Ye Art The Bulge: in The Tights of Batman and Robin (YATBITTOBAR)

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Ye Art The Bulge:

In Tights Of
Batman And Robin

Bulge Forward,
Gut Out,
Hands on Hips,
Mask Down,
Nipples Hard,
Tights Taut.

Budd W. Atwater
M. B. Tubb
G. Mandelbaum Watts
Robert L. Burban

Table of Contents
Brief License..............................................................................................................4
Prolog by Morgan Blaine Tubb................................................................................. 6
Prolog by Robert Ludwig Burban............................................................................. 7
Prolog by Budd Warms Atwater................................................................................ 8
Prolog by Gabe Mandelbaum Watts.......................................................................... 9
Batman: The Dark Knight....................................................................................... 10
Robin: The Boy Wonder.......................................................................................... 39
The Dynamic Duo................................................................................................... 59
The Fair Use Law of Copyright.............................................................................112
Full License........................................................................................................... 113

Copyright 2013

Budd Warms Atwater
Gabe Mandelbaum Watts
Morgan Blaine Tubb
Robert Ludwig Burban
12bB 12cB 9bR 9cR 8bBR 10cBR 28o

This work is free and licensed by the

authors for copying and distribution
under a Creative Commons Attribution,
Non-commercial, No Derivative Works
license version 3.0 United States.

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Notice For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms
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The copyright license for this e-book is under the Creative Commons License
Attribution Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works 3.0 detailed in the appendix.
The e-book uses imagerypictures, photos, and images culled from the Internet.
The images are under copyright of respective holders. However, the images are used
without suggesting copyright ownership, but under the fair use doctrine of copyright law
for illustration and depiction.
The images have been left unaltered when possible to preserve the original image,
but some images have been enhanced using open-source imaging software on a
Macintosh computer. Such image enhancement is for sharpening, removing noise,
improving lighting, contrast adjustment, etcetera.
The selected images, photos, and pictures are chosen by their uniqueness,
evocative nature, stimulation, and ambience of 1960's Batman, Robin, and others in
costume. Each author makes a commentary, and the most fitting is included with the
Holy shutterbugs! The authors welcome new photos, images, and pictures from
readers (obviously from the Batman and Robin television series from the 1960's) with a
description for the choice of picture. We look forward to your Batman, and/or Robin
The editor would like to express his delight and pleasure of working with the
authors in the creation, preparation, and writing of this e-book.
Comments to the authors are welcome, and should be sent to the editor as the point
of contact. There is no guarantee of a response, but the commentary will be relayed to the
authors for their perusal.

Roget York
Roget York (

Prolog by Morgan Blaine Tubb

This photo collage is an expression of Batman and Robin highlights that average
guy as a super-hero, with no embarrassment about his body, especially his penis, scrotum,
nipples, or chest. The Batman and Robin television series was the first crack that a man
need not hide his body or manhood, anymore than a woman should conceal her cleavage.
For that, Batman and Robin were revolutionary, and one reason I enjoy the images in the
book I have co-authored. Enjoy!

Morgan Blaine Tubb

Morgan Blaine Tubb

Prolog by Robert Ludwig Burban

One would not think a book of pictures from the Batman and Robin television
show of 1966 would have nothing to do with Nietzsche, but this e-book does. The
primary emphasis of the book is to admire the penis, scrotum, buttocks, chest, navel,
nipples, thighs, and other erogenous regions of the male body. Only the focus is two male
actors in revealing costume.
Nietzsche is perceived as advocating an anti-God, anti-Christian viewpoint. Yet
few philosophy students realize that Nietzsche had a disdain of Christianity because it
abandons the idealism of the Greek and Roman worldsthe ancient heroism. Both the
Greek and Roman philosophy admired the male (and female) body, and considered it a
thing of beauty and attraction. Nietzsche despised the idea that the human body is a
vessel of debasement, an instrument of temptation, and something that creates sin.
I admire the human body, and so enjoy the pictures that show men in the ideal of
heroes fighting evil, but while showing they are men in the sense Nietzsche felt that
Christianity had abandoned. Now is the time to return to Greco-Roman perspective, and
this e-book does just that for the reader. Batman and Robin are the regular human male

Robert Ludwig Burban

Robert Ludwig Burban

Prolog by Budd Warms Atwater

I always loved the Batman and Robin program from the 1960's. The camp humor,
costumes, puns of Batman, the Holy... from Robin, and the villains were a stark
contrast to the futuristic science fiction of Star Trek, the surreal Twilight Zone, or the
frightening Thriller. The blatant cliffhangers, asking the question of Batman and Robin
would survive some ingeniously fiendish trap, kept up the suspense. Batman and Robin
used to fight the bad guys, capturing their nemesis, but they also had to use their minds to
outthink and outwit the villain.
The later Batman movies with more special effects, starring actors, and the really
cool technological toys are incomparable. Both Adam West and Burt Ward were the one
true Batman and Robin, introducing an entire generation to the super-hero on the
television screen. This book of images is a tribute to their best-known roles. Read and
look with nostalgia at the same Bat-time, in the same Bat-book!

Budd Warms Atwater

Budd Warms Atwater

Prolog by Gabe Mandelbaum Watts

Times have changed since the episodes of Batman and Robin aired on television. I
was a kid watching the dynamic duo, and a gay manso admiring the exciting and
enticing elements of both. Batman was more appealing and intriguing, because of the
cowl hiding his face, the only part of him not in his tights was his mouth and chin.
Now in the early 21st century, looking back in hindsight (no pun intended), I see
the sexual appeal of the Batman and Robin television series. The appeal was ordinary
guys without bulging muscles (the bulges were better placed on Batman...), but tights that
revealed the curves on their body. I enjoyed both then and now, seeing the curves and
bulges on both, and having the feeling of sexual arousal and stimulation.
The attraction was not seeing their penis, scrotum, nipples, buttocks, or chestbut
the shape, bulge under their outfits, or curve sticking out. The appeal is in the desire, to
see what makes a man a man, the hint of what is beneath the costume and tights. This
book, at least for me, recaptures that feeling without degenerating into a gay caricature
pornographic movie.
I was a Bat-fan as a kid because they were awesome heroes, and later because I
was enamored with the nice bulges in their tights, among other things. The pleasure is
mine in sharing authorship, even if my motives were more or less basically carnal.
I hope to share the joy and pleasure with you the readers, as much that I have as a
co-author in writing this book.

Gabe Mandelbaum Watts

Gabe Mandelbaum Watts

Batman: The Dark Knight

Batman: The Dark



Nice Bat-pose it looks like Batman is punching out invisible villains. Batman's gut is sucked in, can see his ribs and
the seam along the side of his chestnice Batman to unwrap. Like the crease in his Bat trunks and the vertical seam
along the side where his Bat-trunks are taut...the Bat-penis and Bat-scrotum is squished in his Bat crotch.


The only thing stick out of Batman is his Bat bulge, Batman's penis is hanging out to his left from the wrinkles in his
Bat-trunks. The curve V-shape of the Bat bulge and tights and the curve wrinkles above look like Batman's crotch is
smiling with Batman.


Up close to the Bat-bulge you can see the slight round bulge in the curve, and how Batman's penis is wedged in with
the run in the tights of his thigh.


Batman is pointing to say Yeah, I have a nice Bat-bulge, what about it? The wedge in Batman's groin is pointing
out, although somewhat rounded by his satin tights. Batman has a seam or run in his Bat-tights along his thigh,
perhaps where is penis is pushing upward.


Batman is a street crossing guard, sucking in his gut but his Bat bulge hanging out.
Some of the kids seem to be seeing little Batman in his Bat trunks, and the seam of his Bat underwear is visible.
Dont mind little Batman behind my tights and underwear children.


Batman has his penis and scrotum hanging down and out, from the creases in the Bat trunks looks like his Bat bulge
is flagging down traffic or pushing outward.


Batman surprised by the Riddler. The adrenaline rush has gone down below to
his nice Bat bulge. Perhaps the rope and the Riddler's tights have "little
Batman" flopping out and upward.


Close-up on Batman's Bat Bulge. I'm little Batman tingling forward,

stretching the Bat trunks. Very tasty Bat scrotum bulge in the Bat trunks.
From the wedge seems like Batman is fully loaded.

The Bat Bulge up close where little Batman is coming forward.


Batman is stretching, chest out, gut in. The nice seam along his Bat-tights, and you can see Batman's nice thighs.
The Bat-trunks are nice, you can see Batman's seam of his Bat-wear underneath.
In profile, Batman looks like an erect penis with a slick, shiney, Bat-condom on tight.


Batman has nice thighs, nice and smooth in his silken Bat-tights.
The groin seems like the Bat-codpiece has deflated, or "little Batman" has fallen down.
The Bat-chest is well formed, although Batman is sucking in his Bat-belly, yet it seems to sag over his Bat-trunks.
From the seam line in the Bat-trunks hints at Batman's underwear.
Batman's lower face, chin seem a bit sweaty, and his Bat cowl is shineymaybe the blood is rushing upstream from
his missing Bat utlity belt. This image gives a desire to Bat-punch Batman in his gut.


Batman is nice and shiny like an erect, aroused penis. Speaking of penis it seems everyone is looking at the
document, including "Little Batman" in the Bat-trunks of Batman.
Batman is sucking in his chest, and his upper chest is puffed out, like "Little Batman" below. Batman is keeping his
legs close together, like a guy with a major hard-on trying to conceal it.
Although if I were sitting at the desk, a stranger in shiny tights with his scrotum and penis wedgie sticking out...I
would be distracted. Batman might have some "Bat-bulging" thoughts.


A close up of Batman's Bat-bulge...although it seems more puffy than an erection...the Bat-trunks are wrinkled about
Batman's groin...some stress. Wonder if Batman can feel Little Batman pushing up against his Bat-tights. Or
maybe Batman's Little Batman wants a gander at what the Commissioner and Chief are looking at...a dirty
picture? No wonder Batman has his legs close together.


A nice side profile of Batman, the seam of his Bat-trunks underneath is noticeable. With the prominent
curve in his groin, it looks like "Little Batman" is tingling to see what Batman is looking at.


Batman seems smug saying, "My crotch is big, round, and shiny!" to the Green Hornet.
The Little Batman is flopping to one side in the Bat-strap. All Batman needs on his
Bat-trunks is an arrow with the words "This end is up" pointing to his groin bulge below.


The Little Batman from Batman...yum, yum, Batman's bulge is some...


Batman looks stoned, only a bit of the Bat breast muscle is visible, otherwise looks smooth.
There is a hint of Bat bulge in his Bat trunks, although the Bat utility bet is upside-down.


Proud Batman stance; you can make out the seam of his Bat-underwear in the dark-blue Bat-trunks, although
Batman's penis and scrotum are not visible with the folds and wrinkles in his Bat-trunks. Batmans penis looks
vertical across his Bat groin. Slight run in his Bat-tights around the thighs and where his Bat-genitals are, pulled up
tight. Batman is saying, Keep back or I will unleash the little Batman below!


Batman is standing tall, sucking in his gut, rib cage showing, with a bit of a bulge showing in the dark blue Battrunks. The V-seam holding up his Bat-genitals is showing. The dark blue cowl makes Adam West look like a shiny
new Bat-condom.


Nice shot of Batman in profileyou can see the Bat-belly and in his crotch his Bat-bulge where his penis and
scrotum curve out. The seams in his Bat-trunks are visible, and some of his Bat-tights are hanging from his Bat-butt.
Batman is standing hands under his cape, his Bat-crotch and Bat-gut sticking out. I wonder if the girl wants to rub
his Bat-gut, or reach down and squeeze his Bat-bulge.


Interesting side view of Batman, you can see his Bat-depends under his Bat-trunks. Visible is is how the Bat-cape
was attached to Batman's Bat-tights. Batman's cape, cowl, and trunks are the shiny dark cerulean blue.
The Bat-butt is a tight and flat, no Bat-bubble butt.


Batman seems stoned, calling wardrobe to find his missing Bat trunks. Although
seeing Batman in his Bat briefs is wondering if Batman is hot down there. The
tights show his nice Bat abs before his Bat gut and Bat breasts on his chest.


Batman all tied down. The seam along the side of his chest is visible, and the seam in his Bat trunks.
The Bat belly is full, and the rope across his upper chest along his nipples.
The Bat bulge of penis and the scrotum are tucked in tight with the ropes rubbing.
Tie Batman down, and then Little Batman stands up, rising to the occasion.


A nice view of Batman's tight firm Bat-butt. The seam is showing along the Bat-tights in the back.
Batman is wearing Bat-hose, and the edges of the Bat-briefs are visible through the Bat-trunks.
The Bat-trunks are wrinkled where the edges of his Bat-buttocks meet his thighs. Along the seam of his Bat butt the
padding in the Bat-briefs is creating some slight ripples in the external tight Bat-trunks. Or Batman's Bat-depends
has shifted under the load...
The Bat-hose on his thighs have a run in doubt the reason for the Bat cape.


The Bat belly is a nice round gut to his utility belt, with his Bat bulge neatly hanging out and over with some
creases. From the curvature looks like Batman has a protective cup in his Bat briefs,
or else there is some fire other than in his hands.


Many a bulge of Batman. Batman shows his three bulges of the Bat.
His Bat breasts bulging out from his chest.
The Bat belly stretching the tights from the wrinkles along the
side of his Bat chest. The upper part of his Bat trunks is tucked in but the
Bat bulge has wedged out.


The side of Batman's chest is tight, the wrinkles in his costume are the early love handles. Nice profile view of the
Bat-trunks, with the seam of his under Bat-tights with lumps. Batman's groin has a nice shiny blue wedge where
"little Batman" is flopping down.


Triad collage of Batman in action. From the images Batman's firm, tight, round Batt-butt is noticeable,
and the zipper in his Bat-tights.


Robin: The Boy Wonder

Robin: The Boy



Robin is standing by casually. His Robin crotch is featureless, although you can see his nice, shiny thighs in his
Robin tights. The gloves Robin has on look a bit greasy or stickymaybe why he has no Robin bulge now.


Robin has a new friend, and from the Robin-bulge curve in his groin, a really, special friend. Robin says, Holy
pants throb, I need my Boy Wonder polished!


Robin looks like a nervous kid for his graduation photo, trying to hold a pose. Nice shiny legs in those hose, but his
infamous large penis The Boy Wonders Boy Wonder is absent in his Robin trunks making a front, smooth Kendoll. Shoes look like something Robin took from the produce section.


One has to wonder what the Riddler is thinking with Robin under restraint before him. Unfortunately, the Riddler's
groin in his tights is behind the table.
"Holy Erogenous Thoughts!"
Robin has a faint curve in his green Robin-trunks, and his perfectly smooth legs because of his Robin-hose.


Robin's mask is down, and so is the "Boy Wonder" in his Robin trunks.
Perhaps his Robin elastic support is likewise down, since Robin's penis is up.


Robin is tense, pointing like "Holy tingling penis!" Robin's trunks are wrinkled, his "Boy Wonder" scrunched
together in his stretched trunks. Although with his legs spread apart you can see his thighs flexed through his tights.


Robin has gotten a boner after being tied up with an older adult man in green tights standing over him.
Laying on his side to allow room for the little Boy Wonder to stretch.
The little Boy Wonder is fighting confinement in Robin's trunks and standing up.


Robin is jumping down, but from the bulge in his trunks his little Boy Wonder is flailing about and flopping
around. A nice Robin frontal penis wedgie..although the trunks are wrinkled from the tight tension of
the Boy Wonder below. It would be hot to see the bounce in his Boy Wonder...


Robin is revealing his nice waxy, shapely, slender legs in the Robin-leghose.
The Robin-trunks are pinched and tucked in the groin,
but with Robin's little Boy Wonder hiding or pushing along the fabric.
Robin is pointing an accusing finger his facial expression,
Holy loose trunks, you didn't wake up my Boy Wonder! golly gee whiz!


Robin is stretching his cape, although he looks flat as a board, or sucking in his Robin crotch.
Holy body search...I ain't got nothing under here!


Robin tied up without much showing. Robin's legs are nicely tight, with his Robin-trunks going through his groin.
The strap is squeezing down on his Robin-crotch, you wonder how tight his penis and scrotum is in the green trunks.


Robin climbing, hard work, his Boy Wonder seems to be working hard. The can on his belt should be Boy
Wonder repellant to keep his aroused penis under his Robin trunks.

When the picture is brightened, Robin's bulging Boy Wonder is more visible, a nice curved bulge. The Robin-hose
on the legs is almost invisible. The green Robin briefs seem to extend up high like green safety pants to protect The
Boy Wonder's Boy Wonder and keep it tightunder control.


Robin appears disoriented, although his "Boy Wonder" in the green trunks is working well.
The Boy Wonder in Robin's trunks is stretching the fabric of the lower part of Robin's green trunks. Holy Boy
Wonder below!


Robin in some trap, the right corner it seems like his penis has gone horizontally across under his green Robin
trunks. Nothing is like Robin with an adrenaline rush causing a penis erection in his trunks.
Or maybe it is Robins new secret device, the Robin-McGuffin, or Robin's own stocking stuffer.


Robin tied up, although his yellow cape looks like a drop cloth, but his Boy Wonder seems to rise to the bondage
and restraint. Holy tight fit!


Robin looks like he's been caught in an awkward situation.

A very nice picture of Robin's legs in his Robin-pantyhose, but Robin's "Boywonder" is not visible,
and his yellow cape hides Robin's butt from sight.


Robin seems to be bitching about something...his own Boy Wonder wedge maybe.
The Robin trunks have some wrinkles in the green fabric, where the penis and scrotum of Robin are in a mound
between his thighs.


Robin has a run in his Robin-pantyhose on his slender legs. The edge of Robin's Robin-trunks is peeking out from
his yellow cape, showing Robin's round butt.


The Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo


Batman and Robin are with friend. Robin has a slight suggestive curve downward, in his Robin trunks, while
Batman has a wedge with his penis poking forward in his Bat trunks.
Batman's look is one of You like what you see hmmm? while rubbing his hands, and his Bat-bulge jiggles.


Batman has not much of a bulge in his Bat-trunks although his Bat-tight legs are solid, and Robin looks like his
Robin-trunks are knitted. Batman has nice upper chest, can see his Bat-breast muscle no Bat-gut.


It looks like dynamic duo is considering their genitals flopping forward in their trunks. Robin looks extra heavy in
the groin, while Batman has his penis sticking outward to greet Robin's.
Holy manhood, Batman, my trunks are full like yours.
Dont worry old chum, its just your Robin-device coming out like mine.


Batman and Robin hanging around, although Robins trunks, not much is dangling.
Batmans trunks his bulge is flopping down creating the curve bulge down, and the shiny creases like two eyebrows
in his groin where the seam in his Bat underwear is rippling.
Both have nice legs, Robin like a ballet dancer, Batman like a plastic mannequin, only with sensible Bat bulge.


Batman seems woozy, must be all the blood rushing toward his groin and Batman's
"little Batman" in his trunks. The nice curve, the seam under the Bat trunks
curves downward to the Bat bulge which is more wedge from the Bat scrotum.
Batman's chest is pushing out although is Bat gut is sucked in from the folds
in the Bat tights along the chest.
Robin seems "Holy deep message!" and the nice manikin legs, but his Robin
trunks seem tight and flat, judging from the tight line along his groin. Robin's
"Boy Wonder" is in tight, bent restraint. I want to run my index finger from
the tapered point in his belt buckle straight down over the flat tight Robin
trunks. "Holy straight lines!"


Batman and Robin are tied down. Batman has a nice chest profile, his Bat gut is sagging out, and upper chest his Bat
breasts are faintly visible. Robin has nice slender legs in the stocking hose, and a nice bulge protruding in Robin's
trunks. Robin's gloves are shiney and greasy looking, maybe the reason for the showing mound in Robin's crotch.
Robin's "Boy Wonder" seems to rise to the thought of a tingler so is twitching.


Batman is sucking in his Bat-gut during the fight. The bad guy should punch Batman in his Bat-belly.
Not much Bat-bulge is showing below at Batman's groin, a knee to little Batman would drop Batman.
Although the shiney Bat-hose on Batman's legs is stretched, showing his nice calves and thighs.
Robin's Boy Wonder is poking out and flopping forward while Robin punches out a bad guy.
Robin's erect penis is following Robinslapping and smacking around in Robin's green trunks.
The Robin from Robin's own Boy Wonder is a contrast to his slender, narrow legs in the Robin-hose.


Not much to see on Robin except his upper thigh and face in profile. Batman in profile is nice, can see his Bat bulge
curving outward and down ward, drooping down. The creases in his Bat trunks look like the veins in his penis
bulging out, or his scrotum is swelling so stretching his Bat trunks.


Very nice shot of Robin's leg, you can see his firm thigh in his Robin-tights. Robin's trunks curve around to his
round Robin butt. Robins penis seems to have slide over in his Robin trunks, offering it to Batman.
Batman seems to wink at Robin, while you can see some Bat-gut as a Bat-love handle in Batman's tights.A very hot
shot between Batman's legs, although his Bat-trunks are loose and wrinkled so nothing to see between his legs.


The Dynamic Duo seem to have best penis flopped forward in their tights.
Batman looks like his Bat gut has bulged out, the Bat restraint failed.
The Bat breasts are visible as Batman sucks in the Bat belly.
In his Bat trunks, little Batman has hung down, then penis down on his Bat
scrotum, causing the stretch folds in his Bat trunks. Little Batman is pushing
The Robin trunks have the "Boy Wonder" leaning over, all the blood is rushing
down to Robin's penis from the restraints.
Maybe the Dynamic Duo had a bad inflatable Bat codpiece failure day, or the
Bat support cups are installed to one side.


Batman has a nice Bat-bulge with his penis and scrotum pushing forward in his Bat-trunks to the shiny spot. Batman
is sucking in his infamous Bat-gut, causing his tights to wrinkle on his chest.
Robin's trunks are flat, but extra long up to his chest, although from the one wrinkle seems his Boy Wonder is in the
green trunks. Robin seems to be pushing his tummy out.
Both look like they are checking by wiggling if the Batman bulge and Robins boy wonder are still there.


Robin is trying to get free, while you can see Batman's penis and scrotum curve in his Bat-trunks pushing forward.
The shiny light on his costume makesBatman with his glistening Bat cowl look like an erect penis in a loose
You can see the seam underneath in the Bat-trunks, and that Batman does not have his Bat-gut yet. Batman has a
tight, flat butt under his cape. Holy tight but flat butt in the Bat trunks!
Wonder if Robin is feeling Batman's butt while working free, since Robin is flat as a board hes not doing anything
stimulating Thats it old chumwork it!


Robin's bulge is barely visible, although his Boy Wonder is not so obvious but present.
Robin is putting his hands together to keep his Robin bulge from hanging out, Holy hard not to bulge!
Batman seems to be sucking in his Bat bulge, but his Bat gut is pushing out, with the seam along the sides showing
along his chest, and of course in the Bat trunks. Batman's puts hands on his hips seems to be pushing his Bat belly


Batman's Bat-gut is hanging out, with the wrinkled tights across his chest,
vaguely showing Batman's Bat-pectorals "Bat breasts" but no nipples. The seam
on his thigh is visible; from his crotch his Bat trunks are stretched, looks
like a Bat-depends undergarment is sticking out from his tights.
Maybe Batman's Bat-strap has popped under the strain
Robin looks dazed and confused, or it is his small, tight butt squeezed
between the crossbars. "Holy barbeque Batman! My Robin butt!"


Batman looks caught between Bat-skeleton and Bat-fat in his years. The Bat-belly is sucked inward, and the Batbulge in Batman's groin is hidden in his new Bat-tights. The padding in Batman's costume is either fat padding, or
hiding his bulgingribs where Batman is sucking in his Bat-gut. Batman's legs are thinner than Robin's bare thighs.
Robin has a "Boy Wonder" in his verdant Robin-trunks, although the "other Boy Wonder" his Robin-gut is
flopping down. The belt of Robin seems to just hold his Robin-belly in under his Robin tunic. Both bulges are
causing the wrinkles in his Robin-trunks, although his nicely shaved Robin thighs are visible.


Robin has nice thick hair, well-groomed. Robin has gotten the Batman bat-gut after time. The green Robin trunks are
stretching taut with Robin's Belly Boywonder above his groin with Robin's utility belt holding the stomach in
place. Batman could rub Robin's new Boywonder Belly and make a wish.
Batman has the infamous cowl making him look like he has a double-chin like a gila monster. Batman is thicker but
with his costume tightening, although Batman's breast muscle has nice soft curves...the Batman bosom. Batman has
a more doughy body, but yet his smile seems almost a death's head grin.


Batman and Robin are hanging around while in some villain's trap.
Robin's gut is stretched out, but his "little Boywonder" is tucked in between his legs, with the slight curve showing
where his penis is hanging. Robin's green trunks go up under his tunic and seem stretched with Robin's belly
hanging out.
Batman's side show's his thick chest, and reveals Batman's slender arms.
The seam of Batman's tights along his side is visible, and the extra padding over the side of his utility beltthe
beginnings of Batman's love handles.


Robin's gut is curved out, and Robin's firm but slender legs are showing, in contrast with Batman's thicker, meatier
thighs but slim lower leg.
Batman's Bat-belly is showing, flopping out with the utility belt holding it in place.
All Batman needs a gun in a holster to look like a stereotypical law enforcement officer.
"Little Batman" in Batman's Bat-trunks is visible, Batman's penis flopping out and down.
Strange contrast of the Bat-gut sticking out, and "little Batman" flopping out, stretching Batman's blue trunks.





Nice, symmetrical penis and scrotum wedge in the groin in the shiny tights. Very nice chest can make out where the
nipples are, although the tummy is flat. Thighs are nice, with the contrast in dark to light grey along the inseam.


Sweaty and bulging Batman, although it looks like Batman is constipated. This
Batman has a nice chest, shiny tights, and a thick thighs. The groin has the
nice Bat-bulge but not so pronounced, the Bat-trunks look like tight wrappings
around the penis poking out.


A perfect Bat-chest in his Bat-costume, although really cannot see much of

Batman. Perfection from either Bat-implants, or an insertable Bat chest profile.
Nice Bat-groin although more like a manikin than Bat-man. The eyes seem to
suggest "Wanna come back to the Bat Cave and be my Boy Wonder?"


Other Batman, but sucking in his gut, chest out, but the penis and scrotum are flopping down and outthe one
finger salute of the male groin.

Very nice penis bulge front and center.


Nice shot of the penis bending to the side, cape fluttering in the breeze. Cannot make out his chest features, or
nipples. Nice breast muscles, and can almost see the indent of his navel.


This is a great close up of the penis bulge, with the penis flopping to the side, and the twist in the trunks stretching
the tights. Looking at the penis and scrotum bulge, almost want to ask, Can I touch and rub it?


Taking a rest, and sweaty. But it is a nice subtle penis bulge, looks like the penis is flopped to one side. Nice bulge in
the upper breast muscle of the chest, lower gut with an indent hints where the navel is on his abdomen.


Nice chest, the penis is poking forward and folding down toward the nice thighs.
A very heroic pose with his cape behind him, chest is out. Can make out his nipples on his full breast muscles.


Very yummy squat pose for Batman! Penis and scrotum scrunched up with nice bump. Nice contrast of blue against
grey. You can see the faint seam where the two pieces join, now taut down below.
He has tights riding up his crotch with the squat.


Hot jump, the tights with the penis and scrotum bouncing underneath; Batman is hot from the sweat stains, the taint
between his butt stretched.

Tight and faintly bulged very nicely! No seam from his jump, still loose in the crotch.


Batman very dignified even if sweating in his tights. Not sure if the bulge in his tights is his hand inserted or his
penis and scrotum bulging out. Nice seam on the thighs leading up to the crotch where the bulge is wedged.


A nice macho Batman stance; flexing all his muscles, and his penis is poking out of his Bat-trunks to the side
stretching the fabric. The Bat-trunks are "tucked" between his legs with vertical wrinkles where
the penis is pushing out as he flexes his muscles tight.
A nice chest with some sweat stains, looks like an inflatable muscular chest pack.


Interesting contrast, the blue Batman has a nice penis poking forward in his groin, and chest seems puffed up
stretching his tights, hiding his breast muscles, nipples, and navel.
The black Batman has body armor hiding all his male features, and a fake-cupped bulge (almost an athletic cup
protector) in his groin.


Amateur night Batman, a trove of mismatched Halloween costumes. Speaking of a hollow weenie, nice strong
thighs, not much of a Bat bulge, and no Batman belt buckle. Batman must have a smooth chest, no nipples,
and no Bat belly. The Batman cowl seems like he grabbed it from another Batman wannabe.


An early trick or treat Batman struts his stuff. In profile can see faint Bat breasts, and a potential Bat gut.
Strong, nice thighs in the grey tights, but the Bat groin seems overshadowed by the nascent Bat belly.
Not much to see in the Bat athletic cup is shaping the Bat bulge below.
The solid plastic Bat cowl makes Batman look like a Hawkman superfriend reject.


Batman lifts a leg...with a nice Bat-bulge with his penis poking forward; Batman has a nice thigh, you can see the
seam along the inside. Batman's navel and upper chest are showing his Bat-breast.


This is a very plastic costume like a body condom. Boots give costume a toothpaste Batman look. Very smooth and
slick, except for the slight bump in his tights. Looks like the penis and scrotum are bulging from the tight plastic.

Nice slight bulge along that slick and slide Batman costume.


From the side of the shiny blue Batman costume, can see the penis hanging and stretching down in his groin, and see
the nice curve of his round buttocks.
Faint outline of his upper chest, see the breast muscles, although nice upper arm muscle.


Nice Batman shiny azure blue costume, particular the scrotum and penis dangling loose and low in the trunks, with
nice thighs. Pity cannot see his nipples, breast muscles, or navel. Firm and strong upper arm muscle though.


Tasty Batman buttocks curve out, although his trunks are riding up with his right cleft of his buttock peeking out.
Thick, full thighs, and the seam where his buttock is showingvery nice.


Batman has sensuous well-shaped thighs, and a hint of a penis bulge, without a Bat-gut, sweat stain, or a costume
seam showing.


Nice wide chest, solid thick thighs, but very little Bat-bulge below, looks like he is sucking in his gut no six-pack
muscles in his abdomen.


Batman is sleeping with no Robin. Not much bulge in his Bat trunks, although you can see his Bat trunks tucked in
between his very nice thighs, and legs.


Robin shows the green Robin trunks through his Robin butt, although Robin's
thight are thick for the Boy Wonder, even with the Robin tights.
Batman is straining, although "little Batman" seems to tighten up in Batman's plastic-like Bat trunks.


Either Robin is adjust his green trunks for his "Boy Wonder" or checking
that his Robin-tights do not have a run in his Robin-hose. Holy leg tights!
Perhaps Robin is ensuring his own "Boy Wonder" is down under.


Holy phallus tumescence! This Robin is imitating the true Robin with his penis bump in the green tights.
It is a nice long penis bulge, slanting erect in his groin and green trunks, thrusting upwardin contrast to the
stocking tights on the slender legs.


Robin has a nice penis bulge upward at an angle in his tights. The green under tights are sticking out from too much
pressure pushing outward from his penis and groin. Maybe the seam will tear.


He has a very curvaceous good penis flop over the scrotum wedge forward along the seam on the trunks.


The penis is pointing toward north for a nice wedge in the pea green trunks, or Robin has a cucumber sticking
forward from his groin. Legs are nice, either a leg-shaver or nice leg tights or panty hose.


The editor, and the quadruplet of authors have tried to select the images, photos,
and pictures that are the best for the e-book. The authors' goals have each been expressed
in the prolog, but there is a special thanks to the people in the images used for the e-book.
Two remaining thanks, appreciation, and gratitude remain from the authors...
First to the reader, for reading the e-book, writers and authors are nothing without
their readers. While unknown to the quadruplet of authors, we know whom you are by
your interest reading this e-book.
Second, and lastly but not leastly are the now legendary pair of cultural icons
Adam West and Burt Ward. Without the both of them portraying Batman and Robin
respectively, the world would be a very different place, and this e-book would not exist.
The last, final sentence is a question, for which this e-book has been the answer:

Whats up with the bulge?


What's up (or what's hanging down and out...) with the bulge?


The Fair Use Law of Copyright

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This is a nice bulge in the gleaming black plastic. Something is pushing either up, or falling forward you can see the
head of Batman's penis. The creases and folds in the black shiny Bat trunks where the penis and scrotum are
located.The material has a slight run in the tights of the nice thighs of Batman. The hands seem to say Im Batman
and I have the bulge in my Bat tights to prove it!


A nice, hot, tight, firm butt is in shiny blue plastic. Seeing the crease of the undergarment, and the seam along the
sides of the shiny Bat trunks. The Bat trunks wrinkle in the wedge through each buttock. Nice thighs in the
Styrofoam tights. The hand on the belt seems to say, Read my Bat butt, Im Batman!




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