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This competition was funded and organized as part of our (Christine and me) science

competition club. At first we were going to compete in the Science Decathlon Competition but it
got canceled this year due to lack of funds from the Sci Decath organization, so we decided to
participate in physics bowl

The official name of the competition is PHYSICS BOWL and the competition was actually just a
series of submitted tests from around the world. There was no actual facility where we had to
travel to. After our club has paid for and registered for the competition, the test packets would be
mailed to our club adviser, Mrs. Hester directly so we students would not be able to see the exam
material until the day of the test. Each year, approximately 10,000 students take this 40-question,
45-minute timed, multiple-choice test under school supervision. This years (2011) exam was
given on Wed before school on April 13, 2011 in Mrs. Hesters physics classroom under the
supervision of Mrs. Hester. (I dont remember the room number exactly). Participants in this
years physics bowl included members from our science club, as well as students in Hesters 2nd
and 3rd period AP Physics C classes.
There are 2 divisions for award distribution but most of us participated in Division 2 depending
on how many physics courses we have taken: Division I and Division II. Division I is for firstyear physics students and Division II is for second-year physics students. Each Division has 15
regions that have been established across the country to allow schools in each region to compete
against one another while specialized math and science schools compete in their own region. We
were competing in the region 14 competition
The participating students whom were already in AP physics prepared simply by continuing their
studies in class. We reminded them to study concepts not covered in class and told them what
concepts needed to be learned, but it was up to them to self study the topics. As for members of
our club, many of whom had only little physics experience, we provided them materials to study
and learn, but the majority was their self studying. We also give both the club members and the
AP physics students previous physics bowl tests to help practice.
Here is the Physics Bowl Website with all the event information and good stuff:
Here are the results:
Highlights include


George Du placed 8th nationwide in Division 2
Matthew Sorensen placed 4th nationwide in Division 2

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