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Kierzkowski Shayne McQuade Robert Waitman Michael

Throughout the following three to five years, intuitive advertising is prone to

become an inexorably noteworthy some piece of the consumer showcasing
landscape. This advancement will challenge numerous extensive advertisers. For
huge numbers of them, be that as it may, advanced advertising could yield great
conclusions the length of they are mindful of three noteworthy variables
It is basic for advertisers to consider what intuitive media ought to - or ought not to
mean to them.

Concepts & variables:

*INTERACTIVE marketing
*INTERNET marketing
*MARKETING strategy
*MARKETING channels
*INTERACTIVE multimedia
*MARKET potential
*TARGET marketing

2.)Changes in Marketing Channels Formation(Inzinerine EkonomikaEngineering Economics, 2011, 22(3), 319-329)


Concepts & Variables:

MARKETING channels
INTERNET marketing
PRODUCTION (Economic theory)
MARKETING strategy
CUSTOMER satisfaction NEEDS assessment

word of mouth, loyalty and repurchase behavior

CONSUMERS' preferences

1. Item appropriation is a standout amongst the steadiest components of

advertising blend that has the character of an enduring point of view. Nonetheless,
certain progressions are unavoidable here, as well. Choices about the determination
of an advertising channel oblige vast ventures and endeavors, yet the compelling
circulation choices dependably bring some extra preferences for an organization in
2. In this article we broke down showcasing channels development changes
throughout the most recent 20 years.
3. In summing up the structure of the talked about advertising channels, it can be
expressed that the greater part of the past channel development models were
centered around internal needs of the organization, based on an organization
centered method, and not all models stress the examination of purchaser needs.
4. The pattern of the modem advertising channel development is the concentrate
on shopper needs and assessment of different components influencing the channel.
Other dispersion patterns of the late years incorporate utilizing of a more extensive
scope of promoting channels, and in certain business zones the immediate
promoting gets to be better known, i.e. utilizing of internet channels is spreading
especially quickly.
5. The article proposes a 4-stage model for showcasing channel arrangement that
covers the examination of purchaser needs, meaning of components that confine
showcasing channel arrangement, setting of objectives and targets, outlining and
assessment of showcasing channel alterative, and determination of the best
showcasing channels. This model has been experimentally tried in a sustenance
creation organization by assessing the current conveyance framework and

3.) Product Customization on the Web: An Empirical Study of Factors

Impacting Choice board User Satisfaction(Bharati, Pratyush
Chaudhury, Abhijit)

Product Customization on the Web: An Empirical Study of Factors

Impacting Choice board User Satisfaction
Concepts & Variables:
electronic information resources
product design
customer relations -- management
consumers -- attitudes

customer satisfaction
information technology
internet marketing
strategic information system

customer relationship management (CRM)
IS success model
strategic information systems
strategic IT management
system quality
user satisfaction
Choice boards are Web-based frameworks that permit purchasers to modify their requests.
The study examined elements that influence shoppers' expectation to utilize choice boards.
The exploration is focused around Masons 'hypothesis and Delone and Mclean's model of
data framework utilization. It was observed that proposition to utilize is influenced by
general fulfillment. Thusly, these two elements are decidedly affected by variables, for
example, framework quality and data quality. Notwithstanding backing from hypothesis, the
confirmation for the component, data presentation was feeble

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