Period 102 104: Revision For The Second Semester Test: A. Grammar

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Lesson plan Grade 10

Date: April 20th 2015

Period 102 104:

A. Grammar
1. Conditional type 2 and 3. (Unit 9, 11)
5. Adjectives of attitute. (Unit 13)
2. The passive voice. (Unit 10)
6. It be not until..that (Unit 13)
3. To + infinitive to talk about purposes. (Unit 12)
7. The articles: A/An, the. (Unit 13)
4. Wh-questions. (Unit 12)
8. Will vs. going to. (Unit 14)
B. Phonetics:
1. /i/ ; /e/; /u/
4. /s/; /z/
2. /b/; /p/
5. /f/; /v/
3. /d/; /t/
6. /g/; /k/
C. Exercises:
1. Pronunciation: pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
that of the other words:
1.A. beef
B. beer
C. engineer
D. cheer
2. A. leave
B. bear
C. peace
D. cheap
3. A. gulf
B. hunt
C. sure
D. current
4. A. hair
B. chair
C. fail
D. fairy
5. A. near
B. here
C. ear
D. meat
6.A. parked
B. played
C. stayed
D. loved
7.A. business
B. serious
C. compose
D. easily
8. A. pushed
B. watched
C. learned
D. danced
9. A. laughed
B. closed
C. filled
D. studied
10. A. sit
B. sand
C. leaves
D. star
11. A. audience
B. laugh
C. August
D. taught
12. A. silent
B. film
C. thriller
D. situation
13. A. cup
B. continent
C. competition
D. center
14. A. team
B. beat
C. defeat
D. great
15. A. match
B. characterise
C. Dutch
D. church
16. A. they
B. thumb
C. thick
D. think
17. A. there
B. than
C. three
D. that
18. A. scholar
B. school
C. choral
D. chicken
19. A. skin
B. key
C. chain
D. christmas
20. A. village
B. forget
C. bridge
D. edge
2. Supply the correct word forms:
1. The government should do something to prohibit the..of forests and
wildlife. [DESTROY]
2. Many rare animals are in the danger of becoming.. [EXTINCTION]
3. Many kinds of plants could be used to treat various ..diseases.
4. Man and most animals need a . supply of water to live. [CONSTANCY]
5. We cannot stop the.of the plants and animals. [APPEAR]
3. Change into the passive voice:
1. I wash the dishes in the evening.
The dishes.....................................................................................................................................

Lesson plan Grade 10

2. She usually decorates the room at weekends.

The room.......................................................................................................................................
3. She bought the watch at the shop.
The watch.....................................................................................................................................
4. We did the exercises last week.
5. They will ask you a lot of question at the interview.
6. We are doing the exercises.
The exercise....................................................................................................................................
7. Marys mother was washing the clothes.
The clothes......................................................................................................................................
8. Her friends were drinking coffee at the cafe.
9. They have cancelled the meeting.
The meeting..................................................................................................................................
10. Someone has given him a lot of money.
11. They had exported the rice before May.
The rice...........................................................................................................................................
12. She is not going to pick many flowers.
Many flower ...............................................................................................................................
4. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form (conditional sentences):
1. If today (be) ________________ Sunday, I (not have) ________________to go to school.
2. I (be) ________________able to watch the football match if I (have) ______________a TV.
3. If they (be) ________________rich, they (help) ________________poor people.
4. What _______you (do) ________________ if you (be) ________________him?
5. If we (not lend) ________________him some money, he (die) ________________early.
6. I (understand) ________________ him if he (speak) ________________more slowly.
7. T (be) ________________glad if he (visit) ________________me in hospital.
8. He (pass) ________________the exam if he (have) ________________got one more mark.
9. I (tell) ________________you if you (ask) ________________me.
10. If I (know) ________________ that you were in hospital, I (visit) ________________you.
5. Rewrite the following sentence
1. I am poor; I cant travel around the world.
-> If
2. I feel so ill, I dont go to work.
-> If
3. I dont have much time; I cant learn all my favorite subjects.
-> If
4. I am not a millionaire, I cant help all people.
-> If

Lesson plan Grade 10

5. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.

-> If
6. I didnt wake up because I didnt know you wanted to get up early.
-> If
7. I had a cold because I walked in the rain.
-> If
8. She didnt buy the watch because she didnt bring enough money with her.
-> If
9. They didnt sell the house because their children wanted to keep it.
-> If
10. Mrs. White fell down because she was too weak.
-> If
6. Choose the best answer:
1. If I _______ a wish, Id wish for happiness for my family.
A. have
B. am having
C. had
D. was having
2. If I ____ an astronaut traveling in a cabin, Id not be annoyed by the weightlessness.
A. am
B. be
C. will be
D. were
3. What ____ happen if you come late for the meeting tomorrow?
A. will be
B. would be
C. will
D. would
4. If there were no gravity, water____ never run downhill.
A. would
B. will
C. wont
D. wouldnt
5. If you _____ Henry, ask him to come and see me.
A. met
B. will meet
C. met
D. would meet
6. Unless you _____ quiet, Ill scream.
A. dont keep B. kept
C. keep
D. didnt keep
7. Ill be able to speak English well if I _____ hard.
A. studied
B. have studied
C. had studied
D. study
8. If I could speak Spanish, I _____ next year studying in Mexico.
A. would spend B. had spent
C. would have spent D. will spend
9. If I ____ you, I _____ his invitation.
A. am/ will refuse
B. were/ would refuse
C. was/ will refuse
D. had been/ would have refused
If my father ______ here now, he would help me.
A. were
B. was
C. is
D. would be
7. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes:
1. It was surprised to see my old friends again after a long time.
2. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It will rain.
3. It was not until the teacher came that the students didnt stop talking .
4. Hoa turned on the radio in order to listening to the news .
5. He is old enough earning his own living

Lesson plan Grade 10

6. I went to school because I want to get knowledge .

7. It was such an interested film that I saw it four times last week.
8. Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet?
9. The students were interesting in taking of field trip to the national museum.
8. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:
It has been said that to turn a corner in Toledo is to enter another century. The city is a
rich blend of the cultures that occupied it after a series of invations. Strategically nearly
impregnable. Toledo is located in the centre of Spain and is encircled by the Tagus River.
Roman rule lasted 300 years and saw the development of the Spanish language. Having
defeated the Romans, the Visigoths established their capital at Toledo and brought Christianity
to the city's citizens.
It was the conquest of Toledo in the eighth century by the Moors that created the most
dramatic and lasting effects upon the city. Moorish arts and architecture embellished the once
predominantly military fortress. Mosques, mansions, and towers were built to last, so they
remain to impress the visitors to Toledo with their opulence to this day.
Medieval Toledo sheltered a compatible mixture of Christians, Moslems, and Jews.
Scholars from all three religious groups collaborated to make the school of Translators famous
throughout Europe for its Aristotelian philosophy.
1. Where is Toledo situated?
2. Did Roman rule last three centuries?
3. What did the Visigoths do at Toledo?
4. When did the Moors occupy and conquer Toledo?
5. What invader of Toledo left the most lasting impression upon the city's style of building?
9. Give the correct tense of verbs:
1. The kids (sleep) . . when the bell rang.
2. Look at those black clouds. It . . (rain)
3. Last night when we (visit) . . him, he. (do) an experiment
on the upstairs.
4. Her grandfather (die) .20 years ago. She (never meet) . .
5. The door won't open unless you (push) . . it hard.
6. Mr Pike (live) . . here for 25 years.
7. Listen! The teacher (explain) . . the lesson.
8. Uyen (take) . . a bus to school every day.

Lesson plan Grade 10

9. Ba and Phong (know) . . each other quite well for years

10. I can't help (feel) . . anxious about her study.
11. It took us ages to get used to (live) . . in flats.
12. If you keep (make) . . such a noise, she'll complain.
10. Rewrite sentences using it was not until
12. They didnt pay the bill until the electricity was cut off.
It was not until
13. I didnt sleep until midnight.
It was not until
14. No one could leave the stadium until 2. 30.
It was not until
15. She weren't allowed to open her presents until her birthday.
It was not until
16. We didn't have any holiday until last summer.
It was not until
17. She didn't stop learning German until the age of 24.
It was not until
18. I couldn't finish my project until Mark helped me.
It was not until
19. I didn't sleep until midnight.
It was not until
20. They didn't pay the bill until the electricity was cut off.
It was not until
21. I couldn't comment further until I had all the information.
It was not until
11. Choose the correct option (A,B,C or D ) to complete the following sentences :
1. Mary is because her job is ..
A. bore/ boring
B. bored/ boring
C. boring/ bored
D. bored/ boredom
2. You look when you see me.
Yes. I think you are in China.
A. astonish
B. astonishing
C. astonishingly
D. astonished
3.She looked . as if she had seen a ghost.
A. frightened
B. frightening
C. frighten
D. frightens
4.Peters parents promised that they will take him to Italy this Summer holiday and he is so
. about it.
A. exciting
B. excited
C. excites
D. excite
5. The . job made him .
A. bored/boring
B. boring/bore
C. boring/ bored
D. boredom/boring
6.I find my job . and Im..
A. exciting/ excited B. excited/ exciting
C. excite/ excited
D. exciting/ excitingly
7.Her new dress makes her more . She .everyone by her beauty.
A. attractive/ attract
B. attraction/attracting
C. attractive/ attracted
D. attractive/ attracts
8.Jonhs class is .. and he is .. in many subjects.
A. interesting/ interested
B. interest/ interesting
C. interested/ interesting
D. A and C are correct
9. Our visit to the beach made the holiday more , everyone was by the story

Lesson plan Grade 10

about holiday.
A. amuse/ amusing
C. amusing/ amused

B. amused/ amusing
D. amused/ amuse

10.The movie wasnt as good as we had expected.

The movie was ..and we were . with the movie.
A. disappointed/ disappoint
B. disappointing/ disappointed
C. disappointing/ disappoint
D. disappoint/ disappointed
11. 'Would you like..
ice cream? There's one in ....... fridge.' 'Thanks.'
A. an/ the
B. an/ a
C. / the
D. a/ the
12. We'd better go. We've been here for .......hour.' 'That was....... fastest hour I've ever spent.'
A. a/ the
B. an/ the
C. an/ a
D. / the
13. Don't forget we're meeting on ............Friday for ............ lunch.
A. a/ a
B. a/
C. / the
D/ /
14. 'I've got .........headache. I've had it all day' 'Why don't you go to.
health center? It's open until six.'
A. a/ a
B. / the
C. a/ the
D. a/
15.She gave me a letter and a post card. . letter is from my sister, and postcard is from
my brother.
A. a/ the
B. the/ the
C. / the
D. a/ a
16. Why have you bought so much food ?
I .. for ten people.
A. will cook
B. am going to cook
C. cooked
D. have cooked
17. Im going to die of hunger.
really? . a packet of instant noodles.
A. Ill buy you
B. I am going to buy you
C. Lets buy you
D. All are correct
18. Why are you so sad? I think in the exam next week.
A. I would fail
B. I will fail
C. I failed
D. I fail
19. Let me know as soon as Mary . here.
A. will get
B. is going to get
C. gets
D. is getting
20. John .. back until ten oclock. Can I take the message?
A. is going to be
B. will be
C. is
D. wont be
21.The doctor says I .. a baby.
A. will have
B. would have
C. am going to have D. will be having
22. . successful in the beauty contest.
A.I think she wont be
B. I think she is not going to be
C. I dont think she will be
D. None is correct
23.. .. if you promise to try harder.
A. Ill help you
B. I wont help you
C. I am going to help you D. All are correct
24.Why a new mountain bike?
A. will you buy
B. are you going to buy
C. you will buy
D. you are going to buy
25. If you Mary today, please ask her to call me.
C.will see
D.would see
12. Make questions for the underlined parts:
1. She is cleaning the floor
-> ............................................................................................

Lesson plan Grade 10

2. Their favorite kind of music is Latin Jazz.

-> ...........................................................................................
3. I didnt bring my dictionary today.
-> ............................................................................................
4. They are singing popular songs.
-> ............................................................................................
5. They do their homework in the morning.
-> ............................................................................................
6. My best friend is Nam.
-> ............................................................................................
7. We have known each other for 5 years.
-> ............................................................................................
8. They are making a big cake.
-> ............................................................................................
9. She can sing very well.
-> ............................................................................................
10. She usually goes to school by bike.
-> ............................................................................................
11. It takes me an hour to do the homework.
-> ............................................................................................
12. Mary will meet her husband tomorrow.
-> ............................................................................................
13. Twenties books has been sold this month.
-> ............................................................................................
14. About 8 people were injured in the accident.
-> ............................................................................................
15. She is talking to the president.
-> ............................................................................................
16. He should lend her some money.
-> ............................................................................................
17. He bought this book in Ha Noi.
-> ............................................................................................
18. They are going to visit Ha Long Bay this summer.
-> ............................................................................................
19. Teachers usually give students a lot of exercises.
-> ............................................................................................
20. He is punished because of his laziness.
-> ............................................................................................
13. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. A. maintain
B. marine
C. challenge
D. device
2. A. investigate
B. information
C. submarine
D. independent
3. A. organism
B. environment
C. temperature
D. satellite
4. A. carnivore
B. entrapment
C. technology
D. Atlantic
5. A. secret
B. ocean
C. migrate
D. herbicide
6. A. disappearance
B. circulation
C. conservation
D. environment
7. A. conserve
B. pollute
C. circulate
D. eliminate
8. A. nature
B. power
C. damage
D. defence
9. A. vegetation
B. destruction
C. variety
D. erosion

Lesson plan Grade 10

10. A. injured

B. valuable

C. forest

D. protect

7. There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes:
1. It was surprised to see my old friends again after a long time.
2. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It will rain.
3. It was not until the teacher came that the students didnt stop talking .
4. Hoa turned on the radio in order to listening to the news .
5. He is old enough earning his own living
6. I went to school because I want to get knowledge .
7. It was such an interested film that I saw it four times last week.
8. Have the students be told about the changes of their timetable yet?
9. The students were interesting in taking of field trip to the national museum.
11. Choose the correct option (A,B,C or D ) to complete the following sentences :
1. Mary is because her job is ..
A. bore/ boring B. bored/ boring C. boring/ bored
D. bored/ boredom
2. You look when you see me.
Yes. I think you are in China.
A. astonish
B. astonishing
C. astonishingly
D. astonished
3.She looked . as if she had seen a ghost.
A. frightened B. frightening
C. frighten
D. frightens
4.Peters parents promised that they will take him to Italy this Summer holiday and he is so
. about it.
A. exciting
B. excited
C. excites
D. excite
5. The . job made him .
A. bored/boring B. boring/bore
C. boring/ bored
D. boredom/boring
6. I find my job . and Im..
A. exciting/ excited B. excited/ exciting C. excite/ excited D. exciting/ excitingly
7. Her new dress makes her more . She .everyone by her beauty.
A. attractive/ attract
B. attraction/attracting
C. attractive/ attracted
D. attractive/ attracts
8.Jonhs class is .. and he is .. in many subjects.
A. interesting/ interested
B. interest/ interesting
C. interested/ interesting
D. A and C are correct
9. Our visit to the beach made the holiday more , everyone was by the story

Lesson plan Grade 10

about holiday.
A. amuse/ amusing B. amused/ amusing C. amusing/ amused D. amused/ amuse
10.The movie wasnt as good as we had expected.
The movie was ..and we were . with the movie.
A. disappointed/ disappoint
B. disappointing/ disappointed
C. disappointing/ disappoint
D. disappoint/ disappointed
11. 'Would you cream? There's one in ....... fridge.' 'Thanks.'
A. an/ the
B. an/ a
C. / the
D. a/ the
12. "We'd better go. We've been here for ..........hour.' 'That was.............. fastest hour I've ever
A. a/ the
B. an/ the
C. an/ a
D. / the
13. Don't forget we're meeting on ............Friday for ............ lunch.
A. a/ a
B. a/
C. / the
D/ /
14. 'I've got .........headache. I've had it all day' 'Why don't you go to.
health center? It's open until six.'
A. a/ a
B. / the
C. a/ the
D. a/
15.She gave me a letter and a post card. .. letter is from my sister, and postcard is from
my brother.
A. a/ the
B. the/ the
C. / the
D. a/ a
16. Why have you bought so much food ?
I .. for ten people.
A. will cook
B. am going to cook C. cooked
D. have cooked
17. Im going to die of hunger.
really? . a packet of instant noodles.
A. Ill buy you B. I am going to buy you C. Lets buy you
D. All are correct
18. Why are you so sad? I think in the exam next week.
A. I would fail
B. I will fail
C. I failed
D. I fail
19. Let me know as soon as Mary . here.
A. will get
B. is going to get
C. gets
D. is getting
20. John .. back until ten oclock. Can I take the message?
A. is going to be B. will be
C. is
D. wont be
21.The doctor says I .. a baby.
A. will have
B. would have
C. am going to have D. will be having
22. . successful in the beauty contest.
A.I think she wont be
B. I think she is not going to be
C. I dont think she will be
D. None is correct
23.. .. if you promise to try harder.
A. Ill help you B. I wont help you C. I am going to help you D. All are correct
24..Why a new mountain bike?
A. will you buy
B. are you going to buy
C. you will buy
D. you are going to buy
25.If you Mary today, please ask her to call me.
C.will see
D.would see

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