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Evalia and the past.

Chapter 1. Births complications.
Please Mrs. Silverheart calm down, youll stress the newborn out more than needed. Mrs.
Silverheart would make a small nod at the Draeneic priest, calming down her breath as ordered. Her
husband staring at her wife with wide open eyes, feeling her pain down his spine. Darling, please
say if theres anything I can do, I cant stand this pain, its all my fault Shed begin to smile at him,
her hand going up to his cheek, softly rubbing it. Dont worry, itll be good in the long run. Her
own cheeks turning a bit red, as shed begin to gasp again. Press a bit more misses, youre nearly
done. The priest, laying her hands around the little childs head and shoulder, slowly taking her, as
she got pressed out of the lady. Congratulations Mr. and Ms. Silverheart, its a female, have you
thought of any names for her? The child would be screaming, as it began to breathe by itself,
calming down slowly.
The Priest would calmly pull the child closer to her, giving her body warmth, slowly approaching
Mrs. Silverheart. Her hands going down the childs small cheeks, and down its side, while doing the
normal ritual speech for a newborn. Mrs. Silverhearts arms stretching out after her child. Well, we
thought about Evalian if it was a boy, and Evali. Shed stop in the middle of her sentence, looking at
the priest, her face all worried. The priest staring at the newborn childs eyes, her face completely lost
its aura, her aura was no longer here. No, no this cant be true. Her head going to the sides, her
eyes wide open, staring at the new first time parents. Draenei, whats wrong? Tell us, we want to
know what wrong with our child. Mr. Silverheart would begin to slowly walk up to the Draenei, his
face seeming more worried than hed ever been. The priest would tip the childs head upwards, letting
them see their new childs face. Shed say, It, its her eyes, they-theyre all wrong, she, shes
properly blind. We need to see them now. Shed hand over the baby to its mother, quickly running
towards her bag, finding a towel, and handing it to the mother. 'Put on the towel, and come outside,
Ill get our rides ready Shed open the door, running out of it, going outside the little house. Please
god, show this child the mercy it deserves. Her hands making a cross. Running to the side of the
building, seeing her horse still there, shell sigh in relief. Thank god, your still here and didnt run of
eating. She grabs the horse by its rope, jumping on the back of it. As she gets to the door, both the
man and wife comes out, their child having the towel on, making sure she wont freeze outside with
the cold air. Perfect timing, but I can only have the newborn, and her mother with me, Im terribly
sorry sir, but you have to find your own way
As they ride off towards the church, the horde in full gallop, the mother holding her child closely to
her. Arriving at the church a few minutes later. The priest would step down from her horse, her arms
going out after the child, so her mother could come down safely without falling. the Draenei opens the
door, getting a greeting from one of her fellow co-worker. She'd throw a quick smile at them, and then
open her mouth to say '' we have to see what is wrong with this night elf child, her eyes seems wrong
to me.'' The other priest would nod at her going towards the big door at the end of the hallway. ''In
here all 3 of you come.'' They enter the room, the mother hesitating as the room was really small, but
also had no real light other than a single window. ''Are you sure about this, it's so dark?'' They both
nod at the mother, and both smile brightly at her, their arms stretching out after the child. The mother
hands them her daughter, they lays her on a thick piece of cloth. Both staring endlessly at her eyes for
some time, before one of them looks up. ''I'll try you know what on her eyes, get the mother out from

now'' she points at the Night Elf mother standing at the door, seeming hopelessly confused as what
she can possibly do. The priest that saw the birth goes calmly towards her, her head tilting a bit
towards the floor. Her smile faded away, she looks up at the mother. ''Well have to leave it to her for a
moment, please come with me.'' The mother looks at the priest, her face scared, confused having a
mix of every feeling she could possibly have towards her child. But she nods and follows her, placing
herself on a chair besides a table with a flask of water. ''Would you mind?'' She said, the Draenei nods
at her, giving her a glass. ''Take as much as you need, it'll be over soon.'' She drinks a few glasses in a
few minutes. Her eyes fix rated on the door that her child was behind.
A good hour later, shed hear someone walking behind the door. She begins to stand up, and slowly
approaches the door, as she reaches the door. It opens, the priest walking out without the child in her
arms. The Night Elf looks at her, her facial expression sadder than ever. The priest looks at her, a
bright smile on her face, and points in the room, and continues out of the room. The mother enters the
room, noticing her child laying on a bed in the corner sleeping. She sits on the end of the bed, tears
rolling down her cheeks, she begins to lean back, laying behind the child, her arms around her,
holding her close to herself. As she lays there, and times goes on, she begins to fell sleepy, she gives
her child a little kiss on the forehead, and puts her shirt around the child, and begins to sleep.
As the night approaches, them both still sleeping. The door to the room slowly opens, she opens her
eyes, only noticing the edge of a shadow. She begins to talk in a low voice, so you finally got here.
The shadow didnt respond to her, but just slowly approached her, but keeping out of the little light
that was in the room. She closes her eyes for a moment, letting out a little sigh in relief. She lays there
for some time, before opening her eyes again. Instantly getting a hand in front of her mouth. Her eyes
open wide for a moment, she just stares at the person, thats no longer just a shadow. She takes her
hand up towards the person, her fingers opening up, and closing again, stuck in the motion. Tears
running down her face, as she fells a dagger penetrating the side of her stomach. The blood slowly
coming out of the wound, she holds the scream in her, not to wake up the child. She looks at him, her
lips opening but not a sound leaving them for some time. Ju-Just. Dont hurt he-heeeeeeerrr. The
man nods at her, as he pulls out his dagger from her stomach, and swiftly strikes her throat, killing her
in an instant.
He looks at the dead corpse for a moment, and then looks down at the child, thats still sleeping. He
bows down to her, tilting his head, inspecting her body, and how its build. He nods at himself for a
moment, and picks up the child, and slowly leaves the room. As he gets out of the room, one of the
priest sees him at the door. The priest falls down to her knees, her mouth wide open, she just looks at
the child in his arms. Just please dont kill her, she may be close to blind, but she has a future, said the
priest. The man nods at her, going down on his knees whispering, what is her name? she looks up
at him, smiling a little, Evalia, Evalia Silverheart. He nods at her and leaves the church in a hurry,
and runs off towards the forest.

Chapter 2. Throw out the garbage.

The man keeps running off in the forest, for a long period of time, before he slowly stops running. He
looks over his shoulders, making sure nobody is watching him. He begins to stare up towards the sky,
staring at the bright moon. After a moments of staring, he hears something from a tree, and snaps out
of it. Looking at the tree for a moment, then seeing a little bird flying off, he lets out a sigh.
Afterwards he walks for a minute or two in a straight line. He looks down at the little child. His hand
softly stroking over her cheek, felling their warmth. He sighs in relief and smiles a bit at her, thank
god, your still warm and alive He looks up again, staring at a big cave, and slowly begins to walk
into the dark cave. While walking in the cave, he puts his hand along the wall, walking in a slow
As he walked for a couple of minutes, he begins to see some light in the end of the cave, he speeds up
his phase, nearly running. He reaches the end of the cave, getting greeted with lot and lots of lights.
He looks around inside the bright part of the cave, spotting a female blood elf. He smirks at her, and
ask where the dogs are. She giggles back at him, saying but what about the child? As she points
towards a big door. He moves his head to the sides and says, nothing to do. He walks towards the door
he got pointed to, hearing the blood elf running off, but just keeps walking. As he reaches the door, he
opens it up, yelling loudly, FOODS HERE DOGS!. He stands staring in the dark, hearing barks
and heavy footsteps running towards him. As the sound gets louder and louder, he begins to notice
some flames running towards him, he begins to smile at the child in his arms. He looks down at her, a
wicked smile erupts on his face. So this is your end huh? he laughs for a moment, as the dogs
reaches the fence. Both dogs barking and screaming loudly, close to ripping the fence apart, lots and
lots of saliva running down their maws.

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