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Powerhouse Training & Review Center

Mastery Test 1
Name: ______________________________________________


Instructions: Please write the LETTER of your choice on the space beside each number. Use

1. During initial contact with Mr. Dancel, which of the

following greetings by the nurse will more likely put him
at ease?
a) "Good morning, I am Glenn, your new nurse"
b) "How are you today? I am your new nurse"
c) "Are you Mr. Dancel, bed 36?"
d) "I have been assigned to take care of you"
2. In his initial and on-going assessment, nurse Glenn
utilized the:
a) problem-oriented medical records
b) Kardex recording system
c) Problem-solving approach to care
d) Standards of nursing care assessments

recovery and peaceful death

c) care of people, sick or well, in any setting
d) assist people towards self-care
7. What nursing is and ought to be is embodied in:
a)Code of Ethics
b)Standards of Nursing Practice
c) Mission statements
d)Philosophy of Nursing
8. Which of the following statements is the most important
characteristic of a professional nursing?
a) is community-oriented
b) observes ethical practice
c) demonstrate self-control
d) provides a human resource

3.Mr.Dancel appears quite thin. What data would you

initially need to determine his level of nutrition?
a) nutrition notes by the dietician
b) a sample of his daily weight
c) foods he ate yesterday
d) his height and weight

9. Safe nursing practice requires:

a) professional competence
b) completion of BSN degree
c) registration as a nurse
d) membership in PNA

4. The admission data will include social data about the

patient. These are examples of social data except:
a) perception of illness
b) religious practices
c) family home situation
d) patient's lifestyle

10. Nurses demonstrate professional service and utilizes

critical thinking and decisions making through:
a) practice based on scientific theories
b) use of nursing process methodology
c) views patients a human being
d) participation in the research

5. Which of the following is true about nursing

a) assessment ends with a diagnosis
b) assessment data is recorded in SOAP
c) nursing audit is a part of assessment
d) assessment is a continuous process

SITUATION: As a professional nurse, you take

responsibility for personal and professional growth.
11. An important responsibility of a professional nurse is:
a) refine competence in safe practices
b) safety of those she serves
c) know trends in health and nursing
d) accountability of her actions

SITUATION: You have chosen nursing as a career.

Understanding nursing as a profession will help you
protect the image of nursing in public.
6. Nursing is the best defined as a profession that:
a) is concerned with nursing diagnosis and tretment
b) help people to do activities that contribute to health

12. For relicensure, you are required to complete

continuing professional education equivalent to:
a) 20 hours per year
b) At least 2 weeks seminar workshop
c) A post basic duty
d) 50 hours for 3 years

13. You are alive-in private nurse of a family with a

chronically ill member. You can maintain your image as a
professional nurse by:
a) doing non-nursing services
b) being present during a physician's visit
c) maintaining a good grooming at all times
d) socializing with family members
14. The primary purpose of requiring continuing
education for relicensure is to:
a) ensure legal practice
b) ensure safety of public served
c) compliance to Board of Nursing requirements
d) improve competency after registration
15. The best method of maintaining your clinical
competence is to:
a) take advance nursing process
b) view videotapes in clinical nursing
c) teach a clinical nursing subject
d) actually work with parents
SITUATION: Mrs. Arroyo, a clinical instructor is preparing
the third year students for their clinical exposure.
16. The role of a nurse as a counselor is best exemplified
if she helps the client:
a) function in more acceptable ways
b) perform activities of daily living
c) actively participate in scheduled group activities
d) find acceptable outlets for his anxiety
17. The goal of orientation phase of nurse-client
relationship is:
a) identification and resolution of client's problem
b) establish trust
c) assisting client to review what she has learned from
the relationship
d) assisting the client to transfer what he has learned in
interacting with others
18. Prevention of mental illness is best achieved by
helping the individuals:
a) use already established successful coping
b) deal with physical problems
c) deal with family problems
d) identify their strengths and weaknesses
19. The nurse wants to find out the effects of caring
behavior on patients in the psychiatric hospital. The most
appropriate method she can use is:
a) descriptive
b) historical
c) quasi-experimental

d) experimental
20. The research tool that she can best use is which of
the following?
a) questionnaire
b) checklist
c) scheduled interview
d) rating scale
SITUATION: RA7164 declares that it is the policy of the
state to guarantee the delivery of basic health services
through adequate nursing personnel throughout the
21. In relation to quality nursing education, the Board of
Nursing ensures that nursing schools:
a) meets the standard of the nursing practice
b) graduate only competent students
c) should be accredited
d) comply with school requirements
22. To guarantee quality education, an applicant to the
licensure examination should:
a) belong to the upper 40% in high school graduates
b) file all requirements for licensure
c) possess qualities for safe nursing practice
d) present evidence of competence
23. Nursing licensure tests require official transcript of
records from the education department, except:
a) graduates from foreign school
b) graduates of level II accredited schools
c) applicants for reexamination
d) when the record of related learning experiences is
24. Nursing schools should provide learning experiences
that contribute to the development of the:
a) DOH health programs
b) Community student laboratory
c) Country
d) School program
25. This is a specific provision of nursing schools:
a) provision for community learning experience
b) evidence that the school follows educational standards
c) a 3-year college of nursing development plan
d) community based curriculum
26. Registration after passing the nursing licensure
examination is given by the government as:
a) privilege
b) right
c) an award
d) a recognition

27. Your certificate of registration can be revoked or

suspended for which of the following acts:
a) gross incompetence
b) illegal practice
c) practicing without license
d) unauthorized absence from work

c) nursing budget
d) mission of the hospital
34. This is an example of a patient care unit objective:
a) to ensure adequate supplies/material
b) to us the Kardex system of charting
c) to determine the number of nursing staff needed
d) to provide safe nursing care

28. You submitted together with your nursing licensure

examination form a fake Related Learning Experience
document. You are liable to which of the following illegal
a) forgery of documentation
b) incompetence
c) malrepresentation
d) falsification of documents

35. Which of the following tools can be most helpful in the

evaluation of the staff performance?
a) performance assessment
b) performance standards
c) performance audit
d) performance appraisal

29. You received a summon from the Board of Nursing for

complaints of unethical conduct. You failed to appear. You
are liable for:
a) sanction
b) contempt
c) defiance of authority
d) incompetence

SITUATION: A professional nurse is assumed to update

herself about the profession to maintain competence in
36. In the coming millennium, this factor would probably
most influence nursing practice:
a) high technology
b) nursing education
c) social issues
d) economic issues

30. You failed to renew your nurse registration for more

than five years. You can be:
a) summoned by the Professional Regulation
b) charged with unprofessional conduct
c) delisted from the nurse registry
d) liable for malpractice
SITUATION: Your head nurse participated in 2 weeks
seminar and you were designated to be the officer-incharge of your nursing unit.
31. In unit planning, which of the following question
initiates the process?
a) how to schedule activities ?
b) who will do the planning ?
c) what is to be accomplished?
d) Where to get unit supplies?
32. This is an example of data that should be analyzed
when identifying nursing needs
a) number of nursing staff
b) medical diagnosis of patients
c) ward supplies and materials
d) Patient classification
33. To accomplish the nursing unit work, you should first
get information about:
a) objectives of the unit
b) nursing service organizational chart

37. In the next century, the professional nurse is expected

to be:
a) a primary health care expert
b) mostly working in tertiary areas
c) globally competitive
d) in community health
38. It is envisioned that nursing practice settings will be
a) hospital based
b) in any health settings
c) home based
d) community based
39. Nursing will be more involved in the following areas,
a) population project
b) health policy making
c) strategic planning
d) multi-disciplinary research
40. Nursing education and training will produce nurses
who will be:
a) multi-skilled and competent
b) gerontologists
c) family-nurse practitioner
d) preventive-oriented

SITUATION: The role of a Nurse is seen more broadly

41. Welfare of the patient is more likely to be observed if
health team members have knowledge of the:
a) Human Rights
b) Patients bill of rights
c) Magna Carta for health workers
d) Professional code of ethics for nurses
42. A major expanded role of a nurse today and in the
future is:
a) health insurance nursing care services
b) health maintenance organization
c) manage care at home
d) hospital nursing services
43. What care strategy has the Department of Health
used for accessibility of health:
a) deregulation of health services
b) regionalization of health services
c) opening of barangay wellness clinic
d) primary health care
44. How ca nurse promote the role of nursing in health
team care:
a) interpret nursing health team
b) act as a change agent
c) observe standards of nursing practice
d) clearly specify nursing contribution to health care
45. The National Health Insurance Bill ultimately aims:
a) increase health source availability
b) health service for those insured
c) health coverage for all Filipinos
d) health priority for the poor
SITUATION: In your professional caring role, it is
essential to establish a meaningful nurse-patient
46. A helping nurse-patient relationship is a process
characterized by which of the following?
a) recovery promotion
b) growth facilitating
c) mutual interaction
d) health enhancing
47. Demonstrating a helping relationship enables you to
establish in the patient:
a) compliance to treatment
b) positive response to illness
c) gratitude to your service
d) sense of trust
48. Therapeutic communication begins with:

a) giving initial care

b) knowing your patient
c) interacting with patient
d) showing empathy
49. Which of the following approaches would most likely
make your patient accept your help:
a) attending to all his needs
b) demonstrating a relaxed attending attitude
c) calling him by first name
d) asking personal questions for health information
50. In an effective nurse-patient relationship, this is not
desirable nurse caring attitude:
a) respect
b) genuineness
c) empathy
d) firmness
51. You will soon be registered nurse. Which of the
following best describes contemporary nursing practice:
a) humanistic caring
b) people-oriented
c) knowledge-based
d) technically focused
SITUATION: A sense of history gives you better
understanding of nursing as a profession
52. Which of the following is the most distinguishing
characteristic of a profession:
a) respect rights of co-workers
b) orientation towards services
c) attention to care and needs of client
d) attitude of helpfulness
53. To prepare for professional practice in the next
century, you should:
a) review nursing in light of future needs
b) update knowledge required of changes in roles
c) competence and ethical work behavior
d) sensitive to needs of others
54. The most important specific characteristics of a true
professional nurse is:
a) accountable of her action
b) observe professionalism
c) competence and ethical work behavior
d) sensitive to needs of others
55. What is the most important contribution of religion to
the practice of nursing?
a) respect for life
b) humanistic view of man
c) spiritual health of patients

d) high value on service to fellow men

d) specialization of tasks is normal

56. Thrust of our government for special program is

globalization. For nursing, this means:
a) opportunity to work abroad
b) agreement on terms of nurses employment
c) exchange in nursing knowledge
d) borderless nursing practice

63. What is the most basic principle in the human

relations approach to management:
a) when things go well for the worker, the
organization profits
b) when the patient needs are met, nursing mission are
c) strength, speed and skill are accentuated
d) decision making is mediator

SITUATION: You have 5 patients in Ward X. A student

nurse is also assigned to your patients.
57. Who is directly responsible for the safe care of your
a) the student assigned to patients
b) you as the staff nurse
c) the clinical instructor
58. Which of the following statements is true?
a) students are accountable to their clinical instructor
b) students are liable for their errors in the practice
c) students cannot be held liable for their error in the
d) students are accountable to the head nurse
59. One of your students was requested by a doctor to
assist in an abortion procedure. Your best action is to:
a) leave the student to decide for herself
b) tell him no as she is still a student
c) refer him to the head nurse
d) tell him that abortion is not legal in the Philippines
60. One student sought your advice regarding the patient
who confidently told her he killed someone. Which is the
best note:
a) keep the information to yourself
b) you may disclose information after the patients death
c) if summoned in court, you disclosed the
d) this is privileged communication hence cannot
disclosed anytime
61. If your student has made an error in medication , what
would you do first?
a) report to the head nurse
b) keep to yourself and the student
c) call students attention once
d) check any harm to the patient
SITUATION: You considered Mrs. Soria, chief nurse of
the hospital, a traditional and bureaucratic leader.
62. The following statement about bureaucratic approach
are true, except:
a) rules and regulations are emphasized
b) the Chief nurse is comptroller
c) decision giving is participative

64. As a staff nurse under traditional chief nurse,

notwithstanding, you are most expected to:
a) maintain professional attitudes
b) observe hospital rules and regulations
c) adhere strictly to your job description
d) maintain competence
65. When you receive different directions from the doctor
and the senior nurse, this situation is referred to as:
a) role difference
b) role confusion
c) role compliance
d) role conflict
SITUATION: The application of the nursing process is
rational method of planning and providing nursing care.
As a basic tool in professional nursing practice, its
utilization ensures competent and safe practice
66. When promoting health of the individual, family and
community, the first step you should take is:
a) do health status assessment
b) conduct a population census
c) establish registry of families
d) organize the community for health action
67. When assessing family health status, one most
important data to collect is the:
a) roles of the family members
b) level of the immunization of children
c) hospitalization experience of the family
d) health resources of the family
68. This is a statement of nursing diagnosis related to
health promotion:
a) health-seeking behavior related to ignorance
b) potential coping deficit because of poverty
c) misconception about health promotion attribute to
d) malnutrition due to poor eating habits
69. In health promotion, which of the following nursing
interventions should you give priority:
a) adult education

b) health education
c) primary health care
d) program planning
70. When implementing a health promotion plan, it is
most important to develop the individuals :
a) self respect
b) self-responsibility
c) self-worth
d) self-image
SITUATION: As a graduate of BSN program, you are
expected to demonstrate basic nursing skills for safe
71. The most important characteristics of a professional
nurse is:
a) harmonious relationship with co-workers
b) critical thinking and decision making
c) competence and caring
d) understanding human needs
72. The best way to improve your competence after initial
registration is to:
a) practice nursing regularly
b) take professional adjustment courses
c) enroll graduate studies
d) participate in Continuing Professional Education
73. The most important function of the nurses is:
a) curative care
b) prevention of disease
c) rehabilitative care
d) promotion of health
74. In the advocacy role, the nurses:
a) speaks on behalf of her patients
b) respect dignity of patients
c) defends rights of her patients
d) safely practice nursing

77. When a nurse demonstrate competence, she can:

a) put a patient at ease
b) perform nursing practice based on standards
c) do nursing procedures effectively
d) follow doctors order efficiently
78. Which statement about values is correct?
a) Extrinsic values are associated with maintenance of
b) Most individual possesses many personal values
c) Nurse values rare essential to health care
d) Nurse values rarely influence ones perception of
79. The personal conviction that something is absolutely
right or wrong in all situation is:
a) moral belief
b) personal value
c) legal obligation
d) ethical issue
80. A basic structure under which competent care is
objectively measured is:
a) standard
b) law
c) principle
d) code
SITUATION: Clients in health care have both ethical and
legal rights.
81. When a patient wants to know the prognosis of his
illness, the best action to take is:
a) refer to your senior nurse
b) advise a patient to ask his doctor
c) give a direct answer
d) discuss it with family

75. Based on RA 7164 which function is new in the scope

of nursing practice: (bonus)
a) focuses on the family as unit of service
b) attends to normal delivery
c) administer IV injection
d) provides primary health care services

82. Your patient resented you telling her to take home her
expensive belongings for housekeeping:
What is the best action to take?
a) suggest that these be keep in her locked table drawer
b) bring the matter to the attention of the head nurse
c) keep in the unit cabinet under lock and key
d) discuss with her the hospital policy

SITUATION: You are responsible for achieving and

maintaining professional and ethical and ethical
76. You understand that professional nursing actions are
derived from the:
a) actions you plan and implement
b) utilization of the nursing process
c) theory and skills in nursing
d) making a nursing diagnosis

83. The physician has an order to limit visitors for your

patient. One morning a relative insisted to visit him. Your
best response is to:
a) call the security guard
b) show hi the No Visitors sign
c) explain the need of the patient to rest
d) allow a brief visit
84. It is a routine practice in the hospital to follow doctors

rounds. One morning, a patient with dyspenea was for

admission. The best action is to
a) attend to patient immediately
b) inform the patient that there is a patient for admission
c) make the patient wait for a while
d) ask the student nurse to admit the patient
85. These includes your responsibilities in family nursing
care, except:
a) family planning and counseling
b) monitoring child development
c) screening for immunologic problems
d) crisis intervention
SITUATION: The professional nurse has a major
responsibility for enhancing clients capability for selfcare.
86. Which of the following is the most important in selfcare management:
a) maintenance of sufficient food
b) maintenance of wholesome recreational activities
c) maintenance of balance between activity and rest
d) maintenance of educational and work activities

91. Which of the following terms does not relate to

a) goals
b) influence
c) motivation
d) authority
92. When a head nurse relates to people according to the
a) authority
b) leader
c) manager
d) decision-maker
93. This generally an accepted concept of management,
a) getting things done through people
b) influencing people to do right things
c) directing others to achieve set goals
d) telling people what to do
94. In simple terms, planning involves deciding in
advance the following, except
a) what and how to do it
b) when to do it
c) where to report
d) who is to do it

87. Based on Orems self-care theory, case during

rehabilitation from illness or in advanced chronic illness
a) partially compensatory
b) fully compensatory
c) compensatory
d) educative-developmental

95. In the nursing unit, the main aim of planning is:

a) achieving set nursing goals
b) describing organizational structure
c) deciding staffing of a unit
d) setting criteria for quality nursing

88. To enable an individual to develop self-care skills,

which teaching method would be most effective:
a) demonstrate-return demonstrate
b) role playing
c) lecture-discussion
d) group dynamics

SITUATION: As a nurse, you are aware that proper

documentation in the patient chart is legal responsibility.
96. Which of the following is not legally binding document
but nonetheless very important in the care of all patients
in any setting?
a) bill of rights as provided in the Philippine Constitution
b) scope of nursing practice as defined in RA 7164
c) board of nursing resolution adopting the Code of Ethics
d) patients ill of Rights

89. At the family level, the most important self-care ability

to develop is:
a) compliance of ill member to medical regimen
b) health care of chronically or dependent members
c) education of members for health
d) family dynamics for health
90. At the community level, the major goal of self-care
programs is to:
a) give the community the role-control over their health
b) empower people to take responsibility for own
c) mobilize the community for self-help
d) organize the community for basic health services
SITUATION: The following questions pertain to the
leadership role of a nurse.

97. A nurse gives the wrong medication to a client.

Another nurse employed by the hospital as a risk
manager will expect to receive which of the following?
a) incident report
b) oral report from the nurse
c) copy of medication Kardex
d) order changed signed by the physician
98. Performing a procedure on a client in the absence of
informed consent can lead to which of the following
a) fraud
b) assault and battery
c) harassment
d) breach of confidentiality

99. Which of the following characteristics of the client

goal in the plan of care is correct?
a) nurse focused, flexible, measurable and realistic
b) client focused, flexible, realistic and measurable
c) nurse focused, time limited, realistic and
d) client focused, time limited, realistic and

100. A nurse is performing an admission assessment on

a client with exacerbation of asthma. When is it ideal to
begin discharge planning?
a) at the time of admission
b) after the acute episode is resolved
c) the day before discharge
d) when the discharge order is written

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