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Labor Data Import/Export

Training Guide

PSE&G Power Training Guide

Page 1

Introduction................................................................................................................ 2
End User Training........................................................................................................ 2
Books...................................................................................................................... 2
Starting the Book Viewer......................................................................................... 2
Login....................................................................................................................... 2
Selecting a Model.................................................................................................... 2
Selecting a book...................................................................................................... 2
The Main Menu Book............................................................................................... 2
Working in Books..................................................................................................... 2
Viewing Data........................................................................................................ 2
Entering Data....................................................................................................... 2
Working with Cells................................................................................................ 2
Copy to Excel....................................................................................................... 2
Copy from Excel................................................................................................... 2
Changing the Alias............................................................................................... 2
Printing................................................................................................................. 2
Closing the Book.................................................................................................. 2
Logging Out.......................................................................................................... 2
HR Flow...................................................................................................................... 2
Source Files............................................................................................................. 2
BI Files.................................................................................................................. 2
SAP Files............................................................................................................... 2
PCM Books............................................................................................................... 2
Main Menu Book................................................................................................... 2
Employee Import/Export Book.............................................................................. 2
Power-User Training.................................................................................................... 2
Overview................................................................................................................. 2
General Model Tasks................................................................................................ 2
Adding Dimension Members................................................................................. 2
Creating Attributes............................................................................................... 2
Assigning Attributes............................................................................................. 2
Assignments......................................................................................................... 2
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Welcome to PCM (Profitability and Cost Management) at PSE&G.
At PSE&G PCM replaces an assortment of Excel spreadsheets and other systems
with a single robust enterprise-scale application for budgeting and planning. Within
PCM each line of business at PSE&G has its own model. A model is a complete
system which includes all the data entry, calculations and reporting needs for the
businesss planning and budget.
This PCM training focuses on two types of users.
End-users are those using PCM primarily for two purposes viewing existing data
(viewing reports, etc.) and entering budget/planning data. End users will access the
application only via an application called the Book Viewer.
Power users are those responsible for maintaining the system. They will access the
system either by the Book Viewer or the Model Builder.
The training material is divided into three sections:
End User Training The basics of PCM, how to login, open books, etc. This section
covers all the tasks needed by the typical end user.
Model Flow This section walks through the Power model, describing the step
involved with building the LOBs plan. It walks through each of the books in the
model in the order they normally are completed.
Power User Training Describes common tasks for Power User such as adding
orders & WBS elements, creating and assigning attributes and making assignments.

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End User Training

This section is designed to introduce a typical end-user (with no previous experience
with PCM) to PCM and give them the knowledge to complete the tasks needed for
their job. This section is not specific to any Line of Business or Model (however the
majority of screenshots are from the Power LOB model.

To make the users experience as easy as possible the end-user interface is
designed using Books.
Books are very similar to interactive web pages. They provide a simple and
controlled access to the application.

Each Book within PCM is focused on a particular task entering individual employee
data, entering Servco Demand, Fleet information, etc. Within each line of business
model the complete set of books provides interfaces to all the required tasks to
complete the plan for that LOB.
End-users use the PCM Book Viewer application to access the books. The book
viewer is similar to a web browser and end-users can access all the books they
require from a single starting point.
When an end-user starts the Book Viewer and logs into PCM they will automatically
be brought to an appropriate home-page. Appropriate meaning that based on their
Line of Business and role within that LOB they will be delivered to a home page
which has the options they need.
For example: If you are in Utility LOB then you will be brought to the Utility
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From here you have access to all the books needed to do all the budgeting you
require (Labor, Non-Labor, Construction, Fleet, etc). Depending on the needs of your
job and the security level you were assigned to you, you can both view and enter
data in the books.

Starting the Book Viewer

The Book Viewer is one part of a suite of applications for PCM. It can be accessed by
the Windows Start menu.
To start the book viewer go to:
Start | Programs | SAP BusinessObjects |Profitability and Cost Management |
Book Viewer
Once the application opens you need to login.

To login click the login button on the

Enter your PCM username and password

Selecting a Model
Depending on your role you may have access to more than one model. The Model
selection dropdown on the tool bar allows you to choose which model to open. To
open a model:
Select model from dropdown

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Open Model

Selecting a book
Within each model one book has been defined as the default book for each type of
user. The book name appears on the menu bar. To open the book click on its name.

You may also have the option to click on the down arrow next to the book name and
select an alternate book to open from the dropdown.

The Main Menu Book

For most users the default book will be Main Menu
This book contains a list of all the books in the model with a short description.
Clicking on a books title jumps the user to that book.

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Each book in the model contains a link back to the main menu book.

Click on Main Menu to return to the Main

menu book.

Working in Books
What can you do in a book?
Books provide a simple, clean interface to PCM and its data. Depending on your
PCM role you can view and or enter/edit data in the book.
Viewing Data
Here are a few tips for viewing data in books.
In the books you may find that the headings are too narrow for the full text of a row
or a column heading.
To resize a row or column: (Just like in Excel)

1. Move your mouse pointer to the dividing line between the columns (or to the
end of the row header)
2. The pointer will change to a double headed arrow.
3. Click and drag to resize

Tip: To view the complete text of a row or column heading without resizing point
your mouse pointer to the row or column heading and pause for two seconds a
small popup box will appear with the full text of the heading.

Entering Data
If your security settings permit it you can enter values in a book. This is usually
done for entering budget numbers.

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KEY POINT: Entering a number in a book immediately changes the data in the
model. There is no need to save your work after you enter numbers.
Cells which are editable are displayed in bold.


Working with Cells

When working with tables in books there are two modes

Data Entry

Range Select

Data Entry is the standard mode. When you click on a cell that is editable (bold) you
can enter a value.
Range Select is only needed when you want to select a range of cells, using click
and drag.

To select a range of cells:

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1. Right click on any cell in the grid and make sure Range Select has a check
2. Click and drag to highlight a range
3. [Optional] Right click and choose copy to copy to clipboard
Once a range is selected you can:

Copy and paste it to another part of the same grid by right clicking on the
destination cell and choose paste.
You can also copy and paste to Excel as shown below.

Important: To switch back to Data Entry mode (where you can enter values in cells)
1. Right Click on any cell and click on Range Select to remove the checkmark

Copy to Excel
Tables in books can be can be copied to Excel. This is useful to do additional
analysis of the data, include the table in external reports, add additional graphs,
etc. Note that once a table has been copied to Excel there is no link between the
model and the spreadsheet, if the model changes the spreadsheet will not change.

To copy a table to Excel:

1. Right click on any cell in the table and make sure Range Select is checked.
2. Click and drag to select the cells you wish to copy.
3. Right click again and choose either Copy or Copy with Headers
Copy Copies only the highlighted cells
Copy with Headers Copy the highlighted cells as well as the Row and
Column headers
6. Switch to Excel (Excel must already be open) and choose Paste
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Copy from Excel

Data in Excel can conversely be copy and pasted into the model.
1. Highlight the source cells in Excel and choose Copy
2. Click on the destination cell in PCM and choose Paste

Changing the Alias

Many of the planning objects (Cost elements, orders, WBS elements [see glossary
for definitions] use numeric or alphanumeric codes for their names and it can be
difficult to know what that object is.
Every item in PCM has at last one name called its Default Alias. This is usually
the code, for example a Cost Element number or an Order Number. An example of a
cot element is 5010500.
For those of us who havent memorized every Cost Element name there are
alternate aliases you can use (which were created by the model builders.)
In the Power model (for example) there are three aliases you can use:
Default Alias

Example: 5010500


Example: Fuel Used - Chemical

Code Description

Example: 5010500 Fuel Used - Chemical

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1. The aliases you want to view is

selected using the User Options
menu, and the Select Data
Aliases menu choice.

2. In the dialog box which opens,

select an alias from the Primary
Alias dropdown.

Here are examples of the same row headings with the different aliases shown:
Default Alias:


Code and Description:

Note: Some books may include buttons which allow you to change the alias

There are several different options available for printing. You can:

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Save to RTF (Rich Text Format)

Save to PDF (Portable Document Format)

In each case you can start in Print Preview and then decide which option to use.
Print Preview
The Print Preview button brings up a windows showing how the book will look when
printed. This window includes it own tool bar.

From this tool bar you can choose any of the print options listed above.
The Print Preview window is closed by clicking the Close Print Preview button.

Closing the Book

To close the book, either open a different book from the Menu Bar, or choose Close
Model to exit the model.
Remember: There is no need to choose Save (there is no save option!) Once you
enter a number in a cell it is in the model.

Logging Out
When you are done in the Book Viewer, it is helpful to first Logout using the Logout
button, and then choosing File | Exit to leave the application.

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Labor Data Flow

The HR Flow begins outside of PCM.

Source Files
The process begins when data is delivered from the BI and SAP systems. There are
four files required before the HR process can move on to PCM.
The folders are in the path:

BI Files
The two BI Files are in the BI folder:
Naming convention
HR Staff Report PCM ccyymmdd.xls
HR Payroll Report PCM ccyymmdd.xls
SAP Files
The two SAP Files are in the R3 folder:
Naming convention
The HR user can open these files and make any required edits.
In addition to the four data file there is a configuration file in the following location

This configuration file has few configuration worksheets

Company_Code:- This worksheet contains the mapping between LOB and
Company Code. If any new company code needs to be added for a LOB then the
same needs to be stated in this worksheet as well. Based on the mapping the
employee s are filtered and sent to the proper LOB for upload.
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Config for Consolidate: - This worksheet contains the data mapping between
consolidated sheet and SAP,BI files e.g. Mgmt/Union data for an employee will be
taken from 5th column (Column Number) of BI attribute file(Book Name Parameter).
N.B. This worksheet is for technical reference. This mapping should not be
changed as it may impact the output format.

The other worksheets were used in earlier release.

This contains the structure of data going into PCM (headings)
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PCM Books
Once the four required XLS file are populated and edited the data is ready to be
read into PCM. The next section discusses the books in the HR model and the
continued flow.
Main Menu Book
The first book you access is the Main Menu book. From here you can access the
books for the various HR functions.

In the main menu screen there are four buttons to navigate

Employee Information
On click on Employee Information button, you will be navigated to Employee Info
page -

In this book you will be able to view employee information (containing average and
actual data). You will be able to filter employees by Cost Center and activity type
and Version and Period.
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Consolidate Employee Info

Once the data from the four files is ready the HR user can Consolidate
Employee(s) (via the named button). This reads the data from the four files and
consolidates it into one file in the following location\\Njedisdr33\Interface\Prod\Consolidated\Consolidated_HR_Data.xls

At this point the data does not reside in PCM, just in the spreadsheet. The HR User
can open and edit the spreadsheet and make any needed changes / corrections.

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Import Employees
Once the necessary changes have been made to the consolidated excel file the data
can be brought into the model. The HR user should go back to main menu and then
clicks the Import Employees button to navigate to Import Employee screen. On
click on the Import Employee(s) button in this screen the data from the consolidated
files are uploaded into PCM.

The First grid as shown in the above fig contains configuration details
Consolidated File Location Location of the Consolidated File
Login Info
Enter User ID contains the user id using this id PCM will login to PCM HR model.
Enter Password-contains the password for that user id
Version Using this version the data will be loaded
Period Using this period the data will be uploaded.
Note that once the data is read into PCM the employee info is averaged. The
employee information is now viewable on the Employee Information book for that
version and period.
The HR User can review the imported data and make corrections as need.
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The second grid as shown in the following fig. contains the Mid Salary for MAST

Export Employee(s)
Once the data has been corrected the HR User can now generate files for the Lines
of Business. Each file will contain only the employees for that line of business, and
the data file will reside in a folder unique to that LOB and accessible only to the
model builder for that LOB. From the main menu you can click on the Export
Employee(s) button to navigate to Export Employee(s) screen to create file for the
The configuration grid contains the following configuration detailsUser Id User Id to login to PAYR model
Password- Password to login with that user id
Version Employee Data of that version is exported
Period Employee Data of that period is exported
File Location for Utility Export file location for utility
File Location for Power Export file Location for Power
File Location for Holdings Export file Location for Holdings
File Location for Services Export file Location for Services

The LOB user can edit and make changes to the file before bringing it into their

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Power-User Training
The PCM models at PSEG have been designed to minimize the need for
maintenance by the LOB users.
But in the course of a normal planning cycle there will be the need to make
adjustments to the model. They changes include:

Adding dimension members

Adding attributes
Making assignments
Changing security

These tasks are described in more detail below:

General Model Tasks

Adding Dimension Members
All items in PCM, whether it is a month, a cost element, an employee, an order, or a
cost center are stored in dimensions. The term dimension refers to the fact that the
data in PCM is stored in a multi-dimensional cube.
Within the PSE&G models some of the dimensions used include:
Allows for what-if analysis
Period s
The months and years we plan to
Responsibility Centers
Can Includes employees, cost centers and orders & WBS
Line Items
Labor fields and Cost Elements
Orders & WBS elements
Power users will sometimes need to add new dimension members, a common
example being to add a new order.
To add a new dimension member:
1. Open that dimensions window (either from the Menu Bar, or the Dimension
2. Expand the dimension list so that the items within the folder you wish to add
the new item are visible.
3. Right click on an item within the list and choose Add Sibling
4. The new item will appear at the bottom of the current folders list. Enter a
name for the item and hit Enter.

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To move the item within the hierarchy, you can drag and drop it to its new position.
The key is when you drag it:
DONT drag it straight up or down the list of names dropping it on top of another
item will cause it to become a child of that item.
INSTEAD drag the item to the right of the list of names, you will see a horizontal bar
in this case. Drop the item when the bar is positioned where you want the item to
Creating Attributes
Attributes are used in PCM primarily for reporting purposes. They allow you to
create new ways of grouping items outside the main hierarchy.
Think about employees and a company hierarchy. The CEO is at the top of the tree
and would have the employees who report to her nested under her, each of those
people would have their reportees nested under them, and so on.
Thats the way the hierarchy would be built in the model. But often when doing
reports you want to look at employees from different angles. Perhaps you want to
see only the employees who are CPAs, or those who work in one location vs.
another. Perhaps you want to see only those employees with a certain job title.
Attributes are like post-it notes than you can stick on any object in the model. Any
object can have an unlimited number of attributes attached. Then when you are
creating reports you can look at the employees based on the built-in hierarchy, but
you can also look at groups of employees based on the various attributes.
Heres an example from a model.
In this model we plan at both a monthly and yearly basis. This image shows the
period dimension. The current year, the one we are planning for is 2011.

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See that the month selected, May-2011, has two attributes attached Months and
CY Months.
The attribute Months is attached to all the individual months, and CY-Months is
attached only to those months in the current planning year. These attributes can be
used in reports and theyll also be used in rules (calculations). The advantage of
using attributes here is that when you need to change the model to prepare for the
next planning year, you only need to remove the CY Months attribute from the
months in FY 2011 and attach it to all the months in FY 2012 and your periods are
To see what objects an attribute is attached to, click on the Attribute Consolidation
tab and expand the attribute you are looking at.

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To show how this used for reporting, below is a image of the View Builder (used to
create Views for books and reports.)

The left hand pane show the members of the Period dimension which can be added
to the view. The attribute CY Months has been added to the view. The key point
here is that next year when I update the months associated with CY Months to
those in 2012, this view will be automatically updated as well.
If I had instead just dragged the months of 2011 onto the view, they would not be
automatically updated next year.
To create a new attribute:

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1. Open that dimensions window (either from the Menu Bar, or the Dimension
2. Right click just below the last item in the list and choose Add Attribute
3. The new item will appear at the bottom of the list.
4. Enter a name for the item and hit Enter.

Assigning Attributes
To assign an attribute to one or more items:
1. Open the relevant dimension window.
2. In the Main Hierarchy pane select the item(s) you want to attach the attribute
to (Shift click to select items together in the list and/or Ctrl click to select
items not next to each other.)
3. Once all the items you want are highlighted click the check box next to the
attribute you want to assign.

In a traditional PCM model costs flow from the Responsibility Centers to the
Activities to the Cost Objects. One of the steps in building a traditional PCM model
is, for each of the Responsibility Centers to make assignments (think pathways or
arrows) to the activities which take place in that responsibility Center. That way the
costs of the RC flow to the activities which consume them.
In our models we use assignments to create pathways from the RCs to the
Activities. [Although the dimension is named Activities in our models, we do not
use them for activities.]
You can refer to the individual model flow section to see how the assignments are
being used in your model.
But you will need to be able make or remove assignments from the RCs to the

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1. From the menu bar select Assignments | Responsibility Center/Activities


2. In the left pane (Responsibility Centers) select the RC you want to adjust the
assignments for.
3. The right most window will show the items it is currently assigned to (if any)
4. To assign additional Items, selected the desired items in the middle pane and
click the apply button in the lower right.

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