Wave Broadband Product Description v2

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Wave Broadband Product Description


Wave Broadband uses ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology to provide a high speed digital
connection to the Internet over a standard analogue telephone line while still allowing voice calls to be made


A maximum data speed1 of 2048Kbit/s downstream, 256Kbit/s upstream.

40:1 contention ratio
No usage limit
Fast authentication and access
Simultaneous use of both Internet and normal telephone service
Actual max data speed that can be reliably supported will be subject to exchange availability, line length, quality and noise considerations


In order to provide the broadband service it is necessary for the customer to have an existing Cable & Wireless
provided analogue telephone service that is fitted with an approved master socket.

The name of the Cable & Wireless registered telephone line account holder must be the included on the
broadband application form.

Installation normally takes up to 10 working days from receipt of the order. This is to enable Cable & Wireless
time to undertake any work required on the telephone service line to enable broadband connectivity.

We are unable to supply Wave Broadband on a telephone line that has any one of the following services already
in place:

• Non Flexifone exchange lines • Private Circuits

• PBX and auxiliary working lines • ISDN services
• CMUX provided exchange lines • External extension lines
• Subscriber Private Metering • BT Caller Display Unit – CD50
• 30K Loop

Installation Options

Full-install – a Wave Telecom engineer will come to install the modem2 on to your computer, set up your
username and password and ensure that your broadband service is up and running.

Self-install – collect your modem2 from our shop when you place your order. Your username and password will
be posted to you with your installation guide. You then install the modem and service without assistance from
Wave Telecom.

Self-install (no modem3) – your username, password and installation guide will be posted to you. You provide
your own ADSL equipment and install the service without assistance from Wave Telecom.
A free USB modem is provided as standard except on self-install (no modem) connections. Optional upgrades to ethernet or wireless
modem/routers are available at time of application. At least one filter is included with supplied modems. Additional filters are available for
purchase from our shop.
While most modems should be compatible with Wave Broadband, no guarantee can be given for equipment not supplied by Wave Telecom.

Minimum Specification of Customer’s Computer Equipment

Your computer must meet the minimum specification set out below in order for Wave Broadband Full-install and
Configuration services to be carried out.

1 Version 2.0 – January 2008

• Windows (2000/ME/XP/Vista4) or Mac5 OS (versions 8.6, 9, 10.1 to 10.4)
• A USB port capable of powering attached USB devices.

If your computer does not meet this specification you may be able to use Wave Broadband although we cannot
guarantee service.
The supplied USB modem requires a separate driver for Windows Vista installations. This can be collected from our shop.
The supplied USB modem does not support Intel based Apple Macs. For Intel based Macs we recommend upgrading to an ethernet or
wireless modem/router.


The service is designed and tested for connection to a single computer or modem/router. The user will be
dynamically assigned an IP address each time they access the service, or at an interval decided upon by Wave
Telecom, whichever is the shorter period of time. After three hours of inactivity and/or twenty-four hours
continuous connection, the system will automatically drop the connection and the user will have to re-connect.

Any customer connecting the Wave Broadband line to any equipment apart from that supplied by Wave Telecom
does so entirely at their own risk and Wave Telecom cannot guarantee any quality of service issues arising from
use of this equipment.


Wave Broadband can be used to obtain a near-permanent Internet connection. As such Wave Telecom does not
take responsibility for screening any data that transits its network. Wave Telecom does not undertake security
checking, virus checking, data encryption, censorship or policing of content.

We strongly recommend all customers to install suitable firewall and anti-virus software on any systems that will
be connected to the Internet and as such do not accept any responsibility for the security of your computer
systems. We will be pleased to recommend software to provide a suitable level of Internet security.

Wave Telecom reserves the right to disconnect customers if abuse of their Wave Broadband connection is
detected. Typical abuse would be deemed as attempts to hack the systems of Wave Telecom or its customers.
This includes port scanning and repeated attempts to gain Telnet or FTP access to unauthorised equipment. In
the event of any denial of service attack, Wave Telecom reserves the right to disconnect customer services in
order to protect the integrity of the entire Wave Telecom network

Provision of Wave Broadband Service

Wave Broadband is available on an Island wide basis. It is possible however, that a small number of customers
may be unable to receive service as a result of telephone line characteristics.

ADSL technology depends on the quality and strength of the signal received from the local exchange. These
decrease with line length, condition and noise (i.e. interference). Where the customer’s line cannot reliably
support the maximum 2048/256 Kbit/s service Wave Telecom will provide a 1024/256 Kbit/s data connection.
While it is expected that the majority of customers should be able to receive ADSL on this basis, no absolute
guarantee of service availability can be given.

Wave Broadband services are provided on a “best efforts” basis and although we make every effort to identify
those customers that may not be able to receive ADSL services early, occasions may arise where we are only
able to identify a network issue at late stage in the order process.

Terms and Conditions of Service

This service is available to customers paying by direct debit or continuous credit card methods only.

Customers are advised to read the terms and conditions of service before applying for service. The relevant
terms and conditions are the Data Services Terms and Conditions. This document is available from our shop or
via our website, www.wavetelecom.com

2 Version 2.0 – January 2008

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