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The Newsletter of the www.TrulyRichClub.

com Issue Number 199 May 2015

From Bos Brain:

The Blessing and Curse

of Credit Cards

Recently, I was having dinner in a restaurant with a friend. When I paid our bill with my credit card, my companion
was shocked. He asked, Bo, I didnt know that you still use credit cards.
How come? I asked.
Well, because youre a financial teacher. I thought that youre against those things. Arent theyuhevil?
I understood where he was coming from. There are financial teachers who wage war on credit cards. They stand on
stage in front of people with big scissors in handand with dramatic flaircut up their cards.
But I told my friend Im actually thankful that credit cards were invented. Their benefits are fantastic.
For one, its very useful when I pay via the internet. For example, I pay Google Cloud (I have a huge inbox); and
Dropbox (to backup my photos); and domain names (I run hundreds of websites); and iTunes (my son, musical director of
our youth ministry, buys two albums a month); and Amazon (I read Kindle books), through my credit card. And because
Im an eternal student, Im almost always enrolled in online courses, from spirituality, church growth, finance, marketing,
etc., and paying via credit cards makes this so much easier.
Second, its so convenient not bringing a lot of cash with me. I use my cards for restaurants, buying stuff, even
plane tickets. I know someone who uses his credit card to pay for his business purchasesnot only because its more
convenient, but so that he can get more of the third benefit, which is
Third, I get reward points. My wife turns them into Shoemart and Rustans gift checks. My friend uses them to get
free trips to Europe. Cool, right?
Thats the blessing side.
Contents: 1 From Bos Brain 3 Happy and Full of Energy: An Interview with Author, Speaker, Preacher, and Missionary JC Libiran by Sha Nacino 5 Spend Less and Save More on School Supplies by Anna Santos
6 Divine Ayungos TRC Story: TRC Opened My Mind to the World of Investment by Sha Nacino 7 Coming Events 9 TrulyRichClub Ladder of Abundance 10 Why You Need to Pray for Success by Bo Sanchez

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The curse side?

First, because its so convenient, its easy to buy more than your budget.
According to studies, on average, people who use credit cards while shopping
spend 30 percent more than those who only use cash. Without self-control,
youll fall into this problem.
Second, its easy to borrow. Which curses you. Every credit card billing
you receive contains an invitation to borrow. It always says, You only have to
pay X amount, which is five percent of your entire bill. But you get charged
an interest of 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent a monthwhich adds up to a superinsane 30 percent to 45.5 percent interest a year. I cannot count the number of
people Ive met who have been buried alive by credit card debt. These people
come to me in droves, crying and anxious, asking me for prayers and wisdom
on how to get out.
I met a married couple that borrowed from their credit card the measly
amount of P5000 onlythinking it was nothing. But little by little, it piled up.
One day, they ended up having seven credit cards, all maxed out, with P780T+
in debt. Worse, the stress almost caused the guy a heart attack.
Heres a rule in using credit cards: Never borrow. At the end of each
month, pay your entire bill 100 percent.
When I think about it, almost everything in life can be a blessing or curse.
Power. Fame. Money. Ive long learned that if you use anything with love and
disciplineeven credit cardstheyll become blessings for you and for others.
May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez
P.S. Are You Single? You Can Avoid the Financial Problems That Married People Usually Have! (Fifty percent of all marital
fights are money fights.) How? While youre still single, take charge of your financial life. Put your financial room in order.
On June 20, join Dr. Didoy and Mayi Lubaton, Financial and Relationship Experts, together with Serial Entrepreneur Marco
Victoria and Author & Speaker Sha Nacino, who will guide you how in building your financial foundation before you get
married. To get your financial life in order as a single person, visit or
email Meann at now!

Issue Number 199 May 2015

Page 2

Happy and Full of Energy: An

Interview with Author, Speaker,
Preacher, and Missionary JC Libiran
by Sha Nacino

Have you ever met someone who is always full of energy and happiness? Ive met one. His name is JC Libiran. He
is the author of the book Byahe ni Juan and he is also the Director for Campus Missions of the Light of Jesus Community.
This interview is a bit unique compared to the other TRC interviews I did in the past inthe sense that JC and I talked
about some of themost basic yetessential things that give us energy and happiness in a light and casual tone.
SHA: Can you share with us your journey towards becoming a
JC: This JUANderful JOURNEY towards becoming a speaker/preacher/
author/missionary started with (1) HUNGER for answers in my life. Then
I stumbled upon one Kerygma Magazine. I read the article of Brother Bo
Sanchez which gave me(2) INSPIRATIONthat there is hope and that I can
move forward despite difficulties in my life. This led me to attending the
FEAST where I did not just get encouragement and support. Instead, I
rediscovered my(3) DREAMSAND MADE IT A REALITYone dream at a time.
After being a regular attendee, I toldmyself that like Bro. Bo and his leaders,
Iwould also like to(4) SERVE AND GIVE BACK.Finally, now as I look back, I am filled with(5) GRATITUDEbecause God made
a way for me to be where I am now, and I believe thatHe has even more great dreams for me.
SHA: How do you define happiness?
JC: HAPPINESS is an experience of Gods blessings unfolding in ones life in big or small ways. Happiness comes in
different packages but what matters most is the choice we make in every opportunity to be happy.
SHA: What makes you happy?
JC: I take delight in everything since I savor every moment of life even if its a smile from a baby, 10-15 minute time
to read a book, or an opportunity to speak and share my message to many people. This is what makes me happy... the
opportunity to live and celebrate life to the fullest.
SHA: What makes you sad? How do you deal with it?
JC: I become sad and disappointed whenever things dont go my way and when Im out of control. Dealing with this
first begins my awareness with my tendencies but I move forward by being responsible with my negative emotions and on
how it affects me and others as well. I learn from it and move forward.
SHA: How do you define success?
JC: SUCCESS is not just achieving my dreams. It is helping others achieve their dreams as well. And we get to celebrate
SHA: What were your biggest failures and what did you learn from them?
JC: There are many failures I have made in my life and here are the top 3 in my list:
MOMENT and making the most out of everything. I learned this the hard way since I lost my dad almost seven years ago.
How I wish I can turn back time and spend more quality time with him.
Issue Number 199 May 2015

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INTELLIGENCE and TALENTto the fullest and never hold back by giving your best and your all.
to myself. If I was not able to understand the lessons, I must be honest to admit this with my teachers and classmates so
that I can be given another chance to re-learn it, instead of making myself look good to please everyone knowing that I just
need another chance.
SHA: How is your typical schedule like?
JC: I begin my day with prayer, reflection and exercise. After a dose of inspiration, I check my e-mails and social media
accounts then after breakfast and suiting up, I jump into my schedules such as coffee dates and coaching with leaders,
former students, clients and friends at the FEAST. Whenever I have an open time, I do my write-ups and work on my blog
or my upcoming book. I normally have speaking engagements in schools and in different organizations/companies. I end
the day by spending quality time with my family and love ones.
SHA: What is your mission in life?
JC: My mission in life is toinspire and empower people to achieve success and significance. In short, toMOVE YOU
from your Point AIM (Goals) to Point BE (Fulfilment).
SHA: How do you nurture your relationship with the most important people in your life?
JC: I MAKE NOT JUST QUANTITY BUT QUALITY TIME. I set aside a schedule for our dates and even if Im away, I make
an effort to reach out and make my presence felt. Also, I come up with surprises to spice up our relationships so that there
will always be something to look forward to.
SHA: How do you manage and grow your finances?
JC: I manage and grow my finances with the help of my wife, Emelyn. Shes my balancer. Without her, I will be like
a seesaw wherein I really save and be economical at one point, but also splurge and be a total spender when I feel like it.
Thank God for financial education and financial literacy. I am reminded and influenced to improve my financial intelligence
through this. I become better and better with my finances.
JC regularly gives talks to schools, organizations, and companies. You may get in touch with him through www. orEMAIL HERE.
Sha Nacino is an inspirational speaker and an author of 8 books. She regularly gives talks on Personal Financial Management,
Passion and Purpose, Happiness and Inspiration, Integrity, and several other topics. She believes that everyone has a story to share.
Sha is conducting a half day seminar on How to Write a Book Plus Book Launch on June 6, 2015 at Meralco Mini-theater. For more
information, visit or text 0917-5949274.

Issue Number 199 May 2015

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Spend Less and Save More on

School Supplies
By Anna Santos

For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of
knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it. (Ecclesiastes 7:12)
Here comes school opening again. Days really run so fast!
It feels like school year just ended and now, it is about to start
This time has always been one of the busiest preparations
in a conventional household, especially with family members
who are students. Both parents and children are busy completing
the school list. And as we, parents, are busy preparing for our
childrens school needs, we are at the same time quite worried
about the cost that goes with it. Needless to say, we always
have to find ways on how to spend less and save more on school
Since we cannot avoid these expenses, theres nothing we
can do but buy what our students need for school. In my quest to
find means on how to save money when purchasing school stuff,
I have a list of practical tips to share so as to lessen your financial
burden in some ways:
1. Check first what you have. Before going out to shop,
always look around your house to check on whats
left from the last school year. There could be tons of
materials/items that are still good to use.
2. Recycle.Notebooks, binders, pencil cases, etc., are
only a few of thebestexamplesto recycle. If they
are still in excellent condition, let your children re-use
them to save money.
3. Be creative. There are so many things that can be
used to exhibit creativity. Best example is by using
magazine pages or other nice prints for book covers
and binders. Also, cut out oldgreeting cardsas book
4. Consider hand-me-down items. Some parents say
that they want to give their children thebestby means
of buying new things that are sometimes expensive.
We have to know thatbestthings are not measured by
the price tags but by the way we take care of them and
love them. Material things are just symbols, but these
should not be the basis of our love and affection.
5. Buy from thrift stores. Thrift stores often sell items
that are in theirbestconditions. You just need to look
around and be creative.
6. Set a budget. Setting a certain amount of money for
this expense will lessen your worries because extra
spending will be avoided.Stick to your budget.
7. List down whats needed. It is a total waste of money
if you buy things that your kids wont need. Let them
hand youthe listof the things they need, or wait until
Issue Number 199 May 2015

the school gives its list before buying.Stick to that list

and prevent buying extras that will later on be left
8. Consider combo packs. Buying one item with a
freebie attached to it is a great way to save money.
Sometimes, a pencil comes with a free eraser, etc.
9. Wait until the back-to-school promos. Because stores
want your business, they will do everything to get you
as their customers. Wait until the season of great
sales is open.
10. Buy quality. It is sometimes worth adding extra buck
or two for better-quality items. Best examples are
bags, shoes, pants, etc.
11. Stock up.Buying extra items for future use is a smart
move, but dont overdo it. Determine which items
are frequently used that need re-purchase most
often. Best examples are bond and lined papers,
crayons, and other coloring materials.
12. Buy bigger sizes.This is applicable with uniforms,
shoes, jackets, etc. Because you know your kids will
be using them again for a longer time, make a way to
buy bigger sizes.
13. Safekeeping.Have your childrens items and supplies
kept in a safe place to preserve them for future use.
Every little thing that has a monetary value is important.
A single cent always counts, especially that when we send our
children to school, there will always be something that we have to
pay (e.g., extra school supplies, school projects, or other activities
that need fees). Always be ready by saving up for these expenses
to reduce worry and stress later on. As we teach our children
about creativity, we as their financial providers and guardians,
need to be creative as well, on the financial perspective. We only
need to strategize! Remember, when school closes, it will for sure
open again soon. Be ready and be stress-free.

Anna Santos is a Filipino-Canadian member of

TrulyRichClub. She is a business owner, medical
transcriptionist, writer and blogger. Her business website
is at while her personal
blogsite is at

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TrulyRichClub STORY

Divine Ayungos TRC Story:TRC

Opened My Mind to the World of
By Sha Nacino

Prior to joining TrulyRichClub, Divine said she knew nothing about investments and the stock market. She would just
put her money in the bank.
TRC opened my mind to the world of investments,Divine shared.
Divine learned about TrulyRichClub from her brother who was a member of TRC. Her brother would shareBro. Bo
Sanchezs Powertalks with her. She would then save the talks in her phone soshe
could listen to them on her way to work.
I was particularly moved with Bro. Bo Sanchezs talk on emotional why. I
realized that it should be the foundation of everyone when they invest. That is
why when I wrote my book How Savings Saved My Life, the central theme was on
emotional why or the reason for you to keep saving and investing.
Divine eventually joined TrulyRichClub sometime in 2011. Asked how
TrulyRichClub blessed her so far besides thelessons she learned, Divine said, TRC
helped me manage my emotions, especially when I seethatmy investments are in
red. If Ididnt join TRC, I would probably sell my stocks every time the prices go down.
But because I trust Bro. Bo and the stock market investing technique he teaches,
I would buy when the prices go down or when the stocks are onsale!True enough, I
reaped the rewards and I earned up to 34 percent in my stock investments. Of course,
I know that my stocks may earn more than that and Im excited for that time to come.
Divine noted that when she was still starting to invest in the stock market, she
would sell her stocks so she could buy a cell phone. The cell phone she bought did not
function after only a few months. On the other hand, the stocks she sold almost doubled in valueafter two years.
One day, she received a TRC newsletter wherein Bro. Bo reminded the TRC members not to withdraw their investments
because a withdrawal of P50,000 is actually a withdrawal of P5 million. Its because P50,000 has a potential to become P5
million in the future.
The message resonated with me because it was exactly what I have done,Divine quipped.
Through the years, Divine shared that TRC helped her acquirethe discipline of consistently investing in the stock
market, and to invest for the long-term. Today, when Divine would sell stocks at a profit, she would reinvest the capital plus
the profits. She also does the same when shewould receive dividends.
Divine was also happy to share that TRC also inspired her to put up her own accounting business. She quit her job last
September 2014 so she could pursue heraccountingbusiness full time.
She is veryhappy with her membership in TRC. She would always recommend it to her friends especially those who
have little or no idea about how to invest in the stock market.
What is your TRC story? Email me at

Sha Nacino is an inspirational speaker and an author of 8 books. She regularly gives talks on Personal Financial Management, Passion
and Purpose, Happiness and Inspiration, Integrity, and several other topics. She believes that everyone has a story to share. Sha is
conducting a half day seminar on How to Write a Book Plus Book Launch on June 6, 2015 at Meralco Mini-theater. For more details,
visit or text 0917-5949274.

Issue Number 199 May 2015

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Coming Events

Dont Miss These Coming Events!

How to Find Your One True Love
May 30: Discover Myths That Prevent You from Meeting
Gods Best for Your Life. Discover too if your current
relationship patterns will bring you to the altar or away from
it. Learn from Relationship Expert Rissa Singson-Kawpeng
and powerful speaker and Feast Builder Velden Lim how to
avoid the potholes that will make you end up with the wrong
person (and a miserable future!). Discover the crucial mindset
and strategies you need to find your future spouse and
prepare yourself in building a happy relationship together.
For more info, visit www.OneTrueLoveClub/OTLSeminar or
email Meann at

Truly Rich Singles Workshop

June 20: You Can Avoid the Financial Problems That
Married People Usually Have! (Fifty percent of all marital
fights are money fights.) How? While youre still single,
take charge of your financial life. Put your financial room
in order. On June 20, join Dr. Didoy and Mayi Lubaton,
Financial and Relationship Experts, together with Serial
Entrepreneur Marco Victoria and Author & Speaker Sha
Nacino, who will guide you how in building your financial
foundation before you get married. For more information,
visit or
email Meann at

Success Speakers Crash Course (Exclusive for Those

Who Got the Video Seminar)
June 20: Who Else Wants to Be a Powerful Speaker? Do
you want to be an effective, riveting, and powerful speaker?
And do you want to earn through your speaking? Learn
from veteran legends in the speaking world: Bo Sanchez,
Arun Gogna, George Gabriel, Dean Pax Lapid, and so
many more. Together with this one-day crash course is
the Video Seminar titled How to Be a Highly-Paid Speaker.
You can get this video and learn from the best and most
powerful speakers in the countrywhile watching them
at the comfort of your homefor a fraction of what the
participants paid for the Bootcamp. PLUS, you get our live
one-day Crash Course on June 20. To know more about it,
go to now.

How to Be a Young Millionaire (TrulyRichKids and

July 25: The Only Sure Way to Get Your ChildrenAges 9
to 19Become Millionaires Early in Life. Two classes will
be offered: For kids ages 9 to 12 and for kids ages 13 to 19.
Speakers are Obet Cabrillas, Marco Victoria, Mayi Lubaton,
Muriel Bautista, and Ichel Alignay. For more info, visit www. or email Meann at

Issue Number 199 May 2015

How to Make Millions in the Stock Market

August 1: This is one of our banner seminars that gives
the most essential steps needed to start investing in the
stock marketand create millions over time. If you want
to know how its done step-by-step, join Bo Sanchez, Mike
Vinas, with a special participation from COLFinancials
Chairman Edward Lee. For more information, visit www. or email Meann at

Page 7

Coming Events

How to Heal Yourself Naturally Seminar

August 22: Nature created usand so when we malfunction,
I believe nature can heal us too. Find full health and
healing the natural way. For more information, visit www.
Dean Pax Lapids Entrepreneur Workshop
August 22 and 29: This is by far the best training you can
ever get for building your own business. Nothing beats
this workshop. Because Dean Pax is the best entrepreneur
mentor in the country. For more information, go to www.
Think Rich Pinoy with Larry Gamboa
September 19: Learn Real Estate the Larry Gamboa
Way. Get to learn various Real Estate models from Maves
Angeles, Randy Manaloto, and many others. For more info,
visit or email Meann
How to Be a Young Millionaire (TrulyRichKids and
September 25: The Only Sure Way to Get Your Children
Ages 9 to 19Become Millionaires Early in Life. Two
classes will be offered: For kids ages 9 to 12 and for kids
ages 13 to 19. Speakers are Obet Cabrillas, Marco Victoria,
Mayi Lubaton, Muriel Bautista, and Ichel Alignay. For more
info, visit or
email Meann at

SUPERCONFERENCE2015: Earn 100 Percent, Live

100 Percent!
October 21 to 23: In three wisdom-filled and inspiring
days in Coron, Palawan, youll learn how to earn like a
billionaireand learn how to live like a billionairewithout
being one yet! There will be many wise mentors in the room
who have already built their wealth and who can teach you
how to do the same. They will be there with you, in the same
room, to consult, pick their brains, and be infected by their
energy. Theres also a Pre-Conference on October 20 with
our mentors in a more intimate meeting. You dont want
to miss this powerful boost for your personal and business
growth. Visit
How to Make Millions in the Stock Market
November 7: This is one of our banner seminars that
gives the most essential steps needed to start investing
in the stock marketand create millions over time. If you
want to know how its done step-by-step, join Bo Sanchez,
Mike Vinas, with a special participation from COLFinancials
Chairman Edward Lee. For more information, visit www. or email Meann at
Bestselling Authors Crash Course (Exclusive For
Those Who Got the Video Seminar)
November 14: Have You Ever Dreamt Of Writing Your
Own Bestselling Book? Fulfill your dream of becoming an
Author. If you do it right, you inspire many people and at
the same time earn money while you sleep. To know how to
do it right, get Bos Authors Bootcamp Video Seminar PLUS
the One-Day Authors Crash Course on November 14. For
details, visit
For TrulyRichClubs Platinum Members Only:
Platinum WealthCircle Quarterly Mastermind Meeting on
July 18, September 26; Evenings With The Dean on June 3,
August 5, September 2, November 4, December 2; Inviting
friends to join? Let them apply to become a Platinum
Member, visit

Issue Number 199 May 2015

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TrulyRichClub Ladder of Abundance

Titanium InnerCircle (NEW!)
+Four Quarterly Whole-Day Closed-Door Titanium Innercircle Mastermind Meetings with Bo Sanchez/
+Extended Hot Seat to disect your business and discover hidden money and underutilized assets
+3 FREE Bootcamps for 2013 (exclusive of hotel costs).
+Create your very own premier issue newsletter for customer-building and customer-retention.
+Co-branding opportunity with Bos brand in your newsletter for 12-months
+Lowest Registration to attend the TrulyRichClub SuperConference
+Lowest Registration to attend the TrulyRichClub Wealth Summit
+All the HUGE Benefits of Diamond EntrepCircle, SuperGold, and Gold Membership
Platinum WealthCircle
+Four Quarterly Whole-Day Closed-Door Platinum WealthCircle Mastermind Meetings with Bo Sanchez/

+Platinum WealthCircle Videos/Webinars

+Special Surprise Gifts for WealthCircle Members Only
+Special Discount to the TrulyRichClubs SuperConference
+Special Discount to the TrulyRichClubs Wealth Summit

+All the Benefits of Diamond EntrepCircle Membership
Diamond EntrepCircle (NEW!)
+Monthly Diamond EntrepCircle eReport from Bo and Dean Pax

+Monthly Diamond EntrepWebinar from Dean Pax Lapid

+Private Annual Networking Event at a TrulyRichClub Event

+Diamond Member Discounts

+25% Discount on Dean Pax 2-Day Entrepreneur Workshop

+All Benefits of SuperGold Membership
SuperGold Members

+Monthly DVD PowerTalks by Bo Sanchez

+Bonus Gift: DVD of How To Be Truly Rich Seminar

+All Benefits of Gold Membership
Gold Members

+Twice a month PowerTalks by Bo Sanchez

+Twice a month StocksUpdate by Bo Sanchez and Mike Vinas

+Monthly WealthStrategies eReport by Bo Sanchez

+Daily GodWhispers

+Huge Starting Bonus Pack: TrulyRich Seminar in MP4; 3 eBooks, etc.

Issue Number 199 May 2015

Page 9

Why You Need to Pray for Success

The Powerful Role of Persistent Prayer
by Bo Sanchez

Im controversial in FB. Im known as the preacher who tells people that one of the biggest obstacles of NOT receiving
Gods blessings is relying on God too much.
I get a lot of flak because of that statement. One of my critics called me the anti-christ. Another guy wrote, What
Bo is teaching is unbiblical. Theres no such thing as relying on God too much. In fact, we should trust in Him fully.
But I purposely made my statement controversial to shock people and wake them up. My point? That we cant just
pray for success. Weve got to act. The Bible says that faith without works is dead.
People know me as the practical preacher.
Yet today, I want to talk about the other side of the equation. I want to tell you how important it is to pray for what
you want to achieve. In fact, you cant just pray. You need to be persistent in prayer

Correcting Misconceptions of God

When people talk about persistent prayer, some get a wrong picture of God in their minds. They imagine God as
a God who embraces a candy jar close to his chest, doling out candies to the child that screams the loudest and longest. I
disagree. God is not capricious, flippant, fickle, easily manipulated by persistent prayers.
Let me describe this terrible picture to you.
Kid: Can I have some candy?
God (clutching the candy jar in a tighter grip): Say the magic words.
Kid: Please give me candy
God: Hmm, let me think about it. Perhaps if you say it a number of times
Kid: Please, please, please, please give me candy
God: Perhaps if you ask on your knees.
Kid: (Kneels) Oh please, please, please, please give me candy
God: Perhaps if you give me those large puppy eyes.
Kid: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
God: (Looks at His watch) Perhaps if you keep asking for 30 minutes
Kid: Please, please, please, please,
Thats not God.
Yes, He does want us to pray persistently. In Matthew 7:7, when Jesus said, Ask and you shall receive, seek and
you shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you, the literal translation is Keep on asking, keep on seeking,
keep on knocking. And in Luke 18 Jesus talked about the widow who pestered the crooked judge, asking for her rights.
The bad judge said, Ill give her what shes asking for, not because I want to, but because shes driving me crazy with her
Yes, God wants us to persist in prayer. But for other reasons.
Heres my picture of God. He leaves the candy jar on the table. Its there for anyone who will persist on getting the
There are usually 3 reasons why people dont get the blessing they need, and persistent prayer addresses each of

1. No Precision
Face it: Many people dont know what they want. Theyre confused if they want the candy or they dont want the
candy. If youre confused, believe me, you wont get the candy.
But when you pray with persistence, you get very precise with what you want. It gets clear in your mind. And thats
the gift that persistent prayer gives you.

Issue Number 199 May 2015

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2. No Perception
Some know what they want, but they cant see the blessing thats many times right there in front of them. Something
within them blinds them to see the blessing that is right before their eyes.
Some have been looking for a spouse all over the universe, waiting for Prince Charming. They look for him online in
planet Jupiter and planet Neptune. Not realizing that their long time friend that they see every day could be that partner
but they dont see him as one because hes no Prince Charming. He looks so ordinary. Hes kind, responsible, hard-working,
and will be a great Dad to their kids, but because hes not tall, dark, and handsome like me, they dont see the blessing. (Im
hallucinatory. Its full moon today.)
Or theyve been looking for financial blessings far and wide, joining this and that business, getting excited with other
business ventures they see, not realizing that their financial blessing lies in focusing on their talent and developing it.

Last Year, I Did Something Special for My Wife

Last New Years Day, I gave my wife a very special giftprobably the most special gift Ive ever given her. They were
three ordinary-looking notebooks. In fact, they were used. When I gave them to her, she asked, Uh, recycled?
But after I explained the backstory of the notebooks, she was bawling like a baby. She loved them.
Why were they so special? Heres the backstory: One year ago, 365 days before that day, I decided to write a very
different journal. I called it, How Marowe Loved Me Today Journal. Every day, I wrote how she showed me her love. One
day, it was how she served me at lunchtime. Another day, it was how she gave me an unexpected kiss. Another day, it
was how she packed my bags for our trip until three in the morning. By December 31, I filled three notebooks.
I wrote the journal as a gift for her. To make her happy. But as the days went by, I realized I was giving myself a gift.
Because I became a happier husband. Why? Confession: After being married for 16 years, its very easy to focus on your
partners weaknesses. Failures. Mistakes. On the stuff she doesnt do for you. But the journal forced me to focus on my
wifes strengths. As I focused on how she loved me every day, I began to realize how lucky I was to have this wonderful
woman in my life.
The journal changed my life. Because it changed my perceptionI now saw the blessings that was right in front
of me.

3. No Persistence
Some people who walk towards the candy, midway, give up and walk away. Others walk towards the candy, grab the
candy jar, but when they find out that the cover is too tight, they just give up and walk away too. Others grab the candy,
open the cover, but when they realize their fingers would get dirt if they hold the candy, give up too!
They dont want the candy bad enough.
Do you want more success? Do you want more wealth? Do you want more blessing?
The secret to success is no secret at all. You learned it from your mother. You learned it from your grandmother. You
learned it from your Kindergarten Teacher. The problem is that the secret doesnt sound sophisticated enough that we
reject it. The secret of success is the power of persistence.
This year, our Kerygma magazine celebrates its 25th anniversary. Ive realized that you dont have to be talented to
be successful. You dont have to be gifted to be successful. Because the secret of success is to be persistent. To show up.
Each month, we published a magazine to share Gods love to the worldand we did it for 25 straight years. Month after
month after monthafter month.

Successful Investing
Can Only Happen If Youre Persistent
Let me tell you another story. Its about my youngest son Francis.
When he was baptized as a baby, my wife asked her friend to become his Ninang. Because shes crazy, we were
shocked when this Ninang said she would deposit P1000 every month into Francis bank account. And she has kept her
promise for the past nine years.

Issue Number 199 May 2015

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And all we did was transfer his money from his bank account into the stock market. (Obviously, if it stayed in the
bank, it would have died there because of inflation.) Lets do the math. That Ninang gave Francis P1000 x 12 months x 9
years = P108,000.
To be fair, we also did something simple: Every year, Francis received monetary gifts every Christmas. As tyrannical
and sadistic parents, we confiscated the money from the helpless kid and invested it in his stock market investments.
Today, the stock market portfolio of 10-year-old Francis is now P800,000+. How in the world did that happen?
Because of the power of persistence. Whats P1000? It looks so small. But if you persist every month for 10 years, it
becomes powerful.

Dont Stop at Six

One day, God asked Joshua and the Israelites to conquer the walled City of Jericho not by war but by simply marching
around the city for six days straightand on the seventh day, to encircle it seven timesand finally to shout and blow
trumpets. If you really think about it, it was an insane battle strategy. But God told Joshua that if they do this, the walls of
Jericho would fall.
According to this Bible story, Joshua never told the entire plan to his army. He just told them to march.
So imagine you were one of Joshuas soldiers.
On Day 1, you were all revved up and suited with your sword and spear and shield, ready for battle. Grrrrr! you
growl. Youre ready to taste blood.
But your commander Joshua says that morning, Lets now walk around the city. Forward march! Right, left, right,
You ask with excitement, Sir, after we walk around the city, well climb the walls and kill some Jerichonians, right?
He says, Uh, no. God says well just walk.
So that afternoon, your mother calls up. Thank God for Skype. (And there was strong WIFI from Jericho.) She asks,
Hi honey, hows the war? Have you been able to kill anyone yet?
You answer, Not really, Mom. Were just, uh, walking around. Joshua is probably just reconnoitering the area.
Perhaps more action tomorrow?
Yes, Im sure, Mom
The second day, your mother calls again. Hi Sweetheart, how was the battle today?
You answer, We, uh, took a walk again today.
Third day, same thing. Fourth day, fifth day, sixth day, same thing. On the seventh day, your mother calls again. Hi,
Sweety Pie. I know what you did today. Let me guess. You took a walk today.
And what a walk, Mom, you answer. Commander Joshua told us to go around the city seven times today. My feet
are killing me. And he also instructed us that after we encircle Jericho seven times, were going to blow the trumpets
and shout to the top of our lungs.
Son, Im so happy you didnt joint the army. You joined the Hikers Club and the Glee Club.
Question: What if Joshuas soldiers stopped at Day 6? What if the soldiers marched until Day 7 but gave up at lap 6?
They would have missed the miracle of God.
Dont stop at 6. Be persistent. Never give up.
May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez
P.S. Dont stop at six! Persist in your learning. Can I invite you to a very special Learning Vacation in Coron, Palawan with
other TrulyRichClub members? Youll be surrounded by successful mentors that have already built their wealth and can
teach you howwhile enjoying life to the full. Our SUPERCONFERENCE2015 will be on October 21 to 23, 2015. To join this
years amazing Learning Vacation, visit now!

Issue Number 199 May 2015

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