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Executive Summary:

In this report of Branding a place, we have chosen to brand Bangladesh through its cuisine.
This will be done, so that a person visiting Singapore for example, can have the same great
Bangladeshi taste in a restaurant, like having food in our country. This will let people know
about Bangladesh in a newer way. In this report we have tried to present the relevant information
and to relate it with the different branding theories. We have discussed about the branding
strategies to show in what ways theories actually match and differ with practical works. The
report also contains many of the other topics like the value innovation, brand sense, leveraging
through secondary brand associations etc
Moreover, we have also included the hotel names through which we are going to launch our
brand Bangladeshi Cuisine


1.1 Origin
This report was assigned to us by our course instructor, Kashfia Ahmed, as partial fulfillment of
the Brand Management course objective. It was instructed that we choose any topic associated
with on our given product category which is place. We have analyzed Bangladesh and created a
branding strategy of its Cuisine. The report is due on 17 April, 2011.
1.2 Objective
The general objective of this report is to exhibit our branding skills and whether we can apply
theoretical knowledge into reality. We followed the guideline given by our instructor and
incorporated as much as important aspect we could regarding branding.
1.3 Scope
We have displayed how the Cuisine of Bangladesh is perceived and how this misconception can
be changed throughout branding. We have researched on the given topic and found how
significantly its relays the message of the lifestyle branding. Also we have tried to create a
different image for Bangladesh through its Cuisine.
1.4 Methodology
We have collected all information from secondary source- websites. This course requires
research and a lot of creativity. We basically sat and thought it out. Pictures are downloaded from
1.5 Limitations
Since our entire project is based on website information we cannot concretely stand by the
authenticity of the report. Also the format had posed as a tremendous barrier to the smooth
finishing of the report. We had a time constraint so we could not entirely do what we wanted to.

2.0 Rationale for Product Selection:

Out of different topics, we have selected Place Branding as a topic for our Brand Management
course. Lucky enough for us, place is a topic that has different dimensions. If cleverly thought,

we can do wonders with it, yet it is one of the most challenging topics. After going through
innumerable options, we finally picked Bangladesh through cuisine as our topic of interest.
We have filtered out our choices in this way. Here, we try to make a place in the peoples mind
about the cuisine of Bangladesh. Our choice is not based on any random thought or intuition but
clearly identified rationales, and this is our filtration process:

1. Spreading the name of Bangladesh through cuisine: Branding has different dimension
and here we are doing place branding (Bangladesh) through cuisine. When different
people will experience Bangladeshi cuisine in various place of the world, they will get
different flavor of food and with these people the name of Bangladesh will spread in
2. Differentiate Bangladeshi Cuisine from any other cuisine (specially India): There are
various types of cuisine available in the world. Some of them like the Indian, Thai,
Chinese, French, Mexican, Italian, Lebanese cuisines are very popular. Bangladeshi
cuisine is available in various countries; but the problem is, it is not recognized as
Bangladeshi cuisine most of the times. It is often found that, people cannot
differentiate between Bangladeshi and Indian cuisine. Choosing this topic was mainly to
make a proper distinction and set a strong Brand of Bangladeshi cuisine.

3. . Targeting the most attractive consumers: Here we have chosen Bangladeshi cuisine
especially for those people who are doing business in various countries. This is for the
reason that these people travel to many countries and stay in various hotels where many
different types of cuisines are available. We are also targeting the pleasure tourists who
are visiting the luminous hotels for pleasure and relaxation. Actually, we have started
branding our cuisine through five star hotels, restaurants and targeted the most attractive
consumers relating to this sector.
4. Uplifting the food culture of Bangladesh: Food is one of the basic cultural components
of a country. Bangladeshi people are very much fond of foods and they innovate and
improvise various delicious foods from the very ancient period. Delicious and spicy
foods made from fresh ingredients are the main attraction of Bangladeshi food culture.


Now it is the 21st century and thus the high time that we uplift this food culture to the
stage of the world.
5. Exposing Bangladeshi cuisine to multi-cultural people: Multi-cultural people are
available in the five star hotels or restaurants. They are usually ready to take changes,
financially solvent and come from different countries. As a reason, most of the time, these
people try to do taste various cuisine in these hotels. Therefore, the hotels are the places
where we can get multi-cultural people at the same time. So, by these hotels, we want to
expose Bangladeshi cuisine to the multi-cultural people and can give the prospect of
Bangladesh in a different way.
3.0 SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying
the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors
that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. The technique is credited to Albert
Humphrey, who led a convention at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from
Fortune 500 companies.
A SWOT analysis must first start with defining a desired end state or objective. A SWOT
analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic Planning has been the
subject of much research.

Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in
the industry.

Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others.

Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment.

Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.
Identification of SWOT is essential because subsequent steps in the process of planning for
achievement of the selected objective may be derived from the SWOT.


First, the decision makers have to determine whether the objective is attainable, given the
SWOT. If the objective is NOT attainable a different objective must be selected and the process

Bangladeshi food culture.

Diversity of spicy and sweet foods experiences

High level of awareness and profile in international markets

Exciting food taste which only can ensure through Bangladeshi cuisine

Promising food industries of Bangladesh will represent the country to the whole world.

Reputation of Bangladesh will increase in near future if branded that way

Attractiveness for various foods will increase the tourism in Bangladesh

Value chain support for cuisine development

Spicy and sweet foods.

Comparative value pricing for the cuisine

Famous hotels and Restaurants.

Fresh food ingredients

Cross Cultural Diversity

Food Variety

Misperception of cuisine with Indian foods.

Limited target customer at the very beginning

Limited raw materials in foreign countries.

Limited awareness about Bangladeshi cuisine

Reliance on famous hotels in various countries.

Legal issues.



Different taste of Bangladeshi cuisine

Promote Bangladesh with a new feature.

Integrated food variety in a cuisine

Famous hotels and spokesperson linkage

A proactive events strategy

Growth of leisure food industry in national and international market

Niche market development

Real Bangladeshi food experiences

Destination management approach to tourism planning in Bangladesh.

Increased awareness of Bangladeshi food experiences

Emphasizing the link between lifestyle and food experience

Greater sophistication in body corporate management

Exporting raw materials to develop the cuisine from Bangladesh

Food industry upgrade.

Uncoordinated approach from hotels or restaurants
High volume, low yield markets
Failure to manage the exporting the materials from our country.
Absence of real taste of Bangladeshi foods
Confusion regarding of hotels management
Community concerns about cuisine
Choice of menu

Remaining competitive to relation to other cuisines

Lack of preservation of Bangladeshi cuisine from others (specially Indians)
All we have to do is take grasp of the opportunities and hold on to the strengths and let go of
threats and weaknesses.
4.0 PEST Analysis: As we know when a company/product/service enters the international
market it has to face a set of uncontrollable elements along with the local factors.
These factors are:
4.1Competitive forces:
When Bangladeshi cuisine will enter a foreign country it will have to compete with the local
cuisine and also the other international cuisines available in that country. Due to globalization a
certain cuisine is not only available in its origin country but in almost every part of the world. So
we can say that our cuisine will have to face many competitors in each country. Our biggest
competitor will be the local cuisine as many consumers only prefer their local food and usually
do not try foreign cuisines; we have to encourage these people to try out our cuisine. Some
cuisines like Chinese, Indian and Italian are already very established in the international market.
It will be hard to compete with these established cuisines and create a suitable position for our
cuisine in the consumers mind. We can even consider snack food items as our competitor as they
are capable of satisfying ones need for food. As consumers have so many options available it will
be tough to gain their attention. Once we create a customer base it also require a lot of effort and
luck to retain them as there are always some new food that is available for them to try out.
4.2Level of technology:
As the food industry does not require heavy or complicated

machineries, the level of

technology is not a concern for us.

4.3Structure of distribution:
This is probably one of the most vital factors. We need to make sure we chose the right
outlets (hotels) for our cuisine. If we do not choose wisely then we will not be able to
spread/distribute our cuisine effectively. The outlets (hotels) also have to accept us and help

us to promote our cuisine. It will not be possible to promote our food successfully if the
managers and employees are not dedicated towards our cuisine.
4.4Geography and Infrastructure:
This element does not have much chance to work against us, as we have chosen the different
hotels that offer multi cuisines in the restaurants

4.5Cultural forces:
Each nation has their unique cultural values which are totally different from others. Some
nations are more conservative compared to others. They tend to stick to the old tradition and
avoid trying new and unknown things. For example Japanese consumers have less chance of
trying our cuisine compared to Americans, who are more outgoing and not afraid to try new
things. Many countries are more nationalist and only try to consume their own products; it
will be hard to encourage these people to try our cuisine. Also food preferences may vary a
lot from country to country, so not everyone will be able to adopt our cuisine. So how good
our cuisine will do in a nation to an extent depends on how accepting they are in nature.

4.6Political/legal forces:
The government might try to charge more tax or set some other restrictions if a foreign product
becomes too popular and harms the local industry. But as we are planning to distribute through 5
star hotels (co-branding), the government probably would not be bothered by our cuisine.

4.7Economic forces:
The more earning power a nation has, the more they will spend on food, especially on foods
available in 5 start hotels, which requires a fat wallet in the pocket. If a country is going through
a recession it will sure affect the sales of our cuisine.


5.0 Segmentation:
This means dividing the market according to some criteria. This is done because it is never
possible to satisfy every individual at the same time. Otherwise, the procedure becomes
impractical by becoming time consuming and consequently costly. That is why, in case of Mass
Market one product is used to satisfy a group of peoples need. We thus divide the whole market
into Market Segments.
5.1Types of Segmentation:
There is no single way to segment a market. A market has to try different segmentation variables,
alone and in combination to find the best way to view the market structure. We have analyzed the
following types:





5.1.1Geographic Segmentation:
Since we are branding a place through cuisine geographic segmentation is more or less important
to us. What we do here is, we significantly give emphasis to some business oriented places. We
are targeting the business people who are multicultural and visit these places very frequently. We
also gave priority to those places where people visit for their pleasure and relaxation. The given
following places are emphasized:
One of the special administrative regions of the Peoples Republic of China. It is one of the
leading international financial centers in the world and has a major capitalist service economy
characterized by low taxation and free trade. It has many of the buying houses there and the
currency and is the ninth most traded currency in the world. That is why, many of the business


meetings are held in Hong Kong. Different types of business people travel here for their own
businesses and so, Hong-Kong is one of the main choices for branding our cuisine.
Kuala Lumpur:
The capital and the largest city of Malaysia. Like our country, the city has most of the countrys
population. In the 90s, the city has hosted many of the international sporting, political and
cultural events including the 1998 Commonwealth Games and the Formula One World
Championship. In addition, Kuala Lumpur is home to the tallest twin buildings in the world, the
Petronas Twin Towers, which have become an iconic symbol of Malaysia's futuristic
developments. It is the fastest growing metropolitan region in the country, in terms of population
and economy. So, we enlisted Kuala Lumpur for our branding.
One of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is located in the south of the
Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula and has the largest population with the second-largest
land territory by area. Today, Dubai has emerged as a global city and a business hub. Although
Dubai's economy was built on the oil industry, currently the emirate's model of business, similar
to that of Western countries, has driven its economy, with the effect that its main revenues are
now from tourism, real estate, and financial services. Dubai has recently attracted the worlds
attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events.
The capital of the Philippines. It is one of the sixteen cities comprising Metro Manila. Manila is
the most densely populated city in the world. Many of the scientific and educational institutions,
as well as numerous sport facilities are situated here. These make the city a major political,
commercial, cosmopolitan, cultural, educational, religious, and transportation center of the
The capital and most populous city in the state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in
Australia after Sydney. Today, it is a centre for the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, sports
and tourism. It is the birthplace of cultural institutions such as Australian film (as well as the world's
first feature film)Australian television, Australian rules football, the Australian impressionist art
movement (known as the Heidelberg School)and Australian dance styles (such as New Vogue and
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the Melbourne Shuffle).It is also a major centre for contemporary and traditional music. It is often
referred to as the "cultural capital of Australia".
New York:
A state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. It
is known for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, manufacturing center and for its history
as a gateway for immigration to the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce,
it is also a destination of choice for many foreign visitors. Also, most of the Bangladeshis live in this
State of the country.
Situated in England and the capital of the United Kingdom. It is the largest metropolitan area in the
United Kingdom and the largest urban zone in the European Union. London is a leading global city,
with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media,
professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its
prominence. It is the world's largest financial centre alongside New York; has the largest city GDP in
Europe and is home to the headquarters of more than 100 of Europe's 500 largest companies. It has
the most international visitors of any city in the world. Londons Heathrow is the world's busiest
airport by number of international passengers.
The capital and largest city of the Netherlands. Amsterdam was one of the most important ports in
the world during the Dutch Golden Age, a result of its innovative developments in trade. During
Dutch golden age, it was the leading centre for finance and diamonds. It is the city which is the
financial and cultural capital of the Netherlands.
The largest city in South Africa by population. The city is the source of a large-scale gold and
diamond trade, due to its location on the mineral-rich Witwatersrand range of hills. Johannesburg is
served by O.R. Tambo International Airport, the largest and busiest airport in Africa and a gateway
for international air travel to and from the rest of Southern Africa.
The capital of Belgium and of the European Union (EU). It is also the largest urban area in Belgium,
comprising 19 municipalities, including the municipality of the City of Brussels, which is the capital
of Belgium, in addition to the seat of the French Community of Belgium and of the Flemish
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Community. Since the end of the Second World War, Brussels has been a main center for
international politics. Hosting principal EU institutions as well as the headquarters of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the city has become the polyglot home of numerous
international organizations, politicians, diplomats and civil servants.
The capital of Italy. In 2007 Rome was the 11th-most-visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in
the European Union, and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy. The city is one of Europe's and
the world's most successful city "brands," both in terms of reputation and assets. Its historic centre is
listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Monuments and museums such as the Vatican
Museums and the Colosseum are amongst the world's 50 most visited tourist destinations with the
Vatican Museums receiving 4.2 million tourists and the Colosseum receiving 4 million tourists every
Abu Dhabi:
The capital and the second largest city in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi lies on a T-shaped
island jutting into the Persian Gulf from the central western coast. Its rapid development and
urbanization, coupled with the relatively high average income of its population, has transformed Abu
Dhabi to a larger and advanced metropolis. Today the city is the country's center of political,
industrial activities, and a major cultural, and commercial centre due to its position as the capital.
One of the world's largest producers of oil, Abu Dhabi has actively attempted to diversify its
economy in recent years through investments in financial services and tourism. Abu Dhabi is the
second most expensive city for expatriate employees in the region, and 50th most expensive city in
the world. Fortune & CNN stated that Abu Dhabi is the richest city in the world.

When we talk about branding a place it is inevitable that we will be targeting tourists and there is
nothing to talk about geographic segmentation. But apart from tourists we want to give first
priority to the business people. We want them to get hold of their conscience and they will
preserve the iconic value with which they rise and sleep. These people will spread out the whole

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world and will say about the cuisine of Bangladesh. Thus our countrys name will spread out in
front of the whole world with a new dimension. And thus our branding takes its action!

5.1.2Demographic Segmentation:
Demography means study of population based on some statistics. Demographic factors are the
most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. They are also easier to measure than other
types of variables. Even when market segments are first defined using other bases such as benefit
sought or behavior, their demographic characteristics must be known in order to assess the size
of the target market and to reach it efficiently.
We have looked into the following points:




Age is one of the main parts of demographic segmentation. Although we are branding
Bangladesh through cuisine, so we have targeted mainly 25-50 years old people. The reason for
choosing this segment is, the largest number of business people and tourists fall in this age

Gender is another issue of demographic segmentation. Here our product is mainly food, so we
have no reason to discriminate among gender. Both male and female is our target customer. We
prefer both of them for our Bangladeshi cuisine.
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Income Level:
Income level is very important for our branding. Without a good level of income it is usual that
people cannot have savings, and without savings people cannot go for pleasure tours. So, when
we target business people, we already expect that these people are of good level of income.
Basically, we target those people whose monthly income is more than 1/2 lakhs taka (BD). The
simple psychology working behind this is that, the people who have enough money are likely to
travel to different countries and because they also like variation in taste they try new and
different foods. Therefore, they will not hesitate to taste Bangladeshi Cuisine.
Occupation has much significance in our place branding for Bangladeshi Cuisine. Here we have
mainly targeted the business people who are frequently visits various places for the purpose of
their businesses.
Demographic segmentation is important to know the structure of our target market. It is to know
what type of people we are about to deal with, in order to develop branding strategy accordingly.
When branding a place, utility, functions and attributes are not given much thought. We
emphasize on emotion and brand senses. Place is for every one of every age group, every gender,
every occasion, every income group to let explore. The fun lies in the way how these different
people perceive and explain these places in their own ways. But at the end of the day the
equation gets completed when we see we have successfully branded Bangladeshi cuisine and
people loved the taste of it and come to Bangladesh for getting real taste of Bangladeshi cuisine.

5.1.3Psychographic Segmentation:
This is the core point that we are concentrating on. Psychographic segmentation groups
customers according to their lifestyle. Activities, interests, and opinions (AIO) surveys are one
tool for measuring lifestyle. Some psychographic variables include:
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Taking all into one account we can say that Bangladeshi cuisine will offer a new taste of cuisine
and people will remember Bangladesh for its unique cuisine.
The broader points include:

Social Class


Our entire branding is based on Psychographic segmentation. We are going to present
Bangladesh in front of the whole world with a new dimension-in a newer way by our branding
Bangladeshi cuisine.
5.1.4Behavioral Segmentation:
On behavioral segmentation we have considered those people who are love tourism and who are
doing business in various countries. One common behavior of all these people is they all love to
taste the fresh spicy foods.

6.0 Targeting:
The targeting is on two types of people:
Business people:
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In this category, we prefer those people who are doing business in various countries. The main
and simple reason for selecting this group is their financial solvency. As, they taste new and
different foods, they can easily taste Bangladeshi cuisine and if they like its taste they will
definitely search for this in other countries. On the other hand, these people are naturally very
much jovial and they love to share their experiences with others. So there is a huge possibility
that they be potential marketing channels for our branding. The name Bangladesh could spread
through its cuisine.
Pleasure Tourists:
Tourism is traveling for recreation, leisure or business. World Tourism Organization defines
tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than
twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other
purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited."
So, various types of tourism is presently done by the people. But we are only targeting people
who are traveling only for their recreation and relaxation. The main purpose of selecting these
people is a bit different. Tourists always like to experiment the different taste of foods. As
because, we are promoting a brand with a different style (through cuisine), so these people would
love to taste our cuisine and if they are fond of fresh spicy foods. Through the fondness of these
people in future the whole world can recognize Bangladesh for its cuisine.

7.0 Brand Elements:

Brand Elements

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Brand elements, sometimes called brand identities, are those trademark able devices that serve to
identify and differentiate the brand. For branding Bangladeshi food we have chosen the
following brand elements:

Brand Name: Bangladeshi Cuisine

The brand name is a fundamentally important choice as it often captures the central theme or key
associations of a product in a very compact and economical way. Brand names can be an
extremely effective shorthand means of communication. For branding Bangladeshi Food, the
name is kept simple i.e. Bangladeshi Cuisine the meaning of which is self-explanatory.

A logo is an iconic symbol, graphic mark or emblem designed to represent a company, product or
service. It also depicts an organization's personality. Set in a special typeface, it is a graphic
element, symbol, and icon of a trademark or brand, which are shapes, colors, fonts and images
usually different from others in a similar market.

The logo Designed for Bangladeshi Cuisine:

Compatible with Image- Bangladeshi Cuisine, the vision of spicy food ticks in the mind first, it
maybe the hotness or aroma of spices. Nothing depicts these characters of spices other than a red
chili. And by tradition no meal is complete without a Khili of Pan i.e. a betel leaf stuffed with
betel nut and sweet fragrant spices.

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Simple- only two elements, betel leaf which symbolizes B for Bangladeshi and a chili which
symbolizes C for Cuisine used in.
Unique and recognizable- Very bold colors used, can be recognized easily with Bangladeshi
National Flag
Typography- a unique calligraphy is solely done for this logo to ensure a distinctive character,
carry the savviness and weight. The width and proportion is placed in a way that it can be read
even if the logo is minimized. Here we ignored the typeface factor for computer operating
systems. Because this typeface is added as graphic part in the logo.
Logo in Black & White- the logo can be clearly recognized in a grey scale format. So no
problem will be faced for faxes or make black and white prints.
Number of Colors- Two basic colors, Red and Green are used.

Green and Red are colors by which the world identifies Bangladesh. So when we were thinking
about designing a logo for branding the cuisine nothing else came in our mind other than the
elegant green and stunning red. Green is the color accepted widely for its peacefulness and
closeness to nature, serene appeal, giving the feel of delicacy and red is for the strength and life,
the most distinctive color on a plate symbolizing the boldness of our cuisine.

Worship Your Appetite
Worship is a word used for a state of highest respect and admiration. Food is a basic need for
every living being, but here in Bangladesh, cooking food is not only considered as a daily work
but as a form of art. Cooking here is not like preparing fast foods. Cooking are usually time
consuming and mostly concentration consuming. Cooking here are said to be done by blending
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love and attention to achieve the perfect look and taste. This is probably why, food here can grab
attention and be praised instantly.
Not only the preparation but the servings are also part of culture. Bangladeshis only do not love
to eat but also to treat. Food is a major sign of hospitality and accounted as a very important part
to entertain guests. It is also another way how respect is shown.
Bangladeshis take these sets of great delicacies tummy full quite a number of times in a day.
Food is a part very close to their heart, mostly in a form of belief. Thus fulfilling their desire is
very important to them when, in case of appetite.

Ensuring the Brands Elements Regarding:

Brand Elements
Choice Criteria

1. Memorability






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2. Meaningfulness

3 Likability

4 Transferability

5. Adaptability

6. Protect ability

*Criteria number 1 and 3 is gathered from the group members family and friends opinion
*Criteria number 4, 5 and 6 is checked by searching online.

8.0 Differentiate or die:

No matter what you are selling your product must have some uniqueness to survive in the
market. As competition is increasing day by day you must provide some reasons why should
customer go for your product not for others. In this battle of brands the solution is unique selling
proposition. You can make differentiation through many ways:

Differentiation via attribute

Differentiation via how its made

Differentiation via being first

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Differentiation via the latest

Differentiation via leadership

Differentiation via specialization

For Bangladeshi cuisine to distinct it from other cuisine we are focusing on following
differentiating factors:
Differentiation via attribute (Spicy):
Bangladeshi food has its distinct taste and character especially the variety of curry dishes. A taste
appealing blend of wonderful and fragrant spices keep the customer to have it more. Bangladeshi
food varies between very 'sweet' and mild-to extremely spicy. The most important flavors in
Bangladeshi cuisine are garlic, ginger, lime, coriander, cumin, turmeric and chili. In sweet
dishes, cardamom and cinnamon are amongst the natural flavors. Mustard paste, poshto
poppyseed), dhonia (coriander, seeds and leaves) and narikel (ripe coconut usually desiccated)
are other common ingredients. 'The pch poron is a general purpose spice mixture composed of
radhuni (Carum roxburghianum seeds), jeere (cumin), kaalo jeere (black cumin, also known as
nigella), methi (fenugreek) and mauri (anis). This mixture is more convenient for vegetarian
dishes and fish preparations.
Differentiation via how it is made (Cooking Style):
Bengali food was heavily influenced by both South Asian and foreign countries but now the
Bangladeshi food recipes have their own exotic traditional style and honor. Bengalis, spend not
only the great deal of time thinking about the food but also on its preparation and eating. Mustard
paste, poshto poppyseed), dhonia (coriander, seeds and leaves) and narikel (ripe coconut usually
desiccated) are some common ingredients which make the preparation different. 'The pch poron
is a general purpose spice mixture composed of radhuni (Carum roxburghianum seeds), jeere
(cumin), kaalo jeere (black cumin, also known as nigella), methi (fenugreek) and mauri (anis).
This mixture is more convenient for vegetarian dishes and fish preparations.

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Differentiation via the latest (Mocktail Bar):

The latest in Bangladeshi cuisine is Mocktail bar, different from the bars which provide alcoholic
drinks. This also makes Bangladeshi cuisine different from other cuisines all over the
world. In Mocktail bar you will find drinks of different flavor and colors which are non
Differentiation via specialization (Desert):
Bangladeshi cuisine has a rich tradition of sweets. There are different renowned sweets of
different regions of Bangladesh. Sandesh, (a milk based dessert), Zarda (sweetened rice with
sugar, ghee and colour), Firni (rice flour cooked in milk with sugar and flavouring), Rasgolla and
Kalojam-two popular milk-based desserts (made with sugar, flour and ghee), Rosh Malai (round
sweets floating in thick milk), Peetha (a blanket term for cakes or pastries including specific
varieties) such as Chitoi, Dhupi, Tokti, Andosha, Bhofa Puli and Poa are common and popular
sweet items. Most Peethas are sweet but a few are hot. There are also seasonal peethas. With a
vast range of variety in desserts Bangladeshi food cuisine can specialize in it and differentiate
from others.

9.0 Brand Sense:

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Bangladeshi Cuisine is a provider of tasteful food which

gives the impression of a whole Bangladeshi taste and sense
of taste. Bangladeshi cuisine is a brand which will increase
the impression and the brand image of Bangladesh as a
country as well.

In our branding strategy we have learnt about brand sense. We have five sensory systems for an
individual. For branding strategy for Bangladeshi Cuisine we can apply brand sense in a broader
way. Brand sense can be applied in such a way:

1. Colorful seat
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2. Beautiful image of
Bangladeshs nature on the wall
3. Pictures of Foods

Bangladeshi Cuisine will provide spectacular arrangement of

seats for the Tourists and the Business Travelers. We will have
comfortable seats with comfortable armrest. Interior of the
Cuisine will be well decorated with Natural Pictures, Food
pictures, and some other tools. There will be a television which
will frequently show the Beautiful nature and scenes o


Food Smell


Air freshener


Natural Smell

With a comfortable feeling inside Cuisine Customers will enjoy feel it like home. There will be
air conditioned space inside with a particular branded air freshener used which will lead the
Customers to feel something more in their mind. Besides there will be a natural smell which will
create impression on customers mind that they are having fresh and natural food.


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1. Comfort ability


After finishing the business work or after visiting the beautiful places they will come to
our cuisine to refresh themselves. And they will have the heavenly feeling as well as he feeling
of nature. They will obviously feel comfortable.

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1. Music system

Bangladeshi Cuisine will provide mp3 sound system so that visitors can hear as their
wish of verities of songs. We will arrange the decoration considering the need of the visitors.
They will hear the Bangladeshi folk songs, adhunik songs, band songs as well. Our mission is to
provide them the feelings like home so that they can never think different other than home.

1. Comfortable seat.
2. Internet
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3. Album attached with pictures

4. Map of Bangladesh

There will be arrangements of a small library, for the entertainment purpose. Our visitors will be
able to have a sight of Bangladesh through the map and album of the pictures, book describing
the history of Bangladesh. We will have aid box for emergency situation. The visitors will have
the internet access there as well. We can promise that the visitors will feel comfort ever than
before they have had in any other places.
10.0 Blue ocean strategy:
Blue oceans denote all the industries not in existence todaythe unknown market space,
untainted by competition. In blue oceans, demand is created rather than fought over. There is
ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and rapid. In blue oceans, competition is
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irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set. Blue Ocean is an analogy to
describe the wider, deeper potential of market space that is not yet explored.
The corner-stone of Blue Ocean Strategy is 'Value Innovation'. A blue ocean is created when a
company achieves value innovation that creates value simultaneously for both the buyer and the
company. The innovation (in product, service, or delivery) must raise and create value for the
market, while simultaneously reducing or eliminating features or services that are less valued by
the current or future market.

The Strategy is to move from Red Ocean to Blue Ocean:

Red Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy

Competing in existing market space.

Create uncontested market space.

Beat the competition.

Make the competition irrelevant.

Exploit existing demand.

Create and capture new trade-off.

Make the value cost trade-off.

Break the value-cost trade off.

Strategic Move-Bangladeshi Cuisine:

Targeting Specific
Geographical location
Indian Food

Locations visited by the
target customers
Bangladeshi Cuisine

Channel of Distribution
Rich foods

Salads and Leafy

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The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create Grid:

The idea of relating it to Indian Food
Frozen Curries

Over cooked-deformed shape vegetables
Sugar in deserts

Serving Decoration
Salads and Leafy Vegetables
Mouth Freshener

Mock tail Bar
Healthy combination

The Idea of relating it to Indian Food- this is the first point which should be kept in mind.
The names of the dishes should be named as it is in Bangladesh. For example, the very
popular dessert Jilapi should be termed Jilapi not Jilebi. Even saying that the cuisines
have similarities must also be avoided

Frozen Curry- no frozen dishes, not even the very rare Shorshe Ilish, otherwise it will ruin
the total incentive of having Paddar Illish (hilsha from the river Padma).

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Over Cooking- Bangladeshis cook their food very soft and easy edible way. But doing that at a
time may come up with discolored, deformed even mashed food, losing the juiciness especially
of meat. So that should be reduced as much as possible.

Sugar- all around the world, different culture have different mouth watering desserts. There is no
exception with Bangladeshi cuisine, as well. Although we are unique in preparing sweets, most
of our target belongs to cultures that have desserts rich with cream and milk, but our specialty is
in sugar craft. People try once, but to retain them in liking, we should consider reducing over
sweetness we usually use in our desserts.


Serving decoration- decorating and arranging a meal in a artistic manner creates visual appeal
towards a food.

Salads and Leafy Vegetables- People nowadays have become health conscious, alongside fries,
curries and rich food the salads should be introduced using distinctive Bangladeshi fruits and
vegetables with dressings made from Bangladeshi herbs and spices. Apart from a menu only
containing rich food, we will add different types of leafy vegetables cook in verities of ways.

Desserts- There is verities of sweets available in different parts of Bangladesh. We should make
the hotel consider on keep them available in their stock, not forgetting the handmade cakes.

Mouth Freshener- foreigners especially from other continents worry about the strong aromas we
have in our foods. So the typical Bangladeshi mouth fresheners like betel leaf, souf, lime water
etc. should consciously be added to the cuisine.


Mocktail Bar- this is something new added ever to a cuisine. We all have heard of bars, serving
alcoholic drinks. But having a large portion of Muslims and Hindus living in Bangladesh, our
culture excludes having alcoholic drinks. However, plenty of non-alcoholic drinks are made
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every day in home and streets of Bangladesh. These drinks are of different tastes, flavors and
colors. Most of the times, only one or two are added to the food menus, if not ignored all of it.
But this time we have decided to add these super delicious drinks to our cuisine.

Sophistication- the presentation, cost and ambience will be created to give the feeling of delicacy
and sophistication.

Healthy combination- the cuisine will include 5 basic categories of food required for healthy

Ambience- applying the brand sense theory, we have considered on giving attention to the
restaurant atmosphere. The restaurant will have fresh, peaceful and joyous environment.

The tree tires for non-customers of Bangladeshi Cuisine:

3rd Tier

1st Tier

Travelers &


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First Tier: Soon-to-be noncustomers who are on the edge of Bangladeshi Cuisines market,
waiting to jump ship. They are out target; they be will intentionally exposed to our product i.e.
Bangladeshi Cuisine.
Second Tier: Refusing noncustomers who consciously choose against Bangladeshi Cuisines
market. They belong to the low income group who are not exposed to experiment different
cuisines, not available to them.
Third Tier: Unexplored noncustomer who are in markets distant from Bangladeshi Cuisines.
Here we are thinking about the homes cooks who prepare meals for their own families.

11.0 Value Delivery:

According to Michael Porter of Harvard, value chain is synthesis of activities performed to
design, produce, and market, deliver and support its product. He suggested that there are total
09(nine) value-creating activities which consists of five primary activities and four support

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According to the model, our primary activities are described below:

Inbound logistics:
Here we are going to take our raw materials from the local markets. It can be mentioned that
inbound logistics is mainly the fresh foods ingredients which will be collected from local markets.
Hotels supply chain department will ensure the inbound logistics for creating the brand value for
Bangladeshi cuisine.
In the operations, our selected hotels will play the main role because; our brand value is somehow
tagged with the brand value of the hotel. On the other side, our brand will be operating in various
countries through this hotel. So, operation will play a great role to build the strong Brand Equity.
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Outbound logistics:
Outbound logistics mean how our brand will reach our customers. We have described earlier that
hotels are mainly our outbound logistics. Like: Marriot, Westin, Four seasons, Serena, Sheraton will
play outbound logistics for our brand.
Marketing and sales:
In this section, hotels sales and marketing departments will be responsible. But supply chain
management department will ensure these marketing and sales activities. Like: when the
advertisement will telecast or when the promotional activities will lounge in the market, which
advertisement firm will do the promotional activities or which people could be involve doing this job
----all these will be ensured from supply chain management department.
Service is the last but not the least part of the main primary activities. Here, value chain will ensure
that our cuisine is available in the hotels. On the other hand, hotel will provide service with their full
effort so that our brand will get the same honor as well as other cuisine. And only service can create
another positive impression in the peoples mind.
Now we will discuss about the support activities of our branding. Here it needs to mention that
Bangladeshi cuisines success depends not only on how well each department performs its work,
but also on how well the various departmental activities are coordinated to conduct core business
Support activities procurement, technology development, human resource management and
firm infrastructure are handled in certain specialized departments, as well as elsewhere. Several
departments, for example, may do procurement and hiring. The firms infrastructure covers the
costs of general management, planning, finance, accounting, legal and government affairs. So,
for the branding of Bangladeshi cuisine the support activities will help a lot to promote its frame.
And on the other side, if we consider about the raw materials and other things which will
represent our brand value then these support activities will play a vital role.
12.0Value proposition:

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Value proposition for the Bangladeshi cuisine will be the items which we are offering to our
visitors. Kheer, Biryani, Samusa, Achar, Fuchka, Peetha, Luchi and Paratha, Spicy Dishes, Paan
and many other dishes will be offered to the visitors of our cuisine. These items themselves have
their images throughout the whole world and thus these will nurse the value of our cuisine.
A look at the different kinds of Bangladeshi food!!
This word is derived from Ksheer which means Milk
It is an essential dish in many Hindu and Muslim feasts and
celebrations. It is traditionally made with rice. It is
sprinkled with cashews and raisins, served in most festive
occassions, such as Weddings, Eids, Pujas, etc. Although
while sugar is commonly used, adding gur makes it tasty
A similar dessert is called Pheerni.
The word biryani is derived from a Persian word
which means fried or roasted. There are many
kinds of biryanis and each has uniqueness about it.
This dish is made from a mixture of spices, rice, meat
or vegetable and yogurt. The spices used in this
food are what contribute to the taste. There a saying
only few people can make this difficult dish.
It is taken as a main course and weddings in Dhaka
are incomplete without this meal.
Bangladeshi biryani is the most well known biriyani in countries outside Asia.

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The triangular pieces of magic Shingara

Street pushcarts and roadside vendors sell
their delicious shingara to passerby who
enjoys immediate gratification from these
statisfying snacks. As it is cheap, anyone can
grab one whenever hungry. Shingaras are
fried, traingular in shape filled with meat,
vegetables, potaoes and sometimes cheese. It
is often made in homes in Bangladesh. It is a
fantastic snack to be served hot with sauce or
chutneys in the evenings and often the most favorite one to complement a cup of tea.

Achar (Pickles)

Different regions make different styles of

achar. Achar commonly are made from mango, olive, plums, lemon,garlic and even chilli.
Depending on the region and the intended use, achar can be sweet and spicy. It is enjoyed with
the main dishes but also go with breads and other dishes to add a new dimension of flavor..

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Served with sour tamarind juice, fuchkas are crispy crusts
with pulse and potato fillings. It is one of the most popular
snacks among the urban people of Bangladesh. It is very
rare to find a person who does not like the taste of this
crispy, spicy snack.
Nowadays fuchkas are available in many of fast food
shops, but the best ones are still from the push-cart
Recently, fuchkas are also served in Gaye Holuds in weddings. It is considered as a classy
item in these occasions. And the best part is, because of the ingredients used it is available
throughout the year!!

One of the main attractions of Bangladesh in
winter is Pitha. It is a traditional sweet food
item for people of every age. Different types of
pithas are made throughout the year. But some of
the bests are still made in winter and best time to have it is in winter morning, when it can make
one feel warm!
Some very delicious and popular pithas are Chitoi, Dudh Chitoi, Bhapa, Patishapta Chui Puli
Village girls and women make different shapes and designed pithas. It is called Nakshi Pitha.
Generally different kinds of Nakshi Pitha are served in the weddings.

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Luchi and Paratha

While rice forms the basic staple of Bangladesh, bread is
often a part of a meal.
A luchi is deep-fried flat bread made of wheat flour. A
typical luchi will measure 4-5 inches in diameter. They are
usually served with curries or gravies.
A paratha is also flat bread that originated in the Indian
subcontinent. It is made with wheat flour, pan fried in ghee
or cooking oil, and sometimes stuffed with vegetables, such
as boiled potatoes or cauliflower and paneer. A paratha,
especially a stuffed one can be simply with a blob of butter
spread on top but it is best served with pickles, or thick spicy curries of meat and vegetable.
Some people prefer to roll up the paratha into a tube and have it with tea, often dipping the
paratha into the tea.
Lassi: the refreshing yoghurt milk!!

Lassi is a favorite drink in Bangladesh. It is usually

enjoyed on a hot summer day, because it is made by
blending curd with sugar and cold water; and to give a
much soothing feeling, crushed ice is also used.
Lassi nowadays also come in salty taste which simply
uses the sour curd and salt..

Spicy Dishes
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Local dishes are far better and exotic. Curries are cooked with proper spices and hot curry
powders, including Korma, Rezala, Bhoona and Masala meat, Chicken, Mutton, Beef and Prawn.
All tastes better with Rice in the form of Polao.
Biriyani and Khichuri are available in any reasonable restaurant. Those who do not enjoy rice
dishes can try Mughlai Parata, Plain Parata or Naan- all go very well with curries. Seafood and
Fresh Water Fish is available in most of the towns. Fish-Lovers should not miss smoked Hilsha,
fresh Bhetki and Chingri (lobster/King Prawns) Malaikari, Prawn Dopeyaza.

Paan is a South, South East Asian tradition
which consists of chewing betel leaf combined
with areca nut. There are many regional
In Bangladesh, paan is chewed all over the
country by all classes of people. Paan is
offered to the guests and festivals irrespective
of all religion. The sweet paan of the Khasiya
tribe is famous for its special quality. Paan is
also used in hindu puja, wedding festivals and even when people comes to visit their relatives. It
has become a ritual, tradition and culture of our society. Mostly adults are seen enjoying paan
with friends and relatives!!
12.0 Leveraging through secondary brand association:
12.1What is Brand Leveraging?
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A brand leveraging strategy uses the power of an existing brand name to support a companys
entry into a new, but related, product category. Brand leveraging communicates valuable product
information to consumers about new products. Consumers enter retail outlets equipped with preexisting knowledge of a brands level of quality and consistently relate this knowledge to new
products carrying the familiar brand. Generally, consumers maintain a consistent brand
perception for established brands. Leveraging secondary brand association is important to
reinforce the existing brand associations and responses in a fresh and different way. Brand
leveraging does present challenges. To avoid brand dilution, leveraging should be limited to enter
in only those categories that are directly related to the original product. Potential exists for
damaging the reputation of the parent product if new products fail. Also, manufacturing and
inventory costs may be higher as a result of product diversification. A brand leveraging strategy
can be extremely successful and profitable if it is correctly implemented and provides new
products with the right image.

12.2Secondary brand knowledge can be created through linking the brand to:

Countries of origin
Channels of distribution
Other brands
Other third party sources
12.3 Why is Brand Leveraging Important?

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Brand leveraging is an important form of new product introduction because it provides

consumers with a sense of familiarity by carrying positive brand characteristics and attitudes into
a new product category. Instant recognition of the brand is established, and consumers with a
favorable brand opinion likely will try a new product they perceive to have a similar quality level
and attributes as their original favorite. Additionally, because the products are in different
categories, they will not compete for market share the crux of a successful branding strategy.
Additional advantages of brand leveraging include:
More products mean greater shelf space for the brand and more opportunities to make
a sale.
The cost of introducing a brand-leveraged product is less than introducing an
independent new product due to a much smaller investment in brand development and
advertising designed to gain brand recognition.
A full line permits coordination of product offerings
A greater number of products increase efficiency of manufacturing facilities and raw
12.4 Factors That Should Be Considered During Brand Leveraging
A brand leveraging strategy will not work in every situation. There are important questions that
should be considered in order to make the best decision for a brand:

Does the new product fit into the established product family?

Does the brand have attributes or features that easily and effectively carry into new

Is the brand name strengthened or diluted by representing two (or more) differentiated

Does the company have facilities necessary to manufacture and distribute a new and
differentiated product?

Will sales of the new product cover the cost of product development and marketing?

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12.5 Bangladeshi Cuisine - Secondary Brand Associations:

12.5.1Channels of Distribution/Company:
To leverage Bangladeshi Cuisine through channels of distribution/company, the best option we
have is, to combine our brand with world renowned hotels and resorts popular with our target
market. For the purpose we have chosen the most popular hotels with great restaurants willing to
open another restaurant offering Bangladeshi Cuisine. And we also considered whether these
hotels have chains in all the important points our target market halts by. We have selected

Holiday Inn
Hyatt Regent
Four Seasons

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15.5.1 Country of Origin(Bangladesh):

Many countries have become known for expertise in certain product categories or for
conveying consumers a particular type of image. The world has become a cultural bazaar
where consumers can pick and choose brands originating in different countries, based on
their beliefs about the quality of certain types products from certain countries or the image
that these brands or products communicate. People, who heard of Bangladesh, know that the
Bangladeshis are perfectionist on their art works and they concentrate on every detail
precision on the products made here. Cooking is considered as a form art in Bangladesh.
Therefore, the unique blend of spices and their proportion of using them in each dishes will
be standardized by top chefs from Bangladesh.
15.5.2 Spokesperson:
While choosing spokesperson, we gave priority to the people who are popular with our target
market rather than people who are popular or familiar with our local people. We have chosen
4 people from 4 different categories of profession who are loved by our target customers:

Ricky Ponting- one of the top most sports personalities of all time,
smiley, decent and a family man; a favorite to our target market. Moreover, he has
visited Bangladesh several times, experienced the hospitality and cuisine of

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Gordon Ramsay- the master of chefs, known for his ruthless

perfection when it comes to food. Cuisine tasted and approved by him means a sure
shot to our target customers, the pleasure tourists.

Yan Write- the traveler known for his witty banter and amusing
interactions with locals. He has the experience and people trust him.

Samira Ali- a very well-known and trusted-face to our target

market, the business travelers. Samira Ali keeps our target market updated with every
inch of news they need whether they are touring the world around or at home. And
she is a Bangladeshi origin.

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Bangladesh is a country, very rich in culture. It tries to hold its heritage in every aspect possible.
A very basic necessity like food is also part of a countys culture. Because we have a very old
port, the trade of spices gave us the chance to create some unique magical and mysterious blend
in our foods. And because we were once part of Bengal some of the dishes have similarities with
the ones of West Bengal. However, anyone could differentiate the tastes easily if both the types
are tasted. Bangladeshi food has its own matchless look and taste. But, unfortunately, we could
not develop our cuisine, even after having so many of the varieties in the food menu. In many of
the foreign countries, Bangladeshis run many of the restaurants. In many of the cases these
restaurants are known as Indian Restaurants though they sell Bangladeshi food!
Here, we have tried to bring in many of such delicious foods, some of which are already popular
and compile them to form Bangladeshi Cuisine. Bangladeshi food already has its fame, even if it
is the one served from Bangladesh Biman.
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Although we were to brand a place simply, we have done it through our cuisine, so that the world
gets to know about the exclusive collection we have for taste and can differentiate between our
foods from other countrys who wants to have its possession. Let Bangladesh be known by what
it has, let Bangladesh be known by what it is.

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