Lab1 3

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This experiment involve redox titration which is iodometry.Iodometry is used

to determine amount of oxidising agent that is standard potaasium iodate(V)
solution by titrating iodine and thiosulphate . In this experiment,the standard
potassium iodate(V) solution which acts as an oxidising agent is added in excess to
acidified potassium iodide solution release iodine.Iodine is liberated from iodate and
iodide according to the equation: IO 3- + 5I- + 6H+ 3I2 + 3H2O . The iodine solution,
which is a dark brown colour, can be titrated against sodium thiosulfate solution.
The sodium thiosulfate solution is placed in the burette and, as it is added to the
conical flask, it reacts with the iodine and the colour of the solution fades. When it
reaches a light yellow colour, five drops of a starch solution are added. The solution
becomes dark blue, and the titration is continued until it goes colourless.The
titration reaction represented by the equation: I 2 + 2S2O32- 2I- + S4O62- .

The objectives of this experiment is to prepare standard solution of potassium
iodate .Furthermore,to determine the concentration of a given sodium thiosulphate
solution via iodometric titration. This experiment also help us to have hand-on
practice ..Moreover,to know how to handle the materials,apparatus and the proper
techniques of carrying out a titration as well as being careful to avoid any
experimental error and accident.Lastly, this experiment also to show the correct
steps to calculate the concentration of a given sodium thiosulphate solution.
Dropper,Glass Rod,Filter Funnel,Pipette Filler,Weighing
Analytic Balance,Conical Flask(250ml),Measuring Cylinder(25ml)
Starch Solution(1%),Sulphuric Acid(1.0M),Potassium Iodide(Solid),Potassium
Iodate(Solid),Sodium Thiosulphate Solution
Part A : Preparation of Standard Potassium Iodate Solution
1. Using weighing dish and analytical balance, 0.5044 g of potassium iodate is
weighed. 25 mL of distilled water is added into 50mL of beaker and stirred
with a glass rod to dissolve entire solid.
2. Through a filter funnel, potassium iodate is filled into 250mL volumetric flask.
Beaker is rinsed with distilled water and poured into volumetric flask.
3. More distilled water is added to the volumetric up to the calibration mark. Put
stopper in place and shake the flask until homogenous solution is obtained.

Part B : Standardisation of 0.10M Sodium Thiosulphate solution

1. Burette is rinsed and filled with sodium thiosulphate solution. Make sure that
there are no air space in the burette. Initial reading of burette is recorded to
the nearest 0.01mL.
2. Pipette 25.00mL of standard potassium iodate solution that has been
prepared in Part A into a 250mL conical flask.
3. 0.5g of potassium iodide is weighed and added into potassium iodate
solutionin conical flask.
4. 10.00mL of 1.0M sulphuric acid is then added and swirled conical flask until
all potassium iodide has dissolved.
5. Solution is titrated immediately with sodium thiosulphate solution until it
turns light yellow in colour.
6. 5 drops of starch solution is added and titration process is continued until
blue colour disappeared and solution becomes colourless.
7. Final burette reading is recorded to the nearest 0.01mL.
8. Titration is repeated until two successive result agree within 0.20mL.
9. All data is recorded.
We have conducted experiment on redox reaction which is iodometry.
Iodometry is the type of titration that uses a sodium thiosulfate solution as the
titrant, one of the few stable reducing agents where oxidisation of air is concerned.
Iodometry is used to determine the concentration of oxidising agents through an
indirect process involving iodine as the intermediary. In the presence of iodine, the
thiosulphate ions oxidise quantitatively to the tetrathionate ions.
To determine the concentration of the oxidising agents which is standard
potassium iodate(V) solution, standard potassium iodate(V) solution is added in
excess to acidified potassium iodide solution to release iodine which represent by
this equation , IO3-(aq)+5I-(aq)+6H+(aq)3H2O(l)+3I2(aq). This process release
iodine and then react with sodium thiosulphate(VI) solution represent by this
equation, I2 (aq) +2S2O32-(aq)2I-(aq)+S4O62- .As the solution is mixed with Kl,titrate
immediately with the thiosulphate to prevent the iodine from vapourising.
From the experiment we conducted,the reaction between the measured gram
of potassium iodide and 25.0mL of potassium iodate solution which produced
colourless solution.Then we added sulphuric acid solution which turn the solution
into dark brown.Next,the solution is titrated with sodium thiosulphate solution until
turn yellowish.When the solution turn light yellow,quickly add five drop of starch
solution which will turn the solution into dark blue.As soon the dark blue appear
continue the titration until the solution turn colourless.
The result of the concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution in mol L -1 can
be obtain from this experiment.The volume of iodine used is 25.0mL.Then find the
Moles of I2 used.The moles of I2 used is wsdwcwdw . From balanced equation:

2S2O32- + I2 2I- + S4O62- ,we know that 2 moles S2O32 react 1 mole I2
produced 2 moles I- and 1 mole S4O62- .
Next,find the moles of thiosulfate
reacting.Therefore,the moles of thiosulfate reacting gfdfdhf.The volume of sodium
thiosulfate solution used hasgdhasgas.Then, calculate the moles/mL of sodium
thiosulfate solution.The moles/mL of thiosulphate solution is gvjgvjgvhgv.Then
convert moles/mL to moles/litre of sodium thiosulfate solution.The moles/litre of
thiosulphate isadfasfasfa.Therefore,the concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution
is sdfaa.
To obtain volume of volume of sodium thiosulfate solution used ,calculate the
average volume of sodium thiosulphate used.The titration have to be repeated until
two successive results agree to within 0.20mL.In this experiment we manage to
obtain two successive results agree to within 0.20mL that is 14.60mL , 14.70mL and
14.80mL . Therefore the volume of sodium thiosulphate used is adfadfa.We able to
obtain two successive results agree to within 0.20mL because we immediately
titrated the solution as soon as the solution mixed with potassium iodide to avoid
iodine from vapourising.At the end point,add starch solution that is when the
solution is light yellow colour .Starch will produced dark blue starch complex that
can be used to know when reaching end point ,the dark blue colour disappears.
However there is also another way to calculate the concentration of sodium
thiosulpahte solution that is by Formula. The formula is V A x MA x nB = VB x MB x nA . .
The volume of acid
(VA) is asdadsdad,the molarity of acid(MA) is unknown, moles of base(nB)
isgfashgdfha,the volume of base (VB) is asdhabdja,the molarity of base(MB) is
jsanajksnd and the mole of acid(nA) is dfaasa.Therefore the concentration of sodium
thiosulphate is asdadasdad M.
There are a few safety precaution in this experiment,one of it is wear
suitable gloves and safety goggles when handling with harmful substance such as
sodium thiosulphate potassium iodate ,potassium iodide and sulphuric acid.When
there is any spillage ,wash it with water quickly.To obtain accurate result,eye must
be perpendicular to the reading scale.
Lastly,we also able to achieve our objectives of this experiment .We would
able to prepare standard solution of potassium iodate.Furthermore,we able to
determine the concentration of a given sodium thiosulphate solution via iodometric
titration.We also able to have hand-on practice and to know how to handle the
materials,apparatus and the the proper techniques of carrying out a
titration.Therefore we can be careful to avoid any experimental error and
accident.Lastly,we also able to show the correct steps to calculate the concentration
of a given sodium thiosulphate solution.

From this experiment our objectives is achieved.We are able to prepare
standard solution of potassium iodate . We also able to determine the concentration
of a given sodium thiosulphate solution via iodometric titration.This experiment also
teach and help us on the hand-on practice . Furthermore,through this experiment
we able to handle the materials and apparatus correctly.We also learn the correct
way to the proper techniques of carrying out a titration as well as being careful to
avoid any experimental error and accident.Lastly,this experiment help us to
calculate the concentration of a given sodium thiosulphate solution correctly.This
experiment also enhance our communication skill and teamwork.From our result
,the concentration of sodium thiosulphate is dsgfdsfs.

Post lab
1.When mixing potassioum iodate(V) solution to acidified potassium iodide ,the
change in oxidation number for iodide ion is from -1 to 0.
2. Solution in the conical flask must be titrated immediately because Iodine
solutions lack stability. Iodine is volatile and loss of iodine occurs when it is expose
for a short periods.Iodide is also susceptible to air oxidation in an acidic medium
which represented by this equation, 4I - + 4H+ + O2 2I2 + 2H2O .
3. No because potassium iodide is present in a large excess. It is the potassium iodate that is the limiting

4. The starch indicator added near the end point that is when the solution become
like yellow because to give a sharp end-point, while avoiding the formation of
excess starch-iodine complex, which would be difficult to decompose.
5.We need to do a standardization on a known concentration sodium thiosulphate
solution because to determine the exact concentration of the solution.

Toon, 2005, Chemistry for Matriculation Semestrer 1, Fourth Edition, Oxford Fajar
Sdn. Bhd. Shah Alam, 27
Internet Article
Anonymous,Iodometry,retrieved on 6 june 2015 from

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