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8 Memorial Medical Court, Suite 1 Greenville, SC 29605 1 ‘ z Report of Findings NAME: HAMMOND, Zachary AUTOPSY #: A-15-384 Private AGE: 19 RACE: White SEX: Male PHYSICIAN: James Fulcher, M.D, PROVISIONAL ANATOMIC DIAGNOSES ‘TWO GUNSHOT WOUNDS OF TORSO. ‘Upper wound enters at posterior shoulder, fractures scapula, and injures areas of the brachial plexus, subclavian artery and vein, with copious soft tissue hemorshage. Per report, bullet ends its path under the same-sided clavicle. Second wound enters the posterior left flank. The projectile passes through the chest cavity, ‘wounding the bilateral lungs and heart. The projectile exits the body at a shored exit wound on. the right anterior flank. EVIDENCE OF PREVIOUS AUTOPSY, INCLUDING Y-SHAPED INCISION AND CURVILINEAR INCISION OF UPPER BROW. ‘Multiple organs are sectioned, with various portions removed for stock jar purposes. HAMMOND, Zachary A1S384 Page 2 CAUSE OF DEATH: Gunshot wounds of torso MANNER OF DEATH: 309 James Fulcher, M.D/sam-Au Medical Examiner Michael Ward, M.D /sqm-August 4, 2015 Chie Medical Examiner HAMMOND, Zachary AANS-384 Pago 3 PROTOCOL ‘An autopsy is performed on a body identified as that of Zachary Hammond at the Greenville Memorisl Hospital, Greenville County, South Carolina, on the 30" day of July 2015. (ON: The body is that of a well developed, well nourished, teenage Caucasian male who weighs 121 pounds, is 69 inches in length, and appears compatible with the reported age of 19 yeats. The body bag is labeled with the decedent's name; however, these is no identification on the body itself. ‘The body is received unclothed witha towel over the groin, and « blue sheet covering the entire body. ‘The body is cold to the touch, Rigor mortis is absent. Fixed purple-red_ livor mortis extends over the posterior surfaces of the body, except in areas exposed to pressure. ‘The scalp hair is brown. The irides are green, The pupils are bilaterally equal at 0.5 om. The comea are clear. The sclerae and conjunctivae are unremarkable. The nose and. ears are not unusual. The teeth are natural. The neck is unremarkable. ‘The thorax is well developed and symmetrical. The abdomen is flat. ‘The anus and back are unremarkable. “The penis is circumcised. The testes are bilaterally descended within the scrotum. “Tho upper and fower extremities are well developed and symmetrical, without absence of digits. The hands are received un-bagged, with copious finger print ink. No injuries are noted. Identifving marks and scars include: Tattoo, “OHIGAM”, left posterior arm. ‘There is no evidence of medical intervention. HAMMOND, Zachary AA15-384 Page 4 EVIDENCE OF INJURY PENETRATING GUNSHOT WOUND OF LEFT SHOULDER (#1) On the posterior left shoulder, centered 9 inches from the top of the head, 6-1/2 inches left of posterior midline, and 4 inches superior to the same-sided axillary cleft is a rounded 3/8 inch gunshot wound of entry with a 1/16 inch circumferential abrasion that extends from the 6 to 12 oclock position of the wound, The projectile penetrates skin and subcutaneous tissue, to create a large and irregular fracture of the scapula. The wound path and additional portions of bone protrude into the subclavian vein, artery, and portions of the brachial plexus, with significant penetration into the musculature of the shoulder, including the deltoid. ‘There is copious soft tissue hemorthage throughout this wound. There appears to be no significant injuries to the intemal thoracie organs in this wound path. Per report, a projectile is recovered at previous autopsy, underlying the same-sided clavicle. PERFORATING GUNSHOT WOUND OF LEFT FLANK (#2 ‘On the lateral left flank, centered 17 inches from the top of the head, $-1/2 inches left of anterior midline, and 4-1/2 inches inferior and lateral to the same-sided nipple, is a ‘1/2.x 3/8 inch ovoid gunshot wound of entry, with circumferential 1/16 inch abrasion. ‘The projectile penetrates skin and subcutaneous tissue, 10 enter the chest cavity between the 6" and 7® ribs. The projectile then presumably penetrates through the bilateral lungs and heart, based on residual sections of tissue identified at autopsy. The projectile then exits the chest cavity between the right 6 and 7" ribs, and exits the body at a shored 1/2 x 1 inch gunshot wound of exit, which shows a prominent 1/4 inch abrasion from the 6 to 12 o°clock position. ‘This abrasion shows prominent drying artifact. This wound is centered 21-1/2 inches from the top of the head, 4-1/2 inches lateral and inferior to the same- sided nipple, and 4-1/2 inches right of anterior midline. No projectile is recovered at second autopsy. Per report, this projectile was tecovered in the decedent's motor vehicle, in the passenger seat. The direction of wounding is left to right, downward, and back to front. “Measuring along the curvature of the body, these wounds are Located 12 inches from each other, with ‘the second wound being more inferior and anterior to the first. INTERNAL EXAMINATION BODY CAVITIES: The body is status post previous autopsy. No adhesions or abnormal collections of fluid are in any of the body cavities. ‘The subcutaneous fat layer measures 1 om. HEAD (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM): ‘The brain has been previously sectioned. The dura mater and falx cerebri are largely left inside of the skull and appear intact. ‘The leptomeninges that cover portions of the sectioned brain. ate unremarkable, Portions of the braia including the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, and brainstem are identified and appear unremarkable. ‘The spinal cord is not examined. HAMMOND, Zachary 15.384 Page 5S NECK: Examination of the soft tissues of the neck, including strap muscles and large vessels, reveals no abnormalities. The larynx has been previously removed and sectioned. The hyoid bone and tongue afe intact and in the anatomic position. These are removed and are unremarkable. The first gunshot ‘wound eng its path below the clavicle, and there is no injury to the musculature of the neck. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The residual heart tissue weighs 120 grams, This includes the inferior portion of the heart, sectioned per direction of blood flow. A small area of hemorrhage and Jacerated tissue is identified ata line of dissection, at the lateral leR venizicle. Large portions of the atria and some of the valves of the heart are removed and not present at second autopsy. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: The right and left lungs weigh 200 grams each. The lungs have beea previously sectioned. The pleural surfaces are smooth, glistening, and unremarkable. The pulmonary parenchyma shows focal areas of hemorthage, consistent with wound path. ‘The pulmonary arteries, appear focally wounded and show hemorrhage, also consistent with wound path LIVER AND BILIARY SYSTEM: Residual portions of liver weigh 900 grams. The hepatic capsule is smooth, glistening, and intact, covering a red-brown parenchyma. Fragments of gallbladder are present and are unremarkable. ALIMENTARY TRACT: The esophagus is lined by a gray-white smooth mucosa. The esophagus is longitudinally sectioned and is unremarkable. ‘The gasttic mucosa is arranged in the usual rugal folds, and hss been previously opened at the greater curve. There are approximately 5 cc’s of luminal contents present, and appear to be mostly bread-like product. The small and large bowel are unremarkable. The appendix is present. The colon contains formed stool. ‘The pancreas has a normal gray-white lobulated appearance and the ducts are clear. GENITOURINARY TRACT: The right and left kidneys have been previously sectioned and weigh 60 grams each. Residual portions of renal capsules are smooth, thin, semitransparent and strip with ease from the underlying smooth, red-brown, firm cortical surfaces. The cortices are sharply delineated from the medullary pyramids. ‘The calyces, pelves, and ureters ate unremarkable, ‘The urinary bladder has been previously opened and contains no urine. The mucosa is gray-tan and smooth, The testes and prostate are unremarkable, RETICULOENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM: The spleen weighs 100 grams and has been sectioned. Residual sections show a smooth intact capsule covering a red-purple moderately firm parenchyma, ‘The splenic lymphoid follicles are unremarkable. The regional lymph nodes appear normal. ‘The bone marrow is red-purple and homogeneous without evidence of focal abnormality. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands are unremarkable. The bony framework, supporting musculature, and soft tissues are HAMMOND, Zachary AA15-384 Page 6 Biological fluids and/or tissue samples have been retained as part of the autopsy process to determine cause and manner of death. MICRO’ {PIC EXAMINATION SKIN (GUNSHOT WOUND #1); Skin, subcutaneous tissue and deep soft tissue including prominent sebaceous glands show no skin surface granular foreign material. There are multiple fragments of bone present in the wound path. Focally there are foreign polarizable materials, some which have a Maltese cross starch granule appearance, and others with a crystalline rhomboid appearance. SKIN (GUNSHOT WOUND #2); Skin with no grossly visible gunpowder residues, Section of deep skeletal muscle shows hemorrhage but no identifiable gunpowder residues. Focally there are foreign polarizable materials, some which have a Maltese cross starch granule appearance, and others with a ‘crystalline rhomboid appearance, INSECT ACTIVITY (ANTBITES), BACK: Focal epidermal disruption. SKIN (EXIT WOUND): Skin and suboutancous tissue showing prominent hemonthage HEART AT DISRUPTION: Unremarkable myocardial tissue. Minimal chronic interstitial inflammation. LIVER: No significant histopathologic abnormality. KIDNEY: No significant histopathologic abnormality. LUNG AT DISRUPTION: Prominent intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Section of bone debris, likely secondary to projectile carry-through. ‘ISSUE NEAR CLAVICLE: Subcutaneous fat with hemorrhage. Fibrous tissne with intervening hemorrhage. BLOCK SUMMARY #1 Skin (Gunshot Wound #1) #2 Skin (Gunshot Wound #2) #3 Insect Activity (Ant Bites), Back #4 Skin Exit Wound) 35 Heat 46 Liver #7 Kidney #8 Limg #9 Tissue at Clavicle HAMMOND, Zachary AcI5-384 Page 7 OPINION, ‘The decedent was a 19 year old white male who sustained two gunshot wounds to the left posterior shoulder and left flank. Per report, this occurred while the decedent was seated in a motor vehicle, and shot through an open driver's side window. Gunshot wound #1 significantly injures the subclavian artery and vein, and gunshot wound #2 causes significant wounding to the heart and lungs. ‘The general direction of wounding in both injuries is from left to right and back to front. Taere is no evidence of pre-existing natural disease at autopsy, In this case, it will be critical to evaluate the shirt, as to ascertain range of fire. The foreign material present microscopically in the wound paths likely represents fregments of olothing treatments that were drug into the wound path by the projectiles. ‘The findings at autopsy are consistent with the decedent heing seated in a motor vehicle and being shot from the side of the vehicle through an open driver's side window. It is not reasonable that this decedent would have suffered these injures in these anatomic locations had the decedent been shot from either the rear or the front of the vehicle, ‘Toxicological samples including femoral blood and vitreous humor are obtained and held for potential testing, ‘This report is pending additional investigation, including scene report from South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, and SLED toxicology and analysis of the decedent's clothing, particularly the shirt,

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