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Diana Herrera Fernandez

Teacher Karina
Outline of English course
November 15th, 2014
Character essential qualities
There are five important qualities that have a person with good character; these are five
details that you need in your partner between them: fidelity, sincerity, compromise,
indulgence, and generosity





A. Definition according to The Ten Commandments of Dating (1999): faithful
person is loyal, and he/she can to demonstrate fidelity in relationship with
friends, family, and business.
B. Example: John was disloyal with other girls; why will be different with his
new girlfriend Mary?
A. Definition according to The Ten Commandments of Dating (1999): sincere
person is authentic, and he/she doesnt disappoint to her/his partner. There
are sincerity in words, actions, and personality.
B. Example: He doesnt want to clear the air with me, he is silent, he always is
traveling, and he said me, I have complicated business.
A. Definition according to The Focus on the Family (1998): There are two
types of commitment: the contract commitment and the commitment of
B. Example: God has a "commitment of agreement" with all Christians.
Despite our behavior and irresponsibility, He is committed to meet his part
of agreement.
A. Definition according to Life on the Edge: The indulgence is to relieve a
person of a debt that you think he/she has with you. Just simply don't hold a
B. Paul learned six magic words: Sorry, I acted wrong, forgive me?
A. Definition according to Change Your Live and Everyone in It (1995):
generous person leaves itself and gives without expecting to receive
B. A generous person wants see you to grow up and he/she want give you
love, but permit yourself development fullness.

You stop on to search someone attractive, wealthy or funny, then you try to avoid begin a
relationship with someone: vague, dishonest, disloyal, or without spiritual compromises. If
you select someone with these qualities you would live the hurt of broke relationship
because you chose the wrong person.

Character essential qualities

Princess is no princess, princess is no beauty, and beautiful isnt in her. Because is

worse than rose, she has great thorns dangerous for her loved ones and for her.
The woman who seems princess is walking sad and lone; she is a common girl
that dreams with beautiful life. Then she isn't someone, she doesnt know what to
do, she doesnt know what to say, and her life is like a point alone in middle of
desert, she has a heart of stone, cold soul and every night she cry because they
have hurt. She thinks herself in eternal loneliness. Now she haven't tears because
she can't mourn more, the terror in her castle and her worst enemy unleashed a
world of pain in her heart, now is dying princess, now stop to suffer. Already she is
tired of mourn and she can't to live.
Since time ago is her life a great mix of love and despair, feelings that were of
colors now are gray. "PRINCESS IS DEAD" after all people would announce and
also when she finishes her suffering and when dawn comes. But if princess dies
would die her love and laughter and her good heart. When the princess fence, the
world revolved commonly, looking for more princesses which hurt.
People tells that the soul of dead princess walk today for life in middle us, walk
down a street alone or through a tunnel without end. Also waiting for her prince
who a day was walking at her side, she knows where is he now, she has seen it,
her eyes are fixed but he doesn't love her, the stars have said. Maybe she is sitting
between loneliness, watching the place where one day he asked for a kiss when
he wanted to love her.
At night she imagined him arrive, like the full moon night, but it was only darkness
that brought her that absurd idea. The princess is walking alone among the people;
just she is waiting a surprise hug. Her castle has fallen, that collapsed on the floor
and finally there are the walls like rubble. "Has collapsed the princess castle"
seems to cause astonishment but this fairy tale was not like everyone else, it was
something different, maybe more special, now the princess cries tears of glass.
Please don't cry more princess, and stop on suffer, look to the sky and pray to her
hope alive. And if your hope will not revive, don't get tired of praying yet, and dont
get to cry no goes far away, nor swerve because everything has its end. Listen the
whispers and doesn't suffer princess today for things without reason, nothing that is
of this world has the gift of "Eternity". Many princes around apparently none for her,
but now she doesn't seek desperately because she knows love appears suddenly,
without warning, without asking. Stop on kissing frogs thinking they are princes, the
blues princes exist only in the histories.

Historical stages of Euthanasia:


Modern: But churches oppose

Nazi experience: All the Nazi tragedy had very little justifiable in the eyes of some
beginning, but gradually was quantitatively and qualitatively reaching gigantic
proportions. First to the seriously ill were being exterminated, then deformed,
continuing unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted and finally
everyone who was not German.
Humanist conception: calmly take physical death itself
Concept of Euthanasia:
As has been discussed in various historical stages the term euthanasia has been used
to designate various and conflicting situations; for example, a good death in the
religious sphere, or biological, and death caused to alleviate the sufferings of the sick
a) For Mode: how is performed:
- Active Euthanasia: Euthanasia positive. Action to kill the dying. Example: lethal injection.
- Passive Euthanasia: Euthanasia negative. Consists of an omission of treatment
b) For Intent: to give more humane solutions to complex dramatic cases and
- Direct Euthanasia: death is caused. It is intended with an intentional purpose.
- Euthanasia Hint: pain relief is sought through the use of media that suppress or attenuate,
such as the use of analgesics.
c) Regarding the Will of the Patient:
- Voluntary Euthanasia: free will of the patient, either by pressing requests or with his consent.
- Voluntary Euthanasia no: it is practiced without the consent or will of the patient.
a) Respecto del Modo: forma como se realiza:
- Eutanasia Activa: eutanasia positiva. Accin para provocar la muerte del moribundo. Ejemplo:
inyeccin letal.
- Eutanasia Pasiva: eutanasia negativa. Consiste en una omisin del tratamiento
b) Respecto de la Intencin: dar soluciones ms humanas a casos dramticos y complejos
- Eutanasia Directa: se provoca la muerte. sta se pretende con un fin intencional.
- Eutanasia Indirecta: se busca aliviar el dolor, a travs de la utilizacin de medios que lo
supriman o atenen, como es el caso del empleo de analgsicos.

c) Respecto de la Voluntad del Paciente:

- Eutanasia Voluntaria: voluntad propia del enfermo, ya sea por insistentes peticiones o
con su consentimiento.
- Eutanasia no Voluntaria: se practica sin contar con el consentimiento o la voluntad del

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