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TeleMatrix SIP Phone

Administration Guide

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About this document

This How-To-Guide is intended for Customer Service and Technical Installation Personnel involved in the
installation and maintenance of TeleMatrix SIP Endpoints.

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Table of Contents
Overview .............................................................................................................................................5
Software & Hardware Setup .......................................................................................................5
Device Limitations ..........................................................................................................................5
Mitel 3300ICP Setup Notes..........................................................................................................6
Network Requirements ..................................................................................................................6
Assumptions for the 3300 ICP programming ..............................................................................6
Licensing and Option Selection - SIP Licensing.........................................................................7
Multiline IP Set Configuration .......................................................................................................8
Class of Service Assignment ........................................................................................................9
SIP Device Capabilities Assignment ..........................................................................................11
Station Service Assignment ........................................................................................................12
Multiline Set Key Assignment .....................................................................................................13

Telematrix SIP Phone Setup Notes .......................................................................................14

Telematrix QuickStart......15
Manual Programming...17
Manually Configuring VLANs.20
Using the Mass Configuration Tool.....22
Loading Configuration Files......23
TMX IP Phone Installation and Configuration Overview....28
Using the Mass Configuration Tool.33
Loading Configuration Files..35
Updating Firmware and Configurations via TFTP37
Reference TFTPD32 and Firmware Upgrade QuickStart for 3300IP and 9600IP..48
Reference - Single Page SIP QuickStart for 3300IP and 9600IP...52
Reference Quick Keys (* * Commands to gain network information from phones) ......53
Reference Power Over Ethernet (802.3af Classification of TeleMatrix Models) .....54
Reference 9600/9602IPDECT Handset/Base Registration and De-Registration .....55

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The first section of this document provides a reference for configuring the Mitel 3300 ICP to host
the Telematrix single line corded 3300IP and/or cordless 9600IP-DECT SIP phone endpoints.
The different devices can be configured in various configurations depending on your VoIP
solution. This document covers a basic setup with required option setup.

Software & Hardware Setup

These are the product software/firmware versions known to interoperate on the 3300 ICP.



Software Version


3300 ICP MXe platform


9600IP Single Line DECT/Cordless SIP



3300IP Single Line Corded SIP Phone
V1.7.253.254 Feb 25 2009

V1.7.249.248 Feb 12 2009

Device Limitations
This is a list of problems or not supported features when the Telematrix 3300IP phone is connected
to the Mitel 3300.

Call Transfer
Busy SIgnal

Problem Description
Unable to transfer calls using device based setup (Supervised or
9600IP non-Display phone Busy Signal is delayed for
approximately 10 seconds.

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Mitel 3300ICP Setup Notes

System based configuration is recommended since Telematrix SIP phones cant support device based
call transfer (supervised or unsupervised).
The following steps show how to program a 3300 ICP to connect with the Telematrix SIP phone.

Network Requirements

There must be adequate bandwidth to support the voice over IP. As a guide, the Ethernet
bandwidth is approx 85 Kb/s per G.711 voice session and 29 Kb/s per G.729 voice session
(assumes 20ms packetization). As an example, for 20 simultaneous SIP sessions, the Ethernet
bandwidth consumption will be approx 1.7 Mb/s for G.711 and 0.6Mb/s. Almost all Enterprise
LAN networks can support this level of traffic without any special engineering. Please refer to the
3300 Engineering guidelines for further information.

For high quality voice, the network connectivity must support a voice-quality grade of service
(packet loss <1%, jitter < 30ms, one-way delay < 80ms).

Assumptions for the 3300 ICP programming

The SIP signaling connection uses UDP on Port 5060.

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Licensing and Option Selection - SIP Licensing

Ensure that the 3300 ICP is equipped with enough SIP Device licences for the connection of SIP end
points. This can be verified within the License and Option Selection form.

Figure 1 License and Option Selection

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Multiline IP Set Configuration

On the Mitel 3300 ICP, a SIP device can be programmed either in the User Configuration form or the
Multiline IP Set Configuration form and are programmed as a Generic SIP Phone. Enterprise Manager
can also be used to provision where this application is installed.
The Login PIN is the SIP authentication password and the username is the DN. The Number and Login
PIN must match the information in Telematrix 9600IP phone configuration. All other field names should be
programmed according to the site requirements or left at default.

Figure 2 Multiline IP Set Configuration

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Class of Service Assignment

The Class of Service Options Assignment form is used to create or edit a Class of Service and specify its
options. Classes of Service, identified by Class of Service numbers, are referenced by the Station Service
Assignment form for the SIP devices.

Figure 3 Class of Service Assignment

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Figure 4 Class of Service Assignment (Cont)

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SIP Device Capabilities Assignment

This form provides configuration options that can be applied to various types of SIP devices. The
association between the SIP device and the form is similar to how the Class of Service options work. The
SIP Device Capabilities number provides a SIP profile that can be applied to particular SIP devices to
allow for alternate capabilities as recommended through the Mitel interop process.
The Telematrix 3300IP can only be associated with a single SIP Device Capabilities Assignment form,
though a form may be assigned to several devices, for example, one SIP Device Capabilities Assignment
form can be assigned to all of one type of SIP device.
In the Device Capabilities form, program a SIP Device Capabilities Number for the Telematrix 9600IP.
Ensure that Replace System based with Device based In-Call Feature is set to No.

Figure 5 SIP Device Capabilities Assignment

Features work with Device Based or System Based, but we recommend System Based to allow for
use of Feature Access Codes and greater flexibility.

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Station Service Assignment

Use the Station Service Assignment form to assign the previously configured Class of Service and SIP
Device Capability number to each of the Telematrix 9600IP phone in the 3300. This form utilizes Range
Select the Telematrix 9600IP phone number then select Change. Enter the previously configured SIP
Device Capability number and Class of Service for Day, Night 1 & Night 2.

Figure 6 Station Service Assignment

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Multiline Set Key Assignment

You use the Multiline Set Key Assignment form to assign the line type, ring type, and directory number to
each line select key of the Telematrix 9600IP phone.
The Telematrix 9600IP will support up to 2 additional key line appearances. Each key assignment of the
Telematrix 9600IP phone should be defined as multicall type and should specify that a call to the keys
directory number will ring the set.

Figure 7 Multiline Set Key Assignment Form

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Telematrix SIP Phone Setup Notes

Login into either type of set using a browser to enter the web administration user interface (UI). The best
process is to configure a single phone to register and have the features desired working successfully, and
then save that phones configuration file as a template to be used for creating more configuration files.
Telematrix has developed a Mass Configuration Utility that will allow installers to take a template and
substitute values for as many phones/config files as necessary.
Start the process by plugging the 9600IP into a POE switch and obtaining the phones IP address using
the key sequence * * 4(I) 7(P) # you will hear an audible readout of the IP address.

Access SIP Configuration Settings by browsing to VOIP -> SIP Config:

SIP Configuration entry of account settings and server settings

Account Name: This should be the number as programmed in the 3300 ICP followed by the IP
address of the 3300 ICP. In this example, the extension is 29015 and the ICPs IP address is
Password: This is the password as programmed into the 3300 ICP for the device.
Phone Number: This is the number that will show on a Caller ID.
Display Name: This is the name that will show on a Caller ID.
Check on Enable Register, you can see the Register Status
Server Address: Enter the address of the 3300 ICP followed by the port as configured on the
3300 ICP (default is 5060).

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Enable/Disable Device Based call features by going Advance > Call Service or SIPConfiguration >
Advanced Set

If all settings are correct you will see register status Registered and you can begin to make calls.

Call Service Settings

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TeleMatrix SIP Quickstart

The TeleMatrix 3300IP and 9600IP are a SIP-only phoneset, and is self-tested by Telematrix to
be compatible with Asterisk IP/PBX, Avaya S8300 IP Server and lab tested for compatibility with
the Mitel 3300ICP Version Release The Phone, as it comes out of the box has a
default IP address of (Network -> LAN Config). Connecting to the LAN port of the
phone and pointing your browser to that address, you will be presented with a login screen
Login = admin
Pass = admin
This is the Default Current Status Page

The scope of this document is to provide the basic screenshots necessary to quickly configure
the guest phone for basic registration and show the user where to program voicemail retrieval
keys and speed dials. Our example 9600IP phone is programmed as extension 1234
The VoIP -> SIP Configuration Screen

Server address of the IP/PBX, extension number/account name, phone number and display
name, enable register and enable message waiting indication are all programmed here.

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The Network WAN/LAN ports may be configured for DHCP or Static

Network -> WAN Config:

If used as a lobby phone, program ring-down to a specific number with the hotline field.
Advance -> Call Service Setting menu

Speed dial and Touchlite Message Retrieval keys are programmed in Advance -> Memory Key

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MWI Number is the field for programming the Red Message Waiting Touchlite. In this example,
it is programmed to dial number (7001) on the IP/PBX for retrieving voicemail messages.

Setting Dial Plans and Delivering Dial Tone after 9

Browse to Advanced => Digital Map. Dial plan rules are created under the Digital Rule Table. If
you enter a comma into a dial plan entry (example below), secondary dial tone will be supplied
at that point. For example: 9,18xxxxxxxxx will produce a dial tone after the 9. The dial tone will
quit when the 1 is pressed. Or if the entry is 12,xx When you enter 1, dial tone stops. When
you enter the 2, you get dial tone again. When you hit another digit, dial tone stops again.

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Setting VLANs Manually via the Web UI

1. VoIP -> SIP Config - Configure phone number, server IP address, etc
2. Advance -> QoS - Setup VLAN under - see QoS Config screenshot (Do not enable VLAN at
this time) diffserv, VLAN ID, (data untaged - this defines workstation traffic)
3. LAN Config - Bridge Enable - ON/Checked
4. Set your connected PC to an address and subnet mask that will allow the pc to connect to the
phone's new WAN IP address (example: phone at / subnet mask PC should be at / subnet mask or similar)
5. Log back into phone
6. LAN Config - you will find Bridge Enable checked, DHCP Server on and NAT ON. Only Bridge
Enable should be on, uncheck DHCP Server and uncheck NAT.
7. Advance -> QoS - Set/Check VLAN Enable - make sure Data Untaged is set in differentiation
8. Save config, rebootthe phone should now navigate the VLAN and receive a WAN IP address
from the correct DHCP server.
9. If you are installing multiple phones, you will want to create multiple configuration files based
upon the template you just created and saved. You can load them onto the additional phones
by saving them as extx.3300ip.txt and loading them on individual phones via Config Manage
(extx.3300ip.txt = 1234.3300ip.txt, 77701.3300ip.txt, or whatever extension numbering scheme you
are creating)

Quality of Service and VLAN Tagging are found under Advance -> QOS
Below is a valid example of setting a Voice VLAN of 302 and a data VLAN of 301

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Changing the default LAN IP Address of is possible under Network -> LAN Config
In order to enable VLAN, you must enable Bridge and disable NAT and DHCP Service as below:

This setting wont take effect unless you save the config and reboot the device

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Manual Programming - Submerged Keys and programming the Phone from the LCD
There are 2 submerged keys (above the 10 speed dial keys/underneath the faceplate). The left
(store) key is used to store speed dials as well as enter the internal menu to check status and
program the phone.
1. Speed Dial: To program a speed dial, Press the store keypress a speed dial keythen press
the digits you want stored there.
2. Internal Menu: To enter the phones internal menu, hold down the left (store) key for three
seconds. At that time, you will be prompted to enter the password (default password = 123) then
press the other key (right key = flash) to enter the LCD navigation menu.

Vol up key navigates up

Vol Down key navigates down
Right/Flash key is Enter
Left/Store key is Escape (back out of that menu option)
Redial Key is for changing values
The * (asterisk) is used as a .(dot) for IP address entry (eg: press 72* to get 72. when
entering IP address)

To determine the IP address assigned to the phone, Navigate to Config -> Network -> WAN ->
Status using the keys and process outlined above.

Reset to Factory Default

To reset the phone to the factory default settings, press # during the startup procedure
(On display phones, at power up you can see a black progress bar. On non-display
phones, simply wait 3 seconds before releasing the # key). The phone will enter into post
mode, then input * # 1 6 8 on display phones you will see clearing conf on the screen,
next you see conf reset. In non-display phones, simply wait a few seconds before cycling
power to the phone. Now you have reset to the default settings. Finally, cycle power
(remove and replace WAN power cable) to restart the phone with factory default settings.

3300ICP Notes
If there are no telephone directory assignments for the extension, then extension displays
twice when you call it.
If you do not hear Music On Hold (on a 3300ICP) you may need to change a setting in the
SIP Devices Capability Assignment Select Prevent the Use of IP Address in
SDP Messages to YES

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Configuring VLANs
Because there is no LCD display, and the phone has the capability to act as a switch, receiving
IP addresses on the WAN port and serving IP addresses on the LAN port, there are some
quirks to the 9600ip interface that make it difficult to set the QOS parameters (VLAN ID.) The
VLAN cannot be set unless the phones LAN interface is in Bridge Mode. The procedures below
should always allow you configure the phone correctly.
The Phones factory defaults set the WAN interface to DHCP and the LAN interface to Bridge
Mode with NAT and DHCP Service ON. (These last two should be OFF when Bridge Mode is
Assumptions: Phone should be in WAN DHCP mode on VLAN 30 with priority 6.

To find IP address on the Phone

Press * * 4 7 to hear audio readout of IP address.

Resetting the Phone to Factory Defaults

If many changes have been made and you need to reset the device, follow this procedure. To
reset the phone to the factory default settings, press # during the power-up procedure (Wait 3
seconds, as there is no display to show status.) The phone will enter into post mode, then
input * # 1 6 8 On a phone with LCD you will see clearing conf on the screen, next you see
conf reset. On phones without a display, wait 5 seconds before pulling power. Now you have
reset to the default settings. Finally, cycle power (remove and replace WAN power cable) to
restart the phone with factory default settings.

Configuring the Phone via web interface with a Prepared Configuration File
Connect the phone to a port where it will have a DHCP server available.
Connect your PC to a port that is on the same network (LAN or VLAN) as the phone. The phone
should have a DHCP address.
Find the IP address of the phone.
Browse and login to the phone via web UI.
Go to Config Manage.
Hit the Browse button under Update Configuration. Select the prepared Configuration File on
your PC.
Hit the update button. The UI will no longer be active, as the phone resets.
The phone will reset and come up under the new configuration. Since the new configuration
may have a VLAN ID enabled, the phone must be connected to a port where the VLAN is
supported or it will not come up and connect to the server.
In the configuration file, these (<----) are the settings addressed below in the directions for
configuration through the UI.
Lan Ip
Lan NetMask
Bridge Mode
Enable DHCP Server :0

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Enable DNS Relay :1

DHCP Update Flag :0
TFTP Server
Enable Nat
<---Enable Ftp ALG :1
Enable H323 ALG :0
Enable PPTP ALG :1
Enable IPSec ALG :1
Enable VLAN
Enable diffServ :1
DiffServ Value :46
802.1P Value
VLAN Recv Check :0
Data 802.1P Value :0
Diff Data Voice :0


Configuring the Phone Through the Web User Interface

Get IP address from phone panel or use the key strokes * * 4 7 # for audio readout.
Browse and login to the phones web UI.
Go to LAN Config.
UNCHECK DHCP Service and NAT. Hit Apply. UI should remain active.
Go to VOIP/Sip Config.
Leave SIP1 selected.
Enter the Server address.
Enter the Phone Number.
Check Enable Register.
Check Enable Message Waiting.
Hit Apply.
UI should still be active. Register Status should be "Trying".
Go to Advance/QOS.
Set Voice/Data VLAN Differentiated to Data Untagged.
CHECK Diffserv enable.
Set diffserv value to 0x2e (46 decimal).
Set Voice 802.1p Priority to 6. (or other as needed)
Set Voice VLAN ID to 30. (or other as needed)
Hit Apply. UI will still be DEAD.
Reconnect the phone to a port where the voice VLAN is supported if necessary. Power cycle
phone if it is already connected to this LAN.
The Phone should now come up on the chosen VLAN.

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Setting VLANs Manually via the Web UI

1. VoIP -> SIP Config - Configure phone number, server IP address, etc
2. Advance -> QoS - Setup VLAN under - see QoS Config screenshot (Do not enable VLAN at
this time) diffserv, VLAN ID, (data untaged - this defines workstation traffic)
3. LAN Config - Bridge Enable - ON/Checked
4. Set your connected PC to an address and subnet mask that will allow the pc to connect to the
phone's new WAN IP address (example: phone at / subnet mask PC should be at / subnet mask or similar)
5. Log back into phone
6. LAN Config - you will find Bridge Enable checked, DHCP Server on and NAT ON. Only Bridge
Enable should be on, uncheck DHCP Server and uncheck NAT.
7. Advance -> QoS - Set/Check VLAN Enable - make sure Data Untaged is set in differentiation
8. Save config, rebootthe phone should now navigate the VLAN and receive a WAN IP address
from the correct DHCP server.
9. If you are installing multiple phones, you will want to create multiple configuration files based
upon the template you just created and saved. You can load them onto the additional phones
by saving them as extx.3300ip.txt and loading them on individual phones via Config Manage
(extx.3300ip.txt = 1234.3300ip.txt, 77701.3300ip.txt, or whatever extension numbering scheme you
are creating)

Quality of Service and VLAN Tagging are found under Advance -> QOS
Below is a valid example of setting a Voice VLAN of 302 and a data VLAN of 301

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Using the Mass Configuration Tool

The purpose of the TeleMatrix Mass Configuration Utility is to allow the installer to program a
single phone to work within the network and then create multiple files (a unique one for each
phoneset). After you have created the first known good working phone config file, others are
made by copying and substituting the values that need to be changed into other unique config

Saving a Template Configuration file

After configuring a phone to satisfaction, it is time to save it and use it for creating multiples.
In the Web UI, go to Config Manage.
Hit "Right Click Here to Save As Config File (.txt). Select a directory and save

Building Configuration Files

The following information is required for the process of building multiple configuration files:
1. The complete numbering plan for the phones to be installed.
What are the building numbers if more than one?
What are the floor numbers?
What are the room numbers?
Are the rooms differentiated? (For example, suites vs. standard rooms. How many phones are
in each type of room? What is the extension number of each phone in each room?)
2. There are two SIP lines on each phone. How should each be configured, given the extension
3. What should the IP address settings be? We can set the phones to a static IP address that
will correlate easily with the extension or room number. This will make future maintenance
easier. IP address can be left empty and DHCP used, of course.
4. The items above will all be different on each phone. The items below will probably be
constant. If they are not, that may necessitate more than one configuration template. If that is
so, please make it clear.
5. What are the gateway address and DNS addresses? These might be handled by DHCP?
6. What is the SIP Registrar address and port? Is there a SIP Proxy? (unlikely)
7. Is the phone on a tagged VLAN? If so, what is the VLAN ID and priority? What should the
DSCP setting be for voice packets?
8. What is the address of the TFTP server in the system? Using the TFTP server on the Mitel
3300ICP is a known, working and available way to go if installing on a Mitel controller.
9. What dial termination rules are appropriate? Something like this is probably needed:
Item1 rule
Item2 rule
Item3 rule
Item4 rule
Item5 rule

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10. What should the MWI number be set to?

11. What should the 10 softkeys be set to?
Once these things are known, a template can be produced and reproduced for each phone.
They are then loaded onto the phone via the process below.
IMPORTANT: When creating any new configuration file, the file version (top line of config
file) must be incremented.
Ex: <<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0003
must become
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0004

Loading Configuration Files


Attach POE (Power Over Ethernet) to the 3300IP or 9600IP WAN port
Connect an Ethernet cable from the phones LAN port to a computer with a web browser
Open a web browser and point it to (default IP address for 3300IP)
Alternatively, if it has acquired a new IP address from the network find that IP with * * 4 7 #
Type in username admin and password admin

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Next Navigate to, and select the Config Manage tab on the left

At the bottom of the screen is Update Configuration Click on the Browse button to select a configuration
file to load onto the phone. Configuration files are .txt files. They can be named anything, but generally
follow the naming convention of room#.phonemodel#.txt
Eg: 1041.3300ip.txt

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Select the file you want to load for that phone: In this case we are loading extension 1041.3300ip.txt
indicating that extension 1041s configuration will load on to a 3300IP model phone.

Press Update buttonthe phone will load the new file and reboot

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After 20 seconds or so, the phone will be rebooted: at this time you can refresh your screen by reloading
the web URL. Log back into the phone ( admin / admin) to check that your update was
successful. The default page is Current Status you can check that the SIP Line 1 is indeed updated to the
correct extension at the correct server. 1041@

The TeleMatrix SIP phone sets support configuration file downloads via DHCP Option 66 in Firmware version
V1.7.219.232 (November 8, 2008) and later (Sept 5 code DOES NOT). The files have a naming convention of
1234.3300ip.txt (1234 being the varying DN/Extension number of each individual phone. The 3300ip.txt naming
convention is used for both the 3300IP and 9600IP phones.
When creating a new configuration file, the file version (top line of config file) must be incremented.
Ex: <<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0003
must become
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0004
When the phone Boots up, phones with a display will ask for a Config ID.
Using the example of 1234.3300ip.txt, the installer would press the following keys: 1234#
At that point, the phone will retrieve the configuration file from the tftp server IP address (as specified in the 3300ICP
ESM form DHCP Options). The phone will then reboot with a new configuration.
IP Address of phone is verbally read
out 29
when the user presses the keys

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TMX IP Phone Installation and Configuration Overview

This section focuses on describing the environment that the TeleMatrix hospitality SIP phones
will usually be installed within.
The requirements for phone installation and configuration are focused first on the needs of two
types of users, the installer and the administrator. The guest is not a user in this discussion.

The Installer wants to place phones quickly, easily and reliably. This user has
limited technical knowledge and mainly wants to avoid complication. Anyone
placing or replacing a phone in a room is acting in the role of Installer.


This person creates the configurations and is the local person who has
knowledge of how the system should work. The administrator has control of
the network and IPBX configuration as well as the phone configurations. This
role might be split among two or more people. The administrator wants to be
able to control and configure all phones from a central point. The
configuration of hundreds of phones is inherently complex and the
administrator wants tools that simplify this as much as possible. He needs to
be able to find the configuration of a given phone quickly and determine what
configuration is active in the phone. He needs to be able to update the
configuration of one or more phones easily from a central point.

The relevant parts of the environment for configuration and installation are as follows.

There will be several models of phone at any property. Each phone may have
unique requirements for its own configuration, even when all are provided by
TMX. We are concerned only with TMX VOIP phones here. Any analog
phones or non-TMX VOIP phones on the property are out of the scope of this
document. The phones are customized for the property in various ways
including custom face plates.
Every phone has a web UI from which the configuration can be modified
using a browser. Every phone has a keypad UI using the 12 key keypad for
entering and retrieving critical information.


The VOIP phone switch. The phones register with the IPBX to form the phone
system on the property. The IPBX has a configuration which must match up
with the phone configuration.

TFTP Server

The TFTP Server will hold the configuration files for the phones. It is
addressed via IP.

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Property Management System. The PMS and the IPBX must communicate
for various reasons. The phones do not communicate directly to the PMS,
only indirectly through the IPBX. The PMS knows a phone only indirectly by
its extension or room number.


A room may have one or more phones installed. They may be of different
types. Each phone will have its own configuration. Each phone will be
connected to the network. There may be multiple types of room, standard,
deluxe, executive, suite, etc. The phones in a room are part of a group and
have the same extension number.


The layer 2 network as it appears to the phone may be a simple LAN or a

VLAN. Lower end properties are likely to have only a single LAN which
carries voice and other traffic. Bigger properties are likely to have multiple
VLANs. The phones and IPBX will communicate via IP and will use IP
addresses to reach each other. The phones will obtain IP addresses, the
TFTP server address and VLAN assignments from a DHCP server.

Mass Configuration Utility

This tool creates the configuration files for the phones. The tool
must store the configurations in editable form. The configuration files are
ultimately placed on the TFTP Server for download by the phones.
DHCP Servers

Each LAN or VLAN must have its own DHCP server. The DHCP servers
provide at a minimum, an IP address, DNS server addresses and the TFTP
Server address to each phone as it powers up. In addition, DHCP may
provide a voice VLAN id (DHCP Option 132) and DSCP (DHCP Option 133)
and TOS values for voice traffic (DHCP Option 134). (*Support for the DHCP
Options is not available in the TeleMatrix SIP phones at this time.*)

The main tasks carried out by the users are the source of the requirements for the system.

Configuration Creation
Using a representative SIP phone (3300IP/9600IP), the Administrator creates a
configuration for the phones. The phone configuration must be created in concert with the
IPBX configuration because IDs in the phone and IPBX configurations associate a phone
with an extension in the IPBX.
The phone configuration file is essentially a database of information describing the
configuration. When the configuration is complete, the Administrator can use the Mass
Configuration Utility (MCU) to write the multiple configuration files for all or a selection of
phones to be loaded on the TFTP server.
The MCU must generate a ConfigID for each phone configured. The configuration files
written to the TFTP Server will be named <ConfigID>.<phone type>.txt. (xxxx.3300ip.txt)
The ConfigID will be constructed from the room number and building.

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The steps are below.

Create the new configuration in the MCU.
Create a set of phone-templates. A phone template is a configuration file that is
complete and tested for 1 extension. It is created by editing the configuration through the
GUI or by editing a configuration file directly. After the phone is fully tested, upload the
working configuration file to your PC.
Create a set of room-templates. Each template describes a room that will be identically
equipped and configured. For example, the Executive room-template might designate 3
phones, the cordless beside phone-template, executive-desk template and the
bathroom template.
Create the Buildings, Floors and Room numbers. Define what buildings exist. Define
how many floors are in the buildings and what the floors are named. Each room must
be associated with a room-template.
Generate phone configuration. Once the above information is set, a single operation can
generate the actual phone configurations. A room with 3 phone-templates in its roomtemplate will result in the 3 phone configuration records. A phone configuration will
contain a full, individually modifiable phone configuration. The values will have been set
according to the room-template and phone-template.
Generate configuration files. When all the phone configurations are correct, the
administrator can write out all the configuration files out to a directory, perhaps directly to
the TFTP home directory.
The administrator can modify individual phone configurations. If a phone-template is changed,
the Administrator must re-generate the configuration files to propagate the changes to the
individual phone configurations. Whenever a change is made directly to a phone configuration,
a flag is set in the record, so exceptions are always known.

Phone Installation
Installation is the placement of a new unconfigured phone in a room. Using an installation
plan, the Installer selects the type and number of phones for the room. Face plates are
installed at this time if the faceplates are room specific. Each phone is placed, connected
to the network and powered up. The phone will obtain an IP address and the TFTP Server
address from DHCP. The phone, because no ConfigID is yet configured, will prompt the
Installer for the ConfigID. The installer enters the ConfigID through the keypad. Once the
ConfigID is entered, the phone will use the TFTP Server to load the proper configuration
file. The phone will then reset and bring itself up under the new configuration. The phone
should display indications that it is up on the correct extension and is registered. The
Installer then conducts whatever tests are deemed necessary.
If a phone fails to come up correctly, the Installer will make only minimal efforts to
troubleshoot the problem. A second phone will then be tried. If that too fails, the problem
will be escalated to the Administrator as a probable error in the configuration. If the second
phone succeeds, the first will be marked DOA and set aside.
The ConfigID should be a predictable combination of codes so that the Installer does not
need a voluminous list of ConfigIDs. For example, the bathroom phone in room 1206 could
have a ConfigID of 91206, the bedside phone 71206 and the desk phone 81206. If the
phone type string for this phone is 3300ip, then the configuration file name for the
bathroom phone would be 91206.3300ip.txt.

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Phone Replacement
When replacing a phone with a new, unconfigured phone, the procedure is the same as
for initial installation. An Installer can reset the replacement phone to factory defaults and
then proceed as in a new installation.
1. When replacing a phone with one that has been used previously the phone will not prompt

for the ConfigID. Once configured, a phone will have a password in place. When the
replacement phone is put in place and powered up, the Installer must enter a password
and may then set the new ConfigID into the phone. It then loads the new configuration
file and resets, coming up under the new configuration. The Installer then verifies that
the phone is up and working in the correct extension..

Configuration Files
Different phone models may require different formats in their configuration files. For that
reason, two or more configuration files may be generated for a given phone, if two different
models might be used in that location. A model designation must be part of the
configuration file name. (Example: 3300IP phones have configuration files of 3300IP.txt,
9600IP phones have 9600IP.txt, etc)

Using the Mass Configuration Tool

The purpose of the TeleMatrix Mass Configuration Utility is to allow the installer to program a
single phone to work within the network and then create multiple files (a unique one for each
phoneset). After you have created the first known good working phone config file, others are
made by copying and substituting the values that need to be changed into other unique config
Saving a Template Configuration file
After thoroughly configuring a phone to work satisfactorily, it is time to save it and use it for
creating multiple files (one for each phone endpoint).
In the Web UI of your known good sample phone, go to Config Manage. - Select "Right Click
Here to Save As Config File (.txt). Select a directory and save

Building Configuration Files

The following information is required for the process of building multiple configuration files:
1. The complete numbering plan for the phones to be installed.
What are the building numbers if more than one?
What are the floor numbers?
What are the room numbers?
Are the rooms differentiated? (For example, suites vs. standard rooms. How many phones are
in each type of room? What is the extension number of each phone in each room?)
2. There are two SIP lines on each phone. How should each be configured, given the extension
3. What should the IP address settings be? We can set the phones to a static IP address that
will correlate easily with the extension or room number. This will make future maintenance
easier. IP address can be left empty and DHCP used, of course.

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4. The items above will all be different on each phone. The items below will probably be
constant. If they are not, that may necessitate more than one configuration template. If that is
so, please make it clear.
5. What are the gateway address and DNS addresses? These might be handled by DHCP?
6. What is the SIP Registrar address and port? Is there a SIP Proxy? (unlikely)
7. Is the phone on a tagged VLAN? If so, what is the VLAN ID and priority? What should the
DSCP setting be for voice packets?
8. What is the address of the TFTP server in the system? Using the TFTP server on the Mitel
3300ICP is a known, working and available way to go if installing on a Mitel controller.
9. What dial termination rules are appropriate? Something like this is probably needed:
Item1 rule
Item2 rule
Item3 rule
Item4 rule
Item5 rule
10. What should the MWI number be set to?
11. What should the 10 softkeys be set to?
Once these things are known, a template can be produced and reproduced for each phone.
They are then loaded onto the phone via the process below.
The Mass Configuration Utility is available for TeleMatrix partners, as a tool to facilitate building
their own multiple config files. If you have a mass configuration subscription agreement on file
with TeleMatrix, you may send your template to and have the
files built for you.
IMPORTANT: When manually creating any new configuration file, the file version (top line
of config file) must be incremented.
Example: <<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0003
must become
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0004

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Loading Configuration Files


Attach POE (Power Over Ethernet) to the 3300IP or 9600IP WAN port
Connect an Ethernet cable from the phones LAN port to a computer with a web browser
Open a web browser and point it to (default IP address for 3300IP)
Alternatively, if it has acquired a new IP address from the network find that IP with * * 4 7 #
Type is username admin and password admin

Next Navigate to, and select the Config Manage tab on the left

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At the bottom of the screen is Update Configuration Click on the Browse button to select a
configuration file to load onto the phone. Configuration files are .txt files. They can be named
anything, but generally follow the naming convention of room#.phonemodel#.txt
Eg: 1041.3300ip.txt
Select the file you want to load for that phone: In this case we are loading extension
1041.3300ip.txt indicating that extension 1041s configuration will load on to a 3300IP model

Press the Update buttonthe phone will load the new file and reboot

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After 20 seconds or so, the phone will be rebooted: at this time you can refresh your screen by
reloading the web URL. Log back into the phone ( admin / admin) to check that
your update was successful. The default page is Current Status you can check that the SIP Line
1 is indeed updated to the correct extension at the correct server. 1041@

Updating Firmware and Configurations via TFTP

The ongoing maintenance and swapping of TeleMatrix SIP phones in a hospitality setting
currently requires that the SIP sets retrieve a configuration file of xxxx.3300ip.txt from a
TFTP server.

Implementing the TFTP server resident in the Mitel 3300ICP allows that:
1. Phones can be setup simply from the room with a series of key presses.
2. Example placing/powering the phone and pressing 1234# will cause the phone to
retrieve 1234.3300ip.txt, which in this example is the phones config file.
3. Phones can receive firmware upgrades periodically when new features are added or
bugs are detected and fixed

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4. Hotel staff can easily replace a defective phone simply by following the steps

referenced above in 1 a.
The alternative is to manually upgrade the TeleMatrix SIP phonesets by logging into each
phones web user interface (UI) browse to the web interface of the phone and manually
upgrade through the System -> Upgrade
Create a new configuration file for the phone with the following mini-config added to the
already existing phone configuration. This new configuration would then reside on the local
tftp server, along with the firmware file used for the upgrade. This will work on phones with
firmware supporting DHCP Option 66, dated 30 October 2008 and later.
Auto Image Server : (Replace with your TFTP server where the phone
configuration files are placed)
Auto Image Name :21b4V1_7_237_235T20081206001533.z - (The new firmware file will have a
name like this)
Auto Image User :
Auto Image Password:
Auto Image Protocol:2
Download Username :user
Download password :pass
Download Server IP :
Config File Name :1234.3300IP.txt - (Extension 1234 in this example)
Config File Key :
Download Protocol :1
Download Mode
Download Interval :1

In a Mitel 3300ICP environment the TFTP Server is a folder/subdirectory best reached by using
FTP into the 3300ICPs IP address. At that point place the IP Phones configuration files into the
tftp subdirectory.
Step 1 - Implement the Mitel 3300ICP TFTP server scenario described below:
Step 2 Configure the Mitel 3300ICP and place files on its native TFTP server.
Step 3 - As new firmware and configuration files are deemed necessary, replace the
TeleMatrix IP Phone config files again with an incremented version (2.0003 becomes
2.0004) and a config module specifying the new firmware file is added. Use the
TeleMatrix Mass Configuration Tool to create multiple files
Step 4 - Cycle the power on phones one at a time OR cycle the power on the POE forcing
all the phones to reboot if that is ever deemed a safe option.
Result: The 3300IP or 9600IP phones will boot, grab their same expected config file (
example: 1234.3300ip.txt), but this time they will download new firmware, reboot again
and be upgraded AND continue working as before. This was tested and should work as
long as the phone can truly reach and download via tftp.

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Step 1 - Implement the Mitel 3300ICP TFTP server :

Here is the configuration to be implemented in the network environment to allow the TeleMatrix SIP
phones to be served a DHCP address and route via DHCP Option 66 to the Mitel Controller server
and download its config file. This will vary by property and security rules.

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Step 2 Configure the Mitel 3300ICP and place files on its native TFTP server.
Specify the tftp server name in the Mitel 3300ICP controller. This is done under DHCP

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Using Microsoft IE, type in your Mitel 3300ICP controllers IP address in to the browser:

3300ICP Default User ID is system and password is password

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After the challenge, you will arrive at the root of the FTP server

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You will want to view the files on the controller with Windows Explorer
View -> Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer

Now you can see the hidden directories: The tftp subdirectory is heredoubleclick to enter.

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Open a second window of Windows Explorer and browse to where you have the
Configuration files for the TeleMatrix IP Phones. Select the config files and drag
and drop into the tftp directory

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Step 3 - As new firmware and configuration files are deemed necessary, replace the TeleMatrix IP
Phone config files again with an incremented version (2.0003 becomes 2.0004) and a config module
specifying the new firmware file is added. Use the TeleMatrix Mass Configuration Tool to create multiple

Step 4 - Cycle the power on phones one at a time OR cycle the power on the POE forcing all the
phones to reboot if that is ever deemed a safe option.
Result: The 3300IP or 9600IP phones will boot, grab their same expected config file ( example:
1234.3300ip.txt), but this time they will download new firmware, reboot again and be upgraded AND
continue working as before. This was tested and should work as long as the phone can truly reach and
download via tftp.

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TFTPD32 and Firmware Upgrade QuickStart for 3300IP and 9600IP

TeleMatrix SIP phone sets can retrieve configuration files and firmware file upgrades via the tftp protocol.
Many SIP servers have built in tftp servers, but there are some occasions where it is advisable to use one
in a stand-alone setting (such as when pre-configuring or testing). TeleMatrix has had success with the
freeware TFTP Server (TFTPD32) running on Windows XP. TFTPD32 can act as BOTH a DHCP server
and TFTP server.

In the boot-up process the TeleMatrix SIP phones can receive information (via DHCP Option 66)
telling the phone where the TFTP server is (in the form of an IP address)
1. Download and Install TFTPD32 -
2. Setup local network on the PC running TFTPD32

3. Set up the DHCP Server TAB with option 66 in TFTPD32

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Additional Option is set to 66the IP address to its right is the TFTP serverin this case same machine running the server.

4. Select the folder where the TFTP server will pull files from

5. Place all the config files xxx.3300ip.txt and/or the firmware file in the specified directory (in this case
C:\Program Files\Tftpd32)

6. That should be all the setup needed for the PC running the TFTP server.
7. The next step is to plug a phone into a POE switch connected to the PC wait for the Config
ID challenge, then input the configID followed by #. The phone will then grab the
corresponding file off the TFTP server (the file must be located in the TFTP serving folder.
Example: 1234.3300ip.txt will be the configuration file downloaded when you input 1 2 3 4 # at
the Config Id challenge.

Updating Firmware
If you are only updating firmware, the following <AUTOUPDATE CONFIG MODULE> is a
template for a small configuration file specifically to update firmware. This can be used standalone, or can be added to the phones complete configuration file.
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0004

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(Save this as 3.3300ip.txt)


Auto Image Server : (Your TFTP server where the phone configuration files

are placed)
Auto Image Name : 3300SIP-1.8.0-513.z - (The new firmware file name.)
Auto Image User : (tftp does not use authentication, but ftp and http do)
Auto Image Password:
Auto Image Protocol:2
Download Username :user
Download password :pass
Download Server IP :
Config File Name :
(When this is blank, display phones will prompt for ConfigID and

non-display phones will prmpt audibly with Doodle Doodle tone When it is occupied with a
filename like 1234.3300ip.txt the phone will check that file for configuration information.)
Config File Key :
Download Protocol :1 (0 = ftp, 1 = tftp, 2 = http)
Download Mode
Download Interval :1
You could save this as a text file (such as 3.3300ip.txt) and upgrade the phones firmware by typing in 3 #
(to retrieve 3.3300ip.txt) when the phone boots up and requests a Config Id. (Display phones display
Config Id, but display-less phones such as the 9600IP-DECT prompt with a series of tones sounding like

IMPORTANT: When manually creating any new configuration file, the file version
(top line of config file) must be incremented.
Example: <<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0003
must become
<<VOIP CONFIG FILE>>Version:2.0004

Reset to Factory Default

To reset the phone to the factory default settings, press # during the startup procedure (On display
phones, at power up you can see a black progress bar. On non-display phones, simply wait 3 seconds
before releasing the # key). The phone will enter into post mode, then input * # 1 6 8 on display
phones you will see clearing conf on the screen, next you see conf reset. In non-display phones,
simply wait a few seconds before cycling power to the phone. Now you have reset to the default settings.
Finally, cycle power (remove and replace WAN power cable) to restart the phone with factory default

Upgrade Firmware and Retain known Working Configuration Files

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1. Put the new firmware Auto Image Name


: 3300SIP-1.8.0-513.z on your tftp

2. Put the 3.3300ip.txt (Autupdate Config Module) on the tftp server (DHCP Option 66 on Guest
VLAN AND Voice VLAN must specify the tftp server referenced in Auto Image Server.)

3. Factory Reset on the phone (# at power up, count to three then * # 1 6 8 then
cycle power again) (This will reset your phone with a blank config file of Version Number
4. At Config ID Prompt (Doodle Doodle) pres 3 # to download autoupdate image config
file (3.3300ip.txt)
5. After phone downloads and reboots you will be challenged for Config ID (doodle
doodle) again
6. Enter the original config ID # for the room to restore the original values (This Version
Number of config file should be higher than the Version Number 2.0004 now on the
phone because of 3.3300ip.txt )
This process assumes that the phones can still reach a single TFTP server from both the

guest and voice VLANs.

This should upgrade the phones firmware and put back on the known working configurations of
the phones.

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TeleMatrix SIP Quickstart

The TeleMatrix 3300IP and 9600IP Cordless DECT are SIP-only hospitality guest sets. The Phones are
powered only by POE/802.3af and will acquire an IP address when met by a DHCP server. Begin by
plugging your POE Ethernet cable into the WAN port. To retrieve an IP address, press * * 4(I) 7(P) #. The
phones IP address will be spoken by audio through the speaker. Pointing your web browser to that IP
address. You will be presented with a login screen.
Login = admin
Password = admin

This is the Default Current Status Page

The scope of this document is to provide the basic screenshots necessary to quickly configure
the guest phone for basic registration and show the user where to program voicemail retrieval
keys and speed dials. Our example 3300IP phone is programmed as extension 1234
Program your connection under the VoIP -> SIP Configuration Screen

Server address of the IP/PBX, extension number/account name, phone number and display
name, enable register and enable message waiting indication are all programmed here.

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Speed dial and Touchlite Message keys are programmed under Advance -> Memory Key

MWI Number is the field for programming the Red Message Waiting Indicator Touchlite.

In this example, it is programmed to dial number (7001) on the IP/PBX for retrieving
voicemail messages.
Manual Programming - Programming the 3300IP via the LCD and Submerged Keys
There are 2 submerged keys (above the 10 speed dial keys/underneath the faceplate). The left (store) key is used
to store speed dials as well as enter the internal menu to check status and program the phone.
1. Speed Dial: To program a speed dial, Press the store key press the digits you want stored press a speed
dial key.
2. Internal Menu: To enter the
phones internal menu, hold down the
left (store) key for three seconds. At
that time, you will be prompted to
enter the password (default password
= 123) then press the other key (right
key = flash) to enter the LCD
navigation menu.
Vol up key navigates up
Vol Down key navigates down
Right/Flash key is Enter/Select
Left/Store key is Escape (back out of that
menu option)
To determine the IP address assigned to the phone, Navigate to Config -> Network -> WAN -> Status using the
keys and process outlined above.
Reset to Factory Default
To reset the phone to the factory default settings, press # during the startup procedure (At power up you can
see a black progress bar). The phone will enter into post mode, then input * # 1 6 8 Then you will see
clearing conf on the screen, next you see conf reset. Now you have reset to the default settings. Finally, cycle
power (remove and replace WAN power cable) to restart the phone with factory default settings.

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Reference Quick Keys

The TeleMatrix family of SIP phones has implemented an innovative way to determine various
states of the SIP phone and the network it is attached to via the phones dial-pad. By pressing
the * key twice in succession followed by a series of numbers (generally matched to the
commands corresponding letters.)

Show IP address - **47# (**IP#)

Description:**47# causes the phone to read out the IP address currently assigned. If the
phone has an LCD panel, it should be displayed there. If the phone has no display panel, or
the address cannot be displayed, it should be read out audibly on the speaker (or handset if
off hook.)

Show VLAN - **85# (**VL#)

Description: When entered respond with the Voice VLAN ID. If VLAN is disabled Zero to
indicate off is spoken.

Set VLAN - **87# (**VS#)

Description: This allows the user to set the VLAN ID. The keypad password is also required.
To set the VLAN ID when the password is 9382 and the VLAN ID is 30, enter
"**87#9382#30#". When a VLAN ID is set, the phone should set VLAN Enabled and the
Voice VLAN ID. If necessary the LAN should be set to Bridge mode also.

Show Firmware Version - **39# (**FW#)

Description: When **39# is entered, the phone willdisplay or audibly respond with the
firmware version number such as "".

Show TFTP Server Address - **83# (**TF#)

Description: When entered, the phone responds with the IP address of the TFTP
server. This should be the TFTP server address being actually used. It might come from the
configuration file, option 66, option 125 or option 43.

Re-program New ConfigID - **77*password*ConfigID# (**RP*xxx*yyyy#)

Description: After entering **77*, the user must enter the Keypad Password followed by a *
then the ConfigID of the new config file, followed by #. If the password (in the existing config
on the phone is 123, and the new config file is 1234.3300ip.txt), then the user would enter
**77*123*1234#. The user should NOT be prompted for the password. The phone will then
download the new config file 1234.3300ip.txt.

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Reference Power Over Ethernet (802.3af Classification of TeleMatrix Models)

The 9600/9602IP-DECT cordless hospitality phone has a base station that is powered via POE
802.3af. The max power consumption is 3.5W, thus falling into the POE class spectrum of Class
2. The auxiliary handset stations are powered via standard electrical plugs.
The 3300/3302IP corded hospitality phones are powered via 802.3af POE and consume
approximately 2.5 Watts of power thus falling into the Class 1 spectrum of 802.3af.
The 3300IP-TRM Trimline corded hospitality phones are powered via 802.3af POE and
consume approximately 2.1 Watts of power thus falling into the Class 1 spectrum of 802.3af.
The IP550 corded business class phones with LCD display are powered via 802.3af POE and
consume approximately 2.5 Watts of power thus falling into the Class 1 spectrum of 802.3af.
The IP100 corded business class phones without LCD display are powered via 802.3af POE
and consume approximately 2.5 Watts of power thus falling into the Class 1 spectrum of
The Not yet released TMX1170 IP/DECT TouchScreen Device are powered via 802.3af
POE and consume approximately 6.0 Watts of power thus falling into the Class 2 spectrum of


Wattage Consumed

POE Class


3.5 W

Class 2


2.5 W

Class 1


2.1 W

Class 1

2.5 W

Class 1


2.1 W

Class 1

Preliminary / Not Yet Released


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6.0 W

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Class 2

Reference 9600/9602IP DECT Handset/Base Registration and De-Registration

The 9600/9602IP-DECT cordless hospitality phone has a base station that is powered via POE 802.3af.
The max power consumption is 3.5W, thus falling into the POE class spectrum of Class 2. The auxiliary
handset stations are powered via standard electrical plugs.
Register One Handset:

Plug 9600IP base into a Power Over Ethernet (POE) Layer 2 Switch
Wait for ConfigID tone-prompt
Enter ConfigID and # to retrieve file from tftp server OR Press # to bypass ConfigID
Press Speaker key on Base to confirm dial tone
Press Speaker key again to hang up
Install battery in remote handset
On 9600IP base Press and Hold Locate Key until charge Light Blinks
On Handset Press and hold * key Listen for short beep and continue holding the * key until
you hear the second longer sing-song beep
9. On handset Press on/off key and listen to confirm you have dial tone.
Register up-to a total of 4 handsets:
It is possible to register up-to 4 remote handset kits to Repeat this process for three more handsets
Only 4 handsets can be registered to a base. When a fifth one tries to register to the base it fails. The next
procedure deletes the handset registrations so that you can start again.
Delete Handset Registrations from 9600IP Base:
Press and hold down the FLASH key on the base unit for three seconds, the Speaker will beep, then
Press 0 on the base unit to delete all the handsets.
Press 1 on the base unit to delete the first handset.
Press 2 on the base unit to delete the second handset.
Press 3 on the base unit to delete the third handset.
Press 4 on the base unit to delete the fourth handset.
Note: After pressing the number keys, Charge indicator light will flash, which means the handset is
being deleted by the phone. When Charge indicator light stops flashing, it means that the deletion is

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