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I’m neither a physicist nor a mathematician (I was never good at those basic sciences). But I love science
and sometimes science-fiction. I’m interested in astrophysics, not astrology and definitively not religion.
Thus, what you are about to read might be interesting for you, or just a simple joke depending on your
background, ideas and personal experience. I’m just trying to explain myself situations in life standing on
scientific grounds, and not from the supernatural, paranormal or religious standpoints. I could be wrong,
but this theory possibly falls within the realm of quantum mechanics.

Every object or individual has a certain amount of positive and negative charges interacting within
themselves. Like charges repel one another, opposite charges attract. In materials, there are almost
exactly equal proportions of positive and negative charges, making the materials as a whole
electrically neutral 1. Each electron has a negative electrical charge. Each proton has a positive electrical
charge. The charge of a proton and an electron are equal in magnitude, yet opposite in sign. The
number of protons in an atom (also known as its atomic number) determines the element. Varying the
number of neutrons results in isotopes. Varying the number of electrons results in ions. Isotopes and ions
of an atom with a constant number of protons are all variations of a single element 2. Negative charges,
being associated with electrons, are far more mobile (either adding or removing them) in materials
than positive charges are. A very small excess or deficit of negative charges in a material produces
noticeable electric forces 1.

Magnetic forces are very closely related to electric forces and can be thought of as different aspects of
a single electromagnetic force. Moving electric charges produce magnetic forces and moving magnets
produce electric forces. Without touching them, material that has been electrically charged pulls on
all other materials and may either push or pull other charged materials. The strength of the force
(attractive or repulsive) is proportional to the charges, and, as with gravitation, inversely proportional
to the square of the distance between them 1 (Coulomb’s Law).

Human cells consist of 65 - 90% water (H2O) … Oxygen therefore contributes a majority of a human
body's mass, followed by carbon 3. Every time you are feeling something or having an emotion in
response to external stimuli, physiological substances in several parts of your nervous system as well as
in some glands and organs of your body, are being released and controlled by biofeedback mechanisms.
Those momentary or sustained physiological fluctuations modify the charges, output and
electromagnetic intensity of your body, which in turn exert an influence over your environment, making
it to react to your stimuli. But the initial stimuli can also be endogenous, like when you are having a
nightmare or meditate in a silent room or when there is a tumor present in the pituitary gland.

You affect your environment and in turn, or as a consequence of your stimuli, your environment
responds to you, then you reply again to your environment’s response, so both constantly struggle for
the supremacy of charges. Only one can rule supreme, being that consistent with nature. You are going
to find just one alpha wolf in the pack.

The overall intrapersonal charge of an individual (living things) depends on the balance between the
negative and positive charges within. An individual can be genetically prone to be negatively (anion) or
positively charged (cation), and either tendency is maintained throughout life. See Figure 1 below.
So, we have an intrapersonal charge either prone to the cationic or anionic, genetically determined, that
never becomes neutral. One day we might be more positively or negatively charged, although always
conserving our natural electric tendency. No matter the degree of intensity of electromagnetic
fluctuations that we may experience in a day or through our lives, our overall electromagnetic tendency
is always maintained in a greater or lesser degree. For instance, a person with 100 + and 90 - charges
that fluctuates to 100 + and 97 or 82 - charges is always positively charged, and that tendency cannot be
reversed into a negative one.

The intrapersonal charges interact with the environmental charges because all of our atoms and the
atoms from the environment are in contact through a continuous physical-electromagnetic natural
mesh (PEM). Then one can talk about positive or negative intrapersonal and extra-personal
(environmental) adjacent or adjoining energies. This is a magnetic world. The Earth is also a magnet.

The extra-personal charges comprise everything outside the person: the charges of other people,
objects, materials, natural forces, etc. They usually outnumber the intrapersonal charges of any
individual, since the extra-personal charges are represented by too many thing /forces surrounding the
individual, not counting the fact that we are usually in contact with the ground (one of them). Now, if
we were unclothed while free-falling from the sky with no parachute, the amount of extra-personal
items (and their charges) surrounding us would be clearly diminished.

The positive extrapersonal charges push away the intrapersonal positive charges, which are also
attracted by the extrapersonal negative charges. At the same time, the extrapersonal negative charges
push away the intranegative charges, also attracting the intrapositive charges. Then a biophysical
bidirectional feedback based on repulsion and attraction is constantly going on between the negative
and the positive charges of both the intrapersonal and extra-personal environments.

Let’s not forget that the electrons are the mobile ones. The overall electrical balance (either positive or
negative) of both the intrapersonal entity and the extra-personal environment defines the
electromagnetic scenario where all the charges from both sides interact. Then we can have an
intrapersonal-cation (I-C) surrounded by an extra-personal cation (E-C), an intrapersonal-cation
surrounded by an extra-personal anion (E-A), an intrapersonal-anion (I-A) surrounded by an E-C, and an
I-A surrounded by an E-A.

By the way, the intrapersonal “positively” charged energy is in no way related to “positive” outcomes or
positive attitudes in life, nor to the good things that happen to us. So, what happens to us in our lives
depends on where (what place of the electrically charged world) we place our genetically induced
electric tendency. When people say that everything happens for a reason, they are right, just they don’t
relate the ocurrences to our electromagnetic world.


The Figure 2 below shows an intrapersonal-cation (I-C) individual (positively charged) within a greater
overall positively charged extra-personal cation (E-C) environment. The intrapersonal-cation is repelled
by its environment.

Several different things can happen in a situation like this:

1. The I-C individual, purposefully stays becoming more positively charged right there in order to better
fit that environment. For that, the overall I-C will lose more negative charges (electrons, then becoming
a different ion of the same self) rather than gaining positive charges (protons, varying his/her overall
atomic number and becoming someone formed by different elements) in the atomic nuclei. The more
positively charged that individual, the closer to a neutral electromagnetic equilibrium of charges with
the environment, with a less intense electromagnetic repulsion to be endured or felt by that particular
individual. For example, an unleashed energetic and frustrated dog (E-C) approaches you running and
barking to intimidate you (I-C), you panic for a moment but regain valor looking to the dog in the eye
while confronting him (losing electrons, then > + charges). The dog becomes hesitant, slows down and
stops barking because your positive charges are now similar to his.
The intensity/strength of the electromagnetic repulsion exerted over an individual depends on the
overall difference in charges between his/her intrapersonal charge and the overall charge of his/her
particular environment at a given moment, and the distance between both the intrapersonal and extra-
personal charges (Coulomb’s Law). Also, the degree of indirect increment in overall positive charges of
the I-C (through losing electrons) is going to be opposed by the amount of positive charges present in
the surrounding environment (dog growling at you, but from the distance), in a way that is not going to
be easy for the I-C to attain more positive charges than its surrounding environment (if you try to kick
the dog, the dog will try to bite you). So, there is a electrophysiological response (fight rather than fly in
this case) in the I-C caused by the repulsive stimuli of the E-C, which at the same time controls the
degree of electromagnetic change experienced by the I-C (feedback).

Think of these whimsical and hypothetical, but practical (well, they work for me) initial numbers: I-C:
100 + and 90 - with E-C: 300 + and 280 -. The I-C has an excess of 10 + charges, while the E-C has an
excess of 20 + charges. Then the I-C is repelled by the E-C with an intensity of 10 units of
electromagnetic force. If the I-C becomes more positively charged right there, let’s say by losing 4 more
electrons (I-C: 100 + and 86 - = excess of 14 + charges), then it would endure just 6 units of repulsion by
the E-C, experiencing a more natural and better fit. For a perfect fit there, the I-C would have to lose a
total of 10 - charges, having transformed his or herself into an I-C with 100 + and 80 - charges at the end.
But that’s not going to be easy because those 10 - charges planned to be lost by the I-C are going to be
one by one forced to stay in the I-C by the attracting 10 + excessive charges present in the E-C. So,
another example could be the case where two abusive bullies (E-C) are confronted by a former-
intimidated-now-assertive-confident and courageous student (I-C) for a period of several weeks,
becoming the former ones a lot less harassing at the end or not harassing at all. Thus, we could say that
under the influence of a strong E-C environment, an I-C (also positive) must be ionized losing electrons
in order to survive there.

Now, if hypothetically speaking the I-C loses more than 10 electrons (surpassing his/her level of perfect
fit) having at the end 100 + and 75 - charges, then the E-C environment would be repelled by the I-C with
a force of 5 + charges. The tortilla has been flipped, with the I-C becoming the dominant one there. Let’s
keep in mind that in order to lose 1 electron, the amount of physical and mental (physiological, in
general) effort is comparatively enormous, so this kind of turnaround situation is highly unlikely (not
impossible), but mainly because the E-C is not going to allow it. Can you imagine the newly-assertive-
confident and courageous student (I-C) now harassing the bullies?

Unfortunately, just the stronger ones would dare to stay and change, surviving the environment by the
means of going through difficult and stressful “positive” transformations. Well, we are not different
from other species undergoing the natural selection process in the “food chain”. Darwin actually hit the
bull’s eye.

If the intensity of the overall repellent extra-personal charges is so immensely unattainable that our
similar intrapersonal charges remain insignificant in comparable strength despite the “positive” changes,
we could be eventually modified or damaged due to the long sustained pervasive electrical imbalance.
So, our bodies must adapt the best they can, migrate or die.
2. The same I-C individual, this time not quite strong but having to stay there under the long sustained
influence of the positively charged E-C, instead of losing electrons gains them, becoming less positively
charged (more negatively charged) and consequently more severely repelled by his/her now relatively
stronger positive environment.

Think of these same numbers: I-C: 100 + and 90 - with E-C: 300 + and 280 -. The I-C has an excess of 10 +
charges, while the E-C has an excess of 20 + charges. Then the I-C is constantly repelled by the E-C with
an intensity of 10 units of electromagnetic force. If the I-C becomes less positively charged right there,
let’s say by gaining 4 more electrons (I-C: 100 + and 94 - = excess of 6 + charges), then it will have to
endure now 14 units of repulsion instead from the E-C, experiencing an even worse and unhealthy fit
there. At the same time, those 4 electrons gained by the I-C are going to create a stronger attractive
bond between the positive charges of the E-C and the now greater amount of negative charges of the I-
C, so the E-C has increased its supremacy, dominance and control over the I-C in that particular
interaction. That could be the case where the intimidated student becomes more and more bullied over
the weeks, unable to stand up to them, or when an abusive husband hits her increasingly fearful wife.
The consequences of these “negative” transformations can be really devastating in the lives of the
affected ones (when an I-C gains electrons in a positively charged environment).

If this intrapersonal-cation gains 10 electrons in total (I-C: 100 + and 100 - with E-C: 300 + and 280 -) the
E-C would lose total interest in the I-C because it has become electromagnetically neutral, so the stimuli
for the E-C is not there anymore and now the E-C indirectly does not have any excess of charges. But we
know that this human electromagnetic equilibrium is highly unlikely. If an I-C cannot get electromagnetic
neutrality, then the idea of becoming a different electromagnetic entity (gaining not 10 but 11 electrons
for I-C: 100 + and 101 - = excess of 1 - charge = I-A) would be plainly ridiculous. That’s why I think that a
genetic electromagnetic tendency cannot be reversed into the opposite one.

A person might not have another option (different reasons: job, prison, marriage, etc.) other than
staying in an electrically unstable (just for he or she) region of the world, enduring the repellent effect
there, while just wishing to be or actually being temporarily (relatively brief) exposed to other
surrounding environments that would complement and neutralize his/her overall positive intrapersonal

Every day we struggle trying to find that electrically neutral environment perfect for us, but that’s very
unlikely to find since we don’t know where to find it (what surround us from the electromagnetic
standpoint?). We move briefly but dynamically through hundreds of extra-personal environments in a
day, undergoing enormous amounts of environmental interactions, some of them repellent and some
others appropriate for our particular overall intrapersonal charge.

3. The intrapersonal-cation voluntarily and conveniently migrates to another extra-personal area also
positively charged (with lesser charges than in examples 1 and 2 above) or to a negatively charged area:

A. If the overall recipient extra-personal area is also positively charged but with a lesser amount of
positive charges (more negatively charged than in 1 and 2 above) the I-C then has to lose even fewer
electrons in order to fit that new environment. Any given amount of negative ionic transformation
experienced there by the intrapersonal-cation (voluntary or circumstantial) would have to occur at a
lesser degree than in 1 above since this new recipient environment has, to begin with, a “larger”
(relatively speaking) amount of negative charges (more attractive of the relatively increased number of
positive charges of the I-C and at the same time less repelling of the now relatively lesser amount of I-C
negative charges) than in example 1.

Think of these initial numbers: I-C: 100 + and 90 - with E-C: 295 + and 280 -. The I-C has an excess of 10 +
charges, while the E-C has an excess of 15 + charges. Then the I-C is repelled by the E-C with an intensity
of 5 units of electromagnetic force. If the I-C becomes more positively charged right there, let’s say by
losing just 1 more electron (I-C: 100 + and 89 - = excess of 11 + charges), then it would endure just 4
units of repulsion by the E-C. Even though the individual is also there ultimately repelled, he/she now
experiences a more natural and better fit since the electromagnetic environment is particularly less
unstable and repelling than in example 1. For a perfect fit, the I-C would have to lose a total of 5
electrons there (I-C: 100 + and 85 - = excess of 15 + charges) compared to 10 electrons in example 1. So,
again, an I-C (positive) must be ionized losing electrons in order to survive in an E-C (positive)

What about if, hypothetically speaking, the I-C loses more than 5 - charges, surpassing the amount of
excessive positive charges of the E-C? If at the end the I-C possesses 100 + and 83 - charges, having lost 7
electrons in total, then it will have an excess of 17 + charges against 15 + of the E-C. The E-C would be
now the one being repelled with 2 units of electromagnetic force exerted by the I-C. But as I said above,
the amount of overall positive charges gained by the I-C (through losing electrons) is going to be
opposed by the amount of positive charges present in the surrounding environment, in a way that is not
going to be easy for the I-C to attain more positive charges than its surrounding environment. So, this
would very difficult to happen, although not impossible.

B. If the overall recipient extra-personal area is truly negatively charged (extra-personal anion or E-A),
the I-C then will fit right away in that new welcoming environment of the overall positively charged
individual. Think of these initial numbers: I-C: 100 + and 90 - with E-C: 280 + and 300 -. The I-C has an
excess of 10 + charges, while the E-A has an excess of 20 - charges. Then the dependent I-C is 10 + extra
charges behind or away from getting a perfect electromagnetic match with the surrounding dominant E-
A. In other words, the E-A has an excess of 10 - charges unused or wasted by the I-C because he/she
lacks of 10 extra + charges. More than likely, the I-C will feel there anyways like fitting right. See Figure 3
Very likely, the I-C is going to remain in that E-A environment. But if the I-C becomes more negatively
charged right there gaining electrons (I-C: 100 + and 95 - = excess of just 5 diminished + charges) he/she
will feel a diminished attractive power from the E-A, since now the I-C is 15 + extra charges behind or
away from getting a perfect electromagnetic match with the surrounding E-A. In other words, the E-A
has now an excess of 15 - charges unused or wasted by the I-C. So, an I-C (positive) must refrain from
getting more negative charges in order to maintain the power of attraction exerted over his/her
positive charges by an E-A (negative). Anyways, the E-A is going to oppose, through repulsion, the
increment of negative charges erroneously planned by the I-C because that does not benefit either one.
In the worst case scenario, if the I-C gains 10 electrons (I-C: 100 + and 100 - = neutral) it would become
electromagnetically unattractive to the E-C, now further away from it by 20 - charges of difference.

Now, if the dependent I-C becomes more positively charged right there losing electrons (I-C: 100 + and
85 - = excess of 15 + charges) he/she will be attracted by the dominant E-A now with a greater intensity,
although still lacking of 5 + charges of electromagnetic force for the perfect match. Then for a perfect
electromagnetic match, an I-C (positive) should try to lose the required amount of electrons necessary
to match with his exceeding positive charges, the amount of exceeding negative charges present in
the E-A. The E-A won’t be opposed to that since the E-A lacks of positive attractive charges; instead, the
E-A will applaud that initiative of the I-C and even will help the I-C to get rid of the necessary electrons,
repelling those with the excess of his/her/its negative charges. Once both types of charges are in perfect
equilibrium (20 + with 20 -) the E-A won’t help the I-C to lose more electrons because all of the E-A
charges are now in consonance with all the charges of the I-C.

Compare these two examples: someone not so friendly (I-C) begins his sophomore year in high school in
another town after moving. The first day, he meets a friendly student (E-A) that spontaneously
welcomes him and shows him the library and what’s the best food in the cafeteria. The new student
changes over the weeks (losing electrons) in a way that ends up being the best friend of the native
student (perfect equilibrium). Or, the new student behaves arrogantly and is not very appreciative of
the help offered by the native student (gaining electrons). The native continues to be friendly (opposing
the charges gained by the I-C) thinking that the new student behaves like that because he does not want
anybody to think that he is scared of the new people. Weeks passed and the new student increasingly
got more arrogant and now dishonestly competitive (gained even more electrons). Then the native
student goes away permanently.

Now, trying to push it beyond the limit, if the I-C loses more electrons than the necessary ones for a
perfect match, for instance I-C: 100 + and 78 - = excess of 22 + charges, then would become dominant
over a now dependent E-A of 20 - charges. Thus, the E-A should gain 2 more electrons for a perfect
match (the attraction between both is maintained, although diminished by 2 units of electromagnetic
force), behaving like if the E-A were now an I-A (negative) and the I-C were an E-C (positive), center of
our next interaction below. This type of turnaround situation where attraction is involved is very
possible, just requiring now from the E-A to become the harder maintenance worker in the I-C and E-A
electromagnetic interaction.

As we have seen, an intrapersonal-cation can move through very different electrically charged
environments (charge and intensity of the charge) throughout the days and life, usually demanding the
latter, in a lesser or drastic way, a change in the I-C’s charge.


Now, we have to see what could happen to an intrapersonal-anion (I-A) surrounded by an extra-
personal cation (E-C).

The Figure 4 below shows an I-A individual (negatively charged) within a greater overall positively
charged E-C environment. The intrapersonal-anion is welcomed by its environment.

Think of these initial numbers: I-A: 90 + and 100 - with E-C: 300 + and 280 -. The I-A has an excess of 10 -
charges, while the dominant E-C has an excess of 20 + charges. Then the dependent I-A is 10 - due
charges behind or away from getting a perfect electromagnetic match with the attractive surrounding
dominant E-C. In other words, the E-C has an excess of 10 + charges unused or wasted by the I-A
because he/she lacks of 10 extra - charges. More than likely the I-A will feel there like fitting right.

If the I-A becomes more negatively charged right there gaining 5 electrons (I-A: 90 + and 105 - = excess
of 15 - charges) he/she will feel an increased pulling effect from the E-C, since now the I-A is just 5 -
extra charges behind or away from getting a perfect electromagnetic match with the surrounding E-C. In
other words, the E-A has now an excess of 5 + charges unused or wasted by the I-A. So, an I-A (negative)
must try to get more negative charges in order to increase the power of attraction exerted over
his/her negative charges by an E-C (positive). In the example of the 2 students above, the native
student would be here the E-C and the new student would be the I-A. Then for a perfect
electromagnetic match (I-A: 90 + and 110 - = excess of 20 - charges), an I-A (negative) should try to gain
the required amount of electrons necessary to match with his exceeding negative charges, the
amount of exceeding positive charges present in the E-C. The positive charges of the E-C will prevent
through active repelling an increment in the positive charges of the I-A (new student becoming more
arrogant and dishonestly competitive), while at the same time will help the increment of negative
charges of the I-A (new student changing for the better) to be a success through active attraction.

So, if the dependent I-A becomes more positively charged right there losing electrons (I-A: 90 + and 95 -
= excess of 5 - charges) he/she will be attracted by the dominant E-C now with a lesser intensity,
because the I-A is now lacking of 15 - charges of electromagnetic force for the perfect match. Then an I-
A (negative) should refrain from losing electrons in order to maintain the power of attraction exerted
over his/her negative charges by an E-C (positive).

Let’s fantasize analyzing two more hypothetical situations: If the I-A, fallen into oblivion, continues
losing even more electrons (for instance, a total of 10 for this specific case) while being surrounded by
the E-C, the I-A technically would not be an I-A anymore but an individual electromagnetically neutral
which “invisible” presence wouldn’t matter for the E-C anymore (I-A: 90 + and 90 - = no excess charges,
then a perfect intrapersonal electromagnetic match). Because all the 90 - charges of the
electromagnetically neutral individual would be “secured” in place by the pulling of the opposite 90 +
charges, the likelihood of another electron being lost from the group would be minimal if not
impossible. But, if the electromagnetically neutral individual would be capable of losing even more
electrons (let’s say 5 more arbitrarily) while being surrounded by the E-C, his/her final charges would be
90 + and 85 - with an excess of 5 + charges, thus becoming a dependent intrapersonal-cation (I-C) in a
dominant E-C now enduring an excess of 15 + repellent charges from the E-C. We know that neither one
of those 2 situations could be feasible to happen.


Now, what happens when we have a dependent I-A coexisting within an E-A? Let’s see Figure 5 below.
The intrapersonal-anion is repelled by its environment. Think of these initial numbers: I-A: 90 + and 100 -
with E-A: 280 + and 300 -. The I-A has an excess of 10 - charges, while the dominant E-A has an excess of
20 - charges. Then the I-A is repelled by the E-A with an intensity of 10 - units of electromagnetic force. If
the I-A becomes more positively charged right there, let’s say by losing 4 electrons (I-A: 90 + and 96 - =
excess of 6 - charges), then it would endure an increased number of 14 - units of repulsion by the E-A,
making his/her stay there even worse. So, an I-A should not lose any of its electrons when embedded
in an E-A. Instead, an I-A should gain electrons to counteract the repulsive effect of the environment.
So, if the I-A becomes more negatively charged right there, let’s say by gaining 4 electrons (I-A: 90 + and
104 - = excess of 14 - charges), then it would just have to endure a now decreased number of 6 - units of
electromagnetic repulsion by the E-A, making his/her stay there a lot more convenient, although not
perfect yet. To get even with the environment matching the effect of his/her/its environmental
repulsion, the I-A should actually gain 10 electrons (I-A: 90 + and 110 - = excess of 20 - charges).

The examples of the bullies and the mistreated student, as well as the example of the frustrated dog
and the charged bystander portrayed above in the section treating the I-C and E-C interactions, can be
also used for I-A/E-A interactions. The bullies and the dog would be E-As, whereas the intimidated
student and the charged bystander would be I-As.

Now, if the I-A gains more than 10 electrons (surpassing his/her level of perfect fit) having for instance
at the end 90 + and 115 - charges, then the E-A environment would be repelled by the I-A with a force of
5 - charges becoming the I-A the dominant one there. But let us remember that detaching or adding
electrons requires energy in terms of enormous physical and mental (physiological, in this case) effort,
being this kind of turnaround situation very unlikely but not impossible. Keep in mind that the E-A’s
excess of negative charges is going to oppose the increment of electrons undertaken by the I-A, electron
by electron, trying to repeal the I-A’s rebellion.


So far we’ve seen every possible combination of intrapersonal and extra-personal cations and anions.
Then summarizing what those two specific intrapersonal entities should and shouldn’t do in the
presence of the two extra-personal environments:

 I-C with E-C: An I-C (positive) must get ionized losing electrons in order to survive under the
influence of a strong E-C (also positive) environment undergoing a “positive” transformation.
A “negative” transformation here can be really devastating, namely when an I-C gains electrons
in a positively charged environment.
 I-C with E-A: An I-C (positive) must refrain from getting more negative charges (becoming less
positive) in order to maintain the power of attraction exerted over his/her positive charges by
an E-A (negative). Then an I-C should try to lose the required amount of electrons (becoming
more positive) necessary to match with his exceeding positive charges, the amount of exceeding
negative charges present in the E-A.
 I-A with E-C: An I-A (negative) must try to get more negative charges (becoming less positive) in
order to increase the power of attraction exerted over his/her negative charges by an E-C
(positive). An I-A should try to gain the required amount of electrons necessary to match with
his exceeding negative charges, the amount of exceeding positive charges present in the E-C. An
I-A should refrain from losing electrons in order to maintain the power of attraction exerted
over his/her negative charges by an E-C (positive).
 I-A with E-A: An I-A (negative) should not let go any of its electrons (becoming more positive)
when embedded in an E-A, since doing that loses his/her counteracting repulsive effect over the
environment. An I-A should gain the required amount of electrons necessary to match with his
exceeding negative charges, the amount of exceeding negative repulsive charges present in the


Now, let’s see how to figure out the resultant intensity of hypothetical electromagnetic interactions
between an I-C surrounded by an E-C environment. As you can see, the I-C is in full contact with all the
components of the E-C, so the distance between them is not a factor here that reduces the strength of
the interactive forces (remember Coulomb’s Law). See Figure 6 below.
The positive or negative amounts/signs given to the extrapersonal objects or individuals in Figure 6
above mean that their particular overall electromagnetic composition make them either a cation or
anion. Also, the amounts of charge given which represent the resulted balance between their positive
and negative charges within, are strictly arbitrary and perhaps exaggerated. I would not know whether
those numbers should be given in the order of the decimals, tens, hundreds, thousands, or perhaps in
orders of magnitude.

I had to come up with a scale to clasify the degree of the intensities endured by the dependent entities
in their electromagnetic interactions with the environment. Of course, my scale does not have be the
only one. Perhaps you could come up with something better than mine. To begin with, if the positive
charges of the I-C represent the 1 % to 19.99 % of the charges of a given E-C interacting with it, then the
I-C will be repelled with a high electromagnetic intensity by the E-C. For example, the I-C has an excess
of 20 + charges (60 + and 40 -) and one of the entities of the E-C has an excess of 240 + charges. The +
charges of the I-C represent the 8.33 % of the amount of + charges of the E-C, then the I-C will be
repelled with a high intensity by the E-C. Being specific with numbers, the I-C is utimately repelled by
220 + charges (240 + minus 20 + charges). Likewise, if the positive charges of the I-C represent
anywherebetween the 20 % to 39.99 % of the positive charges of the E-C, the I-C will be repelled with a
moderate - high intensity. For example, I-C = 20 + charges and E-C = 88 + charges. The I-C charges
represent 22.72 % of the E-C charges, so the I-C is repelled with the moderate - high intensity of the 68 +
charges of the E-C. Similarly, if I-C charges = 40 % to 59.99 % of the E-C charges, then the I-C will be
repelled with a moderate intensity. For example, I-C = 20 + charges and E-C = 46 + charges. The I-C
charges represent 43.47 % of the E-C charges, so the I-C is repelled with the moderate intensity of the
extra 26 + charges of the E-C. If the positive charges of the I-C represent anywhere between the 60 % to
79.99 % of the positive charges of the E-C, the I-C will be repelled with a low - moderate intensity. For
example, I-C =20 + charges and E-C = 29 + charges. The I-C charges represent 68.96 % of the E-C charges,
so the I-C wil be repelled with the low - moderate intensity of the extra 9 + charges of the E-C. If the
positive charges of the I-C represent between the 80 % to 99.99 % of the positive charges of the E-C, the
I-C will be repelled with a low intensity. For example, I-C =20 + charges and E-C = 22 + charges. The I-C
charges represent the 90.90 % of the E-C charges, so the I-C wil be repelled with the low intensity of the
extra 2 + charges of the E-C. Now, if the positive charges of the I-C represent the 100 % of the positive
charges of the E-C, the I-C won’t be pulled towards the E-C because the I-C is also pulling the E-C with
the same exact intensity, so the I-C remains still right there.

The same exact principles and degrees of intensities apply to a dependent I-A surrounded by a dominant
E-A, situation where both types of repelling charges are negative.

Now, in the case of pairs of entities with opposite charges, like when an I-C interacts with an E-A or
when an I-A interacts with an E-C, if the positive or negative charges of the dependent I-C or I-A fit
within the 1 % to 20 % of the positive charges of the E-A or E-C respectively, then the former ones will
be attracted by the latter ones with a low intensity; low - moderate intensity if that percentage is 21 %
to 40 %, moderate intensity if that percentage is 41 % to 60 %, moderate - high intensity if the
percentage fits between the 61 % and 80 %, and high intensity if the I-C or I-A represent the 81 % to 100
% of the charges of the E-A or E-C respectively. In this type of attractive interactions, a 100 %
relationship between both types of opposite charges means that the perfect electromagnetic
equilibrium can be there achieved with the greatest of the tight bonds.

If we compare the overall intensity of repulsion with the overall intensity of attraction, both exerted by
the E-C in Figure 6 for example, the greatest one between both of them indicates what overall type of
force will be exerted the most over the I-C. In general terms we could think that the overall E-C
surrounding the I-C above in Figure 6 is exerting a positive force of repulsion over the I-C equivalent to
305 units (overall 465 + minus overall 160 - = 305 +), but that’s not true because the distances between
both the I-C and the components of the E-C, and the direction of every one of the forces of the E-C have
not been contemplated there and they play an indispensable role finding out the real magnitude of the
ultimate force (see itemized and combined calculations below). If we analyze and combine the ultimate
forces of every one of the E-C’s components above exerted over the I-C using vectors (adding them by
placing the tail of one vector at the head of the other vector for the direction - the resultant vector -)
and trigonometric relations of sine, cosine, and tangent for right triangles or the Pythagoras' Theorem to
get the ultimate combined magnitude, we can come up with a single direction and an ultimate force
exerted over the I-C, represented both by a single vector.

So, let’s combine now the intensities of the forces and the directions of the forces in Figure 6 above.
Twenty positive charges in the I-C are just 8.33 % of the positive charges of the section 240 + of the E-C,
then the I-C is repelled with a high intensity, downward and to the left (purely an arbitrary non-
mathematical direction of a visualized vector product of my inexact and particular observation/
perception) with 240 + minus 20 + = 220 + units of repulsion. The same whole analysis must be done for
every single pair of I-C and E-C shown in order to know at the end in what direction and with what
degree of intensity the I-C is going to be either pushed away or attracted by its surrounding
environment. According to that, the I-C in the Figure 6 is going to be repelled at the end by 156 + units
of electromagnetic force pointing up and to the left:

For the first 2 lines of the diagram, I simplified both numbers (220 and 160) by the same factors till I
transformed both into smaller workable numbers for me. According to that, 220 / 40 = 5.5 and 160 / 40
= 4. I arbitrarily assigned to both simplified numbers the unit centimeter, so 220 = 5.5 cm and 160 = 4
cm. Then I added both vectors (their cm) in a paper using the method of the parallelogram to find their
combined direction, and then measured the length in centimeters of that resultant vector, being that
3.8 cm. Next, I multiplied 3.8 cm by 40 to find out the magnitude of that resultant vector, finding that
the I-C had been repelled towards the Northwest by 152 + charges, product of the combined
magnitudes and direction of forces of the 240 + and 180 + E-C components. The angle of the vector
could also be calculated, but let us remember that anyway that amount would not be more than an
estimate, the same as the direction and magnitude of the resultant vector found, since both were
materialized just from observation and arbitrary numbers respectively. If one day a machine is created
to measure with exactitud the direction of the force and ultimate magnitude of every electromagnetic
extra-personal entity affecting an I-C or I-A (and their measures too), we could then use exact numbers
to obtain mathematical accuracy. In the meantime, let’s continue playing with my numbers. The 152 +
charges added to the 3rd. line of 25 + charges showed me that: 152 / 20 = 7.6 cm and 25 / 20 = 1.25 cm
sum a resultant repelling vector of 6.3 cm x 20 = 126 + charges pointing towards the Northwest. Now,
lines 5 and 6 with attractive forces: 45 / 10 = 4.5 cm and 55 / 10 = 5.5 cm sum an attractive vector of 6.2
x 10 = 62 - charges pointing towards the Southwest. The last thing we have to do is to analize the
vectorial combination (this time a subtraction) between 126 + and 62 -, so 126 / 20 = 6.3 cm and 62 / 20
= 6.2 cm which produce a resultant vector of 7.8 cm x 20 = 156 + charges pointing towards the
Northwest (the direction of the vector 62 - was reversed from Southwest to Northeast in order to be
added to the direction of the vector 126 +).


1. Traveling back in time:

If at a chosen given moment (few seconds or even minutes) any electromagnetic event, including a live
intrapersonal entity and his/her surroundings (people, things, weather, etc.) could be recognized as a
whole but also all of its components scrutinized one apart from the other to the very last atomic
electromagnetic individual detail (getting the whole and specific electromagnetic atomic composition or
EMAC of the event), we could create an electromagnetic tridimensional (volumetric) map or
visualization of such event, namely the position and charge of every of its atoms, distances among
them and directions and magnitudes of their interactive forces. If those atoms were people, the result
could be envisioned like a tridimensional atomic photograph of the people in the event not leaving
anyone out, so when you look at the picture at a later time (months, even years) you’ll still see
everybody there with their sizes, complexions and relative positions within their surrounding
environment. For instance, an atomic picture of 2 people working side-by-side at a computer’s desk, one
typing a memo and the other eating. To take the EMAC “picture” of that separated event which includes
just very specific electromagnetic items, those items should be extracted or isolated from the natural
PEM (physical-electromagnetic mesh). Then a machine for that purpose would have to be created to be
operated in a lab, perhaps called the EMM (Electromagnetic Mapper) perhaps based on spectrometry
or atomic absorption spectroscopy. For a larger scale electromagnetic maps, maybe a larger EMM could
be mounted on a helicopter, even on a satellite, to take electromagnetic pictures of single or continuous
events in the order of miles happening on Earth.

Now, if the specific atomic picture (data) of a momentary or longer event registered in the past could be
reproduced years later by reassembling its atomic map through feeding the data from the EMM into an
Electromagnetic Reconstructive Chamber or EMRC (see more of this below) consequently replaying
those once happened atomic interactions, then we would have relived an event from the past. We know
that in the physical world as we know it, information can’t be destroyed, not even in a black hole’s event
horizon. Then if the aforementioned would be possible, we could play the event from the beginning to
its end or even backwards like when you push the button “rewind” while watching an ongoing movie. If
we could reverse a sequence of electromagnetic events in the same exact order that they happened
forward, then it is possible to “travel back in time” to re-experience live real events as they once
happened, as long as we possess the necessary electromagnetic data in question.

2. Resurrection:

In the same order of ideas, people could be resurrected or brought back to life if we reconfigurate in the
lab the exact electromagnetic atomic composition (EMAC) of the dead person. So, if every 10 years or
so, a person is atomically scanned to file his/her composition (EMAC) at that time and so on, upon death
he/she could be brought back to life at any age chosen from the file. But, since everything is at all times
interconnected in a current atomic ongoing mesh, how to inlay an EMAC of the past within the EMAC of
the current events? It might not be possible to isolate one from another in one spot of the current
physical world (the EMRC), unless we come up with layers of pure neutrons (Neutronic Impermeable
Membranes -NIMs) that can be electromagnetically manipulated at the atomic level to function as a
barrier of isolation between the current events and the past ones (see Figure 7 below). It would be
necessary to have 2 NIMs, one separating the reconstructed event from the past from the current
events in the chamber (just air or even vacuum) called internal NIM or INIM, and another one
separating the current events in contact with the INIM from the current events ongoing in the outer
physical world for better control and isolation of such a reconstruction. That one would be called
external NIM or ENIM. The events happening between the INIM and the ENIM are the current inner
events, and the events happening on the outside of the ENIM are called the current outer events.

Once the event is completed in the EMRC (Electromagnetic Reconstructive Chamber), the INIM is
purposefully disintegrated followed by the ENIM, doing a gradual and controlled incorporation of the
past event into the current physical world. If the event once finished is defective or incomplete, the
event can be deleted, then the NIMs, so there wouldn’t be any risk of any undesirable contact between
the defective past event and the real world.

We can see that there would be a problem of space trying to reproduce “bulkier” or larger scale
electromagnetic events in such a limited size chamber, but perhaps the most important or significant
parts of the event could be itemized (selecting their data from the whole map) to be fitted in reduced
scale chambers. Larger scale chambers could also be constructed, though.
Can you imagine if we had the data (if any) from the time of Adam and Eve or from the Titanic’s
tragedy? It would be also possible to “go back in time” to the point where God was creating things, and
also to scrutinize controversial historical events to find out how they really happened. Then you would
see the Church trying to ban EMMs and EMRCs or governments trying to interfere.

3. Déjà vu:

Is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an
individual feels as though an event has already happened or has happened in the recent past), although
the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain 4.

The same exact electromagnetic scenario that once took physical and real place in the world, could be
spontaneously repeated or reproduced with certain degree of inexactitude pertained to distances,
positions, charges and magnitudes of the interactions, but the new event is felt or experienced as a vivid
repetition of the once lived one even though that’s happening in an unauthentic extra-personal
environment. If the most significant parts of the event are whimsically reproduced by nature, we will
relive the same emotions or sensations once felt, perhaps in a different scenario.

4. Aura and astrology:

In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation
supposedly surrounding a person or object … each color of the aura has a precise meaning, indicating a
precise emotional state 5.

Spectrometry (spectroscopy) is the essential tool used by astronomers … to measure the composition,
color and temperature of stars through analyses of emitted light spectra 6. Perhaps the aura is the
visualization (if it actually exists and is feasible to be seen) of the electromagnetic composition of a
person or object, a cation or anion with different degrees of positive or negative net charges, and hence
the different manifested colors.

I don’t believe that astrology is a serious “science”, unless the zodiacal reports are carried out by
astrophysicists. Astrologers believe that the movements and positions of celestial bodies either directly
influence life on Earth or correspond to events experienced on a human scale 7. Well, I do believe in that
too from the standpoint of distant, yet powerful interactive electromagnetic scenarios. Solar wind, the
universal theory of gravitation, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the electromagnetic
spectrum itself, among other things, are also indisputable examples of distant and powerful

I dislike generalizations made by businessmen about the events of my life when they are not
substantiated by scientific research.

5. We cannot have it all:

Since this is an electromagnetic world and we are not electromagnetically neutral, you can have neither
all the positive nor negative charges of your surrounding environment working for you at all times. This
is a world under constant war for dominant charges, either positive or negative, depending on the
intrapersonal and extra-personal entities interacting. If you are trying to increase a type of charge, there
will be something or someone opposing that, and if you are trying to lose some charges something or
someone will fight with you to make you keep them. If the environment wants you to lose some charges
and that’s what you do, you’ll be in an even greater disadvantage, unless you fight against that trying to
change your environment instead. If you are happy, perhaps in the process you unconsciously made
someone else unhappy (disrupting his / her charges). Since daily we undergo hundreds of
electromagnetic interactions that we don’t even know, we cannot control them to make them work for

The most influential and longer interactions anybody could have are related to the family/house, job/
office, transportation methods and friendly/sentimental relationships. You get relieved from work when
you go on vacations for two weeks, don’t you? Also, when you are in love and know you cannot see your
boyfriend or girlfriend for two weeks, all you want to do is see them. Perhaps you might feel dislocated
from your own family or job, or vice versa. Do you think that all those real situations and mixtures of
feelings could have something to do with specific electromagnetic interactions? Perhaps because you
have millions in the bank after winning the lottery (your electromagnetic self changes with that
reflecting your new emotions, ideas, actions, beliefs, etc.) you feel now that you can trust no one
anymore (your friends or your family perhaps changed their charges as well or maybe you are the only
one who did) because the new bilateral interactive charges aren’t the same. So, if you think that when
pulling a spring in one direction you are not going to encounter any resistance, you are wrong. You
know, the old Newton’s action - reaction third law. Having lots of money (extra-personal component)
brings some types of stress that could make your blood pressure to skyrocket (intrapersonal
component), but the reason of your medical problem might be a vicious electromagnetic interaction
(caused by you or experienced by you) on the first place, and not the stress produced by it. So, you
cannot have it all because there is an electromagnetic price to pay.

Another reason why we, the humans, cannot control our extra-personal environment better is because
in the same proportions we cannot control our emotions, spontaneous reactions and actions which
mean intrapersonal electromagnetic changes. Mostly we react to the amount and magnitude of the
environmental charges, being totally unaware of whether our responsive intrapersonal electromagnetic
changes are the most adequate for us or not. We do (or we don’t do) not anticipating the results.

6. Virtually making your working environment a perfect fit for you:

Can you imagine that, for instance, you got a job in another place because of the problems you had in
the previous one. The first day your boss tells you to sit at your desk for him to measure your EMAC
(electromagnetic type and output) with an EMM to see if your desk, chair, PC, the carpet and the co-
worker next to you, among other things, are electromagnetically compatible with you. Upon issuance of
the electromagnetic report your boss tells you that you are a dependent intrapersonal-cation (100 + and
90 -) and the combination of your desk, the carpet and the co-worker (all of them combined were an
extra-personal cation as well of 300 + and 280 -) repel you with a moderate intensity (50 %) of 10 +
charges. The boss tells you that he’ll find a different desk for you with either 10 more electrons (for a
total of 300 + and 290 -) or 10 less protons (for a total of 290 + and 280 -) in its electromagnetic
composition to virtually make your working environment a perfect fit for you. Doing that, your boss
might be saving you a future trip to the hospital due to stress or electromagnetic-psychosomatic
conditions or even avoiding you to fall ill with cancer.

7. Finding your near perfect match:

Personalities are not a reflection of their individual electromagnetic charges. So you may think that
because your profile apparently matches to perfection the profile of another person in one of those
online dating sites for singles, you won’t have any differences or discrepancies? Well, possible
electromagnetic differences could arise from getting matched to an E-C if you are an I-C, even though,
for example, both may like animals, enjoy movies and dislike scientific stuff. Then you may wonder for
the rest of your lives why if being both so alike you couldn’t live together. Personal EMACs should be
mandatory on those dating profiles for you to find your real perfect match.

So, if you are looking for your match try to find someone electromagnetically opposed to you in charges.
If you are an I-C (positive) who found a dominant (in number of charges, not personality) E-A, refrain
from getting more negative charges; instead, try to lose the required amount of electrons necessary to
match with your exceeding positive charges, the amount of exceeding negative charges present in your
E-A. Likewise, if you are a dependent I-A find yourself an E-C and gain the necessary amount of negative
charges in order to be able to work out your differences. But, how do we know whether to lose or gain
electrons in various situations? And, how do we do that?

First, you could be aware of your fluctuating momentary individual electromagnetic changes if there
was, for instance, a watch with a built-in Portable Electromagnetic Mapper (PEMM) measuring your
charge and output at all times in response to environmental or intrapersonal factors. If through the
PEMM we know for example that smiling spontaneously is an action that subtracts from you 2 electrons
in your specific cationic or anionic self, or that yelling adds to you 1 electron, you could know what
electromagnetic repercussions you could cause in yourself and your environment when you smile or
yell. The idea would not be to use that data to transform yourself into an unauthentic, uncontrolled and
deceiving electromagnetic version of you to manipulate and control people or situations, purposefully
measuring out and just portraying specific and convenient electromagnetic outputs and charges in order
to fulfill your electromagnetic agenda. On the contrary, the idea would be to portray your
electromagnetic traits to others in an honest and open way so they would know what to expect in the
relationship, thus making perfect matches a real possibility. For example, if you are an I-C (100 + and 90
- = excess of 10 + charges) who gains electrons (100 + and 95 - = excess of 5 + charges) every time you
get mad at something (you get easily mad, then pick a fight), it is perfectly fine, but don’t get mixed with
an E-A (280 + and 300 - = excess of 20 - charges) who also gains electrons during nonsense arguments
(280 + and 305 - = excess of 25 - charges), because you both are going to grow electromagnetically apart
from initial differences of 10 - charges of magnitude (10 + vs. 20 -) to broader “irreconcilable
differences” of 20 - charges (5 + vs. 25 -). Instead you should aim to either an E-A who does not gain any
electrons when you get mad (5 + vs. 20 - = 15 -) or even better, an E-A who loses electrons (280 + and
295 - = excess of 15 - charges) when you get mad (5 + vs. 15 - = 10 - charges). If the E-A you are with
loses the same amount of electrons that you gain when you get mad, then you both will remain at the
same initial and workable level of electromagnetic differences (10 - charges) even though you got mad,
picked a fight and the E-A hated it .

8. Finding or creating your individually appropriate place in the world:

If you can carefully find your almost perfect electromagnetic couple and your job can be
electromagnetically customized for you, and you understand that you cannot have it all, and perhaps
you can even control the color of your aura (if such a thing actually exists and can be controlled), then all
you have to do is plan where in the electrically charged world you’ll place your genetically induced
magnetic tendency.

You’d be able to know where and why some of your problems were created, when and why you are
overstressed, what could have been the origin of your illness, why you feel what you feel and in
response to what, or why you aren’t entirely happy, in order to apply to your life specific, appropriate
and effective corrective measures.


1. Electric Charge and Electric Force, Georgia Perimeter College,

2. Basic Model of the Atom. Introduction to Atoms by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.;

3. Composition of the Human Body. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

4. Déjà vu. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

5. Aura. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

6. How to Measure the Composition of Stars by Carla Boulianne. eHow,

7. Astrology. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

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