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Elite Dogspotting

If you are reading this, then you yearn for the opportunity to enter and thrive in competitive
Dogspotting. This document is to be considered sacred. The rules contained within this document will
be expected to be followed to the letter.
Our first suggestion is to print this document and keep it with you at all times. Please laminate to
protect it against the elements and tearing. It can come in handy while out spotting, and will be
absolutely a necessity when posting your spots into the group. Keep this .PDF file handy on your
smartphone for quick reference. Elite Dogspotting has an extremely limited amount of tolerance or
quarter for those who post with ignorance to this document and the information contained within.
This is your Dogspotting holy book. Learn it, love it, live it.
*Any reference to these Rules posted in the group should be in the formats: GRx for Group Rules | SRx for Scoring Rules | Where x is the
Rule Number Reference i.e. refer to SR10c when mentioning the multiscoring rule More Than One Dog Holding an Object, SR25a when
reminding someone of the Caligula penalty, ect.

1) What is Dogspotting?
Dogspotting is the art of seeing a dog, classifying it and its actions, and assigning a score to the spot.
The goal of Dogspotting is to spot the dog in as natural a state as possibleideally doing something
wondrous, unique, or exciting.
2) What is Elite Dogspotting?
This Elite group is dedicated to the Game of Dogspotting. The threshold of expectation is high for its
membership. If you are looking for a Rules based, competition fueled organization to do your
spotting -this is your group. If you like Dogspotting but prefer laid back rules and amateur spotting
then regular Dogspotting is your place to be.
3) Elite Group, Elite Expectations
Spot Log: Historically, spotters keep a personal spot log. As an Elite Dogspotting member, you will
also keep a spot log if you want to qualify for the Big Prize. A good way to keep track of your log is
to copy the permalink to your spots when you post them. You can use a trusty paper and pencil

while out on in the field, but the information should be stored electronically once you report your
spots to the group.
How do you track your spots?
To do that, click on the timestamp of your post:

Once you click that link, copy the URL of the page it takes you to:

Now paste that permalink into your log! At the end of the year, if you think you qualify for a chance to
win the Big Prize, you can post your log as proof of your spotting score!
4) Self-Scoring:
In Elite Dogspotting, it will be expected of you to self-score every spot you post. Therefore
knowledge of the rules is of upmost importance. It is best to be completely fair and straightforward.
Your fellow spotters will be critiquing your score. (see more information in Scoring Rules Section
5) The Big Prize:
While we are all good friends here in Elite Dogspotting, this is also a very serious competition of skill
and points. At the end of the year all the points are tallied and the Spotter with the most points gets
the Big Prize. Dont ask what the Big Prize is, you only get the privilege of knowing if you become the
Top Spotter. Go out there and win it!


1) Respect Admins Respect the Dogspotting admins and their decisions. Do not sass the Dogspotting
staff. If you have a serious problem contact the staff through private message rather than throwing
a fit in the comments, as this only disrupts Dogspotting and causes disorder. The admins have over
100 years of combined Dogspotting experience. It will do you good to listen to and heed any advice
they offer.
2) Respect the Rules - Members are expected to read and follow the rules. Ignorance is not an excuse.
Not agreeing with a rule does not give you ground to break the rules. Admins reserve the right to
ban members upon any breach of the rules.
3) Respect Fellow Spotters Be excellent to each other! Members are expected to be courteous to
each other. We know there will be some debate on spots, scores, and rules amongst Spotters. These
can and should happen in a respectful manner, without insults or belittlement. Members who get
out of hand will be banned. If someone acts malicious towards you, remind them of Rule GR3 and
refrain from barbarous retaliation in favor of being the better person, least you also fall victim of
GR3 yourself.
4) Social Slights and Civil Rights - No racism, homophobia, sexism or other malicious social slights This is a zero tolerance policy. If you are making a post and are even on the borderline of doing this,
please go back and re-write your post or comment. It doesnt matter if you are serious, or joking.
The Dogspotting Staff does not joke when it comes to GR4.
5) No Photos of Service Dogs Service dogs have a job of assisting people in a chaotic world. When
you perturb a service dog you are inhibiting its ability to fulfill its duties. Disturbing a service dog
could very well endanger a persons life. Therefore, out of respect to the duty and safety of service
dogs and their handlers, service dog spots are not allowed.

a) - Service dogs in training are an exception and are legit spots.

b) - Service dogs not in the company of their owners are an exception and are legit spots.
c) - Emotional support dogs are not included under GR5, as this rule is to protect the safety of the
physically disabled as their service dog assists them.
d) - Working dogs, such as police dogs, cadaver dogs, farm dogs, or other such working dogs are
NOT considered service dogs and are legit spots.
e) Text spots and sketches of service dogs are eligible for submission as a spot.
6) Be Respectful of Privacy No creeping while peeping! If possible get your spot without disturbing or
capturing any humans in the spot. If you do have to capture a human in your spot, it is best to
explain yourself and ask permission (optional).
a) Edit out license plates if at all possible.
b) If a human is inadvertently captured in a spot, please do not mention the human or the humans
body parts in any way. Do not comment on how attractive or unattractive the human might be.
Human identities may be edited out as referenced in GR9d-GR9di.

7) No Known Dogs / Own Dogs The whole point of Dogspotting is to spontaneously observe an
exciting new dog. Taking a picture of a dog you know, including your own dog, does not fit those
criteria. Get out there in the world and make some spots that have a little challenge! Even if the
picture makes a cool dog pic, if it is your dog or a dog you know then its still not a spot!
a) Do not spot a neighbors dog if it isnt the first time you have seen it.
b) Do not spot a family members dog if it isnt the first time you have seen it.
c) Do not spot a dog you see often, such as a dog you see every day on the way to a bus stop.
d) If you know a dog exists before the encounter, it is most likely a known dog and cannot be
e) An exception to GR7d is if it is a roaming dog that is not stationary (such as in a house or yard).
You know of its existence but happen upon it in a chance encounter or a Spot Quest.
f) An exception to GR7d is if a Spotter has been stricken by a Jack of Spades (see SR5) and must go
on a Spot Quest to find a Jack of Hearts (see SR6a).

8) No Stealing - No images found on the internet. If you are caught you will be banned.
a) You may spot by proxy, i.e. a spot your brother got, a friend got etc. if it is a legit spot that meets
Elite Dogspotting standards, however you cannot claim the points for said spot, but you may
post it out of Dogspotting Honor.

9) No Memes or Edited Photos Do not post image macros or memes. Please refrain from calling a
dog doge. We will only accept a raw photo taken by the spotter presenting the spot (Exception to
this can be found under GR8a).


No screencaps from your phone gallery.

No snapchats.
No instagrams.
No edited photos with the exception of enhanced zooms posted in the comments below the
spot, or crops / pixilation / blackouts to remove unwanted elements from your spots, such as
humans, human faces or license plates.
i) Do not use sticker images to edit elements from your spots, but instead a blacked out box or
e) Do not put text on your spots.
f) Do not draw arrows or circles on your spots.

10) Do Not Use This Group to Press Issues We all have gripes with injustices in the world. This group is
not for organizing against injustice. It is for Dogspotting. Please refrain from pressing your political
or socio-economic issues in this group. This includes both dog related and non-dog related issues.
This is not a group for debating the ethics of dog ownership, breeding, adoption or any other topic
not directly related to the act of looking at a dog and assigning it an accurate score. We cant let this
group fill up with people trying to achieve an agenda. If you have issues with something contact the
staff via private message. This includes any grievances against Dogspotting itself, Rules, or Staff.

11) Spam / No Pics of Non-Spots YOUR DOG IS SICK - Dont post a pic of an owl and say WHAT TYPE
OF DOG IS THIS LOL. Dont post a pic of a cat, dont post a pic of a lizard, dont post a pic of a
professional rapper, and dont post a pic of anything except a dog. It has been done umpteen million
times. It wasnt funny any of those times; it wont be funny when you do it. You will be banned
instantly. This group is for spots only.
a) Any spam posts will be deleted and the member banned permanently. No one wants your darn
sunglasses okay?
b) Do not post pictures for lost dogs. This is a worldwide group and you would be better off trying
to get the word out locally.
c) Do not advertise for dogs needing adoption. We support animal adoption, but we do not want
the group to fill up with posts about this, which it will if we allow those types of posts.
d) Do not share content from dog-related articles, items, pages, or groups unless it is directly
talking about Dogspotting.

12) Low-Hanging Fruit/Fish In A Barrel Do not post spots of dogs from any place that it is obvious that
There Will Be Dogs. If it is a dog oriented place or event then it is a no go on spotting! It is
considered lazy and is bad Dogspotting etiquette. Spots should to be spontaneous. A low-hanging
fruit spot is the equivalent of going hunting and finding a baby deer tied to a tree and shooting it in
the face. There is just no sport in it!


Do not post spots from pet stores

Do not post spots from kennels
Do not post spots from dog parks
Do not post spots from a veterinarians office
Do not post spots from dog shows
Do not post spots from ANY dog oriented place or event

13) Clear Spot Reports - When you post a spot, be sure to give good context of your spot, especially if it
is in a home or dwelling. A good story behind the spot is appreciated by everyone. If you post a
picture without context, zealous Spotters may assume you are posting your own dog or a dog you
know. Questionable spots that are posted without adequate context may be deleted if the original
poster does not respond to member inquiry. Telling a great story with your spot can even net you
extra points!

At the core of the Sport and Art of Dogspotting is the score. As seen in Section III of the Introduction,
Spotters belonging to Elite Dogspotting will be expected to self-score. For your spot to qualify for
points, you MUST self-score your own spots when posting them to the group and record those posts
in your Spot Log. This of course requires knowledge of scoring rules, and Spotters will be expected to
use these guidelines in scoring their spots. Elite Dogspotting is the true carrier of Dogspotting
tradition. Be proud to be here, be honorable in your spot score.

The Three Honors of Elite Dogspotting

1) Honor in Dogspotting Dogspotting has a storied history and tradition. You, as an Elite Spotter,
will be expected to uphold and cherish this tradition. This includes being fair in your self-score
and evaluation of other Spotters scores. This includes obeying all rules! This includes of being
PROUD to be an Elite Dogspotter!
2) Honor in Self-Scoring Be fair in your scoring! If you make a spot that accrues negative points,
you are expected to post it, and accept your score with honor. A spot is a spot. As an Elite
Spotter, you should make an attempt to log ALL spots you make, negative points or otherwise.
3) Honor in Scoring Others When assessing other Spotters spot entries, you will be upheld to the
same criteria you are expected of in scoring your own spots. You shall evaluate them with
honesty and admiration. In most cases you will be agreeing with their assessment. If you find
disagreement with their self-score, you should contend the score in a polite manner. We are
capable of debate without insult in Elite Dogspotting.

1) All dogs are Base +1 Point.
2) No Human Points - Dont give points for qualities or actions of humans, ever. We are
scoring the spots only. Humans have absolutely NOTHING to do with Dogspotting points.
Please do not remark on human bodies that may be in the shot (see GR6a).
3) No Breed Points - Dont award points for breed. This is paramount to racism. A dog is a dog
is a dog.
4) Reverse Spot If a dog spots you back with a KNOWING SMILE, the dog absorbs your spot
points for that spot.
5) Jack of Spades This is the worst thing that can happen to you out there as a Spotter
besides maybe a dog attack or human mugging. If you spot a dog and the dog spots you
back with a knowing smile AND a wink, you have been a victim with a Jack of Spades and all
your points for the year are forfeit to the dog. The most dangerous of JOS dogs are what we
call Permajacks; or dogs that are missing one eye in a permanent wink and have an almost
constant smile. These have laid waste to whole regions of Spotters, forcing some to move or
seek refuge. Always pay close attention to Admin field bulletins to see if a Permajack has
been spotted in your area.
6) Jack of Hearts (+3 Bonus) There is only one way to comeback from spotting a Jack of
Spades and regaining your points; spotting a completely blind dog with a knowing smile.
This saintly dog called the Jack of Hearts will give you a lifeline to recover from the JOS and a
second chance at the Big Prize. This spot is worth a +3 Bonus to those who spot it, even if
they arent in need of its holy healing capabilities.
a. Those who have been stricken by a JoS may forgo rule GR7d. Going on a Spot Quest
to find a JoH of known location is acceptable, much like travelling to the top of a
Himalayan mountain peak to visit a holy man who is known to be there in order to
cleanse your spirit.
7) The Joker A true wildcard of a spot. The Joker spot occurs when you spot a dog with both
its eyes closed AND sticking its tongue out. When this happens you need to roll a 1D6 dice to
decide the point value of the spot. Then flip a coin.
a. - If the coin is heads the points are positive.
b. If the coin is tails the points are negative.

8) Dream Spotting - Dream spotting is possible. Jot down your dream spot as soon as you wake
up, and tally up your Dogspotting score. Then multiply that score by 1 (also known as i) to
give you your final score. This will produce an imaginary number that will be added to your
normal score. If you had 50 spot points total and gain 3i dream spot points your total would
then be 50+3i points. If you need help with the math check this page out:
9) Meta Spot Also called an inception spot. Someone who gets spotted by another spotter
while spotting has to cede all of their points for the year to the spotter who spotted them
spotting! Beware of other spotters!
10) Multispot! - When two or more dogs are linked in certain ways, it is considered a multispot.
A quick scoring guide:
-First you score the individual dogs and their attributes.
-Second you add those scores together.
-Third you multiply by the number of dogs in the multispot
-Fourth you add any other points that may apply, including dogs in the spot who are not
included in the multispot.
Sum of Individual dogs score totals (It) times number of dogs (Dn) plus additional points (Ap)
= Multispot Score (S)

(It Dn) + Ap = S
A multispot bonus is not necessarily awarded whenever multiple dogs are spotted at once! Only
dogs linked by a multispot qualifier may be counted in the multispot score. Dogs in the spot not
linked with the multispot qualifying dogs will be added in the end as Additional Points. To qualify
as a multispot, the dogs must be linked in one of the following manners:
a. Connected via leashes to a single entity or object
b. Moving together in a manner that suggests both companionship and shared
purpose / intent
c. An object being held by two or more dogs at the same time
d. Occupying the same vehicle or container
e. The physical act of love
f. Feeding off a shared carcass or piece of food
g. Violence or full-contact horseplay
11) Great Story! (Bonus: +1) - A text spot is totally viable. If you make a great spot and dont
have a camera handy, feel free to post a story about your spot in the group. A good story
can net you a point! If you have a picture of your spot, you can still give good context or tell

your story of the spot to go along with your picture and get an extra Great Story bonus! Only
your fellow spotters may bestow points for SR11-SR11b.
a. Great Poem! (Bonus +1) - A category of text spot. Some Spotters are moved so
much by the beauty of a spot that they express the experience in the form of a
Poem or Ballad.
12) Skill Spot (Bonus +1) - Getting a spot from a disadvantaged point of view, such as a rearview mirror, getting a spot of a stationary object from a moving vehicle, or any other spot
where the difficulty makes it extremely unlikely you would be able to succeed, but
somehow do!
a. If a spotter gets a spot from a vehicle they do not control and have no influence
over the operator of that vehicle (i.e. being a passenger in a car who is able to
instruct the driver) it is eligible for the Skill Spot Bonus. Examples; a bus, a train, or a
i. Getting a spot from a moving car while driving is not valid. Due to safety
measures, Spotters should not be operating a vehicle while getting a spot.
13) Stealth (Bonus +1) Stealth is a good ability for a spotter to possess. Its the only way you
are going to get a close shot of a dog without disturbing its natural state! Stealth is
something learned through experience. Dont get down if you fail at stealth spots at first,
learn from your mistakes and successes. This is a skill that can be mastered by anyone! To
receive a stealth bonus you must be hidden behind cover, or within 3 meters of the dog
without it noticing your presence.
a. A spot of a sleeping dog at close range (under 1 meter) qualifies the spotter for a
stealth bonus award. Just be careful not to wake him up and disturb his natural
state! If you do, you may fall victim to the Too Close Distance penalty! (see SR16b)
14) Criminal Behavior (+1 Bonus) A dog spotted committing a crime will net you this bonus.
This includes jaywalking, theft (such as stealing human pizza), and any other minor crimes.
a. Destroying Human Property (+2 Bonus) - A dog spotted destroying human property
such as a pillow, watering can, or any other human owned objects will net you this
15) Extreme Lounging (+1 bonus) - This is not just a dog lying down. This is not a dog merely
napping or sleeping. This is a dog contorting its body into an unnatural position or laying in
an extremely unusual place in order to break the traditional boundaries of laziness.
16) Distance (+1 Bonus) A good distance spot (estimated 25-75 meters) will get you a +1
distance bonus! Sometimes it is hard to exactly know the distance from your spot. We must
use Spotters Honor, judge our best, and score ourselves fairly as we can. The same applies
for SR16a.


a. Extreme Distance (+2 Bonus) - An extreme distance spot (estimated 75+ meters)
will get you a whopping +2 bonus!!!
b. Too Close Distance (-2 Penalty) - Beware of getting too close (estimated 1 meter or
around 3 feet). Distance rewards are here to encourage you to not disturb a dogs
natural state. Getting too close disrupts the natural state of a dog and lessens the
value of a spot. Getting right up in their face will net you a -2 distance penalty!
i. If a spotters hand is visible interacting with the dog in the spot, Rule SR16b
automatically goes into effect.
c. If the dog is asleep you can get as close as you want without perturbing its natural
state, just dont wake it up! You also qualify for a stealth bonus! (see SR13a)
d. If you have a good long-distance spot as well as a close-up, it would be best to use
the distance spot on your original post, and then if you want to show the close-up
put, it in the comments. Remember that the goal is to capture the dog in as natural
of a state as possible, and to earn those DS points!
17) Action Dog (+2 Bonus) - Any dog performing athletic feats or demonstrating great skill. This
goes beyond simply running; it must be a pretty extraordinary action to qualify.
18) Curious Eater (+2 Bonus) - Any dog pushing the limits of the canine palate by eating
something unusual, from disgusting to perplexing.
19) Missing Component (+3 Bonus) - A dog with missing limbs, eyes or other parts that is still
making an honest effort to live. *Does not apply to missing testicles due to surgery.
20) Matched Set (+2 Bonus) A group of two or more highly complementary dogs spotted
a. This score is to be included in the Additional Points variable [Ap] in the Multispot
Scoring Equation (see SR10-SR10g).
21) Dog Carrying Its Own Leash (+3 Bonus) - Also known as a Ronin (), translating to a dog
without a master. The leash must be carried in the dogs mouth, not just loose or dragging
behind it.
a. A dog leading another dog by the leash is NOT considered a Ronin, but does qualify
for multispot scoring (see SR10-SR10g)
22) Hero Dog (+25 Bonus) - A dog performing a heroic deed, such as rescuing a family from a
burning building or aiding a senior citizen stuck in a well. This spot must capture the dog in
the act to qualify.
23) Honored Dogs (+25 Bonus) - Amongst dogkind, there are some unique specimens that go
above and beyond, achieve the impossible and demonstrate extraordinary integrity. These
are called Honored Dogs, and they are treasured by all serious Dogspotters. Sadly, many

Honored Dogs, such as Laika, The Auditor, and Hachiko, live on only as statues. If you
happen to see the statue of an Honored Dog, you can spot it just the same as any true living
dog, but with an appropriate and respectful bonus. Each Honored Dog, in living or statue
form, shall only be counted ONCE within the lifetime of the Dogspotter. Honored Dogs are
Hero Dogs who are remembered forever. This type of spot is not eligible for Multispot
24) Cyber Barking Organism (+3 Bonus) CYBORG spot - A pooch using technology to
mobilize in order to overcome a disability or using technology to further interact with the
world. If this pooch is missing a limb you can add the +3 Missing Component bonus as
referenced in SR19! Megaspot!
25) Shameful Appearance (-2 Penalty) Any dog dressed in human clothing, dyed an unnatural
color or embarrassingly groomed or will net you with a -2 point penalty.
a. Caligula (-4 Penalty [one for each paw]) - Especially beware the infamous Caligula
Spot, it is a dog wearing footwear and will garner you this penalty! Yikes!!!
b. Ultimate Shame (-4 Penalty) Dyed Dogs will enable this accursed score!
26) Shameful Transport (-2 Penalty) A dog being transported in an unnatural manner or
container carries this penalty. Backpacks, animal carriers, baby carriages and other
constrictive transports systems apply.
a. Dogs being transported in cars, trucks or most other vehicles are exempt of SR26, as
modern pups need commuting to important places of great distance.
b. Noteworthy Transport (+2 Bonus) A dog free of constriction being transported in
an unusual vehicle or manner; such as air balloon, jetski, motorcycle, sidecar,
someones shoulders, or another unusual method of transportation.
27) Hegemonic Oppression (-25 Penalty) - Any dog being used as an agent of police or
military intimidation or breaking up peaceful protests and union actions. Spot must
capture dog in the act to qualify.
28) Free Range (+1 Bonus) Any dog spotted that is not contained by a perimeter (fence or
wireless fence), on a leash, in a vehicle or container, or restrained in any way is eligible for
the Free Range bonus.
29) Wizard Portal (+1 Bonus) A dog spotted with his head or other body part breaking the
plane of a hole in a barrier. i.e. a dog with its head sticking through a hole in a fence.
a. A dogs nose sticking out from under a fence, door, or gate does not qualify for the
Wizard Portal Bonus.


30) Salty Dog (+1 Bonus) A dog with at least one foot touching a natural body of water is
eligible for this bonus.
31) Wild Canid (+2 Bonus) Any species of Canid spotted under the qualifications of the
Free Range (see SR28) rule. Foxes, Wolves, Dingos, Jackals, and other wild members
of the Canidae Family are eligible.
32) Scenic Spot (+1 Bonus) A Spot captured in a picturesque surrounding.
33) Artspot (+1 Bonus) A spot captured that is worth framing.
a. A beautiful photo may be given this bonus, but not in conjunction with SR32
(Scenic Spot).
b. A representive sketch, sculpture, painting or other media of a spot may fit this
category and be awarded with this bonus.
c. SR33 is only awarded by peers, and cannot be included in a self-score. Your
post may be edited to include this bonus once awarded by your peers.
34) Creative Bonus (+1 Bonus) A bonus point awarded by your peers, that they make up
for themselves! Bonus should be oriented to match a creative theme for the spot. This
bonus is restricted to one point PER SPOT. In other words, even a multispot scoring spot
or a spot with multiple dogs can receive only one creative bonus point.

Membership in Elite Dogspotting

To become an official member of Elite Dogspotting one must take the Oath of the St. Bernard and follow
all associated traditions of the ceremony. Please follow these instructions:
[The ceremony must be at night or in a darkened room. An official member must be present or
witness in person or via webcam. Three large candles must be lit signifying the three major skill
tenets of Elite Dogspotting: Vision, Speed, and Wisdom.]
I, <state your given name or Dogspotting handle>, do herby solemnly swear to abide by the
rules and regulations of the Elite Dogspotting charter and to follow the guidance of the Elder

[A bell must be rung eight times to signify the eight original Dogspotters in the spy ring created
to locate Attila the Huns scout dogs.]
I will spot with fidelity, grace, and honor. I will spot with respect for my fellow spotters. I will
spot with respect for the dog and points that sustain me. I will spot with respect for the
traditions of The Lifestyle.
[A horn is blasted to signify the sacking of Constantinople by the Turks and the spread of
Dogspotting throughout the civilized world soon after. If a horn is not available, a drum or gong
can be used.]
I will upload the laws and spirit of Dogspotting. I will correct wrong point scoring. I will guide
others if I see error or sloth. I will cut out corruption root and stem. I am a guardian - a watcher
- a dog knight.
[The initiate draws a dog on a piece of paper and then draws an eye around the dog. They then
find a stone in the tallest hill or mountain in their area and fold the piece of paper three times
and place it under the stone.]
The ceremony is complete and the new Elite Dogspotting member is given their Spotting Number and ID
card. Dog bless.
If you have read all of the rules and think this group is not for you, check out the Regular Dogspotting group.
NOTE: This is a living document and may be changed at any time. Any changes to this document will be announced. Members will be expected to be up to date and current on knowledge of
the Rules. Ignorance of the Rules is not an excuse to break the Rules. Upon joining Dogspotting, Elite Dogspotting, or any other Dogspotting group or organization, any media posted within
Dogspotting groups or other Dogspotting properties by its members or other persons may be utilized by Dogspotting in any way it sees fit, including distribution of apparel, media or other
products by Dogspotting.


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