BA CC Bulletin No. 3

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0208 988 8777
BA Dispute Bulletin No. 3

Knock Out Walsh in the

T Second Round!
oday’s meeting may feel like
Groundhog Day for some following on
as it does from the court injunction
in December and yet another thumping bullying and ability to deliver effective
majority in favour of strike action. industrial action. But if BA again secures an
Although the yes vote was down from 92% injunction this will pose a huge challenge
in the previous ballot, you’d have to search to Unite and indeed the whole trade union
long and hard to find a politician from the movement. If the largest private sector
three main parties re-elected in such an union branch in the country loses a high
emphatic fashion. profile battle with a hard-nosed employer
the results will be negative for the rest of
The fall in the vote can perhaps be the labour movement.
attributed to uncertainty over whether
strike action would again be halted by It will act as a green light for employers
the courts but more importantly to an across the country to tear up agreements
onslaught of management intimidation and embark on union busting, safe in the
and harassment of union activists in the knowledge that industrial action can be
run up to the dispute. This has included sealed off by the courts.
suspending 15 reps for comments made on United Struggle
social networking sites. Nonetheless, cabin Therefore cabin crew should not be left to
crew have demonstrated they are prepared face the onslaught of management and
to resist the changes imposed on them to the courts alone. It may well be necessary may happen again makes a discussion on
the very end. to call on other Unite members and trade these issues pressing.
Despite Unite going to great lengths to unionists employed at BA to come to the
Recent history in the Lindsey Oil Refinery
ensure the ballot fully complies with assistance of cabin crew through action
and the BA check-in disputes shows that
the anti-trade union laws, the threat of of their own. Other groups of workers
in the face of a determined response from
a court sabotaging action remains real. could fast track their own disputes and
union members the anti-trade union laws
The independent scrutineer, the Electoral coordinate any strike action with cabin
can be exposed as a paper tiger.
Reform Commission, has declared the crew.
ballot to be compliant with the Industrial Abolish the Anti-TU Laws!
Where effective legal strike action proves
Relations Act. However, the recent While unions should make every effort
to be impossible because of spurious
injunction on a strike by ship pilots in to prevent the anti-trade union laws from
technicalities then the question of unofficial
Milford Haven has again demonstrated the stifling industrial action there is also the
action is posed. Nobody should be cavalier
willingness of the courts to intervene on the broader question of why these unjust laws
about unofficial industrial action but it
side of the employer. remain on the statute book. These laws
must be considered when no other option
were introduced by the Tory government in
Unite has not yet named dates for strike is open short of surrender and where it is
the late 80’s and early 90’s in order to shift
action in the hope progress can be made in deliverable by the union members. the power of the state decisively behind
negotiations with the company. Unite should mobilise its members management in industrial disputes with
While a deal cannot be ruled out it is at Heathrow and beyond into a mass staff. For 13 years of a Labour government,
difficult to see Willie Walsh backing down demonstration of support for the cabin paid for by UNITE members subs, these
on key union concerns over reductions crew around the airport and should laws have remained on the statute book. All
of staffing and the introduction of a new publicly declare that the union will defy the main political parties remain committed
workforce on inferior terms and conditions, any injunction. Any move by the courts to to these unjust laws. Trade union members
without a serious fight. sequestrate union funds should be met need a political alternative that will fight
by Unite asking the whole trade union in their interests. The Trade Union and
Walsh may fear that if he fails to ‘tame’ the movement to come to its aid. Socialist Coalition (TUSC - see reverse
cabin crew he could well suffer the same of leaflet) will be standing candidates in
fate as one of his predecessors, Bob Ailing. The undemocratic manner in which an the general election and is the only group
His position became untenable when he unelected judge ruled their last strike ballot
calling for abolition of the anti-trade union
was defeated by a cabin crew strike in out of order and the possibility that this
1999. For this reason BA’s dual strategy of
undermining the union through harassment Get involved I’d like to join the Socialist Party F I’d like more information about the Socialist Party
of staff and attacking industrial action Name...........................................................................Address.............................................
through the courts is likely to continue. .....................................................................................Post Code.........................................
Cabin crew have demonstrated time and
again their resilience to management
Send to: PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD, email or ring 0208 988 8777
Trade Unionist and
Socialist Coalition
Say no to cuts and
I privatisation
n the forthcoming general election
the three main parties are all going
to be offering a diet of cuts in public
services and attacks on pay, pensions and It is the absence of a genuine workers’ party EMPLOYMENT & TRADE UNION
conditions. The Trade Unionist and Socialist that has, in some areas, fuelled the growth
Coalition (TUSC) has been founded in
of the far-right racist BNP.
order to stand anti-cuts, pro-workers’ rights  Repeal the anti-trade union laws.
TUSC has been founded to begin to offer a  A minimum wage set at half average
real alternative to both the pro-big business, adult male earnings, with no
The nightmare prospect of a Tory pro-banker parties and the vile racism of the
government will mean that some trade BNP. Working-class people need candidates
unionists feel that they have no choice but that actually stand up in our interests. We Invest to create and protect jobs,
to vote for New Labour. However, there need candidates who stand on a programme including for young people.
are no fundamental differences between of no cuts in public services and for re- Solidarity with workers taking action
Tory and New Labour policies. While a Tory nationalisation of the privatised utilities. to defend jobs, conditions, pensions,
government would be likely to wield the axe Candidates that fight for a living pension, public services and trade unions.
more brutally, both parties have made it a decent minimum wage and for free
clear that they would slash public spending. education, for all. Candidates that stand for
Reinstate full trade union rights to
the repeal of the anti-trade union laws. prison officers.
None of the three establishment parties act
in the interests of working or middle class We appeal to you to become a sponsor of
people. For them it is the interests of the TUSC, so that we can stand as widely as
billionaires that come first. possible. P&P by the Socialist Party, PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD

General Election Launch Rally

Thursday 25 March, 7:30 pm
Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ
Speakers include:
Bob Crow the railway workers’ union (RMT) general secretary
Brian Caton the prison officers’ association (POA) general secretary
Chris Baugh the civil servants union (PCS) assistant general secretary
Dave Nellist Socialist Party councillor
Michael Lavalette Socialist Workers’ Party councillor
All speakers in a personal capacity

I wish to add my support to the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition election challenge F We would like a TUSC speaker at our trade union
branch on (please give date and details)
Post Code..............................Email......................................................................................................Telephone...........................................
Trade Union.....................................................I/we would like to donate £___________ to TUSC (cheques made payable to Trade Unionist and
Socialist Coalition and sent to address below).
Return the slip below to TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP or e-mail

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