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The Queen is Snow White's stepmother and she is very jealous of her
stepdaughter's true beauty and makes her work as a servant and wear old
clothes. Every day the Queen asks her magic mirror on the wall Who is the
fairest one of all? And each day the Mirror would reply You are the fairest My
Rising Action
One day the Queen asks the Mirror the same question, but this time the Mirror
says that Snow White is the fairest one of all.
The queen calls her Huntsman and orders him to take Snow White into the forest
and kill her and bring her heart to the queen. The Huntsman lets Snow White run
away into the forest and kills a pig and puts its heart in the box for the queen and
gives it to the Queen. At night when the Queen asks the Magic Mirror again Who
is the fairest one of all? The Mirror replies Snow White who still lives in the
cottage of the seven dwarfs.
The queen makes a poison apple that will make Snow White sleep forever until
she receices love's first kiss. The queen tricks Snow White to eat her apple. Show
White takes a bite of the apple and falls to the ground in a deep sleep. The queen
laughs and now believes that she will be the fairest one of all, but as she starts to
leave, she chased by the dwarfs who were warned by the forest animals. The
Dwarfts chase the queen up a hill where she tries to roll a big bloder on top of
them but lightning strikes where the queen stands and she falls to the ground
below and dies.
When all hope seems lost the gallant prince came and wake her up by kissing.
After that they get married.

Snow White - A young Princess whose wicked jealous stepmother has
forced her to work as a maid in the castle. She is the most beautiful of

all the creatures, and this makes everyone, including the animals, fall
in love with her
The Queen - Stepmother of Snow White who has a magic mirror. She
hates her stepdaughter because of her beauty
The Prince A prince who wake Snow White up from her sleep by
Huntsman A man who needs to kill Snow White and bring her heart
back to the queen but he couldnt kill her and he tells Snow White to
run away from this place because it is too dangerous for her
Forest animals The animals in the forest that help Snow White to
The Dwarfs They each have their own personality, they agree in their
devotion to Snow White. They live with Snow White at their house

Dont be envious of what others have
New York City, on October 31, 1912
The main point of view is third person
The colors White, Red and Black
The colors presented at the beginning of the story that are skin as
white as snow, lips as red as blood, hair as black as ebony. White
represents innocence, red represents life and passion, while black
represents death.
No mother

The absence of the birth mother makes it possible for storytellers to

introduce the role of the evil stepmother.
The poison apple
This would seem to point all the way back to the biblical reference of
the apple which was offered to Eve by the serpent. The evil queen
offers Snow White the apple in much the same way. Snow White
knows she should not be speaking to strangers, but she does it.

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