Pre-Intermediate Test Part 2

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Name ____________________________________________________________________

Grade ________________________

E-mail ____________________________________

Final Test - B1 level

1 Listen to two voicemail messages. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1) The two people are calling a woman named Juliet.


First message
2) Sandy and some friends want to go dancing on Saturday night. ______
3) Some of the group are going to eat at Sandys house first.


4) Everyone is meeting at ten o'clock outside the club.


5) They will probably go home by taxi.


Second message
6) Juliets father wants to organise a party for his wife.


7) The party is going to be on the 8 .


8) Juliet's grandmother is going to stay for a week.


9) Its OK for Juliet to talk to her mother about the party.


2 A listen to the man talking about his life. Choose the correct answer.
1) How did the man feel when he worked for a multinational company?
a) satisfied

b) stressed

c) bored

2) How many hours a day did he work?

a) 10 hours

b) l2 hours

c) l4 hours

3) His friends thought that he should

a) work harder

b) find an easier job

c) move to the country.

4) How long has he had his own company?

a) a year

b) six months

c) a year and a half

5) How does he get to his new office?

a) he drives

b) he walks

c) he takes a train

6) Where do his wifes parents live?

a) in London

b) in the same village

c) in the next village

7) Who has he borrowed money from?

a) his wifes parents

b) his friends

c) the bank

8) What would he do if he won the lottery?

a) hed continue working.
b) hed stop working.
c) hed move back to the city.


1 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

If we ____________________ (find) a nice pub, we ____________________ (stop)

for lunch.

2) If I ____________________ (see) your girlfriend, I ____________________ (give)

her your message.
3) She ____________________ (miss) the train if she ____________________ (not











____________________ (have) an accident.

5) We ____________________ (call) a taxi if the bus ____________________ (not
arrive) soon.
6) What ____________ they ______________ (do) if they ____________________
(lose) ail their money?
7) Your









____________________ (run).
8) Sarah ____________________ (not pass) her exams if she ____________________
(not study).
9) Where







____________________ (not nd) a hotel?


2 Choose the correct words or phrases.

1) Hell call us when / until he arrives.
2) I think I'll do my homework if / before 1 go out.
3) Ill travel round the world after / before I retire because I'll have more time than.
4) We stayed there until / as soon as the restaurant closed.
5) Before / If there isnt enough time to walk, we'll take a taxi.
6) I promise Ill call you until / as soon as I get my exam results.
3 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.

a) sit down
f) get on with

b) go out with
g) turn up

c) put up with
h) take off

d) give up

e) look after

i) move in

1) Please ____________________ . Mr Brown will see you in a few minutes

2) Jules ____________________ two hours late yesterday!
3) Tara ____________ well ____________________ her parents.

4) The hotel guests had to ____________________ the noise from the bar.
5) Why dont you ____________________ smoking? Its bad for your health!
6) He ____________________ his clothes and jumped into the swimming pool.
7) A new couple have just ____________________ next door.
8) Could you ____________________ my cat for a few days?
9) Hes started ____________________ a new girlfriend.
4 Fill in the gaps with too, too much, too many or enough.
1) There arent ____________________ places for children to play.
2) He doesn't get ____________________ sleep.
3) Hes ____________________ tired to go to Robs party.
4) I dont think children spend ____________________ time doing exercise.
5) She always gives us ____________________ homework. It takes hours.
6) Shes got fifteen cats! Thats ____________________ .
7) Do we have ____________________ time for coffee?
5 Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive.
1) Rolls Royce cars ____________________ (manufacture) in the UK.
2) eBay ____________________ (use) by millions of people.
3) The plays Hamlet and Macbeth ____________________ (not write) by Charles
4) _______________ those houses _____________ (build) in the nineteenth century?
5) That handbag ____________________ (not make) of leather - its plastic.
6) Who ____________ that picture ______________ (paint) by?
7) In the 1950s, lots of new things ____________________ (invent).
6 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct active or passive form.
1) Our favourite restaurant ____________________ (call) The Lemon Tree.
2) A friend of mine ____________________ (buy) a beautiful painting last weekend.
3) Things that were owned by famous people ____________________ (sell) by
Christies every year.
4) ______________ many people_______________
shows these days?

(go) to the winter fashion

5) Millions of photos ____________________ (take) of Buckingham Palace every

6) Ian _______________ usually ______________ (not send) us a postcard when
hes on holiday.
7) ______________ those new museums _______________ (open) by the Queen
8) The Gucci fashion house ____________________ (design) beautiful bags and

7 Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or - .

Anita Roddick was born in 1942 in _________ small town on _________ south coast of
England called Littlehampton. Her mother and stepfather had _________ caf in
Littlehampton. Anita's mother took over _________ caf when her husband died and Anita
had to help after school and at _________ weekends.
Anita trained to be _________ teacher and then travelled round _________ world. She got
married to Gordon Roddick in 1971 and _________ couple opened _________ international
restaurant in Littlehampton.
While Gordon was abroad for two years in _________ 1970s, Anita opened _________ rst
Body Shop. The shop sold _________ beauty products made from plants and owers and has
never tested its products on _________ animals. Now there are over 1,800 shops in 49

8 Choose the correct words.

1) Thats the book who / which I gave you.
2) Is he the person which / that damaged your car?
3) Thats the shop which / where I bought those shoes.
4) I cant find the CD that / where I borrowed from you.
5) There is the doctor which / who helped my aunt.
6) This is the beach which / where we liked best.
7) Do you remember the market which / where you bought some videos?

9 Change these sentences into reported speech. Use said or told.

1) I want to earn more money. (John)
John ____________________________________________________________________
2) I need to learn English for my career. (Anna)
Anna ____________________________________________________________________
3) Were looking for a good language school. (Carlo and Maria)
Carlo and Maria ___________________________________________________________
4) Ill study in the evenings and at weekends. (Johann)
5) I cant take any time off work to study. (Robert to his teacher)
6) Im going to nd a job in Britain one day. (Marta to me)
7) We wont live in Britain all our lives. (Patricia and Pierre)
8) My family is very important to me. (Colin to his boss)
9) My brothers working for a computer company at the moment. (Sue)
10 Complete these rst and second conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
1) If he offered me a job, I ____________________ (accept) it.
2) If someone ____________________ (give) me a million pounds, Id stop working.
3) If he studies harder, he ____________________ (pass) his exam easily.
4) Cities would be much cleaner if there ____________________ (not/be) so many
5) If I ____________________ (can) do any job, Id work as a journalist.
6) What ______________ you ________________ (spend) the money on if you win the
7) If you ____________________ (not have) any children, would you look for a job
8) If someone told you to hold a tarantula, _____________ you ______________ (do)

11 Fill in the gaps in the conversation with these words and phrases.
a) speaking
g) have to

b) really sorry
h) this is

c) shall I

i) don't worry

d) could you help me

e) did she

f) oh, dear

j) that'd be

TOM: Tom Radford ___________________________ .

ANN: Hello, ___________________________ Ann Jones. Im _______________________,
but I cant come to dinner with you tomorrow. I ___________________________ go to see
my mother, in hospital.
TOM: ___________________________! What happened?
ANN: She had a car accident yesterday.
TOM: ___________________________ ? Thats terrible.
ANN: Luckily, shes not badly injured.
TOM: Good. Anyway, ___________________________ about dinner. We can do it another
ANN: Great. Tom, ___________________________ with something?
TOM: Yes, of course. What is it?
ANN: Im going to stay at my mothers house for ten days and I cant take my cat with me
TOM: ___________________________ look after it?
ANN: Oh, Tom. ___________________________ great. Thanks
12 Choose the correct verb form.
1) Many houses in the town were damaged / damaged by a serious ood in 2005.
2) More bad weather reported / was reported in Florida yesterday.
3) Extreme weather conditions have recorded / have been recorded recently.
4) Global warming will affect / will be affected a lot more places in the future.
5) Sea levels are rising / are being risen around the world.
6) People should teach / should be taught how to save energy.
7) Many places affect / are affected by strong winds.
8) A strange thing happened / was happened in our street yesterday
9) More records of temperature changes are keeping / are being kept these days.
10) Tickets must collect / must be collected at reception.
11) More people will lose / will be lost their homes in the future.

13 Fill in the gaps with these words and phrases.

a) some

b) any

h) a few

i) no

c) enough

d) loads of

e) little

f) too much

g) hardly any

1) Would you like ________________ cake?

2) Chris spends ________________ time working. He should have a holiday.
3) I can only say ________________ words in Chinese.
4) I had ________________ time to do my homework last night. Ive only written 50
5) My daughter's always on the phone. Shes got ________________ friends.
6) Weve got two small pizzas, but ________________ salad at all. That isn't
________________ food for six people.
7) I cant see ________________ potatoes in the cupboard either. I think weve run out.
8) There's a ________________ milk left in the fridge. It should be enough for two
14 Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.
1) Tania didn't speak very good French. She had lived in Paris for a year. (even though)
2) I couldn't sleep. I was very tired. (despite)
3) We went out for a walk. It was snowing. (in spite of)
4) I really enjoyed the party. There werent many people there. (although)
5) I was exhausted. I went to the party (even though)


Fill in the gaps in these conversations between a doctor and a patient with these

a) problem

b) sick

f) appointment
p) hurts

c) stop coughing

g) come back

k) should I take it

d) haven't been feeling

h) prescription

l) symptoms

i) allergic to

m) pills

e) have a look
j) how long have you

n) temperature

o) throat

DR: Now, what seems to be the ________________?
MIA: My chest _________________.
DR: Have you got any other _________________?
MIA: Yes, I feel _________________ all the time.
DR: Im just going to take your _________________. Hmm, its a bit high. Right, heres a
_________________ for some medicine.
MIA: How often _________________?
DR: Three times a day. Then _________________ in a week if yuure not feeling better.
ROB: I _________________ very well recently. I cant _________________ and I've got a
sore _________________.
DR: Do you know if youre _________________ anything?
ROB: I don't think so.
DR: And _________________ feeling like this?
ROB: For a few weeks now.
DR: Right, let me _________________ at you. Hmm. I think youve got an allergy. Take
these _________________ for a week.
ROB: Do I need to make another _________________?
DR: Not at the moment, no.

Complete the text using sentences a-g. There is one sentence you do not need.
a Sadly, things didn't go well for him.
b Were good at different things.
c In fact, its a family business.
d He ran up the stairs so fast, he fell over!
e We go to see them together, because none of our friends like them!
f But Robbie was different.
g I dont like working with him.

Family Fashion
Zara and Robbie both work in a fashion boutique in London. But they are more than just
colleagues they are brother and sister. ________. Their parents own the shop.
Zara on Robbie: We werent very close when we were young. I was eight years older than
my brother and we used to argue a lot. Then went to college and did a degree in fashion, and
started working for my father.
________. When he left college, he said he never wanted to work with his family. He tried to
go his own way. ________. So about two years ago he joined me in the family shop after all!
Actually, its worked out brilliantly. ________. Robbie is interested in display and the look of
the shop, but I decide what clothes we sell. We get on much better now, and even see each
other outside of work! Our business talents are different, but we both like the same music, and
love James Bond movies. ________.
And we have fun at work, too. Once Robbie was in the basement, and phoned down and said
Madonna was in the shop looking at trousers. Of course she wasnt, but Robbie believed me.
________. He was really angry with me at first, but then he saw the funny side of it!

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