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Creating a world of love and dignity

through provision of state-of-the-art medical services to the needy

Alive Medical Services has focused on maintaining and improving high quality, comprehensive services for a growing number
of clients. AMS is now providing state-of-the-art medical services to over 12,200 HIV positive clients, and more than
13,000 total beneficiaries! AMS has maintained quality throughout this growth by increasing clinic efficiencies, laboratory
capabilities, support group services, and organizational communication.
By acquiring new medical equipment, AMS can offer a more complete range of in-house laboratory tests and better equip each
consultation room to increase patients convenience and access. Thanks to donations and funding from Medical Access and
Human Diagnostics Uganda, AMS is now able to conduct a wider range of chemistry tests on site. AMS has also continued to
offer new, innovative support groups and income generation projects to better support patients psychological, social, and
income needs. Finally, over the past six months, AMS has increased organizational communication to support better resource
mobilization and ensure that funding will meet and sustain the needs of a growing clinic. Increasing financial resources will
enable the clinic to continue providing quality, comprehensive services to a continually growing group of beneficiaries.
In June AMS launched their first online fundraiser through GlobalGiving, a web-based fundraising platform. Over the course of
one month, AMS raised $57,636 USD and earned a permanent partnership spot on GlobalGivings website. This fundraiser
provided an opportunity to see the large number of lives touched by AMS services, by receiving support and donations from
beneficiaries, community members, and friends from around the world. The entire AMS family offers our deepest thanks. We
look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality, comprehensive HIV services in solidarity with you.
Together we can end AIDS in Uganda.
Welcome: Dr. Pasquine Ogunsanya ........ 2
Eliminating Mother-to-Child Transmission
.................................................................... 2
Laboratory Services Supporting EMTCT 3
Supporting AMS ........................................ 4
EMTCT Success Story ............................... 4
AMS Car/Boda Wash Fundraiser ............ 6


Newsletter 03, August 2015

Visit our website at :

Learn about how AMS has eliminated

mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS

Join AMS in saving lives by making a


Support Alive Medical Services projects on the GlobalGiving website!
AMS needs supporters to make online contributions to our projects! Follow AMS on Facebook, Twitter, and
or search for Alive Medical Services on the GlobalGiving website ( Online donations are the fastest and



Dear friends,
I hope that you and your loved ones are very well. What a joy it is to share all of
the exciting things that have happened at AMS in the second quarter of 2015!
AMS has continued to provide a unique approach to HIV/AIDS treatment, which
addresses the medical, social, and economic factors that affect people living with
HIV and their families. Thanks to your support, AMS now cares for over 12,200
HIV positive clients, serving them with love, dignity, and excellence.
We are very grateful for your donations during AMS first online fundraiser. The
fundraiser was hugely successful, generating the second highest amount of
money ($57,636 USD) ever raised by a new organization on GlobalGiving.
Thank you so much!
We are also happy to announce that AMS has continued to eliminate all motherto-child transmission of HIV among enrolled clients. Since 2013, all (100%)
babies born to HIV positive women enrolled in AMS care have successfully
received a negative final HIV Test.
We hope that you enjoy reading about our work and that you will share this
newsletter with your friends and family. With your help, we will continue to
serve the most vulnerable in our community and bring an end to AIDS in
Together more lives will be saved!
Thank you,


Alive Medical Services recognizes that eliminating mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) of HIV is an essential step in
realizing an AIDS-free generation. AMS has created an innovative and comprehensive EMTCT program and has successfully
eliminated new infections among all babies born to HIV positive women enrolled in AMS care.
AMS EMTCT program supports HIV positive women and mothers throughout every step of the child-bearing process, from
before conception through the first 18 months of the babys life. Since 2013, AMS has been offering Option B+, which is the
World Health Organizations recommendation for providing lifelong ART to all pregnant and breastfeeding women regardless of
their CD4 count or the clinical stage of their virus. Since offering Option B+ AMS has had a 100% success rate, with all HIV
positive women enrolled in services giving birth to healthy, HIV negative babies. Since 2013, AMS has discharged 279 negative
babies, discharging 104 negative babies in the first six months of 2015 alone.
AMS sets the foundation of a successful EMTCT program through providing widespread information about the considerations,
process, and holistic treatment that is needed to give birth to a healthy, HIV negative baby. AMS staff uses regular health talks to

Our aim is to prevent HIV transmission from mothers to their children, with
the ultimate goal of an HIV free generation!


Staff members educate women interested in becoming pregnant on the proper time to conceive when their immune system is strong, CD4 count is high, and viral load is low. Any woman not
currently healthy enough to become safely pregnant is encouraged to stay on family planning until
their health becomes optimal for conceiving a child. When a woman has been identified to be
healthy enough to get pregnant, she and her partner are encouraged to enroll in couples
counseling, including pre-conception advice to determine when a couple is prepared to give birth
to and raise a healthy, HIV negative baby together. This psychosocial support encourages male
involvement, by reminding men of their role and responsibility to test for HIV/STIs and support
the mother and child in maintaining proper nutrition and treatment adherence.
Once a woman becomes pregnant she is enrolled in AMS ANC program where she is taught
about the pregnancy risk factors exacerbated by HIV/AIDS, including the importance of child
spacing, hospital deliveries, and safe breast feeding practices. After completing the ANC program,
AMS provides the pregnant women with an initial prophylaxis for the baby and refers them to a
local hospital for safe delivery services.
Six weeks after birth, mothers bring their babies to AMS for immunizations, an HIV test, and
septrine. At the same time, mothers receive family planning services (to support child spacing) and
can be screened for cervical cancer. AMS ensures high retention rates among mothers and
newborn babies, by providing frequent phone calls, text messages, and home visits. Additionally,
AMS eases the burden on mothers by synching services to allow mothers and their babies to
receive treatment at the same time. AMS staff continues to provide comprehensive monitoring and
care to mothers and babies throughout the first 18 months, until the baby is discharged HIV free.

The convenience and

ease that results from
having all services
and treatments
provided on-site is
particularly important
for pregnant mothers.
AMS laboratory
provides a full
selection of services
for pregnant women,
including testing
urine, blood, STIs,
iron level, malaria,
and sugar. These tests
allow AMS clinicians
to constantly monitor
the health of HIV
positive pregnant
women throughout
the entire pregnancy.
Providing all of these
tests in one location

and preserves
patients dignity

Improves AMS
ability to monitor
mother and child
health by
coordinating care
and keeping all

retention by
allowing mothers
to access tests for
free and with

AMS EMTCT program is highly effective due to unique aspects, including:

Providing on-site access to laboratory tests, medical services, and medications, in order to
ease the burden on mothers and increase convenience

Providing a mother-to-mother psychosocial support group, which empowers HIV positive

mothers to become EMTCT ambassadors by spreading information throughout their
communities and providing counseling and encouragement to other pregnant mothers

Providing additional psychosocial support and care to all mothers and babies throughout the
entire process, allowing mothers to feel comfortable and confident

Organizing a platform for the Network Club that gives HIV positive, single clients an
opportunity to connect in a low-stigma setting, and ultimately can lead to more honest
relationships, improved couples adherence, and safer births



To support the life-saving services
and dedicated team at Alive
Medical Services (AMS), please
make a donation today via our
website ( or
via our project pages on the
GlobalGiving website!
GlobalGiving: Search for Alive
Medical Services projects on the
website (
PAYPAL: Use the email
In Uganda: Donate directly
through STANDARD
Account name: Alive Medical
Account number: 8702813387901
Swift code: SCBLUGKA

Medical volunteers are always
welcome. Opportunities also exist
for non-medical volunteers. Please
send your expression of interest to:


A Mothers Love Provides Leadership
Veronica Amongin is a loving mother to
four children and a respectful, supportive
wife. Veronica, like many mothers,
supports her family by balancing
household work, income generating labor,
and emotional support and encouragement
for her husband and children. Her slender
and unimposing frame can belittle this
womans impressive strength and
enduring spirit. When asked about her
family, Veronicas face transforms into a
compassion, and above all pride.
Veronicas greatest display of love for her
family began 10 years ago, when after
suffering from consistent health problems
she decided to take a voluntary HIV test.
After suffering from severe throat pain
and other general discomforts for
extended periods of time, Veronica was
eventually forced to seek medical
attention. She admits that she was initially
nervous to get tested for HIV. However,
she became willing after her pain
increased and she was exposed to public
health messaging that encouraged the
importance of testing. Veronica learned

more about the value of HIV testing

through community drama performances
that advocated about the need for HIV
testing and treatment. Veronica was most
impressed by the beautiful, healthylooking women who acted in the dramas.
Their appearance gave Veronica hope: if
it was possible for these women to look so
attractive while living with HIV, then it
must also be possible to maintain a
healthy life even with the sickness.
In 2005 Veronica first arrived at AMS,
and was immediately encouraged by the
loving welcome that she received at the
clinic. After being tested, Veronica was
confirmed HIV positive. She immediately
enrolled in AMS services and began
taking antiretroviral drugs and received
treatment for her other symptoms.
Confident in the quality care that she had
received, Veronica decided to bring her 8year old son, Antony, to the clinic to be
tested as well. Unfortunately, the boy was
also confirmed HIV positive and began
Shortly after beginning treatment,
Veronica and Antony began to feel better
and regain their strength. However,

Breaking the Cycle and Giving Birth to Healthy Children

Over a year after testing positive for HIV and beginning treatment, Veronica
became pregnant. After seeing her son struggle with HIV, Veronica was
nervous about giving birth to another child. However, throughout the pregnancy
Veronica received treatment, counseling, and support from AMS. With
encouragement and support from the AMS staff, Veronica adhered to her
treatment and remained strong and healthy.
Thanks to the top quality clinical and psychosocial care that she received from
AMS, Veronica remained confident throughout her pregnancy. In February,
2007 Veronica gave birth to a healthy baby girl and a year and a half later, gave
birth again to a healthy baby boy. Both children tested negative for HIV.
Giving birth to two healthy babies restored Veronicas hope and commitment to
raising a healthy family.
Caring for the Whole Family with Comprehensive Care
In addition to receiving clinical care from AMS, Veronicas family has
benefitted from the full range of comprehensive services offered. Veronica
appreciated the comfort of receiving all of the assistance that she and her family

When asked about her family, Veronicas face transforms into a glowing grin,
emitting warmth, compassion, and above all pride.
needed in one convenient location. We felt so contented and satisfied about
the services that we received from Alive Medical Services that we saw there
was no need for us to go to any other center for anything and we went ahead to
encourage more people to come to Alive Medical Services, through [sharing]
the testimonies.
Before getting sick, Veronica and her husband had worked hard to provide a
good life for their small family. However, after becoming sick with HIV, both
parents were forced to stop working. With no income the family struggled to
meet even their basic needs. Fortunate for the food support provided by AMS,
Veronica was able to continue providing her family with essential, nutritious
meals even during the most challenging times.
Caring and supportive, the AMS counseling staff continued to encourage the
two parents and provided them with information about all the components to
living healthy and productive lives. This psychosocial support allowed
Veronica and her husband to persist and remain hopeful in even the darkest
times. AMS staff also helped connect the family to a range of other resources
outside of the clinic, including linking Veronica to livelihood skills courses at a
local church. Veronica learned tailoring and business skills and even received
her own sewing machine through the program. The course allowed Veronica to
begin earning money for her family again and renewed their sense of selfsustainability. If it wasnt for Alive Medical [Services] I wouldnt have

Working Towards an AIDS-Free Generation
When Veronica first arrived at Alive Medical Services, she was sick and weak. In fact, Veronica admits thinking that she would
die soon after she had tested positive for HIV. Fortunately after beginning treatment, Veronica began to feel stronger again and
after giving birth to the first negative child her hope only grew. A healthy family proved to be a mothers best medicine
restoring Veronicas determination to lead a healthy life. Now, Veronica counsels neighbors about testing and adhering to
treatment. She shares her own story as an example, saying anyone can lead a healthy life if they are taking medicines. Her
restored health and giving birth to two HIV negative children is what encourages Veronica to spread information and counsel
others. The message I would really love to give to anyone who is pregnant: I would recommend the person to run as fast as
possible to [the] nearest health center to test for HIV and know their status. In case she realizes that she is positive, she would be
advised to begin taking medicine as soon as possible. She also emphasizes the importance of carefully adhering to treatment,
proclaiming that EMTCT provides mothers a way to give birth to a healthy, HIV negative child.


In coordination with the June online fundraiser, AMS organized two Car/Motorcycle Wash Fundraisers at the clinic. These
community-based events enabled AMS to continue strengthening their brand and recognition within Namuwongo and greater
Kampala, by empowering community members and beneficiaries to contribute back into the clinic while also providing new,
creative entry-points into services. For example, as commercial motorcycle drivers waited for their bikes to be cleaned they
could also participate in a full round of complementary, comprehensive tests including voluntary HIV counselling and testing.
These events provided one more example of how the creative work being done at AMS provides new, low-barrier entry points
into the clinics services. It is this creativity and innovation that allows AMS to continue reaching new beneficiaries and keeps
retention rates well above the national average. Above all, these events illustrated the achievement of building an HIV clinic that
the community is excited to come together and celebrate. Thank you to all of our many supporters and contributors that made the


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