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3 Month Rolling Workplan VAMESP II Tháng 4 2007 Tháng 5 2007 Tháng 6 2007

Hoạt Động/Activity Lead 2-Apr 9-Apr 16-Apr 23-Apr 30-Apr 7-May 14-May 21-May 28-May 4-Jun 11-Jun 18-Jun 25-Jun
Bruce Bailey (focus on finishing NMT and PMT to create system)
National Evaluation TA (MPI/MARD Pilot Portfolio Evaluation)
VAMESP II Champions and Counterparts
Programming contractor supporting PO-IT
National evaluation STAs

National M&E website

Regular review of national M&E website Oanh and Phu Ongoing
Maintain national M&E website Oanh, IT Centre Ongoing

Use M&E Manual as resource for capacity building & practice

Handover all basic M&E training to CCBP Ha, CCBP Team
Publish and distribute final M&E Manual (VN and EN) to stakeholders Contractor, Ha, Chau
Train Champions in the use of the Final M&E Manual as a training resource Ha, Champions

Develop system tools (AMT, PMT, NMT, CMP)

Roll out PMT to all stakeholders for Q1 2007 monitoring PO-IT, Yen, Phu
Support use of AMT by all stakeholders for Q1 2007 monitoring PO-IT, Yen, Phu
Support use of AMT and PMT in P-135 for program and DBS modality PO-M&E, Yen, PO-T
Champion network meeting to review pilot testing of PMT Contractor, PO-IT, Phu
PMT Manual and context sensitive help available Yen, PO-IT, Phu
Core team meeting to review beta-version of NMT PO-IT, ITA, Phu
Begin programming to develop NMT PO-IT, ITA
Trial of NMT with Q1-07 data PO-IT, ITA Ongoing
Programming to develop CMP Contractor, PO-IT, Phu Ongoing
Trial of CMP with Q2-07 data Contractor, PO-IT, Phu Ongoing

Implement stakeholder pilot monitoring systems

Support Q1-07 monitoring practice in MoF, MoT, MARD, HAPI, Quang Nam, Can PO-M&E, PO-T
Tho including additional projects in MARD and Quang Nam Champions
Support Q1-07 monitoring practice in MoH, MoC, Bac Ninh, Nghe An, Quang Ngai, PO-M&E, PO-T
HCM City and EVN Champions
New activities with MOT - new projects using the AMT, use of PMT Champions
New activities with MOT - use of PMT, legal framework for M&E Champions
New activities with MARD - new projects using the AMT, use of PMT PO-T, PC, Champions
Demonstrate fully operational line agency system as pilot for Dr Sinh DNPD, ATL, PC & POs
Deliver Q1-07 progress monitoring reports to line agencies, MPI and donors PO-M&E, ATL
Support and coordinate monitoring champions and counterparts PC, Nga, PO-T Ongoing
Support operation of Resource Centre and Help Desk Nga, Oanh POs Ongoing

Institutionalise aligned monitoring format and revised Circular 06

Core Team finalise annexes to Circular 06 PC and Core Team
Thematic workshop on aligned format and Circular 06 PC PO-IT DNPD
Institutionalisation of format in revised Circular 06 PC and Core team
Finalise Institutional Module of M&E Manual DNPD, PC

Finalise National M&E Strategic Framework 2006 - 2010

Present GoV with final national M&E strategic framework 2006-2010 Core Team, PO-M&E
Thematic workshop on strategic framework for M&E in Vietnam Core Team, PO-M&E

Implement stakeholder pilot evaluations

MOT/HAPI/MPI Pilot Evaluation PO-M&E, Champions
HCM City/MPI Pilot Evaluation PO-T, Champions Ongoing
MOF Pilot Evaluation conducted by themselves MOF Champions Ongoing
MPI/ASD Pilot Evaluation PO-M&E, Champions Ongoing

Capacity building program - Champions & Counterparts

Collaboration with CCBP for M&E training relating to new Decree 131 PO-T
Champions training (PMT, PCR Survey, new Circular, final manual) PC, ATL, ITA PO-T

Project completion activities

Conduct PCR survey - donors PO-M&E, ATL
Conduct PCR survey - champions PO-M&E, ATL
Conduct PCR survey - stakeholder agencies and PMC members PO-M&E, ATL
Draft PCR Report ATL, DNPD Ongoing
Project Completion Workshop DNPD, ATL, donors

Formal meetings and committees

PCC-07 to review progress, Collated Outputs and Output-to-Purpose Review ATL, DNPD
PMC-14 to review progress, AMT, PMT, Manual and Collated Outputs PC, POs DNPD

Administrative Support
Publish M&E manuals and circulate widely Chau, Oanh, DNPD
Prepare for formal meetings: PCC, PMC, PCR Workshop Chau, Oanh, DNPD
Project closure procedures - asset register, accounts, VAT & Tax Oanh, Yen, ATL Ongoing

M&E newsletter
Prepare and publish quarterly M&E newsletter for Q2 2007 PO-T, ATL, DNPD

Team building
VAMESP II team activities VAMESP II Team

Annual Leave
PC (Dr Phuc)

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