Nyika National Park

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Nyika National Park

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Nyika National Park

IUCN category II (national park)

Afromontane grassland of the Nyika Plateau




1040S 3350ECoordinates:

1040S 3350E

313,400 ha
Established 1966 extended 1978

For the portion of the park in Zambia, see Nyika National Park, Zambia
Nyika National Park is Malawis largest national park, with an area of 3200 km2 (1250


1 Location and road access

2 Features
3 The adjacent Zambian park
4 World Heritage status
5 External links

Location and road access

Lake Kaulime inside the park

The park covers practically the whole of the Nyika Plateau in northern Malawi, about
480 km north of Lilongwe and 60 km north of Rumphi by road. Access is by a single
dirt road which branches north off the road from Rumphi to the Katumbi border post,
and winds its way up the south-western scarp of the plateau, continues over the top,
where it forms the border with Zambia, then descends the north-west scarp in a series of
bends, and continues north to the Chisenga border post. On the top of the plateau, a spur
goes east to Chelinda, the headquarters of the park nearer the centre. Although the park
boundary comes within 35 km of Livingstonia there is no access from the eastern side.

The name, Nyika, means "where the water comes from" as the plateau's elevation makes
it wetter than surrounding areas. Other suggested meanings are "wildnerness" and "short
grassland". The top is frequently in cloud, both in the rainy season and in the cold dry
season when dense fogs, called Chiperone may persist well into the morning and
sometimes all day. The persistent moisture brings over 200 types of orchid into flower.

The grasslands of Nyika are rich in wildflowers all through the year but especially from
January to April during the rains.
Most people experience the Nyika by staying on or driving over the plateau itself but
this represents only around one third of the National Park. The escarpments and
northern hill areas descend to lower altitude and feature a much drier landscape
seasonally. This is dominated by Brachystegia woodland and Protea scrub at the
interzone between the grassland and the woodlands. To travel into these zones you will
need to be fully equipped for camping and take a local guide with you. It is very easy to
get lost and leaving the marked roads is not recommended without local support
The plateau itself is recommended for trekking and mountain biking, as well as more
conventional 4x4 excursions. The montane vegetation attracts large numbers of antelope
from the diminutive Common duiker to eland and roan. Zebra are common near
Chelinda and the highest part of the plateau. The park is said to have one of the highest
densities of leopard in Central Africabut this has not been supported by any scientific
survey in the past 20 years and all mammals suffer changes in populations which can be
rapid. Being mainly nocturnal they are rarely seen, although tracks and signs have been
regularly found. There are a number of species of smaller mammals such as warthog
and bushpig, the smaller cats and porcupine. Elephants are often seen anywhere on the
plateau but buffalo are rare or probably extinct now. Hoof prints associated with them in
the north of the park probably represent wandering domestic cattle from Uledi. Lions
and elephants have recently been seen on the high plateau.
Over 400 species of bird have been recorded in the park. The rare Denhams bustard
and the wattled crane are among those to be seen, as is the red-winged francolin endemic to Nyika.
Other attractions include waterfalls, the most impressive being Chisanga Falls where the
North Rukuru river falls off the plateau to Thalire District, neolithic rock shelter, trout
pools and even a "magic lake". The recently refurbished Chelinda Camp and the brand
new log cabin lodge provide excellent accommodation and facilities. There is an airstrip
for fly-in safaris.
The lower-lying Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve is close to the Nyika National Park and
can be accessed off the Rumphi Road on arrival or departure to the Nyika entrance gate
at Thazima. <www.biosearch.org.uk, M J and C P Overton>

A flower sitting among quartz stones in Nyika National Park.

Miombo forest inside the park

Typical landscape on the plateau

The adjacent Zambian park

The land west of the plateau road as it traverses the top is in Zambia, which also calls its
portion Nyika National Park, comprising just 80km2. As there is no other road,
Zambians can only reach it via Malawi. The Zambian park includes a colonial-era
resthouse with splendid views west. Once it was the only accommodation in either park,
in those days people from Malawi staying there did not have to pass through any border
formalities, but paid a "Zambia entrance fee" along with their accommodation bill. The
rest house closed in 1998.Proposals to re-open it did not progress and it currently (2015)
remains derelict.

World Heritage status

This site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on May 17, 2000 in
the Mixed (Cultural + Natural) category. It has not yet progressed to acceptance.

External links

Description by malawitourism.com
Biosearch Expeditions
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Nyika National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre


Protected areas of Malawi



Lake Malawi




GND: 4583595-0


IUCN Category II
National parks of Malawi
Protected areas established in 1966
Geography of Northern Region, Malawi

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