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Career Development Theories

Theory- Career Development Theory- Theorists- John Holland, Donald Super, John
To begin with, it is important to distinguish between the two types of Career Development
Theories. There are Structural Theories and Developmental Theories. Structural Theoriesfocus on individual characteristics and occupational tasks, (Career Development Theory and
Process, n.d.). Developmental Theories- focus on human development across life span,
(Career Development Theory and Process, n.d.). John Holland was a Structural Theorist, while
Donald Super was a Developmental Theorist. Under the Structural Theory lies another theoryTrait and Factor Theory. This theory began with Parsons, who proposed that a choice of a
vocation depended upon (1) an accurate knowledge of yourself, (2) thorough knowledge of job
specifications, and (3) the ability to make a proper match between the two, (Career
Development Theory and Process, n.d.). Unfortunately, there are still two major assumptions of
the trait and factor theory that are part of career counseling today. Those are: (1) that
individuals and job traits can be matched (2) that close matches are positively correlated with job
success and satisfaction, (Career Development Theory and Process, n.d.).
Developmental Theorists recognize that changes occur within oneself. Career maturity, as
Donald Super refers to his theory, is his main concept. Career maturity only occurs as one
becomes successful in there accomplishment of stage of development, age, and tasks across
ones life span, (Career Development Theory and Process, n.d.). Career patterns are determined
by socioeconomic factors, mental and physical abilities, personal characteristics and the
opportunities to which persons are exposed. People seek career satisfaction through work roles in
which they can express themselves and implement and develop their self-concepts, (Career
Development Theory and Process, n.d.).

Krumboltzs Social Learning Theory states that growth takes place from learning and
imitating the behavior of others. He developed a theory of career decision making and
development from social learning- basically environmental conditions and events, genetic
influences and learning experiences (Career Development Theory and Process, n.d.). Careers are
chosen only from what people have learned of them- specific behaviors are modeled, rewarded
and thus, reinforced (Career Development Theory and Process, n.d.).
Theory- Supers Theory- Theorist- Donald Super
One of Supers greatest contributions to career development has been his emphasis of the
role self-concept development plays. Super recognized that the self-concept changes and
develops throughout peoples lives as a result of experience. People successively refine their
self-concept(s) over time and application to the world of work creates adaptation in their career
choice, (Career Development Theory, 2003). Super developed six life and career stage
developments. Those stages are:

Crystallization stage- 14-18 years

Specification stage- 18-21 years
Implementation stage- 21-24 years
Stabilization stage- 24-35 years
Consolidation stage- 35 years
Readiness for retirement- 55 years (Career Development Theory, 2003).

During the Crystallization stage, one begins to form a general vocational goal. The next
stage, the Specification stage, they move from tentative to a specific preference. In the
Implementation stage, they complete training and enter employment. During the Stabilization
stage, one confirms their choice through work experience. During the Consolidation stage, one
would advance in career (Overview of Career Development Theories, n.d.).
Theory- Hollands Theory of Person-Environment Interactions-Theorist- John Holland
Holland based his theory on that people find jobs based on what is reflective of their

personality type. People seem to be attracted to certain types of work, thus the environment
then is reflective of their personality. Holland classified personality types and work
environments into six categories. Those categories are: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social,
Enterprising, and Conventional- and this is often referred to the acronym RIASEC. Holland
believed the closer the match of the personality to the job- the greater the satisfaction (Career
Development Theory, 2003). Each individual can resemble all types- all types are in every
person. One type is shows strongest- Holland also stated that a person may even show up to three
types. He developed a hexagon model to illustrate his concepts of: Consistency, Differentiation,
Identity, and Congruence. (Will add Figure).
The Realistic type likes to work with their hands and things- tools and machines. Occupations
that fall into that category are farmers, carpenters, and mechanical engineers. The Investigative
personality type likes to work with information- abstract ideas and theories. A good match would
be a chemist. The Artistic personality likes to create things. Some occupations suggested are
painters or writers. The Social personality is someone who likes to help others. Occupations for
that personality are social workers or counselors. The Enterprising type of personality likes to
lead. They would be good as sales representatives or an entrepreneur. Last, the Conventional
Personality likes to organize data. A good match might be an auditor (Career Development
Theory, 2003). Hollands theory tends to be applicable for both genders. However, the downside
is that there has been some question that females tend to score higher in the female-dominated
areas of work- which tend to be social, artistic, and conventional. However, Hollands theory
places an emphasis and accuracy on self- knowledge and knowledge of careers to make
necessary decisions regarding ones occupational choice (Career Development Theory and
Process, n.d.).

Theory- Krumboltzs Social Learning Theory- Theorist- John Krumboltz, Kathleen

Mitchell (?)
The basis for Krumbolts rationale is based off of Banduras Social Learning Theory.
Bandura identifies three types of learning experiences: Instrumental- direct experience,
Associative- direct experience with reinforcement, and Vicarious- new behaviors learned
through observations of others and their behavior. Krumboltzs Social Learning Theory
basically says there are several factors that influence ones career choice. Those range from
genetic endowment and special abilities such as: sex, race, physical appearance, intelligence,
abilities, and talents. Next are environmental conditions and events including: cultural, social,
political, and economic forces beyond ones control. The last condition considered is
instrumental and associative learning experiences. Outcomes of those factors influence the
career decision making process. There are a few reasons why people choose particular careers
over others. Some of those reasons are: they are successful at tasks that they think that
particular occupation uses, someone they look up to has persuaded them to go into a particular
field because it would be to their advantage, and/or they have observed reinforcement for
activities associated with members in that particular area of work.
Theory- The Learning Theory of Career Counseling Theorist- John Krumboltz
The Learning Theory of Career Counseling of Mitchell and Krumboltz states that counselors
must be prepared to help their clientele handle career concerns in four ways. First, expand their
interests and capabilities. Second, prepare them for changing work tasks and duties. Third, give
them the power to take action. Last, Counselors should play the major role in handling all career
problems. Counselors can help their clients in many ways. They can correct faulty
assumptions, learn new skills and interests of their clients, identify effective strategies on
managing work and other life roles, and learn new skills to deliver to clients on how to handle
changes in the workplace- i.e. learning new skills, etc. Supers Theory falls well into place under

this theory as well and works well for the changing work place of today. Reasons for this as that
is allows for changes over time (Overview of Career Development Theories, n.d.). There are key
factors to focus on during counseling. Those are: Identify the career development stage and set
goals for mastery of the tasks unique to each stage. Help student clarify self-concept because any
task that enhances self-knowledge will increase vocational maturity. Then help them relate their
self-knowledge to occupational information. Expose students to a wider range of careers because
occupational options narrow over time. Consider lifestyle implications and consider the
vocational and a vocational relevance of subjects studied in school. Direct work experiences are
vital. Try on roles in real worlds of work, (Overview of Career Development Theories, n.d.).

Prepared by- Holly S. McVay

Beale, A. V. (2001). Emerging career development theories: a test for school counselors.
Retrieved 9-10-09 from
Career Development Theory, (2003). Retrieved 9-23-09 from
Career Development Theory and Process, (n.d). Retrieved 9-23-2009 from
Chen, C. P. (2003). Integrating perspectives in career development theory and practice-Articles.
Retrieved 9-23-2009
From social learning to happenstance, (2004). Retrieved 9-23-2009 from

Overview of Career Development Theories, (n.d). Retrieved September 23, 2009 from
Overview of Career Development Theory, (n.d). Retrieved 9-23-2009 from
Understanding and applying theories of career development, (2008). Retrieved 9-10-09 from

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