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Ma. Nikka Andrea F.

Prof. Zenaida Ligan

PS 180- International
March 1, 2013

Reaction Paper on Season 5 Episode 13

Of Star Trek entitled The Masterpiece Society
In the light of the conditions in the anarchic international arena it is only
imperative for any state to look after the national interest and consider the
protection of its territory, where it exercises sovereign jurisdiction as the prime
agenda. The episode on Star Trek the class watched entitled The Masterpiece
Society, speaks and shows a lot about the political concepts particularly in the
context of international relations.
The story opens up with the problem of a possible destruction of a genetically
engineered society by a neutron star. This masterpiece society adopts a very realist
approach as it adopts the values enshrined by realism, which includes statism,
survival, security, and self-help. These tenets are manifested with the states high
regard on its own capacities and resources as accordingly substantiated by refusing
to accept the external support offered by the Enterprise. However, with the laconic
explanation of the one of the members in the crew, Aaron, the leader of the colony,
understood that time is already running out for them. Hence he was forced to
accept the help of the foreigner and decided to go about things in a very diplomatic
way. To save the colony and ensure the states survival compromises and changes
have to be made, this would entail crossing of boundaries and interacting to
extraterrestrial being, which some believe will only result to cultural contamination
and to some extent damaging the society.
The reluctance and skepticism on establishing foreign relations is perhaps
brought by the fear that domestic sovereignty could possibly be challenged, but
having known of the fact that the call raises utmost concern regarding national
security and national interest, right then the colony responded and cooperated.
Diplomatic cooperation at that moment is by far the only immediate and practicable
way to address and prevent the annihilation of the state. Given this, we can clearly
see the very liberal approach of the leader who recognizes the necessity to advance

cooperation to deliver its role of protecting the state and preserving individual
The actions and decisions of the leader only acknowledges the fact that
institutions play an important role in the international arena, not only in terms of
maintaining peace and but also by ensuring order and cooperation. This means that
the actions of the Enterprise can suitably be compared as with the role of an
institution or perhaps a hegemon capable of maintaining balance and order in the
chaotic international system. Taking into account its technological advancement, it
serves as a world police that assists in carrying out the tasks a particular state could
hardly perform, consistent with the movie- it is the societys survival. In this context
we can notice the interdependence of one on the other- the state dependent on the
services of the institution and the other dependent on the peaceful cooperation of
the other to carry its task on maintaining order.
Concurring from a liberal institutionalist perspective, the state still remains to
be the main actor in the international field, amid this however; we must recognize
the important role that is now played by non-state actors, institutions and the like
primarily in mitigating the effects brought about by the international society.
As per Heywood, the state has long been regarded as the most significant
actor on the world stage...states exercise unchallengeable power within their
bordersoperate as independent and autonomous entities in world affairs.
However, the state is under threat perhaps as never before in particular
globalization, in its economic and political forms (Heywood, 111). This situation
could appropriately be associated when some members of the colony would want to
evacuate to the Enterprise seeing how it has progressed rapidly in terms of
technology while their engineered society lagged behind. This circumstance brings
us to a

problem we might call sovereign dilemma, wherein the state is torn

between, exercising sovereignty at the expense of suppressing the peoples

freedom or allowing the population exercise their freedom at the expense of the
state and the future generations.

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