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A WFRP Scenario from Casus Belli

Written by Rolland Barthelemy (updated from 1st to 2nd Edition)

This scenario is suitable for a group of characters of average experience.

If you don't want to be a short adventure, it would be beneficial to have some
followers of Shallya, or at least some individuals capable of compassion...

asleep quietly; leaving the PCs to

Intro figure out what to do. What should they
This adventure takes place, do? Neither the basket nor the cloth
theoretically, in the south west of the draped around the baby offers any
Empire, between the town of clues. No embroidery, no initials,
Carroburg and the Grey Mountains, but nothing. The cloth is coarse and plain.
can be displaced without too much If your players are heartless brutes,
trouble. Our group of courageous who decide to leave the poor baby
adventurers have been wandering for alone (or worse, to drown him), make
several days along a path through the the kidnappers intervene (see further
forest that follows a small river. down) immediately. But with a little
Villages are rare along this path. The logic, the PCs will begin looking for his
surroundings are peaceful. The last mother... There is a village twenty
troubles with chaos were more than a minutes up river, where she can be
decade ago, and Beastmen are rare... found.
unless the party makes a ruckus. One
midday, the group halts for lunch in a The Hidden Cards
small clearing between the path and
the river. Insist that the atmosphere is Once there were two sisters of noble
peaceful and let them listen to the birds birth. One was beautiful, blonde and
in the trees and the trickle of the river, kind, the other was beautiful, brunette
until your players become increasingly and evil. As one might expect they
worried. And at that moment, they hear both fell in love with the same prince
a noise from the river. The cries of a charming, and it was the blonde Luisa
baby... Certainly the adventurers who married him. Karla the brunette
examine the location of the cries, and swore she would be avenged... The
when they do, they'll find a small occasion presented itself as Luisa was
basket partly hidden in the reeds by about to give birth to their first child.
the river bank a metre or so out into Karla's plan was very simple: replace
the water. Within the basket, a pink, the new-born with a small mutant. The
chubby baby, laughing at them... For scandal was enormous, Luisa would
an adventurer, it is already boring... but be rejected... and the political alliances
it'll get worse. If examined, the baby that the marriage had produced would
turns out to be covered in fine hair all be upheld as the prince married Karla.
over its body. Its nails are very long, The only problem is that finding a new
almost resembling claws... In short, it’s born mutant is no easy task. Karla
a mutant. No more than a few days addressed Hans regarding this
old. Once changed and fed, he'll fall business; he is an enigmatic

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"intermediary", most likely a here in this village. Try the
representative of a cult of Slaanesh. neighbouring village. No woman has
He accepted her request for aid, in recently given birth here. Go to the
return for several "services"... Karla next village." They are not hostile as
accepted the terms and passed the they try to be considerate towards the
border to Chaos. Several months "little monster". Indeed they seem to
earlier an inhabitant of Kleinstadt was pity the baby instead. There is no need
raped by a creature from the other for a genius to see that they are all
side, she hid her pregnancy as well as afraid. The PCs may have reasons to
she could, but the fact reached the think that they are afraid of them.
ears of Hans, who informed Karla. As (Place yourself in the villagers place. A
luck would have it the woman in band of strangers, armed to the teeth,
Kleinstadt gave birth a few days earlier asking questions about a mutant
than Luisa... Karla sent a small number baby... These can only be witch
of men to take the mutant baby... hunters! And everybody knows that
Unfortunately the woman was very witch hunters have a tendency to be
embarrassed by the appearance of her overzealous when it comes to
child and threw him in the river, and punishing "the tainted souls". The
this is where the PCs find him. villagers are sincerely convinced that if
they talk they will be massacred
Village Comedy without a seconds thought).
The total number of inhabitants in
Kleinstadt is no more than two hundred
A Few Personalities
adults and about fifty farmers in the Werner Neumann (60), Priest of
surrounding area. It is a small village Sigmar: At the same time the principal
built within a wooden palisade, a curiosity in the village and its spiritual
fortified temple to Sigmar dominates leader. He's an old brigand touched by
the village. The nearest house is some Sigmar ("and Sigmar appeared to me
distance away. There are no inns or in all His glory. And it was after this
hostels, but everybody will be willing to event that I took the name of New Man
let the PCs stay, "oh, a lit'l somethin' to and vowed to spend my life in His
show the generosity of Monseigneur... service"). He guards his past which
The harvest was not good this year includes several scars, a flowering
and it'll be worse when the taxman language and an immense love of
comes later... " (et cetera). The good wine. He is not less honest, even
villagers seem to be all the same: they though he drinks, and the villagers
are grumpy and say little, unless the respect him enormously. No one has
subject is the weather or the recent told him about the baby.
harvest. They won't ask any questions Mattheus Klein (67) "the ancient":
to the PCs, and they'll expect them to He is full of life, but he makes himself
be much the same. Still, the night they seem senile when strangers are near,
arrive, they find shelter at Peter Klein's at least until he is sure about their
house (a large part of the inhabitants intentions.
have Klein as their surnames). They
will expect that the PC's will tell about Joris Klein (40) Blacksmith. Son of
their exploits during the evening to Mattheus: A huge man equipped with
entertain their hosts. This is a good a bad temper. If the PCs act insistently,
chance to break the ice. it will be him that turns to them ("and
you continue to bury your noses in
The general reaction regarding the
baby is: "No one has ever seen him

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other peoples business, where they intentions. Depending on their moods
don't belong, leave while you can!"). and actions, it may be easy or hard. If
Friedrich Klein (34): Small, limping all fails, an incident may help to clear
matters, for example a child is falling
and grumpy. He is the black sheep in
into the river and the PCs saving the
the village, and he only bites his
child and become heroes.
tongue because Joris threatened to
break him in two if he didn't keep his
mouth shut. He observes the PCs, The Competition
scorn them and drops subtle hints. The Three riders arrive the night after the
best tactic consists of isolating him and PCs arrive. They approach Hildegard
give him drinks to loosen his tongue. If directly (a cabin a short distance
the PCs don't come up with this idea, outside the village, where she lives
he will approach them within two to with her parents and her grand
three days and offer the information for mother). They offer her a large amount
a small sum. of money in exchange for the baby.
Magda Schmitt (70) years old, the She explains that she does no longer
"sorceress": She lives a short have him and that the PCs have the
distance outside the village, in a colony baby now. They approach the PCs and
of black cats and is infested with lice. present themselves as messengers
She is simply a recluse but she does from a rich merchant who collects
not have a good reputation. monsters and who would like to include
this specimen in his collection. "Name
Hildegard Wagner, (23): A young your price!" The PCs should react to
woman who's only interest is the the sorry told. To start with how did the
baby... She stays discrete and prudent, hypothetical merchant come to hear of
but she watches the PCs out of the the baby? And the messengers have a
corner of her eye. She is the baby's curious military attitude for just simple
mother, but it will be a pity if the PCs messengers. The riders’ horses are
arrive at this conclusion to soon. covered in a black cloth, if any curious
Remember the wall of silence is not PC looks under the cloth they will see
totally sealed. All the adults know another black cloth embossed with a
about the "woes" of Hildegard and white boar head. This signifies a guard
watch their tongues, more or less deftly presence and could mean a death
(they all know that if anyone hints at sentence for the baby; they should not
"poor Hildi" near the PCs, they might give the baby away without making the
all be in big trouble). Regarding the guards identify themselves. If the PCs
children in the village; they have all sell the baby they'll get 500 shillings. If
been told to stay away from the PCs... they refuse the buyers leave the village
But they are devoured by curiosity ("tell with vague threats of retribution (they'll
me Sir, have you killed many make camp in the forest).
monsters?") Unfortunately it is difficult
to get a coherent story from them. If The Abduction
the conversation turns to dangerous
The buyers have not given up; if
subject, the children will not talk, or
possible they will try to kidnap the
they may lead the conversation to
baby. Depending on the actions of the
topics like a 'cursed' dam, a haunted
PCs it may or may not be difficult for
clearing or a huge tree inhabited by
the kidnappers to achieve their goal
fairies, etc.
(perhaps the PCs in their search for
Let the PCs do their best to convince faerie inhabited trees or haunted
the villagers about their good clearings leave the baby in the care of
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a villager). The riders are relatively entrance to a deep gorge into the Grey
pressed for time (they must return Mountains, in the direction of
before Luisa gives birth), and will not Bretonnia. If one of the kidnappers is
waste a day refining their tactics. still alive or if one of the PCs has the
According to your mood they could do History Skill, you can tell them the
a number of things; e.g. take a hostage following: this route was once of great
(Hildegard would be ideal), a frontal strategic importance. There have been
attack (but they are only three), they several great battles here between
could lay a trap (Friedrich, corrupt, Goblinoids and the citizens of the
could attract the attention of the PCs Empire. The new route passing by
away from the baby, hinting about Helmgart, was opened three centuries
"revelations") or an uprising against the ago, and this region has lost all its
PCs (telling the priest about the baby importance since. There are only a few
and confirming that the PCs are mines, several villages and the
sorcerers, Neumann will give a mansion, but that is all...
preaching where he condemns the
PCs). One or more of these can be Altenburg
used simultaneously. It is probable (but
not certain) that this event passes The mansion is built on a rocky knoll.
without combat. The kidnappers fight On three sides are solid walls, built of
well, but are not fanatics. The ideal massive grey stones. Any Dwarfen PC
would be if they escaped with the will immediately recognise the wall as
baby, but they can all die without the a Dwarfen construction. Viewed from
adventure being ruined. It will suffice afar the place is very impressive; but
that the heraldic device they bear on less so close up. The portcullis is rusty,
their shields are recognised. If none of some of the buildings inside are in bad
the adventurers have Heraldry, let need of repair, and the guards have
them take one of the kidnappers alive. patchy uniforms... Without really being
The latter will not take much before poor, the Lord is need of funds. All the
giving them the information they same the guards remain in excellent
require. He explains that they come shape (all armour and weapons are of
from the House of Altenburg, two days good quality and the guards are
ride from here. The orders came from numerous).
a masked man; he did not recognise The layout of the mansion is as
the voice. He claims that the person follows: a square courtyard with the
presented the seal of the Lord to prove keep at one end. To the left; stables, a
his right to give orders. They are to building housing cattle, dormitories. On
give the baby to one of the invited the right; a chapel to Sigmar, next to
guests at the Chateau, a merchant this is a long building housing guests of
called "Kurt something". the Lord. The Keep is three storied
with the ground floor containing the
Towards Altenburg kitchen and the great honorary hall.
The first floor contains armoury and
The ride to Altenburg turns out to be
barracks, and the third apartments for
uneventful. The landscape slowly the Lord and any distinguished guests.
becomes wilder and hillier the nearer All architecture is sinister and military:
they come towards the mountains,
narrow stairways, the walls are pierced
human population becomes scarcer. with small murder holes that do not let
The route follows a road, then paths... much light in...
The mansion is visible some distance
away: it is built on a small hill, at the

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Family Portrait If the PCs arrive and make him see
what is happening he will react with
Chateau Personnel consists of about a good sense.
dozen guards and several servants,
chambermaids, chefs, etc. They are Luisa (22), his wife. She is at the end
efficient and loyal. In case of a threat of her pregnancy, and she is always
the guards will react intelligently and accompanied by her companion. She
efficiently. As to "civilians" they are will be surprised when the PCs ask to
directed to the dormitories. speak with her alone...

The Chaplain occupies a position Kurt Gross (33), merchant. A large

outside the hierarchy, somewhere in man who pretends to be dealing in
between the Lord and the other silks. Unless the PCs have
inhabitants. The priests name is Martin successfully made the kidnappers talk,
and is a tall thin man. He appears to be he will remain in the shadows. His true
slightly disturbed. He is ambitious and name is Hans Lorbach, an agent of
dreams about a great temple in his Slaanesh. Depending on your group
care. He will be delighted at the and further plans you may or may not
chance of burning "follower of Chaos" make him a sorcerer. He is a vindictive
at the festivities. person, who could easily become a
recurring villain. He will of course deny
The Invited. Everybody is reunited any knowledge of the kidnappers
according to the local custom of should he be accused, and may
celebrating the firstborn of the Lord. proceed to attempt the discreet
About a dozen guests, including Karla, removal of the PCs. He has nothing
the twins’ parents (two old sympathetic compromising in his luggage. Officially,
nobles by the name of Eusebia and he doesn't know Karla, but they see
Josef von Heinziger) several small each other regularly...
landlords in the area, three passing
merchants (by the names of Peter Karla von Heinzinger (22). Luisa's
Hofmann, Widhelm Freier and brunette twin sister is a little monster.
Rudolf Hurtigen), and an individual, She is direct, very manipulative and
all dressed in black, called Gerhart will not hesitate to reach her goals. For
Wizardsbane. He represents that the moment, Luitpold is her only
which the conspirators fear. He is a objective, but within several years she
religious fanatic, profoundly convinced could prove to be a real threat, unless
that he is right, that his cause is just Lorbach is neutralised. She watches
and that all not with him are against over her sister with tenderness, but
him (he is an initiate of Sigmar and he she is really out to isolate her.
doubts all the other faiths. He does not
like "official" sorcerers either). And he What now?
is in love with Karla, who has The PCs are in all probability about to
manoeuvred him in her own way. She tell some elaborate lies to explain their
has already found a part for him to impromptu arrival. It won't be that
play... difficult: Luitpold respect the ancient
Luitpold d'Altenburg (27), Lord of customs, he will give travellers shelter
the estate. He is young, handsome as long as they desire, without asking
and kind. He is sympathetic and a little questions.
naive. He is a good warrior, a good If they are still in the possession of the
shot... and that's all. He loves his wife. baby, they will be in trouble. It is
He is not aware that Karla is in love difficult to make inquiries silently and
with him, and he treats her like a sister. what about food for the baby? If they
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leave the baby in the care of a servant, missing (if the PC's let them go,
she will quickly see the deformities and Karla would not risk being
contact father Martin (this will cause a discovered and would have killed
scene between father Martin and the them). Luitpold hasn't told anyone
PCs. Luitpold will take the PCs side: but he spent a morning looking for
"The life of a guest is sacred, even if it his seal: "I thought I had lost it, but I
is a mutant!"). Martin will not argue with found it had fallen behind a closet."
Luitpold, but the conspirators will hear He draws no conclusions but this
of this, and will quietly leave the was the day after Karla's arrival.
mansion to prepare an ambush for the
PCs. The event is not as catastrophic The Events Unroll
as it seems: it does overturn Karla's
plan. She seeks to be revenged, Here is what could have happened
waiting for another suitable occasion. according to Karla. Luisa gives birth in
her chamber on the second floor, in the
Surely Karla will notice the strangers presence of a midwife and Karla. The
and their baby. The mansion is not midwife has been corrupted by Karla.
big... She will take desperate The mutant baby is brought into the
measures to regain the baby (she'll room in the bag of instruments. The
eliminate the PCs with Gerhart's help baby is replaced but not killed (he is to
and she will eliminate Gerhart). be sold to Lorbach (you are better off
They have relatively little time in which not knowing what he plans to do with
to find the answers: Luisa goes into it). Considering the hygienic situation
labour the day after they arrive. of this Époque, there is a risk that
Everybody is now a little worried about Luisa won't make it through the birth,
Luisa and the PCs could use this and she is certain to lose
opportunity to ask questions. The PCs consciousness sometime during the
should be able to isolate Lorbach and birth (if not, she can be "helped").
Karla as the principle conspirators Shortly after, the midwife storms down
without to much trouble. Among the the stairs to the hall where everybody
information they gather are some waits. The little monster is found in
interesting its: Luisa's room. This is where Gerhart
enters the game; spontaneously he
o The merchants: Nobody knows makes a discourse on the sorceries of
"Gross" and he keeps to himself. Chaos, blaming Luisa... During the
o Members of the entourage with following days Luisa would be tested to
Karla's parents: Luisa has been prove whether or not she belongs to
married for a year. Karla suffered Chaos (tests measuring the individual’s
being separated from her sister resistance to pain). If she cries out like
(actually she suffered because her the sorcerers, perfect! And Luitpold
sister got to marry the man that can do nothing, except renounce her
Karla loves). Karla is not well liked and send her to a convent of Shallya.
by the servants. The place is vacant; it won't take much
from Karla to conquer Luitpold... The
o Karla wears a ring with the image of
plan now must be substantially
a kitten of an unusual dimension.
modified, thanks to the PCs...
Observant PCs can see minute
hinges on one side, the ring If Karla doesn't have the baby, she will
contains poison. use a very old plan: to poison Luisa,
hoping to kill both the baby and its
o Luitpold or the captain of the guard:
mother. She may be able to kill Luisa
three men from the garrison are
but the baby will be born...

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If the PCs intercept the midwife or one succeed, if the P's have enough proof
of them takes her place (or something (e.g. Hildegard or the kidnappers).
else!), she will not do anything... for the Another possibility, the physical
moment. elimination of Karla will be difficult as
long as Gerhart is in the area. Although
The recapturing of the baby is priority
blackmailing could be profitable, it is
number one (don't hesitate to cheat. If
also very dangerous. This means that
the PCs hide the baby somewhere in
the PCs must gather evidence and
the region, Lorbach will be able to
confront Karla in private with this. She
localise him by means of magic. Karla
will admit to defeat, but she won't quit
will then be able to swap the babies
until she is even with the PCs. Lorbach
during the night, only to "discover" next
is another unknown. He will leave the
morning that the baby has turned into a
mansion when he realises that he is
losing control over the situation. And
finally, the initial problem: what to do
Conclusion with the mutant baby?
The end of this adventure is "open". A
direct confrontation with Karla could

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The Kidnappers (or the Guard)
Depending on how experienced your party is, select them to be Mercenaries or Mercenary Sergeants
(or a combination):
Career: Mercenary
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
41% 38% 37% 37% 35% 27% 27% 43%
Secondary Profile
2 13 3 3 4 0 0 0

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire, Bretonnia), Speak Language (Reikspiel, Breton), Consume
Alcohol, Dodge Blow, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Animal Care, Ride, Gossip, Perception, Swim
Talents: Suave, Luck, Disarm, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun
Armour: Chainshirt, Breastplate, Helmet (5 on Body and Head, 3 elsewhere)
Weapons: Swords and Crossbows
Career: Sergeant (ex-Mercenary)
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
61% 53% 47% 47% 45% 37% 37% 63%
Secondary Profile
2 17 4 4 4 0 0 0

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire +10%,
Bretonnia +10%), Intimidate, Speak Language (Reikspiel, Breton, Tilean), Consume Alcohol, Dodge
Blow +10%, Secret Language (Battle Tongue +10%), Animal Care, Ride +10%, Gossip +10%,
Perception +10%, Swim
Talents: Suave, Luck, Disarm, Menacing, Street Fighter, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Stun
Armour: Chainshirt, Breastplate, Helmet (5 on Body and Head, 3 elsewhere)
Weapons: Swords and Crossbows

Karla & Luisa

Career: Noble
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
42% 38% 30% 30% 38% 44% 36% 50%
Secondary Profile
1 14 3 3 4 0 0 0

Skills: Common Knowledge (the Empire +10%), Speak Language (Reikspiel +10%), Consume
Alcohol, Charm, Read/Write, Ride, Blather, Performer (Musician), Gossip
Talents: Very Resilient, Mimic, Etiquette, Luck, Savvy, Schemer
Armour: None
Weapons: None (Karla wears a hidden Dagger)

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Luitpold d'Altenburg
Career: Noble Lord (ex-Noble, ex-Politician)
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
73% 56% 53% 56% 44% 72% 67% 96%
Secondary Profile
2 20 5 5 4 0 0 0

Skills: Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry +10%, Law, Strategy/Tactics), Blather, Charm

+20%, Command +20%, Common Knowledge (the Empire +20%), Consume Alcohol +10%, Evaluate
+10%, Gamble, Gossip +10%, Haggle, Perception +10%, Performer (Actor), Read/Write +20%, Ride
+10%, Speak Language (Classical, Reikspiel +20%)
Talents: Dealmaker, Etiquette, Hardy, Master Orator, Public Speaking, Specialist Weapon Group
(Fencing, Parrying), Very Resilient
Armour: None – but has Full Plate Armour available
Weapons: Best Quality Sword (has also a fine crafted Shield in the Armoury)

Kurt Gross alias Lorbach

Career: Spy (ex-Burgher, ex-Merchant)
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
62% 61% 38% 48% 67% 95% 91% 80%
Secondary Profile
2 20 3 4 4 0 0 0

Skills: Charm, Common Knowledge (the Empire +20%, Bretonnia, Estalia), Concealment, Consume
Alcohol +10%, Disguise, Drive +10%, Evaluate +10%, Gossip +20%, Haggle +10%, Lip Reading,
Perception, Performer (Actor), Pick Locks, Read/Write +10%, Ride, Search, Secret Language (Battle
Tongue, Guild Tongue), Shadowing, Silent Move, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language (Reikspiel +20%,
Breton, Estalian), Trade (Merchant)
Talents: Dealmaker, Flee!, Linguistics, Savvy, Schemer, Sixth Sense, Strong-minded, Suave, Super
Armour: None
Weapons: Best Quality Dagger

Typical Guard of the Altenburg Mansion

Career: Watchman
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
43% 43% 36% 31% 43% 47% 34% 34%
Secondary Profile
1 14 3 3 4 0 0 0

Skills: Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Dodge Blow, Follow Trail, Gossip, Intimidate,
Perception, Search, Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Talents: Ambidextrous, Coolheaded, Disarm, Savvy, Strike Mighty Blow
Armour: Chainmail, Helmet and Breastplate (5 on Body and Head, 3 elsewhere)
Weapons: Sword, Halberd, Shield

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