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com Issue 18,2010

Sim Registration:
The Telco Rebirth
in Africa

Haiti Disaster
A telecoms success story...

Chams Changes
the game in ICT Training

Mobile Phone will become substitute for credit cards

Editor’s letter
Group Publisher/Editor in Chief When mobile phones came around to Nigeria it was a dream
Akin Naphtal come true. Many have waited for eternity for the miracle and it came when some had even lost hope. Before a twinkle of
an eye, Nigeria subscribers hit over seventy millions and still
Anita Moritiwon
registration to kick off by March 1, 2010. Some African coun-
Writers tries have started this, while some are about implementing.
Kehinde Olesin It is an interesting issue to investor, subscribers and telcom
Jonah Iboma companies.


Yinka Lawal
our interview with the CEO of inMobi. Other things that will catch your interest
Reporter/Researcher include the resignation of Zain CEO and how telcos has responded to Haiti disaster.
Lanre Saliu
Sola Aremu I believe you will enjoy the pot pourri.
Head, Creative
Yinka Adebamiro
Akin Naphtal

How to contact MobileWorld Magazine

UK Contents

Belvedere, Kent
DA17 6DX
Tel: +44 777 510 9698 Cover Story...
NIG Sim Registration:
14 Wright Street The Telco Rebirth in Africa
Adekunle, Yaba
Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +234 8063603521

ISSN: 1751-3820
Main One submarine
cable project inches near completion
While every care has been taken in the preparation of
this magazine, the publishers cannot be responsible MTN, Ericsson and UNDP
for the accuracy of information inherein, or any conse- partners on Millennium Village project
quence arising from it.
Haiti disaster - a telecoms success story...
MobileWorld is a controlled circulation magazine and Vodafone Ghana
ers worldwide.
Launches Quality Network Ad Campaign

Design & printed by Instinct Media Chams Changes the Game in ICT Training
MTN Rwanda Launched Mobile Money

Ericsson brings wonder to India: World’s largest

Open University goes mobile

10 Interview
Mobile phones will become substitute for credit cards

The telecom industry

is the most dynamic industry in Sub-Saharan Africa
Photo by: Pippa Hetherington Source; telecomTV/GSMA

Issue 18 2010 3

Mobile phones will become

substitute for credit cards - Mr. Naveen Tewari Founder CEO

n Mobi has been very busy in the last advertising was not a part of the media
few months, your growth in South PL[IRUPRVWSHRSOH$URXQGD\HDU
Africa, new signing in Australia, new DJRH[SHULPHQWDOEXGJHWVRSHQHGXS
staff etc, tell us more about InMobi and and some early adopters began to make
the recent happening in the company ? it a part of their overall strategy. Today
mobile advertising is on everyones list
<HV,Q0RELKDVGH¿QLWHO\VHHQWUHPHQ- and no one wants to be left behind. It
dous activity in the past few months. This has been a gradual movement, but the
can be attributed directly to InMobi’s year of mobile advertising is here and is
rapid growth over the past year combined clearly going to stay for good.
with renewed interest in the Mobile in-
GXVWU\RYHUDOO'XULQJRXU¿UVW\HDU What level of technical support do you
, our focus was on emerging markets in offer publishers ?
Asia, Africa and the Middle East. We
dedicated ourselves to building a scalable, We offer 24/7 self support to our pub-
mobile advertising platform in the areas lishers including some major enhancme-
well ahead of the competition. We un- nents to our publisher tools just recently
derstood that these emerging markets are announced. A quick summary of the 3
well ahead of developed countries when major recent publisher product improve-
it comes to mobile technology. By build- ments include:
ended up with an integrated, intelligent 1. Ad Code V2
mobile advertising platform that can be With our V2 Ad Code, publish-
rapidly deployed in any market. HUVDUHQRZJLYHQWKHÀH[LELOLW\RI
specifying additional demographic
2009 was the year we began to scale. We and targeting parameters while
grew from 8 markets to 37 in just one contacting the InMobi network. This
year and increased ad requests on our will greatly improve the relevance
QHWZRUNRYHU[:HDOVRKLUHGH[SH- of the ads shown to the users,
PDQXHO$OOL[ (XURSH 5RE-RQDV DQG boost the monetization by a large
North America (Anne Frisbee). These degree. While providing the added
regional teams provide the local market ÀH[LELOLW\WRWKHDGYDQFHGSXEOLVK-
knowledge important to our advertising ers, the Ad Code also addresses the
and publishing customers. On the product convenience of the basic publishers.
InMobi , an inte- front, we continued to make improve-
ments in terms of targeting capabilities

grated and intelligent for advertisers and publishers, reports and

analytics providing insight to improve
- Basic : for publishers who seek a
technologically simple way to inte-
mobile advertising site, and most importantly a dedicated
strategy on smart phones starting in Feb- - Advanced : for publishers with a
platform interest in ruary of 2010. need for technologically sophisti-
cated solutions and want to integrate
How can you compare mobile advertis- with InMobi in a deeper way to
the emerging mar- ing industry now and three years ago ? share additional information that
might enhance monetization
kets is strategic. Three years ago, most people understood
there was potential for mobile advertis- ‡ 7KH$G&RGHDOVRVHUYHVPXOWLSOH
In this interview ing, but few advertisers or publishers
spent time or money in the channel.
advertisements in a single request.
Basically the publishers can now
Since then, several things changed. First, call multiple ads simultaneously for
with MobileWorld, WKHKDQGVHWXVHUH[SHULHQFHLPSURYHG immediate serving. Users will not
tremendously and smart phone platforms only be able to enjoy a quick render-
founder, CEO the likes of iPhone and Android have
brought revolutionary changes to the
ing of the page, but the likelihood of
duplicate ads will also be elimi-
creative options now available. Second, nated.
Naveen Tewari bares other traditional forms of media and even
the web continue to fragment and frus- 2. Publisher Filters
it wall trate advertisers who want to reach and
tools, publishers can better man-
Third, a deep recession in the developed DJHWKHXVHUH[SHULHQFHRQWKHLU
world combined with a surging interest in VLWHVSURYLGHV¿OWHUVE\UHPRYHDGV
emerging markets pointed forward think- WKDWGRQRWFRQIRUPWRWKHLUH[SHFWD-
ing advertisers in the direction of mobile. WLRQV7KH\FDQDOVRHDVLO\¿OWHUDGV
To summarize, 3 years ago mobile
10 MobileWorld Magazine visit us at:

on the basis of landing pages that ZLWKDGYHUWLVHU52,RQRXUQHWZRUN)L- Allow me to stick to 3 key points.
WKH\SRLQWWR)RUH[DPSOH nally, we remain an independent option
for publishers and advertisers. Many 1). This really is the year of Mobile
Ads with unacceptable text of our customers are wary of a global advertising. It has been predicted to
conglomerate like Google controlling come of age for a couple of years
If publishers want to ensure that their data. We offer a comparable if not now, but we feel 2010 will be the
RQO\DGVWKDWFRQWDLQWH[WDFFHSWDEOH superior platform, yet maintain an inde- year mobile advertising truly enters
to their users are shown on their pendent status globally. the world stage as a critical channel
VLWH%\XVLQJRXU¿OWHUUXOHVFDQEH required focused investment. This
set, such as Have you look at exploring african claim can be backed up by several
market after your success in South observations and events in 2009.
- Filter out ads that contain “key- Africa? 7KLV\HDUVDZWKHL3KRQHÀRXULVK
Yes. That’s been the plan all along. Our US mobile market both for con-
 )LOWHURXWDGVWKDWDUHH[DFWO\ aim was to grow the mobile ecosys- sumers and developers based on an
³3KUDVHƎ tem in Africa as a whole and South LPSURYHGXVHUH[SHULHQFH*RRJOH¶V
Africa was the logical starting point as and Apple’s entry into the market
Ads from competitors the largest ad market on the continent. YLDWKH$G0REDQG4XDWWURDFTXLVL-
Generally you do not want ads from After growing to become the largest ad tions clearly validate the importance
your competitors to go up on your network in South Africa, we are now and potential of mobile advertis-
sites. In these cases, publishers can actively working in other markets like LQJ$QG¿QDOO\RXURZQH[SORVLYH
¿OWHURXWWKRVHDGVE\¿OHWHULQJRQ Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt , etc. These mar- growth during 2009 illustrate the
competitive landing pages, such as: kets have tremendous potential and we desire for publishers and advertisers
DUHWDSSLQJLQWRLWWRIXUWKHUH[SDQGRXU to commit to this growing advertis-
- Filter out ads whose landing pages African footprint. ing medium.
point to “”
What is your current market share in 2) In the coming year, we believe that
3. Publisher Reporting and Insights India and other operating countries ? developing nations in markets like
(Actionable Business Intelligence) Asia and Africa will see the largest
We do not know our share per say, but growth for multiple reasons. First,
The enhanced Publisher User monthly ad request by continent are as these large untapped markets are
Interface now provides a richer follows: made up of mainly younger con-
set of reports and analytics to help Asia: 4950 Million ad requests per sumers whose only screen is their
make business decisions with higher month mobile phone. . To leverage this
FRQ¿GHQFH Africa: 950 Million ad requests per opportunity, the prices of mobile
month phones will fall and operators will
Some key offerings include Europe: 850 Million ad requests per begin to provide more attractive
month offers and cheaper prices for data.
 5HSRUWLQJE\FRXQWU\UHJLRQFDUULHU Austrialia: 350 Million ad requests Unlike the web in the 90s which
and handset manufacturer allowing per month ZDVFRQ¿QHGWRGHYHORSHGQDWLRQV
publishers to track the performance North America: 250 Million ad the mobile revolution is truly global
of the inventory more closely and requests per month and offers a much greater opportuni-
take steps to ensure that the highest Latin America: 150 Million ad ty for wealth creation than the world
ad revenue from the mobile prop- requests per month has ever witnessed previously.
What is your business model and your 3) A third prediction for the coming
- Customizable widgets in the dash- total mobile inventory across all mar- year would be the breakthrough in
board to track near real-time KPI. kets ? mobile payments. 2010 will see the
Also demand dynamic graphs tuned start of mobile phones being used
to publisher needs. We are a mobile advertising technology as a mode of payment. Ultimately
platform serving three core markets in- mobile phones will become a sub-
7KHVHDUHMXVWVRPHRIWKHEHQH¿WVWKDW cluding publishers, advertisers, develop- stitute for credit cards, cheques, and
our technology provides our publishers. ers. For publishers, we enable ads on other payment options as a more
their mobile web sites as well as mobile secure, convenient means of trans-
How competitive is InMobi compared applications and help them make money. DFWLRQ:KLOHWKLVLVGH¿QLWHO\LQLWV
to admob and adsense ? 3XEOLVKHUVFDQ¿OWHUDQGRSWLPL]HDGV infancy, the coming year will see the
([WUHPHO\FRPSHWLWLYH:HEHOLHYHRXU ad revenue on their mobile property. We ‡ ZKHUHGR\RXVHH,Q0RELLQ¿YHV
platform is superior to any competitor then enable advertisers to offer a wide years time
globally, particularly when considering variety of creative units to consumers
the regional support and local knowl- and target their ads based on different Simply put, InMobi will continue to be
edge we offer. Further, our smart phone parameters like geography, handset, site the world’s leading independent mo-
strategy to be unveiled in February will type etc. As for our total market foot- bile ad network. We will continue our
help us further peneterate developed print, InMobi currently has 7.5 billion ad rapid growth leveraging our competitive
markets like the US and EU where smart requests per month and is available in 37 advantage in emerging markets globally
phones are obviously more critical to the countries across the globe. InMobi has to build a superior product for publish-
RYHUDOOPL[WKDQLQHPHUJLQJPDUNHWV over 3000 partner publisher sites with ers, advertisers, and developers. We will
Some evidence to back up these state- over 250 advertisers on the network. emerge as thought leaders in the space
ments include our massive growth in the helping the industry move from where
EU in only 6 months. We now receive What are the expectationsof mobile it is today to becoming one of the most
over 850 million request in that market advertising for 2010, challenges and important advertising channels in the
and are a solid #2 competitor. The UK opportunities ? world.
is now counted as our 5th largest market
JOREDOO\7KLVLVVSHFL¿FDOO\DUHVXOWRI There is so much to be said on this topic.
our superior publisher offering combined
Issue 18 18 2010
Issue 2010 1111

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