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Free Printable Tarot Card Meanings Flashcards | Word Dynamo

Printable Tarot Card Meanings flash cards

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Created by Chris (

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The Fool

New Begining, Infinite Possibilities, Be

Careful of where you step, Blind
Adventuring, Renewel, Foolish

The Magcian

Vision of Glory or a Great Idea, Be Wary

of Con Men and Tricksters, New Ideas,
Becoming Eloquent, Charismatic, Clever,
Witty, Inventive and Persuasive,
Verbalize all your Ideas.

The High Priestess

Importent Decision needed to be made,

Take Time To Make Choice, Silently
Reflect upon Possibilities, Trust your
Instincts, Reflect upon what one wants to
do with the Idea.

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The Empress

Creation, Time to let the Idea or Ect

Grow, Maturity, Artistic Growth,
Postitive Fertility, Loving and Giving
Personality, Motherly, Possesive and

The Emperor

New Purpose, Brings order to Art, Gives

Direction, Direct and Guileless,
Impatient and Controlling, Foundation,
Having Control over Aspects of your Life,
Control of "Empire", are you a bad
leader? Time to set down laws and Lead
on towards the future.

The Hierophant

Religous Rituality, Stubborn, The

Refusal of Deviation from Normal
Routine, The Fear of Change, Do ot fear
change in Religion, Traditions are Not to
be followed to a "T", but to Keep Faith

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The Lovers

The Love of a Person/Thing/Ect,

Harmonizing with a Person or Thing,
Finding a Spiritual Twin, Blindly Loving
something,Urge to Obey selfish,
thoughtless Love, The Regret of Denying
the Choice. Unexpected Choice

The Chariot

Overcomng Obstacles, Victory is not the

End it is the Beginning, Get what you
want, Even opposites can work together
with commen goal, Keep Focus,
Unification, Contradicting Feelings,
Anything for Victory.


Balance, Too Much of Anything can hurt,

Balance between Physical and Mental
"scales", Adjust yourself to Equilize
scales, Listen only to Facts, Logic and
Reason, Not Emotion, Be Wise not Nice.

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The Hermit

Solitude and Desire for Peace, Shining

Light on Things once Confusing, Finding
Clarity in one's Mind, Finding out about
Oneself, Impatience with People
Grumpiness and Anti-social, Spend some
time alone.

Wheel of Fortune

Luck and Change, Abundance,

Happiness, Elevation, Completeness,
What goes around comes around,
Change in Luck, Karma will Exact
Revenge or pay you back,


Bringing Wild Passion to Heel,

Understanding Wild Natures, Making
Passion more Gentle to work for you,
OVercoming Animalistic Needs, With
"Inviolate Innocence" you can make The
Strong bow to you.

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The Hanged Man

A Total Shift in Mind, Gaining Wisdom,

Seeing things from a inverted
perspective, Having thought different to
everyone else, Feeling Vulnerable,
Opening self to new Ideas, Sacrifice will
be made to gain Wisdom, Never seeing
things the same.


The End of Something, Dealing with this

ending, Transformation from Low to
High, A time of Change, Only by Going
Through Sadness can we be reborn.
Sadness isn't forever, Sunrire will emerge
from this End.

The Devil

Wild Desire and Pleasure, Surrending

Control can be Good, Too much restraint
can hold you back, Be honest on what
controls you, Don't Let it enslave you.
Don't give or take peer pressure,
Temptation and Addiction, We have
power over what enslaves us.

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The Tower

War between Lies and Truths, Shocking

Revaltions, Learning the truth is painful
and hard to believe, Nothing Built on a
Lie will Stand. People have been Lieing.


Moderation, Mixing Two Things until

you get what you want, If you can't mix
two things (Religion, Friends, Ect) keep
trying trying different proportions until
it's perfect, Make Ambitions more
realistic, Combining Thesis and
Anti-Thesis Things is good.

The Star

Hope and Possibility, There is Help out

there, You can achieve what you want
most to achieve, The Path is long to
achievement stay strong, Is this
achievement worth waiting for, The
Great future is possible if you strive for it,

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The Sun

Glory, Triumph, and Truth, Intillect,

Youthful Energy, Level-Headedness and
Sunny Attitudes, Things will go your way,
Foolishly Ignoring the "Shadows",
Everything is gonna be okay.

The Moon

Inspiration, Hidden Enemies, Emotional

and Mental Trial, Avoid Drugs and
Alcohol, Psycopathic vs. Artistic Genious,
A Dangerous Path they are heading
down, Make a choice become a drunkard
and alienate friends or become artistic.


Facing the Past, Forgiving the Wrongs

that you have commited, Time to move
one, To make a new life, To start anew,
Let go of that fault you've held.

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The World

Completion and Competency, There will

be Praise, Celebration and Success,
Everything finally coming together,
Becoming an expert on a subject, The
Travels will begin and will be great.

Ace of Wands

A new spark of energy for a new passion,

This spark could be for a variety of things
like a job or religion or other things.
They feel very energized and want to
keep at it.

Two of Wands

A choice about where to put your energy

and passion, A choice between two
things equally good but can only do one.

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Three of Wands

It is a sign of progress, of the first hint

that the dream can be made real, The
feeling of power and pride, Wait for good
things to happen before celebration, This
is the result of effort.

Four of Wands

The Completion of the First Step, Be

Warned of that it's only the first step,
There is more to be done.

Five of Wands

The moment when we find yourself

competing with others who have just as
much clout and ambition, Losing
ambition at the appearence of equally
determined foes. Not the time to play it
safe. Blow to the Pride.

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Six of Wands

You were successful in the competition

against the stiff oppostition, As well you
pleased the crowd, Eager to please the
crowd so he can win more, Warning as it
may create a dependecy on the crowd.

Seven of Wands

You are under attack and you are at a

disadvantage, You have to defend what
you have created, People disagree with
how you've been doing things and feel
you should step down, Hold your ground
and stand against the tough foes.

Eight of Wands

Avoid wasting the great energy you have

created, Make the best use of it, The
candle that burns the brightest lasts the
least, fast developement and fest travel,
Whatever goes on will come early, you
will understand how the energy works.

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Nine of Wands

You will never give up, Failure is not an

option, You'll find some reserve energy
to get to the top, One may feel paranoid
as if they are the only one motivated
enough, Just Go For it.

Ten of Wands

You have control over all the thing you

want control over, But you carry all the
burden of these things, Weighed down by
more than enough responsibilities,
Remember what you wanted in the
beginning and the passion that you had,
don't be burdened.

Page of Wands

You are full of energy and have a passion

for optimism like no others, be warned
being immature may lead to bullying,
Time of new discoveries and new
inventions you are excited to start,This
can signify a trip, career move, or
something philisophical.

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Knight of Wands

You are very restless and tend to be

dramatic about things, You are fun
loving and the center of attention, A little
narcissistic, you're not that sensitive to
others feelings. Loyal, Energy will be
random, mature, will like to fight.

Queen of Wands

Very warm spirited, Charismatic and will

draw others to her, gentle, may possibly
be too involved in the child's life, may
also be bossy and overbearing, She will
get things done and done well.

King of Wands

Grand Ideas, He is full of energy, fun,

and charismatic. People want to please
him, he is able to transform people from
losers to winners, he loves danger and
adventure, People love him or hate him,
Some what of a family man.

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Ace of Cups

Emotions rising up for new love. They

suddenly feel more emotional than ever.
And the simple sight of a person or thing
can make their heart yearn.

Two of Cups

It is recognition of love, the recognition

of being drawn to a creative endeavor or
spiritual path, these emotions need to be
directed whether to love or no love.

Three of Cups

It either represents the bond of family

members, or a group that may be
considered a family, It represents the
celbration of unity among a group of
people, It strongly signifies those who
share your emotional "tune"

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Four of Cups

Dissatisfaction, what is thought to be

great and wonderful is now taken for
granted, You then find nonexistent fault
to justify yourself, You are restless with
your daily routine of comfort and have
become bored.

Five of Cups

Focusing on what has been lost rather

than what is intact, Being dissapointed in
someone's bad qualities not noticing the
good qualities, Doing something bad
andnot able to get past it,Fearing that the
lost wasn't appreciated, though there is

Six of Cups

Innocent Love, This is the connection we

make with someone or something who
always brings us joy. And the other as
well gains joys from the connection, The
moment does not last forever and
shouldn't be relied on, They should find
new love with new people.

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Seven of Cups

When our own dreams and emotions

make the situation difficult, You will be
put into a situation that the emotions
split you into several places, Don't let the
creativity run wild, Don't let emotions
carry you to dreams, Focus on the choice.

Eight of Cups

You focus on a person or thing that was

not at all worth your time, So now he
goes to place where he feels less freely,
He want to move from one home to
another, Bingeing what was once
important to him but no longer

Nine of Cups

Our wish for emotional fulfillment. The

more love you give to others, the more
you have, If you give off your best and
kindest gestures you will get back the
same in kind, You will have great
happiness and creativity.

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Ten of Cups

You have been able to mature among

petty emotions like Anger and
Resentment, You are now more able to
feel what others feel, and create a family
of friends with emotional connections,Be
Kind,You can overcome difficult
emotions, Put aside emotional fights

Page of Cups

Family matters or Matters of the heart,

Romace and Puppy Love, Daydreamer
and lack of focus. Great Imagination but
sometimes gets lost in it, Aldult will be
considered "airy fairy." Very Kind and
sweet, When sad dreadful to see. Warn of
"Over Sensitivity"

Knight of Cups

Mood Swingy. Knight of love, very

moody and sensitive, Will spend time
alone, in love with own love. Will
sometimes shut others less "artistic" than
them. Common with Depression,
somewhat suicidal, expiremental with
drugs and alcohol, fiercly loyal.

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Queen of Cups

Will often be a healer, and is an expert on

emotional problems. Very shy,
mysterious, and dreamy, Artistic and
Creative. She is extremely affectionate,
Deep-rooted problems. Moody, Plays
weak for pity or other purposes, Will
always be there for you.

King of Cups

Motivated to start a family, Kindest and

Gentlest and wants a big family, Very
protective of family.Wants kindness for
all people, Very sensitive to fairness.
Sometimes too soft or sentimental,
manipulative and possible substance
user. Fatherly

Ace of Swords

The mind awakening for new challenges,

The mind has sharpened, and feel the
urge to talk and write. They feel
compelled to do all kinds of new things.

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Two of Swords

Temporary Solutions, Keeping clashing

ideas or ect at bay, The lull in the fight
will come to end, and Ending decision
will have to be made eventually, keeping
nuetrality in a fight between friends.

Three of Swords

A secret is revealed, Not an earthshattering secret, they had somewhat of

an idea before hand, Can be relief,
Tensions to be drained.

Four of Swords

Time to let the wounds heal (real or

mental), You have survived a truly
stressful time, time to reflect, re-evaluate
their position, clear your head.

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Five of Swords

Pride will make you Blind, Know your

fights, know yourself and your limits,
don't go into fights you aren't ready for,
save yourself the failure.

Six of Swords

Finding answers and solutions, find

someone to listen to you, there may stuff
you need to work out before you reach
the great solution, the mind will work
again, leaving difficulties behind.

Seven of Swords

Beware the theif, Keep information and

belongings close, You may have to be the
theif, Be dishonest to get what you want
to regain what is yours.

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Eight of Swords

You are in lose-lose situation, Don't limit

yourself into this situation, don't second
guess everything you do, don't concern
over your character for fears of being cut
down, fears of what others say, prepare
to endure pain from what you do, Just do

Nine of Swords

Anxiety is High, If you wake up you'll see

things aren't so bad, Sleepless nights, Get
the despair out of your head, the despair
you contain only makes things worse,
The proportions are all out of whack, Life
is a bad dream.

Ten of Swords

The Worst is over, There will be back

stabbing, people will murder your ideas
with their words, time to end the bad
things once and for all, time for some to
invite new ideas into the mind and let the
old one die, New reputation,no more
dwelling on ideas.

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Page of Swords

1.Don't Gossip 2.Time of new ideas and

thoguhts 3.One Wanting to know
everything, Don't blurt out everything
you hear, Absorbs knoledge fast, good
problem solver, prone to argue and
gossip and boast.

Knight of Swords

1.Rapid Movement and Rapid Change 2.

Very talkative and smart, loves to debate
and argue, problem solver, arrogant and
cold-hearted, gossip spreader, Care's not
much of other's opinions, clever.

Queen of Swords

1.Speech orientated 2. Knoledgable, She

is natural conversationalist, eccentric,
Loves to appear odd, cool-headed,
persuasive, not emotionally
understanding, nosy for the sake of
knowing everything, Strategy.

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King of Swords

1. Motivated to come up with ideas 2.Can

be distant,Very fair, patient and careful,
High ideals, Expects others to have the
same ideals, will not put family
first,Ruthless judgement on all people,
doesn't tolerate mistakes, brilliant mind,
Decision Maker.

Ace of Coins

New luck, health or work for new

prosperity. They feel the need to create
and to feel the ground beneath their feet,
The person wants to grow.

Two of Coins

The Juggling of Finance and

Responcibilities, You've worked on
something so hard they can't just set it
aside, The need to keep juggling, Letting
all survive but none strive, You cant
juggle forever but you can wait for a
change in luck.

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Three of Coins

Doing the Job well, Learning something

new, You will be given money to start the
road of mastering your craft, Your initial
work has paid off, continue on this road.

Four of Coins

Keeping things from moving foreward,

There is nothing to invest in, Keep going
in the same direction, not a time for
change, Things are stable, but you may
be holding on to assets to close, Hold on
to what you got, Don't be a shut-in.

Five of Coins

Loss and Bad Luck, Difficult times, Don't

let pride get in your way of asking help,
Reconsider what you value, Possible
poverty, In times of need who is the real
friend, Who can you truly trust?

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Six of Coins

Genourosity and Humility, Lay down the

pride and accept help, Time to give away
some not-needed stuff, Freely give and
take, Give to be free not for your sake of
feeling superior or to make yourself feel
good, Restore balance by giving or

Seven of Coins

Patience is running out, Keep strong at it,

Extend your patience for a bit longer,
Real oppurtunity is on its way, Recognize
oppurtunity when you see it not false
oppurtunity, don't act out of frustration.

Eight of Coins

Working hard to prove something to

yourself, Starting something new, Doing
things for yourself not for impressing
others, Diligence, Limiting work to one
subject, Time to focus yourself and train
to become a master.

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Nine of Coins

Comfort for the self, Not going above and

beyond but to a place that is comfortable,
A paradise made for you, Self earned
pleasure for only you, opulence for only
yourself, having enough to indulge

Ten of Coins

Having abundance of what was once

rare, Having new view on valuables,
Inhertitance and Retirement, Creating
legacy from what you give away, Having
too much to enjoy something so you give
it away to those who can enjoy, Having
enough to indulge others.

Page of Coins

1.Luck in Money 2.Time of New Growth

3.One who likes to create, Frugal with
money, Inot self-improvement,
adult-like, Will expect pay, rarely does
things as favors, Miser-ish.

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Knight of Coins

1.Change will move very slow 2. Very

future bound, Can sometimes overdo
things, bad at improv in times of bad, not
comfortable to stand out, very
conformative, reliant on material objects,
perfectionist, Lighten up.

Queen of Coins

1.Devolpement 2. Does things for her

self, business savvy, has wealth and taste,
loves outdoors, believes in traditions,
dislikes the strage and untasteful, limits
creativity, Very successful, can expect too
much of people.

King of Coins

1.Motivation for Creation 2. Self-Reliant,

Hard Worker, Gets jobs done right, Not
innovative and not a risk taker, He will
never leave an debt unpaid, they will
expect disipline always and will not
accept oddness, wants respect, stubborn,

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