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How to Set Up JBPM with Liferay

JBoss jBPM is a powerful workflow and BPM engine that enables the creation of
business processes that coordinate between people, applications and services.
With its modular architecture, JBoss jBPM combines easy development of workflow
applications with a flexible and scalable process engine. The JBoss jBPM process
designer graphically represents the business process steps in order to facilitate a
strong link between the business analyst and the technical developer.

Set Up
Grab the starter kit from here:
I'll give you a quick set of instructions to help you get started. It sounds a little
overwhelming but it's really easy once you become familiar with how the webapp
works. It's also good because you end up with a workflow portlet that you can
modify to do whatever you want and actually understand how it works. If you can
get the WAR rebuilt, then you'll be a lot of that there. Here's how I began:
1. Download jboss JBPM starter kit from the above link.
2. Extract it somewhere, I put it under C:\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2 (I'll reference
everything as from that directory for the rest of the steps)
3. Take the WAR file C:\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2\jbpm-
server\server\jbpm\deploy\jbpm.war and extract it somewhere to use as a
project (this will give you all the JSPs, web.xml etx.).
4. Then go and take the source tree from this directory C:\jbpm-starters-kit-
3.1.2\jbpm\src\java.webapp and put it somewhere to use for starting
webapp code.
5. Next, in the jbpm.war that you extracted in a previous step, you'll want to
delete the file jbpm-webapp-3.1.2.jar from the WEB-INF lib directory
because that's the jar from the source files that you copied in step 4, so you
don't need the jar anymore.
6. The next thing to do is to setup a build script to package all this for you. I
stripped down my maven2 pom.xml which you can use. It is setup for a JSF
portlet and imports the lib files for JBPM .. if you use it, you'll have to
manually import some of the JAR files. You can get more info on this from
7. You also don't need the index.jsp or login.jsp files (JBPM fakes the logins)
and have your portlet.xml point to the home.jsp file. You'll also want to
comment this line in the task.jsp: <jbpm:processimage
task="${taskBean.taskInstanceId}"/> because it doesn't work right, it'll just
disable to image of the digrams that jbpm draws.
8. You can find the config files you will want to include in the war possible and
maybe modify: C:\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2\jbpm\src\config.files
9. You also do not need the AuthenticationFilter class, I actually rewrote it to
open and close my JBPMContext as a JSF PhaseListener. This helped me to
work around transactional problems with MySQL .. that's a real easy thing to
do. Also you then need to remove the JBPMContext variables from the
source code, and get them from the rewritten AuthenticationFilter class
(make static variable and getter to retrieve the context) you can just replace
the references in the source that you copied to the authenticationfilter class
and use that jbpm context. I think you only need to do that if you are using
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Sample Workflow Portlet</name>
<organization>My Org</organization>
<name>Codehaus Plugins</name>
<name>Codehaus Plugins</name>
<!-- JSF dependencies -->
<!-- End JSF Dependencies -->

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