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Exercise on Passive Voice - Present Perfect

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1.Kerrie has paid the bill. 2.I have eaten a hamburger. 3.We have cycled five miles. 4.I have opened the present. 5.They have not read the book. 6.You have not sent the parcel. 7.We have not agreed to this issue. 8.They have not caught the thieves. 9.Has she phoned him? -

Exercise on Passive Voice - Past Perfect

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1.I had worn blue shoes. 2.Joe had cleaned the tables. 3.We had lost the key. 4.They had started a fight. 5.I had been reading an article. 6.I had not closed the window. 7.They had not bought the paper. 8.She had not noticed me. 9.Had she solved the problem? -

Exercise on Passive Voice - Future I

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1.Jane will buy a new computer. 2.Her boyfriend will install it. 3.Millions of people will visit the museum. 4.Our boss will sign the contract. 5.You will not do it. 6.They will not show the new film. 7.He won't see Sue. 8.They will not ask him. 9.Will the company employ a new worker? 10.Will the plumber repair the shower?

GRAMMAR / The Passive Voice: Past and Present; Modal Verbs

Read the following paragraph about being a good limousine driver. Fill in the
blanks with the correct words or phrases from the list below. Use each phrase only
used to include
is known
have to be born
could be observed
were offered
have to be
can mean

need to be able
has been known
can be found
can be trained
werent told
must have

In a city like Los Angeles, limousine drivers (1) ________________ in demand.

Good limousine drivers (2)______ __________ easily, but great limousine drivers
are hard to find. Great limousine drivers (3) ______________ many skills and
talents. They (4) ________________ good listeners, sharp dressers, extremely

knowledgeable, outgoing, and professional. They (5) ________________ to get

along with all sorts of people. However, great limousine drivers dont (6)
______________ that way; they (7) ________________.
The training process of one limousine company (8) ________________ a test on
dealing with different passenger types. The trainee drivers had to interact with
passengers who were unpleasant, emotionally needy, and difficult. However, they
(9) ________________in advance which passengers actually worked for the
company, and which were real passengers. This way, the trainee drivers (10)
________________ in authentic situations. The drivers that passed the most
difficult tests were the ones who (11) ________________ the richest and most
famous clientele. And all experienced limousine drivers know that a rich client (12)
_______________ a great tip! But that isnt always the case. For example, one
very famous television talk show host (13) ________________ for her bad tipping
habits. She (14)________________ to leave drivers with only a thank you for a
tip, despite traveling with enough luggage for two limousines!

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