Values Based Recruitment1

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Values Based

Recruitment &


Right People, Right Values,

Right Job
Quality People, Quality Care
Staff Turnover
Audit & Inspection

Social Care Commitment

Quality People, Quality Care
Introducing the Social Care Commitment:
A sector led initiative.
Increasing public confidence.
Helping to raise quality within the sector.
Made by both employers and employees
I hope that employers and staff will use the
Commitment to help ensure the delivery of safe,
caring, effective, responsive and well-led services
that we expect, and that everyone deserves.
Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social
Care at the Care Quality Commission

Social Care Commitment

Employer statements
The employer commitment is a promise to:
Recruit staff who care
Provide thorough induction training
Help staff develop their skills
Make sure staff understand safety and quality
Take responsibility for how staff work
Supervise staff properly
Support staff to put their commitment into practice

Social Care Commitment

Employee statements
The employee commitment is a promise to:
Work responsibly
Uphold dignity
Work co-operatively
Communicate effectively
Protect privacy
Continue to learn
Treat people fairly

Skills for Care Resources to Support

Recruitment & Retention

Recruiting & Retaining staff

Skills Section of our website: ranges
from guidance on developing staff in
Assisting and Moving through to Self
Recommendation for CQC Providers

Values Based Recruitment Toolkit

Involving People in Receipt of

Care / Support
Stages of Recruitment

Use of materials
Design of Process
Involvement in Selection direct or indirect

Skills for Care Resources to Support

Recruitment & Retention


A Question of Care

Involving People in Receipt of

Care / Support
Stages of Recruitment

Use of materials
Design of Process
Involvement in Selection direct or indirect

Involving People in Receipt of

Care / Support
Stages of Recruitment

Use of materials
Design of Process
Involvement in Selection direct or indirect

Involving People in Receipt of

Care / Support

Set Questions
Response to scenarios
Observation of behaviours Using
Common Core Principles dignity,

Current & Coming Soon

Care Ambassadors
Think Care Careers
Job Centre Plus
Schools and Colleges
Recruitment & Retention Online
Resources building on Finders

Stay in touch
I will send you e-news and local updates
Karen Stevens
07969 4749 451

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