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Why we are striking

wants to impose
24-hour running
(Night Tube)
without proper
consultation with
the unions representing Tube workers, and
at the same time as it is cutting staffing
levels across the network. It also wants to
change the agreements that govern how
we work, affecting our work/life balance.
In talks, bosses have talked about
owning us while we are at work. But we
are not their slaves.
RMT supports Night Tube. We are
committed to the expansion of public
transport and believe more Tube services,
more of the time, is a good thing. But we
want Night Tube introduced in a way that
doesn't wreck our members' lives, and
doesn't compromise passenger safety.
Increased services need increase staffing

What do we want?

More time off

Numerous scientific studies show that
prolonged shift working, and particularly
night working, damages health. The body
needs more time to recuperate after
sustained night shifts. An increase in
staffing levels combined with a reduction in
the working week could ensure that night
shifts and antisocial early or late shifts are
shared out more equitably, guaranteeing
extra time off afterwards to recover.

Real work/life balance

LU's proposed changes to staffing models
and agreements will result in every
member of station staff being given extra
responsibility for no extra pay. LU wants us
to agree that they can change our shifts
with 24 hours' notice, and send us to work
almost anywhere on the network. It also
wants to attack drivers' agreements. These
changes would wreck our work/life
balance and ability to plan our lives
(already a difficult task because of our
existing shift patterns).

More staff

A pay deal in line with

increases in the cost of living

LU currently proposes a reduction of the

frontline staffing levels on stations of at
over 800 posts. Other jobs are under
attack elsewhere. We want an end to
those job cuts and an increase in staffing
levels. A safe and reliable service cannot be
delivered without more staff; if necessary,
LU must lobby central government to
increase direct funding for TfL.

Our pay settlement is also part of this

dispute. We want a flat-rate increase for all
staff that keeps
pace with
increasing living
costs, such as
rent and house

Why you should support us

A Tube network staffed by well-rested,
motivated workers in secure jobs with
protected terms and conditions is very
much in the interests of passengers.
If LU's plans go ahead, you will be faced
with the prospect of a 24-hour service
(on certain lines at weekends) consisting of trains driven by overworked,
fatigued drivers through stations staffed at bare minimum levels by
overworked, fatigued, and harassed station staff.
During this dispute, LU has already demonstrated its contempt for
passenger safety when it breached safety standards by allowing trains to
be put into service despite not having been properly maintained by
qualified staff. Our fight to protect our rights at work is also a fight for
passenger safety.
We have worked with the Hands Off London Transport campaign,
Disabled People Against Cuts, and others to highlight the detrimental
impact LU's attacks will have on accessiblity, service, and safety for
passengers. If you want a reliable, safe, staffed Tube system, you should
support our strike.

What you can do

Email Boris Johnson telling him you support the strike:
Email Patrick McLoughlin MP, the Secretary of State for Transport,
demanding more funding for TfL to create more jobs:
Visit and for more on how you can get
involved in our campaigns

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