Drilling On WRITING 2011: A) Exercise 1: Formal Letter Sample Question

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Drilling on WRITING 2011


Sample Question:
You are the secretary of the Art Club in your school. One of the activities planned is visiting places of
interest. Write a letter to the manager of a batik factory seeking permission to visit the premises.
Haryati Batik Factory 44 members 3 teachers
Proposed date and time
Transport by bus
Proposed activities learn skill
Buy some pieces - souvenirs

When writing your letter:

use all the notes given.

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting.

make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Sample Answer: Fill in the blanks with the correct phrase. Choose the phrase from the table below. Then,
REWRITE the letter in the examination pad.
request for permission
learning the skills of batik printing Dear Sir
The details of the visit
8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

5 November 2011

expose our members to the art of

batik printing
to grant us permission
would be given discounts
The Secretary,
Art Club,
Sekolah Menengah Sultan Idris
Jalan Hang Setia,
35000 Ipoh.

For your information

take up new skills

to purchase
Thank you
the proposed date is not
convenient to you

interested in buying souvenirs

Yours faithfully
The Manager,
Haryati Batik Factory,
56, Persiaran Tawakal,
85 000 Kuala Terengganu.

Numbers of visitors

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011



5 September 2011

Permission to Visit Factory
On behalf of the Art Club members of my school, we would like to ________________________________
to visit your factory.


____________________________________________ are as follows:


Date: ______________________________


Time: ______________________________


________________________: 44 students and 3 teachers


________________________: Chartered bus

The objectives of the visit include ________________________________________________.

Many of our students are in Form Four and would like to ______________________________________ for
their batik printing project next year. Hence, we would like to ____________________________________.

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011


We would also like _________________________ a few pieces as souvenirs and

gifts._________________________________, most of us have never been to Terengganu and this will be

our first visit. Hence, I am very sure that most of us would be _____________________________________
to take home. I hope we ____________________________________ for the souvenirs purchased.

I hope you will be able _________________________________ to visit your premises. We are

willing to accept an alternative date if______________________________________________________.

Saddamia Rauddah

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

Sample Question:
Your friend, Salim Bin Ahmad was chosen by the Perfectorial Board to represent the school in a District
Quiz Contest and he emerged champion.
As the Head prefect, write a congratulatory speech to be delivered during the party.


Party specially organised to congratulate

Chosen the correct person represent school

Salim well read, intelligent prefect

Good preparation before contest

Honour to the school

When writing your speech:

use all the notes given.

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting.

make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

Sample Answer: Fill in the blanks with the correct phrase. Choose the phrase from the table below. Then,
REWRITE the letter in the examination pad.
I am given this opportunity to We are proud of him
deliver a congratulatory speech
prepare himself well
after due consideration

who emerged champion

hit the nail on the head
Thank you
Principal, teachers and fellow

Good morning to the _____________________________________________________________.

As the Head Prefect of this school, __________________________________________________________
________________________________________________ on behalf of the school and Prefectorial Board.










______________________________________ in the District Quiz Contest, held recently.

_______________________________________. Before we sent the particulars of Salim to take part













But__________________________________, we decided to send Salim to represent our school. We

We know Salim is a ________________________ and intelligent prefect. He has always been the
top student since Form One.














______________________________. He read up the relevant topics which he sensed will come out in the
__________________________ Salim, for bringing honour to our school._____________________.


Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

Sample Question:
Ranjit and Suzana are at a food stall. They want to buy some fruit for a class party. Ranjit likes local fruit
but Suzana prefers imported fruit. Read the dialogue. Who do you agree with? Provide reasons to support
your answer.
Suzana : Ranjit, do you prefer to eat local or imported fruit?
Ranjit : I love local fruit. They are nutritious as well as delicious.
Suzana : I like local fruit too but I prefer apples and pears though. Somehow, I feel imported fruit just taste
Ranjit : Well, I find local fruit richer in vitamins and nutrients compared to imported fruit. They are also
Suzana : But eating too much local fruit can make you fall sick. You definitely wont fall sick if you eat too
many apples and oranges.
When writing your opinion:

state your stand clearly

add any other relevant details to make it more interesting.

make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Sample Answer #1: Fill in the blanks with the correct phrase. Choose the phrase from the table below.
Then, REWRITE the letter in the examination pad.
Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

twice the content of Vitamin C

local fruit are better than imported

I firmly believe
better for consumers

takes quite a while

on the other hand

not so fresh
cheaper, fresher and contain more

packed and refrigerated

anytime and anywhere

nutritional benefits
(Option #1 Agreeing with Ranjits opinion)
I agree with Ranjit that _____________________________________________________________.
Local fruit are not only delicious but they are _________________________________________________
Since we can get most local fruit __________________________________, they are much cheaper.
Imported fruit, _____________________________, are most expensive because they have to be transported
to our country.
Sometimes, the imported fruit are also_________________________. This is because these fruit are
____________________________________ before they are exported from their countries of origin. It also
______________________________ for the fruit to reach our country.
_______________________, local fruit such as guavas and rambutans have higher Vitamin C
content than most imported fruit. ____________________ many believe that oranges are a good source of
Vitamin C, research has proven that our local fruit has ___________________________________. Local
fruit also have other nutritional benefits and are ___________________________________.
Thus, ____________________________ that local fruit are a much better option than imported fruit.
Sample Answer #2: Fill in the blanks with the correct phrase. Choose the phrase from the table below.
Then, REWRITE the letter in the examination pad.
detrimental to health
easily available

unhealthy side effects

easily available, do not

I believe that imported

have unhealthy side

fruit have more benefits

an array of different fruit

certain periods in a year

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

get bored

effects and come in

than local fruit

wider variety

I agree with

wider variety to choose


any time we want

(Option #2 Agreeing with Suzanas opinion)

__________________________ Suzana that imported fruit are better than local fruit. This is because
imported fruit are________________________________________________________________________
Most local fruit are ___________________. Therefore, we could only enjoy them during
_______________________________. Imported fruit such as apples, oranges, kiwi fruits and grapes are
___________________________ at the markets and supermarkets all year round. Thus, we can eat these
fruit ________________________________.
Furthermore, eating too much imported fruit such as apples, oranges, grapes and pears will not have
any _______________________________. However, _________________________ in local fruit such as
durians, rambutans, mangosteens and langsats can make us fall sick. Some local fruit such as durians and
bananas also contain fat, which can be _______________________________________.
Finally, although imported fruit may be a bit more expensive than local fruit, there is a
________________________________. One can ________________________ eating the same types of
fruit all year round. Therefore, imported fruit from other countries enable us to get a taste of
In conclusion, ____________________________________________________________________.
Sample Question:
Your English teacher has asked you to write an article about Very Special People. Based on the notes
below, write the description of these people.

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

Nina born hearing impaired needs hearing aid at home uses fax machine communicate
loves reading hopes go university

Peter lost sight gradually now cannot see completely loves animals has guide dog
help move around loves music be a singer performance

Ronald lost leg car accident was a top runner won medals in 100 metres sprint at first felt
crushed then pulled back went to university studied sport psychology train them

When writing the description for the article:

use all the notes given.

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting.

make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Sample Answer: Underline the correct answer. Then, REWRITE the letter in the examination pad.
Very Special People
Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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Drilling on WRITING 2011

Success [does, do, did] not come easy, especially for the disabled. However, there [is, are, was,
were] many people out there with disabilities who achieved remarkable success.
Nina [is, are, was, were] born with hearing impaired and she uses a pair of hearing aids to help her
listen clearly. At home, she [use, uses, used, is using] fax machine to help her communicate. The fax
machine allows her to [communicate, communicates, communicated, communicating] with others
namely, her family, friends and relatives. Nina, who is an avid reader, [enjoy, enjoys, enjoyed, is enjoying]
reading in her free time. One day she hopes to go to a prestigious university and [become, becomes,
became, is becoming] a successful computer programmer.
[Moreover, Thus, On the other hand, Although] Peter is a boy who lost his sight gradually. Now,
he cannot [see, sees, saw, seeing] completely. Peter loves animals and he has a guide dog [name, names,
named, namely] Max, which helps him to move around. [In addition, However, Even though, Next] Peter
is completely blind, he loves music very much. He wishes to be [a, an, the] singer some day. Peter [love,
loves, loved, is loving] performing on stage and his performance is always energetic.
Another very special person [is, are, was, were] Ronald, an aspiring athelete who lost his leg in a
car accident. The incident almost ruined [he, his, him] life. Ronald [is, are, was, were] once a top runner in
his school. He [win, wins, won, is winning] medals in the 100 metres sprint and various other events. Poor
Ronald at first [feel, feels, felt, is feeling] crushed. He [is, are, was, were] so frustrated at first that he
pulled back. Ronald nearly gave up all [he, his, him] hope. [Moreover, Besides, So, However], he was
lucky enough to have met a counselor. The counselor advised him not to [give up, gives up, gave up,
giving up]. Thanks to his counselor, Ronald finally went [to, too, at, in] the university. He [study, studies,
studied, is studying] Sport Psychology and later became a Sports Trainer.
Stories of these three very courageous people [has, have, had, are having] inspired many.
[They, Their, Theirs, Them] tales have taught us a very important lesson.

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST, Selangor. This material can be viewed @ http://teachernuha.blogspot.com/

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