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Contact: Amy Feather (703) 537-6877 Contact: Jenny Beth Martin (404) 285-5853

Mark Meckler (404) 281-0044

(Washington – February 18) A poll of random online respondents commissioned by Liberty
and Tea Party Patriots finds that new citizen activists have been misunderstood and mischaracterized by
much of the mainstream media. This poll of 2,000 online respondents was conducted from January 12-20,
2010 answered by a nationally representative sample provided by Survey Sampling, Inc.

“New citizen activists have been cast as ignorant, intolerant or a radical fringe by many in the media. The
facts are now demonstrating that the mainstream media is wrong and ordinary citizens are up against biased
elitists who are not seemingly interested in the truth.” said Virginia Thomas, President and CEO of Liberty
Central at CPAC. “The heart of America is our everyday citizens whose voices and inspiring stories will
help preserve our precious liberty, and this poll shows why new citizen activists are mad, who they are and
what they want.”

According to Mark Meckler, "This poll is important, because as a grassroots organization Tea Party
Patriots must constantly reach out and learn from activists in the field. The genius of the movement is in
the field, and this poll provides fundamental information that will guide us in the coming year."

Jenny Beth Martin said, "The core values Tea Party Patriots have been espousing for the last year are fiscal
responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets. This poll shows that those core values
are not the fringe in America but are rather the center of Americans when it comes to politics."

Some of the key findings of the poll include:

• The size of this movement is increasing and it evidences a conservative ascendancy.

• New citizen activists are increasingly worried that we are losing the core of what makes
America great.
• They are more likely to be consumers of mainstream media, but find most credibility in talk radio,
the internet and Fox News.
• Their key ‘gripes’ are: (1) aloof politicians, (2) biased media and (3) leftist agenda untethered to
core founding principles of our nation.
• Their focus is intensely on 2010.
• Their demographics are unusually even in terms of age, education and income.

Liberty Central is a new 501c4 whose website at will be officially launched in
April 2010 as a major online resource for informing, motivating and activating everyday citizens around
core founding principles of the US Constitution.

Tea Party Patriots is a 501c4 with over 1,500 chapters nationwide. By organizing rallies, recruiting,
motivating and informing citizen activists, and connecting them through, Tea
Party Patriots operates as a grassroots organization made up of ordinary citizens reclaiming America's
founding principles.

For questions on survey methodology - contact: Richard F. Chay, Chay McQueen LLC (847) 550-9120

- MORE -
Some of the key findings of the poll include:

1. The size of this movement is increasing and it evidences a conservative ascendancy.

• While ‘just’ 38% of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, 58 percent are

conservative when judged based on their answers about policy views. By the same
measure, just 28 percent are liberal.

• While there are currently up to 14 million conservative “activists”, there are an additional
43 million conservative “information seekers” who are deciding how active they want to
be - - making 57 million people open to “informed activism.”

2. More and more worry that we are losing the core of what makes America great.

• 85% worry that America might be losing the core of what made America great, including
46% of liberals (and 47% of those who voted for President Obama).

3. These new citizen activists are more likely to be consumers of mainstream media, but find
most credibility in talk radio, the internet and Fox News.

• Conservative activists and information seekers are more likely than average Americans to
be viewers of mainstream news sources like the three major networks, PBS, CNN,
MSNBC - including 60 Minutes, Frontline and other network specials. So while the liberal
Left likes to portray this conservative counterculture as out-of-touch and uninformed, they
are actually better informed than most. (Note: an average of 9% of Americans watch CNN
and MSNBC but 32% of conservative activists watch these.)

• 80% of conservative activists and 72% of liberals believe the internet has become the best
source of information about what is going on in government.

• 72% of conservative activists and 33% of liberals think talk radio has become the best
source of information on what is going on in the government.

4. Their Key ‘gripes’ are: (1) aloof politicians, (2) biased media and (3) leftist agenda.

• 64% think politicians listen more to lobbyists than ordinary citizens.

• 58% find it frustrating that politicians seem not to be listening to citizens.

• 44% think laws are being written in technical, legal jargon.

• 59% think the mainstream media is showing favoritism.

• 53% think the media ignores views of people like them, or treats those with their views

5. Focus is intensely on 2010.

• While 63% of conservative activists (34% of Republicans) and 50% of conservative ‘info-
seekers’ are passionately focused on the 2010 midterms, just 14 percent of liberals (19% of Democrats) are
focused there.

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Virginia (Ginni) Thomas - Founder and President - Liberty Central, Inc

Ginni is a new social entrepreneur, as well as Founder and President of Liberty Central.
will be where like-minded people gather to preserve freedom through easy, effective, entertaining and
educational activism around core founding principles. Ginni brings passion, enthusiasm and principled
participation to the public square. With 30 years of experience within the Washington beltway working
alongside esteemed politicians like Dick Armey and for institutions like Hillsdale College, the Heritage
Foundation and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Ginni is committed to serving as a clearinghouse for new
and more effective online activism.

Mark Meckler - Co-Founder / National Coordinator - Tea Party

Mark Meckler is an internet attorney, living in rural Northern California. Previously uninvolved in politics,
and a registered independent voter, Mark became engaged and organized his first tea party protest on
February 27, 2009. Mark is the Co-Founder and National Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots.

Jenny Beth Martin - Co-Founder / National Coordinator - Tea Party

Jenny Beth is a technology professional with a long history of involvement in politics. Jenny Beth became
engaged in the tea party movement and participated in the very first organizing call in mid-February 2009,
and organized her first protest in Atlanta on February 27, 2009. Jenny Beth is the Co-Founder and a
National Coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots.

Brian Faughnan – Managing Editor – Liberty Central Inc.

Brian is a former Capitol Hill staffer, having spent 10 years working in the House of Representatives. He
has also worked as a lobbyist and consultant. He became a blogger in 2006, and has written for the Weekly
Standard blog, and

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