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Policy Focus Report • Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Planning for
Climate Change in the West

Rebecca Carter and Susan Culp

Planning for Climate Change in the West
Rebecca Carter and Susan Culp

Policy Focus Report Series

The policy focus report series is published by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy to address
timely public policy issues relating to land use, land markets, and property taxation. Each report
is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice by combining research findings, case
studies, and contributions from scholars in a variety of academic disciplines, and from profes-
sional practitioners, local officials, and citizens in diverse communities.

About this Report

The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and Sonoran Institute established a joint venture in 2003
to create sustainable futures for western communities. Recently named Western Lands and
Communities, this partnership focuses on the Intermountain West where it emphasizes these
major initiatives: state trust land management; Superstition Vistas—planning for sustainable
development; smart growth tools; reshaping development patterns; western megaregions;
and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Central to the mission of Western Lands and Communities is planning for climate change.
This policy focus report began as a Lincoln Institute Working Paper by Rebecca Carter (2008)
titled “Land Use Planning and the Changing Climate of the West.” The paper highlights how local
planners could implement land use–related practices and policies to take action against climate
change impacts in their communities. Building on that research, this report offers tools and case
studies, identifies barriers to local policy decisions, and provides recommendations for over-
coming these obstacles to change.

Copyright © 2010 by Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

All rights reserved.

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ISBN 978-1-55844-203-0
Policy Focus Report/Code PF024


2 Executive Summary

4 Chapter 1. The Climate Context of the Intermountain West

4 Changing Climate Patterns
5 Climate Change Impacts
9 Summary

10 Chapter 2. Coping with Climate Change

10 The Federal Response
12 Regional Responses
13 State-Level Responses
16 Local Government Responses
17 Summary

18 Chapter 3. The Role of Planning in Response to Climate Change

19 Guidance from State Climate Action Plans
20 Local Government Actions
20 Building Codes and Standards
24 Land Use and Transportation
27 Energy Sources
28 Water Resources
30 Open Space and Agricultural Preservation
31 Forestry
33 Summary

34 Chapter 4. Barriers to Implementing Local Climate Change Policies

35 Lack of Political Support
36 Discounting the Impact of Local Action
36 Perceived Lack of Peer Communities in the Region
36 Lack of Resources and Options
38 Lack of Appropriate Climate Science for Planners
38 Summary of Barriers

40 Chapter 5. Recommendations for Local Planners and Communities

41 Mobilize the Political Will
42 Recognize Local Action and Citizen Participation
44 Establish Peer Community Networks on a Regional Scale
44 Identify Resources and a Variety of Options
45 Adapt Climate Science to Local Planning Needs
46 Summary of Recommendations

48 Appendix
53 References
54 Resources
56 Acknowledgments
57 About the Authors
57 About the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, the Sonoran Institute,
and Western Lands and Communities

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 1

Executive Summary

in Teton

rimarily arid landscapes link the wildfires, and other disruptions to natural
Intermountain West, which includes processes and wildlife habitat are projected
all or a portion of 11 states west by researchers. The rate of these disruptive
of the Rocky Mountains—Arizona, effects will dictate whether communities
Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New try to reduce or mitigate the impacts by de-
Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, and parts of Cali- creasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
fornia, Oregon, and Washington. This or adapt after the fact by handling climate
seemingly boundless region has been shaped change impacts as best they can.
since its European settlement by dramatic This report underscores the critical role
fluctuations in its water and energy resources, of local planners in the Intermountain West
land use patterns, economy, and a climate in confronting challenges posed by climate
known for its extremes. Recent trends in all change and acting in concert with federal,
of these forces, fueled by rapid growth and regional, and state efforts to implement mitiga-
change, must be altered if the Intermountain tion and adaptation policies. Federal policies
West is to achieve sustainability. most often take the form of mandates that
Climate change impacts, now recognized govern state and local policy or funding sup-
globally by scientists, are expected to wreak port that enables local planning. Regional
particular havoc on this region. Most signifi- efforts generally have responded to the threat
cant are forecasts that the hydrology of the of climate change with cap-and-trade initia-
Intermountain West will become even drier. tives for controlling GHG emissions. The
Drought, heat waves, diminished mountain Intermountain West, however, has lagged
snowpack, earlier snowmelt, catastrophic behind other regions in pursuing aggressive

2 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


planning strategies to reduce GHGs— This report encourages planners to take

especially in its rural communities. an active role in overcoming these obstacles
Of particular value for western planners by taking positive steps to integrate climate-
are state-produced climate action plans that oriented policies into their land use and
can guide local actions to mitigate and adapt development agendas as follows:
to climate change. These state plans contain • Mobilize the political will. Focus
myriad policy options that not only quan- on sustainability, economic and energy
tify potential GHG emissions reductions, efficiency, and the co-benefits of local
but also provide specific cost-effectiveness actions, rather than politically controver-
measures and policy language. Because the sial policies and goals.
cost-effectiveness of these policy options • Recognize local action and citizen
varies widely, local communities should first participation. Coordinate state and
consider the “low-hanging fruit”—those local activities to address climate change,
policies that both reduce GHG emissions and use public education about climate
and offer co-benefits to improve quality change impacts to foster citizen participa-
of life and sustainability at the same time. tion and buy-in for local programs.
While policies at the federal, regional, and • Establish peer community networks
state levels serve as important guideposts for on a regional scale. Develop peer learn-
reaching sustainability, they require local im- ing networks with guidance from state
plementation to be successful. In most com- climate action plans and regional initia-
munities, land use and transportation policies tives to help smaller communities share
potentially reap the greatest rewards. An array ideas and learn from each other.
of familiar smart growth strategies for creating • Identify resources and a variety of
healthier communities now double as climate options. Refer to state climate action plans
solutions: building codes and standards, com- regionwide for a variety of strategies and
pact mixed-use development, transportation ideas that communities can select and apply
alternatives, distributed and renewable energy, to their own needs and circumstances.
water resource consumption and planning, • Adapt climate science to local plan-
preservation of open space and agriculture, ning needs. Seek out current information
and mitigation of wildfire impacts. and tools in reports, Web sites, and other
Planners in all regions may face obstacles resources that can help planners translate
to implementing climate mitigation and climate science for local use, and develop
adaptation policies. But these barriers may a baseline level of GHGs as a first step in
be more difficult to overcome in the Inter- measuring climate strategies and results.
mountain West where local planners must
deal with political, demographic, economic, Local planners in the Intermountain West
and geographic factors that can hinder face both the challenge and the opportunity
innovative and potentially effective measures to ensure a sustainable future for the region,
to offset climate change impacts. Such chal- where the need to respond to potential cli-
lenges may include a lack of political will, mate change impacts is particularly urgent.
disbelief that local action can affect the big This report presents a regional context and
picture, perceived lack of peer communities reliable data, case studies, and planner-
in the region, lack of resources and options, recommended guidelines for western com-
and lack of appropriate climate science munities to spur local actions that can
for planners. minimize those threats.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 3
Chapter 1
The Climate Context
of the Intermountain West

DG find iStock photo of Denver

showing Rocky Mountains in

Denver, Colorado

multitude of factors have shaped ing economic engines of the desert South-
the current landscape of the Inter- west and the Central Rockies have spawned
mountain West, a vast, arid region five megaregional urban centers linked through
encompassing all or a portion of transportation, infrastructure, and economic
11 states west of the Rocky Mountains. The development. Each one is anticipated to
economy, population growth, land develop- reach nearly 10 million residents by 2050.
ment patterns, availability and use of water and In the face of this rapid growth and change,
energy resources, and climate of this region achieving sustainability in the region will
are all in the throes of considerable change. involve altering existing trends in develop-
The scenic beauty, wide open spaces, ment patterns, resource use, and land con-
abundant wildlife, mild climate, and recre- sumption. Planners and citizens have a key
ational opportunities of the Intermountain role to play in this process.
West have inspired a new kind of “gold
rush” fueling dramatic growth, demograph- C h a n g i n g C li m ate P atter n s
ic changes, and more diversified economies. The climate of the Intermountain West is
Communities have seen populations boom characterized by extremes: from the mild
and traditional resource extraction activities winters, intense summer heat, and low pre-
diminish. The desirable climates and grow- cipitation of the desert Southwest, to the cool

4 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


alpine tundra of the northern Rockies where C li m ate C h a n g e I m pacts

glaciers are retreating as growing downstream The 2007 IPCC report, Climate Change 2007:
communities rely more than ever on abun- Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, covered
dant snowpack for secure water supplies. current and future impacts to and vulnera-
Climate can be defined as weather aver- bilities of water, agriculture, forestry, health,
aged over a period of time, usually 30 years or settlements, tourism, energy, wildfire, and
longer. This averaging tends to smooth out cities, and also projected future impacts result-
weather extremes and give a clearer overall ing strictly from climate change. A variety
picture of the temperature and precipitation of greenhouse gas emissions scenarios were
patterns typical of an area. However, the terms evaluated, including one in which no ex-
“climate change” and “global warming” refer plicit actions are taken to address global
to long-term, far-reaching changes to the warming and the world continues on a
planet’s average temperature, which in turn business-as-usual path.
affect precipitation and wind patterns. The IPCC findings for the Intermoun-
The scientific consensus is now clear that tain West based on a variety of models
the climate is changing, based on long-term projected significant impacts for the region,
observations of global indicators that dem- ranging from drought, extreme weather
onstrate increasing temperatures across events, and catastrophic wildfire to disrup-
the planet. An improving understanding of tion of natural systems. These projections
the processes that drive the climate system are supported by regional observations by
has led to the creation of global climate area scientists. Hikers in the Grand
models, which allow scientists to separate Canyon enjoy a scenic
view of the Colorado
the natural variability in the Earth’s climate Drought
River. Population growth,
from changes explained by human activities, The arid and semi-arid Intermountain West rising water demand,
such as burning fossil fuels, that raise the is expected to become warmer, and as a re- and drought threaten
level of carbon dioxide and other green- sult even drier. Severe, sustained droughts the river’s future.
house gases in the air.
In preparing the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assess-
ment report (IPCC 2007), more than 2,500
expert reviewers examined studies based
on approximately 29,000 different datasets,
and found that 90 percent of them indicated
a trend toward global warming (Perry 2007).
The IPCC, established in 1988 by the World
Meteorological Organization and the United
Nations Environmental Program, is recog-
nized as the most comprehensive and author-
itative source of scientific information about
global climate change. Of particular interest
to the Intermountain West is the IPCC’s
projection that the region may experience
some of the most disruptive impacts from
climate change in North America.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 5

will become more commonplace, and will pronounced, causing 10° to 11º F average
increase in frequency as a consequence of nighttime temperature increases during
the combination of higher temperatures, the hottest parts of summer.
altered precipitation patterns, and earlier Coupling this increase with higher sur-
spring snowmelt—all of which are expected face temperatures could render many areas
to become more prevalent under changing within the region immensely uncomfortable,
climate conditions. if not dangerous, without aggressive air-
Changes in snowpack are also likely to conditioning usage and consequent increases
have a variety of negative impacts. Overall, in energy consumption. As is often the case,
less precipitation is anticipated to fall as snow the risks associated with higher temperatures
in mountainous areas; it will fall as rain in- would be borne primarily by the most dis-
stead, reducing the amount of seasonal stor- advantaged populations, including the ill,
age for surface water systems. This would the elderly, and low-income residents.
lead to longer periods when streams are dry,
with serious consequences for wildlife, natu- Catastrophic Wildfire
ral habitats, and water supplies. The timing Wildfire in the arid western states prior
of peak snowmelt is also projected to occur to European settlement had been a natural
earlier in the season, leading to more severe and beneficial phenomenon for many eco-
spring flooding events combined with reduced systems. Many western forest environments
flows later in the year. depend on a periodic fire regime to clear out
The forecasted changes in the hydrology the brushy understory, create disturbance
of the Intermountain West would also im- for new growth, and facilitate reproduction
pact municipal water supplies and cause of some species. However, the dominant
stress to riparian ecosystems and other wild- twentieth-century management regime in-
life habitats dependent on the region’s rare volved aggressive fire suppression, particu-
and precious waterways and to dry forested larly as development pushed further into
areas, thus playing a role in the increase of forested areas, generating public pressure
catastrophic wildfires in the region (box 1). for fire protection.
As a result, large fuel loads have built up
Extreme Weather Events in many forest ecosystems in the Intermoun-
Due to a hotter, drier climate, the Inter- tain West, and have been further exacerbated
mountain West will likely see an uptick in by the spread of nonnative, invasive grass
extreme weather events. Climate models species prone to frequent fire. Fire seasons
show that an increased amount of rain and have also been extended in duration due to
snow will come in the form of severe storms warmer, earlier springs leading to increased
exceeding current flood control systems, with drying periods for vegetation. This situation
more frequent and intense flood events, even has already led to a dramatic increase in
while overall precipitation may decrease. large-scale wildfires in the region in recent
Heat waves are also likely to become decades.
more common. IPCC reports show potential Combining these effects with climate im-
surface temperature increases from climate pacts that range from more severe drought
change ranging from 35º F to 40º F. In some and temperature increases to the expan-
parts of the Intermountain West, particularly sion of pests and pathogens, the risks of
the Phoenix and Las Vegas metropolitan catastrophic wildfire will continue to rise.
areas, the urban heat island effect is already Changing climate conditions may also

6 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


increase the likelihood that invasive grasses conditions will cause severe disruption to
will spread further into the region’s deserts, ecosystem processes, wildlife, and the habitats
again intensifying fire risks. on which they depend. These changes have
tremendous implications for natural resource
Disruption of Natural Systems managers, especially in the Intermountain
Scientists and climate experts foresee that West where public lands make up the vast
the combined impact of altered climate majority of land ownership. They also would

Box 1
Climate Change Implications for the Colorado River Basin

L and use planning is deeply entwined with water avail-

ability in the Intermountain West, because the area
relies on runoff from mountain watersheds to support
of climatic fluctuations at regional scales is needed
before models alone can be relied on for projections of
future drought probabilities. Even with improved models,
agriculture and industry and to fuel urban growth. The a random component of variability is probable, and tree-
Colorado River, flowing from the central Rocky Mountains ring records serve a useful purpose in giving estimates
through the Grand Canyon to Mexico, is managed to sup- of the range of conditions likely to be encountered.
port major metropolitan areas, including Denver, Los
Angeles, Phoenix, and Las Vegas (figure 1). It also irrigates figure 1
more than 900,000 acres in both the Colorado River Basin Colorado River Basin
and adjoining river basins (Colorado River Water Users
Idaho Wyoming
Association 2009). In recent years, exploding population
growth, rising water demand, and drought conditions have
strained these water resources, and the river no longer
reaches the Gulf of California.

A review of studies based on tree-ring chronologies dating Nevada

back to the medieval era shows alternating periods of

major droughts and high water flows in the Colorado River Colorado

Basin (Meko et al. 2007). Results of extensive studies of


historic data demonstrate that the Colorado River alloca-


tions to the basin states were made at a time of record

high flows. In planning for future growth, the communities
dependent on Colorado River water will need to adopt a California New
sound and conservative management approach recogniz- Mexico
ing that drought events similar in duration and magnitude
to those seen in the past could happen again.

Most climate models agree that anthropogenic climate

change in the region will lead to warmer temperatures,
but projections for precipitation are much more uncertain.
However, it is clear that the future will not look like the past Pacific
when considering water availability through the Colorado
River system. A better understanding of the root causes

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 7

affect communities whose economies depend cance, such as the iconic saguaro cactus of
upon the scenic, recreational, and other the Sonoran Desert, and the Joshua tree of
amenity qualities of those public lands. the Mojave Desert. This process becomes a
Competition with invasive species, par- self-reinforcing cycle, where invasive grasses
ticularly in areas that did not evolve to be are given the advantage over native species
wildfire resistant, could lead to the loss of under altered fire regimes.
some species of regional and cultural signifi- In alpine regions, temperature increases

Box 2
Ecological Repercussions from the Loss of Whitebark Pines

W idespread outbreaks of mountain pine beetles

(MPB) are occurring throughout the range of this
native insect in the high-elevation whitebark pine forests
resource for a wide array of wildlife ranging from Clark’s
nutcracker and red squirrels to grizzly bears, especially
females with cubs. One clear prediction for the loss
in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). Under histor- of cone-bearing trees is the increase in negative inter-
ic climate regimes, these forests provided an inhospitable actions between grizzly bears and humans.
habitat for the MPB because it was usually too cold for the
Functional loss of whitebark pine in the short term is
beetle to thrive. Climate warming has already moderated
almost a certainty, and the cascading consequences on
the harsh conditions that once protected these forests.
grizzlies may well have begun. Even in areas with sub-
As a consequence, significant tree mortality due to MPB
stantial whitebark pine expansion, the slow growth and
is taking place every year, with the very real possibility
maturation of this tree means that its cones and other
of total collapse of this important ecosystem.
ecosystem services will take a long time to recover. Over
Recent Forest Service ground surveys have verified the longer term, it is conceivable that the fragility of white-
mortality that exceeds 90 percent of cone-bearing trees bark pine to MPB disturbance, combined with other eco-
in some stands (Gibson et al. 2008). The pine’s large, logical insults such as white pine blister rust, could drive
fleshy, highly nutritious seeds provide an important food GYE whitebark pines to the brink of ecological extinction.

All of the whitebark

pines in this section of
the Teton Wilderness in
the Greater Yellowstone
Ecosystem died in the
8 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy summer of 2006.

leading to the spread of the mountain pine implemented, others may be dramatic and Southern tip of
beetle into forest systems at high elevations, sudden, limiting the ability of communities to Lake Mead, Arizona–
where the cold once kept them at bay, has adapt. In some cases, entire landscapes may Nevada border

exposed vast expanses of forestlands to be fundamentally altered by the combination

beetle infestation and massive tree die-off of climate impacts, invasive species, and habitat
(box 2). Many species have already respond- loss and fragmentation from development.
ed to temperature increases by shifting their
ranges northward or up-slope in alpine S u m m ary
systems. For species such as the pika, a high- The impacts of climate change are expected
alpine rodent whose range already encom- to be severe as the Intermountain West be-
passes the highest elevations, a changed comes drier, subject to more extreme weather
climate may no longer provide suitable events including floods and heat waves, and
habitat to support the species. vulnerable to catastrophic wildfire and dis-
The full scale of impacts to natural eco- ruption of ecosystems. Local governments
systems in the region is not yet fully understood, must act sooner rather than later to reduce
but there is a growing body of scientific knowl- greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and
edge that indicates cause for concern. While deal with the impacts of unavoidable climate
some of these disruptive effects will be gradual, change (adaptation).
allowing for some mitigation measures to be

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 9
Chapter 2
Coping with Climate Change

TriMet MAX
Light Rail,

or much of the past decade, the are vehicle fuel efficiency standards (corpo-
federal government was not per- rate average fuel economy or CAFE stan-
ceived as a source of substantive dards), a carbon tax or national-level CO2
action on climate change, but some cap-and-trade market system, research fund-
state, regional, and local efforts have begun ing for development of renewable energy
to address this issue. The Obama adminis- technologies, and incentives to reduce emis-
tration is now placing greater emphasis on sions from the transportation sector through
climate change mitigation and adaptation, strategic use of federal transportation autho-
but responding to these challenges is an “all rization dollars (box 3).
hands on deck” enterprise. Understanding Other strategies scaled to state and local
policy responses from governments at all policy making can benefit from national
levels can be helpful in highlighting oppor- policy efforts, including renewable energy
tunities and guiding policy on climate portfolio standards and building code stan-
change for local communities. dards. Federal policy can motivate local
action in two primary ways: creation of
T h e F ederal R esp o n se mandates governing state and local policy,
Some policy strategies to address climate and funding that supports particular policies
change are naturally most appropriate for and activities at the local level. The federal
action on the national level. Among them role is currently focused on funding as a

10 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


means of enabling local planning action Box 3

related to climate change. CO2 Cap-and-Trade Made Simple
To the extent that communities have
not adopted policies to mitigate or adapt to
climate change due to resource limitations
or lack of expertise, the provision of federal
C ap-and-trade is a market-based policy mechanism designed
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through influencing supply
and demand forces. Through this system, a limit (cap) is set on the
dollars to jump-start these activities will be amount of greenhouse gas emissions allowed to be emitted by those
a strong motivator for local action. For ex- entities covered under the policy. This cap determines the number
ample, the Department of Energy’s Energy of emissions allowances or rights to emit the regulated pollutant
Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (in this case, CO2). Those emissions allowances are then distributed
program is making more than $2.6 billion to those entities through sale, auction, or some combination of
available to communities to improve energy those strategies.
efficiency and reduce use of fossil fuels
(U.S. Department of Energy 2009). Each allowance grants the release of a set amount of the pollutant,

The challenge for local governments will for example, one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Those

be capturing these dollars to support both firms that can reduce their emissions through implementation of

mitigation and adaptation activities (table 1). low-emitting technologies or processes can then sell their emissions

Most of the attention paid to climate change credits to those that cannot afford higher emissions control costs.

thus far has been focused on mitigation— Over time, the number of allowances available on the market can

actions intended to reduce future greenhouse be ratcheted downward to achieve an overall carbon reduction goal.

gas emissions and lessen the long-term im- Cap-and-trade was used successfully in the Northeast to control sulphur

pacts of climate change. However, climate dioxide pollution, and represents a promising strategy to achieve

change is already occurring because humans greenhouse gas reduction targets in a flexible, efficient, and cost-

have altered the composition of the atmo- effective manner (Pew Center on Global Climate Change 2009a).

sphere to a degree that cannot be reversed

Table 1
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
Mitigation Adaptation
Green building technologies for municipal, industrial, commercial, and residential structures X X

Energy efficiency in municipal, industrial, commercial, or residential buildings X X

Compact building design X X

Reduction in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) through walkable, mixed-use, and high-density development X X 
Increase in mass transit X — 
Transit-oriented development X —
Alternative energy (distributed generation within urban areas) X X
Open space conservation X X
Urban forestry X X
Wildland-urban interface and fire management through building or zoning regulations — X
Comprehensive drought planning — X
Water efficiency measures — X
Waste management (i.e., landfill construction, methane capture and use, and composting programs) X — 

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 11

for decades or centuries. Therefore, in addi- percent fossil fuels in electricity generation)
tion to continuing mitigation actions, human are the principal target of RGGI, the overall
societies must adapt to the negative effects impact of the program on land use planning
of changes that are already taking place. or transportation infrastructure decision
Mitigation and adaptation are two sides making has been largely minimal. Plans
of the same coin, not mutually exclusive are underway among the member states to
strategies. Many of the land use–related cli- explore ways to expand policies aimed at
mate change mitigation policies now being improving energy efficiency and increasing
established will also help states, counties, the portion of electric power coming from
and communities adapt to climate change. low-carbon sources, but these efforts are
not expected to trickle down to the local
R e g i o n al R esp o n ses government level.
Given the delay in federal climate policy
action over the past decade, many states Western Climate Initiative
and regions began pursuing their own strat- The WCI program was begun in 2007 by
egies to fill the void in federal leadership. the governors of Arizona, California, New
Cap-and-trade systems, as one of the more Mexico, Oregon, and Washington. Other
politically palatable and potentially effective western states and some Canadian provinces
mechanisms for controlling greenhouse gas joined the effort later (figure 2). An addition-
emissions, have been the mode of choice for al 14 jurisdictions are participating as “ob-
these regional efforts. Two current initiatives servers,” including several Mexican states
designed to create a regional cap-and-trade bordering the United States (Pew Center
market for carbon emissions are the Region- on Global Climate Change 2009c).
al Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and WCI set its regional greenhouse gas
the Western Climate Initiative (WCI). reduction target to 15 percent below 2005
levels by 2020, and established a broad
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative scope encompassing CO2 and five additional
With 10 member states in the Northeast and greenhouse gases. It has also taken a multi-
Mid-Atlantic region, the RGGI is the nation’s sector approach to emissions reductions,
first mandatory cap-and-trade system of applying the cap to the electricity genera-
its kind. Initiated in 2005 by the governors tion sector, as well as to large-scale indus-
of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New trial and commercial combustion processes.
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Ver- In 2012 the program will expand to in-
mont, the RGGI created a cap on carbon clude transportation, residential, commer-
dioxide emissions from electricity providers cial, and industrial fuel use. According to
and a system of allowances that could be WCI design recommendations, these sectors
sold or traded among CO2 emitters in the are included with the expectation that part-
program. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and ner jurisdictions will accomplish reductions
Maryland have since joined the RGGI pro- by implementing a variety of policies, some
gram, under which carbon emissions are cap- of which would have an impact on local
ped at current levels in 2009 and reduced to land use planning, such as smart growth
10 percent below current levels by 2019 (Pew strategies and promotion of transit options.
Center on Global Climate Change 2009b). This link between a regional greenhouse
Since power plants of a certain size (at gas reduction goal and local planning is no-
least 25 megawatts and burning at least 50 table, even though how it will be implemented

12 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

figure 2
Western Climate Initiative, 2009

GDP: 48,586 Million C$
Population: 1,186,700
Largest City: Winnipeg Ontario
GDP: 582,019 Million C$
Population: 12,803,900
Largest City: Toronto

GDP: 298,157 Million C$
Population: 7,700,800
British Columbia Largest City: Montreal
GDP: 190,214 Million C$
Population: 4,380,300
Largest City: Vancouver

GDP: 311,270 Million US$
Population: 6,468,424
Largest City: Seattle

Oregon GDP: 34,253 Million US$
GDP: 158,233 Million US$ Population: 957,861
Population: 3,747,455 Largest City: Billings
Largest City: Portland

California GDP: 105,658 Million US$
GDP: 1,812,968 Million US$ Population: 2,645,330
Population: 36,553,215 Largest City: Salt Lake City
Largest City: Los Angeles
New Mexico
GDP: 76,178 Million US$
Arizona Population: 1,969,915
GDP: 247,028 Million US$ Largest City: Albuquerque
Population: 6,338,755
Largest City: Phoenix

CANADA: Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan
UNITED STATES: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, Wyoming Partners
MEXICO: Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Tamaulipas

Source: Pew Center on Global Climate Change (2009c).

remains unclear. Indeed, implementation S tate - le v el R esp o n ses

will probably vary from state to state once Over the past five years, some western states
the second phase of the program starts in began to initiate their own state-specific,
2012. And unlike the federal cap-and-trade climate-oriented planning activities in response
system, which is likely to provide an incen- to growing concern about climate change,
tive to local government by way of funding, and initial impacts from those plans are
the WCI program could create a series of beginning to be felt by some communities.
mandates for local government to meet According to a recent Lincoln Institute
greenhouse gas reduction obligations of Working Paper, “Driving Climate Change
the participating state. Mitigation at Multiple Levels of Governance

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 13
figure 3
Scales of Existing Tools

in the West,” California has moved into climate change by fostering leadership ac-
the forefront of integrating considerations tion toward solutions, enabling deliberative
about greenhouse gas emissions into local democracy on policy and governance choic-
land use planning (Richards 2009). es, and providing advanced technical assis-
The Center for Climate Strategies (CCS), tance for stakeholders and policy makers”
based in Washington, DC, began working (Center for Climate Strategies 2009). As
with western states to create action plans of August 2009, 10 western states completed
through facilitated stakeholder processes. state-level climate action plans (figure 3),
The mission of CCS is to “help states, and many of them were completed with
regions, and national governments tackle the assistance of CCS.

figure 3
Completed Climate Action Plans in Ten Western States

Washington Climate
Montana Climate
Action Team (CAT) Final
Change Advisory
November 2008
Washington Montana Final Report,
November 2007

Oregon Global Utah
Warming Commis- Utah Blue
Oregon Ribbon Advisory
sion Report to
the Legislature, Council on
Idaho Climate Change
January 2009 Wyoming Final Climate
Change Report
Nevada to Governor John
Nevada Climate Change Huntsman, Jr.,
Advisory Committee October 3, 2007
Final Report, July 29, Nevada
Utah Colorado Colorado
Colorado Blue
California Ribbon Climate
California Climate Action Panel
Action Team (CAT) California Final Report,
Draft 2009 Climate November 2007
Action Team Biennial
Report to the Governor
and Legislature, New Mexico
April 1, 2009 New Mexico
Arizona New Mexico
Pacific Climate Change
Ocean Advisory Group
Climate Change
Action Plan,
December 2006
Joint Alaska
Climate Impact Arizona
Assessment Alaska Arizona Climate
Commission MEXICO Action Initiative
Final Report, Climate Change
March 17, 2008 Action Plan,
August 2006

Source: Center for Climate Strategies (2009).

14 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Through the CCS process, state climate tation strategies to improve community resil-
action plans are developed over the course ience to anticipated temperature and climate
of a year by a team that works with a group changes given current carbon loads in the
of 20 to 50 stakeholders to identify, design, atmosphere. Colorado is an exception to this
and analyze emissions mitigation policies. because its plan includes specific adaptation
These stakeholders represent state, county, measures for agriculture, water resources, and
and city government officials, water and forestry. Carbon load refers to the amount
power utilities, nonprofit organizations, of CO2 currently in the atmosphere. Prior to
school districts, businesses, industries such the industrial revolution, the carbon load of
as agriculture and mining, academic insti- the atmosphere was approximately 280 parts
tutions, and concerned citizens. per million (ppm), compared to current
These state plans represent a range of levels of around 382 ppm (US EPA 2009).
existing political perspectives, and embody Even without articulating an explicit
widespread support for the data and policies adaptation strategy, many actions within
contained within them. In the eight state the state plans have value for climate change
plans examined for this report, 90 percent adaptation. Moreover, they provide a host
or more of all recommendations were ap- of co-benefits, such as alleviating traffic con-
proved unanimously due to the collaborative gestion, preserving open space and natural
processes that provided extended opportuni- habitats, and creating healthier, walkable,
ties for the identification and resolution of and more livable communities. That is not
potential conflicts. to say that communities ought to ignore the
State climate action plans contain inven- importance of adaptation strategies as they
tories of current and potential greenhouse seek to manage the impacts of climate
gas emissions from various sectors and out- change, only that many mitigation strategies
line potential strategies for climate change can have significant adaptive value as well.
mitigation. These plans also serve as a re- The policy prescriptions in state climate
pository for information about policy solu- action plans are frequently categorized by
tions that could be implemented at the local sector: energy supply, residential and com-
government scale. mercial, transportation and land use, and
Many of the state climate action plans agriculture and forestry. Land use–related
include estimates for the effectiveness of policies do not fit neatly in a single category,
various greenhouse gas emissions reduction but rather have considerable overlap with
strategies, including their comparative costs. transportation, open space and agricultural
Some of these strategies and policies are protection, and residential development. As
fully quantified, including estimates for a result, the transportation and land use sec-
greenhouse gas reduction potential and cost- tions of many state climate action plans may
effectiveness. This information allows plan- contain provisions that are only tangentially
ners and other local decision makers to eval- related to planning, such as increases in ve-
uate a range of policies and select a mix of hicle fuel efficiency. For this analysis, research
locally appropriate, cost-effective strategies on land use strategies to address climate
that best fit the needs and circumstances change was not limited to the transporta-
of their jurisdictions. tion and land use sector recommendations.
The majority of the first-generation state State climate action plans offer several
climate action plans focus on reducing advantages to planners seeking to integrate
greenhouse gas emissions rather than adap- climate change information into their work.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 15

First, the plans are specific to a relatively L o cal G o v er n m e n t

limited geography, and thus reflect econom- R esp o n ses
ic, demographic, and resource issues at a As with policy responses at the state and
more relevant scale than regional, national, regional level, many local governments be-
or nonspecific documents. Although not gan developing strategies to address climate
every western state has its own climate ac- change impacts on their own. In response
tion plan, planners in states without a plan to the Bush administration’s rejection of
are likely to find the information in neighbor- the Kyoto Protocol in 2005, more than 130
ing states’ plans useful to their own efforts. mayors signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Pro-
The state climate action plans were tection Agreement, pledging to meet or ex-
created through a peer review process. The ceed the greenhouse gas reduction targets
plans generally contain a synthesis of climate outlined in that accord. By October 2009,
change data and information from a variety more than 1,000 signatories had agreed to
of sources, ranging from international orga- take action within their own communities
nizations, such as the IPCC, to the work of to enact land use policies that encourage
individual scientists and researchers familiar compact, walkable communities and pre-
with the region. Although local conditions serve open space, as well as promote alter-
may vary from those described at the state native transportation modes and increase
level, it may be easier to adapt the state- energy efficiency through improved build-
level synthesis to local conditions than to ing code standards.
start from scratch. Organizations such as ICLEI–Local
State-level climate action plans generally Governments for Sustainability have devel-
contain ambitious goals for reducing green- oped programs oriented to help local gov-
house gas emissions. If each state was suc- ernments in implementing strategies to meet
cessful in achieving those goals, it would their climate protection goals. To provide
represent a significant contribution to curb- local governments with a flexible system that
ing emissions, mitigating future warming, can be adapted to local circumstances and
and effectively adapting to climate changes capacity, and to improve success rates in
that are already occurring. The key chal- implementing climate change policies,
lenge remains: to implement those policies the ICLEI program centers on five mile-
effectively and connect efforts at the state stones (box 4).
level with actions at the local level. Recognition is increasing about the roles
For example, the Colorado Carbon of land use planning and transportation
Fund is an innovative statewide campaign planning at the local level in meeting the
aimed at providing carbon offsets for con- challenges of mitigation and adaptation.
sumers who are concerned about climate As illustrated in the analysis of state climate
change. Consumers can choose to partici- action plans and the relative cost-effective-
pate in the program and purchase carbon ness of various local government planning
offsets that are high-quality and verifiable activities to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
to counter their everyday activities, such as sions, land use and infrastructure planning
home heating and commuting. The funds activities can account for up to 20 percent
are then directed to support clean energy of these reduction objectives in the West.
projects, energy efficiency measures, and Some energy-related strategies, such as
community-based initiatives to reduce vehicle fuel efficiency regulations, develop-
greenhouse gas emissions. ment of sustainable energy technologies,

16 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Box 4

Five Milestones of ICLEI’s

Cities for Climate Protection Campaign
and renewable portfolio standards, are
beyond the scope of land use planners. Yet,
Milestone 1. Conduct a baseline emissions inventory and
they are important elements in the permit-
forecast. Based on energy consumption and waste generation,
ting process for distributed renewable energy the city calculates greenhouse gas emissions for a base year (e.g.,
generation, solar electric- and hot water- 2000) and for a forecast year (e.g., 2015). The inventory and fore-
ready housing, and similar initiatives. cast provide a benchmark against which the city can measure
Local government action also has the progress.
advantage of being ready to implement
Milestone 2. Adopt an emissions reduction target for the
immediately, apart from political consider-
forecast year. The city establishes an emissions reduction target.
ations associated with its adoption. No tech- The target both fosters political will and creates a framework to
nological advancements are needed that guide the planning and implementation of measures.
could delay action, and many of the tools
and policies are already known and accepted Milestone 3. Develop a Local Action Plan. Through a multi-
in planning circles. Also, local governments stakeholder process, the city develops a Local Action Plan that
describes the policies and measures that the local government will
can serve as learning laboratories for the
take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve its emis-
implementation of strategies to respond sions reduction target. Most plans include a timeline, a description
to climate change, and can demonstrate of financing mechanisms, and an assignment of responsibility to
creative mechanisms and policies that are departments and staff. In addition to direct greenhouse gas reduc-
replicable in other communities. tion measures, most plans also incorporate public awareness and
Several of the policy changes promoted education efforts.
to address climate change already fall within
Milestone 4. Implement policies and measures. The city imple-
the suite of smart growth tools once touted ments the policies and measures contained in its Local Action Plan.
not as climate solutions but as a means of Typical policies and measures implemented by CCP participants
creating more livable, healthier communities. include energy efficiency improvements to municipal buildings and
These tools include compact growth, protec- water treatment facilities, streetlight retrofits, public transit improve-
tion of open space, walkable and bikeable ments, installation of renewable power applications, and methane
recovery from waste management.
neighborhoods, and transportation options.
The co-benefits associated with these strate- Milestone 5. Monitor and verify results. Monitoring and verify-
gies make them appealing for a variety of ing progress on the implementation of measures to reduce or avoid
reasons: lowering the cost of providing ser- greenhouse gas emissions is an ongoing process. Monitoring begins
vices through more compact patterns of once measures are implemented and continues for the life of the
development; improving quality of life; measures, providing important feedback that can be used to
improve the measures over time.
and enhancing a community’s competitive
advantage and economic prosperity. Source: ICLEI (

S u m m ary
Local government units in the Intermoun- sive planning policies designed to reorient
tain West have an essential role to play in a development and growth into a less carbon
coordinated national, state, multistate, and intensive pattern, especially outside of
substate regional effort to plan for and im- urban centers. Local governments need to
plement climate mitigation and adaptation develop their own climate action plans and
policies. Even though the importance of work with neighboring communities on
local planning action is widely understood, relevant regional issues like transportation
the region has been slow to adopt aggres- and water planning. 

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 17
chapter 3
The Role of Planning in
Response to Climate Change
all aspects of a community’s planning
responsibilities and management.
A broad realm of challenges confront
planners in the changing Intermountain
West, from high demand for building per-
mits in rapidly growing areas to rural issues
of declining populations and tax bases. The
degree of concern about climate change
also varies widely, from robust support for
immediate action to a marked reluctance
to prioritize or even acknowledge the issue.
If climate change mitigation and adapta-
tion policies are to be successful in reducing
carbon emissions and making the region
more resilient to the inevitable changes in
climate conditions, they must be implemented
at the local level. A key question remains:
What is the role of local government in cre-
ating more climate resilient communities?
The state climate action plans for west-
ern states typically contain 30 to 60 quanti-
fied policy options for reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. Of these, approximately a
dozen relate to land use planning and local
government action, typically accounting
for about one-fifth of total greenhouse gas
reductions. It is clear that the participation
of local government is essential to meeting
climate policy goals.

Regardless of their roles or the size of
Roosevelt Square mixed- lanners in the western United their communities, planners will influence
use development in States work in a wide range of potential actions that can help mitigate and
Phoenix, Arizona
capacities. In urban settings and adapt to climate change. These strategies may
some well-resourced amenity com- include encouraging green building and
munities, planning professionals may be other energy-efficient features of municipal,
specialists on issues ranging from urban industrial, commercial, and residential build-
development and infill to sustainability and ings, and guiding urban form to reduce
conservation planning. In smaller, more vehicle miles traveled, such as through
rural, or less wealthy communities, planners walkable and transit-oriented community
may serve as members of a limited staff, or design featuring mixed-use, high-density
even act as “lone rangers” responsible for development.

18 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Planners also have a role in increasing pacts of a changing climate, particularly in

the availability of public transit and alterna- terms of adaptation strategies to changed
tive modes of transportation, facilitating the climate conditions.
integration of distributed renewable energy In terms of broader frameworks to guide
sources into urban areas, and promoting local action, most western states have com-
water efficiency with respect to building pleted climate action plans that include ac-
design and landscaping. tivities that must be undertaken at the local
Incorporating urban forestry and local level in order to succeed. These plans can
food systems into planning and zoning would serve as an important first step for coordi-
not be possible without the active support nating local efforts.
of community planning professionals. There Table 2 presents data from five of the
is also a need in the Intermountain West for eight western climate action plans that most
increased wildland-urban interface building thoroughly quantify potential greenhouse
and zoning regulations, particularly in areas gas emissions reductions. It illustrates the
where wildfire risk near communities is total number of climate action policies found
anticipated to increase. in the plans and the estimated greenhouse
gas reduction potential if all policies were
G u ida n ce fr o m S tate implemented. The overall figure may be
C li m ate A cti o n P la n s different than the reduction goal stated in
In assessing the role of local government each plan, since the goal is often used as a
decision makers in addressing climate change, target for a percentage emissions reduction
those efforts conducted at the local level, but over the current total, rather than by the
within a larger regional, state, or national sum of all possible reductions.
framework, can have a much stronger im- Figure 4 compares the average cost-
pact on overall carbon emissions. While it is effectiveness of CO2 emissions reductions
true that a single municipality cannot effec- among land use–related policies commonly
tively mitigate global climate change, a grow- found in the climate action plans of western
ing body of information is available to guide states. This number was created by averag-
local governments on policies and actions ing the total costs for each state’s policies.
they can take to contribute their share. Ad- The Arizona Climate Action Plan illus-
ditionally, local governments have tremen- trates the role that land use–related policies
dous capacity to establish policies and man- can play in reducing greenhouse gas emis-
age growth in a manner that will safeguard sions, as well as their relative cost-effective-
their communities from the inevitable im- ness as compared to other policy actions.

Table 2
Summary of Climate Action Policies in Five Western States
Arizona California Montana New Mexico Washington
Total number of climate action policies 35 39 48 64 58
Total potential GHG emissions (mmtCO2e) 645 139 125 323 105
avoided if policies are implemented*
Total planning-related policies 11 8 10 19 13
Percentage of total GHG reductions possible 19.9% 18.3% 10.2% 17.5% 24.7%
from planning-related policies
* mmtCO2e = million metric tons of CO2 equivalent.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 19

figure 4
Average Cost-Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from
Land Use–Related Policies in Western State Climate Action Plans

Support for combined heat and power

Support for distributed and other renewables

Transportation and land use policies

Support local farming/buy local

Preserve open space/agricultural land

Green building energy efficiency

Urban forestry

Residential forest planning/management

Forestland protection from development

$-40 -30 -30 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Dollars saved or expended per ton of GHG emissions avoided ($/tCO2e)

The Arizona plan includes a total of 49 pol- L o cal G o v er n m e n t A cti o n s

icy recommendations, for which the green- Each of the following areas of local govern-
house gas reduction potential of 35 policies ment planning are examined, along with
has been quantified, totaling 645 million specific policy language, estimated green-
metric tons of CO2 equivalent avoided if house gas emissions reductions, and cost-
all were fully implemented (table 3). effectiveness measures drawn from state-
Land use–related policies alone are not level action plans.
the “silver bullet” many are searching for to
solve the climate crisis, but they are clearly Building Codes and Standards
an important component of the “silver buck- According to some estimates, only one-third
shot” of solutions required to address this of the buildings needed in the Intermoun-
issue. Climate action policies for each state tain West to accommodate population growth
vary somewhat in their specifications. How- projections for 2030 had been built by the
ever, the average effectiveness of the prima- year 2000 (Nelson 2004). How future struc-
ry land use–related policies in Arizona can tures are built will have a tremendous im-
be analyzed both in terms of the percentage pact on the region, given the longevity of
each policy contributes to the state’s total many buildings. This presents an important
target greenhouse gas emissions reductions opportunity for adapting the built environ-
and the cost-effectiveness of the policy ment to a changing climate and creating a
(figure 5). new, more sustainable pattern of urban form.

20 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Table 3
All Arizona Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies
Dollars Saved
2007–2020 Ranked by or Expended per ton
Cumulative GHG Percent of of GHG Emissions
# Reduction (mmtCO2e) Total Reduction Avoided ($/tCO2e)
1 Environmental portfolio standard/renewable energy standard and tariff 116.00 17.98 $6.00
2 Demand-side efficiency goals, funds, incentives, and programs 103.00 15.96 -$36.00
3 Carbon intensity targets 70.40 10.91 $44.00
4 Solid waste management 36.00 5.58 n/a
5 State clean car program 32.50 5.04 -$90.00
6 Integrated resource planning 28.00 4.34 -$2.00
7 Ethanol production and use 28.00 4.34 $0.00
8 Smart growth bundle of options *
26.70 4.14 $0.00
9 “Beyond code” building design incentives 18.00 2.79 -$17.00
and programs for smart growth**
10 Electricity pricing strategies 16.00 2.48 -$63.00
11 Pricing strategies 16.00 2.48 -$63.00
12 Distributed generation/combined heat and power 16.00 2.48 -$25.00
13 Reducing barriers to renewables and clean distributed generation 16.00 2.48 -$25.00
14 Building standards/codes for smart growth 14.00 2.17 -$18.00
15 Pay-as-you-drive insurance 12.30 1.91 $0.00
16 Reduction of vehicle idling 11.80 1.83 -$22.00
17 Distributed generation/renewable energy applications 10.00 1.55 $31.00
18 Direct renewable energy support (including tax credits 10.00 1.55 $31.00
and incentives, R&D, and siting/zoning)
19 Appliance standards 7.00 1.08 -$66.00
20 Demand-side fuel switching 7.00 1.08 n/a
21 Forest ecosystem management—residential lands 6.40 0.99 -$21.00
22 Biodiesel implementation 6.20 0.96 $0.00
23 Water use and wastewater management 6.00 0.93 n/a
24 60 mph speed limit for commercial trucks 5.20 0.81 $35.00
25 Low rolling resistance tires and tire inflation 4.80 0.74 n/a
26 Biomass feedstocks for electricity or steam production 4.54 0.70 -$8.00
27 Manure management—manure digesters 3.82 0.59 $7.00
28 Forestland protection from developed uses 3.73 0.58 $17.00
29 State leadership programs 3.00 0.46 -$4.00
30 Forest ecosystem management—other lands 2.90 0.45 -$21.00
31 Reduce conversion of farm and rangelands to developed uses 1.59 0.25 $65.00
32 Accelerated replacement/retirement of high-emitting diesel fleet 1.20 0.19 n/a
33 Reforestation/restoration of forestland 0.65 0.10 $44.00
34 State lead-by-example (via procurement and SmartWay) 0.40 0.06 $0.00
35 Programs to support local farming/buy local 0.15 0.02 $6.00
  Totals 645.28 100.00  
Notes: Rows marked in yellow indicate greenhouse gas reduction policies linked to local land use planning decisions. A negative figure reflects an overall cost savings
generated by the policy action in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
* The smart growth bundle of options refers to a set of strategies to reduce carbon emissions through improved urban form through implementation of policies
to promote infill, transit-oriented development, and mixed-use development.
** “Beyond code” building design incentives refer to implementation of energy performance standards for new and existing buildings that achieve high levels
of energy efficiency that might not be achieved through application of standard code requirements.
Source: Arizona Climate Action Plan (
C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 21
figure 5
Effectiveness of Arizona Climate Action Policies
Distributed Distributed
Generation/ Generation/ Reduce Conversion
100 Smart Combined Renewable of Farm &
Growth Heat and Energy Rangelands to
Bundle Power Applications Developed Uses
Dollars saved or expended per ton of CO2 emissions avoided

“Beyond Direct
Code” Reduce Barriers Forestland
to Renewables Renewable Protection
Bldg Design Energy Water Use and
60 & Smart and Clean from
Distributed Support Wastewater Developed
Growth Management
Programs Generation Uses
Bldg Support
Standards for Local
& Codes Farming/
20 for Smart Buy Local

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35





-100 Cost per mmtCO2e Saved Land-related Cost per mmtCO2e Saved


Note: Numbers 1–35 refer to policies listed in Table 3.

Residential and commercial buildings current building codes. In addition, retrofit

account for nearly half of all energy used technologies and practices on existing build-
in the United States. Commercial buildings ings could provide supplementary energy
account for the largest portion of peak energy savings in the range of 5 to 20 percent (Pre-
demand in most regions, with their energy court Institute for Energy Efficiency 2009).
intensity (energy use per square foot) in- Green building codes refer to policies that
creasing by 12 percent from 1990 to 1999. affect the physical structure of buildings or
Residential energy use across the nation is the efficiency of major systems such as elec-
predicted to increase 27 percent by the year trical consumption and water use. Examples
2025; that figure may be even higher for the of green building practices include external
Intermountain West if its pattern of rapid shading, increased insulation and air tight-
development continues (Precourt Institute ness, energy efficient cooling, natural venti-
for Energy Efficiency 2009). lation, and greater thermal mass (i.e., thick-
The technology and expertise needed to er exterior walls that aid in regulation of
create higher-performance buildings already temperature), all of which reduce energy
exist. Using these innovative practices along use. Green building policies also promote
with better systems integration could achieve the integration of solar, micro-wind, com-
cost-effective energy savings as high as 50 bined heat and power, and other renewable,
percent compared with new structures distributed, and/or efficient energy systems
meeting the bare minimum standards in into the building design.

22 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Location and site layout are a part of plans studied (Appendix, Table A1). They
green building as well, and may have impli- range from standard building codes already
cations for broader land use planning and in place to those specifically designated
management in communities. These practices as related to smart growth or “beyond”
involve reducing summer heat gain and win- or “reach” codes. Depending on the state,
ter heat loss through appropriate building they may apply to state buildings only, or
orientation, profile, and window placement. to a broader range of structures that can
Green building practices include locating include businesses and residences (box 5).
and designing buildings to reduce vulnera- Several state policies also include provisions
bility to natural events such as flooding and for solar hot water and electrical generation.
wildfires. Since these phenomena are pro- Such policies are popular because they
jected to increase in frequency and intensity can make significant contributions to reduc-
with climate change, green building becomes ing greenhouse gas emissions, while also
an attractive adaptation policy. saving money for residents and local govern-
Building materials are another component ments. The California Solar Initiative, which
in meeting green building standards. “Cool seeks to put solar cells on one million resi-
roofs” that use light-colored coatings and dential rooftops in the state, is the only
materials to increase heat reflection and green building policy among those in the
reduce absorption are encouraged, as are seven states studied that has not proven cost-
green roofs, porous paving materials, and effective. The program, as implemented by
“cool pavement,” which employs light- the California Public Utilities Commission,
colored sidewalks, parking lots, and roads. has been estimated to cost $3 billion per
Green building policies appear in seven year for consumer rebates over its 10-year
of the eight western state climate action lifespan. At this cost, each kilowatt-hour of

The East Valley Bus

Operations and Mainte-
nance Facility in Tempe,
Arizona was awarded
Leadership in Energy
and Environmental
Design (LEED) gold
certification by the U.S.
Green Building Council.
Owned and operated
by Valley Metro and
the cities of Tempe
and Scottsdale, the bus
maintenance and tran-
sit facility opened in
the summer of 2007,
costing $46.8 million
to build.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 23

Box 5 If, as climate projections indicate,

Linking State Policy to Green Building in Montana heat waves become longer and more in-
tense, higher air conditioning use at peak

T he Montana Climate Action Plan contains the following provisions

under its Building Energy Codes policy:
times may strain power supplies, and more
severe storms forecast by climate scientists
• Increase standards so that the minimum performance of new and may worsen power delivery disruptions.
substantially renovated buildings, both commercial and residen- Green buildings may provide greater com-
tial, is at least 15 percent higher by 2010 than required by today’s fort for their inhabitants compared to con-
building codes (as of 2003), and 30 percent higher by 2020; ventional buildings in the event of power
outages, and would contribute to the resil-
• Encourage and work toward achieving the goal of “carbon-neutral”
iency of a community enduring extreme
status for new buildings;
weather events.
• Encourage the use of recycled and local building materials;
• Express energy-efficiency standards on a per-unit-floor-space Land Use and Transportation
basis for commercial buildings and on a per-dwelling-unit basis Moving up in scale from building and site
for residential buildings; design, land use planning affects building
• Periodically and regularly review building codes, including energy- locations, development patterns, and urban
efficiency requirements of building codes, to ensure that they form, impacting the carbon footprint of an
stay up-to-date; entire community and region (box 6). House-
• Offer or require education to equip building code officials, holds built in compact areas use 20 percent
builders, designers, and others to effectively implement building less primary energy for space heating and
energy code improvements; and cooling than equivalent ones built in sprawl-
ing areas, due primarily to less exterior wall
• Explore new mechanisms, such as working with financial inst-
area in attached and multifamily housing
itutions and the use of spot checks, to improve code implemen-
and less floor area consumed at higher
tation in rural areas.
densities (Ewing et al. 2008).
Compact development patterns have the
potential to reduce driving between 20 and
electricity produced by solar photovoltaics 40 percent compared to the current mode
costs 20 cents, compared to 12 to 15 cents of isolated subdivisions on the suburban
per kilowatt-hour of grid electricity. Howev- edge, far from workplaces and other destina-
er, there is a significant upside in promoting tions. Shifting 60 percent of the new growth
solar energy, and costs are expected to drop to more compact developments would save
as technologies improve and as more indus- an estimated 85 million metric tons of CO2
tries and consumers participate in the solar annually at the national level by 2030
market (Resources for the Future 2008). (Ewing et al. 2008).
Green building also has an important Denser urban form would also help pre-
role to play in helping western communities serve farmland and open space, protect water
successfully adapt to a changing climate. By quality by decreasing impervious surface
substituting natural daylight for electrical area, and improve health by creating walk-
lighting, employing better insulation to re- able, bikeable neighborhoods that provide
place large heating and cooling systems, and opportunities for more physical activity.
implementing other energy-saving measures, Lastly, it would save taxpayers money by
the draw from residential electrical use on reducing the cost of roads, water and sewer
the energy grid is greatly reduced. lines, and other infrastructure (box 7).

24 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Box 6
Climate Change and Regional Scenario Modeling

W estern Lands and Communities, a joint venture of the

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Sonoran Institute,
is involved with a project to create alternative development
from the Superstition Vistas work show that reductions of
50 to 60 percent in carbon emissions are possible with
current technology.
scenarios for Superstition Vistas, a 275-square-mile parcel
2. Building in a “greener” fashion is a key strategy. The
of Arizona state trust land. It represents one of the largest
impact of developing buildings to a greater level of energy
single-ownership planning efforts in the western United
efficiency can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions
States. The goal of the project is to develop sustainable
and energy consumption.
planning practices that could serve as a national model
for energy- and water-efficient development with a low 3. The costs of improving energy efficiency vary widely
carbon footprint. among different kinds of buildings. Some building types
Fregonese Associates of Portland, Oregon is part of the may have considerably higher costs than others to achieve
team selected to develop a scenario modeling process that comparable improvements, such as use of carbon-neutral
used prototype buildings, which were then aggregated into energy rather than energy conservation.
development types representing different urban forms—from 4. Developing a more compact form can reduce the carbon
downtown centers to mixed-use main streets. These devel- impact from buildings while accommodating the same
opment types were then “painted” on the landscape using population forecast. In the case of Superstition Vistas, the
the Envision Tomorrow Scenario Builder (Condon, Cavens, more compact scenarios reduced carbon emissions by 20
and Miller 2009). This process yielded four scenarios rep- to 25 percent, before adding energy efficiency measures
resenting a variety of regional growth patterns and the to the building prototypes.
following five lessons for improving sustainability.
5. Achieving a better jobs/housing balance is a key to
1. The combination of multimodal land use and trans- reducing transportation-related carbon emissions. A low
portation design and building improvements can have a carbon footprint from transportation sources is difficult to
huge impact on carbon emissions. Preliminary indications achieve without a successful economic development program.

View of Superstition
Mountains from the
Superstition Vistas
state trust land
parcel in Arizona

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 25

The Utah Transit The transportation sector typically makes standards, and speed limits. However, plan-
Authority’s FrontRunner
up 25 to 35 percent of the greenhouse gas ners can influence the implementation of
Provo to Salt Lake City
high-capacity commuter
emissions of western states (US EPA 2006). transportation and land use policies such
rail line will be com- Some transportation issues are outside the as those that seek to reduce vehicle miles
pleted by 2015. scope of land use planning, such as vehicle traveled by promoting more compact,
fuel efficiency standards, reduction of vehi- mixed-use communities better served by
cle idling, pay-as-you-drive insurance, fuel public transportation and other alternative
transportation options.
Box 7 Urban form also has a direct bearing on
Four Planning Strategies to Reduce Energy Consumption the number of vehicle miles residents must
travel in the course of their day-to-day lives.
L and use planning affects the ability of people to make good
choices in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Well-designed
places can be part of the solution to climate change by allowing
Transportation now accounts for a full one-
third of CO2 emissions in the United States,
and that share continues to grow as other
green living to be the easy choice.
sectors decline in overall emissions (Ewing
1. Minimize the need for travel. If people have to travel shorter et al. 2008). Despite advances in vehicle fuel
distances between their homes and work, shopping, services, and economy, the amount of CO2 attributable
recreation, then less fossil fuel will be burned in the process. to driving is expected to increase 59 percent
2. Maximize transportation alternatives to the single-occupant,
between 2005 and 2030 if current trends
conventionally fueled vehicle. If people can travel by foot, bike,
continue, despite only a 23 percent increase
or public transit, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from
in population (Energy Information Admin-
conventional automobiles will be minimized. Land use planning can
istration 2006).
have a significant influence on whether people travel by alternate
Land use and transportation policies
modes of transportation by making it easy to use them.
are specified in all eight western state-level
climate action plans described in this report
3. Minimize energy needs for heating, cooling, electricity, water, (Appendix, Table A2). In the state plans
wastewater, food production, and disposal of trash and food waste. of Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico
Energy is used to power a wide variety of systems that people de- (box 8), transportation policies are combined
pend upon. The first step is to minimize energy consumption in with land use and economic development
these systems through energy efficiency measures. provisions, making it difficult to evaluate
4. Maximize alternatives to conventional (carbon-based) energy specific aspects of the smart growth “bundle
sources. Solar, wind, geothermal, and other renewable sources of of tools.” However, in all states that quantify
energy can displace the need for conventional energy sources. Land the likely costs of CO2 reduction through
use planning can be a barrier to the effective use of these resources implementation of smart growth strategies,
but can also be adapted to encourage more effective use of renew- the policies either incur no additional costs
able sources. or provide cost savings. It should be noted,
however, that infrastructure costs associated

26 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


with some transit strategies are not included Box 8

in the assessment. These policies are also New Mexico’s Transportation Policies to Reduce VMT
expected to be effective in reducing green-
house gas emissions over the long term by
reducing overall vehicle miles traveled. T he New Mexico Climate Action Plan provides a good example
of the range of transportation and land use policies.
It is difficult to separate the comparative • Infill and brownfield redevelopment
effectiveness of potential greenhouse gas re-
• Transit-oriented development
ductions from the cost-effectiveness of smart
• Smart growth planning and modeling tools
growth, transit and multimodal transporta-
tion infrastructure, and walkable-bikeable • Multimodal transportation bundle
design, since many state climate action plans • Promotion of LEED for neighborhood development
combine land use and transportation poli-
cies that affect these outcomes. Many of
these policies include a mix of actions, both
within and outside the purview of land use
planners. However, given the significance of
the transportation sector in contributing to
greenhouse gas emissions in the Intermoun-
tain West, strategies to lower time spent in
single-person, fossil-fuel-burning transporta-
tion modes will be key to successfully lower-
ing the carbon footprint of communities.

Energy Sources
Energy use is at the heart of climate change
mitigation efforts, and therefore, the major-
ity of climate change policies addressed in
the state climate action plans deal with this
sector (Appendix, Table A3). Only a few
Traditional low-density development exacerbates dependence on automobile
strategies connected to energy policy are travel and contributes to GHG emissions.
directly relevant to planning, but implemen-
tation of such policies may require changes energy. CHP could also encompass district-
in zoning and building codes that would fall level energy strategies through placement
within the scope of local planning authorities. of highly efficient energy generators near
Planners have significant influence over buildings where the produced heat and
policies that encourage the integration of power is needed, rather than requiring
distributed alternative energy generation into power transmission over long distances.
urban settings. Planning actions can help Combined heat and power has great
enable greater use of combined heat and potential to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
power (CHP) technologies that have the sions and results in overall cost savings to
potential to take all distributed generation communities and residents. However, only
technologies one step further in pollution part of the implementation of this policy
prevention by utilizing the waste heat from is within the purview of land use planners.
the generation of electricity for producing Utilities also will play an essential role in
steam, heating water, or creating cooling implementing this strategy.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 27

Promotion of distributed generation climate change as hydroelectric sources emit

policies offers adaptation benefits as well. little to no greenhouse gases. However, as
Climate change will increase peak demands climate change reduces streamflows across
on power grids as cities cope with more the area, the availability and reliability of
frequent, intense, and longer heat events, hydropower will decrease. A 10 percent
which can overwhelm energy infrastructure decrease in runoff in the Colorado River is
and lead to widespread outages. Such inci- estimated to reduce hydropower production
dents are less likely to occur with distributed by 36 percent (Northern Arizona University
generation systems since local supplies and 2005). With less hydropower available, utili-
demand have greater flexibility to adjust to ties may be forced to turn to fossil fuel ener-
local conditions and could provide a more gy sources, thereby increasing the region’s
stable network. Support for distributed and contribution to climate change. Further,
other renewable energy strategies offers because hydropower is used for peak load,
high potential greenhouse gas reductions, its loss is particularly problematic.
but these policies are generally more In addition to mounting water supply
expensive to implement. demands, the IPCC Fourth Assessment Re-
port also notes with high confidence that
Water Resources climate change is likely to make it more dif-
Water is a resource that will be dramatically ficult to achieve existing water quality goals
affected by climate change, which in turn (IPCC 2007). While many aspects of water
will increase water demand while decreas- supply, demand, and use are beyond the
ing its availability in the Intermountain West. sphere of influence of planners, they will
A report from the National Research Coun- have to deal with the consequences of
cil regarding the long-term adequacy of such decisions.
Colorado River water supplies suggests that Policies aimed at improving water re-
temperatures across the region will continue sources planning rarely appear in state-level
to rise in the foreseeable future (National climate action plans, and even less frequent-
Academy of Sciences 2007). Higher tem- ly involve local government planning officials.
peratures will result in less Upper Basin pre- In fact, Arizona, California, and Colorado
cipitation falling and being stored as snow, are the only states that mention water re-
increased evaporative losses, and earlier source planning at all. This may be because
peak spring snowmelt. state plans are largely designed to mitigate
Cumulatively, these changes are likely future climate change, rather than guide ad-
to reduce future Colorado River streamflow aptation to current and inevitable changes.
and water supplies, contributing to the in- However, the cost-effectiveness of these poli-
creasing severity, frequency, and duration of cies is difficult to calculate with currently
future droughts. Since the Colorado River available data (Appendix, Table A4).
serves a significant portion of western com- Planning that promotes greater water
munities and urban areas, these projections efficiency will lead to lower overall water
could have sobering consequences for the use, and consequently, less energy needed to
stability of water supplies in the Intermoun- move and treat water supplies. The actions
tain West. of land use planners will affect water con-
A substantial portion of the region’s elec- sumption levels in a changed climate, and
tricity comes from hydroelectric supplies, impact the amount of water available and
which is an advantage in mitigating future required to irrigate parks, medians, and land-

28 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


scapes around businesses and, to some ex- newly vulnerable areas and be prepared
tent, residences. Land use patterns will also to adjust zoning and floodplain maps and
affect the level of risk and additional expense management of low-lying lands near rivers
that counties and municipalities will bear in and coasts to accommodate more severe
times of more extreme flood events alternat- flooding. Floods once expected to occur
ing with drought conditions. every 100 years based on long-term histori-
Local land use planning can improve cal data may occur much more frequently.
water management practices in order to Storm water design standards also may
adequately prepare communities for changed need revision in order to accommodate higher
climate conditions, which may be significantly water flows through larger and more durable
drier than during the past century when most culverts, larger water retention and drainage
western communities developed (box 9). basins, improved drainage systems, and pro-
Local governments will need to acknowledge tection of pipes from disruption by floodwaters.

Box 9
Leadership in Water Conservation: City of Tucson, Arizona

R ainwater harvesting is a simple and effective way

for community members, schools, and government
agencies to engage in regional water conservation efforts
Sonoran Institute volunteers
install water harvesting
features in Tucson.
while benefiting native wildlife and outdoor spaces. Water
harvesting decreases erosion and improves water infiltra-
tion, recharging groundwater tables.

The Sonoran Institute has a decade of experience in pro-

moting water harvesting techniques in rural areas. In 2008,
the Institute began working with a local organization, Water-
shed Management Group, to implement a series of water
harvesting demonstration projects in the urban areas of
Tucson and Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The Institute also
helped craft two innovative water harvesting ordinances that
were adopted by the City of Tucson in the fall of 2008.

Tucson’s Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance

is the first of its kind in the country, taking effect June 1,
2010. Facilities subject to the ordinance must meet 50
percent of their landscape demand using harvested rain-
water, prepare a site water harvesting plan and water
ing machines, sinks, and showers may be sent to separate
budget, meter outdoor water use, and use irrigation con-
drain lines connected to irrigation systems at the home-
trols that respond to soil moisture conditions at the site.
owner’s expense. More recently, the Sonoran Institute and
Facilities have three years to establish plants before the
Watershed Management Group joined forces with Tucson
50 percent requirement must be met. The requirement
Water, a department of the City of Tucson, the University of
is waived during periods of drought.
Arizona, and Tucson Audubon Society to develop and pilot
Tucson’s City Council also approved a measure requiring a a water banking program that will provide a direct link
plumbing hookup in new homes so wastewater from wash- between water conservation and local river restoration.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 29

through practices that reduce waste. Addi-

tionally, they may allow water recycling in
the form of graywater systems, greater use
of effluent, and improved infiltration of
storm water into aquifers.

Open Space and Agricultural

Planners play an essential role in encourag-
ing more compact urban form, which allows
for the preservation of open space for vari-
ous uses, as well as working landscapes for
agriculture and ranching. For example, pres-
ervation of natural open spaces, particularly
forestlands, is important to maintaining car-
bon sinks (Wayburn 2009). Enhancement
of natural landscapes can even increase
the level of carbon sequestration, offsetting
some of the inevitable greenhouse gas emis-
sions associated with the built environment.
Some climate action policies also encour-
age local production and consumption of
Columbia City Farmers Market, Seattle, Washington
food and fiber as both a means to reduce
transport costs and to provide residents with
Periodic water shortages resulting in healthy, fresh food. Implementation of these
lower system pressure may make delivering open space and agriculture-related policies
water to outlying areas more difficult, par- may require adjustments to zoning in and
ticularly in older, gravity-fed systems. Com- around urban areas (Appendix, Table A5).
munities may need to develop adaptation Programs that support local production
strategies that are tailored for their unique and consumption of food and fiber are not
circumstances to shore up aged infrastructure expected to have large impacts on green-
that may not prove adequate under changed house gas emissions, but they are inexpen-
water supply conditions. Generally drier con- sive to implement and provide additional
ditions may leave less water for landscaping benefits to the community. These range
in parks and along roadways. Shifting land- from more farmers markets offering fresh,
scaping emphasis to native, drought-tolerant healthy food to better economic health of
species would maintain the quality of life local agricultural businesses and reduced
and ambiance of public spaces while creat- shipping costs. Local food production has
ing significant water savings. the potential to preserve or even increase
Local governments could employ a range quality of life and sense of place.
of other strategies to keep water supplies Both of these types of agriculture-related
secure under long-term drought conditions. policies have adaptation value. At the global
They may require water harvesting systems level, the agricultural sector is expected to
to be included on new buildings, and work be one of the most severely impacted by cli-
to change public perception and behavior mate change, with reduced productivity and

30 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


crop yields forecast for many areas. Reduced Studies of wildfire and climate change
supplies will make food more expensive and, in Canada point to a 74 to 118 percent
combined with higher prices and likely high- increase in the next century. Similar increases
er future transportation costs, will add to its seem likely for the western states and carry
price volatility. Locally produced crops are with them increased risks for communities
more likely to be heirloom varieties being near forestlands (Flannigan et al. 2005;
reintroduced and other regionally adapted Running 2006).
varieties. These local crop species may prove The fundamental changes being seen in
more resilient to changing climatic condi- these forestlands, combined with the prefer-
tions than the limited number of hybridized ence of westerners to locate in and near for-
varieties generally produced by large agri- ested wildlands, set the region on a collision
businesses. course between development and wildfire.
Current estimates indicate that only 14 per-
Forestry cent of the available wildland-urban inter-
The forests of the Intermountain West are face (WUI) in the Intermountain West is
already feeling the impacts of climate change. now developed. Much of the remaining
Although the economic importance of the
forestry industry has decreased in recent de- figure 6
cades, many communities in the region con- Large Wildfires Occur in Areas of Reduced Average Moisture
tinue to rely on forests as important to their
Forest Vulnerability: Early–Late Deficit
identity, sense of place, and quality of life,
as well as for jobs and income.
The amenity value of western forests is
significant. Much of the draw for new resi-
dents in the region is the scenic beauty asso-
ciated with the rugged mountains, forests,
and abundant wildlife. Often, the highest
value properties are those located adjacent
to or within these natural landscapes. The
preference for a home within or near forests
has increased development of these areas
which, like riparian flood plains, may be
subject to increased environmental hazards.
Since 1986, the Intermountain West has
experienced a fourfold increase in the num-
ber of major wildfires and a sixfold increase
in the area of forests burned, compared
to the 1970–1986 period (Westerling et al.
2006). Four primary factors, all linked to cli-
mate change, are blamed: earlier snowmelt,
higher summer temperatures, a longer fire
season, and an expanded area of vulnerable
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
high-elevation forests that previously were percent difference scaled by forest area
protected much of the year by snowpack
(figure 6). Source: Westerling et al. (2006).

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 31

health and safety from wildland fires.

Oregon, California, and Utah also have
taken further steps. California state law
requires homeowners in the WUI to clear
brush and vegetation within specific distances
around structures. Utah sets minimum stan-
dards for ordinance requirements based on
the 2003 International Urban Wildland In-
terface Code, and Oregon sets standards for
defensible space, fuel breaks, building mate-
rials, ingress and egress, and open burning
on the property (Gude, Rasker, and Van den
Fire damage
Noort 2007). All of these actions can reduce
in Yellowstone risk to residents and communities near for-
National Park ested lands.
Several types of forestry-related policies
are outlined in state climate action plans
86 percent is available as potential sites for (Appendix, Table A6). Those relevant to
a portion of the estimated 16.1 million new land use planning include policies to promote
homes that will be built in the region by 2030 improved forest health or ecosystem man-
(Gude, Rasker, and van den Noort 2007; agement in residential areas in an attempt
Nelson 2004). to reduce wildfire risks. Land use policies
Annual damages in the Intermountain West that protect forestlands from developed uses,
from wildfires have exceeded $1 billion in 6 particularly in the WUI areas subject to high
of the past 15 years (NOAA 2006). Given fire risk, are beneficial as well. Their cost-
current trends in firefighting costs, develop- effectiveness ranges from considerable cost
ment of only half of the WUI could lead to savings for programs that promote forest
annual firefighting costs of up to $4.3 billion. health, restoration, and ecosystem manage-
However, these costs do not account for the ment, to higher costs to protect forestlands
probability of further increases in the frequency from developed uses.
of wildfires linked to climate change. Policies to preserve agricultural land, for-
Planners have an important role to ests, and natural open space are often among
play in ensuring their communities are the most expensive to implement, according
well-adapted to changed forestry and wild- to the state climate action plan analysis,
fire issues. Even before enacting climate and generally fall in the mid-range in green-
action plans, many western states had estab- house gas reduction effectiveness. If the
lished policies to reduce wildfire damage primary goal of implementing a policy is
to residential areas. For example, Arizona, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the
New Mexico, Idaho, and Colorado have lowest cost possible, direct conservation may
recommended building standards and local not be the most cost-effective. However, such
programs to reduce wildfire damages. Ad- strategies often have a host of co-benefits
ditionally, Oregon, California, Utah, and that improve quality of life and sustainabil-
Montana have set laws allowing county gov- ity. Such policies also indirectly support the
ernments to deny approval to subdivisions goal of more compact urban form that
that do not mitigate the impacts to public reduces vehicle miles traveled.

32 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Healthy forest ecosystems also promote to nature for residents, preserving valuable
watershed health by absorbing greater ecosystem services, increasing recreational
amounts of runoff from storms, preventing opportunities, and keeping the community
erosion, and allowing more efficient recharge climate resilient.
of aquifers. Trees can provide shade to
streams, helping to keep water temperatures S u m m ary
cool, a condition essential to the survival of There is ample evidence in the climate
iconic western species like trout and salmon. action plans of the western states that cost-
Healthy forests can also serve as important effectiveness varies widely across different
carbon sinks, and could have increasing policy options, with many offering positive
potential in terms of sequestering CO2 from cost savings and/or potential co-benefits.
the atmosphere, as well as decreasing large Local governments should seek out the “low-
amounts of carbon released through the hanging fruit”—measures that are both
burning of catastrophic wildfires. effective at reducing GHG emissions and
Furthermore, natural open space and for- have a positive payoff—while considering
ests preserve biodiversity by protecting and the co-benefits offered by many policy op-
enhancing the habitat of western animal tions. Table 4 summarizes the average find-
and plant species. These strategies have ings across eight western states on five of
significant co-benefits for communities by these policy types (see Appendix for the
improving the quality of life and connection complete analysis).

Table 4
Average GHG Reductions and Cost-Effectiveness of Land Use–Related Policies
GHG Reductions Percent of Total Cost-effectiveness
Policy Type (mmtCO2e) Total Potential Reductions ($/tCO2e)
Green Building Average for all policies of this type 5.12 1.51 $35.94
and Building Energy (7 of the 8 states)
Efficiency Policies
Average for all policies of this type minus 5.05 1.47 -$25.53
California Solar Initiative (7 of the 8 states)
Land Use and Full suite of land use and 13.81 4.59 n/a
Transportation Policies transportation policies (4 of the 8 states)
Energy Supply Policies Support for distributed and other 6.14 1.14 $36.80
renewables (5 of the 8 states)
Support for combined heat and power 9.03 2.78 -$1.67
(5 of the 8 states)
Agriculture and Preserve open space/agricultural land 3.44 0.79 $43.76
Open Space Policies (5 of the 8 states)
Support local farming/buy local 2.04 0.65 $3.73
(4 of the 8 states)
Forestry and Forestland protection from development 1.55 2.35 $10.50
Wildfire Policies (6 of the 8 states)
Forest planning/management for 4.45 0.88 -$33.50
residential lands (4 of the 8 states)

Urban forestry (4 of the 8 states) 0.31 0.33 $11.50

Notes: Data on water policies were not extensive enough to be averaged across states. A negative figure reflects an overall cost savings generated by the
policy action in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 33
chapter 4
Barriers to Implementing
Local Climate Change Policies

Winter wetlands estern states have pioneered that have gained the requisite political
near Mt. Blanca, and financial support to be implemented
some of the more innovative
Alamosa County,
and potentially effective poli- in other regions may require significant
cies to address climate change retooling to be applicable in these states.
on a state and regional basis. However, the The barriers and challenges faced by
region appears to be lagging when it comes planners regarding climate change policy in
to implementation of climate action at the the Intermountain West were articulated in
local level. Although most western states and several sources for this report. These included
many cities and towns are developing their roundtable discussions with a group of land
own climate plans, there is a widespread lack use planning experts convened by Western
of coordination between states and localities. Lands and Communities, as well as direct feed-
While planners in all regions may en- back obtained at various land use planning
counter obstacles to implementing climate and climate change conferences and forums.
mitigation and adaptation policies, some Additional challenges were examined in
barriers may be more prevalent and difficult greater detail through an opinion research
to overcome in the Intermountain West survey conducted for Western Lands and
given the region’s political, demographic, Communities by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin,
economic, and geographic context. Plans Metz & Associates (Metz and Below 2009).

34 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Through a pair of focus groups and several communities, where politics often lean
dozen telephone interviews, the researchers to the more liberal politics espoused by
spoke to a variety of local government offi- the Democratic party.
cials—elected officials, city and county man- Furthermore, economic conditions in
agers, and planning staff—in seven western many traditional, resource extraction–based
states (Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, rural western towns have grown worse in
New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming). recent years, due to declines in industries
Conversations focused on (1) identify- such as agriculture, mining, and forestry.
ing the primary obstacles to addressing These areas are more likely to resist the
climate change in land use planning, and conclusion that anthropogenic, or human-
how they can be overcome; (2) determin- caused, climate change is a reality upheld
ing which information local government by broad scientific consensus.
officials need to craft effective policies to Economically distressed communities
address climate change; and (3) evaluating also may be among the least able to plan
the best ways to convey that information for climate changes, given tight budgets
to local officials. and lack of resources to support planning
Few respondents named climate change personnel and expertise. Many officials in
as one of the most pressing planning chal- the survey reported that their communities
lenges facing their communities. This was would be unlikely to take steps to address
the case even when talking to officials from climate change that might place financial
the handful of local governments that have responsibility on local residents, unless they
formal climate action plans. However, many were provided with clear evidence that the
of the issues they mentioned do have con- economic benefits of the policies would
nections to climate change, such as water outweigh their costs.
supplies, energy use, and increased strain It is important to recognize that there
on local infrastructure and services. is an inherent challenge in reaping the eco-
nomic benefits of climate-related policies.
L ac k o f P o litical S u pp o rt While local communities may bear the brunt
Climate change is still perceived as politi- of the costs for policies and actions to ad-
cally controversial in many communities. In dress climate change, the benefits created
all but the largest and most environmentally can often extend beyond their communities,
concerned communities, survey participants which can also contribute to slow adoption
reported a hesitance within government to of mitigation and adaptation strategies.
take on an issue that they perceive as poten- The culture of the Intermountain West
tially divisive. Some local residents do not and its attachment to the concepts of rug-
realize it is a problem, and others oppose ged individualism and frontier spirit can
aggressive action to address it. sometimes present challenges to implement-
With views on the need for national cli- ing not only climate-related land use policies,
mate action basically split along party lines, but any zoning regulations or other govern-
garnering political support for local efforts ment policies concerning growth and devel-
can be difficult in the largely conservative opment that may affect private interests
and traditionally Republican states. Most while seeking to serve the public good. The
communities that have made a visible com- concept of private property rights is a core
mitment to working on climate change miti- value in much of the region, particularly in
gation are either large urban areas or resort rural areas, although (or because) federal

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 35

and state government agencies own large party affiliation, the immensity of the chal-
tracts of land in these states. New, progres- lenge, and a lack of effective education on
sive land use planning policies, including the issue were cited as causes for apathy
those that could yield climate mitigation or about the need for climate action, as were
adaptation benefits, are often viewed with the public’s continuing preferences for
suspicion or disinterest. energy consumptive lifestyles.
This combination of factors makes secur-
ing sufficient support to integrate climate P ercei v ed L ac k o f P eer
change into meaningful planning efforts C o m m u n ities i n t h e R e g i o n
nearly impossible in some areas. Ironically, Another hindrance to effective climate change
many of the communities that rely on abun- action at the local level is a perceived lack of
dant natural resources for their livelihoods are peer communities engaged in the issue. In
the most vulnerable to climate change, and some areas of the nation, especially the coastal
would benefit greatly from forward-thinking regions of California, Oregon, and Washing-
policies to improve climate resiliency. ton, and the northeastern states, planning for
climate change mitigation is quickly becoming
D isc o u n ti n g t h e i m pact standard practice.
o f l o cal acti o n This is not yet true in other regions,
Another dimension limiting local action especially for smaller, nonresort communi-
on climate change is a belief that small-scale ties in the Intermountain West. Those that
adaptations and mitigation will not affect the do not fit the big city or resort community
larger picture. Climate change is a complex type may have a difficult time finding com-
global issue, and the media often portray munities similar to their own in circumstance,
far-ranging impacts such as melting glaciers, political leanings, and capacity to use as a
shrinking ice sheets, and threats to iconic model for their climate change efforts.
species like polar bears.
The challenge may appear so daunting L ac k o f R es o u rces
that the actions of a single community may a n d Opti o n s
seem unlikely to have an impact. Local offi- Even in the best of economic times, it can
cials may assume this problem is being solved be difficult for local governments to add
by higher levels of government through ma- new initiatives. And even though strategies
jor policy efforts, such as alternative energy such as energy efficiency improvements in
technology, the closure of coal-fired electricity government operations may save money in
plants, or the raising of vehicle fuel-efficiency the long run, up-front funding can be hard
standards. Even the process of generating to find. Add in the recent stress on typical
state climate action plans, which includes local government funding sources like sales
a number of necessary local policy actions, and property taxes and the picture can look
can cause local leaders to believe the prob- rather daunting. Yet local governments are
lem is out of their hands. finding that energy efficiency improvements
Elected officials everywhere are sensitive for buildings can significantly lower operat-
to the attitudes, opinions, and priorities of ing and maintenance costs. Using local
their constituents. Several respondents to the bonding authority or stretching out routine
research survey placed the blame for lack of maintenance to build cash reserves to fund
action on climate change mitigation square- improvements are ways to gain those long-
ly on the shoulders of the public. Political term benefits.

36 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Antelope Flats,
Jackson Hole,

Several survey respondents said that These challenges are exacerbated in

larger cities and resort towns have been the Intermountain West by its historic rapid
more active in dealing with climate change rate of growth. Many communities are grap-
because they are more likely to be able to pling simultaneously with spikes in popula-
dedicate funding to this issue. However, few tion, water scarcity, loss of open space, and
understood that many policies identified in fiscal pressures to provide critical infrastruc-
state climate action plans could actually ture such as roads, power lines, sewers, and
result in savings to the municipalities that schools. It may be difficult to justify higher
choose to implement them. spending on more resilient systems whose
Even in communities with the political payback may be several years or even
will to act, many officials indicated that lim- decades away.
ited resources, such as the lack of dedicated All planners deal with the same basic
staff people able to explore the complexities types of infrastructure (e.g., roads, buildings,
of potential policy alternatives, prevent them water and wastewater systems, energy sys-
from implementing some policies to address tems). But they may have very different
climate change. A related issue is the time philosophies on urban planning, shaped
lag between when resources would need to by their training and their physical, socio-
be dedicated to enact climate change poli- economic, and political environments. Their
cies, and when those policies would pay off level of management sophistication and
in climate benefits or co-benefits. For many ability to incorporate complex information
communities, the long-term benefits were about climate change are not uniform.
understood, but the initial costs associated Planners may also have different degrees
with immediate implementation of those of influence on local decision making de-
policies were discouraging. pending on the administrative structure

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 37

and political atmosphere of the community to be useful, projecting a few seasons out at
in which they work. Translating climate most, or too long-term, looking 50 to 100
change information and policies for land use years into the future. Neither is appropriate
planners into a “one size fits all” format is for the 10- to 30-year planning horizon in
not likely to work. which most planners operate.
This barrier is compounded by the fact
L ac k o f A ppr o priate that at present most long-term climate
C li m ate S cie n ce f o r change predictions are probabilistic. This
P la n n ers makes it difficult for planners to assess how
A significant barrier to incorporating cli- to apply available information, how much
mate science into local land use planning is confidence to have in it, how to scale it
the lack of information prepared in a format to their area of concern, or how much to
that can be easily digested and integrated invest in options that incorporate climate
into decision-making processes. The main change but might be more expensive or
source of climate change information cur- complex. Planners accustomed to conduct-
rently is peer-reviewed scientific literature, ing precise analyses to guide their actions
which can be narrowly focused and difficult may be uncomfortable with this degree of
to translate into practical applications. uncertainty. Tools do not yet exist to allow
The paucity of information specifically them the same degree of precision in plan-
adapted for planners and citizens can also ning for climate change impacts as they
present a challenge. Finding and sufficiently have for current hazard risks, transporta-
distilling accurate projections of changes in tion infrastructure, and housing needs.
temperature, precipitation, and other fac- Even when planners and other local
tors, and how these may affect a particular decision makers can access and understand
community, can be a difficult task. Climate climate science, it can be difficult to know
variability information often resides in sources which land use–related policies are the most
unfamiliar to planners, such as scientific effective and strategic. Implementing such
journal articles or reports. Such material policies requires knowledge about which of
is frequently written for fellow experts in them has the greatest potential to signifi-
climate science, rather than decision makers cantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
or the general public, making it difficult for at what cost, and in what time frame.
planners to decipher. To date most state, county, and municipal
The complex topography, hydrology, and climate action planning has focused on re-
weather patterns of the Intermountain West ducing greenhouse gases—and rightfully
may present further challenges. Some parts so, given the urgency in preventing greater
of the region have highly variable climates, damages later. However, the Intermountain
making projections at a finer scale more West is likely to suffer severe climate change
important than in more homogenous areas. impacts, and western communities would
Current climate change projections based benefit from starting to plan for additional
on global models are relatively large-scale adaptation measures as soon as possible.
and may not reflect local conditions with
the degree of specificity that urban planners S u m m ary o f B arriers
would prefer. The barriers to implementing climate
Inappropriate temporal scales may also change policies at the local level may seem
be an issue. Forecasts are often too short-term overwhelming, but they can be understood

38 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


as categories of challenges, each of which

can be addressed separately with appropri-
ate recommendations for action.

Lack of political will

• Climate change is still perceived as
politically controversial.
• Local planners have different philosophies,
levels of management sophistication, and
degrees of influence on decision making,
which affect their effectiveness in provid-
ing leadership on local climate action.
• The rugged individualist culture of the
West questions any type of regulation or
government policy seen as challenging
private property rights.

Discounting the impact of local

• Many people do not believe their
small-scale adaptations will affect the
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
big picture.
• Local officials may assume the problems • There is a perceived time lag between
of climate change are being solved by when resources are needed and when
higher levels of government. the benefits would pay off.
• Public apathy and consumer preferences • The rapid growth occurring in many
show a lack of concern for taking action. communities makes it difficult to keep
up with changes on the ground.
Perceived lack of peer communities
in the region Lack of appropriate climate
• Large cities and resort communities science for planners
have different concerns and resources • Scientific research is not prepared for
available to take action on climate general use by planners, citizens, and
change. public officials.
• Small, rural, nonresort communities • The variable climatic zones of the Inter-
have difficulty finding others in similar mountain West make it difficult to link
circumstances. technical climate change projections with
local conditions.
Lack of resources and options • Local planners are sometimes unable
• Many communities do not have the to assess the most effective and strategic
financial resources to implement new policies to address specific climate-
policies and actions. related problems.
• They may not have enough staff to
take on additional projects.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 39
chapter 5
Recommendations for Local
Planners and Communities

Participants he climate change challenge is action plans. These plans form the basis for
share views at the forcing the entire world to take no- more widespread action in the Intermoun-
Sonoran Institute’s
tice, and the Intermountain West tain West, and can help overcome some of
2006 Western
Community Stew-
is considered especially vulnerable. the primary barriers to such action. They
ardship Forum The region’s response must be two-pronged, are created through an iterative, inclusive
in Grand Junction, focused both on mitigating greenhouse gas process that ensures widespread support,
Colorado. emission levels and enacting measures to and thus are useful in overcoming the lack
adapt to the changes that are now deemed of political will that may hamper local efforts.
inevitable. Local planners and policy makers They also summarize key types of informa-
have important roles to play in these efforts tion, such as projected climate changes, in
as they affect land use and development. more user-friendly language.
The existing range of policy options Although state climate action plans pro-
can be implemented more effectively, and vide a basis from which to propagate local
sooner, if planners play an active role. Key climate action, further effort will be required
aspects of many of these policies, including to ensure widespread implementation of
their potential success in mitigating green- effective policies. For example, communities
house gas emissions and their cost-effective- may need assistance in assessing the costs
ness, can be found in state-level climate and benefits of various types of policies at

40 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


the local level, and in selecting policies that

are appropriate for their specific circum-
stances. Assistance also is needed in translat-
ing available science to address particular
situations, what types of changes to expect,
and how best to plan for them.
More rigorous, qualitative research into
the barriers to local climate action would
help communities devise strategies to over-
come them. Finally, increased outreach and
capacity building will be required to ensure
that planners have the information they
need to spur local action as soon as possible.
The need is particularly urgent in the Inter- Basalt, Colorado
mountain West, where a large portion of analyses. These benefits, rather than green-
the housing, commercial, and service build- house gas reduction, were seen as more
ings, transportation infrastructure, water likely to generate public support for local
and energy systems, and indeed entire com- climate change policies.
munities have yet to be built to meet grow- Some rural areas of the Intermountain
ing population demands. West are beginning to recognize the connec-
Planners in these states have a unique tion between quality of life, economic pros-
opportunity to determine the region’s future perity, and land use policies that can make
by taking positive steps to integrate climate- their communities more resilient to climate
oriented policies into their land use and de- change, and they are embracing measures
velopment agendas. These recommendations that can contribute to mitigation. Regardless
are based on the research survey by Fairbank, of conflicting local opinions about climate
Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (Metz change, some communities are eager to con-
and Below 2009). tribute to the nation’s energy independence.
Local governments willing to search
M o bili z e t h e P o litical W ill actively for new energy generation options,
Given the general skepticism present in for example, often find that those policies play
many western communities, officials in the an important role in reviving declining rural
research survey indicated that they often shift economies. Emphasizing the energy efficien-
discussion of climate change in their public cy and independence aspects of such strate-
planning meetings to describe sustainability gies, rather than climate change itself, may
or economic efficiency, noting that invoking strengthen community support for the mea-
climate change per se can sometimes result sures. Focusing on the cost savings of land
in opposition to any proposal. use–related actions, such as those provided
Most officials also recommended high- by energy efficient building practices, rather
lighting the co-benefits of policies that ad- than on their climate change mitigation and
dress climate change: less pollution, lower adaptation value, may also be an effective
energy use, more green spaces, more hous- strategy to overcoming political barriers
ing and transportation choices, greater local in some areas.
independence, and, most important, cost Drawing upon state-level climate action
savings that can result from cost-benefit plans may be another effective local strategy.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 41

In part this reflects the lack of direct con-

trol employed by most western states in local
land use planning. The states do not prescribe
the amount, kind, or quality of development.
But this is also partly due to the lack of ana-
lytic tools that would allow either state or
local decision makers to better understand
how different patterns of growth or develop-
ment types affect greenhouse gas emissions.
A recent Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
report, Urban Planning Tools for Climate Change
Mitigation, documents the current state of
knowledge and calls for improvements in
this important piece of the puzzle (Condon,
Cavens, and Miller 2009).
As the details of state climate action
plans demonstrate, many climate change
mitigation strategies are most effectively
Stakeholders discuss The collaborative process through which implemented at the local level. Counties,
fragile desert lands near these policies are created engenders wide- cities, and towns are also the most appropri-
Phoenix, Arizona.
spread political support from diverse sectors ate level of government to tackle the adap-
within the state. Highlighting the participa- tation actions that must take place to climate-
tion of respected officials already involved in proof communities. The process of many
the state climate action planning process and communities taking action to reduce their
recruiting them as messengers about the bene- carbon footprint would undoubtedly lead
fits of policies to address climate change can to cumulative reductions in greenhouse gas
be a convincing strategy for local commu- emissions and mitigation on a larger scale.
nities as well. Improved public education and infor-
mation about the local impacts of climate
R ec o g n i z e L o cal A cti o n change are critical to foster better citizen
a n d C iti z e n Participati o n participation in local action planning. But
Given that many state climate action plan the planning community is not always the
policies require local implementation, yield- best messenger of a public education cam-
ing nearly 20 percent of the emissions re- paign designed to raise awareness about
ductions in some states, it is essential to better anthropogenic climate change. Instead, plan-
coordinate and integrate state and local ners may be better positioned to emphasize
activities on climate change. If the current the many co-benefits that respond to climate
disconnect continues, many western states impacts, such as cost savings, efficiency fea-
will be unable to meet their statewide goals. tures, and improved quality of life resulting
For example, the state plans might point from actions taken to lower a community’s
to employing smart growth strategies in their carbon footprint.
menus of policy options. But the extent to The Sonoran Institute has many years
which smart growth practices will need to of experience in working successfully with
be employed within each local jurisdiction local communities in the Intermountain
is not well understood or communicated. West. Through that work, five critical

42 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


elements called Hallmarks of Successful development in the community in terms

Communities have been identified in com- of economic contribution and quality of
munities that have coped effectively with life enhancements.
challenges from growth and change. These 4. Effectively manage growth and change by using
elements are important for gaining broad a wide variety of regulatory and nonregu-
public support for policies that not only en- latory strategies and tools to protect or
able a community to cope with growth and enhance local assets and by promoting
change, but make the community more more sustainable patterns of growth.
climate-resilient: 5. Value leadership and cultivate local leaders who
have the political courage and commit-
1. Develop a broadly shared vision of the future ment to a community vision that extends
through an inclusive process that engages beyond a typical two- to six-year election
diverse stakeholders in the community cycle. These leaders can be a tremendous
and encourages constructive, informed asset in enabling communities to prepare
dialogue. for the impacts of a changing environment.
2. Understand the local economy within the context
of regional, national, and global economies, As demonstrated by reviewing the various
and develop policy changes that will honor strategies in state climate action plans that
a community’s traditions while preparing pertain to local governments, there are a
it for future economic prosperity. host of co-benefits associated with gaining
3. Understand natural and cultural assets and buy-in from the majority. By engaging
their influence on population growth and diverse community stakeholders in the


C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 43

development of a plan to address the im- true in the transportation sector, as most
pacts of climate change, public and political planning and infrastructure development
support for those policy changes can be ob- for roads, highways, and transit are most
tained on the front end, removing one of the appropriately handled at a regional scale.
more significant barriers to local action. Conservation planning, water management,
and energy planning are also best done at
E stablis h P eer C o m m u n ity a regional scale.
Netw o r k s o n a R e g i o n al Communities will need guidance to iden-
S cale tify activities and strategies that are best ac-
Communities need a road map, with tools complished at the regional rather than local
and best practices from peer communities, level and to develop approaches to improve
to assist them in taking concrete steps to im- coordination among neighboring jurisdic-
plement climate policies. Considering that tions. The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
most western states have drafted climate as part of its joint venture work with the
action plans that will need to be implemented University of Montana’s Center for Natural
at the local level, it is likely that a broader Resources and Environmental Policy, has
range of western communities will soon be developed a set of core principles for regional
in a position to share their best practices and collaboration (McKinney and Johnson 2009).
lessons learned. The establishment of peer Many regional initiatives emerge in
learning networks could change the percep- response to a growing threat that cannot
tion that few municipalities are addressing be addressed solely by local jurisdictions.
climate change issues and make best prac- Climate change certainly fits this description
tices more widely available across the and creates an opportunity to develop a de-
Intermountain West. liberative and thoughtful regional response
When asked what kind of information that involves multiple jurisdictions.
might help them develop policies to address
climate change, officials interviewed in the I de n tify R es o u rces a n d
survey most often mentioned case studies. a Variety o f Opti o n s
They sought studies that would demonstrate The good news is that many of the actions
the economic benefits of adopting climate planners can implement to mitigate and
change policies, highlight clear and action- adapt to climate change will actually result
able steps, and indicate what metrics could in significant short-term savings to their
be used to measure the effectiveness of the communities, as well as additional long-
policies. Officials emphasized that these stud- term benefits. In places where costs are a
ies should come from communities compa- major stumbling block, it may prove more
rable to their own in size, climate, economy, effective to start with policies that result
and political culture. They wanted the infor- in significant cost savings, and plan for a
mation to be concise, and whenever possible longer time frame for adoption of other
they would prefer to exchange information more expensive measures.
in person at local conferences or through Providing a menu of flexible options
direct presentations. rather than a rigid recipe of only one way
Many local-level actions necessary to to integrate climate change information into
address climate change have a significant planning could be the best option. Such an
regional component that requires interac- approach would allow planners to choose
tions across jurisdictions. This is particularly the policies most likely to have the greatest

44 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


impact in their communities in terms of Box 10

both reducing emissions and promoting ad- Denver’s Greenprint Program
aptation. Moreover, they could garner the
necessary support and resources for imple-
mentation of such policies and provide the T he Greenprint Denver initiative started in 2006, shortly after the
mayor joined the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection
Agreement. This program charts an action agenda for the city over
additional benefits most desired by the
community (box 10). a five-year period to meet goals for sustainability, energy efficiency,
In determining the highest value actions, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, land use and transportation,
in terms of cost-effectiveness and greenhouse natural resource protection, and more (Richards 2009). Among its
gas reduction potential, the state climate goals for the year 2011 are:
action plans give local governments a Multimodal Transportation
tremendous leg up. Local officials can then • Continue implementation of FasTracks and Denver Union Station
select the highest value strategies from the projects, to transport up to half a million people every day.
state’s list of options.
• Complete additional transportation connections that support
Given the obstacles facing local gov-
multimodal transportation options for more of Denver’s citizens.
ernments in terms of costs, capacity, and
By 2030, 41 percent of Denver’s job growth (70,000 jobs) and
political salability for climate change poli-
30 percent of Denver’s population growth (22,000 households)
cies, it will be important to tailor the
will be located in Denver’s new transit zones.
approach to an individual community’s
unique circumstances. In some cases, this Healthy Communities
may require expressing the policies in terms • Ensure 100 percent of Denver Public Schools have bike and
of economic development and hazard resil- walk-to-school programs.
ience, rather than as climate change policies Workplace Commuting
per se. Public participation in developing • Achieve and retain recognition in U.S. EPA’s “Best Workplaces
a vision or action plan for making the for Commuters” awards program.
community more resilient can also help
in overcoming barriers. Source: Greenprint Denver (
Even if a community is unable to devel-
op a holistic action plan for climate change,
local governments can still pluck the “low- A dapt C li m ate S cie n ce
hanging fruit” among the strategies outlined t o L o cal P la n n i n g Needs
in state climate action plans. For example, Several sources of climate change informa-
energy efficiency programs provide signifi- tion exist to fill this gap. Most state climate
cant cost savings to communities while also action plans contain a summary of climate
lowering their carbon footprint. change effects and impacts, based on the
Another common first step is to use scientific information available at the state
public buildings, parking areas, and road- level. Using such information at the local
ways as models for more sustainable and level requires some degree of downscaling,
carbon-neutral behavior. Local govern- however. University-based Regional Inte-
ment leaders can demonstrate innovation grated Science Assessments (RISAs) also
through iconic public buildings and other produce summaries of the changing climate
structures, and use them as models in pro- efforts of their regions.
moting or incentivizing similar efforts in The IPCC reports, particularly the Sum-
the private sector. maries for Policy Makers, translate climate
science to some degree, but this information

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 45

may still be considered complex. It also may of the eventual magnitude of climate
be at spatial or time scales that are inappro- change or the extent of its impacts
priate for local planning purposes. Some (Bark 2009).
of the most innovative policies for mitigating A critical first step for any jurisdiction
further climate change can be found in the in seeking to address the impacts of climate
growing number of municipal climate ac- change is to establish a baseline level of
tion plans. However, they take many differ- greenhouse gas emissions. Then it will be
ent forms, and many of the climate change possible to set a realistic target and measure
and sustainability policies in municipal local progress toward meeting emissions
plans also appear in state action plans. reduction goals or the impact of planning
Rather than waiting for new information decisions on the community’s carbon foot-
and tools to be developed or the science to print. Ongoing monitoring and measure-
be perfected, it may be more productive for ment of land use–related climate strategies
planners to focus on available information, such as the performance of buildings, urban
even if it is uncertain and imperfect for their form patterns, and transportation systems
purposes. For example, many cities may al- are equally important to ensure that these
ready be taking actions that are likely to pro- measures are meeting their objectives.
mote climate change mitigation and adapta- A greenhouse gas emissions inventory
tion as part of other efforts, such as sustain- and forecast provide an important bench-
ability, transportation, urban design, and mark for the community in measuring prog-
other types of planning. ress, as well as identifying those areas where
Other efforts might include educating the local government has been successful in
planners and other local decision makers lowering emissions. With this information,
to understand that the scientific assessment a local government can effectively pinpoint
of “very likely” is a high enough probability other strategies and sectors for increased
under which to implement some if not most mitigation or adaptation efforts, and build
policies, even if exact numbers cannot yet upon their success in developing policies
be determined. Some degree of uncertainty to address climate change.
is inherent in planning to mitigate or adapt
to climate change, just as it is in planning S u m m ary o f
for population growth or economic trends. R ec o m m e n dati o n s
One way to increase the comfort level Planners need to work closely with local
of planners is to examine climate science citizens and public officials to evaluate ways
from a planning perspective to discern the to implement changes that can both miti-
level of certainty planners actually need in gate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt
order to react with policy measures. For ex- to future impacts of the changing climate
ample, some decisions, such as how large of their region. This summary of recom-
storm water culverts must be or how far flood- mendations is designed to guide locally
plain restrictions should extend, require pre- appropriate climate action planning.
cise figures to maximize cost-effectiveness.
Others, such as green building and smart Mobilize the political will
growth policies, may not require such firm • Communities can focus on sustainability,
information, particularly if it can be made economic and energy efficiency, and the
clear that these “win-win” actions are likely co-benefits of local actions, rather than
to provide additional benefits regardless politically controversial policies and goals.

46 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


• Local governments in resource-rich areas

can contribute to the nation’s energy in-
dependence through new energy genera-
tion options.
• Successful local programs focus on cost
savings, energy-efficient building practices,
and other land use planning actions.
• State climate action plans and the partic-
ipation of respected state and local offi-
cials can provide support for local action.

Recognize local action and citizen

• Coordination of state and local activities
to address climate change is critical to
implement successful and long-term results.
• Local communities can reduce their
carbon footprint in many small ways
that lead to cumulative reductions
on a larger scale. Identify resources and a variety Residents review
• Improved public education and informa- of options plans at the Sonoran
Institute’s 2009
tion about the impacts of climate change • State climate action plans offer a variety
Community Design
will foster citizen participation and buy- of strategies from which communities can
Academy in Pinal
in for local programs. choose those most appropriate for their County, Arizona.
Establish peer community networks • Many climate action policies and prac-
on a regional scale tices have shown significant short-term
• Peer learning networks developed with savings as well as long-term benefits
guidance from state climate actions plans for communities.
can help smaller communities share ideas
and learn from each other. Adapt climate science to local
• Case studies are a valuable vehicle for planning needs
demonstrating the economic benefits of • An increasing number of reports, Web
local climate change policies. sites, and other resources are available to
• Many resources already exist to help com- translate climate science into information
munities work across jurisdictional boundaries that is accessible and useful for local plan-
to collaborate on regional land use plans ners and communities.
to address anticipated climate changes. • Resources exist to help communities de-
• A growing number of cities are develop- velop a baseline level of greenhouse gas
ing action plans that can serve as models emissions as a first step in ongoing moni-
for other communities. toring of climate strategies and results.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 47


Table A1
Green Building and Building Energy Efficiency Policies
GHG Reductions Percent of Cost-
(mmtCO2e) Total Potential effectiveness
State Green Building and Building Energy Efficiency Policies Total Reductions ($/tCO2e)
Western Average for all policies of this type (7 of the 8 states) 5.12 1.51 $35.94
Average for all policies of this type minus 5.05 1.47 -$25.53
California Solar Initiative (7 of the 8 states)

Arizona “Beyond code” building design incentives 18.00 2.79 -$17.00

and programs for smart growth
Building standards/codes for smart growth 14.00 2.17 -$18.00

California Building energy efficiency standards in place 2.14 1.55 -$190.31

Green Building Initiative 1.80 1.30 -$2.03

California Solar Initiative 0.92 0.66 $614.78

Colorado Energy efficiency audits and upgrades for existing state buildings Not quantified

High-performance state buildings: State buildings and Not quantified

buildings constructed with state funds must meet a high-performance
building standard equal to or exceeding LEED standards
Montana Building energy codes 1.60 1.28 -$10.00

“Beyond Code” building design incentives and mandatory programs 3.40 2.71 -$5.00

New Improved building codes 16.60 5.14 -$12.00

Solar hot-water-ready and solar PV-ready codes for new buildings Not quantified

Solar hot water systems as an element Not quantified

of building codes for new buildings
Building energy performance requirements for state-funded 0.20 0.06 $1.00
and other government buildings (“reach codes”)
Building energy performance promotion and incentives 7.40 2.29 -$2.00
for energy performance enhancements (attaining “reach codes”)
in nongovernment buildings (including existing buildings)
Oregon None    
Utah Incentives for improved design and construction Not quantified
(Energy Star, LEED, green buildings)
Improved building codes

Solar hot water and photovoltaic codes for new buildings

Washington State green buildings--electricity savings 0.70 0.16 Not quantified

State green buildings--gas savings 0.60 0.13

Building codes--electricity savings 2.30 0.51

Building codes–gas savings 2.00 0.45

Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

48 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Table A2
Land Use and Transportation Policies
GHG Reductions Percent of Total Cost-effectiveness
State Land Use and Transportation Policies (mmtCO2e) Total Potential Reductions ($/tCO2e)
Western States Full suite of land use and transportation policies 13.81 4.59 n/a
Arizona Smart growth bundle of options 26.70 4.14 $0.00
California Measures to improve transportation energy efficiency 18.67 13.48 $0.00
and smart land use and intelligent transportation

Transportation policy implementation Not quantified

Colorado Recognize community excellence in land Not quantified
use and transportation in the Governor’s Annual
Awards of Excellence in Sustainability
Montana Growth and development bundle 0.77 0.61 <$0
(smart growth policies)

Transportation system management Not quantified

New Mexico Transportation and land use Not quantified
incentive/disincentive options bundle

Infill, brownfield redevelopment 13.40 4.15 Zero net

costs or positive
Transit-oriented development
cost savings
Smart growth planning, modeling, tools
Multimodal transportation bundle
Promote LEED for neighborhood development
Oregon Integrate land use and transportation 0.40 Not quantified Cost-effective
decisions with greenhouse gas consequences

Incorporate greenhouse gas emission impacts n/a Cost-effective

into transportation planning decisions

Set and meet goals for freight (truck/rail) n/a Unknown if

transportation efficiency; achieve this through cost-effective
equipment, coordination and land use
Improve mass transit and inter-city transit links n/a n/a
Utah Develop and implement Estimates Not quantified Estimates
aggressive mass transit strategy based on average based on average
GHG emissions GHG emissions
Quality (smart) growth programs (i.e., 13% of reduction cost reduction cost
new development in walkable, mixed-use districts) estimates from estimates from
Explore funding options for suite of other states. other states.
transportation and land use options

Washington Promote compact and transit-oriented development 14.85 3.31 Not quantified
State, regional, and local VMT 36.70 8.19
reduction goals and standards

Local transportation financing tools and bicycle 1.30 0.29

and pedestrian infrastructure improvements

Promotion and incentives for improved 11.50 2.57 -$17.00

community planning and improved design and
construction (third-party sustainability, green, and
energy efficiency building certification programs)
in the private and nonstate public sectors
Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 49

Table A3
Land Use–Related Energy Policies
GHG Reductions Percent of Total effectiveness
State Land Use–Related Energy Policies (mmtCO2e) Total Potential Reductions ($/tCO2e)

Support for distributed and other renewables 6.14 1.14 $36.80

Western States (5 of the 8 states)
Averages Support for combined heat and power 9.03 2.78 -$1.67
(5 of the 8 states)
Distributed generation/combined heat and power 16.00 2.48 -$25.00

Reduce barriers to renewables 16.00 2.48 -$25.00

and clean distributed generation
Distributed generation/renewable energy applications 10.00 1.55 $31.00

California None      
Colorado None      
Distributed renewables 0.80 0.64 $21.00
Combined heat and power 5.00 3.98 $16.00
Incentives and promotion for renewable energy Not quantified n/a
and clean combined heat and power

Regulatory/legislative grid, pricing, and other

New Mexico policies to support distributed generation Not quantified n/a
Incentives and barrier reductions for 6.10 1.89 $4.00
combined heat and power (CHP)

Financial incentives for distributed renewables 1.60 0.50 $105.00

Oregon None      
Promote combined heat and power Estimates Not quantified Estimates
distributed generation using incentives and based on average based on average
removing institutional and other barriers GHG emissions GHG emissions
reduction cost reduction cost
Utah Distributed generation with combined estimates from estimates from
heat and power systems other states. other states.

Distributed generation with renewable

energy applications
Distributed renewable energy incentives 2.30 0.51 $52.00
and/or barrier removal
Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

50 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Table A4
Land Use–Related Water Policies
Percent of Cost-
Land Use–Related GHG Reductions Total Potential effectiveness
State Water Policies (mmtCO2e) Total Reductions ($/tCO2e)
Arizona Water use and 6.00 0.93 n/a
wastewater management
California Water use efficiency 0.51 0.37 -$528.09
Colorado Plan for severe drought, Not quantified
flooding, and other risks
of climate change
Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

Table A5
Agriculture and Open Space Policies
Percent of Cost-
GHG Reductions Total Potential effectiveness
State Agriculture and Open Space Policies (mmtCO2e) Total Reductions ($/tCO2e)
Western Preserve open space/agricultural 3.44 0.79 $43.76
States land (5 of the 8 states)
Support local farming/buy 2.04 0.65 $ 3.73
local (4 of the 8 states)
Arizona Reduce conversion of farm and 1.60 0.25 $65.00
rangelands to developed uses
Programs to support 0.10 0.02 $6.00
local farming/buy local
California None      
Colorado None      
Montana Preserve open space and 0.12 0.10 $32.00
working lands—agriculture
Programs to promote $5.00
0.12 0.10
local food and fiber
New Reduce permanent conversion 1.60 0.50 $62.00
Mexico of agricultural land and rangeland
to developed uses
Programs to support 5.90 1.83 $0.20
local farming/buy local
Oregon None      
Utah Preserve open space/agricultural land Not quantified
Washington Preserve open space/agricultural land 10.42 2.33 $16.05
Support for an integrated Not quantified
regional food system
Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 51

Table A6
Forestry and Wildfire Policies
Percent of Cost-
GHG Reductions Total Potential effectiveness
State Forestry and Wildfire Policies (mmtCO2e) Total Reductions ($/tCO2e)
Western Forestland protection from development (6 of the 8 states) 1.55 2.35 $10.50
Forest planning/management for residential lands (4 of the 8 states) 4.45 0.88 -$33.50
Urban forestry (4 of the 8 states) 0.31 0.33 $11.50

Fire management and risk reduction (2 of the 8 states) not quantified

Arizona Forest ecosystem management—residential lands 6.40 0.99 -$21.00

Forestland protection from developed uses 3.70 0.57 $17.00

California Forest conservation 0.40 0.29 $0.00

Urban forestry 0.88 0.64 $37.50

Colorado Reduce risk of wildfires through improved forest Not quantified

planning and greater use of forest biomass
Montana Preserve open space and working lands—forests 0.90 0.72 $3.00

Afforestation/reforestation programs—urban trees 0.04 0.03 -$3.00

New Forestland protection from developed uses 1.20 0.37 $22.00

Forest health & restoration—residential lands 2.50 0.77 -$46.00

Oregon None  

Utah Protect forestland by reduced conversion to nonforest land Not quantified

Increase fire management and risk reduction programs

Promoting urban and community trees

Washington Reduced conversion to nonforest cover 26.80 5.98 $22.00

Urban and community forests 1.40 0.31 -$122.00

Source: Adapted from individual state climate action plans.

52 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


r e f e r e nc e s

*Bark, R. 2009. Assessment of climate change McKinney, M. J., and S. Johnson. 2009. Working ———. 2009c. U.S. States and Regions: Western
impacts on local economies. Working Paper. across boundaries: People, nature, and regions. Cam- Climate Initiative.
Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land bridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. WesternClimateInitiative
Meko, D.M., C.A. Woodhouse, C.H. Baisan, Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency. 2009.
*Carter, R. 2008. Land use planning and the T. Knight, J.J. Lukas, M.K. Hughes, and M.W. Energy efficient buildings: Overcoming the barri-
changing climate of the West. Working Paper. Salzer. 2007. Medieval drought in the upper Col- ers.
Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land orado River basin. Geophysical Research Letters 34, buildings.php
Policy. L10705, doi: 10.1029/2007GL029988 (May 24).
Resources for the Future. 2008. Weekly Policy
Center for Climate Strategies. 2009. Mission *Metz, D., and C. Below. 2009. Local land use plan- Commentary (November).
statement. ning and climate change policy: Summary report WPC/Pages/11_10_08_California_Solar_Initiative.
from focus groups and interviews with local officials aspx
Colorado River Water Users Association. 2009. in the Intermountain West. Working Paper. Cam- bridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. *Richards, T. 2009. Driving climate change
cfm?action=california mitigation at multiple levels of governance in the
National Academy of Sciences. 2007. Report West. Working Paper. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln
Condon, P. M., D. Cavens, and N. Miller. 2009. in brief. Colorado river basin water management: Institute of Land Policy.
Urban planning tools for climate change mitigation. Cam- Evaluating and adjusting to hydroclimatic vari-
bridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. ability. Running, S. 2006. Is global warming causing
river_management_final.pdf more, larger wildfires? Science 313 (5789):
Energy Information Administration. 2006. 927–928.
Emissions of greenhouse gases in the United States 2005. Nelson, A.C. 2004. Toward a new metropolis:
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy. The opportunity to rebuild America. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy. 2009. Weatheriza-
Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy tion and intergovernmental program. Energy
Ewing, R., K. Bartholomew, S. Winkelman, J. Program. efficiency and conservation block grants. http://
Walters, and D. Chen. 2008. Growing cooler: The
evidence on urban development and climate change. NOAA National Climatic Data Center. 2006.
Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute. 1980-2006 billion dollar weather disasters. www. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2006. Greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation
Flannigan, M., K. Logan, B. Amiro, W. Skinner, sector. EPA 420 R 06 003 (March).
and B. Stocks. 2005. Future area burned in Northern Arizona University. 2005. Center for
Canada. Climatic Change 72 (September): 1–16. Sustainable Environments. The Water and Ener- ———. 2009. Climate Change – Science.
gy Factsheet.
Gibson, K., K. Skov, S. Kegley, C. Jorgensen, water_energy_factsheet.asp
S. Smith, and J. Witcosky. 2008. Mountain pinebeetle Wayburn, L. A. 2009. The role of forests in U.S.
impacts in high-elevation five-needle pines: Current trends Perry, M. 2007. Remarks of Co-Chair of IPCC climate policy. Land Lines 21(4): 2–7 (October).
and challenges. USDA Forest Service, Forest Working Group 2, UK Met Office, Center for
Health Protection R1-08-020. Environmental Policy, Imperial College, London. Westerling, A., H. Hidalgo, D. Cayan, and
Climate challenge: IPCC 4th assessment report and beyond. T. Swetnam. 2006. Warming and earlier spring
Gude, P., R. Rasker, and J. van den Noort. 2007. Presentation at Climate Changes Spatial Plan- increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity.
Potential for future development on fire-prone lands. ning Conference, The Hague, Netherlands. Science 313 (5789): 940–943.
Bozeman, MT: Headwaters Economics. http:// 313/5789/940-943 Pew Center on Global Climate Change. 2009a.
script_9-28-07.pdf Climate change 101: Cap and trade. www.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Jan09.pdf * These working papers were commissioned
(IPCC). 2007. Climate change 2007: Synthesis by Western Lands and Communities as part
report. ———. 2009b. Regional greenhouse gas of the analysis for this policy focus report.
ar4_syr.pdf initiative.

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 53


Nati o n al Ocea n ic & At m o sp h eric A ss o ciati o n ( NO A A ) , C li m ate P r o g ra m Office ,

R e g i o n al I n te g rated S cie n ces a n d A ssess m e n ts ( R I S A s )

“The Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program supports research that addresses complex
climate sensitive issues of concern to decision-makers and policy planners at a regional level. The RISA research
team members are primarily based at universities though some of the team members are based at government
research facilities, non-profit organizations or private sector entities. Traditionally the research has focused on the
fisheries, water, wildfire, and agriculture sectors. The program also supports research into climate sensitive public
health issues. Recently, coastal restoration has also become an important research focus for some of the teams.”

RISAs in the Western United States

RISA Name Covered Research Focus Land Use Planning Information/Projects
California Applications California Water Resource Management, Forest Water resources and wildfire planning
Program (CAP) Nevada Fires, Snow Pack, Human Health

Climate Assessment for Arizona Forestry, Water Resource Community vulnerability, economics and
the Southwest (CLIMAS) New Mexico Management, Forest Fires, Agriculture, sectoral assessments, urban water studies
Snow Pack, Human Health

Climate Impacts Group (CIG) Idaho Fisheries, Water Resource Emphasis on intersection of climate
Oregon Management, Forestry, Snow Pack change and public policy; coauthored
Washington ICLEI adaptation guide

Western Water Assessment Colorado Agriculture, Water Resource Water resources and policy
(WWA) Utah Management, Snow Pack

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Climate Assessment for the Western Water Assessment (WWA)
Association (NOAA) Southwest (CLIMAS) NOAA Earth System Research
Climate Program Office Institute for the Study of Planet Earth Laboratory
Silver Spring Metro Center University of Arizona R/PSD 325 Broadway
Bldg 3, Room 11627 PO Box 210156 Boulder, CO 80305
1315 East-West Highway Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: (303) 497-4573
Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: (520) 792-8712
Phone: (301) 301-734-1200
Climate Impacts Group (CIG)
California Applications Program (CAP) Center for Science in the Earth System
Scripps Institution of Oceanography Joint Institute for the Study of the
University of California - San Diego Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO)
9500 Gilman Drive University of Washington
La Jolla, CA 92093-0224 Box 355672
Phone: (858) 534-4507 Seattle, WA 98195-5672 Phone: (206) 616-5350

54 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy


Ot h er Or g a n i z ati o n s W ester n S tate Ot h er C li m ate A cti o n

C li m ate A cti o n P la n s R es o u rces
Center for Clean Air Policy
750 First Street, NE Alaska American Planning Association
Suite 940 Green Communities Research Center
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 408-9260 Arizona index.htm
Key Publication: Ask the Climate California American Planning Association and
Question: Adapting to Climate Change Environmental and Energy Study
Impacts in Urban Regions index.html Institute–Planners Energy and Climate
Colorado Database
Center for Climate Strategies
1899 L Street, NW index.htm
Suite 900 Montana
Washington, DC 20036
Boulder County ClimateSmart
Phone: (703) 691-3064 Nevada Loan Program
New Mexico
Clean Air Partnership California Governor’s Office
75 Elizabeth Street of Planning and Research
Toronto, ON M5G 1P4 Oregon
Phone: (416) 392-6672
index.html GWC/index.shtml
Key Publication: Cities Preparing Utah City of Aspen Canary Initiative
for Climate Change
The H. John Heinz III Center Washington Colorado Governor’s Energy Office
for Science, Economics and the and University of Colorado Center for
Environment overview.htm
Energy and Environmental Security
900 17th Street, NW Colorado Energy Profile
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: (202) 737-6307 Greenprint Denver
Key Publication: A Survey of Climate
Change Adaptation Planning Institute for Local Government
CAPCOA Model Policies for
ICLEI–Local Governments Greenhouse Gases in General Plans
for Sustainability USA
436 14th Street
Suite 1520 State and Municipal Climate Change
Oakland, CA 94612 Plans: The First Generation, by Stephen
Phone: (510) 844-0699 M. Wheeler, University of California, Davis, in Journal of the American
Key Publication: Preparing for Climate Planning Association, September 2008.
Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional,
and State Governments wheeler/

Western Climate Initiative

C a r t e r a n d C u l p ● P l a n n i n g f o r C l i m at e C h a n g e i n t h e W e s t 55

a c k now l e d g m e n t s

The authors wish to recognize a number recommending steps for implementing • Meghan Sharp, International City/
of individuals and organizations for their climate change policies included in County Management Association
support and assistance with the devel- this report. (ICMA), Washington, DC
opment of this publication. Beyond the • John Shepard, Strategic and Program
general support of the Lincoln Institute Western Lands and Communities also Advancement, Sonoran Institute,
of Land Policy and the Sonoran Institute, conducted a Climate Change Workshop Tucson, Arizona
the 10 western state climate action in February 2008 in Phoenix, Arizona. • Karen Walz, Strategic Community
plans provided the backbone of this The following academic and policy ex- Solutions, Dallas, Texas
research document. perts added valuable advice for this • Stephen Wheeler, Department
report. The list reflects their affiliations of Environmental Design, University
The contributors noted below authored at the time of the workshop. of California, Davis
significant climate change research that • Armando Carbonell, Department • Rachel Winer, Idaho Smart Growth,
we drew on for this report: of Planning and Urban Form, Lincoln Boise, Idaho
• Emily Brott, Sun Corridor Legacy Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge,
Program, Sonoran Institute, Tucson, Massachusetts We extend a special thank you to several
Arizona • Scott Chesney, Economic Development climate change experts for their exten-
• John Fregonese, Fregonese Associ- Director, City of El Mirage, Arizona sive comments and recommendations
ates, Portland, Oregon • Patrick Condon, Landscape Architec- in reviewing this report.
• Jesse A. Logan, USDA Forest Service ture Program and Environmental • Angela Vincent, ICLEI–Local Govern-
(retired), Emigrant, Montana Design Program, University of British ments for Sustainability, Boston,
• Peter Pollock, Ronald Smith Fellow, Columbia, Vancouver Massachusetts
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, • Josh Foster, Transition of Research • Matthias Ruth, School of Public Policy,
Boulder, Colorado Applications to Climate Services University of Maryland, College Park
• Timothy Richards, Onslow County Program, National Oceanic and Atmo- • Joe Abraham, Climate Assessment for
Planning and Development Depart- spheric Administration (NOAA), Silver the Southwest (CLIMAS), University
ment, Jacksonville, North Carolina Spring, Maryland of Arizona, Tucson
• Connie A. Woodhouse, Department • Gregg Garfin, Institute for the Study • Andrea (Andy) Hill, Colorado Depart-
of Geography and Regional Develop- of Planet Earth, University of Arizona, ment of Local Affairs, Denver
ment, and David M. Meko, Laboratory Tucson • Mark Ruzzin, Boulder County Com-
of Tree-Ring Research, University of • Sharon Harlan, School of Human missioners’ Office, Boulder, Colorado
Arizona, Tucson Evolution and Social Change, Arizona • Kathy Jacobs, Department of Soil,
State University, Tempe Water, and Environmental Science,
The opinion research survey in spring • Ken Hughes, Energy, Minerals, University of Arizona, Tucson
2009 by Dave Metz and Curt Below of and Natural Resources Department,
Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Asso- State of New Mexico, Santa Fe Finally, a debt of gratitude is owed
ciates of Oakland, California, was critically • Andy Laurenzi, Land and Water Policy to Judy Crawford and Mia Stier with
important. The team conducted focus Program, Sonoran Institute, Phoenix, the Sonoran Institute and Ann LeRoyer
groups and individual telephone interviews Arizona with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
on behalf of Western Lands and Com- • Lewison Lem, Center for Climate who each spent countless hours review-
munities to better understand how local Strategies, San Francisco, California ing and editing this report to bring it
officials in the Intermountain West are • Peter Pollock, Ronald Smith Fellow, into its final form.
addressing (or not addressing) climate Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
change in their planning and local land Boulder, Colorado
use decisions. Their research proved • Mark Ruzzin, ICLEI–Local Governments
invaluable for identifying barriers and for Sustainability, Denver, Colorado

56 policy focus report ● Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

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To download a free copy of this report or
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For additional information on discounted
Rebecca Carter is a foreign service environment officer with the U.S. Agency prices for bookstores, multiple-copy orders,
for International Development being posted to Indonesia.* She was formerly the and shipping and handling costs, send your
adaptation manager for ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, and climate inquiry to
change analyst with the Sonoran Institute. She holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in cultural
anthropology with a minor in law, and a B.A. in journalism and interdisciplinary
studies in ecology, geography, and anthropology, from the University of Arizona. Production Credits
P roject M anager & E ditor
* The views expressed in this report are those of the author herself and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development
Ann LeRoyer
or the U.S. government. D esign & P roduction
DG Communications/
Susan Culp is project manager for Western Lands and Communities, where
P rinting
she manages research and policy analysis projects associated with the joint Recycled Paper Printing, Boston
venture of the Sonoran Institute and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. She was
previously executive director of the Arizona League of Conservation Voters.
She holds a master’s degree in public administration and policy with a focus 92%

on natural resources from the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Business Cert no. SCS-COC-001366
and Public Administration and a B.A. in marine biology from the University
of California at Santa Cruz.
ab o u t t h e L i n c o l n I n stit u te o f L a n d P o licy Index Open, cover Valley Advocates for Responsible
Development, 2
Lincoln Institute is a private operating foundation whose mission is to, 4, 25, 27
improve the quality of public debate and decisions in the areas of land policy Sarah Pitcher, 5
and land-related taxation in the United States and around the world. The In- Louise Lasley, 8
stitute’s goals are to integrate theory and practice to better shape land policy John Crossley, 9
and to provide a nonpartisan forum for discussion of the multidisciplinary Portland Development Commission, 10
forces that influence public policy. The Institute seeks to inform decision Sonoran Institute, 18, 40
making through education, research, demonstration projects, and the dis- Mark Delsasso (Courtesy of the City of
Tempe), 23
semination of information through publications, our Web site, and other
Utah Transit Authority, 26
media. Lincoln Institute programs bring together scholars, practitioners,
Emily Brott, Sonoran Institute, 29
public officials, policy advisers, and involved citizens in a collegial learning Erik Stuhaug (Courtesy of Seattle Municipal
environment. Photo Archives), 30
Victoria Collier, 32
Van Truan, 34
ab o u t t h e S o n o ra n I n stit u te Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, 37 Clark Anderson, 39
Ann LeRoyer, 41, 43
The Sonoran Institute inspires and enables community decisions and
Judy Crawford, Sonoran Institute, 42
public policies that respect the land and people of western North America. Fernanda Falbo, Sonoran Institute, 47
The Institute provides tools, training, and research information for managing
growth and change, and encourages broad participation, collaboration,
and big-picture thinking to create practical solutions.

A B OU T W E S T E R N L A N D S A N D C OMMUN I T I E S 113 Brattle Street

Cambridge, MA 02138-3400 USA
Western Lands and Communities is a partnership of the Lincoln Institute
and the Sonoran Institute that takes a long-term strategic perspective on
Phone: 617-661-3016 x127 or
shaping growth, sustaining cities, protecting resources, and empowering 800-LAND-USE (800-526-3873)
communities in the Intermountain West.
Fax: 617-661-7235 or
800-LAND-944 (800-526-3944)
Planning for Climate Change in the West
The primarily arid landscapes of the Intermountain West include all or a portion of 11 states west of the Rocky
Mountains. This seemingly boundless region has been shaped since its European settlement by dramatic fluctuations
in its water and energy resources, land use patterns, economy, and a climate known for its extremes. Recent trends
in all of these forces fueled by rapid growth and change must be altered if the region is to achieve sustainability.

This report underscores the critical role of local planners in confronting the challenges posed by climate change
and acting in concert with federal, regional, and state efforts to implement mitigation and adaptation policies. Of
particular value for western planners are state-produced climate action plans that can guide local actions to miti-
gate and adapt to climate change. These state plans contain myriad policy options that not only quantify potential
greenhouse gas emissions reductions, but also provide specific policy language and cost-effectiveness measures.

In most communities, land use and transportation policies potentially reap the greatest rewards. An array of famil-
iar smart growth strategies for creating healthier communities now double as climate solutions: building codes and
standards, compact mixed-use development, transportation alternatives, distributed and renewable energy, water
resource consumption and planning, preservation of open space and agriculture, and mitigation of wildfire impacts.

This report encourages planners to take an active role in overcoming barriers to local action by taking positive
steps to integrate climate-oriented policies into their land use and development agendas as follows:
• Mobilize the political will. Focus on sustainability, economic and energy efficiency, and the co-benefits of local
actions, rather than politically controversial policies and goals.
• Recognize local action and citizen participation. Coordinate state and local activities to address climate
change, and use public education about climate change impacts to foster citizen participation and buy-in
for local programs.
• Establish peer community networks on a regional scale. Develop peer learning networks with guidance from
state climate action plans and regional initiatives to help smaller communities share ideas and learn from
each other.
• Identify resources and a variety of options. Refer to state climate action plans region-wide for a variety of
strategies and ideas that communities can select and apply to their own needs and circumstances.
• Adapt climate science to local planning needs. Seek out current information and tools in reports, Web sites,
and other resources that can help planners translate available climate science for local use, and develop
a baseline level of GHGs as a first step in measuring climate strategies and results.

ISBN 978-1-55844-203-0

ISBN 978-1-55844-203-0
Policy Focus Report/Code PF024

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