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Seventeenth Senate Minutes

21 September 2007
11AM, Firstenburg Conference Room

1. Call to Order. Meeting was called to order 11:02 am by Vice President Sterr.
2. Roll Call. Senators Gaya and Xavier were not present. **Senator Gaya arrived at
3. Additions or corrections to agenda. None.
4. Approved Agenda. The agenda was approved.
5. Approve Minutes. Minutes were approved.
6. Reports.
a. President Announcements –
i. Darren talked about the WA Student Lobby for Public Four Year
Institutions. He also talked about the Cabinet Meetings.
ii. Darren is also working with the Advisory Board for Dr. Floyd
which is only WSU Vancouver and WSU Pullman. There are
issues such as the money from license plate sales are not going to
us, childcare in Pullman got $1 million, and advising is not
contingent on all of the campuses.
iii. The past two weeks, Darren has been working on research for the
recreation center and the Business Plan for $2 million.
iv. Wii gaming systems were purchased today and TV/Comcast will
be installed on Monday.
b. Vice-President Announcements –
i. Peter is also working on research and the business plan for the new
rec. center on campus. He is also doing general office work,
getting ASWSUV tablecloths, and community donations.
c. Executive Staff –
i. Activities Director:
1. McKenzie has been working on Oktoberfest (Sat. 9/29) and
will be $35 per person but tickets are only $5(Price of Beer
is $3). Students can sign-up at Bowling. The Senate was
asked to plug-in these events to their classes.
2. Spirit Week is next week (9/24) and there is a Student-Staff
Softball game at Skyview High school on Friday.
3. The Lcation and Time of the Spring Formal was decided on
for the Holiday Inn on February 22.
4. She is working on a License Lease for getting new movies
to play on campus. These will be shown the 3rd Thursday
of every month.
5. She is also working on a poker tournament and planning
OSI events every Friday; they need help planning.
6. Near the end of October, they are planning a
Costume/Cookie Decorating Party.
ii. Public Relations: Emily has been advertising all the events
organized so far. She is researching community advertising for the
Poker Tournament.
iii. IT: Erik has been working on maintaining the computers. A new
website is estimated at being up in two weeks.
iv. Legislative Affairs:
v. Director of Clubs: Blake is working on contacting clubs for the
new work program and organizing workers for the football field.
d. Committees Announcement –
i. External affairs – Hildebrant talked about the inaccuracies of the
VanCougar regarding the Football Field and the Cannon Beach
Trip. They have chosen a direction for this year, to work on small
charity events and compile them as a list of charity event instead
off one big event. Then they will contact the press to get some
recognition of the campus. The External Affairs committee asks
that all senate members try to complete one small charitable act
and report to Senator Hildebrant.
ii. Programming – Aday discussed how the committee is waiting for
all of the committees to form at this point. They will be meeting
iii. Finance –Senator Gaya is working to re-do the binders and in the
process of making a “Pass-Down Binder” to show all progress.
iv. Rules and Regulations – They will meet after this Senate Meeting.
v. Budget- Not applicable at this time.
7. Old Business.
8. New Business.
a. Bill 17.009.
i. Read by Senator Gaya. Senator Whitling made a motion to move
to second reading. Senator Wiggins seconded. Hildebrant asked if
they could get it donated instead. Senator Wiggins replied that it is
too popular to get it donated. Motion made by Senator Gaya,
seconded by Senator Wiggins. Bill passes.
b. Bill 17.010.
i. Read by Senator Wiggins. Seantor Gaya made a motion to move
to second reading. Senator Morgan seconded. Whitling asked
representative to speak.
ii. Jeff Wallace the Vice President of the club wants to get money for
the club with out demanding it from the members. V.P. Sterr
opens question to Jeff.
iii. Whitling asked about seed money, it is a social activity. Gaya
asked about working for the money. Hildebrant mentions that $10
is high for a tournament. Whitling asked how many people will be
present. (Response: 32 people) Michelle asked who the club has
working with thus far. (Response: OSI about the event and IT
iv. Moved to call to question by Senator Gaya. Seconded by
Wiggings. Bill Passes.
c. Bill 17.011.
i. Read by Senator Whitling. Senator Gaya made a motion to move
to second reading. Senator Wiggins seconded.
ii. Anna Patterson spoke on the bill. The four line items for previous
bill still needed. They have 8 team members. Southern Idaho
Tournament is too expensive and not the most effective. Ten
people compete on WSUV behalf. Section Three is not the entire
cost; it is reduced entry fees.
iii. Whitling moves to amend the Bill to read “upersedes 17.002 se. 4
only.” Aday seconded the amendment. Amendment passes.
iv. The money was already passes as bill 17.002, it is just being
reassigned. Gaya notes that the Speech and Debate Team does
really well in competition and wins numerous awards to represent
WSUV well.
v. Moved to call to question by Senator Brown and seconded by
Senator Hildebrant. Bill Passes unanimously.
d. Bill 17.012.
i. Read by Senator LaPore. Senator Whitling made a motion to move
to second reading. Senator Wiggins seconded.
ii. Hildebrant states that we changed the date. Chad Steinke, the
president of the Entrepreneur Club. Michelle raises the concern
that we as a Senate need to clarify seed money issue.
iii. There is no regulation on the date of a bill as of yet.
iv. The senate agreed that seed money shouldn’t be for food. There
needs t be some agreement on seed money clarification.
v. Whitling moved to call to question. Seconded by Wiggins. Bill
e. By Law Amendment 17.007
i. Senator Whitling motions to move the amendment to second
reading. Seconded by Senator Gaya. Gaya questions that the
President should appoint. V.P. Sterr clarifies that past 15 days, the
nominations can come from different source.
ii. Moved to Call to Question by Whitling. Seconded by Gaya. Bill
f. Nominations of Judicial Board.
i. Whitling moves to Caucus at 12:00pm until 12:05pm.
ii. Ashley Harman spoke about her involvement in the A.P.
Government and pre-Law.
iii. Jaime Herring spoke about her experience in Pullman and mock-
iv. Adam DuQuette spoke about his experience in Criminal Justice
Program and history.
v. Serrell Collins spoke about being the college president, dispute
resolution training and mediation.
vi. Gaya moved to call to question. Fuller seconded. Voting was
done by plurality vote and Adam DuQuette wins by one vote.
9. Announcements.
a. Darren spoke about an all Student Government Meeting to reconnect once
a month.
b. Sign up for Oktoberfest. All are expected to be involved in Government
Events. Need to fill positions with Student Government.
c. Senate Picture by the Tree immediately following this meeting.
d. Organization in the office and funding procedure has changed.
10. Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 12:21 pm by Vice President Peter

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