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The book chosen for my assignment is A Practical Guide to Job Analysis , authored
by Erich P. Prien; Leonard D. Goodstein; Jeanette Goodstein and Louis G. Gamble Jr.
published by Pfeiffer in 2009.
This book provides comprehensive guidance to job analysis. It has clearly explained the
importance of doing a proper job analysis and how of an improperly designed job design,
has the capacity to affect every other function of Human Resources. For instance, how
does an ineffective job analysis impact the recruitment, training and development,
performance management, etc. is given in detail which also reinforces the importance of
job analysis.
This book is very structured, with the reader being gradually drawn into the core subject.
This book is conveniently divided into chapters, which gives the reader a thorough
understanding of the concept and context of job analysis, and its importance for the
effective functioning of any organization.
Written in a simple style ( with a limited usage of words, which otherwise makes the
process of understanding and interpretation difficult ), the authors have ensured that the
concept of job analysis is well reached to the audience.
Not only does this book emphasize on the importance of the process of job analysis, it
also tells us how to go about with the process. This book has provided eight templates of
doing a job analysis. The eight ready to use templates are extremely informative and
useful to us readers and also to the HR professionals, responsible for conducting a job
analysis for organizations.
The templates are the necessary instructions to a complete job analysis, which are
provided, are a result of extensive research. These templates provide a basis for
conducting job analysis for different levels of jobs, right from the entry level to the senior
most level and are arranged in an increasing order of complexity i.e. from entry level to
the senior level.
Job analysis is something that is usually not given much importance, the focus is on the
performance and hiring the right people for the right jobs. The authors have made the
readers realize the importance of a thorough job analysis and made them understand that
it is indeed job analysis that enables an organization to realize its fullest potential in the
long run through its most important resources its employees.
The lesson that a thorough, well diagnosed job analysis will reduce hiring mistakes to a
large extent has been clearly driven home. Hiring the right people for the right job is the
main focus of any organization, and an updated job analysis is essential to create a recent
job description, which plays an important role in determining the number of potential
candidates applying for that particular job.

On reading the book, one might get a feeling that A Practical Guide to Job Analysis, is
not an ordinary textbook which gives a mere theoretical explanation of the concepts, but
rather a comprehensive manual to job analysis a manual that gradually takes through
the process of job analysis, its implications, the components of an ideal job analysis, and
the importance of one. Personally I found it extremely useful and easy to understand.
What I liked most about the book and its authors, is the fact that equal importance has
been shared to workplace characteristics, which forms one of the highly neglected, yet a
critical intangible factor, that impacts the performance of an organization. However this
book provides a detailed analysis of the same, and explains how all these are connected
by a vicious circle, where all the factors are interrelated.



International Journal Of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management
volume 3; no. 1; January 2013
This article aims to find the relationship between the competencies of the employees
and job analysis ( if any ). It also aims to determine the relation between
competencies, job performance and motivation.
This article is comprehensive, with data collected from the sample being quite
reliable. The sample chosen for data collection for the research is a random one,
however carefully selected so as to include all the various levels of employees in the
organization, from the top / senior level managers to the lower level staff.
The nature of the research is highly technical. Instead of qualitative or subjective
measures ( usually employed in surveys conducted to measure job satisfaction) , this
study has made use of quantitative measurements like statistics ( the authors have
used SPSS version 16 Statistical Package for Social Sciences ), Likert Scale and
Chi Square test for the analysis of the results.
Because of the techniques used for arriving at a solution for the research problem in
question, the reader might face difficulties in interpreting the results on their own.
After a clear introduction of the main concepts competency, knowledge, skills,
attitude and job analysis ( which also clarifies the difference between all of the
above ), the authors move towards the focus of the study job analysis practices are
not being meticulously followed in organizations, which subsequently creates
problems in the future.

Using statistical methods, the authors prove a significant link between job analysis
and the right skills. Their results prove that a thorough job analysis and skills are
dependent on each other, and that changes in one will automatically result in a
corresponding change in the other.
The study yielded the results as expected established a relation between job analysis
and competency ( only skills and knowledge, not attitude ), as this study disproved
the relation between attitude and job analysis, this states that attitude and job analysis
are two independent variables.
Although the results of this study are already well known i.e. the importance of job
analysis, relation between job analysis and competencies, this research paper has tried
to provide more authentic proof for the same by the use of empirical / quantitative
The study could have been made little more interesting and approachable with the
inclusion of other quantitative tools like pictorial representation and / or graphical



B. K. Sudhakar, T. Latha Chakravarthi, and Dr. Shamyal Pradhan, in their article try
to determine the impact of job analysis on organizational performance.
Job analysis is one of the most important activities of the department of human
resources professionals. Hiring a competent and suitable individual to fill a position is
a win win situation for both the employers and the employees. A perfect job
analysis is useful in all the other HR functions. A perfect job analysis also help
identify factors that shape employees motivation and job satisfaction.
This article is significant as it provides an insight into the process of job analysis in a
public sector organization like Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. This is particularly
important in a scenario where majority of the government organizations are blamed
for their poor performance outputs.
Though this study provides empirical evidence and also proves the importance of job
analysis, the results of this study cannot be applied to a large majority because of its
extremely small sample size ( comparing with the size of the Indian public sector )

i.e. there is no evidence to prove any positive contribution of job analysis to all other
The authors before turning their attention towards the focus of their study have
explained the context and the concepts in question thoroughly, which makes it easier
for any reader to understand.
The research aims to find the relationship between job analysis, organizational
performance, job analysis, job description, organizational policies and job evaluation
( if any ) in a public sector enterprise BSNL, Vadodara. The data is obtained from
the employees of BSNL, Vadodara, both through mail and in person. The sample size
is 147.
Using statistical methods, the author shows the positive contribution of job analysis to
the performance of BSNL. The statistical tool employed is IBMSPSS.20.
Though a thorough study on the factors affecting job evaluation, with emphasis on the
impact of an updated job analysis on the performance of the organization as a whole,
I felt that this could have been better had the study been conducted on all the
employees, rather than the dependence on a pilot study.
While the application of statistics and the dependence on the same for authentication
of the results of the study is to be lauded, the detailed written explanation about the
interpretation of results could have been made short and crisp to minimize boredom.


Job analysis is the process by which an in depth understanding of the work to be done by
the people in the organization is developed i.e. Job analysis is a systematic process for
collecting and analyzing information about a job as the life cycle of human capital begins
with job analysis. Job analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the competencies
required for success in selecting the best candidates.

Job analysis is a process while job description is the outcome /result of the process. A
correct job analysis thus becomes extremely essential for the normal functioning of every
organization as all job descriptions are based on job analysis for job descriptions are
essential right from the hiring stage throughout the life cycle of an employee in the
Application of Job analysis

1)The first external application of job analysis recruitment. Knowledge of the skill sets
required and the nature of the work is essential not only for the recruiter but also for the
candidates, to know the kind of job for which they are applying.
2)Job analysis is the process of preparing Job description it helps in the hiring process to
3) Job analysis is not only essential for hiring new employees but also to analyse the
competencies of the existing staff.

Performance management-Job analysis plays a role in developing or modifying

compensation systems and performance appraisals. The knowledge of what makes an
outstanding performance, an average level or a borderline level is critical aspect of
performance management and ideally this should be the basis for setting pay and

Training and development job analysis is useful not only for hiring new employees, but
also to analyze the competencies of existing staff. Such data is important in identifying
the gaps between the required skill set and the available skill set, and this gap can be
bridged by employing a suitable training program. Thus a complete job analysis will
indirectly facilitate in scheduling training.

The life cycle of human capital in any organization in fact begins with job analysis. The
purpose of a job analysis is to provide an in depth understanding of the competencies
required for success in order to select appropriate candidates. The empirical research (by
Campion, Palmer and Campion 1997; Campion, Pursell and Brown 1988) clearly shows
that when the hiring process was based on a careful job analysis, the prediction of job
success is greatly increased.

Job analysis provides a template for screening the mass of resumes. An accurate and
sufficiently detailed analysis will serve as a template that gives a measure of protection
against charges of discriminatory hiring. Another use of job analysis is in developing
behavioral interviewing protocols for candidate screening.

Elements of job analysis an ideal job analysis has the following components

o A description of the work activity

o The knowledge, skills and abilities
o Data on the range of job performance
o Characteristics of the work place.
Description of the work activity or the tasks involved in doing the job should include
importance and frequency of that action.
Knowledge is not demonstrated as the work itself, but by prior education, experience,
Skills refer to the directly observable proficiency in doing things; skills should could ne
manual, virtual or mental ability.
Ability refers to the capacity to integrate knowledge and skills simultaneously to bring
about a successful job.
Range of job performance star performances are identified from the rest of the pack, based
on their performance i.e. an ideal job analysis must also set modest initial levels for new hires
/ joinees so that there is fair degree of judgment.
Characteristics of the workplace - workplace characteristics is generally given scant
attention. Various workplace characters ( like culture, climate, inherent risks posed by
working there, etc. ) a competent job analysis, includes a thorough understanding of these.

Thus, the end product of job analysis is job description, which is a written statement that
describes the important tasks/ practices that must be performed ( to sustain this particular
job ) the necessary requirements to do the same, the levels of performance expected ( this
varies depending on the experience and / or expertise ) and those characteristics that impact
the work or performance.



Self reports
Direct observation
Document reviews
Questionnaires and surveys

Self reports easily available source of information about the job

Direct observations most useful for jobs that involve physical activities; for jobs that are
predominantly cognitive in nature, direct observation provide very little / no data at all.
Both self reports and direct observations do not provide much information about the necessary
requirement s nor about the level of job performance.
Interviews can be group or individual
Document reviews the archives of most organization contain large amounts of documents,
which can be used for preparing a thorough job analysis.
Questionnaires and surveys the easiest method of obtaining data instead of starting from the
scratch, those responsible for providing information about the job are required to answer a set of
structured questions pertaining to the job.


o Dynamic - changes over time
job descriptions have a very short half life as it not only varies from job to ob,
employer to employer or industry to industry, but also because there are a number of
ways by which the jobs themselves keep changing one cannot dare to underestimate
the role of technological interference. i.e. job descriptions become obsolete, which
implies new job analysis has to be conducted, to update the job description.
o Low accuracy
There arises a tendency to inflate ( or deflate ) the importance of thejob/ elements of
the job. Other factors might distort the data. To minimise this drawback the task of
preparing a job description after a thorough job analysis must not be given to a single
employee / HR, but to a group of people or raters.
o Lack of stability
Job analysis and job description are not stable for longer periods, because of the
instability in the work itself i.e. seasonal or nature of ( majority of ) work. For
instance, the work of an accountant intensifies during tax preparation season, sales
persons during year end, or the HR department during recruitment season.
Another reason for their instability is the constant improvisation brought about by the
employees themselves, irrespective of whether they are necessary or not.


Job analysis is the process by which an in depth understanding of the work to be done by
the people in the organization is developed i.e. Job analysis is a systematic process for

collecting and analyzing information about a job as the life cycle of human capital begins
with job analysis. Job analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the competencies
required for success in selecting the best candidates.

Since recruitment is the major function of HR, it is the role of HR to ensure that a proper
job analysis is in place. Because job descriptions depend on job analyses, it must be
ensured that a perfect job analysis is in place.

Job analysis is useful not only for hiring new employees, but also to analyze the
competencies of existing staff. Such data is important in identifying the gaps between the
required skill set and the available skill set, and this gap can be bridged by employing a
suitable training program. Thus a complete job analysis will indirectly facilitate in

Job analysis provides useful information for human resource planning. It is the
foundation for forecasting demand for and supply of human resources in an organization.
It is also necessary for preparing HR inventory and HR information system in the

Job analysis information is useful while determining compensation, which again is the
duty of a HR.


The case study based research aimed at determining the impact of Job Analysis in bread
manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe. Questionnaires and interviews were used for collection
of data. The board and management of bread manufacturing companies were looking for ways to
sustain their business and develop. The researchers observed that there is a need for organization
to analyze the importance of Job analyses process, as a way of solving the problems of
compensation, training, selection, PMS and conflict of duties. It was found during the study that
Job Analysis in Bread menu companies in Zimbabwe were person oriented and not task oriented.

This gave them opportunity to conduct a case study and provide them an insight of how Job
Analysis should ideally be done.

This study (based on qualitative and quantitative research methodologies) revealed that 61% of
the employees (respondents) felt that Job Analysis process is their organizations were ineffective
and poor. 71% believed that Job Analysis improves overall organizations performance. The study
also revealed some of the factors that pose a challenge to the implementation of Job Analysis
first time, finance and reluctance to participate. Despite its drawbacks, it was accepted that the
concept of Job Analysis and its proper implementation had positive implications on employees,
organizational performance, growth, labor turnover. Job analysis, when process dependent rather
than people oriented will be more effective.

APPLICATION BASED CASE STUDY In August 2012, tropical storm Charley hit North Carolina and the Optima Air Filter Company.
Many employees homes were devastated and the firm found that it had to hire almost 3
completely new crews, one for each of its shifts. The problem was that the Old-timers had
known their jobs so well that no one had ever bothered to draw up job descriptions for them.
When about 30 new employees began taking their places, there was general confusion about
what they should do and how they should do it. The storm quickly became old news to the firms
out-of state customers- who wanted filters, not excuses. Phil Mann, the firms President, was at
his wits end. He had about 30 new employees, 10 old-timers, and his original factory supervisor,
Maybelline. He decided to meet with Linda Lowe, a consultant from the local universities
business school. She immediately had the old timers fill out a job questionnaire that listed all
their tasks, duties & responsibilities. Arguments ensued almost at once- Both Phil & Maybelline
thought the old-timers were exaggerating to make themselves look more important, and the oldtimers instead that the list faithfully reflected their duties. Meanwhile, the customers clamored
for their filters.

Should Phil & Linda ignore that old-timers protests and write up the job descriptions as they
see fit? Why? Why not? How would you go about resolving the differences?
No, Phil & Linda should never ignore the old-timers protest. Since it is the oldtimers who have
full knowledge about the tasks, duties & responsibilities they used to perform. Ignoring them
may result to turbulence among the workers and theyll feel cheated hence leading to lower
productivity. Writing job description without the information acquired from old-timers would be

like climbing mountain without a guide. Since they know the nature and requirement of the job
very well, they must be asked about the information of the job before writing a job description.
To resolve the problem I would have used a questionnaire with both structured as well as openended questions. That would have lead to lesser confusion and misinterpretation by Phil
How would you have conducted the job analysis? What should Phil do now?
Solution: I would have conducted the job analysis in one of the two ways. Either I would have
used questionnaire (with both structured as well as unstructured questions) or the interview
method. In the interview method, after collecting the information, I would further proceeded to
get the information reviewed and verified by the immediate supervisor of the interviewee and the
interviewee. Phil should now use the information, which is verified and reviewed by supervisor
and worker both, for the training purpose of the new worker. The information consists of task,
duties & responsibilities of the workers. When the workers will be trained accordingly theyll
know what to do and how to do, resulting in lesser confusion and time-wastage & increase in
productivity so that Optima Air Filter Company comes back on track.

Go-Forward is a large retailer of computer products. With 442 stores in the US and a plan for an
additional 70 stores in the next two years, Go-Forward is the fastest growing computer retailer in
the US. The companys most important strategic objective is to meet customer requirements and
expand the customer base to include more small-business owners with whom Go-Forward can
establish long-term relationships.
Go Forward (computers products retailing) is dealing with difficulties with its Human Resources
system and program, particularly in hiring and training and development. On one aspect, the high
rate of current staff turnover is above the market average rate. On the other hand, the other
challenge is to start the hiring demand of huge amount of staffs in next two years (70 store
managers which are equivalent with 20% of the current employee). Moreover the Human
Resource system and program such as creating, developing and choosing training courses, etc.
are not yet strong and robust processed. There are no continuously training and improving
system to retain and develop talent and good performer and/or at least to seed new and average
employee for long term goal. At this moment, Go Forward wants to change and create new
program for more effective Human Resource Management.
The first and foremost critical step needed to be done is to identify the root deep causes to
understand what makes the status like the existing one Go Forward is facing with. It appears that

Go Forward has not focused on hiring and retaining effectively as such. Go Forward is currently
hiring 60% from external market, pay high cost for recruiting agent and very high turnover rate.
The two factors hiring effectively and training properly plays very important roles in this
context which need to have very strong focus and attention from Go Forward.
The first and foremost essentiality is to have an effective hiring system and hiring program in
place to have the appropriate recruitment and selection criteria which also matching with job
oriented strategy. Go Forward chose the job-oriented approach to select its store manager. Based
on the technique developed by Sidney Fine and colleagues in 1944, there was a consideration of
job oriented (job task) that is concerned with what gets done (job content-task). Choosing job
oriented approach helped Go Forward lessen pressure in recruitment. In order to do so, Go
Forward must develop the very firm, large, precision and detailed job specifications database to
create the job competency profile (here after called as job profile). The job profile is very
important and can be used from creating job vacancy, job relevant selection procedures,
performance appraisals to training program, determining compensation levels and job re-design.
Building up those profiles can help to address the other matter also (training and developing).
The well job profile includes job analysis as job description, job specification and job
performance standards.
All the hiring process need to align with the core job profile at the very initial to final steps such
as screening job application form store manager, primary interview with Human Resource
Go Forward has realized that the job analysis is again the very important and useful tool to
understand which training and development might and must be required. The implementation
plan needs to focus on measurement and timely control to adjust and improve whenever needed.
Go Forward needs to include measurement system to track the hiring program such as whether
we spend less effort than before to select store manager after creating and applying the very close
and exact job specifications; tracking of how can the job profile is used, what is the frequency it
is processed and how is the feedback from all employees about the usefulness of job profile. The
implementation plan should consider tight concrete milestones to review and adjust accordingly.
Only by doing this, the Go Forward Human Resource performance would be improved.
Otherwise, the whole Human Resource system cannot be well matched and kept up with the
change and upgrade of the company. Go Forward might need to pay more monitoring on the
budget planning and granted fund to ensure all new ideas can be implemented successfully. The
training university needs to modify to update with some law changes, some new skill emerged
that need to add into the current training system.
The challenge of hiring and training and development employee is not new roadblocks within
any organization. This human resources war or talent attracting competition is especially high in
growing and emerging economy industry. The solutions for those issues are how to develop the
robust and sustainable foundation of hiring system and create the lasting working atmosphere for

employee to reach their freely own growth. Hiring the right people at the first time always make
the rest become less rough. Go Forward can receive its low staff turnover with building up its
perfect job profile solutions, thus apply it for all other aspects of its human resources such as
create job vacancy, job relevant selection procedures, performance appraisals and training
program, determining compensation levels and job re-design.


1. A Practical Guide to Job Analysis

Erich P. Prien, Leonard D. Goodstein, Jeanette Goodstein, Louis G. Gamble Jr.
Published by Pfeiffer; San Fransisco, 2009
2. Competency based job analysis
International Journal Of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management
Volume 3, no. 1; January 2013
3. Importance of establishing a job analysis exercise in an organization : a case study of
bread manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe
Australian Journal of Business and Management Research
Volume 2; no. 11; February 2013
4. Case study : job analysis at Go Forward
Solvay Brussels School Economics and Management
January 2012
5. Impacts if job analysis on organizational performance : an inquiry on Indian public sector
Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014

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