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Jabari Jordan Application to teach English in South Korea

Submitted to ASK Now Inc. for placement

6157 Deacon Court/ Mississauga, Ontario/ L5V-1M2


Objective To teach English in South Korea as well as experience Korean culture.

Summary • I have taught English in Korea for 1 year. During this time I excelled in conveying
information to Korean students in productive ways as well as implementing lesson plans in
order to do so.
• As a person, I am perceptive. This allows me to know the needs of students. This also
enables me to get to know co-workers and superiors and work efficiently with them.
• I speak English clearly and fluently. While listening to me, students are able to understand
each syllable and pick up intonations as well as proper pronunciation.

Education BA in Philosophy and Psychology 2008

Bishops University, Sherbrook, Quebec
College Diploma in Arts and Science 2004
Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario

Career History & Accomplishments

Taught students and parents, Buyong Middle School 2008-
• Taught Middle school students from grade 1-3 2009
• Responded to student journals on Buyong website
• Participated in extra-curricular after school activities
• Taught parents afterschool

Customer Service, Conveyor Belt Operator, BBH Services 2007-

• Assisted customers with questions concerning whereabouts in airport 2008
• Responsible for directing customers as to where to place their luggage
• Responsible for making sure conveyor belts are operational
Security assistant, Conveyor Belt Operator, BBH Services 2006-
• Assisted security while checking luggage for illegal substances, September
dangerous goods or weapons 2006
• Managed misdirected luggage by taking it from one conveyer belt and
placing it on another

Personal Interests
• Writing
• Playing Piano
• Exercising

Writing Section Please answer the following questions.

1. Please explain why you are the right type of person to teach overseas.
I am the right type of person to teach overseas because I enjoy teaching, I have a good
understanding of the English language and I speak English very clearly and fluently, and I have
taught English in Korea for 1 year and have done well at my job.

2. Please explain what qualities you think are necessary to be a good teacher.
Finding ways to convey information so students can absorb and understand the information being
taught is a necessary quality to being a good teacher. Having good relations with students as well as
with ones co-workers and superiors are also necessary qualities to being a good teacher. Being on
time to work and classes, being a good role model for students, and genuinely caring for the success
of students are further necessary qualities to being a good teacher.

3. Please describe how you would deal with a workplace dispute with another co-worker or supervisor.
In a workplace dispute with another co-worker or supervisor I would listen to what the other person
has to say first, and give my own suggestions after in a calm and respectful manner.

4. Please describe some actions you could take if you began feeling homesick or lonely while in Korea.
If I feel homesick in Korea, I would set up a meeting time with my family and friends when I am not
working and call them. If I am feeling lonely, I have some friends in Korea who I can talk to or see.

5. Do you have any other plans for your time in Korea? (Further study, hobbies to pursue, places to
I plan to explore Korean culture. I plan to climb mountains, and I plan to eat a lot of Sangapsal.

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