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Leo District 306A2

July Edition

4 Lead the
6 Humanity



A Chat with an International Leo

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Message from District President

Seeing the bigger picture

Every day we are talking about
leadership. But which quality would be
at the top of your list? Most of us might
say ability to see the bigger picture.
Yes, thats true. Theres a small story for
One day a traveller, walking along
a lane, came across 3 stonecutters
working in a quarry. Each was busy
cutting a block of stone. Interested to
find out what they were working on, he
asked the first stonecutter what he was
doing. I am cutting a stone! Still no
wiser the traveller turned to the second
stonecutter and asked him what he
was doing. I am cutting this block of
stone to make sure that its square, and
its dimensions are uniform, so that it will
fit exactly in its place in a wall.

A bit closer to finding out what the

stonecutters were working on but still
unclear, the traveller turned to the
third stonecutter. He seemed to be
the happiest of the three and when
asked what he was doing replied: I
am building a cathedral.
Drucker, suggests that just seeing the
bigger picture is not enough. Real
leadership quality is demonstrated
through both seeing that picture,
and through ensuring others see it, By
building a shared vision.

Lets Roar together to build the year of

Leo Pramod Sean Wimalatunga
District President
Leo District Council 306A2 | Sri Lanka.

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

WE, the Leo family of 306 A2 present our very warm
felicitations to our International President
Lion Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, of Minokamo, Gifu,
Japan, who was elected to serve as President
of Lions Clubs International at the association's
98th International Convention held in Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA, June 26 through 30, 2015. He started
his lionistic forward march by joining as a member
of the Minokamo Lions Club in 1985. He has held
numerous positions in his Lions club, district, multiple
and the International Association while receiving
many appreciations and recognitions including
the Humanitarian Partner Award, 10 International
President's Awards and an Ambassador of Good
Will Award, the highest honor the association
bestows upon its members. Our International
President is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
President Yamada and the gracious Lady Lion Dr.
Toshiko Yamada, Leos of Leo District 306 A2 will be
always serving our vision of Lionism together with

Leos of Leo District 306 A2 are blessed with a
dynamic personality in 2015/2016 lionistic year
to serve as our leader District Governor, Lion
Dr. Nandana Kaluarachchi MJF JP. His Lionistic
career started in 2000 by joining as a charter
member to Lions Club of Mathugama. Holding
all the club level positions, he then climbed the
ladder of success in district level while achieving
many awards and certifications in recognition
of his great humanitarian service rendered to
lionism while receiving Best Regional Chairman
certificate 2004 2005, Lion of the year 2012
2013, Awarded the Certification of Appreciation
for Service rendered from 7 Past International
Presidents and many more. The first Lady Lion of
306 A2 in 2015/2016 is Lion Dr. Manel Kaluarachchi
who supports her spouse in every step towards
Leo family of 306 A2 will be joining hands with you
continuously to create a BETTER TOMORROW!
(Article by - Leo Kesari Seneviratne MJF)

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Meet Your

A friend | A brother | A leader

The newly elected District president of Leo district 306 A2, Leo
Pramod Sean Wimalatunga reminisces of his early days as a leo,
how he ended up in the most prestigious position of the district and
the goals he has set for the new leostic year.
Can you recall the early days of your leo carrier??
I joined the Leo Club of Rattanapitiya in 2009 accepting an invitation by Leo Lamal.
When I first came to this movement I had no idea of what it was. 1st I thought this was a
place where friends hang out, but later I conducted my own research and discovered
about the Lions Clubs and the true motive behind the Leo movement. After six years
as I look back Im glad that I accepted Lamals invitation and it remains as one of the
best decisions Ive ever made in my life.

Any special memories you share with the Rattanapitiya Leo Club?
After about a year of becoming a leo, my club president had to go abroad and there was
a void in the presidency. Many members in the club urged me to take up the position. I
accepted the challenge and under my helm the club did its first installation according to
a different theme and that was the day Rattanaptiya made its mark in the Leo district. It
was the day that Leo Pramod Sean was recognized within the district.

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Is there any difference from the boy who walked

in to leoism compared with the leader now you
have become??
Although I had given leadership to schools
athletic team and several other societies prior to
becoming a leo, I was a very silent person. But it
was the Leo movement that took my speaking
abilities to a higher level. Working along with
the Lions exposed me in to the corporate world.
Thus today I can talk to anyone at any level of
any company without any hesitation or fear, all
thanks to leoism.
Without a doubt I would say that A2 is the most
talented and strongest leo district in the multiple
and if someone to be the president of such a
district, they have to develop their character.
When I first joined the leo club I never dreamt
of ending up here. But it was the Leoism that
brought me this far and made me the man I am
Did you strive to be the district president or was it
just luck?
Some might think that becoming a leader is a walk in the park and its just the luck what
matters!! But let me tell you that there are no such leaders at any level of the society. Men
and women become leaders through sacrifices, dedication and hard work.
No one can take the district presidency or any other leadership position by staying idle. It
takes a lot of improvement of ones personality and ability. During all these years I spent
with the Leoism, I took every opportunity came my way and rose up to the challenges.
Learnt a lot through my self-evaluations and experiences. Those led me to the position
where I am today.
Any specific reason why you took up the presidency??
There is only a limited chance to change the system while youre in the lower rungs of a
ladder. For about 4 years I have been feeling that some things and practices we share
in our district have to be changed and there were many who felt the same as me. It was
them who wanted me to take up this job and believed in me to replace what is futile
with the useful. Ill try my level best to keep up the good name of the 306A2 and drive
it to newer heights by changing what has to be changed. It would take some time. But
the change will arrive.
What if those changes are to be disliked by many?
I am a person who respects and listens to others ideas. If the majority of the district
believes that its inappropriate to make such a change, I will not a make any amends.
But I believe the changes that Ive planned will be agreed by many.

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Any thrones you found along your road?

Fortunately I had not been affected
by many obstacles along my way. But
whenever something came up, there
were many fellow leos who offered help,
specially the past district presidents. I
feel blessed. Though there were a lot of
people who stood by my side, there was
one thing that raised me up whenever I
felt down. That is my self-belief. It always
gave me the strength throughout my
entire life.
What do you hold for the leosim and the leos under your presidency?
I remained six years in the leo movement due to its unique family bond between each
other and the friendship we share. In my year too I extend my hands of friendship and
brotherhood for everyone, a year of friendship.
As for my expectations, my main goal is to take administration of the district in to higher
standards during the first quarter and do the same thing for club administration in the
second. So if we develop the administration up to high level of standards within the first
six months we would be able to achieve wonderful feats this year since better administration leads to better leaders and better leaders lead to better leoism. Better leoism leads
to a better youth which will eventually lead to a better future for everyone.
Any advices for the new, young people who joins the leo movement??
I see a lot of young people joining our district and working with high spirit and enthusiasm.
I remember being one of them couple of years back. My advice to them is always be
hungry. Be hungry for new knowledge. Be hungry for new challenges and experiences.
Drop every fear. Take every opportunity. And you will find the leader within yourself.
During this year what are the expectations from your fellow leos?
Leos, if youre spending Rs .1000 that will contribute only Rs .100 worth results to the society,
itll be futile to do such projects. You dont always have to do large scale projects to
make a positive impact on the lives of others. Sometimes simple projects would do it. But
whatever you do, do it in the right manner with true spirit of leoism. Whatever you give to
the others give it with your full heart expecting nothing in return. That is the true meaning
of being a Leo.
And finally I wish everyone, including the council officers and Club Presidents a
prosperous and a worthwhile leostic year ahead.
And my fellow leos, together we shall and we will lead the humanity.
(Interview and Article by - Leo Hashan Nirvan Rahubadda)

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Our Vision

Lead the Humanity

Our Logo

Growth, Harmony and Safety of Leos
Trust, Loyalty and Confidence of Leos
Edge less, unconditional talents of Leos, reach beyond boundaries to bond Leos, Lions and Society
Leos' knowledge of separating good from bad and their long lasting friendship

Leo of the Month

In appreciation of Dedication for the
betterment of leo movement

Leo Mudith Bimsara Jayasekara

President - Leo Club of Polgasowita

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

osia;s%la fndas mQcdj

306 A2 - 2015$2016

W;= ioy jeis jiajd ;=ka f,djgu Ydka;shla Wodl, ta

Ydka;skdhlhka jykafiaf.a f;u.=, isjqjdhska miq tod
fy<osj fmdfidka mqr mif<diajl fmdfydh ojfia wkqnq
sys yshka isrs ,laosjg jevufldg W;= nqoaO r;akh
Ou r;akh ix> r;akh hk ta ;s%O r;akh wm rg ;=,
iiqka .; l,d'
fn!oaOhka jq wm iefjdu iqN lghq;a;lg m%:u ;s%O
r;akfha wdYsjdo wkqYdikd ,nd.kafka ta ms<sn| wm ;=,
we;s jsYajdih iy f.!rjh ksidfjks''
tu ksidfjkau 2015$2016 kj ,sfhda jir wm wdrsN lf,a
kele;a n,d " y|yka n,d fkdj" ish,q jev lghq;=j,g m%:u
306A2 ,sfhda osia;s%lalfha kj ks,Odrs uKav,hg iy ish,qu
,sfhdajrekag fi;a m;d cQ,s ui 12 fjks bre osk m'j 3'00
isg uyr.u NslaIq uOHia:dkfha mj;ajkq ,enq fndaOs mQcd
fuysoS jHdmD;s iNdm;s jYfhka ,sfhda WfmalaId fysawdrs
lghq;= l, w;r lgqjdj,"fmd,a.iasg"ms<shkao, iy
fudrgqj sYajoHd,Sh ,sfhda iudc ixOdk lghq;= Ndrj
l%shd lf,dah'

fuu W;= ls%hdj i|yd ,sfhda osia;s%lalh i|yd jq

isxy" isxy ;=,s; mshfiak",sfhdajreka i|yd jq m%Odk
WmfoaYl isxy lu,a fifkr;ak"nyq uKav, iNdm;s
,sfhda chfld"nyq uKav, Wm iNdm;s ,sfhda
rdcs; wf.=Kfialr"fmr osia;s%la iNdm;sjreka jq
,sfhda biqre fiakdr iy ,sfhda lks,a uoaudf.a"wm
osia;s%la iNdm;s ,sfhda m%fudaoa u,;=x. we;= wm
osia;s%lalfha iy wfkl=;a osia;s%lal ksfhdackh lruska
,sfhdajreka iyNd.S sh'
306 A2 fufyjrl wdrusNh wms tf,i igyka lf<uq`

(Article by - Leo Shanilka Madushan)

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

District Installation

The commencement of the second

decade of the Leo District 306 A2 was
marked by 'Incipience - 2015', the
11th District Installation Ceremony,
which was held on the 26th of July
from 2.00pm onwards at the Electrical
Engineering Auditorium of University
of Moratuwa.

Including Leo Pramod Wimalathunga

as the District President and Leo Kesari
Senevirathne MJF as the District Vice
President, 31 Council Officers and 20
Club Presidents were installed for the
fiscal year 2015/2016 who vowed to
do their best to lead the Leo District
306 A2 to reach greater heights.

The event was terminated by District

President Leo Pramod Wimalathunga
with bundles of hopes to reach
people, to provide a service to the
community and the Country with the
assistance of the Leos and under the
Guidance and the support of the

The Chief Guest for the occasion was

District Governor Lion Dr. Nandana
Kaluarachchi MJF JP. The presence
of MDP Leo Dumindu Jayakody as
the Guest of honor was remarkable
because currently he is the Icon
leading the Multiple District, who was
a PDP of the Leo District 306 A2.

IPDP Leo Chandima Vithanage

officially handed over the proceedings of the meeting symbolizing the
hand over of the duties and responsibilities to the New District President
Leo Pramod Wimalathunga.

The Editorial Panel of the Leo district

306 A2 would like to congratulate the
newly appointed Council and Best
Wishes for a successful Year ahead.

Newly appointed DCL Lion Thulitha

Piyasena and Chief Advisor for Leos
PDG Lion Kamal Senevirathne PMJF
and IPDG Lion Arjun Abeysinghe PMJF
were among the distinguished Guests
present at the occasion.The presence
of Lions cabinet Officers, PDPs of the
Leo District 306 A2 including IPDP Leo
Chandima Vithange and Leos representing other Districts added value to
this 11th Installation Ceremony.

(Article by - Leo Tikuli Pitigala)

DP Leo Pramod Wimalathunga

revealed the theme for the year
2015/2016, Lead the Humanity
along with the Logo. The District
website leodistrict306a2.organd the
District Media Unit was launched by
the District Governor, Lion Dr.
Nandana Kaluarachchi MJF JP.
The contribution made by the A2
Media Unit for the District in the Fiscal
Year 2014/2015 in the event of
promoting District and Club events
was specially recognized and

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka



of conference is an amazing
experience I gained through the
opportunity I received, when the
Immediate Past District President
Leo Chandima entrusted me with
the 10th Annual Leo Conference.
The first challenge I had to
encounter was delegating and
appointing an effective conference
steering committee. To select the
best out of the bests Leos to steer
the conference was another phase
that tough decisions were ready to
be taken and then which ended by
us appointing 85 Leos who were
with outstanding performances.
The most critical session then
began with guiding, leading
and driving 89 positions and 85
Leos towards the one dream we
always dreamt.Sharing a one
vision among all the mindsets of
85 Leos were quite a tough job.
When the District President insisted on moving the conference
to Gonapola area for a change
in her Leoistic year, many Leos
raised the question of WHY?

yet when she elucidated to the

committee of the prime motives
of changing venues, many
understood that the organizing
of a conference will not depend
on the venue or the way its held.
It is all about who gives the best
and how we will achieve this one
dream of us as one family and
one team while recognizing and
appreciating our fellow Leos for
all the hard work rendered to the
Managing a high six figure
budget, coordinating with 85
Leos, seeking for sponsors,
selection of venues,designing
flyers and presentations, producing a Leo theme song, writing
compeer scripts, practicing the
Leo dancing item,managing the
ushering periods,designing a
souvenir, preparing parades and
entertainment items, forming a
necrology session are nearly a
minor percentage of the tasks
that our steering committee
effectively and efficiently directed
to success.

A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Behind the success are many that

cannot be mentioned in names,
special thanks goes to all the
Lions who supported in various
manners, all the A2 Past District
Presidents who never left us alone
and to the conference steering
committee for going beyond their
comfort zones.
The moment I was requested
to pen the article on How
I challenged the challenge
responding to the title was
the hardest challenge. WHY?
Because alone I did nothing, it
was what WE did, it was WE
who challenged the challenge of
conference with ONE AIM as
Finally, Dearest conference
committee, please accept my
humble apologies for all and any
slipups we did from this end and
again accept heartfelt gratitude
for every single thought + word
+ act you did on-behalf of THE
family and remember you are a
proud part of it!
(Article by - Leo Kesari Seneviratne MJF/District Vice President/Conference Chairperson)


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

In your view, what s LEO?

A wonderful group of people that eventually
become friends and help the community they
live in.
What made you to join this movement?
My father, in the mid 70s was a founder of a
Leo Club in my city and then his club became
a Lions Club, which today is our Lions sponsor.
Ive participated of the Lions activities with
my family and when my dad was president
in 2010-2011, my Leo Club was created, the
only one in the city. It was very natural for me
to get involved.

Leo Flvia Monastirsky Ott
Leo Club Pitangui- Ponta Grossa
city-Paran state- Brasil
24 years, biologist,entrepreneur.
Leo since 2011.
President of the LEO CLUBE Ponta
Grossa Pitangui - 2012-2013
Secretary of LEO CLUBE Ponta Grossa
Pitangui - 2011-2012, 2013-2014
Secretary of District LEO LD-1, Area
3 South America & Caribbean
"Leaders are not born, they are
made through indomitable courage,
unwavering commitment, hardwork
and dedication. Flavia Ott of Brazil is
also a Leo leader with a caring heart
and an inspiring personality. "

What are the things you gained through the

LEO movement?
Before the LEO I was very shy and couldnt
speak in front of an audience. Now is a little bit
easier. I became more organized, otherwise
wouldnt be made reports, campaigns and
How do you feel about volunteering for
community service?
Its a blessing. Knowing that youre working to
help another person in need grows warm in
your heart. All your life makes more sense. You
are not seeing life pass you by, your living life
the fullest way!
Where do you think LEO movement is, among
the other social service organizations in the
The LEO movement is in full growth. There
are many other organizations out there that
are more attractive to young people for a
number of reasons. In the end, we all do the
same thing help those in need. Its our duty
to help those people and to show the world
how beautiful our movement is!
What is your opinion about LEOS of Sri Lanka?
I only know you guys from facebook (maybe
that change someday!) I see a lot of joy, color,
brightness and pride. You are an inspiration for
me and for all the Leos in the world.

(Interview and Article by - Leo Kulani Amanda)


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

A Cure

For Vision
For over thousands of people who live in our
country are visually impaired because they do
not have access to correct treatment.There
is a simple old and cost effective technology
to solve this problem eye galssess which is a
distant dream for some people in need who
live in rural areas and some in urban areas as
well due to the cost.
A simple pair of eye glasses could dramatically
improve the lives, by increasing earning power
and improving occupational and public safety
and fostering the ability to perform every day

So we, as leo club of Katuwawala identified the need of increased provision of

optical support urbanely and as a result of that on 1st July 2015 our leos, partnering
with our lions club of Katuwawala had the privilage of conducting a charity poject
A Cure For Vision which was aimed distributing eye glasses to the general public
who are in need of optical support,which took place in Holy Emmanuel church,
Moratuwa from 9am to 4pm and specially lion Jayantha Thissera and his wife lady
lion Senali Thissera gave us a humble support by guiding the people who had come
for their optical needs. As this was the first project of our club for the leostic year
2015/16, it marked a huge success.
Our main purpose as leo club of Katuwawala, implementing a project like this, is to
identify the causes of visual impairment of people in need in urban areas and to
create a smile on their faces by lending hands, providing optical devices to them.
(Article by - Leo Dinya Godakanda)


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

On the 04th of June 2015 at Old Gym
University of Moratuwa over 1500
people watched the Stage Drama
Balloth Ekka Ba, organized by UoM
Leos. The young crowd was really
enthusiastic on that evening to watch
the two shows 4:30pm and 7:00pm.
Leading roles in the stage drama
field in the country including Wijaya
Nandasiri, Gihan Fernando, and
Kumara Thirimadura were on stage
with young popular artists Roshan
Pilapitiya and Ferni Roshini.

Through the drama the Director

Ravindra Ariyarathnage was
talking about the recent
political atmosphere in SriLanka
sarcastically and ultimately
the drama gave a meaning
for the two hour time.UoM Leos
are always keen to organize
a drama with a quality and
make the crowd satisfied. This
occasion was a big day for
UoM Leos as it was the mega
fund raising project for the
upcoming Leoistic year.
(Article by - Leo Dishantha Wijekoon)


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Be a Nature Lover

SUGADAARAMWas a wonderful experience for

the young nature lovers which was successfully
organized by the Leo Club of Piliyandala,
District 306 A2 on July 18, 2015. Mrs. Kanchana
Weerakoon who is the Chairperson of Eco friendly
volunteer conducted this event at her residence in
Verahera and Leo Indika Dhananja as the project
Chairperson created a wonderful opportunity
to our fellow Leos to learn not only about the
nature but also about our day to day life, stress
management, food habits and Many more.
Multiple District President Leo Dumindu Jayakody and District
President Leo Promod Sean Wimalathunga, District Vice
President Leo Kesari Senavirathne MJF, Past District president Leo
Nadeesha Palliyaguru and More than 12 Leos from Leo club of
Piliyandala Participated in this event.
How people should live with nature, How to be a nature lover,
benefits of living with the nature are some of the topics covered
in the session by the resource personal, Mrs. Weerakoon and she
admired Leos for spending their time to improve their Knowledge
and Capacity from a great cause like this.
The Environmental Meditation was one of the great experience
for Leos and it would be a lession for our friends to become
a Nature Lover. This was an event This was an event which
depicted the theme of the Leo Club of Piliyandala for the Leoistic
year 2015/2016, Steps towards for Environmental Friendly Year
and this will be carried out as a continuous project.

(Article by - Leo Kanchana Alpitiyage)


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka


(Article by - Leo Dilan Samarakkody)

Upcoming Events

9th - Installation Ceremony of Leo Club of UOM

15th & 16th - Presidents Camp at Belihuloya
22nd - Leo Club of Horana Midcity & Polgasowita Installation
23rd - Club Officers Workshop & Leo Club of Piliyandala Installation
29th - Leo Club of Ingiriya Installation
30th - Leo Club of Kalubowila Installation


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

Club Installations

Installation Ceremony of Leo Club of

Bandaragama Central
was held on the 26th of July at Parthana
Hotel Bandaragama

Editors Note

This is the 1st edition of the of the official

newsletter of Leo District 306 A2, LEOS for
the fiscal year 2015/2016. We have been
introducing new insights from the day we
began this new leoistic year, because
there should be something refreshing than
being monotonous, as in the diversity in the
content, things one can do, the vibrancy
of continuous updates.
We present renewed vigor, fresh energy
but the same soul. Everyone in this editorial
panel has put their heart into this, being
committed to give you the kind of features
that you want see and read. We have
decided to bring up the best, aiming to
communicate the activities that our Leo
district is engaged in, constantly and

Its all about adding up and counting on!

We would make this an opportunity to thank
all those who managed to guide us and
extended the supportive hand to make this
a success!

Editorial Panel
Leo District 306 A2

Interested on Our Work? Join with Us !


- @a2leos


A Publication of Leo District 306 A2 Sri Lanka

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