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Edward Cheng

On level World History

May 1, 2014

Korean War
The Korean War was war between South Korea who was allies with the United States and
the North Korean who are allies with China and the Soviet Union. As you look back, you will be
surprise of how lucky South Korea withstand the North Koreans. People would have been
surprised of how South Korea withstands the North Korea during the Korean War. South Korea
did not withstand them out of luck. They were three reasons why South Korean withstands the
North Korea. The reasons are that they were allies with United States, won a Decisive battle and
were on stalemate in the war.
Korean was the time when Communism was spreading throughout the world. On June
25, 1950, 75,000 North Korean soldiers poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary that
separates North Korea and South Korea. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold
War. On July American Troops had entered the war joining the South Korean side. United States
join the Korean War because of the three reasons. The first reason was the Dominion Theory.
Truman believes if one country fell to communism the others follow like dominions. Second
reason is that they believe there way of live was in danger by communism. Last reason is Truman
realizing he was competition with the Soviets he joins the war. They believe that the Korean was

the first step in a communist campaign to take over the world. Due to this United States sends
massive supplies like weapons and well-trained Soldiers to help in the war. United states send
more 100,000 solider during the Korean War and spend billions of dollars on the war. Also
because South Korea was allies with United States, United States other allies like Britain became
allies with South Korea due to the fact that South Korea had an alliance with United States,
which gave South Korea more allies (sharing allies). Without a doubt United States is one of the
reasons why South Korean withstands the North Koreans.
At the beginning of the Korean allies decide to do a defensive war to get the communists
out of South Korea, but it went badly for South Korea and the United States. The North were
better trained, more discipline, and well- equipped; while, South Korean forces were frightened,
confused, less discipline, and would have flee the battlefield at any provocation. By end of the
summer Truman and General Douglas MacArthur, the commander in charge of the Asian theater,
has decide to go on the offensive. Now for the Allies, the Korean War was a war to liberate the
North Koreans from Communism. Allies were losing war and they even lost Seoul, South
Koreas capital. But everything changes when the Allies had a big success winning the battle of
Inchon. Inchon was a decisive victory and strategic reversal in favor of the Allies. It pushed out
the North Koreans out of Seoul (South Koreas capital) and has severed their supplies lines.
Which made North Koran force is cut in half, this have made United States to invade North
Korea. There was no doubt that these decisive battles help South Korea withstand the North
Koreans during the Korean War.
During the Korean there was a huge stalemate in the 38th parallel. Each side were losing
and gaining same amount of land. After many months of battle without any winners, Truman and
his new commanders started talking for peace at Panmunjom. But the fighting still continued

along the 38th parallel as negation stalled. Both were willing to cease fired in the 38th parallel
boundary, but they could not agree on whether prisoners of war should be forcibly repatriated.
Finally, after two more years of negotiation, they signed an armistice on July 17, 1953. Due to
the negotiation a new boundary was drawn near the 38th parallel that gave South Korea an extra
1,500 squares miles of territory and created a 2 mile wide demilitarized zone that still exists
today. There was no doubt that the stalemate help South Korea withstand the North Koreans
during the Korean War.
In Conclusion United States, decisive battles and the stalemate during the Korean War
help South Korean withstand the North Korea during the Korean War. Without United States
spending supplies like guns and soldiers South Korea would not stand a chance against the North
Korea who was well-trained and well discipline. United States also help by sharing their allies
meaning that United states other allies like Britain also became allies with South Korea. Also
without the decisive battle at Inchon the allies would not have gotten Seoul (South Koreas
capital) and would not have severely cut North Koreas supplies line, which Cause North
Koreans army to be cut in half. Lastly without the stalemate at the 38th parallel it wouldnt have
cause the peace treaty between the allies and the communist, which gave South Korea to gain
Korea an extra 1,500 squares miles of territory. If it were not for the stalemate during the war
would have still continued causing more causality and money. The stalemate at 38th parallel and
the win in a decisive battle and being allies with United States were the greatest factor that help
South Korea withstand the North Koreans during the Korean War.

Work Cited
1. Korean War." ., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2014.
2. "Teaching With Documents:." . Social Education, n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. <>.
3. "Korean war." . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. <>.

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