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Management Plan for Revelstoke Sand & Gravel Ltd. — Westside Road Gravel Pit Section A, Project Overview ‘Thissite willbe used by Revelstoke Sand & Gravel (ASG) fr: 1, The production of Aggregate for manufacture and sl, for use in the Revelstoke & North Columbia areas. 2. The manufacture of raw material into products for use in Revelstoke Sand & Gravel td (RSG) business, This Includes the production of rushed and screened aggregate, and the prodiction of sreened sand for commercial construction and road projects in the Revelstoke Area, Currently Revelstoke Sand & Gravel limited, by our other Gravel Operations, to operating in the summer months only, due to the remote nature of our Grave Pit operation, andthe inability to keep the Foret Road accaee Open in the winter. The Westside Gravel Tenure would allow uz to operate in all {our seasons and to remain competitive, lcaly, with the existing adjacent InterRoute operations 3. _Map tt provides the general location ofthe proposed works. Map #2 defines the Quarry application boundaries, “Map # 3 gles an Orthographic aerial View ofthe proposed Tenure. The production quary site requires 8.1 hectares, ‘Within the Quarry area approximately 2 hectares wil contain the processing, product stackpiles and other acties to enhance or expand the business. 4, This isan excellent business opportunity to provide several sizes of high value agregates and concrete and bedding sand, At times, multiple product wll be required tobe loaded out atthe same time. 5. _Afine Sand processing plant may be required to meet any stringent requirements of future local area projects. “This siteis bordered on the eas side by a Telus uty ight of way. Map #2 identifies ths right af way which provides a natural limit to this quary are. Diesel generated power willbe required forthe agaregate crushing plant and other ‘manufacturing or processing equipment at this quary. 6. The production quary wil utile the exiting Westside road, witha short 3km div to the Trans-Canada bighway #1. Tis location wil provide safe and ecient all season access to Highway #1. A very short haul road (0.1 ha) will be constructed off the InterRoute Access Roa, to acess the production pit area Construction Schedule - 2015 to 2016. Log and clear the production quaty. This willbe undertaken to allot raom to complete the sloping ofthe pit walls around the perimeter ofthe quaty Stump and remove wood debris. Remove and then stockpile topsoil and overburden along the eastern boundary. Flatten and stockpile pt run aggregate to define the processing area and construct the Screening Plant area. visual screen of +10 meters of trees will be maintained along all four boundaries of the application area, for potential dust and noise mitigation and fr aesthetics. Section 8 - Project description Revelstoke Sand & Gravel Ld, has identified by independent initiative a year round gravel quary ste, and fs applying for ‘long tm quarry tenure to service the Revelstoke nd North Columbia areas. The aggregate produced a this ite wil ‘supply RSG material for commercial operations within the Revelstoke ara, 1. Description of Work Initial investigations and prior onsite investigation of this site by others indicates that high qualty aggregate is evident in ‘the quarry area indicated on mapi2. Production will vary year to year but itis estimated to average 10,000 cuicmeters per yea, forthe initial S years due to the ability to work the Sand and Gravel operations year round. Road work, both highway and industrial, are other business opportunites for commercial gravel and sand sales fom thi site. Multiple Independent Hydro projects are planned for the North Columbia region and may provide ational business opportunities for this endeavor. Production from the query willbe a combination of pit run, crushed and screened onsite. Concrete aggregate sand wil also be produced. Crushing, screening, and selectively stockpiling, wil al be completed within the tenured area, ‘The height ofthe working face willbe inline with MEMPR's requirements and will vary depending on the loading and ‘excavating equipment in use. The current guidelines by MEMPR are forthe working face tobe les than 2 meters above ‘the reach of the loading equipment (Heath and Safety Book) Schedule of work to be completed Construct short access road from the InterRoute access Road 4404142 Strip new areas required to acess new material. Stockpile topsoil and overburden for reclamation ata later date along east boundary of the quarry area, © Define and construct processing stockpile facilities area, install scale, and wash facilites if needed, Produce aggregate to fll local project requirements, road construction and maintenance material. . _ntlate progressive reclamation as areas within the production pit re mined, Seed and plant require, 2, Present State of Land Reglonal: The applicant land is within the Columbia Shuswap regional district Area 8, Present land use: Te lands vacant crown land within the Columbia Forest District. It is bordered by the Westside Road tothe West and South the ity of Revelstoke Waste Management rea tothe Nort, and crown land on the East, busting Tenure: This reais currently vacate crown fn, Forest Cover: The application area ofthe production quarry isan immature second generation forest plantation approximately 40 years of age consisting of predominately fir, cedar, and hemlock. Sols: The soils inthe application areas are gravel and shallow sandy loam. The existing sol willbe salvaged and stockpiled for future use for reclamation ofthe quarry se “Topography: The aplication area i situated on 2 relatively level gravel bench, level withthe Westside Road. The bench rises very sight tothe northeast A contour map ofthe entre application area included inthis application detailed survey wll be conducted, with plan and cross section, ifthe application is accepted and when the working areas are lear of vegetation. This detalled map wil provides a baseline for subsequent gravel removal and fr reclamation work as quarry works progress Pit access roads: The main acces othe application aea i off the Westside Road, va the nteraute access road, and adjacent to the InterRoute tenure. A short access road willbe constructed from the existing Access Road into the pt are0 ll accessible oeos will be either fenced and/or boarded by existing tee cover oF 9 natural bet wil be constructed to provide full secuty and public safety Proper signage will be installed to educate the public of potential safety hazards. Wiatercourss: There are no watercourses within the aplication area, and no impact an any adjacent watercourses ‘Water table: The water table is below the maximum planned depth for gravel excavation. ALR: The application area isnot within the ALR Provincial Forest: the application area snot within the designated provincia forest. 2. Reclamation Program ‘After the completion of al mining, this production quarry pit willbe phased out by sloping ofthe side walls to an angle (02:1 slope. Overburden and any topsoil wl be distributed aver the areas as they are abandoned and then seeded toa recommended forestry mis forthe area, Due to the high precipitation in this area of the North Columbia, natural regeneration occurs very rapidly. Progressive reclamation wil imi the area of disturbance toa maximum ofS hectares within the & hectare production ‘quarry. is expected thatthe area will naturally re-seed to native cover once the forage hasbeen established for several years. ‘The use ofthe stockile/scale area, within the production area, will continue as lng as the tenure iin effect. All areas ofthis site wills be recaimed after mining has concluded. Reclamation wilincide removal of any infrastructure and ‘the site wil be returned to its natural state Section CAdditional Information | Environmental, 4. Land impacts: ‘This site f naturally screened from the Westside Road and the main Access Road, and the prevailing West wind wil imi the effets from the operation of the quarry. The application area is located in an unpopulated area tat i primarily zoned for commecil/industial uses. Effects of noise polation should be minimal ll mobile and stationary equipment atthe site wll be malntained to high standards and environmental kit and containment willbe in place b. Atmospheric impacts Dust and exhaust fumes from operation ofthe plants and equipment wl be limited tothe production quarry and ‘secondly tothe stockpile/scale area. A border of trees greater than or equal to 10m wide wil be maintained to screen ‘the work area from al four tenure boarders. Dust mitigation measures willbe put ito effect if required, «Aquatic Impacts: ‘Tere willbe no aquatic impacts as no water wash plant willbe constructed within the tenure area 4. Wildlife impacts “There islinited use ofthis area by willie. The proximity of the highway and the historic presence of humans and heavy equipment have made the ste an unnatural area for wildlife to congregate. I. Socio- Community Land Use: “This area ie vacant ern land ‘The sit is located in an OCP designated industrial and Commercial area of Revelstoke, andthe use ofthis tenure for Sand and Gravel Quarry operations fll diectly within the longterm intended uses, The subject area is drectiy adjacent toan existing, much larger, approved and operating nterRoute tenure, The Skm distance to Revelstoke, one ofthe ‘main reasons why this area is of reat purpase tous, Community Conditions ‘The development ofthis sit as a viable gravel resource in conjunction with the manufacturing/screening plants will provide ongoing obs ad the support business for the North Columbia and specifically the Revelstoke area, The site wil ‘maintain its integrity atalltimes. Revelstoke Sand & Gravel will maintain its own safety plan and willbe coordinating our safety plan in ine with exiting policy ofthe MEMPR and WORKSAFE BC. «Public Heath There wll be required bathroom faites onsite as required. Al facities will comply with relonal health regulations. 1. First Nations Revelstoke Sand & Gravel Lid. recognizes the requirement to consult with Fitst Nations. This operation wil not limit First Nations opportunities inthe area ‘This plans submitted on behalf of Revelstoke Sand & Gravel td, by Car Rankin TOCAL FEATURES MA? HZ SITE SPECIFIC MAP ‘ave ougnny apmicaTiON near ssn, eA | Seo ys... | Saoaae Proposed Quarry Site (B..ta) 84, T24\R2, WOM, KOOTENAY 4403040 LOCAL FEATURES MAP. ‘GRAVEL QUARRY APPLICATION MAP - AW/A2 #22 7 2014 festside Rd. Revelstoke, Sum North of Hwy 23 uct. LegalDesc Part of S4, 124, R2, WOM Kootenay District Total Area of Disturbance: 8.2 he, Contour Interval 20 metres Drawn by: RF. Azimuth Forestry Revelstoxe National Park Wet LLECILLEN SITE SPECIFIC MAP | GRAVEL QUARRY APPLICATION BLK A | MAP A6 BLK A \ City of Re Waste Management Area elstoke Scale: 1 Location Westside Rd. Revelstoke, 3km North of Hwy 23 dct. Legal Desc Port of S4, 124, R2, WEM Kootenay bistrict Total area of Disturbance: 8.2 he. Contour Interval t metre Drone by: RF. Asimuth Forestry Interoute Access Pd 4404142 Proposed Road ‘Access (0.tha) oc UTM 413556, 5652842 Zi creoring Limit _| | 5m butter) | Proposed Quarry Site (8. tha) 554m Vegeton Butter R © e & Telus Unity = RY $ 4405840 col

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