good, adding either colloidal silver or
Himalayan pink salt, a few drops of Neem oil, and Xylitol can be done, play around with it.
Stop listening to chaotic music and any music that's encoded in the A = 440Hz. Start listening to
music encoded in A = 432 Hz concert pitch, preferably ambient or downtempo, just nothing too
exciting that causes negative thoughts or over-excitement. Use speakers or a surround sound system if
you want to have the full benefit of the energy flowing through the music as those vibrations goes into
your body instead of just your ears as you feel it in all parts of your body. Avoid listening to emotional
music with simple lyrics for it will keep you and make you too emotional to keep a clear mind. That
also applies to worship music. You can be a prisoner of your own emotions just as you can be a
prisoner of your own logic. Music just bypasses manyt mental barriers put up by your logical state of
consciousness and into your emotional state of consciousness AKA: unconsciousness AKA: the
unconscious state of consciousness. Normal, positive classical music, as in, not trying to push bad

emotions for too long neither good emotions. will heal your bad emotions while chaotic music like
metal, rock, dubstep, rap, etc., will invoke the root chakra negatively to have people be active in
physically violent hateful energy. One doesn't need to listen to music that is tuned to 432 Hz,
Pythagorean tuning and Just Intonation tuning is good as well to get closer to real music.
Take some seaweed, chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina (perhaps you might want to try Vitamineral
Green instead of buying seaweed, chorella, spirulina and such separately) and other raw greens in a
juicer that presses it without applying too much heat because many blenders spins too hot and breaks
down the needed enzymes. You can try the Nutribullet, but I don't know if it would work. Optionally,
put some drops of Lugol's Solution (potassium iodide and iodine) in it as well for intent of Iodine
therapy. Take lots of other vitamins, enzymes, and minerals with it to balance it and don't over use it. A
proper balance of selenium and iodine would balance the thyroid. You can also put some drops of
Lugol's Solution in some water in order to detox from excess fluoride/fluorine, chloride/chlorine, and
bromide/bromine, preferably with filtered and/or ozonated and/or distilled, structured hexagonal water
which is either spun through a vortex and/or goes through a strong magnetic field in order to structurize
the water as H2O3. Some sea plants may have iodine, but it isn't good for certain situations or
preferences like avoiding pollution and radioactive iodine created by the Fukushima nuclear reactor
dump affecting the Pacific Ocean. Remember that distilled water would suck the minerals out of you so
I don't recommend long term use of it. Aluminum with fluoride causes much more brain damage,
accelerating Altzheimer's disease and other brain diseases. Don't take chocolate, dark chocolate,
especially cacao, for it has lots of bromine that damages the thyroid gland which weakens your immune
system. Avoid soy products such as edamame, tofu, natto, and even soy lecithin as they inhibit the
pancreas from creating natural anticancer enzymes, keeps iodine away from the thyroid, cause goiter
because of the goitrogens, the isoflavones being a phytoestrogen mimics human estrogen which disturb
endocrine function, cause infertility, and promote breast cancer. People with insulin problems need to
take enzyme rich vegetables and much less enzyme rich fruits through a good juicer, colon, liver
cleanse, avoid sugar, change their diet, look into food and herbs that treats your conditions, etc., though
that tip can apply to many ailments. Take a couple of drops of Lugol's Solution or preferably the more
expensive colloidal iodine (nascent iodine) in a cup of water once every day and stop taking soy period.
Dissolve a little bit of Himalayan pink salt in the purified water before you drink it for it contains 84
trace minerals and elements (including iodine) your body needs while normal refined salt is mostly
glass and is also fluoridated. Morton's iodized salt is processed salt which then sea salt is superior to it
though Redmond salt and Himalayan pink salt are better. You can add a little bit of organic apple cider
vinegar "with the mother" into that water too, contains natural enzymes and amino acids and also helps
you lose weight. Water with a little bit of apple cider vinegar or lemon/lime juice allows the iodine to
be taken in better. Fulvic and Humic acid is also good to add in your water which it contains trace
minerals but get ones in glass not in plastic containers. It's best to take certain supplements at different
times of the day separately to avoid potentially bad combinations with things that you are not certain
about its compatibility. I would avoid mixing fulvic acid with salts and would avoid iodine with fulvic
acid. Learn or relearn some basic chemistry if you are not certain. Drink a glass of clean, pure water in
the morning before you do anything, but it can be substituted with herbal teas and drinks.

Look into getting Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj's research to practice. Almost everyone is subclinically dehydrated (you dont know it), this results in various ailments from anything from Arthritis
to allergies etc. People need to find their weight out in pounds (lb) then half this amount and take that
in ounces (oz) in water daily. An example is 100lb person should take 50oz of water. For every 1 liter
of water taken you need 1/4tsp (1250mg) of real salt such as Himalayan Salt. Water helps body
functioning, detoxing/cleansing, digestion and much much more. You should always drink a glass of
water 30-40 minutes prior to eating and 2.5 hours after eating and NEVER in between. Drink 1 to 2 8oz
of water during an asthma attack. Asthma is just the lungs fighting to keep their water reserves which
the body is trying to steal through lack of body water. If the lungs give it up then you would die from
shredded lungs. If you don't drink tap (fluoridated) water but using a filter (like ZeroWater or Berkley)
for the tap water, you probably still exposed to it through your skin by taking a bath or shower in it, so
get a good fluoride filter even for your shower head or take shorter showers. What filters fluoride
usually filters everything else as well for it's the hardest chemical to remove from water which reverse
osmosis and distilled water doesn't fully do the job. Ozone generators however can neutralize
poisonous chemicals and kill deadly pathogens so you should consider getting a good ozone generator.
You also might consider getting a mechanism like the Super Imploder as structurized hexagonal water
is 40,000 times more active in energy, kills off pathogens strangely, balances your pH level, is in a form
that can be accepted into the body more rapidly than normal non flowing water as it's not clumped
together as much, and that 40,000 time more energy means faster responses in your brain. I don't
recommend people get water ionizer machines just to drink alkaline water for the same reason I don't
recommend people taking sodium bicarbonate in large quantities for the same reason I don't
recommend distilled water though distilled water must be used for Homeopathy and medicine, for it
provides a clean slate which the added ingredient is the only factor that is taken to consideration of it's
healing capabilities. Just as a lack of heat causes freeze burns while an excess of heat causes burns, a
high pH level is as bad as a low pH level. Distilled water is acidic, sodium bicarbonate is highly
alkaline and ionized water is also alkaline but usually not highly alkaline so it won't kill you. Mineral
water is better for normal drinking, but colloidal silver should be used with distilled/pure water as
mineral water might contain salts and the impurity of the water would hinder colloidal silver's
capabilities along with other medicine that requires distilled water. You can combine multiple water
enhancing methods, but some can't be used with others so for example, adding colloidal silver with
water that has dissolved salt in it.
Processed food tend to be lacking in nutrition, if not, deadly poison that accumulates in you the
more and more processed it is. Never put unnatural and unhealthy lotions, moisturizers, deodorants
(Crystal deodorant sticks are the only exception), aerosol deodorant body sprays, shampoo, oil, skin
patches, tattoos, etc., on your skin for whatever it is, it (parabens, aluminum, synthetic chemicals) will
be absorbed into your body so stick with natural materials. Skin cancer is mostly called by a lack of the
body's normal skin oil washed away too quickly and too often from taking too much showers, which
carcinogenic sunscreen lotion makes it worse when you could had used coconut oil instead. Use pure
olive or coconut oil soap or castile soap from a reliable source when showering. Avoid rayon, nylon,
polyester, acrylic, Acetate or Triacetate, no-iron, wrinkle free and preshrunk clothing items. Wash them

before wearing them as it contains formaldehyde which is in vaccines too. Wrinkle free or no-iron
should be considered a warning for carcinogenic perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). Teflon for pans is a
PFC. Petrochemical dyes are used for fibers in those Asian textile factories that profusely pollute
nearby waterways. Some name brand clothing has Nonylphenol Ehtoxylate (NPE), used in China and
South-East Asia factories. Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) are commonly used as detergents in textile
industries abroad that are contracted by multi-national USA and EU-based clothing companies. NPEs
break down to form nonylphenol, a toxin with hormone-disrupting properties similar to BPA. Black
clothing and dyes for leathers often contain p-Phenylenediamine (PPD), which can produce allergic
reactions. Flame retardants can appear in bedding and nightwear. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
and dioxin-producing bleach are used by textile industries. Athletic shoes that contain cloth contain
some of these toxins. Avoid using plastics like Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) which contains
bromine and leeches with sun and heat exposure, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC), Bispheneol-A (BPA), Bisphenol-S (BPS) and Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), as
they release chemicals that mimics estrogen and makes you weaker and more feminine unnaturally and
causes hormonal imbalances, Polystyrene (PS) AKA: styrofoam which leeches styrene that is a
neurotoxin and a carcinogen. Polypropylene (PP) also leeches, but it's high heat tolerance make it
unlikely to leech but like all plastics, it is still bad for you. If your home contains soft, flexible plastic
flooring, such as vinyl or those padded play-mat floors for kids (often used in day cares and
kindergartens, too), theres a good chance it is made from PVC which it contains phthalates, or
"plasticizers," which are a group of industrial chemicals used to make plastics like PVC more flexible
and resilient. They're also one of the most pervasive endocrine disrupters so far discovered. Along with
common uses in PVC flooring, phthalates are also commonly found in toys, food packaging, shower
curtains, plastic medical equipment, household cleaners, cosmetics, personal care products and even in
infant formula and baby food, likely because they migrated from the packaging materials. The
household dust containing phtalates is linked to chronic health conditions like allergies and asthma,
increasing autism twofold. Orgonite being half plastic, would mean that you might want to consider not
being in physical contact with it for too long to have the plastic leech into your skin with enough heat
and long exposure. Use ceramic or wooden kitchenwares, including utensils unless you really need to
use them even if they're not ceramic or wooden for example, at a restaurant or when you have guests
over who you want to impress with your silverware. Use cast iron pans and cookware instead of Teflon,
aluminum, silicone, plastic coated pans and cookware. If you worry about taking in too much iron, take
some chelators. Whether or not you want to use a ceramic or stainless steel for your knives is all up to
you since you can sharpen a steel knife but you can't sharpen a ceramic knife. Glass (not to be confused
with glass-ceramic which is good), metal, and plastic should be avoided as much as possible in least to
greatest order, though glass and metal are always better than plastic, glass and metal inside our bodies
isn't so great but using such things to eat food and getting trace amounts of them does little to no harm
with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Miron glass is the best to preserve things that breaks down easily
under light, but it's not as cheap as amber glass. Wood, clay, and ceramics are always better than
plastic, metal, and glass, it's mosly my own preferences. Ideally, the only glass and metal I would want
to have in the kitchen is Miron glass jars and other containers with metal lids used to store

Stop taking other unnatural/inorganic food, vitamin and mineral supplements not mentioned or
covered here as they're poisonous for people can't take synthetic materials properly by itself when it
should be taken in its natural, organic state. Many food contains Carrageenan, Acrylamides, hidden
MSG (Monopotassium glutamate, Calcium glutamate, Monoammonium glutamate, Magnesium
glutamate, Natrium glutamate, Yeast extract, anything hydrolyzed, any hydrolyzed protein,
Calcium Caseinate, Sodium Caseinate, Yeast food, Yeast nutrient, Autolyzed yeast, Gelati, Textured
protein, Vetsin, Ajinomoto), Hexane-extracted soy and rice proteins, GM corn derived Maltodextrin
(Tapioca Maltodextrin is an alternative though you could just avoid both altogether), Sodium Benzoate,
Neotame, Powdered/dehydrated Peanut butter (Almond butter is better), etc., I won't be able to give
you the complete list since it always changes and they always find some more ways to get you. Many
herbs has lead and arsenic because of the bad environment in China. Many green tea packs contains
Fluoride. Many western medicine contains Magnesium Stearate which you don't need and who knows
what's next? Follow some websites like Natural News, Dr. Joseph Mercola's website, Food Babe,
Natural Society, and whatever else that brings updated information, though be careful to not fall for
websites that denies many of the things that I had mentioned in here, and if they conflict each other
with certain information, just do more research.
Only take antipyretics, or substances that lower temperature when fevers go over 103 degrees or
last longer than four days, though you could take an ice bath to bring it down a bit so as to not cause
damage to any of the vital organs. As our core temperature rises, it reduces the microorganism load in
the body. The body will not want to elevate temperature to the point of killing off all its good microbes
but will if necessary. When the body is under extreme infection, the core temperature has to regulate
the internal ecosystem by increasing the temperature and killing off microbes. Our normal body
temperature is said to be 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. A fever is defined by an oral temperature that
exceeds 100.4 degrees. At 101 degrees, most bacteria are unable to survive, and at 102 degrees, the
viruses are unable to replicate and spread in the body. Fevers are typically self-limiting and short in
duration. If the fever causes tremendous discomfort, trouble breathing or convulsions at any time, it
would be an indication to go to the emergency room. Don't take painkillers, NSAIDs, and asprins, only
use strong painkillers in emergency situations when dealing with the pain itself might cause too much
shock and even death before your body heals itself. Avoid superfoods and medicine with lots of filler
ingredients. Stop taking Vitamin D2 and D3 because they're both used in rat poison to calcify your
veins much faster than normal Vitamin D from food that naturally has it, and cancer cells grow bigger
with Vitamin D. If you want to take good Vitamin D, get fermented cod liver oil from sources that isn't
farm raised or from the Pacific Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico though remember what I said previously.
You should just eat more fish from the Atlantic Ocean or some other ocean or sea not contaminated
with crap. Butter, lard, and coconut oil is also good.
Please don't get silicon implants for whatever reason, silicon leeches into your blood. RFID
implants emits radiation so it can cause cancer and irritation in the area, but you shouldn't seek to have
such things on you like an animal or cargo. Avoid all forms of implants if possible. Don't get forced
into getting a metal bar in you to strengthen a bone or two when it already seems to be okay without it.
Avoid man made unnatural chemicals used for hygiene like antibacterial/antimicrobal soap (as opposed

to regular soap) for example if you don't want to have autoimmunity diseases from taking in the
stronger leftover bacteria/viruses/pathogens that is resistant to the poison, though nothing can compete
against ozonated water, the right Homeopathic medicine, and the right herbs that doesn't rely on the
immune system without being toxic to the body. People with low immunity like babies, sick and
hospitalized people shouldn't use things cleaned with unnatural cleaning products containing poisons
like bleach.
Ladies, don't use tampons, use a menstrual cup or a reusable pad. Cotton can rot and have mold
growing on it which that mold would adversely affect the pH level and cause cancer. The normal
material used in tampons are chlorine bleached rayon, rayon-cotton blends with synthetic dyes,
perfumes, absorbent chemicals, etc., which bits of that material are always left behind. Beware about
the deadly vein clotting side effects tn the birth control pills. All birth control pills and morning after
pills, herbal or not, work on aborting the conceived living being by affecting the uterine wall or the
immune response. If you take them too long, you might become sterile for good. Planned Parenthood is
pushing eugenics and genocide, killing millions of innocent aborted babies each year while harvesting
the stem cells for research but mostly for profit. If you want to use stem cells, besides injecting bone
marrow into your own bones, don't use human stem cells. Use mouse stem cells if you want to but you
need to go to Mexico or some country that allows the use of stem cells for medical purposes. I am not
sure if mouse stem cells are good for one's brain or sexual organ, but it works for many ailments in
other parts of the body. Using mouse stem cells for me would be a last resort, but it's not the same as
being a genetic chimera like GMOs, just part mouse in the specific area the stem cells are injected into.
That is not bestiality though I bet someone would illogically make that claim. I don't know if using
mouse stem cells is a sin, but I am confident that harvesting human stem cells from dead babies is a sin.
When one doesn't know the power of the body's regenerative properties, they don't seek after how to
promote such properties for their own health. Until you check, double check, triple check my claims,
you won't have the material that I am presenting to you in your mind. Ladies, the use of make up is
what harlots and witches use. Make up is the reason why you have bad facial skin. Ugly men don't use
make up, so why should any woman who are concious about their facial appearances. Wear modest,
feminime apparel, don't do sports or go to the millitary or dance or gymnastics. The first two is
defeminizing while the latter two encourages promiscuous apparel, they all have a competitive side that
is pride. Please unlearn the feminism agenda that is in line with communism and eugenics because it is
promoting the destruction of society and technology in many ways than you realize. Read the bible
carefully concerning these things, I beg of you.
Stop using anything containing DDT to repel or kill bugs for DDT is the sole chemical causing
polio which can be cured by Homeopathy or Acupuncture. Use food grade Diatomaceous Earth to fight
off bugs, and you can mix them with grains in containers to keep them last longer. Of course you can
use thieves oil or other essential oils to keep bugs away but you should think about what is the most
effective while the most cheapest. You can eat Diatomaceous Earth, it's just bad for bugs that needs
moisture near the joints and if they eat it, moisture would come out of them. Diatomaceous Earth is just
very old, or sometimes not so old, dried out Diatoms shells, which Diatoms make up about 98% of the

phytoplankton out there, and makes about 60% (or more) of the oxygen in the world. It can also help
pull toxins out of you.
Make your own food because organic food in organic stores are sold at inflated prices while
they also sell GMOs there, and even if it is organic, it is reduced to a lowered quality in order to meet
the FDA's demands of selling crap. Buy in local farmers' markets but seek to make heirloom plant food
in greenhouses and never buy hybrids, for hybrids never make more seeds grown from those seeds.
Learn about the vegetation that is around your neighborhood, you can actually eat every part of the
dandelion which also cure cancer. Many so called weeds are actually wildcrafted herbal medicine that
is just there for the taking. Drink organic, unfiltered, unheated/unpasteurized raw milk but don't eat
processed byproducts made from it like cheese, ice cream, whipped cream, yogurt and such (except for
organic butter) which would weaken your bones for it makes your blood acidic. If you want to eat
cheese and can't stop eating cheese soon, eat smelly cheeses like blue cheese and gorgonzola but slowly
ween from them. Avoid eating so much fermented foods although they might be better than GMO food,
they're not raw food but rotting food lacking in ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) so don't
seek to take so much fermented products as they're a few steps more processed than the raw food that
has more phytonutrients. Seek to eat raw foods, or one step less from cooked food but that doesn't
mean that kefir and FCLO is bad for you. Don't eat unripe fruits. Roasting your nuts is easier in means
to remove phytic acid and that bitter taste than soaking them which won't burn off the mold. Avoid
eating cashews, peanuts, and jungle peanuts. Don't cook more than 2/3 of the food. You need to eat at
least a 75% raw diet of vegetables but make sure if your under-active with the thyroid that you very
lightly steam cook green leafy vegetables. Eat plenty of brocolli, brussel sprouts, cabbage etc. Make
sure you eat plenty of fruit especially pineapple, papaya for their enzymes along with the usual kiwis,
oranges, apples, melons, etc. Don't forget to eat seasonal foods that is grown in your environment so
that what you eat is in alignment with nature's seasonal weather. Stop eating in between meals and have
a fruit breakfast, dinner then fruit last meal. I don't suggest people to eat yogurt and natto frequently for
the very purpose of obtaining prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes since if you eat a raw food diet, you
would get needed enzymes naturally in the fruits and vegetables. The only exception to that might be
superfoods without fillers like Vitamineral Green and also fermented drinks, especially fermented
kombucha for they are rich in active prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes, amino acids, etc. Yogurt is usually
made from dairy which again causes lots of problems when pasteurized and it is heated up to kill those
bacteria so it's dead, though there are organic ones that doesn't kill them off while having a variety of
different stands of bacteria. Natto is made from soybeans and although it is fermented, it still contains
everything that make soybeans very bad for us but in a slightly better level that is still not suitable for
taking, and there's lots of genetically engineered soybeans that will create a five-fold infant mortality
rate so taking it just for the Vitamin K is not a good reason to eat natto. If they're made with chickpeas
instead, it's safe. Fermented black soybeans are considered to be good not because it's fermented but
because it's black which some black foods are considered to be good for the kidneys in TCM. I won't
recommend black soybeans that are not fermented because they're still soybeans and so they still have
to be fermented to remove the unwanted negative side effects. Shoyu is fermented, tofu isn't. All soy
milk hasn't been fermented.

If you're going to have a baby, look into birthing at home and get some midwifes in patrol to
keep meaningless and usually detrimental hospital procedures away from harming the mother and the
child. Any synthetic form of birth control pills causes cancer and even if it was herbal, it is against the
natural order, ergo, unnatural. Don't do ultrasound as it would develop mental problems and also you
should just love whatever that comes out genuinely whether it's a girl or a boy. There is no substitute
for a mother's milk so keep your baby drinking the mother's milk for at least 5 years if you want real
brain development for your child which goes very well with homeschooling for better learning. Have
her sleep with the baby and be with the baby at all times so that the baby can have access to milk at all
times and sleep with you so that it won't be so psychologically afraid in the first 3 years. Maybe around
year 4 you can decide to have the child sleep in its own room but in traditional Japanese culture, the
whole family sleeps together side by side because they value family bonds even in their sleep. Make a
gruel from marshmallow root powder and give it to her to drink to ensure good nutritious breast milk
that also encourages the child to sleep much more. As responsible parents you should be already
prepared or been preparing to teach them the best way for their learning styles and personalities with
the appropriate amount of attention and execution for every task that also varies, but try to use the
classical Trivium (grammar then logic then rhetoric) and Quadrivim model being pure (arithmetic),
stationary (geometry), moving (astronomy) and applied (music) number, as a backbone to expand from.
You don't need to circumcise a baby boy for what really matters if his heart is circumcised, made pure
and righteous to God's eyes, but please teach him how to clean his foreskin. Let them have a choice to
be circumcised if they wanted to and don't fall for the whole it's better to cut it off for sterile reasons
bit because the foreskin is a natural protection of the head of the penis from the elements and without it,
the sensitive head would be exposed with much friction even though it's not erect. There's also many
more complications that can occur in comparison to female circumcision which in modern society is
actually nicking a needle into the clitorus, no actual removal of the clitorus, while for infant boys it is
aesthetically not there and psychologically implies that their dick was cut off because their parents hate
them and wanted them to experience REAL PAIN in the most sensitive part of the body. Young
children, especially infants don't just forget these things, it gets psychologically ingrained into their
personality and they have a very malleable brain that can be programmed to think and do a certain way
with enough conditioning. The crotch becomes unnecessarily more exposed after the circumcision for
their whole lives as their own underwear can be their enemy depending on the stiching and material,
etc. It may be also a potential unexplained trauma inducing event for the little man growing up that
might cripple their psyche and have them think differently in comparison to men who has their identity
intact. Willie Lynch, a British slave owner used circumcision as one of many means to condition the
minds of the black slaves by castrating their masculinity. If you wouldn't circumcise a baby girl, why
would you circumcise a baby boy? If this doesn't convince you to don't do it, then read the bible more
carefully and also try to regain the common sense that was robbed from you in school. While your
child is young, take them to an Osteopath that can do cranial osteopathy to ensure the proper cranial
structure to develop and to prevent certain musculoskeletal problems that can occur. Don't let your
children sit down in the W (sitting towards you) or M (sitting away from you) position, which the
center of the M or W being their hips, the bent part being the knees, and the outer lines being the
legs, for it screws up their knees and balance and makes them have harder time working out. Teach

them how to have a proper posture and if you go to an Osteopath, let them straighten their spine so that
they can intuitively grow into being naturally upright. Learn more about personalities because some
people are just born different to the point of you not recognizing how different your own child is from
you. Many so called mental disorders are simply different states of the mind and also personality traits
and how one copes with certain things. Teach them about sexuality when they are 15 or 16, keep their
minds pure of mind control concerning this matter, but don't feminize a boy and don't masculinize a
girl. The early part of puberty is a chaotic experience that might cloud their judgement of their own
sexual identity if they had known about sex before then which would lead to early experimentations
and explorations into certain taboos and sins and everything else concerning their sexual lust. Avoid
screen time for the first 5 years, block pornsites if they use their own computers. Don't spend your time
on your phone or drinking or watching TV or anything else more than you give the necessary attention
to the child for they will get jealous. No child is unteachable except for a dead one, you just don't know
how to teach that child, but you should try your best on your part to teach them the right way and if you
don't, the responsibility is on your part as it always should be for no teacher in school would know
more than the parent that should be the ultimate teacher. Be prepared, but also ask God for help to lead
you to lead your children. Who knows, you might be lead to not celebrate anyone's birthday, even your
own precious baby's birthday. Celebrating someone's birth should be done on their birthdate when they
came into this world, but any more than that is just stupid, it's like celebrating your yearly approach
closer to death. Don't spoil your children and don't teach them to be affected by any holiday, it's just
another passing day fleeing from you.
Look into the Bates method to heal almost all of your eye vision problems and also get pinhole
glasses. Homeopathic medicine can help your eye problems and so can acupuncture and herbal
medicine in a lesser degree. Use visors or baseball caps to shade your eyes from the heat of the sun's
light. You need all of the sun's frequencies for your eyes to be healed. Sunglasses and Transition lenses
block necessary lightwaves to go into your lightcones which would weaken your eyes from the lack of
energy coming into the eyes for simulation. Stop squinting, and start doing eye relaxation and also eye
exercises. As many things, your personality also affects your eyes as someone with MPD/DID got an
eye check for every personality and the eye problems constantly changed from myopia to glacouma
and so eye problems are actually never permanent unless if your personality showed problems like
depression, anger, and every other dominant negative emotions.
Use an exercise ball as your chair and stretch out your back on the exercise ball before you get
too stressed. You could use a chair, but use the exercise ball more. Active sitting is always healthier
than normal sitting. Don't sit on your butt for too long, try standing up moving around or lying down
every 15 minutes, stand up more than lying down while you're awake. Try defecate more in a squatting
position and take some more raw fibrous fruits and vegetables in your diet if you get constipated often.
Learn how to use thieves oil because it can be used for many many things. Replace all cleaning
products with thieves household cleaner by Young Living Essential Oils and get their thieves oil too (or
some cheaper generic brand). You can optionally use brands like Melaleuca who's selling essential oils
at a cheaper price and get the four thieves oil recipe. Don't confuse it with four thieves vinegar for that
is not essential oils and is use commonly by magic users who wants to clean themselves or other things

from curses and bad mojo. Only a few of the various four thieves vinegar recipes can be used as salad
dressing and/or for use as expensive vinegar for as a cleaning agent though I think orange vinegar with
the mother is the superior multipurpose vinegar that you can drink and have Vitamin C. You can use the
mother in an apple cider vinegar which is usually is at the bottom of the bottle to make more vinegar.
You can put in clean orange or whatever preferred citrus peel in apple cider vinegar if you want to but
it isn't necessary to do so to make orange vinegar with the mother. Orange peel infused white vinegar
isn't good enough to drink because it is missing the mother component that creates amino acid, and it
should be quite harsh to drink and would be better as a cleaning agent. Lemon would work better and
drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar with the mother in a concoction is a synergistic mix.
Lavender oil and Melaleuca oil is best for skin burns when applied immediately and correctly.
Colloidal silver can work as well but you should get a colloidal silver gel for the skin. After awhile, you
could apply Manuka honey or coconut oil later to speed up the healing. Manuka honey can also help on
shingles and herpes breakouts as it kills many different types of bacteria and viruses much better than
raw honey. Putting your skin under running water is ineffective, a waste of water and a waste of time. If
you suffer with fungus on your feet then fill a foot bath with warm water not hot water then add four
teaspoons of a quality cayenne pepper powder and stir up so the water is blood red then place your feet
into the bath for 15-20 min. Afterwards you can simply dry the feet and then add a layer of organic
virgin coconut oil which is a great anti-fungal, and so is Melaleuca/Tea Tree oil and thieves oil. Repeat
this and see your feet get healed.
Have a king's breakfast, a poor man's lunch, and a prince's dinner. Have a good sleep at night,
wake up in the morning, also work out in the morning time when possible (or make time). You
shouldn't focus getting muscles too much when your health takes full maintenance to keep the system
running so morning Qi-Gong exercises and a good long walk in the park is good enough when done
every day. The lymphatic system only works when one moves their bodies up and down, and doing
jump-rope exercises for 15 to 20 minutes or jumping on a small trampoline called the Rebounder or the
Lymphasizer. Ladies, take off your bras, it needs to bounce as well, but you can use a sports bra when
you're going to run or do high intensity workouts, just don't wear them for the rest of the day. You move
them or you lose them. Find a healthy emotional outlet like exercise, meditation, a trip to the sauna,
relaxation techniques to fight off any addictions from smoking, drinking, video games, the internet, and
masturbation. Chronic masturbation will weaken your kidneys depleting your Qi vitality, energy,
force and Jing nutritive essence, essence (as you need to use Qi to get Jing out of you), while
having providing weaker to no balance for the heart that has Shen "spirit since the kidney and
bladder controls water and the heart being fire, controls blood, the house of the spirit, both are needed.
Essence is the material basis of the spirit; spirit is the outer manifestation of essence. Masturbating
would release your Jing thus accelerating aging if you are a man. Women apparently have an infinite
supply of Jing according to Taoism but I don't believe that to be so as woman also have kidneys that
stores Jing but masturbation is a sin. In women, when they are menstrating, they have a similar low
Jing effect like when men ejaculate which means a decease in immunity. Sexual energy is so important
that Chinese martial artists are taught "no sex for 100 days to build the foundation" when practicing
special training exercises such as iron body, discipline techniques for great destructive power or

advanced internal cultivation. This is why in American Boxing, coaches always warn the male boxers
to not get in bed with a woman before the big fight the next day or in any fight. God desires people to
be fruitful and multiply. If God brings you together with a righteous man or woman, you need to help
each other's needs including sexual desires. Just don't do sodomy because it is through sodomy that
many sex magick mind programming rituals take place to control people with. If you are in Holy
Matrimony with someone, try to not have so much sex and keep it to AT MOST once every two weeks.
To reset your internal clock, take chamomile tea or you can just take melatonin before you sleep. Eat
and stock up in bee pollen, goji berries, licorice root, red ginseng, and whatever else you find useful to
stock up in your research. Focus more on strengthening your yin organs (liver, heart, spleen, lung,
kidney) healthy as many are usually fine in their yang organs (gall bladder, stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, bladder). It's all about heating up or cooling down specific organs that also interacts
with each other and other parts of the body to restore balance in all 12 meridians to a warm state that
isn't too hot or too cold but has enough warmth to keep the chi going strong since coldness is pain and
weakens the chi like a fire in a blizzard. Heat energizes and restores the chi, but if the chi can't move
freely and becomes stagnate within the body, it would be cutting off chi in places that is needed which
causes problems. The reversed flow of chi also causes problems. Having too much heat can place stress
on the organs which is when neutral or cooling foods are used to remedy it. The Chinese used to eat
lots of meat in the winter when it's cold to keep themselves warm and they eat lots of herbs and
vegetation in the summer when it's hot to keep cool. You don't need much water in fall and winter
months as you would do in spring and summer months that are drying the water from you and the
environment which in the spring, watermelons are in season for a reason. Herbal tonics use lots of
herbs to stabilize the body from being too hot or too cold while working to cool, warm or heat up
specific places to have the chi flow through the blocked meridians. Herbs that is known to have strong
medicinal power tend to have saponins that helps the body detect free radicals, cancer and parasites
even though they might be protecting themselves in a negatively charged layer so that the white blood
cells and the rest of the body that's negatively charged won't detect them because they would repel
electrically. Saponins also have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties. There are other enzymes
and natural chemicals in certain food that have similar properties as saponins. Study more for yourself,
there is absolutely no way I can cover everything within this.
Go to a legitimate TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor, a Chiropractor/Bonesetter, and
a Homeopath doctor. Go to a Chiropractor/Bonesetter before you go to a Homeopath doctor. TCM
knowledge is more towards what to eat while Homeopathic knowledge is more towards healing. TCM,
Acupuncture, Qi Gong/Chi Kung, Nei Kung, Tai Chi, Shiatsu Massage, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic
treatments, Osteopath treatments and also Homeopathy are incompatible with each other so one should
use them one at a time in intentions for healing. Sometimes Osteopaths are cheaper than Chiropractors.
Acupuncture and Aromatherapy is unnecessary when you use Homeopathy. Chiropracty can cure
things that western science denies a cure like fibromyalgia and arthritis and many many other "diseases" and so does Homeopathy but many many more, though if your spine is not aligned properly to
have your body distribute information freely within itself, healing is harder to implement using
Homeopathy. Western herbs are still herbs even though TCM doesn't know much about those herbs, so

it's best to incorporate many variety of herbs from different herbal systems that isn't in TCM, but the
principles as to how the body's organs and which organs processes certain food in certain ways, TCM
understands that deeply and western science seems to only prove that TCM is correct but you won't
find such information in mainstream media for they won't tell you the TCM aspect at all.
I know that many can't afford some of the things listed, but be grateful for what you have in
thanksgiving every time by praying, blessing and sanctifying the food, medicine, water, and everything
that is yours in every situation. Whatever you can get for healing, praise Him who is your healer, not
the created. One secret to living a healthy life is to fully live each moment of your life abundantly.
Another secret is to honor your father and your mother. Don't forget to think critically because common
sense is not enough. Many other problems are cured by the same methods to cure one thing because
being healthy is not to be healthy in just one part but in all parts, so I won't add more information for if
this doesn't give you even a glimmer of hope, there is no hope for me to help you if you refuse to
receive my help throught this. You gotta walk the talk, LIVE healthy, don't just think that having a
bunch of remedies in your head would cure you when you need to implement them.
Didn't get anything from the above? Look around here first then then if you are vere desperate, and after that, here's something from (edited to take less
vertical space): "Look at anti-fungal herbal medicines like Blackwalnut leaf, Green blackwalnut hull,
Olive leaf, Garlic, Pau DArco, Onion, Oregano Oil, Echinacea, Neem, Tea Tree, Myrrh, Thyme,
Lemongrass, Oregon Grape, Cinnamon, Uva Ursi, Goldenseal, curcumin. Then we have: virgin
Coconut oil, Xylitol sugar, Various powerful essential oils, Grapefruit seed extract (Citricidal is the
most powerful form), Colloidal silver, Ozone, Sodium bicarbonate, Lugols Iodine, Vitamin C. So
please feel free to work on your body with such wonderful medicines and prevent such diseases as
cancer and maybe even treat it too. -= The Unhived Mind". "Anunnaki" and "The Unhived Mind" are
the same guy whose name is Craig Oxley but "Anunnaki" was his older username. The differences in
his health protocol before and after I assume is an increased use of Homeopathy, he's eating good
meats, monthly check up to the Chiropractor, and some Qi-Gong exercises every day with the long
walks. In fact, most of the information here is an amalgamated version his research with some of my
own concerning the spiritual, but someone already searched for the answers so us researchers just pick
off where the original searchers left by gathering more intel for a sound, logical solution of everything
we can get our hands on not just for health, but for many other topics. I have no claim on nothing, I
freely received, so I freely give. Know that I disagree with him on certain subjects but that doesn't
mean that all of his research is false and based upon nothing because he bases it upon something
whether you recognize it or not just like everyone's intent is to base things upon facts.
The logic behind spontaneous healing is something that many people including fundamental
Christians deny that normal people who don't believe in Jesus Christ could utilize to heal people just by
declaring with 100% faith and confidence that someone is already healed when the patient and the
healers does this with a chant affirming and reaffirming that they're healed like saying "Jesus loves

you" or "healed" or anything that everyone can agree that the patient is, now, and already good. Any
words that implies that they might not be healed or a lack of faith is avoided. This method had been
used successfully to remove cancer, so I won't say that you shouldn't do this because it works in certain
situations where it is undeniable and for the most part it wasn't cancer to begin with, that just some
desperate people misinterpret what their doctors had told them. Most so falled spontaneous healings is
just hypnotism and the adrenaline rush but again there are a very rare set of legitimate miracles out
there that can't be explained but by either God's grace or even Satan's miracles into leading the people
into a false gospel of wonders and miracles instead of the gospel of the kingdom of God. Perhaps this
mystery behind the healing power done through agreement doesn't require many things that some
deliverance minster would insist upon carrying out in an orderly fashion. However, this only proves
concepts like the holographic universe theory or the brain in a vat type of reality or even the concept of
the spiritual realm being more powerful than the physical. Remember that with hypnotism and auto
suggestion, you won't grow back torn ligaments, limbs, being born with a disproportionate body part,
reverse genetic mental retardation, being born blind and deaf, etc. Demons do heal, but God sometimes
gives healing to people, but not in the extent that the Apostles had which was settled and disappeared
for it served its purpose in its time. Most demonic healing is not complete. T.B. Joshua might cause a
crippled man to walk but not have him completely healed like what Jesus had done. Real undeniable
healing has little to nothing to do with someone's faith in God or Jesus in both sides, the Christian and
the patient. Remenber that the greater miracles Jesus Christ had promised is saving souls, salvation.
We are connected by a medium from our own body to our own spiritual body, like the puppet
strings that is between the puppet and the puppet master. I think that medium is our brain or mind or
even the nervous system (that is a part of our brain) that is between the body and the spirit which
Chiropracty remedies the chemical nature of the body and the electrical nature of the mind for it is
charged chemical impulses that works between them both through the nervous system. Whatever the
puppet master does, the puppet does, so healing in the spirit would also heal the flesh. Traditional
Chinese Medicinal practices and Homeopathy does utilize the strings between the body and the spirit,
but TCM is chemical and electrical (like acupuncture) while Homeopathy is vibrational which
vibrational energy affects the electrical energy in the mind and nervous system better than chemical
energy without the strong side effects that chemical energy does to the physical body that is chemical,
electrical, and vibrational. The line between electric and vibration is blurred for light can be created
with a concentrated amount of sound waves hitting a central point in water which super heats the water
that forms a bubble then collapses in itself, emitting that energy as light. That is called
Sonoluminescence. God spoke light to manifest while being on the face of the deep waters above the
empty earth, this water being the water canopy that was the water above the earth which went away
after the flood. In reality, chemical, electrical, and vibrational energy are all different forms of energy
that all came from one source. The other forms of healing using vibrational energy that isn't
Homeopathy is long lost technology that is suppressed or used against people though Homeopathy is
still continuously being attacked, it's still fairly available for some people. Technology like Radionics
and the Multiple Wave Oscillator can't be picked up by anyone without learning the intricate
instructions but usually scalar wave vibrational technology is what the accursed Black Nobility

Venetians had suppressed ever since Nikola Tesla's incredible inventions but they sure had built upon
similar technology in secret underground US bases for a good 100 years. The planets, the sun and the
moon have an effect on homeopathy, herbs, medicine, the birds in the air, the beasts in the land, the
fishes in the sea, all affected subtly by the celestial bodies in the solar system. Read the Cycles the
Science of Prediction by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin F. Dakin. If one can prove it scientifically that
celestial cycles affect the cycles of the beings on earth, then it is scientific fact, but that doesn't make
astrotheology real, neither does it make astrology in the use of magick and in the spiritual sense okay
for Christians to use just because some evil people do them. From the nuclear explosions which its
explosive energy comes from the sun (look into Bruce Cathy's work and also William Cooper's
comment about nuclear detonations), to the harvest moon that have the sea creatures spawn their eggs
and sperm in one night, such vibrational energy does exist in alignment with the passing of the times
and seasons affecting our chakras and emotions in ways many don't fully understand yet the Jesuits do
and they use this knowledge to affect your spirit before they affect you in the physical. Although
Terminal Zappers and Rife Machines does give off one frequency at a time, the frequencies that it isn't
harnessing is literally everything else, so it is more useful electrically as an ion generator to alkalize
your blood.
Homeopathic medicine increases the power of the vibrational frequency signature retrieved
from a drop of extract that is like the disease or the cause of the disease that is diluted may million
times to cure like with like but without the negative side effects thereof. Homeopathy is similar to the
concept of vaccination but safer as the distilled water being a clean slate, saves the memory, the imprint
of the millions of vibrational frequencies within a extract drop and it increases that memory in every
dilution way pass Avogadro's constant, yet exponentially increases the effect. Hippocrates used a small
dose of mandrake root to treat mania, knowing it produces mania in much larger doses. Why did it
work? To kick-start the spiritual body and/or nervous system to respond to the spiritual and/or electrical
essence of the poison to heal the physical/chemical body that isn't responding properly to the
physical/chemical essence of the poison. It is proven through and through that Homeopathy really
works faster and many times better than TCM for a much cheaper cost. It's incredible as to what a few
drops of Homeopathic water can do. The less physical, the more spiritual. Vibrational energy pulls the
closest to the puppet master who has your spiritual body which is susceptible to corruption and loss of
data of the original information about you (that God the Creator had made) which manifests itself in the
physical as long it has a physical body counterpart and life energy/"soul" (ABSOLUTELY NOT TO BE
CONFUSED WITH SPIRIT) received from God through Adam, but it can't remove demons who might
be your puppet master by having you do what you want to do in rejection of God. Now if you are
tapped into the Holy Spirit, it will give you the frequencies when you ask boldy of what you are lacking
in and you are in no short supply of it. When you have frequencies that others don't have and if other
people seeks the same kingdom of God as you do, the virtue, the Holy Spirit anointing will depart from
you and into them to heal them, but you can get filled immediately or get filled later during prayer.
It can't be resolved through any means of pulling or untangling the strings when the source of
the problem is outside of the physical realm which the puppet and the strings can't reach the puppet
master, so no amount of herbs, Homeopathic medicine, essential oils, spinal adjustments, physical

therapy and such would get rid of them, for one, spiritual energy transcends vibrational energy,
electrical energy, and chemical energy for it is the spirit that knows what a mind is thinking of since the
mind knows not why it exists through pure logic when faith is always required, and it is the spirit that is
greater than the body in physical plane that is an illusion in comparison to the spiritual plane that spirits
can lower themselves into whatever their spirit can become (there are weak spirits as there are strong
spirits, demonic or not). You would need a change of heart even if you don't think you have demons
since you are of them in spirit by their eyes, defeated and in Satan's jurisdiction so they leave such
ignorant sheep alone unless they know that God has a plan for them or when someone receives the
baptism of the Holy Spirit. Only in God's dominion can you have a chance to restore, grow, and protect
yourself and others. Non-believers who get healed by faith with other pagans or non-believers usually
are done in Satan's jurisdiction, for such a miracle would have people look down on Churchianity for
not being able to do such things but sometimes some Christians can and had done such instantaneous
healing in Jesus's name but they are not saved, they are deceived with another gospel but claim the
gospel of the bible and the gospel of healing but in doing so they reject the gospel of the bible.
In a systematic method supposedly derived from the scriptures, some Christians declare God's
kingdom dominion to be where they are to the specific address of their location to the specific ground
that they stand in, the roof of the house that they are under, the atmosphere in the house, then they
slowly get deeper and closer into the man or woman declaring His kingdom in their body then mind
then spirit then in the heart where the Holy of Holies resides in the center of the heart where the Holy
Spirit must be in instead of your own spirit in that throne, so your spirit should be around the outside of
the Holy of Holies, but still inside the heart inside the walls of the heart with scriptures written by the
Holy Spirit within the truth as the Ark of the Testimony/Covenant contains the Ten Commandments, so
does your heart contains the Royal Law. In truth, that is simply just the beginning as there are many
more demonic principalities that people are binded to like the demonic nation that you are under as a
citizen. If such people who had actually missed the real gospel of the kingdom mock you for taking
herbs, Homeopathic medicine (as opposed to Allopathic Pharmakeia witchcraft poison commonly
called western medicine) and not taking GMOs whenever you have a choice to not take them, they also
will mock your faith and spit on God's creation that God made for you to be healed naturally. You only
take such things not because you trust in that but you trust in God more. Long lasting healing can't be
done until they had asked for forgiveness of their sins but deliverance often happens after true
repentance to have them truly ask for forgiveness to God by slowly breaking down the mental barriers;
the wrong you received by others and the wrong you had done to others, the wrong you had received
and done to yourself, then ultimately the wrong you had done to God. Forgive others, forgive yourself,
ask for forgiveness of the sins confessed by mouth to God through Jesus Christ done in obedience to
the Holy Ghost within who they bear witness in heaven. Once all those walls are broken down, you
must accept God into the Holy of Holies for He's in you as you're in Him, completed as one united
spirit bonded together in hope, faith, grace, and love/charity. If He loves you, you must not hate
yourself. If you love yourself as He loves you, you can also love others as you love God and yourself
the same way in the same love that can only come from The God above all gods. Once you get right
with God, rebuke the spirits that attack you, name the type of spirits that is afflicted in you or others to

get out and bind them to where the Lord Jesus Christ sends them to, in Jesus' name and authority we
freely receive from Jesus Christ for through Him we can go to the Father as His adopted child of God
in rejection of the nations that had adopted you which is under Satan's jurisdiction by consent and
permission. After the deliverance from the demons, the next step is to pray for healing of the damage
done. Don't always pray and do things in a manner that treats it as tradition and customs which in that
mindset, it is done in vain as you lose the faith which allows demons to enter once more, but you can
use a system that you think that is the way that the scriptures want you to use and that's fine in itself.
Don't stop praying, continually pray in your heart and mind to Jesus Christ Don't shift blame of your
sins to your relatives, Jesus died for their sins too so their sins have no ground over you so generational
curses are wiped away by the Blood of Christ the very first time you had repented. Demons keep all
curses to be active but the contracts that you made through sinning keeps you under the curse. The
mindset of the Adamic blame must be held captive and rebuked the moment that thought comes into
you just as all fleshly mindsets of sin needs to be rebuked with scripture you memorize by heart and
mind to counteract the thoughts of your flesh with the Word of God that is a double edged sword.
Repent, amend your ways from your fleshly mindsets that draws in demons and avoid unbiblical
visualizations as much as possible. Remove all demonic objects, games, music, symbols, spell books,
dolls, toys, jewelry, makeup, clothing, and art from your house. If you are lead by the Holy Ghost to
remove something and if it's not from your own thoughts or from demonic spirits yet it goes with the
whole of the scriptures, remove it from your presence but don't sell, break, burn, just throw it in the
trash. Study more about biblical deliverance, but not from any mainstream pastors, nor from
mainstream denominations, nor from just any local pastor. Your bible is a book of spells to rebuke
demons and they need to submit to God's authority so use it well but it would only work if you are a
Christian. Declare and do the things that the bible wants you to do, pray and work towards the goal that
you are praying for. Remember that someone with lust, for example, can't release someone else with
lust for the double edge sword can only be used in its fullest by the sinless and pure which only God,
Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost has such authority to get rid of it all, but in most cases, God only
continually remove things slowly if you continually loving God and hating what He hates, if you really
are a real Christian that's seeking to please Him and further His kingdom gospel by God's standards.
Cold turkey from sin, whatever it may be, let go of it ALL to Jesus for Jesus actively in your life
whatever He reveals to you to let go of physically, mentally, spiritually. Resist not evil with the same
power of evil but with the power of liberty that gives you the grace to resist temptation for you to
continue to stay in God's will. Once you sin, you come out of God's will by your own will which is the
will of Satan. Quote scripture to remind you and the demons of who you are in God's kingdom when
tempted, for the scriptures reveals God's will for mankind which rebukes and exposes the lies. Go to
one that has a ministry in this matter of biblical inner healing, deliverance, and healing which bears
good fruits. If you have no discern whatsoever because you don't read the bible or interpret it wrong or
use a bad translation or have a different doctrine you hold onto, use a 1599 Geneva Bible for the best
English translation to shed light (Lord Jesus Christ) in the dark recesses in your heart to restore your
spiritual body. There is no perfect translation of anything from one language to another. People are
continually being healed in loving relationships with God and with others with the same unconditional
love through the good and bad, enduring to the end. Sometimes you can't heal some people because

they don't seek the same kingdom of God and they refuse it so they won't get it as they had placed their
will over God's will. Many saved Christians who even speak in tongues can get demons cast out of
them, probably because the gift of tongues had ceased and in place a false tongue of Satan. They think
that they have demons geing removed but it's just Satan deceiving people. Don't just take my word for
it, read the bible. There is no formula besides reading the scriptures and having the Holy Spirit reveal
its meaning. Look into the Ben Bogard and Aimee Semple McPherson debate on Holy Spirit, baptism,
and miracles. You can train yourself to be healed of psychosomatic disorders through the scriptures,
don't get me wrong on that, but if it is psychosomatic, other religions or science can do it and point at
Churchianity calling it false. Just don't fall for the wrong kind that tricks you into thinking something
that you are not guilty of, believing in a lie, for that is when demons come in but you would think that
demons are coming out just because you're barfing or burping and other releasing of things coming out
from you. That is another form of consent to have demons come in legally which outwardly seems
legitimate and good for you. It is one of Satan's greatest tricks. Look into Alberto Rivera's testimony
about what he saw in The Force comic book sold and illustrated by Jack T. Chick of Chick
Publications, it explains how demons trick people through the Catholic exorcism, though many false
Christians does this with psychology but psychology has its roots in the occult so it is purely occultic,
just seemingly using scriptures but twisting it.
Most therapy and counseling doesn't work as well as one hopes it would be in my honest
opinion. True biblical counseling and deliverance is rare. They don't know you, they don't know what
you had been through, they can only make assumptions but they usually blame someone when the
victim is also to blame at times. Sometimes you had to endure for many, many decades to see if they
would change their heart, but sometimes you need to just let it all go to God for Him to take care of
them for you had endured more than you would had because you know that divorces destroys families.
If you had a Holy Matrimony with an unbeliever, you won't be blessed, for they serve another when
you serve the Lord Jesus Christ and His Ekklesia/Assembly/Church/Congregation and since two
becomes one in the flesh, you are double minded and so is your lover. Similar thing applies to any
relationship in a lesser extent but with acquaintances, it's not really an ideal relationship when you're
witnessing to them the Gospel of God's kingdom as they don't necessarily want to maintain a
relationship with you and/or neither do you for whatever reason that's causing incompatibility. If they
want to be with you and let you be openly a Christian inside and outside the home and if there is peace
in the house, then don't seek to leave for another. If you are such a man or woman of God dealing with
your spouse and their disapproval towards you and your faith, talk to mature Christians in the faith
about this issue. Talking about such matters with people who knows you genuinely might help loosen
you up, but you know that it is nothing in itself as you speak about the bad things that happened that
gets you so down. Increasing your prayer time into your prayer life in God's peace will help to have
more patience and to give up your problems to God. The Holy Spirit is still our comforter. Sometimes
you need to cut people off completely before you can truly forgive them to the bottom of your heart, for
they are like the bushes full of thorns surrounding you, taking your nutrients away from you as they
suffocate your faith growing in God. God allows divorces because murder and/or suicide is not a good
alternative option. Read the scriptures more to find the path to righteous healing. People will say this or

that, but if God tells you to do something, be sure to stay in His will and obey.
In my research, I find that we need equal attention in our physical body, in our mental body, and
our spiritual body, but the only way to have full time dominion under God is to first truly enter into the
kingdom of God is where heaven is by having the Holy Spirit reside in our hearts which writes the
commandments inside where nothing can separate from you and God of this simple truth that once it is
known about, one must never depart from it. The problem is, we had believed in vain doctrines that is
contrary to the gospel of His kingdom without knowing, for we were deceived by the same lie that had
deceived Adam and Eve. Taking and eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is
not what one thinks it is. Taking a State ID, SSN, Birth Certificate, Credit Card, Passports, etc., under
the authority of the state which is under the authority of man as your own is to represent yourself in
person. Eating the fruit means being under their welfare system that gets its resources from others
through forced taxation, living off of their first-fruits, their work that the government had stolen for you
to stay alive. Cannibalism, witchcraft, fornication, sodomy, adultery, murder, blasphemy, whoring,
divination, magic, etc., are all terms expressing what you are doing when you are under Satan's
jurisdiction by your own consent. For example, sodomy and incest in law can be interpreted as the
government's pator fornicates your "man", for in a family, when a man and a woman comes together, he
is covering over her wife as her wife covers her children as the eldest covers the younger siblings in
loving protection, and pator means father, the father of the government that you're under as the child,
metaphorically sodomizing your "man" of the house. This doesn't mean that God is fine with literal
sodomy and incest, but the biggest problem facing anyone is purely about the weightier matters of the
Law: Judgment, Mercy, and Fidelity. God sometimes carries out a literal interpretation but a
metaphorical interpretation is what gives the literal interpretation any power as to why it was done, but
in the doing of such things, we all had left out the truest meaning by choice or by ignorance for sin
blinds us from the truth as God lets us go see after our lusts. Just because you are under tribute of
Caesar, doesn't mean that you are going to hell. The heart of the matter is who reigns in your heart. If
you do your own will, Satan sits in the throne of God in the center of your heart in your rejection of
God for you didn't seek to do His will on earth as it is in heaven by deceiving yourselves through doing
your own will to do God's will, plagiarizing God's laws as your own, putting yourself over God,
overruling God to do your own will as God's will which is not God's will for you're not obeying God's
will but instead Satan's will, for Satan's will is your own free will to do what you will, away from God's
will. The only free will you have is to will yourself to be as gods which is a great delusion. The liberty
of freedom to change your liege from serving God to yourself or yourself to God is not called "free
will", but it is called religion. The true religion brings you back from Satan's kingdom to God's
kingdom. Philosophy is meaningless in the courtroom of His Temple, free will doesn't exist, it's just
your own will or God's will. If you believe that your own will supercedes God's will, you're putting
your law over God's law which there is only grace within God's dominion, not over His dominion. If
you really make it known to the kingdoms of this world in official documentation recording that you
had made this change of your nationality into God's kingdom, you can never go back into the kingdoms
of this world. You can never go back to using a SSN, you can never go back to go under the welfare of
the nations. Jesus Christ died on the cross once, and so you must keep God's commandments once you

return to God's kingdom and you must endure to the very end or else God will forsake you as you had
forsaken Him and His begotten son. Yes of course this isn't the spiritual conversion rather a physical
conversion that is made manifest of what already was within your heart, the Kingdom of God on Earth
as it is in Heaven, recognized by Pontius Pilate that Jesus of Nazarene is the King of the Jews, and he
also ressurected so we too are made alive through him although we were once dead in the spirit under
the will of man outside of and in rejection of the will of God. Perhaps some reasons why people are not
healed of some physical dis-eases is because they have spiritual dis-eases from a lack of dominion and
presence of God who is everything, so your spirit affects the mind which affects your body responds to
being outside of everything to die for you don't have the life giving source within you, the living tent of
the sanctuary of God, as the tent stays desolate without any care done by the High Priest who is Jesus
Christ. If you seek the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven and if you still have physical
problems despite going through many things, perhaps God is telling you that pain is just a continual
reminder to remember His ways just as Paul always had that pain in his side until he had passed away
to be with Jesus. It's such a small price to pay in comparison to what Jesus Christ had done for us, so
don't get yourself down but rejoice in it. All this spiritual nonsense going about in apostate churches are
smokescreens and mirrors, rejecting the true gospel of His kingdom from having the true foundation
stone to be laid out first, they claim God's spiritual kingdom on earth as it is in heaven yet reject a
physical kingdom of earth as it is in heaven. If you are saved by grace and endure to the end being
faithful to God yet believe that Christians are above the law except the law of the land unless the bible
is against it but fail to realize that you are a citizen of man first if you obey the law of the land yet use
the very scriptures to not obey the scriptures in its truest interpretation revealed through the Teacher
Jesus and his apostles, I tell you now that you are not a Christian but a willing partaker of Babylon's
confusion and Egypt's bondage. Don't you see the blatant hypocrisy? Once the true foundation stone is
laid out, only then are we blessed with the proper temple built not by hands. There is no power in the
pronunciation of Yehoshuah ha' Maschiyach, but in the meaning of his name, we find Yasha, and the
heart of what we should be doing as Jesus' name declares himself to be who he is and he does exactly
this for us to be able to be reborn under his authority unlike the water baptism done in vain under the
authority of the state that controls the churches just as the beast seeks the destruction of the harlot.
It doesn't matter how short your lifespan is, what matters is the quality of life that you had lived.
That's all it boils down to. 3 John 1:2 (GNV) Beloved, I wish chiefly that thou prosperedst and faredst
well as thy soul prospereth. Exodus 15:26 (GNV) And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken, O Israel,
unto the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear unto
his commandments, and keep all his ordinances, then will I put none of these diseases upon thee, which
I brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee. James 5:14 (GNV) Is any sick among
you? Let him call for the Elders of the Church, and let them pray for him, and anoint him with oil in the
Name of the Lord.

Here are some books that you should look into that isn't about health but the weightier things of the law
which the world had rejected:

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